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Another TR Post



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    enicegeoenicegeo Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    hanoth2 wrote: »
    Piercing from what? Shadows demise? If you resist enough of LB for it to hit for 10k max then demise only hits for 5k+ 50% of any other damage you've received. If you have 40k+ life as you said that means that when the right starts you'll have 20k+ health left but all your encounters vs none of theirs.
    Yes SD ignores tenacity but it hits for 50% of the damage received over over 6 seconds. Since this is damage received and not 50% of the damage dealt out in those 6 seconds your def, deflection and tenacity do reduce the hits so as such Shadows Demise has already had its damage reduced.

    How did Shadow of Demise do this?


    Prophetic Action negated the first hit of SoD. The only damage received was 2228 afterwards, but then the second half of SoD kicks in and hits for 7814 dmg? How is that 50% of anything that happened?
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    azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    enicegeo wrote: »
    hanoth2 wrote: »
    Piercing from what? Shadows demise? If you resist enough of LB for it to hit for 10k max then demise only hits for 5k+ 50% of any other damage you've received. If you have 40k+ life as you said that means that when the right starts you'll have 20k+ health left but all your encounters vs none of theirs.
    Yes SD ignores tenacity but it hits for 50% of the damage received over over 6 seconds. Since this is damage received and not 50% of the damage dealt out in those 6 seconds your def, deflection and tenacity do reduce the hits so as such Shadows Demise has already had its damage reduced.

    How did Shadow of Demise do this?


    Prophetic Action negated the first hit of SoD. The only damage received was 2228 afterwards, but then the second half of SoD kicks in and hits for 7814 dmg? How is that 50% of anything that happened?

    that is why I said it is factoring out wrong. It is doing the 50% damage of damage that the TR did not even do.
    example. if a tr was to hit you 10k damage in the 6 seconds of shadow of demise, even if you block/deflect/or reduce that initial 10k damage for 3k, the shadow of demise will hit you by the 50% of the 10k. that means it is adding up from damage that you never took in the first place. Now if the tr is using plaguefire or any dot enchantment, you can add this damage 2~3 times, because the hit will proc multiple times...

    example. Sometimes I am on a node with a DC using shield on me, and a tr on SoD attacking me and hitting me zeroes zeroes. when shadow of demise hits it takes almost my entire life.
    Gannicus GWF PvP
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    skeld11skeld11 Member Posts: 225 Arc User
    enicegeo wrote: »
    hanoth2 wrote: »
    Piercing from what? Shadows demise? If you resist enough of LB for it to hit for 10k max then demise only hits for 5k+ 50% of any other damage you've received. If you have 40k+ life as you said that means that when the right starts you'll have 20k+ health left but all your encounters vs none of theirs.
    Yes SD ignores tenacity but it hits for 50% of the damage received over over 6 seconds. Since this is damage received and not 50% of the damage dealt out in those 6 seconds your def, deflection and tenacity do reduce the hits so as such Shadows Demise has already had its damage reduced.

    How did Shadow of Demise do this?


    Prophetic Action negated the first hit of SoD. The only damage received was 2228 afterwards, but then the second half of SoD kicks in and hits for 7814 dmg? How is that 50% of anything that happened?

