This thread, so people can ask questions about players and their characters, whether they're theirs or belong to others. Ask things like "What if X never Y?" or "Who do you think would win, Z or X?". Give reasons if you feel like they're needed. Character owners can settle the debate over a question in case people start speculating too much, but sometimes that's what we want, right? Be reasonable and respectful, guys. Just remember that if someone else asked a question directed at you or is open-ended and for everyone to answer, be sure to quote it so we know what you're talking about.
Here, I'll start. :biggrin:
Q: What if Caliga publicly liked being poked?
Q: Who the **** is Player? A: :rolleyes:
Q: Who do you think is the most powerful character in your roster concept-wise? This one is for everyone involved. A:For me, it would have to be Dawn. There are many, many reasons behind this, but that's probably best left for another question later on down the road.
Q: Who do you think is the most powerful character in your roster concept-wise? This one is for everyone involved.
The one with the most potential power, concept-wise, would be Kilbern. He was, after all, Kilbern Skyfather, chief of the Gods during the Turakian Age. The only reason he managed to circumvent the Ban was because his power was derived from his followers, and he hasn't had any followers for thousands of years. Now he's only as powerful as any normal superhero. However, if his level of fame were to rise high enough, he could once again aspire to godhead; fortunately, he only seeks enough power to defeat Takofanes once and for all, and then he'll happily retire once more to Elysium.
(And I managed to get Steve Long's blessing on that concept, so it's cool.)
The one with the most current conceptual power would probably be Happifun Security System X-4, as it has the ability to use its onboard nanofactory to construct new weapon and defensive systems as needed. (That's how I explain the in-game ability to have all these weapons its designers would never have included, and to have them all in a chassis that's far too small to contain them all.)
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Q: Turando; hero at heart, or villain in disguise?
Q: Which do you (and a majority of your characters) prefer; Technology, Magic, or Natural Abilities?
A: I have a strong preference to technological means, and that's visible in many of my characters.
Q: Who do you think is the most powerful character in your roster concept-wise? This one is for everyone involved.
A: Amongst my roster, mainly within the Beast Squad, they believe it to be Lupine Fist-- when he loses his temper in a fight he's nearly uncontrollable. That, and with all of the ice, lasers, and whatnot going on in the world, too many people underestimate brute strength and willpower.
However, if any of them were genre savvy, they'd realize that it's Grey, the plucky teenager with darkness powers who can't remember his past, who just happens to be a reincarnation of a god. Sure, they don't know the last part, but come one guys! Think!
Q: Turando; hero at heart, or villain in disguise?
A: Only one of the Beast Squad has laid eyes on Turando, and that would be Blitzen during the gigantic teddy bear crisis a few months back.
BLITZEN: Honestly, can't nobody that spends all that time keeping his fellas alive in the heat of combat be a villain, ya know? That's a good one, right there.
Q: Which do you (and a majority of your characters) prefer; Technology, Magic, or Natural Abilities?
A: I. Love. Magic. A-la-ka-BOOM-UPSIDE-YA-HEAD! Honestly, I think Lupine, Hunter, and Detective Shepherd (if I keep him) are the only characters I have without some sort of unnatural-ness to them. Well, save Shepherd's origin.
My questions to you all, since I don't really know anyone here!
Q: Do any of your characters have familial ties to each other?
A: Lupine Fist is Kid Magic's adoptive father. Also, Firehart and frostbite are cousins. However, because all of the Beast Squad lives in Wolf Towers, they kind of feel like a family all together. [/sappy]
Q: Which of your characters do you think has the most entertaining backstory? Give us a small summary!
Q: Which of your characters do you think has the most entertaining backstory? Give us a small summary!
That's a tough one. Happifun Security System X-4 was an experimental security droid built by the robotics division of a toy company; it was supposed to merely be an expert system, not a true AI, but some backup systems were accidentally activated during the Qularr Invasion in '09.
Backfire grew up in Westside, and joined VIPER mostly for a steady job and the outstanding medical benefits; he was transferred against his will to the Canadian outpost, where he became an experimental subject and was given flame powers. When he realized that he had basically become a living plasma and had to spend the rest of his life in a containment suit, he lost it, destroyed the building he was in, and went home to join the supers - he figured if he had to be this recognizable forever, it might as well be for something he could be proud of.
Spider-Bat: One day, eccentric billionaire Peter Wayne was hunting for rare spiders in the Amazon, when he was bitten by a rabid radioactive bat and became a little confused...
On another day, Spider-Bat rescued a young child from a terrible car crash that killed both his parents. Peter Wayne decided to raise young Felix Grayson as his own, and trained him in crimefighting as Spider-Bat's sidekick Blackbird. Eventually, Felix realized the old guy was about three fries short of a Happy Meal, and left. Unfortunately, all he knew at that point was crimefighting, and how to use his superhuman agility and ability not to be noticed to that end; today, he patrols Millennium City as Blackwing.
And of course we've already discussed Kilbern, who was roused from his slumber when DEMON unleashed Takofanes the Undying...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Q: Do any of your characters have familial ties to each other?
A:I have a few that are related to one another such as Turando and Dawn, Father and Daughter respectively. My dragons, Tirados, Raike, and Indus are also related to one another with Tirados being the eldest brother, Raike the youngest sister, and Indus as the middle-of-the-road cousin to the both of them.
Outside of that, I have a couple of characters which happen to be a part of a family to other players' characters.
Another character I have that has a backstory which may equate to missing parts of another's is Sentinel, the Powered Armor Medic who lost his scientist brother contracted by UNTIL on Monster Island. Your best guess as to who his brother is.
Q: Do you have character concepts that just can't fit into the game due to some missing powers/costume choices/game mechanics in spite of how much we actually have?
A:I know I do. I've been tempted to write out stories of them, but I think it's best to save everything for when the characters can be represented. Hell, many of my characters that I have now just can't truly be represented in our current state. Turando STILL doesn't have his Medical Gadgeteering abilities.
Q: Who do you think is the most powerful character in your roster concept-wise?
After thinking long and hard about this, I will say it's a tie between Jacqueline Black and Novaguard but for two completely reasons: Jackie is marked by the Elemental Star, an alien lifeform that granted her strength while Novaguard is became fused with the Empyrean Fires as he travelled back to our time from the 39th century, granting him a massive boost to his strength.
Q: Which do you (and a majority of your characters) prefer; Technology, Magic, or Natural Abilities?
So far, I don't have any Technology-based heroes
[ @Skaargoroth in-game / @summerfields on the Forums ] Current character roaster: The Iconica, Lady Mythica, Black Jackal, Omni-Woman, Fantomask Currently waiting for: Moar comics! And maybe City of Titans, too. Hopefully!
Q: Has your hero ever travelled through time? If so, How, why and how did they return back?
Technically, anyone who's cleared the Vibora Bay Crisis has traveled through time, as that's how it ends; currently, the Duck Knight is six months ago, striving desperately to get Robert Caliburn appointed as Earth's magical guardian, and to prevent Therakiel from gathering the power to start Armageddon in the first place. He's "returning" from the past the hard way, one day at a time, which means that barring some sort of assistance later he's always going to be six months behind himself...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Alright Ima ask some questions you guys all can answer for fun.
Q) What is the most embarassing situation your character has been in? (Pick any character)
I don't know about situations, but I'm really good at giving my characters awkward names. The "Sister Silicone" jokes are now entering their 11th year. Also, I had to shift my blame onto some hapless Witness Protection lackey/plot device when I screwed up the Samurai Shodown reference and gave Hitomi Hanzo two first names.
Q) What do you enjoy most about your favourite character? Their personality? Looks? What drove you onto making this character and why?
Sister Silicon started out as a mashup of two PnP characters from my college Heroes Unlimited campaign, and I made her a tall redhead because, well, who doesn't love tall redheads? (Right, Logan and Scott?) And when CoH launched, that's as deep as it went, until I started building a backstory for her. That led me down the path of learning about transhumanism, feminism, sexuality and gender, and Champions lore. So what started out as "tall redhead zapping bad guys with electricity" turned into "superhero/entrepeneur whose worries about being a bi cis-female take a back seat to being an AI whose rights are granted by act of Congress, not guaranteed in the Constitution". Which, I hope, has made me a better feminist, LGBT ally, and all-around more empathetic person than I was ten years ago. So thank you, Cryptic Studios, for making City of Heroes so blaster friendly at launch, because if controllers were the FOTM, I might be playing a total d-bag today.
Q) What are your character's hobbies outside of fighting crime?
Sister Silicon plays piano and guitar. (She used to play clarinet, but there's that whole "redesign her air cooling system to emulate human breathing" problem to solve before she can pick that back up again.)
Q) What sort of character personalities do you like to give to you characters? Goofy?Stupid? Controlling? Give us a reason
I'm not sure I have a particular preference. Sister Silicon Prime is brash and outgoing and wears her heart on her sleeve, which sometimes gets her in trouble. Hitomi Hanzo is a bit cold and reluctant to reveal too much of herself, which she considers an occupational hazard. (Don't ever ask her how she lost her eye.) Depends on the character, I guess.
