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What is the Arc Client?
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Any minute now…

solorollo Arc User



  • Long time since this was posted, but I thought I'd give my own version of this build. A fair few of the powers are the same and stuff, but I've done some tweaks just for my own preference. Currently using this build at level 26, so I've yet to see how the later powers work with/look like with this build: PowerHouse (Link…
  • This is what I usually try to replicate... but the file linked is outdated sadly. (Or is that just me for some reason?) EDIT: I've managed to get the launcher to work now.. but only just. Basically, usually I work with wireless connection... but i decided to try using a cable to try and get the launcher to work. Well, it…
  • Same here... seems like it's a slow connection that does this, but I'm not sure. Usual fix for me is to download the latest launcher... but I'd rather fix it permanently! Right now though, anyone who's kind enough to pop up the latest PWE launcher as well can be seen as a hero this time round!
  • Seems like I'm getting the classic "launcher in state of no response" or whatever today. Anyone able to repost the latest launch file for a guy with horrible broadband speed?