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Character Questions... and Answers!



  • deadman20deadman20 Posts: 1,533 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    gradii wrote: »
    Sounds a bit similar to my telepath, Mentrance, although Mentrance does have the ability to mass control minds like in the stronghold breakout, the question is does she have the ability to USE the ability. Her whole life has been a massive exercise in restraint and holding back her power, largely brought on by the huge toll the knowledge of her power to the public takes on her social life.

    Dawn could control minds with relative ease. She's not a strong telepath and can't overpower anyone with moderately strong willpower, but her mental abilities and methods are subtle and aren't as invasive as other mediums. In Dawn's case, you would never know you were being controlled by her unless she wanted you to know. Like I said though, she's not powerful, so she can't control any more than a couple of people at any given time and in a contest of minds against the average telepath won't be able to break their mental defenses. Her calm and collected demeanor (as well as her own nanite implants) makes her hard to trace by other telepaths. Her best defense is to just not gather any attention to herself, and her best offense is to go around everything that stands in her way.

    When silence isn't an option though, Dawn is essentially a faster and more efficient version of Turando, carrying the same two pistols he does (or used to in her timeline) as well as more advanced nanotech healing devices. As an absolute last resort in case there is a screw-up, Dawn is also equipped with a personal time-warp device. The device is busted and can't send her back more than a few seconds, but it can help her escape tight situations and set her up for retaliation.

    Q: Do your characters have voice concepts? What I mean to say is; Who would they sound like, if anyone?/Who would be their voice actor?

    A: Turando would probably sound similar to Payday 2's "Dallas".
    Steam Guide to Modifications and Equipment (Champions Online) - DZPlayer's Builds (Last updated: 3/26/2018)
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  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    gradii wrote: »
    Mary Sue is a relative term. You could have Superman VS Other Kryptonian or Insert Cosmic Entity here, and have mary sue be the last thing on people's minds, or you could have Spiderman VS the fat bully next door, making Spiderman into the biggest mary sue ever.

    Biggest misconception about comics is that theres some sort of rule dictating how powerful something can be, because theres no such thing.

    Not in comics specifically, but writing in general, which includes comics. Having a character that is the best at everything and can't be beat by anything because he's just so great is part of the wish-fulfillment of the Mary Sue. To me, it makes for a very bland character, because if they can't be challenged, there's no point in reading a story about them. Given Brigade's power, he could, without limitations, be godlike. He could literally possess any power imaginable, enough to choke Galactus with a Thanos sandwich. I think that's stupid, so I changed his powers before they got out of control like Wolverine regenerating from skeleton-only.

    The only person that wants to read a story about a character who just goes around kicking all the butts and not getting a scratch on him is the bad writer writing the character.

    No, there's no rule in making a character super-powerful, but that's best left to the villains, to challenge the weaker character to overcome the immense power. That makes for good character development and drama.

    You might want to read this if you think what I said doesn't apply to what a Mary Sue is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Sue
  • edited April 2015
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  • edited April 2015
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  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    QUESTION! : Do any of you guys have any spare rum? >_>"
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • sistersiliconsistersilicon Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    deadman20 wrote: »
    Q: Do your characters have voice concepts? What I mean to say is; Who would they sound like, if anyone?/Who would be their voice actor?

    Sister Silicon: Abby Krizner, Pittsburgh radio host and lead singer of Fist Fight in the Parking Lot. A good Pittsburghese accent that's still understandable to non-yinzers is a delicate thing, best left to a native speaker.
    Sister Silicon Prime: Abby + auto-tune. (For the voice synthesizer effect, not a reflection of her singing!)
    Nuada (Divine form): Liam Neeson
    Nuada (Mortal form): Nolan North. Or Troy Baker. Whoever's cheaper that week.
    Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
    They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Q: What powers which benefit your characters can also be used against them? I.E. - Their greatest strength can also be their greatest weakness.

    I think for a number of my alien characters its their own high levels of restraint which they employ which could be their undoing. Coming from a planet where everyone is super powered and having to live and act in a different manner to "fit into" life on Earth can be an issue for them on a regular basis.

    Displays of power which would be normal/natural to them (usually coupled with their emotions) would be seen as extremely threatening to others, so for my own characters...mostly it's their restraint which can, if they don't accurately calculate the situation they are heading into or are caught unawares it can go either way, incredible amounts of destruction/interference or falling into a vulnerable situation.

    Q: Do your characters have voice concepts? What I mean to say is; Who would they sound like, if anyone?/Who would be their voice actor?

    Just off the top of my head:

    Mentella: Without a doubt, Kari Wahlgren, when voicing Emma Frost/Enchantress. Very much like the sound of her voice for Mentella, to me it's got a good mix of condescending, classy and b*tchy.

    ForceGirl: Lara Gilchrist, F4, Worlds Greatest Heroes. I like the voice she has in her role in that animation and its quite different to the way I'd imagine her sister (Mentella) speaks, she's meant to be more personable and approachable than Mentella.

    Most of my characters have a voice concept that I've either come up with or grown to like a lot. Those two however, I've known for a while I'd like those kind of voices for them and I was happy to find them outside of imagining them.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Q: Who do you think is the most powerful character in your roster concept-wise? This one is for everyone involved.

