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ansemthedark Arc User



  • So, I did the Whiteout mission today, Worried Emote Perk not counts up, it seems the same issue with the Electric Transformation from the Questonite Store, which is still not fixed too. Perk shows it as purple, the emote items are blue. Not counting them correctly this way. Edit: Never mind now on the worried emote, just…
  • Also, maybe an extra reward when you actually have a Nemesis? So we get rid of those randomized ones, or if even possible let them be connected to the Nemesis console in general so it can be picked out of created ones from players? Maybe a checkmark for people that not want them in random alerts if they supposed to stay…
  • Thanks for the quick answers as always. Will look into it.
  • Addressing some team issues, Favor seem to never drop when you are in a team, especially instances, also a new bug that is this time around seems that the instances for the clues, bank, etc. not drop their main clues too from the boss for all in the team.
  • Nice stuff, but it reminds me why I hate the system messages about it again, can't stand in a hideout or instance without being spammed by those messages of what people got. Is this still necessary to be this annoying? I know you want to drive sells of lockboxes this way, to keep the game alive also, which is good, but it…
  • Could Sonic Boom Generator also get a little sphere range buff? As a Range AoE it is rather pathetic. The Sphere is basically melee range, which makes sense around you like Eye of the Storm, it is also 10 foot. But as range, It's still so pathetic, if I go for the new power I use Hyper Voice for now instead, wish I could…
  • Will there ever be a fix for the Electrical Storm Transformation Perk? Taking this here since problem still exists as it is: From Release Notes 12/14/2022 by n8mcd, December 2022 "The unlock 5x 'Electrical Storm Costume Transformation' perk STORM SUMMONER is a hot mess. 1. The perk appears on the LOCKBOX perk list, but the…
  • Will there ever be a fix for the Electrical Storm Transformation Perk? Taking this here since problem still exists as it is: From Release Notes 12/14/2022 by n8mcd, December 2022 "The unlock 5x 'Electrical Storm Costume Transformation' perk STORM SUMMONER is a hot mess. 1. The perk appears on the LOCKBOX perk list, but the…
  • Will there ever be a fix for the Electrical Storm Transformation Perk? Taking this here since problem still exists as it is: From Release Notes 12/14/2022 by n8mcd, December 2022 "The unlock 5x 'Electrical Storm Costume Transformation' perk STORM SUMMONER is a hot mess. 1. The perk appears on the LOCKBOX perk list, but the…
  • As much I would celebrate such, I have given up on new powers, they not even made any recent revamps too, especially those that need it so desperately, looking at Gadgeteering here. They rather focus on power replace rs now which is, in my eyes, the dumbest thing ever for me. Since it limits so many choices since those…
  • Could it be you changed it in the options, most options are character bound basically. There is one where you can change energy builder: - Toggle, change cancels - Toggle, never cancels - Toggle, non-combat cancels - Maintain Look in options under Controls, Auto Attack, the lowest option in the Controls menu.
  • As I always say on Shields, they have an issue in general, since they can be fully ignored by attacks like Brickbusters, VIPER and Argent in general. They need a base resistance, same goes for dodge, since dodge can fail and full damage gets trough at the wrong time, and not get me started on pets not blocking and being…
  • More powers in general please, even if just copy and paste with different animations, but please stop with the replacers.
  • Agreed here, but please, not overpriced too, some people got lives and not farm Q each day, especially if you try something like the ridiculous legacy travel powers for millions of Q, "time limited and on sale" on top.
  • The biggest issue with shields yet is still that certain damage simply ignore the shield completely, see VIPER or ARGENT, shield still need a heavy buff in such regard, because you can't count support if no damage was blocked by the shields. One of the main reasons PFF is and always will be in a bad state in general. Since…
  • Lead Pipe, Street Lamp and Fennec Fox are missing from the store, or do they come next week?
  • *Crying over animal heads not having any expression options.*
  • They just vanished for no reason, maybe they bugged with the attached Aura? I not know, they never stated anything towards that. I am glad got mine unlocked before this, but it sucks for other not able to get them, maybe you know, put them in the Recognition Store or god forbid in the Bloodmoon Event store. But nah, rather…
  • Bug Report: Fire: Hearth Passive counts as Offensive Passive.
  • While I do love the new force powers, can we talk about the one big flaw with it that also still is an issue with PFF? And all other shield? Certain enemies like Viper ignoring shields completely, it is a very big annoyance, since it puts it in a niche again, it would be like making Enemies Fire immune, a fire user would…
  • You sure your chars not just forget to take missions from Defender or the Police Chief? They not drop till you done those set missions. https://championsonlineroleplayers.shivtr.com/forum_threads/310023 From this point on, your nemesis content is pretty straight forward: Prison Break Random Outdoor Random Outdoor Random…
  • Both perks for the Account wide unlock, for Disco and Frustrated, are both called Irate. Still unlocks normally tho.
  • On top of often putting it on PTS only to have it patched in game one day right after. (Or ignoring any feedback anyway.)
  • I want to mention that the Boxing Arena has another mission as well if you enter without the Frank Zaretti mission, It's easily missable due to that. One of the rooms, forgot which, has a locker with a "hero" locked in it.
  • You might have had the debuff still, it stops when you log out. Buffs in general stop counting down on logout, just not the transformed state from it. The item itself still will count its time, logged or not, till it is expired, like certain event consumables. So if you let us say farm OV on several chars, you still need…
  • I had that once, seems to be very randomly to occur. I can confirm it happened on a single man run too on me, so group not caused it either. All I know is it worked the second time since it left #5 unfinished this way and had to replay it simply, did let me enter back at least, but that was outside the event, the event…
  • I got one in week one somewhere, but it not counts on the perk also, so it's bugged in a way. I have it on my char useable, but perk seems not affected, probably due to it not shows correctly.
