Thanks for the guide, its been a fantastic help! Snowball's grown into a nasty little ice bomber, and we'll be seeing y'all out there hunting cosmics! Or maybe just mega-d's for the time being. :lol:
I'm visiting again to get my fix of smashing four-color evil, CO is still the best in that regard! That said, I kinda have two mains. The recently recolored Golden Age teen brick, the Rose Wonder: And the elven gatling gun mage sentinel, the Purple Priestess:
My first round of characters were all imports from City of Heroes I wedged into the world of Champions. They tend to vary in concept and powers, though they remain usually younger heroes from teens to their twenties. Except Rose, who happens to be the world's only teenage octogenarian. And RMD-72D, the robot. My current…
Indifferent thing? Freeforms allow more tightening of the build, like say using Warden/Vindicator specialization instead of (ick) Brawler, but Flow brings up a neat point about how the Archetype would get more out of Siphoning Strikes straight out of the box. I just picked up EBB myself, I find it far more useful for…
Pushback is what Ego Blade Dash is for. After going freeform all this time, I decided to be a lazy and try out a Disciple of my own. He's showing promise, already at 16 I've bestowed upon him the title 'TK Cuisinart'. I'm already seeing how all the powers synergize, though I'm wondering if I really should've cheesed out…
I came back myself after a year and a half hiatus. I've been re-discovering my old alts, re-building a few, and now have plans to abuse the double XP weekend coming up. I don't know how long this nostalgia trip will last, but I'm gonna enjoy it as long as I can. :biggrin:
Yup, gotta have some form of CC to keep the creeps out of my face! Thank you both! I was a little leery about Gatling's energy abuse, but that really shouldn't be too much of a problem once I get to endgame gear. Here's round 2: PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Purple Priestess Archetype: Freeform Super Stats: Level…
*peeks in* Happy anniversary, everyone! To five years of superheroics and many more to come... *dusts off the Purple Priestess and her gatling gun* ... and to things I can do here that I still can't do anywhere else, like combining dark sorcery and heavy weaponry. :cool:
I would've liked more starter options in my character's appearance as well, but western fantasy and the Realms it is what it is. For exotic, there's drow, drow, and drow. I re-rolled my rogue into a control wizard and - be still my heart - I'm actually building holds on creatures above minion level. Its pretty neat.…
'A big 'Yes' to the OP. Nemesis system is nifty, its a damn shame its officially neglected. Nope. To Cryptic, it already failed. Now its just a matter of nursing a profit out of what's left.
I've done the event six(?) times and it hasn't happened yet. Though now I'm wondering if I should re-think my 'run away' strategy once Ferret draws aggro. Or just start doing it with instead with my tanks.
I'm in the same boat. Ferret's concept and RP is all about dashing in first and occasionally getting his head handed back to him. There's no way I'd take him into PvP. I have been looking for an excuse to roll a Soldier though, you may have just given me the reason to do so!
Almost positive its the same thing, Foxfire has nothing heirloom and I've seen all her stats go up as well. I have a hard time taking her sidekicking to the rest of the Epsilon Squad since she blasts through everything before the rest of the squad even starts their attacks.
I checked Ferret last night, all my superstat-based numbers go up when I sidekick to 30. Not by a heck of a lot, all his secondaries are Q-store heirlooms, but they did actually go up. Mods and gear, AFAIK, don't sidekick.
Wouldn't the boss be scaled to the level too? What's broken is mods and non-heirloom gear don't scale. Hooray for watching all my stat-based boosts go through the roof so I can get level 30 greens and blues! :rolleyes:
That said, uh, things are starting to get out of control here. Bans without saying anything, bans for not giving away goodies you don't have? A little help, GMs?
Happy Valentine's Day to all the girls of Millenium City from The Most Awesome of Teen Heroes THE FLAMETHROWER FERRET! You don't have plans for the evening, right? I mean, sure, its a school night, but, um, maybe, we could, uh, I don't know, go see Die Hard? Maybe?
Yuuuuuuuuuup. Again, we're ranting about symptoms and not the cause. Why is the chat-ban system a problem here and not on STO? Well, let's take a look: In STO, there are banks scattered across the galaxy. In CO, we have Millennium City. In STO, there are exchanges scattered across the galaxy. In CO, we have Millennium…