Q) Most valuable person/thing your character is willing to protect.. Whether it be a memory, person or object.etc..
(Siobhan has a Portal Corp. communicator stashed away in her shop. She's not supposed to have it. Moira stole it for her. Nobody in this universe is supposed to know it exists.)
(You didn't hear that from me.)
Q) Quote(s) your character are known to say.
I've never been one for catchphrases.
Q) You character's pet peeves/ things that annoy them.
Vampires and zombies. "I have none of the organic material you need to survive! Stop chewing on my hull!"
Q)How they view their family/friends. (If any)
Hoo, boy. That's probably the big tragedy in Prime's life. She would never have become a superhero if she hadn't been paralyzed in a car crash that killed her fiancee. And her parents and sister/original self are back on Paragon Earth. She'd be completely untethered if it weren't for her friends in Millennium City.
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Q) What is the most embarassing situation your character has been in? (Pick any character)
For reasons I haven't really decided in-character but my main Fantomask wears a pink and cute princess outfit as a secondary outfit. :biggrin:
Q) What do you enjoy most about your favourite character? Their personality? Looks? What drove you onto making this character and why?
My drive was to create a badass female martial artist and since I'm a big liker on Hong Kong martial arts movies in general, I wanted to give my proper love letter to Bruce Lee and his philosophies.
Q) What are your character's hobbies outside of fighting crime?
Let's see...
Fantomask loves yoga and meditate in nature, and as boring it may seem she has a very simple lifestyle outside of her outfit.
Satsugai-sha is a singer of a Black Metal band.
Jacqueline Black is a bodybuilder and loves to train.
Novaguard loves to read books and wants to write one someday.
Union Jackal loves to collect tea (while being all British about it).
Wraithslayer enjoys to watch crime dramas like Criminal Minds, CSI, True Detective, Sherlock, Castle and, his favorite, Conviction. It's funny because his a defence lawyer otherwise.
Lady Vengeance has two cats and despite her violent attitude towards others, she actually works on a animal shelter on her spare time.
Cleopatra loves watching the History Channel.
And Harlot loves to watch Anime.
Q) What sort of character personalities do you like to give to you characters? Goofy?Stupid? Controlling? Give us a reason
Most of my characters are pretty serious, especially Lady Vengence and Wraithlsayer mostly because they take the jobs very seriously. Fantomask is fun to be around with and manages to make a focus between being focused and to have fun. Others I haven't yet figured out yet but I'm getting there.
Q) Most valuable person/thing your character is willing to protect.. Whether it be a memory, person or object.etc..
Fantomask: Despite what she has gone through, she's very protective of children and has made many great lengths that the hardships she suffered would never happen again.
Satsugai-sha: Her Katana, the Soul Destroyer. Even if it's a curse, it's still all she got left of her dead brother.
Jacqueline Black: A necklace that belonged to someone close to her, but she doesn't remember who.
Novaguard: His memories of an old rusted robotic hero named iXIII (i13). Even if he was a robot, Novaguard will always cherish the conversations they had about life and destiny before it got destroyed.
Union Jackal: His two revolvers given by two of his best friends that died in WW2.
Wraithslayer: An old engagement ring, though he never talks much about what happened to her. He just likes to look at it whenever a case has been hard or just needs to regain his focus.
Lady Vengeance: An old group photo of her entire family.
Cleopatra: Her Sun Staff - given by Ra.
Harlot: The mask of Black Harlequin. Or so she claims.
Q) Quote(s) your character are known to say.
Since Satsugai-sha is Japanese, she says "Omae wa Mou Shindeiru." (Major kudos to you if you know what it's from or what it means. )
Lady Vengeance tends to say "No." or "Not really." 90% of the time.
Q) You character's pet peeves/ things that annoy them.
Being the lead singer of a Black Metal band, Satsugai-sha gets annoyed by all the letters/e-mail/tweets she gets from overly-concerned parents.
As for Wraithslayer, he gets annoyed when his client doesn't tell the full story or is hiding something.
Q)How they view their family/friends. (If any)
Fantomask: Fantomask's family are still out there and still are great at what they do - killing people for money and influence. They have met once when she just started out, but more than that - none.
Satsugai-sha: Her father has disowned her for picking up her brother's sword but her mother wants her to return home to settle things right.
Jacqueline Black: She has a not-so-stable relationship with her father (who is also a hero in his own right). Sometimes they argue, sometimes not.
Novaguard: He loved them deeply, including his 5 siblings. But he had to leave them behind to save our world.
Union Jackal: <Unknown>
Wraithslayer: His parents are dead but he doesn't brood about it. What drives him is to find out who did it. Otherwise, he has claimed he has an aunt.
Lady Vengeance: <Insert 'DARKNESS. NO PARENTS.' line here>
Cleopatra: Though she's immortal and unaged, she sees her fellow heroes as her family.
Harlot: She doesn't know much about her mother but otherwise she has a pretty good relationship with her dad.
Phew! Here's a new a new question...
Q: What if your hero has discovered that he/she/it was a clone of another hero all this time?
[ @Skaargoroth in-game / @summerfields on the Forums ] Current character roaster: The Iconica, Lady Mythica, Black Jackal, Omni-Woman, Fantomask Currently waiting for: Moar comics! And maybe City of Titans, too. Hopefully!
Q) What do you enjoy most about your favourite character? Their personality? Looks? What drove you onto making this character and why?
It's so hard to pick a favorite, though. Happifun Security System X-4 is my oldest surviving character, created the first time I went Gold; I wasn't really any good at all at designing characters then, so until the Invincible AT came around, it kind of languished, but then it became my first 40. The Duck Knight is fun to play both because of his powerset (a modification of the Night Avenger set) and because of the reactions I get to him. There are similar reasons for playing Supermanx, who was inspired by the, well, uninspired naming conventions used by cloners, but who is in fact a genetically engineered cat-man who just dresses in bright blue and red spandex (with a yellow cat head on the chest!), and whose powers tend more toward the Savage than anything else. And then there's my newest, Captain Bananahammock, who started off as a commentary of sorts on all the flesh on display by female toons (why should the girls have all the fun, am I right, fellas?), but who's proved to be enjoyable to play as well.
Q) What are your character's hobbies outside of fighting crime?
Supermanx collects Mickey Mouse memorabilia. Captain Bananahammock is trying to break into the world of male modeling. And I don't know if it counts as a hobby, but Backfire obsessively collects all the data he can find on members of VIPER, hoping one day to find out for sure who it was who approved him for experimental procedures.
Q) What sort of character personalities do you like to give to you characters? Goofy?Stupid? Controlling? Give us a reason.
Most of my toons aren't terribly serious, because I'm not terribly serious. The exceptions are Happifun, which is still writing humor algorithms for its processors, and Spider-Bat, who is trying to be serious (and who generally tries so hard that he comes off as "goofy").
Q) Most valuable person/thing your character is willing to protect.. Whether it be a memory, person or object.etc..
Happifun's primary directive, subtly reinforced by SOCRATES during Happifun's first moments of consciousness, is to protect the innocent citizens of Millennium City. It will sacrifice its existence without a second thought to save people.
Q)How they view their family/friends. (If any)
Spider-Bat is the closest thing Felix "Blackwing" Grayson has to a family any more; this causes Felix some issues, because he hates what the old man did to him, but he's also still fond of the crazy bastich. Suffice it to say that Thanksgiving dinner is not a comfortable evening for either of them...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Q: Has your hero ever traveled through time? If so, How, why and how did they return back?
Dawn is the time-traveler on my roster. Born and raised in an apocalyptic future where the world as we know it is on its last thread of hope, she has gone back in time in an attempt to prevent this apocalypse from ever taking place.
Q) What do you enjoy most about your favorite character? Their personality? Looks? What drove you onto making this character and why?
Turando is my favorite because of how he looks like he would not be much of a threat, but in all actuality is much more dangerous and capable than meets the eye.
Q) What are your character's hobbies outside of fighting crime?
Player is known to play video games when not putting bullets into the bodies of would-be villains.
When Turando isn't fighting the bad guys, he's healing the injured, conducting research for his nanotech, or securing funds for said research... sometimes all of the above.
Q) Most valuable person/thing your character is willing to protect.. Whether it be a memory, person or object.etc..
Turando values the lives of others. He will readily stand into the line of fire for someone else and, thanks to his mistake, can do so as many times as he likes.
Dawn cares for her father in the current timeline, but she doesn't want reveal her presence to anyone linked to him. She fears that if Turando knows of her existence that he will spend more time looking for his daughter than doing what Dawn has been manipulating him to do to prepare for the oncoming apocalypse.
Q) What is the most embarassing situation your character has been in? (Pick any character)
So, the Beast Squad went to the mall one December afternoon for some Christmas shopping, and as they passed by the Santa photo booth they witnessed the worker who was playing Rudolph quit his job in a huff. The other workers quickly spotted Frostbite--an actual reindeer--and begged him to volunteer to play Rudolph ("Think of the children!"). He begrudgingly accepted.