  • To be honest he just uses Black Talon attacks, so nothing really new, but yes i still want single pistol attacks and more gadget stuff, Gadgeteering needs such a desperate rework along Force.
  • Sadly can't help more, my topic on it, 2 years ago, not had answers either, it fixed itself eventually seemingly. Think was even with a patch. But I have written that verify worked for me back then but switched back after too.…
  • Had this once, I think you need to verify files again or do a re-installation. If I am not wrong, can be also the graphic driver needing an update. It was longer ago for me when I had this.
  • Should be part of the Emanation stuff we used to have but never got expanded, in the long run this will only cause server issues I say, more slots demanded and added eventually instead of having it as a simple option with fewer issues, on top of the devices itself often bug out or with power replacers often not work…
  • I just assume the Serial enemies are referred too, which are still way too overdone for a simple mission, considering they are the same level as other enemies and such. Overall you need to balance things out simply, not focus on Super stats alone but use Health and CON Mods as well, or Energy like REC and END, it all often…
  • Why companies can't even leave such alone, "Never change a running system.", I feel lost in this new layout. Feels bulky and hard to get used too, on top of trying to find if there are any settings for it, since without dark mode, it seems screwed on my side, with dark mode (Dark Reader Add-on) it works in a way. Still…
  • This, trading stuff in for another, is a bad idea overall. It makes sense for some so, things not become worthless, but the rewards are often crap, thus it is worthless anyway. Since they introduced the whole token stuff with On Alert this all is a mess, instead of simple drops from Adventure packs, all is locked behind…
  • Another reason why PvP and PvE should always be separated and have its own powers or variants for it. I hate how every Online game that has both suffers under such.
  • Could the normal adds be deactivated around the towers in the event? It is very annoying to get aggro of those as healer getting knocked back and forth by them, also unable to revive someone due to those often attack you out of sight. With the normal ASCII OM they also run off mostly after all.
  • At least the one Transformation unlocks Account wide when you unlocked 10 for the perk, other one for some reason not has such tho. But early to get, while the rest can be troublesome, like the Piranha Aura, basically locked behind the War on Peace OM.
  • This, add new powers to it, besides there are sorts of already some you can use outside toggles. Some new variants would be nice still, of course. But as Jaaz also said, some others need desperate attention first. At least PA works in itself, unlike Gadgeteering for example.
  • Ruya Phodros - Freeform (Tank) v3.45:38 Super Stats Level 6: Constitution (Primary) Level 10: Dexterity (Secondary) Level 15: Endurance (Secondary) Talents Level 1: The Samurai (Dex: 10, Con: 10, Rec: 10, End: 8) Level 6: Lasting Impression (Pre: 5, Rec: 5) Level 9: Negotiator (Int: 5, Rec: 5) Level 12: Impresario (Dex: 5,…
  • Edit: After re-logging it finally got the cage removed it seems, either it not updates if not relog, or they have only done it recently. Still was very late and would have like a note or message about it. (was supposed to be an edit, but I miss clicked now, so quote instead)
  • Or un-cage accounts like me, it was supposed to run out 25th February, still have the cage in my face, written to both Kael and Kaiserin, Kaiserin responded to talk to Kael, no effect yet still or answer. And on the contest, I have seen many times one guy using basically a mild variation of the Invincible AT costume, yet…
  • Going Green leads to the Desert Crisis, you sure you talk to the right Kaufman?
  • I had it as a daily gift without having to do Therakiel, so I assume it returns as a daily gift mission again or in the April Fools store in general eventually again.
  • Let's see. - one is at the Space Station, one of the screens near the lockers where you get the Lair mission. - 2 with 1 in each of the shrinking missions - 1 in the sewer, underwater where the first turrets are - 1 at the Lair itself, behind the floating rubble in the first room, a body floats there - 1 I believe also in…
  • It is often confusing, I would like to have an option to only show your buffs and debuffs often, I mean, try to watch out for your debuff on a cosmic open world fight, so many debuffs showing it clips out the screen due to how long the line gets. And or add more lines to them, maybe so they not show all in one line? Yours…
  • Retro Defender and Retro Destroyer are right now in the Defender Training Program.
  • If anything, they need survivability, they are made out of paper and ANY AoE kills them instantly, even Sidekicks are not safe from this, see DoT damage from Cosmics like Clarance or Chicken due they not block. Not get me started on stuff like Cybermind's Data Rain and such. I do agree on this also, but then you're better…
  • You can blame players making it so tho, Squats used to be a normal sport activity, but trolls made it into teabag for god knows reasons because they think it's funny. Also to Kaiserin, you're going to lift my warning level by now? It expired a week ago already, Kael not responds to me, so I have to make it public. I stand…
  • That is true, but a continuing issue over time, give new rewards it is hard for people to decide what to spend on due overwhelmed. But letting them rot basically is also bad, they need some use even after endgame reached. I look at FFXIV here with them letting the old stones somewhat be used for future content still like…
  • Shield in general is weird, see PFF or similar vs Viper or Argent weapons that seem to ignore those fully. No balance at all when specific enemies can ignore such powers. Might make sense Lore wise but gameplay wise always and bad idea, imagine a Fire Elemental being immune to Fire Damage because "sense". Not makes a fun…