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A pile of potential powers

bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,410 Arc User
edited July 2012 in Suggestions Box
Largely a conglomeration of suggestions I had from older threads, but I do believe many of them are still relevant. Mostly to fill in gaps in existing powersets, both in terms of gameplay and concept. Take a look; lots of it is aiming to round out a lot of those bad parts in common powersets!

Force - Force Implosion (AKA There are no good single-target attacks in force)
Using a rapidly contracting bubble of force, you can severely compress a single target, dealing them hefty crushing damage.
+ Charged single-target attack
+ Deals extreme burst crushing damage
+ Holds target if fully charged.
Advantage: High Gravitation - Enemies surrounding the target will be pulled in towards the target. If fully charged, these enemies will be knocked inwards.

Force - Force Cataclysm (AKA Force Eruption is horribly underpowered by today's standards.)
Using all your power, you charge impressive kinetic energy within yourself to create a magnificent and destructive shockwave.
+ Charged 25 foot PBAoE
+ Deals extreme burst crushing damage
+ Knocks back all enemies
- Has a moderate recharge; roughly the same as that of Energy Wave.

Force - Deflection Field
You can use your power to create a nigh-impregnable bubble of force. While the deflection field is active, you are the very definition of the Immovable Object.
+ Maintained ability - Creates a force bubble around you during maintenance.
+ Offers increasing ticks of damage absorption while maintained (a la Eye of the Storm) - enough to weather even the most deadly attacks.
+ You are extremely resistant to knock and hold during maintenance.
+ Enemies who attack you get 5% of the damage reflected back at them - percentage increases with rank.
+ Enemies who attempt to approach you in melee range are pushed back and take moderate crushing damage.
- You cannot move or use other attacks while maintaining this ability
- As soon as the maintain ends, your defenses return to normal, and all damage absorption is dropped.
- If you happen to be knocked or held during this maintain, it will instantly be interrupted.
- Extra energy cost is incurred for each attack sustained.
Advantage: Guardian field - Increases the size of your deflection field, allowing others to stand nearby you and also gain the benefit of the field. Enemies who approach you from as far as 15 feet will take damage and be repelled, and allies within this range are shielded with the same strength as your own. However, shielding your allies incurs extra energy costs for each hit they sustain. 3 point cost.

Ice - Frigid Recovery (AKA Ice needs a freakin' energy return)
An energy-return passive which gives a burst of energy to the user when they apply chill. The energy return scales with Dexterity and can occur only once every 5 seconds.

Ice - Coldwave (AKA Ice is the last set I'd expect not to have a hold)
A ranged AoE charged attack. When used, it will create a radius of frozen air which immediately freezes enemies in a thin layer of condensation.
+The radius of this hold increases the longer the ability is charged, with the attack only affecting 1 enemy if tapped, and obtaining a 15 foot radius when fully charged.
+Freeze hold Coldwave deals out counts for extra damage when combined with Shatter.
+Enemies deal out a small 10 ft. radius cold damage effect when breaking free of Coldwave's hold.
-Hold strength dependent on chill stacks already on the target. With no chill, the hold only lasts a fraction of a second.

Fire - Inferno (AKA Fire needs more cones/cylinders)
Maintained fire cylinder, which hits enemies within 5 feet of its diameter, and has a 100 foot range. This raging blast of fire will very quickly incinerate enemies.
+Will randomly apply clinging flames at some point in the maintain for each target. Is always guaranteed to happen on a full maintain.
+Counts as a burning effect.
+Damage shoots up sharply near end of maintain.
-Damage scales down for each extra target it hits.
Advantage - Hot air: Inferno now pushes back enemies it hits. The force of the air also extinguishes clinging flames, causing them to erupt into an extra burst of damage.

Gadgeteering - Homing Bombs (AKA finally we can pretend to be VIPER technicians)
A charge ability which sends out three sonic bomb drones which detonate when in contact with the enemy.
-Must be fully charged to execute (but it is a very short charge)
+Each drone has a 15 foot blast radius.
+Drones quickly close distance on selected target. If no target is chosen, they will home on the closest enemy.
+Enemies hit by the drone's blast are knocked vertically.
-Drones can be destroyed by enemy attacks, causing them to detonate prematurely.
+Prematurely detonated drones have a 30 foot radius instead of 15.