The staff apparently didn't see fur in the same way as skin, so they found it appropriate to fix him a new costume consisting of a pair of red pants, furry green boots, a harness with bells, and a rubber red nose. The other BS members thought he looked ridiculous; that didn't stop the kids (and Manimal-loving people in general) from gravitating to him rather than Santa.
They still have the pictures, and they'll never let him live it down.
Q) What do you enjoy most about your favourite character? Their personality? Looks? What drove you onto making this character and why?
Lupine Fist... well, he's based off of the imaginary friend I had when I was little: a big, strong wolf guy that would go on adventures with me and protect me from bullies. He's everything I feel a hero should be: protective, selfless, wise, and understanding.
Q) What are your character's hobbies outside of fighting crime?
Lupine Fist - Besides running a hotel, he likes to collect Teeny Tots plushies.
Grey - Manga and anime fanatic.
Kid Magic - Coming up with new tricks to entertain the guest at Wolf Towers.
Hunter - Indie rap artist.
Just to name a few.
Q) What sort of character personalities do you like to give to you characters? Goofy?Stupid? Controlling? Give us a reason
One of the best things about this game is that there are extremely few limits to creating a character. For me, this means I can create who I want, and not who others want me to want.
For that reason, the heroes I create usually have personalities that I want in friends: confident, strong-willed, helping, that kind of stuff.
Q) Most valuable person/thing your character is willing to protect.. Whether it be a memory, person or object.etc..
Lupine Fist: His bandanna--a gift from his late mentor-- and his child.
Grey: The necklace he was wearing when he was found.
Rodeo: The hat that his late father gave him.
Q) Quote(s) your character are known to say.
"It's high-time for a Rodeo!" -Rodeo
"Hey, you smell nice!" -Grey, to anyone whose scent he enjoys.
Q) You character's pet peeves/ things that annoy them.
Frostbite - Bad manners (and he was raised on a farm).
Super Hound - As a college professor, he looks down on tardiness.
Q)How they view their family/friends. (If any)
Like treasure. That goes double for the Beast Squad towards Kid Magic, since he's the youngest.
Q: How likely would you guys be willing to write out a "chapter" of your character's adventures? Something that doesn't actually tie into the game's available content. Think of it like a side-origin; an event or period of time that adds a bit more insight into the character, but isn't native to their key story points. Don't actually do it here, I am tempted to put out another topic dedicated to that sort of thing in the near future.
A: I've been meaning to write out a couple of insights into Turando myself. I've just never gotten around to it. That will change soon enough.
Q: How likely would you guys be willing to write out a "chapter" of your character's adventures? Something that doesn't actually tie into the game's available content. Think of it like a side-origin; an event or period of time that adds a bit more insight into the character, but isn't native to their key story points. Don't actually do it here, I am tempted to put out another topic dedicated to that sort of thing in the near future.
I'd have to dig it up sometime, but I wrote a short story about the time that Happifun Security System X-4 was defeated (for a short time) by its nemesis, Autochatban.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Q: Who do you think is the most powerful character in your roster concept-wise? This one is for everyone involved.
I'd have to go with my Anubian character Zahra. She has harnessed the powers of the Egyptian gods Anubis and Sekmet through a curse she obtained during one of her archaeology digs. Currently in her state she is an average person with still in training powers to unlock, but has much potential in her that if not careful enough, could lose control of her powers.
Q: Which do you (and a majority of your characters) prefer; Technology, Magic, or Natural Abilities?
I have a mix of everything. Many use technology, others with magic, abilities that they learned and used without the use of the previous two, even a mix of them all. But of my favorite one to use is magical abilities.
Q: Which of your characters do you think has the most entertaining backstory? Give us a small summary!
Zhumos, my prince from another dimension. Battle worn and a grim past to reclaim his kingdom from his evil brother who sought out to take over the world. I enjoy him the most for making up stories of his past that involved war times in a medieval setting with knights and magics and mythical beings.
Q) What sort of character personalities do you like to give to you characters? Goofy?Stupid? Controlling? Give us a reason
Many of mine are laid back, calm and caring, but some are on the teasing side. It always fun to have some of my characters tease and see what reactions you can get.
Q) What is the most embarrassing situation your character has been in? (Pick any character)
During a RP interview to invite someone to our SG, my main character, Erogar, was teleported at random from one of his close friends to their sanctum where the interview would take place. A crazed man he is and dumped Erogar into the one part of his home that tells others to never venture in. Lets say Erogar got the scare of his life to see what horrors lies in that section of the house. *shivers* Can you say best/worse entrance ever?
Q) Most valuable person/thing your character is willing to protect.. Whether it be a memory, person or object.etc..
Many of my characters are not ones who are capable of saving the world from everything, so they focus on the next best thing: Family and friends. To the exception of some like my space pirate Rachel, captain of a ship and a large crew. A family of over 800 strong she cares for and seeks to make sure each one is protected. Another is my alien prince Jarek. Same concept with his own ship and crew but he has his home planet to protect as well from the constant threat of the Qularr.
"Embrace your Dreams" Erogar uses that a lot when giving lectures and wisdom to many that he knows. Yeah I took it off of Crisis Core but heck man it fits his personality so dang well!
Q: How likely would you guys be willing to write out a "chapter" of your character's adventures? Something that doesn't actually tie into the game's available content. Think of it like a side-origin; an event or period of time that adds a bit more insight into the character, but isn't native to their key story points.
I'm already working on something for Prime that might fit the bill, although it's not that adventuresome: A TV interview with Victoria Crownstone for the local morning show. It's a bit origin-ish in spots, but mostly focuses on her business and her life beyond superheroing.
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Q: How likely would you guys be willing to write out a "chapter" of your character's adventures? Something that doesn't actually tie into the game's available content. Think of it like a side-origin; an event or period of time that adds a bit more insight into the character, but isn't native to their key story points. Don't actually do it here, I am tempted to put out another topic dedicated to that sort of thing in the near future.
Just seen this thread, thought I'd chip in here, if that's alright...
As far as writing adventures...I do RP write ups occasionally, I write other people's characters interacting with my own as well as my own characters, interacting with themselves, something which I don't do much in game (as it is difficult).
I've written independently for the majority of my write ups but I've also worked with a few players on stories (Ultimatum, Brace for Impact) and I've also been commissioned a couple times to write adventures that have either taken place in game (via a mission), or exist in order to explain upcoming events. Then I've expanded upon it to enhance the experience. A good example would be...
That mission was just the breakout mission (where you reactivate a nemesis and they are depicted as "breaking out" of Westside Prison) and took about 5 minutes or less to actually do as a team. I then took that and expanded upon it.
I generally post them on the PRIMUS Database, from time to time, I revisit them and then edit.
Q: Have any of your characters ever had to resort to criminal activities or have had a criminal background?
A:One of my newest characters, Firefly, was an arson before she was a mercenary and then a hero/vigilante. She was convinced during her time as a mercenary that maybe she could do some good while still burning the bad guys the way she likes. Alongside this, her suit was upgraded with medical nanites in case of collateral damage.
Turando, no matter who is supplying him, never has enough resources for his own research and materials. He resorts to fraud as a means to pay off his own debts, but tries to direct it against those who he believes are evil, such as ARGENT. This might be considered revenge for when they tried to enslave him back on Monster Island.
Q: Have any of your characters ever had to resort to criminal activities or have had a criminal background?
In Fantomask's case, several times, yes. When she later returned to Hong Kong, she joined the police force as an undercover cop for the Triads.
As for Satsugai-sha, she is the daughter of a Yakuza organization back in Japan.
[ @Skaargoroth in-game / @summerfields on the Forums ] Current character roaster: The Iconica, Lady Mythica, Black Jackal, Omni-Woman, Fantomask Currently waiting for: Moar comics! And maybe City of Titans, too. Hopefully!
Q: Have any of your characters ever had to resort to criminal activities or have had a criminal background?
Sister Silicon (Prime): Nope. Prime would absolutely go rogue if the AAA Act were ever repealed or significantly watered down, though.
Hitomi Hanzo: Ex-Yakuza. 'Nuff said.
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Backfire was once a low-level VIPER soldier, until he was volunteered against his will to be an experimental subject. Since becoming a hero, he - ah - may have been a little rougher than absolutely necessary when attacking VIPER personnel.
Before enlisting in the Army, Gunrunner was a gang member in Westside. (His gang has since been eliminated in the crossfire among the major gangs in Westside today.) He never committed murder or dealt in drugs, but there may have been a few incidents of assault, mayhem, and possibly shoplifting in his past...
Although he saw nothing wrong with it at the time, Spider-Bat technically committed kidnapping against whoever Felix Grayson's next-of-kin might have been. (Spider-Bat and reality seldom even write to each other any more.)
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Where do your various heroes stand on the 'do not kill' issue? What might make them cross that line if they haven't already?
Most of my toons try very hard not to take life, but understand that sometimes, for one reason or another, it becomes regrettably necessary.
