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rajakaji Arc User



  • Yeah, that definitely looks like it could be a contributing factor.
  • Nothing to do with Champions lore but I'm pretty sure the Black Aces are modeled after Clockwork Orange and the Maniacs are inspired by the Joker gang, at least the CO look, if that helps.
  • Gear boosts are actually some of the most popular specs. Once you get into Mercenary or Justice it makes a big difference. But I do agree the Regen specs could deffinitely use a boost, and probably a lot of others.
  • What about reworking the CC mechanic where damage breaks it to the point of uselessness? Other games I've CCed where the idea was to hamper the enemies -while- actively trying to take them down. CO CC only works if there's a mutual understanding "Hey guys, don't attack these targets while I get them out of the way" and the…
  • Ok, I just did Ape and got hit with 17k on a missed block. I guess it just happened that whenever I brought him before there was a really good AoRP and my other characters haven't been so lucky. Pretty big coincidence but I guess it makes sense given that things didn't add up before. He still managed to score enough to…
  • Yes, a person with Regen shouldn't be surviving something that regularly kills Defiance. (I mean I've died a few times from the block walk over lava to get into lunge range after a big knock, but not nearly as often as Earth/Might guy.) And a person with Fortuitous, trash questing secondaries, and incomplete stat mods and…
  • It occurs to me it might be partially because Bleed is a DoT so I have that running in the background when lag hits, whereas the other two are built around direct attack damage, so Dimensional Collapse might help on that front. One anomoly worth mentioning, everyone keeps saying Regen is less favorable than Defiance, but…
  • Well, the Earth/Might I made a post about recently and I'm not sure what else I can do besides cultivating better reflexes, and figuring out what's been going on with my internet lately certainly wouldn't hurt either. The Darkness guy I avoided building for endgame for a long time because I just didn't like the way Shadow…
  • Guardian Spec was probably a misclick on Hero Creator, it's supposed to be Warden and I guess I didn't notice cause they had similar abilities. I went to cosmics a few times cause I figured that was a good place test the ultimate, and he did pretty well, as I said outperforming my two main characters who are currently…
  • I'm pretty sure it's an instance location like Carl's Gym, takes some rooting around on the bottom level of Snake Gulch though. Also I think the Moon Bases ate big enough to work as an SG HQ, and maybe the Caves.
  • I'd been wanting to do a Peter and/or Syler build since I came here but yeah, as Flow said, power stealing isn't really a thing in CO (which also cancels out Rogue unfortunately) and the closest is a sampling of their established power list. I'd second that you're probably fine with Ranged DPS. I don't recall Peter having…
  • Thanks. Just figured I should try it at least once while everyone's talking about so I can have a better idea what they're talking about in case there winds up being something useful I can add to the conversation.
  • A little off topic but can you participate in Eido if you haven't finished the QWZ intro quests? Like you do Hermes Revisited to get to QWZ and then there's a few quests before you actually start TLW. That's where I'm at. Or is it a case of if you can't finish the intro you're not good enough for Eido sort of how the OMs…
  • I have one AT that I made on PTS and one transfer and I get the same message. I'm not LTS so I don't know if that's necessary to have more slots. But yes, more specificity for exactly why it's not working would be a good thing.
  • 750 Gold? Along with the Perk, that's probably something to look into when I've run out of things to spend GCR on, if that ever happens. Definitely Justice first.
  • After testing in PH I decided to drop Tremor because it and Shockwave are both 50' AoEs and Shockwave offers more utility with Knock To and seems to have more area. And that gave me another free slot for Landslide. I stuck Aurora, Beatdown, Reckless Strike, and an Offensive Passive towards the end so I can RetCon them more…
  • Athletics and Earth Flight are what I'm running on now. If there was a third slot or an equivilent device I would have thrown Tunneling in for theme but I decided Athl was more functional. And that's probably fast enough to drop Landslide. In case it becomes an issue with the long cooldown, is there anyplace to get…
  • Just to make sure, I don't see Reckless Endangerment on Defensive Combo (though it's possible the guides I'm reading are outdated since might recently got a pass), so when I respec for Tanking and switch Beatdown to DC I should also switch Haymaker to R3 instead of Reckless Strikes? Also, I'm debating between Self Rez…
  • Thanks. I hadn't thought of Havok Stomp and Shockwave. I didn't know if they had knock to advantages. I'm running a behemoth alt to familiarize myself with the set a little more but I haven't got there yet, I'll probably try both in the powerhouse. Do you happen to know which one looks like Ground Pound I think it's called…
  • *sigh* Well, good to know the reasoning at least. Powers turning invisible is problematic and wouldn't give me what I wanted anyway. Still, would be nice if at some point they could fix it so black and white don't cause vfx glitches, especially if it's bleeding over to costume pieces which -do- have options for black and…
  • I'd been opening Blazing Lockboxes to try and get the sidekick for my Glacier to recreate the Fire & Ice dynamic, but the price went down really low on the auction house after Shoki went live, so I wound up getting one that way. And I'd been saving up Alien Invader lockboxes to get a purple alien for my purple wizard. But…
  • I usually don't start getting Nemesis clues until I do Lemurian Antiquities.
  • Well, "more enjoyable" generally equates to "doing new things", and for every new thing that can be done, that means the devs have to work really hard to build something, which also takes away from fixing old content and bugs. It's not ideal, but it's a justifiable fact of life in mmos.
  • I frequently find costume pieces running Adventure Packs and a few in open world, like purple gang and maniacs stuff. And I've heard that some people make a good living farming Vibora Bay for costume pieces. But I have never found a costume piece during an alert. So you're probably not going to have much luck in NemCon.