Gadgeteering - Stimulus Ray (AKA There's no real good reliable technology-themed heal.)
Using some experimental technology, you have managed to craft a special beam that, with a bit of biological scanning and procedural DNA simulation, can quickly mend the wounds of nearby allies!
+ Single-target maintained heal
+ Heal overall has consistent strength, neither getting weaker nor stronger during its maintain duration.
+ Starting the stimulus ray has a higher energy cost than maintaining it, but provides a powerful healing burst that heals for roughly 3 times a single tick.
Advantage: Crossing streams - Critical heals from the stimulus ray provide an extra surge of energy, restoring the target's energy to full and temporarily boosting their movement and charge speeds. This effect cannot happen more than once every 10 seconds.

Gadgeteering - Gauntlet Chainsaw ADVANTAGE - Driller Bit (AKA Hell yeah, drills, and more attacks that utilize Piercing mechanics.)
Exchanging the Chainsaw design for a drill bit, your Gauntlet device can now deliver a greater punch against armored targets.
~ Switches damage output from Slashing to Piercing
+ Damage from this attack now ignores 50% of the targets defense

Archery - Overdraw Shot (AKA we need a better non-techno-arrow archery single-target attack)
Your technique and strength with the bow enables you to make pinpoint accurate shots at great range. This technique can hit hard, and more importantly, can hit fast.
+ Charged single-target attack
+ Deals medium-high bursts of piercing damage. Highest DPS on tap. (Tier 3 grade)
+ Charge shots have a chance to knock down the target.
Advantage: Bullseye - Doubles the attack's critical severity.
Advantage: Archer's Vigor - Charging this attack over 50% will reduce the cooldown of all your archery attacks by 5 seconds.

Archery - Rebound Shot (AKA If a boomerang can do it, why can't an archer.)
You fire off an arrow with a specialized, highly-elastic tip, capable of bouncing off several targets.
+ Charged single-target attack
+ Bounces between targets, hitting up to 5.
+ Higher charge yields more targets hit.
- Damage to initial target is not increased by charge length
- Damage dropoff for each consecutive target is about 1/4 lost
Advantage: Trick Arrow - Removes damage falloff from rebounding shots.

Power Armor - Energized (AKA a proper passive for beam power armors and beam-sword fencers!)
You have tweaked your technology to focus chiefly on projecting powerful beams.
+ Boosts melee energy damage and all particle damage greatly.
+ Boosts ranged energy damage and all other melee damage by a lesser degree.
+ Gives the user a small percentage-based defense bonus to all damage.
+ User gains a small amount of energy whenever they stack Particle Burns

Power Armor - Tactical Missile ADVANTAGE - Target Acquired (AKA well, we already have one blast that hits multiple enemies, so...)
+ For each locked-on target you have, you will consume their lock status and fire a missile of identical strength as your main missile.
+ Advantage will immediately start attempting lock-on after this is performed.
+ Hits up to 5 targets in a cone of 120 degrees in front of you.

Munitions - Flame Thrower (AKA PYROMANIA. Also, thanks Kampfy!)
Drive your enemies back and set them ablaze with your deadly fire-shooting weapon.
+ Deals ticks of fire damage every 0.2 seconds.
+ Each hit has a 15% chance to apply Clinging Flames
+ Hits in a 15 foot long, 150 degree cone.
+ Works similarly to Plasma Beam in the Power Armor set (doesn't require a target to work, and thanks to its wide cone, can even hit targets above and below you.)
Advantage: Compression Burst - The initial activation of your flamethrower pushes out a gust of air, dealing a considerable crushing damage burst and knocking enemies back.
Advantage: The Smell of Napalm - Full-maintains of your flamethrower will place a burning patch in front of you, which snares targets which walk into it and has a chance to place clinging flames on them.

Munitions - Killer Aim (AKA A single pistol attack)
You've been saving this one up. Taking out a single magnum, you can shoot any target within 50 feet of you with a high-caliber chunk of lead. Feeling lucky, punk?
+ Extreme piercing damage burst to a single target
+ Damage scales upwards the higher your critical chance is
- Damage does not scale with passives such as Quarry or Kinetic Manipulation
- 6-second recharge
Advantage: Make My Day - Killer Aim is now twice as heavily affected by active offense and next-hit damage boosts and receives a small extra damage boost from critical severity as well. This includes effects such as Retaliation, Lock and Load, and Intensity. 3 point cost.

Munitions - Proxy Mine (AKA A better mine)
Lays down a mine pet which will explode when an enemy approaches it in melee range.
+ Proxy mine deals extremely high fire/crushing damage in a 20ft radius on detonation. It will also knock back any enemies in range.
+ The proxy mine has an automatic stealth buff, disabling enemies with low stealth sight from seeing the mine until it's too late.
+ Up to 4 mines can be deployed at once.
+ Multiple mines near one another will detonate one another, resulting in extremely high chain damage.
- Mine has a 3 second priming period. Prior to this period, the mine will not detonate under any circumstance and is not stealthed. This is to disable the user from using the mine to instantly dispatch enemies.
- Mine has innately low health. If an enemy is able to spot the mine and attack it in time, the mine will be destroyed without explosion.
- Placing over 4 mines will remove the first mine automatically without detonation.
- Cannot Critical.
--Advantage: High Explosives - Damage of the mine is increased by a factor based off of your Critical Chance.

