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zedulon Arc User



  • 1) I strongly agree that there need to be intensity sliders. In particular, I'd like to be able to stack the same aura at R1 when not in combat, but have it bump up to R3 (and maybe a brighter color) when in combat. That would, of course, also imply that in-combat auras would have to override out-of-combat ones when you…
  • The Drifter mission Destroids seem to have gone missing, contrary to the oft-quoted notice in the blog... (Edit: at least the ones around RenCen are gone.)
  • You do no damage because you have no damage boost powers. - PFF doesn't boost damage - IDF doesn't boost damage - Lock and Load rank 1 works for maybe 20-25% of the time (depending on cooldown reduction) - You don't have the DEX to support crits. So of course you do no damage. If you want to deal DPS, you need a solid…
    in ...nope Comment by zedulon December 2012
  • Ok, after much finagling (I had to copy my heirlooms over to the PTS twice) here's the numbers for Sniper Rifle. (Sniper Rifle has no damage variance, so it's a good test.) Soldier AT: 7386 (8124) on a non-crit Freeform with identical powers: 5847 (6432) That was with 8 stacks of Concentration, 5 stacks of Relentless…
  • Ok, I did some testing. Mow Em Down is indeed better. (I have no idea how long ago I tested it... could easily be over a year. In any event, I remember it didn't increase the max damage cap, meaning it hit the cap halfway through the maintain. Now it raises the cap as well.) The guide has been updated to reflect that.
  • Stay 90 feet from the Mega-D's in the invasion event and you'll never take a point of damage. A L40 Soldier can trivially score top-5 DPS in the invasion event. Gravitar, on the other hand, will hit you anywhere.
  • I've seen people using stacks of these against Gravitar. It is nowhere near as broken as Smoke Grenade used to be. Soldiers used to be able to solo Gravitar. I don't see the backups having anywhere near that level of game-breaking ability. This is all academic anyways - they need nerfing. But I don't think they are nearly…
  • I haven't seen anything on ATs having a different diminishing returns curve than FFs. I'll do some testing soon (tm) and check it out myself. I'm updating the OP with Berlin's stats in a sec.
  • Broken, what? Anyone remember what Smoke Grenade did to Gravitar? That made it even easier than a dozen of the new devices. Anyone remember Enraged? Where any flavor of the month Freeform could trivially solo any alert? Sure, the Backup devices are broken and trivialize the bosses in the game. But compared to Smoke or…
  • Updated: Thanks for the feedback, everyone! Here's the update notes: 9/30 - Dropped 'Paint the Target' from Recommended to Optional. Completely changed discussion of SMG. Expanded discussion of Frag Grenade. Added 'Escape Artist' to Recommended list. Changed discussion of Sniper Rifle to 'try it out.' Some specific…
  • Thanks for making the right call and pulling the event until critical bugs with it can be fixed. I am quite possibly the most cynical and negative poster on these boards. But it's decisions like this one - to take responsibility for bad code, and for fixing it - that keep alive my hope for this game.
  • Updates: 9/30 - Dropped 'Paint the Target' from Recommended to Optional. Completely changed discussion of SMG. Expanded discussion of Frag Grenade. Added 'Escape Artist' to Recommended list. Changed discussion of Sniper Rifle to 'try it out.' Also added Berlin's stats to the Gear section. 10/1 - Changed Assault Rifle to…
  • Yes: That is working as described. ... Of course, that's an announcement of something NOT having been changed. But trust me, having tested the next phase of the Destroid Invasion on PTS, not changing this is a very good thing.
  • WARNING: The mail is sent to whichever character you first log into the account with. It is character-specific, only that character can access it. The rewards - specifically including the Drifter's Catalyst Grab Bag for 1+ year vets - bind to that character and cannot be transferred to another character by any means. So,…
  • Oops. */Golf Clap* for Cryptic QA.
  • *applause* Pushing back the release is definitely the right thing to do. Gather up all those crash reports we submitted, go through them, fix the issue. That is the entire purpose of testing, glad to see it is being put to good use here.
  • I'm right there with you on that. Any bets on whether Cryptic sweeps this one under the rug and never mentions it again?
  • Yep, crashed out on the 5th Destroid, can't get back in so far.
  • Figures I would try to log in within a minute of it going down.
  • PTS seems to be down.
  • I doubt said information exists. The contest ended the morning of the 6th. They would have backed up their database on the 7th, when the patch was installed. The simplest way to resolve this would be to load that backup and simply find all L40 toons that were made after contest start. That would be guaranteed to find all…
  • Not all of us are accepting them nonchalantly. Some of us rant and rail and call Cryptic out on their commitment to lack of testing. But on these forums, we tend to get shut down a lot. A lot of people are simply leaving the game. Of the people I've been in contact with over the past year or so, I'd guess that roughly 2/3…
  • Confirming that my screen looks like lordhavelock's (no title claim prize) and not like wacky99's.
  • Ok, could someone who has managed to get the title please post here and tell me what window I'm supposed to be looking for the "Title" tab in? TT's directions were more than slightly vague, and I can't find my title.