    Do not question your Rogue overlords...just be assured it is "balanced".
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    azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    also let's not forget. shocking execution some DCs with shield up also. since it is another skill that pierces dr and unstoppable. super balanced now with a cloak that builds AP just for existing.
    Gannicus GWF PvP
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    tgsmoothtgsmooth Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    TRs are still defending their OP class I see. Please please please keep recording videos and posting them here of anything you see that's bugged on a TR.
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    tgsmoothtgsmooth Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    Good video Enicegeo, See if TR's understood that the mechanic for SOD is broken , then when they hit you for 0, their SOD would have done 0 , because 50% of zero is ZERO, ut yet they'll keep saying it is working the way it is supposed to.
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    respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    heres the problem with the game period they give wayyyyyy to much lean way cw should be the only thing that can cc along with a hr cleric tanks and gwf should be only ones with knocks backs rogues are ment to be 1shoters not a cc type not a perma sit in corner be annoying class they need to remove the builds that allow classes that go outside of to what they were invented for. let me ask dev this how often have u ever seen a dazeing rogue do pve? u don't u never will giving that they don't meaning they are built 1 way meaning that they aren't getting the full point of the game or concept u need to open their eyes. also another thing I see a problem with make pvp with no teams no unfair advantage and base it on gear score u only play agaist ur own gear score and teamed with randoms with around ur gs
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    respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    its like a cleric dpsing their made for healing if they getting used outside of that makes them op over another class meaning fix plz ty not hateing dps clerics but clerics are supposed to heal and support ur team not kill.
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    respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    dps tanks tanks are tanks now ment to dps or kill fact that u give lean way shows that a lot of players build the characters the wrong way are extremely irrelevant to other parts of the game
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    respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    id say literly the only class u did correctly was the warlocks every other thing in game u made is just straight broken hrs are ok but u should fix them 2 they are ment for traps archery build/malee build is just terrible shouldn't even exist dps in them are terrible also hr's are majority of time underpowered.
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    respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    Piercing from what? Shadows demise? If you resist enough of LB for it to hit for 10k max then demise only hits for 5k+ 50% of any other damage you've received. If you have 40k+ life as you said that means that when the right starts you'll have 20k+ health left but all your encounters vs none of theirs.
    Yes SD ignores tenacity but it hits for 50% of the damage received over over 6 seconds. Since this is damage received and not 50% of the damage dealt out in those 6 seconds your def, deflection and tenacity do reduce the hits so as such Shadows Demise has already had its damage reduced.

    this is how sod works and this is y it still hit sod is based on damage that u would have hit even through ur feature the feature states that it only negates the attacks first damage doesn't state that it negates the effects of a players ability if u are using this feature u shouldn't be its one of the worst ones+only procs every 60seconds that's pretty useless. like example I can 1shot u for 80k even if u used it and halved it id still hit u 40k if I never touched u that's how that was figured out.
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    darnximxdeaddarnximxdead Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    dps tanks tanks are tanks now ment to dps or kill fact that u give lean way shows that a lot of players build the characters the wrong way are extremely irrelevant to other parts of the game

    Well, dps tank can also be classified a control tank since alot of there abilities have some-kind control effect of some-kind and work quite decently if say like a warlock behind them taking advantage of the situation. So... in a sense it still being a tank role, since there job is too control the situations. That's just my opinion. (Does it work all the time, probably not... same could be said about the other builds... depends on your team mates that you have)
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    azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    same guys that are defending tr (defending something that cannot be defended, something nerfed on PC for a REASON) is the same guy that is accusing my guild of DDOSING in pvp. what should I think of it huh?
    Gannicus GWF PvP
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    faceman742faceman742 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    DPS Tank? You can spec a tank anyway you want too. You basically hit the DEF soft caps from your armor set, stack HP with a CON belt, and use rad's in all Def slots. After that, stack offense stats. My "tank" has 3500 Power, 26% armor pen, and a lot of recovery.
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    faceman742faceman742 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    Oh I forgot, Super fun times playing as a SW. 35 K encounter powers, yup no issue there. SOD takes care of the rest.

    This is an alt, I am under geared but it wouldn't matter anyway. Piercing damage.
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    propheticshadowpropheticshadow Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    I know I'm new to the game, but this looks like a lot of whining about game mechanics. Nothing is actually broken here? Well let's call the wah-mbulance for the butt-hurt. If you're not having fun, don't play; nothing else makes sense (even if you're mentally-masochistic, cuz you're essentially still having fun).
    See ya out there
    -even if you don't see me-
    *smoke bomb*
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    propheticshadowpropheticshadow Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    *Chapel can be seen talking to Devs in the far corner of a smokey, poorly-lit tavern; finally the proof you need*
    *just as you're reaching for the crystal recording device Esmeralda gave you, a scantily clad, sweaty server bumps into you*
    *apologies and clumsy attempts to to dab away cheap ale grab your attention momentarily*
    *Chapel is gone, the Dev looks passed-out at a distance but closer inspection reveals a small wound under one arm and pooling blood around the bench seat and floor*
    *if nothing else, your employer may be insterested in seeing this*
    *reaching for the crystal again, you find its been replaced by a splintery wooden phallis*
    *the words SIT ON ME are crudely scratched into it; the server is gone as well*