Happifun absolutely will not kill anything it recognizes as a sapient being. It does not recognize the Qliphothic creatures summoned by DEMON members, or the robots commonly used as mooks by various supervillians, as sapient, as they don't have free will but instead are only capable of carrying out the commands of their superiors/programmers. It does, however, sometimes go to great lengths to avoid killing or permanently injuring human or non-human sapients.
Spider-Bat doesn't believe he's ever killed anyone, but given his level of delusion, it's probably happened a few times.
Backfire has a flexible attitude toward VIPER - the lower-level soldiers will often get the benefit of the doubt, but the higher the rank, the more likely he'll kill them (unless he finds someone who can further his quest to find out who exactly was involved in Project Firebrand - then he might offer to let them live in exchange for information).
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Where do your various heroes stand on the 'do not kill' issue? What might make them cross that line if they haven't already?
Many of my characters try to avoid it as best they can. Some have been successful, others have had to keep a record.
Turando, before he came to Millennium City, had to kill regularly to survive on Monster Island by using traps or with his bare hands. Now he has two pistols. One standard kinetic bullet pistol, and another pistol with nanite ammunition. The nanite ammunition is non-lethal and can used as a means to deconstruct enemy armor. When these nanites come into contact with organic material they begin paralyzing the body from the inside. If there is sentience to the organic being, then the nanites also attempt to disable its conscientiousness. No harm is done to the body, but the villains affected by this will never remember how they ended up in whatever cell they were put in.
Firefly still burns people to death, getting a sick enjoyment out of it. At least now she's directing her burning desire toward criminals instead of anyone she sees.
Ariza knows the law better than anyone on my roster, and the repercussions that come with breaking them. Ariza herself may only use non-lethal ammunition, but she does have an overzealous K-9 unit and unmarked robotic team she can use to take care of lethal situations. She brings body bags for those moments and will put them in dumpsters, attics, and even the river if it is nearby. But nobody knows about that... and you certainly never heard it from me.
Tae the Water Dragon and Corella the Adventurer worked alongside one another back in the medieval era. Since they traveled often, they were prepared to deal with the brigands and highwaymen they came across in case Tae's presence didn't scare them off. They're family to each other.
Where do your various heroes stand on the 'do not kill' issue? What might make them cross that line if they haven't already?
Sister Silicon will try to use non-lethal means whenever possible. It's video game mechanics that make her the goddess of beam spam.
Hitomi Hanzo isn't an assassin or hitman, but she doesn't carry a katana and a .44 just for show, either.
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Where do your various heroes stand on the 'do not kill' issue? What might make them cross that line if they haven't already?
For those who have by definition: 'super powers', they have enough power to render someone unconscious or cripple them significantly if need be, so that having to kill them isn't even on the table.
For heroes of mine who use technology, the weaponry they carry around is adjustable so as not to cause death. The couple of characters who use physical weaponry (guns/swords), there is the option of using non-lethal rounds, alternate fighting style or utilizing gadgets they have access to.
As for what could make them cross the line...
Mentella: She does have the ability, like most of my characters, to subdue someone with ease without resorting excessive use of force. However if someone has offended * her then she could decide to kill them. If the cause of such an offense involved a family member...there would be no room for discussion, the assailant would already be dead or would be rapidly approaching that point, she would have no regrets.
Psion The Psinister: If he felt as if he had been offended he'd have no difficulty viciously going after and killing someone.
ForceGirl: Would be incredibly hard pressed to take the life of someone else, even if they are affiliated with VIPER. But if she was pushed to 'that point' she could. The nature of her abilities mean she can avoid using lethal force and will try to use non-lethal means where possible, but when it is against VIPER...well...she won't kill but she'll definitely fight harder.
Techna Ology: Would again be incredibly hard pressed to take the life of another person. Would probably try to secure the family member or friend against further attack, instead of having to kill. Techna does have and carry weaponry which can be lethal but she does have the ability to control the weapons she fires, so they are not lethal. Her robotic units are also under her command so generally speaking she sticks very much to the do not kill rule. Compared to her sisters she is quite young and doesn't face the issue of killing much or at all. I don't believe she could kill but she'll come to a realization soon enough that sometimes the 'kill or be killed' mentality has to be applied in certain situations.
Black Diamond: Would be hard pressed to kill someone, but if it really was kill or be killed then, there's no doubt she'd act on her desire for self preservation. I think like most heroes who have super strength, she pulls her punches against living/organic beings so whilst she can seriously injure someone she isn't out to kill them. If offended...that's another story altogether.
Solaris: She lives in a world where her opponents are mostly flammable, and whilst she would maybe set someone's hair on fire in combat, it is usually the heat generated by her fire or the force of the impact of her fireballs she'll use to render someone unconscious, than say, burning them alive. (Even though in game she applies the debuff clinging flames >_>) Much like Techna, she's quite young and doesn't yet fully appreciate the 'kill or be killed' mentality although she is aware of what it means. At this point in time, she hasn't really been in any situations which would require her to kill someone.
Joule: Much like every other character I've listed here, if offended she could kill. Wouldn't be an ideal outcome but if there really is no other way then there's not much room for anything else. In a normal combat situation she can use her energy abilities, to drain/overload weaponry or unleash enough energy to knock targets unconscious or shock them into submission.
Basically, if someone is stupid enough to go after a family member or a close friend. They're done for.
* = This is not the usual definition of 'offense' this would be something along the lines of someone trying to kill them OR family members or friends. This is a common theme for all of these characters listed here.
CharmCaster: Unless she is expressly ordered to kill someone in order to fulfil her duty as a Mystos Guardian then she will not. She'd sooner banish, render unconscious or curse someone instead.
Bionic Bullet: Similar to CharmCaster in that if she can see she needs to kill someone in order to stop something terrible from happening or they are preventing her from doing her job and they are not able to be subdued by other means then she will kill. If that's not the case then, she can render them unconscious or use non-lethal rounds.
PsychBlade: Actively avoids getting into a situation where she would have to kill and will try her best to take down someone another way. If her life was threatened and there was no other way out or some way to call for assistance she would be forced to kill.
Katrina Katz: Grey area, whilst she does have a preference for not killing a thief, she has a strong drive to get what she wants and if she wants something badly enough it'll override her morals. She can show her sadistic streak if pressed.
Generally speaking the 'do not kill' rule is a given when fighting, the only exception I have on my roster is 'Cindy Lovecrit'.
Cindy Lovecrit - Cindy Lovecrit is insane, like 'Deadpool' insane and this insanity manifests itself through how she "subdues" her enemies and the belief that she is Gravitar's younger sister. She claims to overdose her opponents with 'critical love energy', which, according to her, eventually makes them fall so hard in love with her that they literally fall over and stop attacking (they die).
But they also suffer from several different effects:
- Getting that floating feeling (being flung sky high)
- Fighting over her (becoming severely confused)
- Attacking but with less power because their hearts aren't in it (debuffed to attack with decreased strength)
- Their love meter completely emptying (Death. Cindy can see the HP bar above things in game and believes that this symbolizes their capacity for love and when it is empty they have given all their love to her.)
The image I'm getting in my head of Haywire says Haywire VS Mechanon would end up a blockbuster film.
Haywire v Mechanon? Definitely Michael Bay. (Prime v Mechanon, BTW? Matthew Vaughn.)
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
The one with the most potential power, concept-wise, would be Kilbern. He was, after all, Kilbern Skyfather, chief of the Gods during the Turakian Age. The only reason he managed to circumvent the Ban was because his power was derived from his followers, and he hasn't had any followers for thousands of years. Now he's only as powerful as any normal superhero. However, if his level of fame were to rise high enough, he could once again aspire to godhead; fortunately, he only seeks enough power to defeat Takofanes once and for all, and then he'll happily retire once more to Elysium.
(And I managed to get Steve Long's blessing on that concept, so it's cool.)
The one with the most current conceptual power would probably be Happifun Security System X-4, as it has the ability to use its onboard nanofactory to construct new weapon and defensive systems as needed. (That's how I explain the in-game ability to have all these weapons its designers would never have included, and to have them all in a chassis that's far too small to contain them all.)
Excuse me, but how did you go about getting his blessing? I am quite curious so that I might be able to do the same for one of my characters.
In the thread Bulgarex started under the PnP forum, I was asking if he thought the concept would work. Turns out he's apparently in communication with Steve Long, so he asked. Long liked the idea.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Q: What powers which benefit your characters can also be used against them? I.E. - Their greatest strength can also be their greatest weakness.
A:Turando's Nanotech Regen is one of the hardest things to stop, constantly reconstructing his body and acting as a self-revival when needed. It is not a natural healing factor, so there is no easy or cheap way to disable it. However, nanites are machines. Machines and their programming can be corrupted and reconfigured. Perhaps it would be possible that Turando's greatest tool could be turned against him and those nearby, destroying instead of preserving and rebuilding.
Fun! I'm gonna talk about a few of my characters, who never really had any story to them until I started writing comics.
Q: Who do you think is the most powerful character in your roster concept-wise? This one is for everyone involved.