    This one is tough to answer for me, purely because the idea of 'power' is subjective and not necessarily restricted to blasting or being immune to damage or immortal etc, so I'm going to break down who I think are my top three most powerful characters.

    Alara The Light Guardian - I'd class her as incredibly powerful because she has the ability to bring others back to life. Whilst in game that's not necessarily a difficult thing to do...none of my other characters can naturally use their own power to breathe life back into someone who has been killed. I think also because Alara isn't necessarily restricted by a physical form or physical desires (food, sleep, drinking etc), she has an advantage over most of my other characters. Whilst yes she can be damaged she'll always return or rejuvenate herself in a matter of seconds.

    Mentella - The ability to take away the will of anyone and use their mind as a ball of clay, shaping it into whatever you desire, is a scary thought in its own right. Mentella has the ability to do this on a very large scale and she could conduct this covertly or overtly. Since the mind assists people in perceiving, understanding and functioning in the world around them, being able to manipulate that at will is an immensely powerful and dangerous in the wrong hands. Her personality coupled with the amount of power she has at her fingertips but chooses not to use, makes her a polarizing character in the sense that if she really wanted to she could let loose with "mind blowing" consequences.

    Note: Even though Psion The Psinister is primarily a telekinetic, I'd place him with Mentella.

    CharmCaster - CharmCaster is a magical being and wields incredible magical power and knowledge. She has been around for a very long time and lived in various different times, so her experience and ability to, if necessary, alter reality (although this is incredibly taxing/last resort) gives her the edge over most if not all of my other characters. If you can banish someone or hex them so their abilities do not work as they should, that causes a lot of problems. She is however sanctioned and given orders by superiors so her actions and abilities are generally controlled by her superiors and she'll use her discretion when in difficult situations.

    Q: Which do you (and a majority of your characters) prefer; Technology, Magic, or Natural Abilities?

    Definitely Natural followed by Technology and then Magic. It is my own personal preference to have characters with natural abilities than those gained by technology or magical means. (I'd place someone like CharmCaster...although she uses magic, as being natural because she was born with it)
    Q: Has your hero ever travelled through time? If so, How, why and how did they return back?

    Outside of the Vibora Bay Apoc missions (which I think only CharmCaster took IC)...I want to say no. At least not yet.

    Q) What do you enjoy most about your favourite character? Their personality? Looks? What drove you onto making this character and why?

    Mentella's quite the opposite to how I am normally (unless you decide to piss me off) and I enjoy RPing with people who encounter Mentella and really aren't sure what to make of her because she is quite guarded and does things her own way and thinks differently. She can be very sarcastic and b*tchy, which is a great thing to RP now and again.

    As for her profession...she's a Clinical Psychologist and that's what I've been studying for sometime now and I qualify in a few weeks time. I've always been incredibly interested in the mind, so who knows? Maybe I'll open my own private practice and dress the same way she does. :tongue:

    As for what drove me to make Mentella...well I enjoy writing characters, whether its my own or others and I like having 'difficult' or polarizing characters to write and for me, Mentella checks all boxes.

    Fun fact: I've tried Mentella's blonde before...whilst we have similar length hair...and it did look alright, I think Mentella wears it better lol.
    Q) What are your character's hobbies outside of fighting crime?

    For most it is fulfilling their secular activities (teaching, running a company, inventing etc) or being around one another or those they feel are friends.

    Outside of that...Mentella is a fan of peppermint herbal tea and she enjoys reading, Techna and ForceGirl are workaholics so they enjoy being in the labs, inventing or tinkering.

    Q) What sort of character personalities do you like to give to you characters? Goofy?Stupid? Controlling? Give us a reason

    I have, like most here, if not all, a range of characters and no one is the same. For Mentella, ForceGirl and Techna Ology...they have their own range as a trio.

    Mentella is incredibly serious, cold, intimidating if she wants to be and always professional, ForceGirl is personable, easy to talk to but can be serious and sometimes too focused on work, whereas Techna Ology is the complete opposite to Mentella, she's very open and enjoys meeting new people, she does have her moments of being engrossed in what she's doing but all in all she's on the other end of the scale in comparison to Mentella.

    But generally speaking I like to give my characters, serious and strong personalities, geared towards being self sufficient and able to hold their own. Occasionally I will indulge and create someone like Cindy Lovecrit who...is completely insane. I do have a few characters who do enjoy pranking others but that's not a main part of who they are.

    Q) Quote(s) your character are known to say.

    My main, Mentella: "You never cease to impress me with your level of uselessness..." or "So pathetic..." her quotes are usually quite scathing.
  • edited April 2015
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  • deadman20deadman20 Posts: 1,533 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Q: Which character(s) on your roster is hated the most as a part of their theme, or is generally disliked by your peers? This is a Character-to-Character relationship, not a Player-to-Player one. Keep that BS out of here.

