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spiderguy33 Arc User



  • Devs, if you are reading this, please lock, burn, and destroy this thread immediately. for everyone else, please contact Marvel and have them sue Cryptic, PWE and Hero Games, for having the webshooters and the powers in the Pen and Paper books; Hero system 6th Equipment Guide, and Champions Villains Volume Three: Solo…
  • Then there is no reason to assume that they would sue to begin with. Unless you are using that as an excuse to say that you don't like the idea. You should just say that you don't like the idea then.
  • Okay, if you can answer this question with proof that it will happen, then I will ask the devs to lock, burn, and forget this thread and idea. Will Marvel and Disney, lose money over this powerset being put into CO, or any other super hero game not under their name?
  • I would buy that... if Marvel sued the pants off of them for Teleportation, dual blades and pistols, power armor, guns, wolverine claws, and just about anything else that Marvel has used in the last 70 or so years in their comics. Oh, lets not forget sueing them for mentioning Mutants, or giving UNTIL the Helicarrier, OH…
  • When I read the Champions setting book of Millennium City, I cry a little inside. I'd rather be in THAT city, rather than the one we have now. Pls make this happen, even the phase one stuff!
  • Obvious question time! Why can't a high level superhero still help a civilian in need? That's like Superman hearing a cry for help and going, "Sorry lady, I'm too powerful to save you! Now where are those newbs to wail on?"
  • So basically doing what they are already doing now.