Definitely Brigade. When I started writing him, I realized what kind of potential being able to produce randomly-powered clones of himself had. I never planned for him to be very powerful, so I tweaked his powers some so he wouldn't be absurd. I didn't want him to wind up some ridiculous Mary Sue, even though he takes a lot of my personality with him. He's supposed to be somewhere around Spider-Man level.
Q: Which do you (and a majority of your characters) prefer; Technology, Magic, or Natural Abilities?
Natural (if you mean naturally-acquired super abilities), technology, magic, in that order.
Q: Has your hero ever travelled through time? If so, How, why and how did they return back?
Offender's backstory is inspired by a song that was partially inspired by Minority Report. He originally was living in the 50s, but time-traveling cops from the far future, convinced that Offender was going to start a chain of events that would prove catastrophic if he wasn't stopped at this time, tried to apprehend him. That's actually how he got the name; the agents referred to him as The Offender. He ends up getting away from them by using one of their time-travel devices to come to the present day, but destroys it in the process. Even though he's genius-level intelligence, he knows nothing about time travel and can't get back, but most of the time he doesn't care because he has nothing to go back for.
Biff Smackwell and Kid Knuckles wanted to beat up a boy band but they were under-age so they go 20 years into the future in a time machine built out of a porta-potty (affectionately referred to as the TURDIS) to beat them up and have it not be so illegal. Then there's a twist and punchy stuff happens!
Q) What do you enjoy most about your favourite character? Their personality? Looks? What drove you onto making this character and why?
Kid Knuckles is quickly becoming my favorite because he's so fun to write. I created him way back in the day as an excuse for using my child character templates, but the more I played him, the more he resembled my son to me, so I started picturing him like that and giving him his personality. Of course it's way exaggerated, but it's very fun and goofy and I have a blast writing him.
Q) What are your character's hobbies outside of fighting crime?
This is something I sadly haven't been able to pursue yet. Most of my comics are limited to eight pages so there's not a lot of space to cover these things.
Q) What sort of character personalities do you like to give to you characters? Goofy?Stupid? Controlling? Give us a reason
Stupid and goofy, almost all the time. None of my characters could be described as "badass" because I find that boring, and dark-and-gritty stuff gets old for me. Most of my comics have a very light tone and the characters match. I just like to tell dumb jokes, instead of depress people. :P
Q) Quote(s) your character are known to say.
One of the favorites that's picked up around the house is "You gotta punch it!" since that's Kid Knuckles' motto and favorite way of dealing with any problem.
Q: How likely would you guys be willing to write out a "chapter" of your character's adventures? Something that doesn't actually tie into the game's available content. Think of it like a side-origin; an event or period of time that adds a bit more insight into the character, but isn't native to their key story points.
Check my "Smackwell Comics: Knuckle Down" thread! It explores what happens when Kid Knuckles is let loose on his own, and shows why his mother is so strict when it comes to his superheroing.
Q: Have any of your characters ever had to resort to criminal activities or have had a criminal background?
Some have a tendency of forgetting the law, usually when it comes to destruction of property, but they would most likely never do anything serious.
Q: Where do your various heroes stand on the 'do not kill' issue? What might make them cross that line if they haven't already?
Brigade would kill under only the most extreme of circumstances. If killing a bad guy is the only way for him to get to a bomb that will kill innocents soon, for example, he would justify it. Offender too, probably.
The others, like Dung Beetle, Kid Knuckles, and Biff Smackwell are in the lighter-tone stories, so they never even think about it. My characters don't ever really have a strict power level, and anyone can take a punch. For example, I have some guys who got into the super villain game, but all they have going for them is sporting equipment. These guys will be able to withstand a super punch and give the superheroes some trouble. It doesn't have to be realistic to me, it just has to be funny and entertaining.
Q: What powers which benefit your characters can also be used against them? I.E. - Their greatest strength can also be their greatest weakness.
Dung Beetle, Kid Knuckles, and Biff Smackwell are the type of guys who jump into a battle head-first without thinking of their own safety, because bad guys need to be stopped. This "courage" is often taken for what it probably is - lack of planning, forethought and just general impulsiveness, so they're generally easy to get caught in a clever trap.
(And I managed to get Steve Long's blessing on that concept, so it's cool.)
The one with the most current conceptual power would probably be Happifun Security System X-4, as it has the ability to use its onboard nanofactory to construct new weapon and defensive systems as needed. (That's how I explain the in-game ability to have all these weapons its designers would never have included, and to have them all in a chassis that's far too small to contain them all.)
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Q: Turando; hero at heart, or villain in disguise?
Q: Which do you (and a majority of your characters) prefer; Technology, Magic, or Natural Abilities?
A: I have a strong preference to technological means, and that's visible in many of my characters.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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A: Amongst my roster, mainly within the Beast Squad, they believe it to be Lupine Fist-- when he loses his temper in a fight he's nearly uncontrollable. That, and with all of the ice, lasers, and whatnot going on in the world, too many people underestimate brute strength and willpower.
However, if any of them were genre savvy, they'd realize that it's Grey, the plucky teenager with darkness powers who can't remember his past, who just happens to be a reincarnation of a god. Sure, they don't know the last part, but come one guys! Think!
A: Only one of the Beast Squad has laid eyes on Turando, and that would be Blitzen during the gigantic teddy bear crisis a few months back.
BLITZEN: Honestly, can't nobody that spends all that time keeping his fellas alive in the heat of combat be a villain, ya know? That's a good one, right there.
A: I. Love. Magic. A-la-ka-BOOM-UPSIDE-YA-HEAD! Honestly, I think Lupine, Hunter, and Detective Shepherd (if I keep him) are the only characters I have without some sort of unnatural-ness to them. Well, save Shepherd's origin.
My questions to you all, since I don't really know anyone here!
Q: Do any of your characters have familial ties to each other?
A: Lupine Fist is Kid Magic's adoptive father. Also, Firehart and frostbite are cousins. However, because all of the Beast Squad lives in Wolf Towers, they kind of feel like a family all together. [/sappy]
Q: Which of your characters do you think has the most entertaining backstory? Give us a small summary!
As of now, I think it'd be Detective Shepherd, a McGruff parody: basically, he's a guy who played "Detective Shepherd", a talking dog that advises schoolkids against crime and drug use, that got merged with the fursuit by the wishing power of a girl he saved from a school fire.
Backfire grew up in Westside, and joined VIPER mostly for a steady job and the outstanding medical benefits; he was transferred against his will to the Canadian outpost, where he became an experimental subject and was given flame powers. When he realized that he had basically become a living plasma and had to spend the rest of his life in a containment suit, he lost it, destroyed the building he was in, and went home to join the supers - he figured if he had to be this recognizable forever, it might as well be for something he could be proud of.
Spider-Bat: One day, eccentric billionaire Peter Wayne was hunting for rare spiders in the Amazon, when he was bitten by a rabid radioactive bat and became a little confused...
On another day, Spider-Bat rescued a young child from a terrible car crash that killed both his parents. Peter Wayne decided to raise young Felix Grayson as his own, and trained him in crimefighting as Spider-Bat's sidekick Blackbird. Eventually, Felix realized the old guy was about three fries short of a Happy Meal, and left. Unfortunately, all he knew at that point was crimefighting, and how to use his superhuman agility and ability not to be noticed to that end; today, he patrols Millennium City as Blackwing.
And of course we've already discussed Kilbern, who was roused from his slumber when DEMON unleashed Takofanes the Undying...
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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A: I have a few that are related to one another such as Turando and Dawn, Father and Daughter respectively. My dragons, Tirados, Raike, and Indus are also related to one another with Tirados being the eldest brother, Raike the youngest sister, and Indus as the middle-of-the-road cousin to the both of them.
Outside of that, I have a couple of characters which happen to be a part of a family to other players' characters.
Another character I have that has a backstory which may equate to missing parts of another's is Sentinel, the Powered Armor Medic who lost his scientist brother contracted by UNTIL on Monster Island. Your best guess as to who his brother is.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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A: I know I do. I've been tempted to write out stories of them, but I think it's best to save everything for when the characters can be represented. Hell, many of my characters that I have now just can't truly be represented in our current state. Turando STILL doesn't have his Medical Gadgeteering abilities.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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Now then...
After thinking long and hard about this, I will say it's a tie between Jacqueline Black and Novaguard but for two completely reasons: Jackie is marked by the Elemental Star, an alien lifeform that granted her strength while Novaguard is became fused with the Empyrean Fires as he travelled back to our time from the 39th century, granting him a massive boost to his strength.
So far, I don't have any Technology-based heroes
Current character roaster: The Iconica, Lady Mythica, Black Jackal, Omni-Woman, Fantomask
Currently waiting for: Moar comics! And maybe City of Titans, too. Hopefully!
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Q) What is the most embarassing situation your character has been in? (Pick any character)
Q) What do you enjoy most about your favourite character? Their personality? Looks? What drove you onto making this character and why?
Q) What are your character's hobbies outside of fighting crime?
