A really good player maybe his teamatates get disconnect in other side a medium player get his place in top 40 where is the
the fair in that? Now the leaderboard has a meaning but the results are unfair with disconnects.
Everyone gets disconnects, I think if you play a few hundred matches I think it evens out.
icyphishMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,255Arc User
Exactly. I have played about 200 games in NCL so far I have been disconnectes once and game crashed once, that doesnt make all that much difference overall
mamalion1234Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,415Arc User
Cryptic doesnt fix-change the disconnect issue you know what is the result of this? Poeple quit pvp because the most matches are 4vs 5 not 5 vs 5 due disconnects. I am playing the game to have fun is not fun the 4vs5.
icyphishMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,255Arc User
Someone asked about this in another post, and they later found all these affected players are all using Comcast connection, players using other connections such as myself has only been disconnected once during the whole NCL... it seems this could be an ISP issue....?
Teammates with 0 Tenacity are almost the same as disconnected players tbh.
drkbodhiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,378Arc User
edited July 2015
Okay... I can say for a fact, that considering my dc's and teammate dc's, I lost a minimum of 30 matches. As I have said in other threads, 10 of which my team was kicking HAMSTER and forgetting names. That leaves the other 20 matches where a teammate dc'd or I dc'd during the map transfer. These are matches in which the outcome was unknown because the odds were stacked. I rarely fought against teams where someone left early in the match or dc'd... giving us an upper-hand.
I feel that a player should be added, by the queue, if someone leaves... just like in DDs.
I don't use comcrap
Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
Leadership Council of Civil Anarchy
SYNERGY Alliance
dread4moorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,154Arc User
A really good player maybe his teamatates get disconnect in other side a medium player get his place in top 40 where is the
the fair in that? Now the leaderboard has a meaning but the results are unfair with disconnects.
Played over 100 NCL matches, lost by teammate disconnect rarely, got disconnected myself about 5 times.
Random, meaningless, coincidental disconnects are random, meaningless and coincidental.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
100+ games, 0 disconnects by me(ok one if you count the server crashes after last patch), so shove your math somewhere safe, and pay for a connection from a decent isp.
Paladin Master Race
drkbodhiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,378Arc User
100+ games, 0 disconnects by me(ok one if you count the server crashes after last patch), so shove your math somewhere safe, and pay for a connection from a decent isp.
We are not just talking about our own disconnections, which have nothing to do with the ISP, we are talking about the disconnects of teammates as well as our own.
It has been proven time and time again that the disconnects are due to server response issues. Meaning that the server was having issues handling all of the equations, calculations, animations and other HAMSTER like that. Trendy has even admitted in a Disconnection thread that a large number of errors have been packaged together and thrown into the server. The intonation of her comment suggests that this has happened more than just once.
Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
100+ games, 0 disconnects by me(ok one if you count the server crashes after last patch), so shove your math somewhere safe, and pay for a connection from a decent isp.
I'm already paying for the most expensive and most established isp Australia has to offer. During the NCL I got disconnected in about 3 matches, but then I just played more matches to make up for those to keep myself in the top 40.
But the point is, if they allow people to reconnect into the same match without being kicked and penalised, then people that are not as lucky in not getting disconnected won't have this problem.
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
icyphishMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,255Arc User
Are yo sharing Internet with someone that might watch Youtube or download stuffs during your gaming hours? I am using the shittest Internet TPG ADSL2 and I have only been disconnected once out of 250 matches or so....
100+ games, 0 disconnects by me(ok one if you count the server crashes after last patch), so shove your math somewhere safe, and pay for a connection from a decent isp.
I'm already paying for the most expensive and most established isp Australia has to offer. During the NCL I got disconnected in about 3 matches, but then I just played more matches to make up for those to keep myself in the top 40.
But the point is, if they allow people to reconnect into the same match without being kicked and penalised, then people that are not as lucky in not getting disconnected won't have this problem.
Are yo sharing Internet with someone that might watch Youtube or download stuffs during your gaming hours? I am using the shittest Internet TPG ADSL2 and I have only been disconnected once out of 250 matches or so....
100+ games, 0 disconnects by me(ok one if you count the server crashes after last patch), so shove your math somewhere safe, and pay for a connection from a decent isp.
I'm already paying for the most expensive and most established isp Australia has to offer. During the NCL I got disconnected in about 3 matches, but then I just played more matches to make up for those to keep myself in the top 40.
But the point is, if they allow people to reconnect into the same match without being kicked and penalised, then people that are not as lucky in not getting disconnected won't have this problem.
TPG ADSL2 oh god why. I don't even...
Anyway the point is, it's not so much the disconnects that are annoying, it's the fact you get penalised for something you don't really have control over. I've been in premade matches where someone on either team has been disconnected. Generally this would be an automatic loss since it's 4v5 now, although some guilds are courteous enough to have one person sit out (on that note, my guildies and/or I have been in many premade matches where even known PvP guilds don't sit out when asked probably because they're scared of losing - common courtesy, people).
However, a 4v4 isn't the same as a 5v5 and it's frustrating when the other team gains a few hundred points advantage before they sit someone out or they don't sit anyone out at all. Disconnects, especially in premades, are rarely if ever intentional unless it's to try and fix some connection lag, but when you don't have an option to rejoin after a disconnect you don't have control over, it's frustrating for both you and your team, and sometimes for the other team if they're into fair play at all (if they're not, they'll be celebrating).