  • And El Seed!
    in The Tick Comment by rajakaji March 2018
  • It seems to me that the ATs have a lot of redundant attacks. You start off with a Blast at level 1, a few levels later you generally get a Cone AoE that completely blows the Blast away, and a lot of times at level 35 or 40 you get a massive power that completely blows away your Cone. Sometimes there's a few other upgrades…
  • And even if you just clicked the play button out of habit without reading it, you'd still be halfway through the process. You'd probably just click again thinking it didn't take. Then we'd be closer to that "player doesn't need to know" territory.
  • I thought "convert" just meant if you wanted to retcon an AT as a FF when you went Gold. That is kind of weird.
  • Dag, that's a universal thing on healing consumables? I thought it was just the freebies from the 'bonus items every 5 levels' pack and the themed ones that drop during events. That's pretty harsh if you're new and rely a lot on consumables.
  • I haven't extensively played the Mind yet, though it's on my agenda. But one of my main issues with CC in CO is that a lot of holds seem to be "mini-pets" that tend to "die" relatively quickly while everyone else is dealing damage. Ice Cage, Grasping Shadows, etc. If I'm getting the terminology right from the master pet…
  • I love the Tick. I was a little wary when I found out they got a new actor. Imo Patrick Warburton was born to play the Tick as surely as Patrick Stewart with Professor X. But the new guy did pretty good. They''re definitely going for a different feel with this version and retconning the universe accordingly with people…
  • Ok, so Active Defense for emergencies, Active Offense for big long fights. Granted, most of the time if I get hit by a heavy attack from a boss and didn't notice the tell, I'm dead, in which case an "Oh **** button" isn't going to help. But hopefully I'll get better with that. For a while I neglected blocking because I…
  • Well, good on you for making a suggestion just to help out someone else. If it's that frequent then it would probably be worthwhile to add costumes to help make their dreams a reality (virtual anyway). Personally I've been seeing a lot of chickens. Reminds me of Animaniacs. And especially during the Nightmare event it was…
  • WW2 would probably be a popular aesthetic for military hideouts too. Also think military theme would be good for a guildhall.
  • Just commenting on theme, but I'd put Endorphin Rush on Enraged so you get healed when you attack. And probably some kind of Life Drain power, maybe Devour Essence. Though if you're building for cosmics you might not have room for fluff. But you do have an extra slot at the end.
  • If you're still doing this can my Glacier join as an alt for Pisces, or wherever you think it'd fit. I plan on making him a little more tanky (throwing in a few things from Might) whenever I can fit a subscription into my budget if that makes a difference for where to put him. I'd been trying to find people just to put…
  • A lot of good points that in my observation reflect the voice of the community. (Also, off topic, been wanting to say, nice Syler analogy on the Nightmare topic. I'm a fan.) And I second on more clone/alternative powers. That would be a good thing to not be pigeon-holed, or maybe just another standardization between the…
  • How do you get the VIP Lounge? I've got two characters at 40. But I'm silver, so if it's a subscription thing then I can't get it yet.
  • I just got a hideout the last sale. But the hideout bank is a lot smaller than the actual bank. And that still leaves the trouble of accessing the auction exchange while working on canada or desert story arcs. Plus monster island, lemuria, and I'm guessing there isn't one in vibora bay though I haven't been there yet.
  • I've been thinking about doing this with my Glacier when I subscribe since you can remake your ATs as FF. Glacier is already a pretty good tank and a fair basis to model off of I think. I'm just having a hard time getting the hang of playing a ranged tank, keeping Concentration stacked while in melee range, or holding…
  • Sorry for interrupting, but I really want to try this. One question though. Do you think it would be possible to work Ego in as a secondary superstat to really push dps? Or would that cut too much into energy without Con or Rec to scale Spirit Reverberation?
  • Good idea. Not exactly possible fresh out of the tutorial but something to keep in mind for later visits to the powerhouse. I'm not gold yet so I don't have access to PTS. Thinking about LTS soon though. I know it's going to take a while for it to come together, leveling up to 40 (and actually unlocking areas and going…
  • Ok, I 'think this is the final draft based on all the suggestions. I might play around in the powerhouse to compare might and unarmed martial arts before entering the world just to be able to experience both, and check both Tremor and Quicksand at the end to see which one works better. But I'll probably wind up sticking…
  • DPS focused is perfectly fine and what I had in mind for the character since if we do wind up playing together I'd probably be playing the Xavier WB for Support, or the Colossus WB for Tanking, though last I checked the Mind lacks a Res, so Rise from the Ashes would be handy. But some support for solo survivability would…
  • Well, I've been grinding Questionite missions trying to save up zen for the Alchemist's Sanctum cause currently that's the most compatible option across all my characters. And it'd be kind of a bust to get that and then find out that there's another more appropriate one coming up. But I do really like the ideas so far.…
  • From looking over old news there seems to be a pattern of around April, September, and Christmas. But it's not 100%. So the next one to look for would probably be April. I've been kind of looking forward to it too.
  • As far as I know if you get a subscription you get a free retcon of all your AT characters as freeform. Besides that I don't think so.
  • Ok, this is the next attempt. I figured there was a reason for the advantages on Demolish and Thunderclap that flowcyto and shadowolf suggested so I just tried to copy them as best I could. I wasn't aware either had a cooldown. I didn't see anything about it in the description on the hero creator. So I might have to think…
  • Yeah, I'm thinking I'm gonna swap Sentinel and its Mastery back in on the next draft, along with Cleave. I'll probably take your suggestion on Tremor instead of Quicksand too since Thunderclap gives me a PBAoE.
  • I'm figuring Demolish would be my main single target attack and thunderclap my main group attack. So you would recommend dropping below the belt and collateral damage and just taking them both to R3? I would like to be able to continue tanking during boss battles and not just say "Sorry guys, I'm not built for this. Bye."…