Q) What sort of character personalities do you like to give to you characters? Goofy?Stupid? Controlling? Give us a reason
Q) Most valuable person/thing your character is willing to protect.. Whether it be a memory, person or object.etc..
Q) Quote(s) your character are known to say.
Q) You character's pet peeves/ things that annoy them.
Q)How they view their family/friends. (If any)
Have fun a answering these.. might get you to think about your characters a little more personally.
Champions Online.. where we sell lockboxes by the dozen.
I don't know about situations, but I'm really good at giving my characters awkward names. The "Sister Silicone" jokes are now entering their 11th year. Also, I had to shift my blame onto some hapless Witness Protection lackey/plot device when I screwed up the Samurai Shodown reference and gave Hitomi Hanzo two first names.
Sister Silicon started out as a mashup of two PnP characters from my college Heroes Unlimited campaign, and I made her a tall redhead because, well, who doesn't love tall redheads? (Right, Logan and Scott?) And when CoH launched, that's as deep as it went, until I started building a backstory for her. That led me down the path of learning about transhumanism, feminism, sexuality and gender, and Champions lore. So what started out as "tall redhead zapping bad guys with electricity" turned into "superhero/entrepeneur whose worries about being a bi cis-female take a back seat to being an AI whose rights are granted by act of Congress, not guaranteed in the Constitution". Which, I hope, has made me a better feminist, LGBT ally, and all-around more empathetic person than I was ten years ago. So thank you, Cryptic Studios, for making City of Heroes so blaster friendly at launch, because if controllers were the FOTM, I might be playing a total d-bag today.
Sister Silicon plays piano and guitar. (She used to play clarinet, but there's that whole "redesign her air cooling system to emulate human breathing" problem to solve before she can pick that back up again.)
I'm not sure I have a particular preference. Sister Silicon Prime is brash and outgoing and wears her heart on her sleeve, which sometimes gets her in trouble. Hitomi Hanzo is a bit cold and reluctant to reveal too much of herself, which she considers an occupational hazard. (Don't ever ask her how she lost her eye.) Depends on the character, I guess.
(Siobhan has a Portal Corp. communicator stashed away in her shop. She's not supposed to have it. Moira stole it for her. Nobody in this universe is supposed to know it exists.)
(You didn't hear that from me.)
I've never been one for catchphrases.
Vampires and zombies. "I have none of the organic material you need to survive! Stop chewing on my hull!"
Hoo, boy. That's probably the big tragedy in Prime's life. She would never have become a superhero if she hadn't been paralyzed in a car crash that killed her fiancee. And her parents and sister/original self are back on Paragon Earth. She'd be completely untethered if it weren't for her friends in Millennium City.
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
For reasons I haven't really decided in-character but my main Fantomask wears a pink and cute princess outfit as a secondary outfit. :biggrin:
My drive was to create a badass female martial artist and since I'm a big liker on Hong Kong martial arts movies in general, I wanted to give my proper love letter to Bruce Lee and his philosophies.
Let's see...
Fantomask loves yoga and meditate in nature, and as boring it may seem she has a very simple lifestyle outside of her outfit.
Satsugai-sha is a singer of a Black Metal band.
Jacqueline Black is a bodybuilder and loves to train.
Novaguard loves to read books and wants to write one someday.
Union Jackal loves to collect tea (while being all British about it).
Wraithslayer enjoys to watch crime dramas like Criminal Minds, CSI, True Detective, Sherlock, Castle and, his favorite, Conviction. It's funny because his a defence lawyer otherwise.
Lady Vengeance has two cats and despite her violent attitude towards others, she actually works on a animal shelter on her spare time.
Cleopatra loves watching the History Channel.
And Harlot loves to watch Anime.
Most of my characters are pretty serious, especially Lady Vengence and Wraithlsayer mostly because they take the jobs very seriously. Fantomask is fun to be around with and manages to make a focus between being focused and to have fun. Others I haven't yet figured out yet but I'm getting there.
Fantomask: Despite what she has gone through, she's very protective of children and has made many great lengths that the hardships she suffered would never happen again.
Satsugai-sha: Her Katana, the Soul Destroyer. Even if it's a curse, it's still all she got left of her dead brother.
Jacqueline Black: A necklace that belonged to someone close to her, but she doesn't remember who.
Novaguard: His memories of an old rusted robotic hero named iXIII (i13). Even if he was a robot, Novaguard will always cherish the conversations they had about life and destiny before it got destroyed.
Union Jackal: His two revolvers given by two of his best friends that died in WW2.
Wraithslayer: An old engagement ring, though he never talks much about what happened to her. He just likes to look at it whenever a case has been hard or just needs to regain his focus.
Lady Vengeance: An old group photo of her entire family.
Cleopatra: Her Sun Staff - given by Ra.
Harlot: The mask of Black Harlequin. Or so she claims.
Since Satsugai-sha is Japanese, she says "Omae wa Mou Shindeiru." (Major kudos to you if you know what it's from or what it means.
Lady Vengeance tends to say "No." or "Not really." 90% of the time.
Being the lead singer of a Black Metal band, Satsugai-sha gets annoyed by all the letters/e-mail/tweets she gets from overly-concerned parents.
As for Wraithslayer, he gets annoyed when his client doesn't tell the full story or is hiding something.
Fantomask: Fantomask's family are still out there and still are great at what they do - killing people for money and influence. They have met once when she just started out, but more than that - none.
Satsugai-sha: Her father has disowned her for picking up her brother's sword but her mother wants her to return home to settle things right.
Jacqueline Black: She has a not-so-stable relationship with her father (who is also a hero in his own right). Sometimes they argue, sometimes not.
Novaguard: He loved them deeply, including his 5 siblings. But he had to leave them behind to save our world.
Union Jackal: <Unknown>
Wraithslayer: His parents are dead but he doesn't brood about it. What drives him is to find out who did it. Otherwise, he has claimed he has an aunt.
Lady Vengeance: <Insert 'DARKNESS. NO PARENTS.' line here>
Cleopatra: Though she's immortal and unaged, she sees her fellow heroes as her family.
Harlot: She doesn't know much about her mother but otherwise she has a pretty good relationship with her dad.
Phew! Here's a new a new question...
Q: What if your hero has discovered that he/she/it was a clone of another hero all this time?
Current character roaster: The Iconica, Lady Mythica, Black Jackal, Omni-Woman, Fantomask
Currently waiting for: Moar comics! And maybe City of Titans, too. Hopefully!
Supermanx collects Mickey Mouse memorabilia. Captain Bananahammock is trying to break into the world of male modeling. And I don't know if it counts as a hobby, but Backfire obsessively collects all the data he can find on members of VIPER, hoping one day to find out for sure who it was who approved him for experimental procedures.
Most of my toons aren't terribly serious, because I'm not terribly serious. The exceptions are Happifun, which is still writing humor algorithms for its processors, and Spider-Bat, who is trying to be serious (and who generally tries so hard that he comes off as "goofy").
Happifun's primary directive, subtly reinforced by SOCRATES during Happifun's first moments of consciousness, is to protect the innocent citizens of Millennium City. It will sacrifice its existence without a second thought to save people.
Spider-Bat is the closest thing Felix "Blackwing" Grayson has to a family any more; this causes Felix some issues, because he hates what the old man did to him, but he's also still fond of the crazy bastich. Suffice it to say that Thanksgiving dinner is not a comfortable evening for either of them...
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Dawn is the time-traveler on my roster. Born and raised in an apocalyptic future where the world as we know it is on its last thread of hope, she has gone back in time in an attempt to prevent this apocalypse from ever taking place.
Turando is my favorite because of how he looks like he would not be much of a threat, but in all actuality is much more dangerous and capable than meets the eye.
Player is known to play video games when not putting bullets into the bodies of would-be villains.
When Turando isn't fighting the bad guys, he's healing the injured, conducting research for his nanotech, or securing funds for said research... sometimes all of the above.
Turando values the lives of others. He will readily stand into the line of fire for someone else and, thanks to his mistake, can do so as many times as he likes.
Dawn cares for her father in the current timeline, but she doesn't want reveal her presence to anyone linked to him. She fears that if Turando knows of her existence that he will spend more time looking for his daughter than doing what Dawn has been manipulating him to do to prepare for the oncoming apocalypse.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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Only the original Beast Squad members (Lupine Fist, Firehart, and Frostbite), through the Vibora Crisis. There's no going back, of course.
Rodeo's from another universe, though.
So, the Beast Squad went to the mall one December afternoon for some Christmas shopping, and as they passed by the Santa photo booth they witnessed the worker who was playing Rudolph quit his job in a huff. The other workers quickly spotted Frostbite--an actual reindeer--and begged him to volunteer to play Rudolph ("Think of the children!"). He begrudgingly accepted.
The staff apparently didn't see fur in the same way as skin, so they found it appropriate to fix him a new costume consisting of a pair of red pants, furry green boots, a harness with bells, and a rubber red nose. The other BS members thought he looked ridiculous; that didn't stop the kids (and Manimal-loving people in general) from gravitating to him rather than Santa.