Munitions - Remote Mine (AKA Another better mine)
The first usage of this power will put down a single block of plastic explosive. The second usage of the power detonates the bomb in a gigantic explosion.
+ Remote mine does even higher fire/crushing damage in a 40ft radius on detonation. It will also deal out a knockback.
+ Has an automatic stealth buff much like the proxy mine, though a bit stronger. However, since the Remote mine is remote controlled, care has to be taken in order to set off the mine before it can properly be dispatched by enemies.
+ Explosion will set off any other mines nearby.
- Only one mine can be placed
- Ability has a 1 second recharge to prevent rapid detonation.
- Cannot Critical.
--Advantage: Sticky Bomb - Adds extra stealth to the bomb. If an enemy passes directly over the bomb, it will stick to them. The bomb's explosion will now be centered directly on the enemy with the bomb attached to them.

Munitions - Tactical Backup (AKA Some pet flavor for gunmen. Also, thanks Kampfy!)
Whether they're forces from the local police station or from your own personal army, you've got the funds and clearance to call in a duo of backup soldiers.
+ Summons two gunmen who will use munitions attacks to subdue enemies.
+ Rank 1 gunmen use pistol attacks from afar. (Skins include Police, Cowboy, and Military Cadet skins)
+ Rank 2 gunmen switch out their pistol for a stronger and more consistent assault from their SMG's, Assault Rifles, and now have the ability to throw grenades on command. (New skins for this rank include Modern Soldiers, SWAT team, and Retro/WWII European-style soldiers.)
+ Rank 3 gunmen now summons a third gunner to back up the team, further ramping up the firepower.
Advantage: Medic! - This advantage calls in a third soldier to back your team up. However, this soldier can run up to allies and quickly heal them over time. He can do this ability every 2 seconds.

Munitions - Demolitionist (AKA A reason to use mines. Or rocket launchers. Or grenades.)
This passive advocates the usage of high explosives within the Munitions Tree!
+ Increases ranged physical and fire damage by equal values.
+ Reduces length of recharges drastically.
+ Restores some energy to the user whenever they attempt to knock an enemy. This scales off of the user's superstats.
+ Kevlar armoring slightly increases the user's defenses against piercing damage, and reduces the severity of criticals taken by the user.

Martial Arts - Ukemi (AKA #(@%&(@%&(@&% KNOCKS)
Unslotted passive; when dealt a knock, you will instantly regain control of your character when they land.
+ You also have a chance of recovering from a knock instantly. Though still dealt a push back that sends you flying, you can activate powers and attacks in midair. The chance of this occurring scales with your dodge chance.
-Takes up identical slot as energy unlock.

Fighting Claws - Tiger's Barrage (AKA Claws needs an AoE badly.)
Unleashes a furious cone of claw swipes in front of you.
+ Charged attack: Will deal out more ticks of damage depending on how long it is charged.
+ Each tick has a chance to apply the 'shredded' debuff
+ Each hit has a 10% bonus to critical severity. Bonus can get up to 50% depending on shred stacks.
Advantage: Undying Potential - Changes the Barrage from a charge to a maintain, decreasing its in-set compatibility with form of the tiger and increasing energy cost, but allowing for more versatility. 1 point cost.

Fighting Claws - Fated-Mantis Claw (AKA Player version of Jack Fool's claw attack.)
Focusing intense strength into your arms, you unleash a crippling blow that forces the enemy to recoil, leaving them open for a killing shot.
+ Charged, single-target attack. Deals medium-high slashing damage.
+ If fully charged, stuns target.
+ Stun duration is increased if target has shred stacks.
Advantage: Talon of furious steel - If a fully-charged Fated-Mantis Claw is followed by full-charge Dragon's Claw (not counting energy builder hits), you get a stack of Enrage.

Single Blade - Shinobi's Rush (AKA A sword lunge)
A lunge with the blade which seeks to take advantage of the bleeding condition. In correct conditions, it can rapidly hit and kill crowds of enemies.
- Has a 10 second recharge.
+ Does more damage than most lunges
+ Knocks target down on hit from +20 feet.
+ Will rupture bleeds on hit.
+ Recharge period is halved if target is killed by this attack.
Advantage: Swordsman's Determination - Every bleed this attack ruptures will reduce the recharge period by 2 seconds.