It doesn't exactly feel nice when you join premades and run into another premade, only to see yourself or someone on your team disconnect, and hence lose you the match because the other team doesn't agree to 4v4. It's not exactly that nice either to see someone else on the other team disconnect either, because then someone on your team has to sit out, and 4v4 != 5v5, the match can go different ways in both scenarios because of class and skill.
The same also applies for pug matches - losing because someone on your team disconnected.
The penalty for disconnecting by accident shouldn't be there - you should always be able to rejoin the match as long as it's before the end. If you don't rejoin by the end, then yes, that's a fair penalty because most of the time you should have been able to get in by then, but being penalising in the middle of a match or at the beginning, or seeing someone on your team get that penalty? It's discouraging, and detracts from the fun of the match.
Considering that the other option is dishonest players raising their rank through relogging, the auto kick is better, if you have relatively stable connection. But in my opinion, this is a very primitive method to solve a problem and shows how little developers care. They should have found more accurate way to deal with relog abusers, not just create banhummer that punishes equally players who was disconected and reloggers.
drkbodhiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,378Arc User
The one time we had a replacement player, I was party lead and I did not remove them. Within 5 seconds we had a replacement. This was the first and ONLY time that happened.
Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
Leadership Council of Civil Anarchy
SYNERGY Alliance
icyphishMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,255Arc User
Everytime someone's girlfriend gets pissed, Crytpic disconnects a random from the party....!
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
I feel that a player should be added, by the queue, if someone leaves... just like in DDs.
I don't use comcrap
Played over 100 NCL matches, lost by teammate disconnect rarely, got disconnected myself about 5 times.
Random, meaningless, coincidental disconnects are random, meaningless and coincidental.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
Its blamed since ages
5/100 = .05.
Now, multiply it by players in Domination.
.05 * 10 = .5 = 50%
This means, every 2nd game is a waste because of DCs.
And this confirms my math. Every 2nd match is a waste and provides just random results.
This made the NCL scoreboard just RNG because of random DCs.
And the fault with alpha server.
Dropping from class place 8th into about 1000th without a single match played just because of alpha server fault.
This makes me to no longer look at any scoreboard until those random DCs and shard issues are fixed.
We are not just talking about our own disconnections, which have nothing to do with the ISP, we are talking about the disconnects of teammates as well as our own.
It has been proven time and time again that the disconnects are due to server response issues. Meaning that the server was having issues handling all of the equations, calculations, animations and other HAMSTER like that. Trendy has even admitted in a Disconnection thread that a large number of errors have been packaged together and thrown into the server. The intonation of her comment suggests that this has happened more than just once.
I'm already paying for the most expensive and most established isp Australia has to offer. During the NCL I got disconnected in about 3 matches, but then I just played more matches to make up for those to keep myself in the top 40.
But the point is, if they allow people to reconnect into the same match without being kicked and penalised, then people that are not as lucky in not getting disconnected won't have this problem.
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
Sorry, but that is not how probability is calculated.
Are two coin flips guaranteed to give you at least one "heads"?
Not in our universe, but they would be using your equation:
.5 * 2 = 1
Each event is independent and then additionally multiplied, not combined and multiplicative.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
Wrong. You can`t get 1.
You get about .64 for 20 players at 5/100.
1-0.95^20 = 0.64151407759
TPG ADSL2 oh god why. I don't even...
Anyway the point is, it's not so much the disconnects that are annoying, it's the fact you get penalised for something you don't really have control over. I've been in premade matches where someone on either team has been disconnected. Generally this would be an automatic loss since it's 4v5 now, although some guilds are courteous enough to have one person sit out (on that note, my guildies and/or I have been in many premade matches where even known PvP guilds don't sit out when asked probably because they're scared of losing - common courtesy, people).
However, a 4v4 isn't the same as a 5v5 and it's frustrating when the other team gains a few hundred points advantage before they sit someone out or they don't sit anyone out at all. Disconnects, especially in premades, are rarely if ever intentional unless it's to try and fix some connection lag, but when you don't have an option to rejoin after a disconnect you don't have control over, it's frustrating for both you and your team, and sometimes for the other team if they're into fair play at all (if they're not, they'll be celebrating).
It doesn't exactly feel nice when you join premades and run into another premade, only to see yourself or someone on your team disconnect, and hence lose you the match because the other team doesn't agree to 4v4. It's not exactly that nice either to see someone else on the other team disconnect either, because then someone on your team has to sit out, and 4v4 != 5v5, the match can go different ways in both scenarios because of class and skill.
The same also applies for pug matches - losing because someone on your team disconnected.
The penalty for disconnecting by accident shouldn't be there - you should always be able to rejoin the match as long as it's before the end. If you don't rejoin by the end, then yes, that's a fair penalty because most of the time you should have been able to get in by then, but being penalising in the middle of a match or at the beginning, or seeing someone on your team get that penalty? It's discouraging, and detracts from the fun of the match.
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
Ok... we need to make up a font and color combination for tongue and cheek humor.
default and default.
Did you read my post?
That was my whole point. "That is not how probability works". That was HIS equation.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.