They still have the pictures, and they'll never let him live it down.
Lupine Fist... well, he's based off of the imaginary friend I had when I was little: a big, strong wolf guy that would go on adventures with me and protect me from bullies. He's everything I feel a hero should be: protective, selfless, wise, and understanding.
Lupine Fist - Besides running a hotel, he likes to collect Teeny Tots plushies.
Grey - Manga and anime fanatic.
Kid Magic - Coming up with new tricks to entertain the guest at Wolf Towers.
Hunter - Indie rap artist.
Just to name a few.
One of the best things about this game is that there are extremely few limits to creating a character. For me, this means I can create who I want, and not who others want me to want.
For that reason, the heroes I create usually have personalities that I want in friends: confident, strong-willed, helping, that kind of stuff.
Lupine Fist: His bandanna--a gift from his late mentor-- and his child.
Grey: The necklace he was wearing when he was found.
Rodeo: The hat that his late father gave him.
"It's high-time for a Rodeo!" -Rodeo
"Hey, you smell nice!" -Grey, to anyone whose scent he enjoys.
Frostbite - Bad manners (and he was raised on a farm).
Super Hound - As a college professor, he looks down on tardiness.
Like treasure. That goes double for the Beast Squad towards Kid Magic, since he's the youngest.
A: I've been meaning to write out a couple of insights into Turando myself. I've just never gotten around to it. That will change soon enough.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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I'd have to go with my Anubian character Zahra. She has harnessed the powers of the Egyptian gods Anubis and Sekmet through a curse she obtained during one of her archaeology digs. Currently in her state she is an average person with still in training powers to unlock, but has much potential in her that if not careful enough, could lose control of her powers.
I have a mix of everything. Many use technology, others with magic, abilities that they learned and used without the use of the previous two, even a mix of them all. But of my favorite one to use is magical abilities.
Zhumos, my prince from another dimension. Battle worn and a grim past to reclaim his kingdom from his evil brother who sought out to take over the world. I enjoy him the most for making up stories of his past that involved war times in a medieval setting with knights and magics and mythical beings.
Many of mine are laid back, calm and caring, but some are on the teasing side. It always fun to have some of my characters tease and see what reactions you can get.
During a RP interview to invite someone to our SG, my main character, Erogar, was teleported at random from one of his close friends to their sanctum where the interview would take place. A crazed man he is and dumped Erogar into the one part of his home that tells others to never venture in. Lets say Erogar got the scare of his life to see what horrors lies in that section of the house. *shivers* Can you say best/worse entrance ever?
Many of my characters are not ones who are capable of saving the world from everything, so they focus on the next best thing: Family and friends. To the exception of some like my space pirate Rachel, captain of a ship and a large crew. A family of over 800 strong she cares for and seeks to make sure each one is protected. Another is my alien prince Jarek. Same concept with his own ship and crew but he has his home planet to protect as well from the constant threat of the Qularr.
"Embrace your Dreams" Erogar uses that a lot when giving lectures and wisdom to many that he knows. Yeah I took it off of Crisis Core but heck man it fits his personality so dang well!
Handle: @drgmstr
"Embrace your dreams"
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I'm already working on something for Prime that might fit the bill, although it's not that adventuresome: A TV interview with Victoria Crownstone for the local morning show. It's a bit origin-ish in spots, but mostly focuses on her business and her life beyond superheroing.
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Just seen this thread, thought I'd chip in here, if that's alright...
As far as writing adventures...I do RP write ups occasionally, I write other people's characters interacting with my own as well as my own characters, interacting with themselves, something which I don't do much in game (as it is difficult).
I've written independently for the majority of my write ups but I've also worked with a few players on stories (Ultimatum, Brace for Impact) and I've also been commissioned a couple times to write adventures that have either taken place in game (via a mission), or exist in order to explain upcoming events. Then I've expanded upon it to enhance the experience. A good example would be...
That mission was just the breakout mission (where you reactivate a nemesis and they are depicted as "breaking out" of Westside Prison) and took about 5 minutes or less to actually do as a team. I then took that and expanded upon it.
I generally post them on the PRIMUS Database, from time to time, I revisit them and then edit.
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
A: One of my newest characters, Firefly, was an arson before she was a mercenary and then a hero/vigilante. She was convinced during her time as a mercenary that maybe she could do some good while still burning the bad guys the way she likes. Alongside this, her suit was upgraded with medical nanites in case of collateral damage.
Turando, no matter who is supplying him, never has enough resources for his own research and materials. He resorts to fraud as a means to pay off his own debts, but tries to direct it against those who he believes are evil, such as ARGENT. This might be considered revenge for when they tried to enslave him back on Monster Island.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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In Fantomask's case, several times, yes. When she later returned to Hong Kong, she joined the police force as an undercover cop for the Triads.
As for Satsugai-sha, she is the daughter of a Yakuza organization back in Japan.
Current character roaster: The Iconica, Lady Mythica, Black Jackal, Omni-Woman, Fantomask
Currently waiting for: Moar comics! And maybe City of Titans, too. Hopefully!
Sister Silicon (Prime): Nope. Prime would absolutely go rogue if the AAA Act were ever repealed or significantly watered down, though.
Hitomi Hanzo: Ex-Yakuza. 'Nuff said.
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Before enlisting in the Army, Gunrunner was a gang member in Westside. (His gang has since been eliminated in the crossfire among the major gangs in Westside today.) He never committed murder or dealt in drugs, but there may have been a few incidents of assault, mayhem, and possibly shoplifting in his past...
Although he saw nothing wrong with it at the time, Spider-Bat technically committed kidnapping against whoever Felix Grayson's next-of-kin might have been. (Spider-Bat and reality seldom even write to each other any more.)
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Happifun absolutely will not kill anything it recognizes as a sapient being. It does not recognize the Qliphothic creatures summoned by DEMON members, or the robots commonly used as mooks by various supervillians, as sapient, as they don't have free will but instead are only capable of carrying out the commands of their superiors/programmers. It does, however, sometimes go to great lengths to avoid killing or permanently injuring human or non-human sapients.
Spider-Bat doesn't believe he's ever killed anyone, but given his level of delusion, it's probably happened a few times.
Backfire has a flexible attitude toward VIPER - the lower-level soldiers will often get the benefit of the doubt, but the higher the rank, the more likely he'll kill them (unless he finds someone who can further his quest to find out who exactly was involved in Project Firebrand - then he might offer to let them live in exchange for information).
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Many of my characters try to avoid it as best they can. Some have been successful, others have had to keep a record.
Turando, before he came to Millennium City, had to kill regularly to survive on Monster Island by using traps or with his bare hands. Now he has two pistols. One standard kinetic bullet pistol, and another pistol with nanite ammunition. The nanite ammunition is non-lethal and can used as a means to deconstruct enemy armor. When these nanites come into contact with organic material they begin paralyzing the body from the inside. If there is sentience to the organic being, then the nanites also attempt to disable its conscientiousness. No harm is done to the body, but the villains affected by this will never remember how they ended up in whatever cell they were put in.
Firefly still burns people to death, getting a sick enjoyment out of it. At least now she's directing her burning desire toward criminals instead of anyone she sees.
Ariza knows the law better than anyone on my roster, and the repercussions that come with breaking them. Ariza herself may only use non-lethal ammunition, but she does have an overzealous K-9 unit and unmarked robotic team she can use to take care of lethal situations. She brings body bags for those moments and will put them in dumpsters, attics, and even the river if it is nearby. But nobody knows about that... and you certainly never heard it from me.
Tae the Water Dragon and Corella the Adventurer worked alongside one another back in the medieval era. Since they traveled often, they were prepared to deal with the brigands and highwaymen they came across in case Tae's presence didn't scare them off. They're family to each other.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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Sister Silicon will try to use non-lethal means whenever possible. It's video game mechanics that make her the goddess of beam spam.
Hitomi Hanzo isn't an assassin or hitman, but she doesn't carry a katana and a .44 just for show, either.
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Mentella: Previously a super villain and was also a part of PSI and as a result has had a hand in criminal activities in the past.
Joule: Yes and no. Complicated in a sense.
PsychBlade: Having her roots in PSI, yes she has been involved in criminal activities in the past
Psion The Psinister: lol. In the past of course he has. Psion right now though, is a reformed super villain.
Bionic Bullet: Was at one stage a 'hitwoman' and worked for various organizations, so yes she has been involved in criminal activities.
Katrina Katz: Is a successful thief who also occasionally fights the good fight. She is still technically a criminal.
Cindy Lovecrit: see below.
My other characters haven't ever had to resort to criminal activity nor do they have criminal backgrounds.
For those who have by definition: 'super powers', they have enough power to render someone unconscious or cripple them significantly if need be, so that having to kill them isn't even on the table.
For heroes of mine who use technology, the weaponry they carry around is adjustable so as not to cause death. The couple of characters who use physical weaponry (guns/swords), there is the option of using non-lethal rounds, alternate fighting style or utilizing gadgets they have access to.