Single Blade - Ruthless Divide (AKA a way to stack bleeds in single-blade)
A short-ranged lunge: you will lunge forward with your blade in a straight line through your enemy, hitting enemies both around and behind your target in a 5-foot diameter cylinder in a 20 foot range in front and behind your target. High damage click ability with no recharge, but also suffers from a high energy cost.
+ Applies bleed on primary target.
+ Has a 50% chance to apply bleed to surrounding targets.
- Chance for extra stack application reduces by 20% for every bleed stack they already have. This is proportionally reduced by 10% for the non-primary targets.
+ Pushes enemies away from the primary target.
Advantage: Fatal Divide - Adds a short charge to this ability. On full charge, the Ruthless Divide will attempt to rupture the primary targets' bleeds.

Martial arts - Dash (AKA Lunge + Plasma beam targeting style? You get THIS.)
A unique lunge made purely for combat agility, intuitive evasion, and general purpose.
+ Quickly causes you to move 30 feet in the last direction you moved.
+ If you haven't moved from your position since doing an attack, you will automatically dash backwards. If you are in the tank or melee role, however, you will dash forwards instead.
+ No recharge
- No damage/buffs; pure movement.

Might - Muscle Barrage (AKA knock/lunge combos are a cool idea)
A unique combo, consisting of 3 25-foot lunge-punches in a row. This combo is designed to force enemies backwards, chasing after them with a fierce jabbing combo.
+ Very high single-target damage.
+ Each punch deals moderate knockback.
+ If target is resistant to knock, it will deal a 20 foot pushback instead.
+ Attack does increased damage the further the lunge made is.
+ Each consecutive punch does higher damage than the last.
+ Final punch can grant a stack of enrage.

Might - Bruiser (AKA not all might/STR users want to knock everything)
Gain stacks of Enrage by completing combos or charging melee attacks at least 50%.
+ Has identical advantages as Enrage

Heavy Weapons - Valor (AKA Enrage for tanks)
Gain stacks of Enrage by taking damage or being healed (by another or by self).
+ Has identical advantages as Enrage
(Flavor - Make the animation for activating valor basically a "western" mirror to the focus activation animations. So instead of getting into a martial artist stance while caligraphy floats around you, you raise your heavy weapon aloft and a pillar of light builds around you.)

Might - Retaliation/Guard ADVANTAGE - Solid Brawler (AKA no, I don't want a honeycomb on my arm, thank you.)
+ Every melee attack you make grants you a stack of Resolve.
+ Each stack of resolve adds a small percentage of damage reduction, as well as knock resistance and flat-damage subraction.
+ Damage reduction scales upwards with whichever is higher out of STR or CON.
+ Resolve can stack up to 3 times.
- Damage output goes down when resolve is active, but only for the first stack.
- Stacking of resolve can only happen once every 3 seconds.
- 3 point cost.

Might - Roomsweeper ADVANTAGE - Lockdown Lariat (AKA no, I don't want to send Hi-Pan flying again, thank you.)
+ Reduces Roomsweeper's knockback effect to a knockdown, making it easier to keep enemies close by and remove the hassle of chasing them down.
+ 1 point cost.

Earth - Earthen Form (AKA a passive just for earth characters; specifically those who want both ranged/melee!)
You are born of the ground itself; a master of manipulating stone and using the very ground against your foes.
+ Increases all crushing damage by an equal amount (melee-passive level scaling)
+ Increases all other physical damage by a lower percentage
+ You are now well-grounded, making you much more resistant to knocks.
+ Gives you a defense boost against all physical damage.
+ Counts as an energy formyou know what I don't even know if powers use this mechanic anymoregakghal

Telepathy - Sensory Assault (AKA here's a novel idea; telepathy actually doing damage.)
Using a sustained stream of psionic energy, you directly attack your target's senses, causing them immense pain all over and preventing them from using their senses reliably.
+ Maintained ranged single attack
+ Causes very high psionic damage
+ Acts as a hold (As a side note, why can't sustain-holds just continue to do damage even if they don't hold? What the hell?)
+ Full maintain disorients the target.
Advantage: Feeble mind - Targets hit by this attack have their defense against psionic damage drastically lowered.

