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ulyana13gru Arc User



  • Oh, I see. Thank you guys for the input! It's fairly hard to browse through builds when you're not certain they're up to date or not anymore. I like this sort of build, I don't suppose you know of any similar but optimised for current mechanics? What is a decent defense number to aim for at the moment? edit: I used to play…
  • Oh, I see - thank you. So around 20% is decent as of now?
  • Hi! This is a huge necro, I know, but how do you manage to get such high dodge %? I'm using heroic gear (recently got back to the game) and 3 pieces of vigilante secondaries, and I am at like 18% dodge only. Regards, edit: My dex/con/ego is almost at your levels, I just don't fathom where the dodge is from. Some special…
  • I am currently at test live trying this stormbringer build, looks immensly fun. My gear is fairly good but a few pieces are with constitution. I'm at 6,3k hp - do you really get by with so low hp in solo elites (vikorin) or like therakiel? Or did I miss something? Also, how come you go for end? I have ~137 energy…
  • It should be tK eruption r2 & 3 by the way. EM & sprites are base rank
  • Well, as I said... "Your account could not be activated for character transfer." Might be due to downtime on live servers? edit: Actually, it might be. When I access my account page, it says inactive and 0 zen, even though I am subscribing right now and have plenty of zen. Might just be downtime hiccups.
  • I can't believe I forgot to write I have concentration already..! Thanks for the tips mate, I appreciate it.
  • AOPM Conv Bubble MSA Electric Sheath Lightn. Arc Gigabolt (or other alpha strike, might actually take gigabolt plus ER for trauma) Gigabolt so far fits thematically best. Cascade could work too, but not as much a spammable attack as gigabolt. The rest aren't exactly must haves although two ADs are never a bad thing to…
  • Yep, EM is a classic tried and approved one. It is great, make no mistake :) Good idea with Hex & Condemn! I'll give them a look over when I get home from work- it's the middle of the day where I am at. So, I might drop Bionic for EM (this would be more or less pvp only move, if I choose the adv, which I will, ofcourse)…
  • Thank you Bioshrike! Yeah, honestly, I think I am too. I was unsure of how squishy I'd be and since I don't have easy-burn-through-mobs powers like, say, Sword Cyclone or Epidemic I noticed I took a fair bit of beating in the hard 5-man training hall setup and adjusted thoroughly. Is it just me or do mobs hit slightly…
  • I have a slight hunch you just looked at my superstats and passive and then typed a stupid comment down. Says a lot about you :3
  • Thank you! Obviously BCR goes with adv. However as I don't seem to need more heals per say I was merely curious what would be the choice that in the end netted me most mitigation. I am around 45/45 d/a without parry adv active. Might be low, I don't know, still getting into the new gear system :)
  • I just returned to the game and I'm finding this build immensely fun. I am however contemplating parry w/ adv. I used to run this on my old martial toons, when I was stacking BCR (quarry, SS int). However as heals aren't quite the issue with this setup, would you think energy shield w/ laser knight able to overtake parry's…