As for what could make them cross the line...
Mentella: She does have the ability, like most of my characters, to subdue someone with ease without resorting excessive use of force. However if someone has offended * her then she could decide to kill them. If the cause of such an offense involved a family member...there would be no room for discussion, the assailant would already be dead or would be rapidly approaching that point, she would have no regrets.
Psion The Psinister: If he felt as if he had been offended he'd have no difficulty viciously going after and killing someone.
ForceGirl: Would be incredibly hard pressed to take the life of someone else, even if they are affiliated with VIPER. But if she was pushed to 'that point' she could. The nature of her abilities mean she can avoid using lethal force and will try to use non-lethal means where possible, but when it is against VIPER...well...she won't kill but she'll definitely fight harder.
Techna Ology: Would again be incredibly hard pressed to take the life of another person. Would probably try to secure the family member or friend against further attack, instead of having to kill. Techna does have and carry weaponry which can be lethal but she does have the ability to control the weapons she fires, so they are not lethal. Her robotic units are also under her command so generally speaking she sticks very much to the do not kill rule. Compared to her sisters she is quite young and doesn't face the issue of killing much or at all. I don't believe she could kill but she'll come to a realization soon enough that sometimes the 'kill or be killed' mentality has to be applied in certain situations.
Black Diamond: Would be hard pressed to kill someone, but if it really was kill or be killed then, there's no doubt she'd act on her desire for self preservation. I think like most heroes who have super strength, she pulls her punches against living/organic beings so whilst she can seriously injure someone she isn't out to kill them. If offended...that's another story altogether.
Solaris: She lives in a world where her opponents are mostly flammable, and whilst she would maybe set someone's hair on fire in combat, it is usually the heat generated by her fire or the force of the impact of her fireballs she'll use to render someone unconscious, than say, burning them alive. (Even though in game she applies the debuff clinging flames >_>) Much like Techna, she's quite young and doesn't yet fully appreciate the 'kill or be killed' mentality although she is aware of what it means. At this point in time, she hasn't really been in any situations which would require her to kill someone.
Joule: Much like every other character I've listed here, if offended she could kill. Wouldn't be an ideal outcome but if there really is no other way then there's not much room for anything else. In a normal combat situation she can use her energy abilities, to drain/overload weaponry or unleash enough energy to knock targets unconscious or shock them into submission.
Basically, if someone is stupid enough to go after a family member or a close friend. They're done for.
* = This is not the usual definition of 'offense' this would be something along the lines of someone trying to kill them OR family members or friends. This is a common theme for all of these characters listed here.
CharmCaster: Unless she is expressly ordered to kill someone in order to fulfil her duty as a Mystos Guardian then she will not. She'd sooner banish, render unconscious or curse someone instead.
Bionic Bullet: Similar to CharmCaster in that if she can see she needs to kill someone in order to stop something terrible from happening or they are preventing her from doing her job and they are not able to be subdued by other means then she will kill. If that's not the case then, she can render them unconscious or use non-lethal rounds.
PsychBlade: Actively avoids getting into a situation where she would have to kill and will try her best to take down someone another way. If her life was threatened and there was no other way out or some way to call for assistance she would be forced to kill.
Katrina Katz: Grey area, whilst she does have a preference for not killing a thief, she has a strong drive to get what she wants and if she wants something badly enough it'll override her morals. She can show her sadistic streak if pressed.
Generally speaking the 'do not kill' rule is a given when fighting, the only exception I have on my roster is 'Cindy Lovecrit'.
Cindy Lovecrit - Cindy Lovecrit is insane, like 'Deadpool' insane and this insanity manifests itself through how she "subdues" her enemies and the belief that she is Gravitar's younger sister. She claims to overdose her opponents with 'critical love energy', which, according to her, eventually makes them fall so hard in love with her that they literally fall over and stop attacking (they die).
But they also suffer from several different effects:
- Getting that floating feeling (being flung sky high)
- Fighting over her (becoming severely confused)
- Attacking but with less power because their hearts aren't in it (debuffed to attack with decreased strength)
- Their love meter completely emptying (Death. Cindy can see the HP bar above things in game and believes that this symbolizes their capacity for love and when it is empty they have given all their love to her.)
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Except for Haywire, he doesn't even care if his punches are lethal or not.
Haywire v Mechanon? Definitely Michael Bay. (Prime v Mechanon, BTW? Matthew Vaughn.)
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Excuse me, but how did you go about getting his blessing? I am quite curious so that I might be able to do the same for one of my characters.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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A: Turando's Nanotech Regen is one of the hardest things to stop, constantly reconstructing his body and acting as a self-revival when needed. It is not a natural healing factor, so there is no easy or cheap way to disable it. However, nanites are machines. Machines and their programming can be corrupted and reconfigured. Perhaps it would be possible that Turando's greatest tool could be turned against him and those nearby, destroying instead of preserving and rebuilding.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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Q: Who do you think is the most powerful character in your roster concept-wise? This one is for everyone involved.
Definitely Brigade. When I started writing him, I realized what kind of potential being able to produce randomly-powered clones of himself had. I never planned for him to be very powerful, so I tweaked his powers some so he wouldn't be absurd. I didn't want him to wind up some ridiculous Mary Sue, even though he takes a lot of my personality with him. He's supposed to be somewhere around Spider-Man level.
Q: Which do you (and a majority of your characters) prefer; Technology, Magic, or Natural Abilities?
Natural (if you mean naturally-acquired super abilities), technology, magic, in that order.
Q: Has your hero ever travelled through time? If so, How, why and how did they return back?
Offender's backstory is inspired by a song that was partially inspired by Minority Report. He originally was living in the 50s, but time-traveling cops from the far future, convinced that Offender was going to start a chain of events that would prove catastrophic if he wasn't stopped at this time, tried to apprehend him. That's actually how he got the name; the agents referred to him as The Offender. He ends up getting away from them by using one of their time-travel devices to come to the present day, but destroys it in the process. Even though he's genius-level intelligence, he knows nothing about time travel and can't get back, but most of the time he doesn't care because he has nothing to go back for.
Biff Smackwell and Kid Knuckles wanted to beat up a boy band but they were under-age so they go 20 years into the future in a time machine built out of a porta-potty (affectionately referred to as the TURDIS) to beat them up and have it not be so illegal. Then there's a twist and punchy stuff happens!
Q) What do you enjoy most about your favourite character? Their personality? Looks? What drove you onto making this character and why?
Kid Knuckles is quickly becoming my favorite because he's so fun to write. I created him way back in the day as an excuse for using my child character templates, but the more I played him, the more he resembled my son to me, so I started picturing him like that and giving him his personality. Of course it's way exaggerated, but it's very fun and goofy and I have a blast writing him.
Q) What are your character's hobbies outside of fighting crime?
This is something I sadly haven't been able to pursue yet. Most of my comics are limited to eight pages so there's not a lot of space to cover these things.
Q) What sort of character personalities do you like to give to you characters? Goofy?Stupid? Controlling? Give us a reason
Stupid and goofy, almost all the time. None of my characters could be described as "badass" because I find that boring, and dark-and-gritty stuff gets old for me. Most of my comics have a very light tone and the characters match. I just like to tell dumb jokes, instead of depress people. :P
Q) Quote(s) your character are known to say.
One of the favorites that's picked up around the house is "You gotta punch it!" since that's Kid Knuckles' motto and favorite way of dealing with any problem.
Q: How likely would you guys be willing to write out a "chapter" of your character's adventures? Something that doesn't actually tie into the game's available content. Think of it like a side-origin; an event or period of time that adds a bit more insight into the character, but isn't native to their key story points.
Check my "Smackwell Comics: Knuckle Down" thread! It explores what happens when Kid Knuckles is let loose on his own, and shows why his mother is so strict when it comes to his superheroing.
Q: Have any of your characters ever had to resort to criminal activities or have had a criminal background?
Some have a tendency of forgetting the law, usually when it comes to destruction of property, but they would most likely never do anything serious.
Q: Where do your various heroes stand on the 'do not kill' issue? What might make them cross that line if they haven't already?
Brigade would kill under only the most extreme of circumstances. If killing a bad guy is the only way for him to get to a bomb that will kill innocents soon, for example, he would justify it. Offender too, probably.
The others, like Dung Beetle, Kid Knuckles, and Biff Smackwell are in the lighter-tone stories, so they never even think about it. My characters don't ever really have a strict power level, and anyone can take a punch. For example, I have some guys who got into the super villain game, but all they have going for them is sporting equipment. These guys will be able to withstand a super punch and give the superheroes some trouble. It doesn't have to be realistic to me, it just has to be funny and entertaining.
Q: What powers which benefit your characters can also be used against them? I.E. - Their greatest strength can also be their greatest weakness.
Dung Beetle, Kid Knuckles, and Biff Smackwell are the type of guys who jump into a battle head-first without thinking of their own safety, because bad guys need to be stopped. This "courage" is often taken for what it probably is - lack of planning, forethought and just general impulsiveness, so they're generally easy to get caught in a clever trap.