Telepathy - Memory Loop (AKA something even telekinesis guys will enjoy)
This AOE burst sends out a psionic pulse which jogs enemies' memories, causing them to re-live painful psionic experiences and cause repeat damage.
+ 30 foot PBAoE
+ Does a moderate ego-damage burst
+ Causes all Ego damage done in the last 8 seconds to be re-dealt in an Ego damage burst. Ranking up to rank 2 increases this duration to 10 seconds, while rank 3 increases it to 12.
+ Each target hit has a 50% chance to become re-held if they were held within the trailing time-period. Same rule applies for disorient, confuse, and stun.
- Has a 12 second recharge.
- Damage dealt by this attack is not counted in repeat memory-loop attacks.
Advantage: Hive Mentality - Enemies who were affected by Ego Sprites during the memory loop will be dealt extra damage and stunned upon execution. This, in turn, has a 50% chance to consume stacks of ego sprites.

Telepathy - Mind Golem (AKA woah, a consistent pet?)
Using your mental facilities, you summon a huge being composed of pure ego energy, who can smack down foes with ease.
+ Controllable pet
+ Pet has high health and uses attacks which draw considerable aggro.
+ Ranking up the mind golem further enhances its health and damage.
+ R3 Mind Golem gains the ability to perform a stunning pulse-wave on command.
Advantage: Inhibition - The Mind Golem slowly becomes larger with each target it defeats, further increasing the damage it is capable of doing. This buff works like a minor version of Enrage (with giant growth) and can stack for up to 50 kills.

Telepathy - Precognition (AKA tanking utility because I can't think of how this set is even supposed to work in the first place.)
You can scan your surroundings for the tactical thoughts and plans of your enemies, preventing them from getting any sneak strikes against you as well as allowing you to set up your own.
+ Maintained, Untargetted 50 foot cone with 140 degree coverage.
+ Targets hit gain stacks of the 'Mindread' debuff, which causes the user who placed the debuff to have increased dodge chance and avoidance, along with increased critical chance against the target.
+ Mindread effect stacks up to 5 times.
+ Mindread effect also uncovers enemies who are stealthed.
+ Does not draw aggro.
- Mindread effect becomes harder to stack the more targets the effect hits.
Advantage: Fatal Premonitions - Targets hit by Precognition see glimpses of their fate and lose some of the will to fight. They will become more sluggish, suffering from a snare and having their damage output reduced. On a flipside, enemies now realize they are being mentally assaulted, and might take interest in attacking you.

Telepathy - Ego Blast ADVANTAGE - Inferiority Complex (AKA now controllers can really control)
+ Enemies hit by your ego blast gain the Vulnerable debuff, which makes them more susceptible to holds as well as incapable of gaining stacks of hold resistance.
- Debuff lasts for 15 seconds, and can only be applied to any specific target once every 20 seconds.
- Does not work against other players.
- 3 point cost

Celestial - Sanctuary (AKA YES! Now I don't have to heal you jerks all the time.)
A special wall of magical energy imbued with the power of the ethereal planes, you are capable of making a field of protective energy around yourself, defending not only you, but your allies from damage.
+ Block ability
+ Defends against damage at the standard of other blocks.
+ Allies within 15 feet of you share a half-strength defense buff from your block.
- Damage blocked by your allies by the sanctuary is dealt as energy usage, and eventually health damage after energy is depleted.
Advantage: Vigilant - You no longer take your allies damage, while your allies still are protected by your sanctuary.

Celestial - Heaven Lance (AKA Celestial just lacks good attacks in general)
Call down forth the wrath of the celestials with this ranged ability! Heaven lance will slowly call down a series of glowing spears to impale those too slow or too foolish to escape in time.
+ Click ability which instantly summons a Heaven Lance 'zone' on top of the selected enemy.
+ This 'zone' is a 10 foot radius area where enemies will take huge pulses of dimensional damage if standing still in the area. This will last for 10 seconds.
+ Up to 3 lances can be active at any time, but the areas must be at least 20 feet apart.
- A given patch takes 1 second to begin dealing damage.

Celestial - Army of Justice (AKA Hey, darkness got pets.)
For a few moments, you can call forth a legion of celestial figures to smite your enemies.
+ Charged temporary summon; requires full charge.
+ When activated, Army of Justice summons 5 luminescent figures wielding swords and shields. These figures charge into melee combat and attack rapidly with laser-sword like attacks.
+ The members of the army automatically have Illumination on them, allowing your healing abilities to chain off them.
+ Members of the army draw considerable aggro.
- Legion only lasts for 15 seconds and has an identical cooldown.
- Deal lower damage than shadows.
Advantage: Sacred Horde - Army of Justice now summons 8 warriors instead of 5. 3 point cost.