  • ... and back down again, apparently.
  • I am having difficulty finding my prize. What window should I be looking for the "Title" tab? On my character window, the title is not in the list on the toon I completed the contest. I cannot find a "Title" tab on any claim window. I realize there are far more important issues than this right at the moment, so whenever…
  • Confirming that I have received 1 reward pack. I had another toon I may or may not have qualified with (he finished the morning of the contest ending). Can someone who definitely finished with 2 toons post whether they were able to claim 2 packs? Also, I can't find my title.
  • I should have made my question more clear: Having a PC running around with the name "The Blue Bolt" does not in *ANY* way qualify as having your character "featured in the game." "Featured in the game" means having the character implemented as an NPC, for anyone to interact with. So, has anyone seen that character actually…
  • Personally, I think it's quite an achievement that QA even verified a single bug off the list. I wasn't even expecting this to get that far...
  • According to that website, "... and get your character featured in the game!" Anyone seen "The Blue Bolt" running around recently? Or ever, for that matter? Actually, at this point: Can anyone name *ANY* contest in CO where Cryptic has actually delivered the full prize that was advertised? The only one I can think of where…
  • As a note, we have now passed the 120 hour window listed in the official rules for notification of the Grand Prize winner.
  • If the code were well-designed, the write would be triggered by the Level-Up event. However, if some coder were assigned to write something to record a toon hitting 40, he might go in and put it in the XP_Add() function, not realizing that said function is only called by mob kills, and that alerts add XP to the toon…
  • Hm. Well, it was just a guess. It's also possible some missions trigger the write to the database and others do not. I built an overpowered DPS toon (with high survivability and aggro removal) that could carry an alert group almost by herself, so for me it was mostly Alerts. I only did missions while waiting for Alerts to…
  • After thinking about it for a few minutes: The code to write the 'hit level 40' event to the database may be triggered by critter kill or mission reward XP, and not by Alert bonus XP. Since most people leveled using Alerts... That would explain a database integrity issue of the magnitude we are apparently seeing here.
  • "Manually check this"...? If a player found out about this contest from the launcher news screen and followed the link to the news article here (and read the fine-print rules here) they could easily have entered the contest with a valid, qualifying toon without ever having visited the forums. A lot of players never visit…
  • My toon ( Queen of the Night@Zedulon ) didn't make it onto the list either. Started her late morning of the 29th, hit 40 over the weekend. Of course, the code to determine which toons made it during the selected time window was undoubtedly written by Cryptic software engineers... For the record, I did the Tutorial.
  • Any bug that renders a major feature unusable to a significant portion of the user base is a showstopper. (I am a software engineering manager, that's actually a very narrow definition.) Valerian Scarlet renders Vibora Bay inaccessible to most characters. The crafting bugs render the entire Fusion system unusable to most…
  • I like this in concept, as I like anything that gives me another way to play the game. One of the things I like about Champions is that I get a new character slot every time I hit 40, and can use that slot to build a new toon that does something different. On the other hand... Given Cryptic's respose (or complete lack…
  • Given the current state of the game - with horrific bugs plaguing just about every aspect of it - I'm sure that plenty of people already dislike you on general principles. Then again, the same would be true of any Cryptic / PWE rep. And the people who were really frustrated over the bugs will probably be too busy playing…
  • The jets portion of the mission doesn't sidekick. It is doable with a team of 40's - I finished with 20, 40, 40, 40, 40. But the 40's are hitting a L30 boss. As the L20 of that group, I couldn't damage the boss in any meaningful way. I expect the lack of sidekicking is a bug. The fact that the mission seems to be balanced…
  • Gee, wouldn't it be nice if someone wrote up a handy guide to help people do just that? But, nah, that would take a HUGE amount of effort. And they'd probably be "rewarded" with people harassing them about their opinions and phrasing. (If you couldn't spot the sarcasm above... Then I really don't know what to say.)
  • Speaking as a guy who does a lot of Experimental stuff, you might want to include a definition of 'Experimental' CC somewhere. To my mind, it means the person running the CC is trying something new in terms of categories or organization. That might mean unexpected confusion about a category, a small turn-out, or any one of…
  • Ok, so here's my ideas: Provide alternate ways of stacking Enraged. Right now, you can stack Enrage with Knocks or Bleeds (AotBestial). You can proc Focus with Crits, Bleeds, Charge-ups, or Dodges. So add two more Enrage toggles to be comparable to FotTiger and FotMaster: "Enrage on Charge-up" : Procs Enraged whenever you…
  • Actually, I was a participant in the discussion thread in the PTS forum asking for feedback about the changes. The changes were motivated by what was happening in Alerts at the time, and how On Alert had made some of the underlying problems much more obvious. The changes had nothing to do with Gravitar. And I'm not saying…
  • These changes all went into the game on June 1st. June 1st Release Notes Gravitar did not appear in the game until June 22nd. June 22nd Release Notes To quote the News Article: In other words, after the June 22nd release of the Gravitar alert, Cryptic studied player trends in that fight. And based on that analysis and…