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plasmoid070 Arc User



  • See this area is what is flying over my head most of the time. Hahaha I understand that the license was bought out but it just seems a tad confusing that Cryptic isn't feeling the external pressure of DCUO at the least and the growing and building prototypes of City of Titans being worked on at the most. If I was a…
  • That much as well as the following points I do get and understand completely. Just no matter how you cut or deal it, someone is paying Zen for the keys. I am just saying that given the amount of lockboxes dropped I feel like there should be an alternative means of getting keys like trading a copious amount of in-game…
  • Well like I said above I don't hate STO, but I think the fanbase there is satisfied with what is in the game and there is enough support for the Star Trek franchise as a whole to keep it up while the team shifts focus to Champions Online.
  • While I completely agree with the faith part and the Dev Feedback, I have 0 technological knowledge to know what Dx11, Dx12, and all of the UI stuff you mentioned is so I can't comment on that. :)
  • True, but being a history major I have to go into lengthy details but I won't subject y'all to primary and secondary sources. :)
  • Holy Taco Tuesday! I didn't realize that someone from the development team would actually read AND comment on my plea. Well, like I said multiple times in the plea this isn't me gripping or just putting you on a stake ready to burn this is just pleas that I feel like I should make about a game I really do like. Good to…
  • 1. Trust me, my hopes are reserved for more pressing matters. 2. That I get; however, if you have little to no interest in vehicles it makes the lockboxes something to avoid as the chances are abysmal in getting a costume set, pieces, or new power. 3. I'm good, I have plenty of the old ones. 4. That's where my concern…
  • Was referring to this Arnold
  • If Champions Online implements a fully fledge zone like the likes of Millennium City, The Desert, Canada, etc. then I will commit every waking moment of my free time to body building until I look like Arnold Swarzenagger.
  • If that was directed to me, I can assure you that I try to not hate on games that have strong fan bases. My tastes are a bit strange when it comes to video games and I can understand what one person likes may not be something other people like. Case in point is that I enjoy Destiny greatly but I know there is a large…
  • I know I came in here late, but here are my thoughts: It isn't going to be something as big and grand as Serpent Lantern, Aftershock, or anything relating to the days of Comic Series or Adventure Packs but I strongly disbelieve it is going to be as half-***ed as the Malvanium Tournament was. All I know from past…
  • I just got done talking to them and they unfortunately said that they don't do handle changes, but if such a feature was to be released in the future, they would let the community know.
  • My bad, I didn't really see anything when I was browsing and if you can leave a link I will go there and post my thoughts.
  • I have no particular interest in the lockboxes. If I do invest in keys it will just be with my stipend and it will only be for the Drifter Currency at best. The lockboxes are just something I store away in a shared bank and it even proves that with my ~250 Grav Bike lockboxes.
  • Cryptic, I don't usually make posts, but when I do it usually has some weighted feelings to go behind it. I got into this game several years ago generally excited about logging on the next time to see the creative, well thought out content that was put out. This past few months, or year at most, has been some of the most…
  • Well with that said, mind if I make a new suggestion? Either shorten up the intro speech to the eighth round or make the timer not start until after the introductions are out of the way. It seems kind of silly to have 2+ minutes when the majority of it is spent listening to the voices of the characters. I personally try to…