    See ya out there
    -even if you don't see me-
    *smoke bomb*
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    skeld11skeld11 Member Posts: 225 Arc User
    I know I'm new to the game, but this looks like a lot of whining about game mechanics. Nothing is actually broken here? Well let's call the wah-mbulance for the butt-hurt. If you're not having fun, don't play; nothing else makes sense (even if you're mentally-masochistic, cuz you're essentially still having fun).

    Smoke bomb in sig. Seems legit.

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    faceman742faceman742 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    I know I'm new to the game, but this looks like a lot of whining about game mechanics. Nothing is actually broken here? Well let's call the wah-mbulance for the butt-hurt. If you're not having fun, don't play; nothing else makes sense (even if you're mentally-masochistic, cuz you're essentially still having fun).

    The issue is not as simple as "butthurt" players. We all enjoy the game. We all like to PVP. Several posts have laid out, in an OBJECTIVE MANNER, why there is an issue with a certain class. This is not some subjective issue. The Trickster is far and away the best PVP class. Several people have explained in detail why the class is so good, too good.

    Any other class not have their CC's reduced for PVP?

    Any other class have an attack that ignores all a players DEF stats, including those designed to ONLY function in PVP

    Any other class stun with at wills?

    Any other class have CC immunity while using an at will

    Any other class have 100% Crit chance? ( CW maybe )

    Any other class have the ability to Regen health at a super fast rate due to the game counting "stealth" as not combat

    Any other class have super I frames on dodges

    Any other class have an encounter power that one shots players? ( lashing Blade)

    Any other class have an encounter power that grants total CC immunity and 50% damage reduction, and 100% deflect

    Any other class have all 3 paragon trees totally viable for PVP

    Any other class have a 6 second stun in PVP, proc by anything (SC), not only does it last a long time, players cannot DO ANY ACTION WHILE DAZED, and take massive amounts of damage

    Any other class have an AOE CC that cast instantly ( Smoke Bomb)

    Any other class have the ability to hold a node solo, in stealth while dealing massive damage via shadow opp.

    Any other class completely negate the existence of 2 other class for PVP, the GWF and SW, who cannot dodge

    Any other class 8/10 times abuse the SOD plague fire glitch in PVP and PVE

    Any other class comprise almost the entire first page of the leader board

    Any other class function as a 5 man unit in a pre made game of PVP

    That's it for now. There are A LOT of very good players that like the TR, I give credit where it is due. That's fine. The class has issues that are objectively not balanced.


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    skeld11skeld11 Member Posts: 225 Arc User
    faceman742 wrote: »
    I know I'm new to the game, but this looks like a lot of whining about game mechanics. Nothing is actually broken here? Well let's call the wah-mbulance for the butt-hurt. If you're not having fun, don't play; nothing else makes sense (even if you're mentally-masochistic, cuz you're essentially still having fun).

    The issue is not as simple as "butthurt" players. We all enjoy the game. We all like to PVP. Several posts have laid out, in an OBJECTIVE MANNER, why there is an issue with a certain class. This is not some subjective issue. The Trickster is far and away the best PVP class. Several people have explained in detail why the class is so good, too good.

    Any other class not have their CC's reduced for PVP?

    Any other class have an attack that ignores all a players DEF stats, including those designed to ONLY function in PVP

    Any other class stun with at wills?

