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hihellobye121 Arc User



  • Maybe there can be more than two sides... What I mean is there is the side that want 'this' and theres a side who wants 'that' but then there is a neutral side. The neutral side wouldn't be a side really... Just a rouge who does whatever and whenever. Or maybe you start of as that and then you choose your side a couple of…
  • Yeah I agree... An alternate MC, and if you got tired of PVP you changed to PVE.... I think it would be fun... And maybe people can invade your hideouts like in the story?
  • Astral Projection like Psimon
  • I think those are ALOT of really good ideas. But another Telepathy/Telekinesis power should be Astral Projection. A power in-which you can project a 'avatar' of yourself made out of pure ego energy. If I am correct, I think Psimon creates Astral Projections? I don't know... Just an idea. Again great ideas :)
  • Well I was thinking more or less, that your nemesis can intrude your base, OR like in COH (Not trying to compare the games :P) where you have special items and other SG's enter and battle your SG to steal it. Also I think there should be some SG hideouts... Like instead of just one persons hideout, where the SG gathers, a…