Primal Sorcery - Elemental Mastery (AKA A reason to combine projector sets in new and frightening ways)
Fire, Frost, or Lightning, you have a mastery over all classes of the primal forces and can bring them down upon your enemies at your will!
+ Offensive passive
+ Boosts fire, ice, and electric damage
+ Boosts magic damage to a lower degree
+ Applying Clinging Flames will cause enemies to become weak to Ice or Electric for the next hit. Similar rules apply for Chill and Negative Ions.
- Automatically removes aforementioned debuffs when landing a hit exploiting the weakness damage buff.
+ Slightly increases damage resistance against magic.

Arcane Sorcery - Starswirl's Shot (AKA I'd like something that looks kind of like those curving shots that Trey Kings fire, and also better ranged attack abilities in Sorcery)
This quick spell allows you to fling a quick and precise magical bolt at your enemy.
+ Tap-attack; Single-target magic damage at 100 feet.
+ Being hit by this attack places the 'cursed' debuff on an enemy, making them 20% more susceptible to your next 2 attacks.
Advantage: Fellowship of Magic - Turns Starswirl's shot into a charge. The attack is now changed into a 100 foot cone of 0-30 degrees. The more the ability is charged, the more missiles that are fired and the wider the cone is. Note that charging does not increase the damage output of the shots.

Radiant Sorcery - Arisa's Aegis (AKA More forcefields please.)
You summon forth protective energies which form about your target, temporarily shielding them from harm.
+ Click ability which shields the selected target.
+ Shield increases threat effects while active (I.E. increases threat generation on tanks, decreases on all other roles).
+ Higher shielding value than other forcefield powers.
Advantage: Arisa's Mercy - The ability can now be charged. Using this technique will now affect up to 5 targets in a 25 foot radius, but will also place Arisa's sanctuary on a cooldown.

Ebon Sorcery - Succubus' Charm (AKA A: I want some sort of attack that uses that kiss animation and B: Turning enemies into consistent pets is something novel.)
Using a bit of charming magic, you can convert an enemy into your personal servant, forcing them to follow you to the ends of the earth - or at least the end of the base.
+ Single-target charge ability
+ Using this on an enemy will cause them to transform into a friendly, controllable pet, who uses identical tactics as it did as an enemy to take on your foes.
+ Works up to the 'villain' rank reliably.
- Must be fully-charged to work.
- Enemies who die under your spell do not give you experience or count for mission kills.
- Enemies of master-villain rank or higher simply become placated and confused, forcing them to attack enemies nearby.
- Using Succubus' charm on another enemy while you have another target under your spell causes them to become hostile again.
- (Unless devs can figure out a way to make a converted enemy consistent between maps), will disappear when you change instances.

Mystical - Compassion ADVANTAGE - Martyr (AKA Heal tanks can now be a thing)
+ Causes your heals to generate a "Challenging Strikes" like effect, drawing extra threat towards yourself and reducing the damage enemies do slightly.
+ Enemies within 10 feet of targets healed will be affected by Martyr's effects.
+ Costs 1 advantage point.

Supernatural - Rigor Mortis (AKA this might be overpowered?)
You have enough strength in your body to keep fighting, even after you should logically have no vigor left to do so.
+ Charge ability - Places a 1 minute buff on yourself.
+ When reduced to 0 hit points, you can keep fighting for 10 seconds before collapsing.
+ Ranking up to 2 will increase the duration to 12 seconds, while rank 3 enables you to keep going for 15 seconds.
- During this period, your equilibrium is set to 0 and your damage output slowly wanes.
- Reduction to zero HP acts as an active defense, and will put your other active defenses on a 30-second cooldown.
- You are immune to all healing effects and shielding effects when you enter Rigor Mortis state.
- Using up Rigor Mortis places it on a 2 minute cooldown.

Supernatural - Vengeance (AKA Let us make ranged/melee dps mixes please?)
Gain stacks of Vengeance by maintaining any attack for at least 4 ticks, or charging any attack at least 25%.
+ Vengeance stacks increase all damage by an equal amount, and stacks up to 8 times.
+ Damage gain of Vengeance is determined by whichever is higher of DEX or END.
- Can only gain 1 stack every 4 seconds.
- Does not return energy upon stacking.
- Damage gain cap is lower than that of either dedicated melee or ranged forms.

Travel - Water Slide (AKA because why the hell not.)
Propel yourself along the ground using a continuous stream of water!
- Operates simmilarly to Power Slide
- Pushes you up automatically from underwater if near the surface.