    Any other class have CC immunity while using an at will

    Any other class have 100% Crit chance? ( CW maybe )

    Any other class have the ability to Regen health at a super fast rate due to the game counting "stealth" as not combat

    Any other class have super I frames on dodges

    Any other class have an encounter power that one shots players? ( lashing Blade)

    Any other class have an encounter power that grants total CC immunity and 50% damage reduction, and 100% deflect

    Any other class have all 3 paragon trees totally viable for PVP

    Any other class have a 6 second stun in PVP, proc by anything (SC), not only does it last a long time, players cannot DO ANY ACTION WHILE DAZED, and take massive amounts of damage

    Any other class have an AOE CC that cast instantly ( Smoke Bomb)

    Any other class have the ability to hold a node solo, in stealth while dealing massive damage via shadow opp.

    Any other class completely negate the existence of 2 other class for PVP, the GWF and SW, who cannot dodge

    Any other class 8/10 times abuse the SOD plague fire glitch in PVP and PVE

    Any other class comprise almost the entire first page of the leader board

    Any other class function as a 5 man unit in a pre made game of PVP

    That's it for now. There are A LOT of very good players that like the TR, I give credit where it is due. That's fine. The class has issues that are objectively not balanced.


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    darkpathslpdarkpathslp Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    > The issue is not as simple as "butthurt" players. We all enjoy the game. We all like to PVP. Several posts have laid out, in an OBJECTIVE MANNER, why there is an issue with a certain class. This is not some subjective issue. The Trickster is far and away the best PVP class. Several people have explained in detail why the class is so good, too good.
    > Any other class not have their CC's reduced for PVP?
    > Any other class have an attack that ignores all a players DEF stats, including those designed to ONLY function in PVP
    > Any other class stun with at wills?
    > Any other class have CC immunity while using an at will
    > Any other class have 100% Crit chance? ( CW maybe )
    > Any other class have the ability to Regen health at a super fast rate due to the game counting "stealth" as not combat
    > Any other class have super I frames on dodges
    > Any other class have an encounter power that one shots players? ( lashing Blade)
    > Any other class have an encounter power that grants total CC immunity and 50% damage reduction, and 100% deflect
    > Any other class have all 3 paragon trees totally viable for PVP
    > Any other class have a 6 second stun in PVP, proc by anything (SC), not only does it last a long time, players cannot DO ANY ACTION WHILE DAZED, and take massive amounts of damage
    > Any other class have an AOE CC that cast instantly ( Smoke Bomb)
    > Any other class have the ability to hold a node solo, in stealth while dealing massive damage via shadow opp.
    > Any other class completely negate the existence of 2 other class for PVP, the GWF and SW, who cannot dodge
    > Any other class 8/10 times abuse the SOD plague fire glitch in PVP and PVE
    > Any other class comprise almost the entire first page of the leader board
    > Any other class function as a 5 man unit in a pre made game of PVP
    > That's it for now. There are A LOT of very good players that like the TR, I give credit where it is due. That's fine. The class has issues that are objectively not balanced.
    > End.

    Any other class can teleport to your flank and instanly stun you (daze) I have tested all these in game and they are all completly true. I have over 5000 kills and many hours playing pvp as a none rogue. The game is broken if anyone has ever read any D&D books let me know if they have heard of a rogue/theif that could accomplish such feats.
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    respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    I don't think lashing blade is problem ppl can get around that one and able to kill executioner build tr's problem is the daz at wills its not halved go google it on neverwinters official page it says its halved why isn't it on xbox? it is on pc I think this class would be highly balanced if they just removed cc from it completely middle tree should be a deflect tank rogue not a stuning rogue
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    respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    if I were to make a game id never give a malee class that type of cc stuns that's just unfair period I would make malee classes do massive damage with encounters yes they are malee classes after all they should be almost 1shoting u all the time or knocking u around like a tank or have imunity like a gwf /gf. gwf needs a slight buff so do tanks damage wise. clerics need a slight nerf for dps they can be extreamly overpowered. honestly what I don't get is they knew the tr was a problem for pc why did they wait on here to fix it? I woulda fixed it instantly. so in a way its just sad programing on arc's part.
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    respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    if its a problem on one thing why wouldn't it be a problem on the next kinda obvious arc lol sometimes I swear theres 5 year olds that are programing the game.
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