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asasinx Arc User



  • ok so as far as i can see this is a EU problem.i'm from europe and i have some big problems with the game.the louncher works well "decent".it takes some time to start but it works.i can enter the game but it takes a loot longer.but,my bigges problem is in-game patching/loading.there my connection breaks.seems that from the…
  • ah nevermind.PW games are mostly created for NA so i dont expect fo the prices to be thinked for europe.as a 4 year member of PW comunity i only buyed 4-5 times zen and in small amounts
  • so you think all countryes can afford to be a Gold member?for example in my country with 220 euros( the price of lifetime) i could eat for a month at least.220 euros in here is preatty much. second thing,2 weeks is enough.do you really think that the 250G limit for silver is fine? i mean i saw vehicles at sale for…
  • free vehicles vould be a nice ideea.they could make some sistem with daily quest that gives special tokens to buy free crappyer vehicles(compared to the Z-store ones)