Soooo yeah, tell me what you think of this madness.
How to block a user with μblock:
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    amosov78amosov78 Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Sweet list, though I thought that Ice's energy return should be called "Ice Recrystallization" or something instead.
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    chaoswolf820chaoswolf820 Posts: 734 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    This is beautiful.
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    theapygoostheapygoos Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    100% signed, i love EVERY concept on this page, it would open up build options so widely for people who know what they're doing/trying to stick to a theme.
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    ngeluzngeluz Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    You forgot the ever forgotten Telekinesis! Come on guys Fix this cool but useless power!!!:mad:
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    pwkampfykaufmannpwkampfykaufmann Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    ngeluz wrote: »
    You forgot the ever forgotten Telekinesis! Come on guys Fix this cool but useless power!!!:mad:

    What he said. If you have to, just let the power summon random stuff which is thrown at the enemy.
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    bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,410 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Yeah, the original list of this had a passive which boosted hold power and stuff, but then Manipulator came along and made that redundant.

    So, to be honest, I don't entirely have an idea where to start with fixing that set. I mean, it's going to take a full overhaul before I can get a grasp on exactly how to make the whole set work together. I might take a shot at a few powers a bit later, though.

    EDIT: I completely misinterpreted that as "more telepathy powers" instead of "how to fix the telekinesis power which lobs objects around" d'oh.
    How to block a user with μblock:
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    pwkampfykaufmannpwkampfykaufmann Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I made this thread not long ago. If you want and something catches your eye...?
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    lotar295lotar295 Posts: 903 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    Love the Mentalist powers and force powers,though I really wish force had a decent Maintain.
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    bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,410 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I made this thread not long ago. If you want and something catches your eye...?

    Ooh yes, I really like the munitions pets and flamethrower in there. I'm still taking a good, hard look at these, so you probably (most certainly) might see more of these in here in the future.

    On the flipside, there's some other new powers in there that have really... Weird mechanic ideas. (Succubus' Charm, particularly)
    How to block a user with μblock:
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    pwkampfykaufmannpwkampfykaufmann Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I made a Succubus' Charm power? Bad perverted multiple personality Kaufmann, bad! :biggrin:
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    bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,410 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I was referring to that in terms of my own post/general update to the OP, rather than your post, hence the space between those two sentences. Guess that didn't come through entirely clearly, derp.
    How to block a user with μblock:
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    hihellobye121hihellobye121 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I think those are ALOT of really good ideas. But another Telepathy/Telekinesis power should be Astral Projection. A power in-which you can project a 'avatar' of yourself made out of pure ego energy. If I am correct, I think Psimon creates Astral Projections? I don't know... Just an idea. Again great ideas :)
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    stmothstmoth Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I'm /signing, if only for the might changes you suggest. I would love to be able to use beatdown and not worry about losing my enrage stacks.

    Cleave stacks enrage, why not Beatdown?
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    bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,410 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I'ma still continuing this. Introducing:
    • A passive that makes Laser Sword offensive-passives feel loved.
    • A magic missile clone, because mages need more damage.
    • Removing internal cooldowns after learning that Form of the Tiger doesn't suffer from one!
    • Earth passive yay
    How to block a user with μblock:
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    mrf0rz1mrf0rz1 Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Fire related attacks, using flamethrowers instead, could be stored into Gadgeteering, or just Fire. Most of them being cone and maintain attacks.

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    vorshothvorshoth Posts: 596 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I <3 this so much.
    Every power here, yes.
    Water slide looks like it'd be the hardest one to put in, in all honesty, since they did mention that water's hard to get looking right.
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    lotar295lotar295 Posts: 903 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    bluhman wrote: »
    Force - Force Implosion (AKA There are no good single-target attacks in force)
    Using a rapidly contracting bubble of force, you can severely compress a single target, dealing them hefty crushing damage.
    + Charged single-target attack
    + Deals extreme burst crushing damage
    + Holds target if fully charged.
    Advantage: High Gravitation - Enemies surrounding the target will be pulled in towards the target. If fully charged, these enemies will be knocked inwards.
    This would make force a good framework again...well this and an energy return.
    bluhman wrote: »
    Force - Force Cataclysm (AKA Force Eruption is horribly underpowered by today's standards.)
    Using all your power, you charge impressive kinetic energy within yourself to create a magnificent and destructive shockwave.
    + Charged 25 foot PBAoE
    + Deals extreme burst crushing damage
    + Knocks back all enemies
    - Has a moderate recharge; roughly the same as that of Energy Wave.
    Advantage: Aftershock - After performing a full-charge Force Cataclysm, a solid, 15 foot bubble is summoned for 10 seconds, which causes enemies near or inside the blast area to be constantly pushed outward.
    This really fits in well for the energy blaster concept in force

