Oh yeah, I'm terrible at lining up the proper block, or just hold it too long or get bumped away by some unblockable move. I wanted a build that can take a few hits before realizing i need to be somewhere else.
Here's the Edited Version of the Build as per recommendations. If there is anything you recommend to be changed, I'd like to know, Thanks in Advance: Lightning DPS - Freeform (Ranged Damage) v3.41:33 Super Stats Level 6: Ego (Primary) Level 10: Constitution (Secondary) Level 15: Endurance (Secondary) Talents Level 1: The…
@flowcyto Awesome, glad to know not much has changed. I think the Dodge was to get me out of a tough situation so I can heal up. I wonder what would be a viable option in it's place since I'm not familiar with what got nerfed or buffed. I think my character is currently in Hybrid Mode, but I'm unsure if I need to change…
Thanks for the advice. I do find using Def Combo does help build up stacks of defiance with slower to attack mobs. or for keeping it refreshed when moving between groups of mobs.
@flowcyto quick question: IS this Might Tank build used in Hybrid or Tank Role? it's hidden in the spoiler to avoid taking up space. also, don't mind the Asterix, I was using it to keep track of what my character has already chosen.
Yea I got confused since I never used an Ice character before so I was unfamiliar with the ice powerset. I saw Form and thought it like Martial Arts forms. Thanks for clearing it up.
As someone who used a Tank with CoPD, It's extremely useful given you stay within the circle... As a tank, you won't be doing a lot of moving anyway, as a tank is more of a Stand and Fight kind of fighter who squares off with the main villain of the group and keeps them away from the team.
Thanks Flowcyto, I've noticed you've commented a lot of builds to requests here. I greatly appreciate your skill in identifying power comparisons, power combinations, and what works well overall... I'll see to changing the bionic shielding, It was never one of my favorite powers.... henchmen force you to use it up quickly…
I have just posted a Build Idea from what I've been instructed would be beneficial to my theme. It's not good... I need help revising it. Please help me revise it to include these ideas> Strong Fast Staff Oriented Ice powers Wind Powers Survivable against tough bosses and possibly a Trap/hold using any of these abilities…
I don't think you can have too many defenses. I don't plan on PvP. I have this build to be Invincible in PvE, and having extra defenses helps toward that fact.. and having more pets vs personal offense seems more to fit the theme of a Pet Master. Basically, Pets do practically all the damage, and I sit in the back and…
Very nice, Those are very difficult to get :D I suppose I don't play enough to get that kind of money. Is there any way this build can be modified as a Levelling one at least until one can be respecced into the one you have now? That Unleashed Rage is the one power that makes all others available, yet it's the one thing I…
HEYYA Folks, I'm bumping this thread to ensure others can view my newish build. What I'm going for is DPS. Kill before being killed. But on a Massive scale. I also do not wish to die so much, though it really can't be helped.. BUT if you know of a way to make this build slightly more survivable while still keeping DPS and…
Electric Sheathe from what I understand, combined with it's Advantage reduce the amount of damage you are dealt by taking the damage out of your Energy rather than your HP, And with Circle running all the time, you have unlimited energy... Unbreakable with the amount of damage you'll be doing in my build means you can…
This is my Electric toon which I created over a year ago.. It uses Circle of Arcane Power to provide an infinite source of energy as well as knockback protection. at lvl 30, it does over 3K/tick while holding down my main Single Target Attack, in which i have an infinite supply of... While standing in the circle it's like…
Are these the Talents you were going to use? Fist is +10 Dex/Int/Str with +8 Rec, then all the others are the +8 of each superstat, and then the +5/+5 of each superstat combined. Talents: Level 1: The Fist Level 6: Mighty Level 9: Agile Level 12: Brilliant Level 15: Martial Focus Level 18: Body and Mind Level 21:…
That's Awesome Raven!... It's practically what I fell upon doing anyway... I used to have a Pet build a long time ago, it had Dinosaurs, wolves etc... But I mostly stuck to those.. this one covers the entire spectrum. And the way the updates have been, I wasn't sure I was picking the right stats. Thank you for clarifying :D
To be honest it's been on my Notepad files for a while, i kind of forgot who posted it, i just figured it was an old build from way back. I basically pasted it from my notepad file... Heyya Light, if you are readin this Much Apologies.. I just haven't seen the build in a long time.. And I don't like clicking links in…
Could you recommend some talent lists to go with these builds? I'd like to know what Talents to go for to make this optimal. I also noticed in your Menagerie build.. You cannot have Intelligence Primary but Presence Specialization...
Take some points away from your Travel Powers... They don't need to go that fast.. or if anything just make one super fast and the other (preferably the one you don't use as much) kinda slow. Then you should have 2 ADV points to increase shield size.
In your Scarab build, not the PFF one, you have Reaper's Caress as a lvl 1 ability and Shred... I cannot have Reaper's Caress without an Energy Builder like Reaper's Touch. Can you clarify how you have Reaper's Caress as the Energy Builder? Also Unleashed Rage is lvl 35+ ability, and cannot be attained at lvl 6.
Thanks for the tips, I'll do that, and see how it works. I believe the Electric form was to boost my Electric attacks in order to give them more damage. BUT i'll see how Storm Bringer works. Hurricane, sounds like a good one too.
I'd like to know if this build can still work, or has the updates while I was gone changed a few rules? If you know something please fill me in on what I can keep, and what I should swap out. I'm trying to keep her a very survivable ranged crit hitter. Thanks!
What I do is when you create a character, and when Defender tells you to go get your new abilities, you talk to the trainer, then click REMOVE Powers, and then Undo the 2nd ability and then get the power as listed in my build.