    bluhman wrote: »
    Power Armor - Energized (AKA a proper passive for beam power armors and beam-sword fencers!)
    You have tweaked your technology to focus chiefly on projecting powerful beams.
    + Boosts melee energy damage and all particle damage greatly.
    + Boosts ranged energy damage and all other melee damage by a lesser degree.
    + Gives the user a small percentage-based defense bonus to all damage.
    + User gains a small amount of energy whenever they stack Particle Burns
    Sounds good for the PA FF laser sword attacks
    bluhman wrote: »
    Munitions - Flame Thrower (AKA PYROMANIA. Also, thanks Kampfy!)
    Drive your enemies back and set them ablaze with your deadly fire-shooting weapon.
    + Deals ticks of fire damage every 0.2 seconds.
    + Each hit has a 15% chance to apply Clinging Flames
    + Hits in a 15 foot long, 150 degree cone.
    + Works similarly to Plasma Beam in the Power Armor set (doesn't require a target to work, and thanks to its wide cone, can even hit targets above and below you.)
    Advantage: Compression Burst - The initial activation of your flamethrower pushes out a gust of air, dealing a considerable crushing damage burst and knocking enemies back.
    Advantage: The Smell of Napalm - Full-maintains of your flamethrower will place a burning patch in front of you, which snares targets which walk into it and has a chance to place clinging flames on them.
    ONE WORD......>AWESOME!!!!!!!!

    bluhman wrote: »
    Munitions - Tactical Backup (AKA Some pet flavor for gunmen. Also, thanks Kampfy!)
    Whether they're forces from the local police station or from your own personal army, you've got the funds and clearance to call in a duo of backup soldiers.
    + Summons two gunmen who will use munitions attacks to subdue enemies.
    + Rank 1 gunmen use pistol attacks from afar. (Skins include Police, Cowboy, and Military Cadet skins)
    + Rank 2 gunmen switch out their pistol for a stronger and more consistent assault from their SMG's, Assault Rifles, and now have the ability to throw grenades on command. (New skins for this rank include Modern Soldiers, SWAT team, and Retro/WWII European-style soldiers.)
    + Rank 3 gunmen now summons a third gunner to back up the team, further ramping up the firepower.
    Advantage: Medic! - This advantage calls in a third soldier to back your team up. However, this soldier can run up to allies and quickly heal them over time. He can do this ability every 2 seconds.
    I would just love a military squad,that would really work well for all soldier type people in CO.

    bluhman wrote: »
    Munitions - Demolitionist (AKA A reason to use mines. Or rocket launchers. Or grenades.)
    This passive advocates the usage of high explosives within the Munitions Tree!
    + Increases ranged physical and fire damage by equal values.
    + Reduces length of recharges drastically.
    + Restores some energy to the user whenever they attempt to knock an enemy. This scales off of the user's superstats.
    + Kevlar armoring slightly increases the user's defenses against piercing damage, and reduces the severity of criticals taken by the user.
    Finally a passive that makes sense on a soldier
    bluhman wrote: »
    Celestial - Army of Justice (AKA Hey, darkness got pets.)
    For a few moments, you can call forth a legion of celestial figures to smite your enemies.
    + Charged temporary summon; requires full charge.
    + When activated, Army of Justice summons 5 luminescent figures wielding swords and shields. These figures charge into melee combat and attack rapidly with laser-sword like attacks.
    + The members of the army automatically have Illumination on them, allowing your healing abilities to chain off them.
    + Members of the army draw considerable aggro.
    - Legion only lasts for 15 seconds and has an identical cooldown.
    - Deal lower damage than shadows.
    Advantage: Sacred Horde - Army of Justice now summons 8 warriors instead of 5. 3 point cost.
    this would be a pretty great power for a celestial powerset.
    bluhman wrote: »
    Travel - Water Slide (AKA because why the hell not.)
    Propel yourself along the ground using a continuous stream of water!
    - Operates simmilarly to Power Slide
    - Pushes you up automatically from underwater if near the surface.

    Water slide sounds cool,finally a reskin of ice slide I hope
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    cyberruckcyberruck Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Great ideas!
    Mind golem and tactical backup are my favs.
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    d0m1nusdrak3d0m1nusdrak3 Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Ugh, Bluhman why must you be a PURE GENIUS!!! The concepts of most these powers would acutally improve most of the power sets they are listed for, plus a passive for fire and crush damage?!??! That is something that we need for muni toons, have always wanted to make a guy that uses explosives, but damage output is not a s good as it should be, and your suggessted passive would fit the spot. Oh and you could acutally make a fire/earth based toon with that since most earth power deal that damage, and finally make a hero with the power of a volcano :D
    Dominus Drake Primus Database ,Also @Pyromasher ingame
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