    A: Cruxie is a partially turned Lemurian. Stuck midway between her "cursed human" form and the primal saurian form that everyone expects out of the Lemurians who are hostile. Cruxie, being as scaled as she looks, gets a lot of flak and as such is mistreated by society, especially after the Lemurian Invasion. Her shadowy magic doesn't help her situation. She passively incites fear to those nearby and generates nightmares to those that are asleep.
    Steam Guide to Modifications and Equipment (Champions Online) - DZPlayer's Builds (Last updated: 3/26/2018)
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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    deadman20 wrote: »
    Q: Which character(s) on your roster is hated the most as a part of their theme, or is generally disliked by your peers? This is a Character-to-Character relationship, not a Player-to-Player one. Keep that BS out of here.

    Hmm...That's a good question.

    From what I can understand from other characters reactions...it'd have to be Mentella & Psion The Psinister.

    Psion because at first he was really creepy and well...a super villain but also because he was and still is extremely arrogant and dismissive of most people. He doesn't think that much of other species but is slowly, very slowly, learning to value humans. He's also quite overtly condescending, he has his moments of him being "ok" and somewhat reasonable but that's far and few between...especially when it has anything to do with Mentella. Psion can also be quite annoying and has a gift for saying things at the wrong time.

    Mentella because well...she's Mentella. She keeps people off balance with what she says and the things she does, so they aren't sure what to expect. She's hated (or maybe disliked is more appropriate) because she tends to do things her own way and doesn't feel the need to consult other people. She'll work in a team but you don't tell her what to do, although there's usually no harm in suggesting or asking.
  • edited April 2015
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  • cyronecyrone Posts: 1,030 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Q: What powers which benefit your characters can also be used against them? I.E. - Their greatest strength can also be their greatest weakness.

    A: Would definitely have to be Kr'anri's clairvoyance ability. It's great because it can help to visualize how things will turn out in situations if left unchecked. The downsides are Kr'anri has no immediate recollection of the events she witnesses and must rely on others who were present at the time of her vision to gain sense of what happened AND it happens at random - even in the middle of combat, leaving her completely defenseless.
    "There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
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  • notyuunotyuu Posts: 1,121 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    cyrone wrote: »
    Q: What powers which benefit your characters can also be used against them? I.E. - Their greatest strength can also be their greatest weakness.

    A:Arona's ability to change the material that her outer most "layer" is made out of, the upside to this is that it allows her to create a instant, form fitting highly durable "natural" armour, the down side is that when it's active it massively increases her weight [how much, depending on what she changes it into]which reduces her ability to move, making her an easier target...and it goes without saying, it reduces her already non exsistant buoyancy even further, another issue with it is the harder the material she changes to, the harder it is for her to change it back [hence why she usually stays around the high carbon steel range]
    In all things, a calm heart must prevail.

    Member of Paragon Dawn: Because some people like friendly helpful communities.


    Yeah some things are broken... no I don't use/abuse them.. where would be the fun in that?
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  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    gradii wrote: »
    If the Silver Surfer is the galactic herald of cosmic doom, Sylviana is the Cosmic powered shy geeky girl next door.
    ...who could, as I recall the backstory, potentially become the galactic herald of cosmic doom, should the Empress ever get the upper hand...
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • revanantmoriturirevanantmorituri Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    gradii wrote: »
    Yup. Or just given enough time, she could potentially break down and go insane. become evil.

    She stopped physically aging at 20, and provided nothing kills her, will be alive for millennia to come. it's quite possible the strain of living on that long may break her.

    It helps to keep busy.
    Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.

    Supporter of the Titan Project.
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  • aerohalo95aerohalo95 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Q) What is the most embarassing situation your character has been in? (Pick any character)

    A) Id have to say for Galius he landed on criminals when he landed so thats kinda a funny first impression, I got more but too many to type :)

    Q) What do you enjoy most about your favourite character? Their personality? Looks? What drove you onto making this character and why?

    A)Their personality, definatly looks and something from the heart; hes strong and courageous and is more than I am in many ways.

    Q) What are your character's hobbies outside of fighting crime?

    A) Working, Going to the gym, Inventing, Eating, odd hobbies like modeling(no one else knows >.>), Meditatin, also Art.

    Q) What sort of character personalities do you like to give to you characters? Goofy?Stupid? Controlling? Give us a reason

    A) They are kind and nice and have this maniacal twist in them somewhere, usually they are total bad boys or try to be.

    Q) Most valuable person/thing your character is willing to protect.. Whether it be a memory, person or object.etc..

    A) Definitely Family and friends, but also their honor and the lives of others.

    Q) Quote(s) your character are known to say.

    A) Never thought of any..

    Q) You character's pet peeves/ things that annoy them.

    A)People with high or higher egos, People that treat others unruly, Random moments, People that abuse their powers, also when my char feels powerless.

    Q)How they view their family/friends. (If any)

    A)They are like a treasure to them, and will take a bullet for them.
  • deadman20deadman20 Posts: 1,533 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Q: Do any of your characters have notable sobriquets?

    Turando and Sentinel are normally called out for by their profession; "Medic" or "Doctor".

    Cruxie, even though she has few allies, is nicknamed "Midway" or "The Midway Lemurian".

    Player assumes many nicknames, the most notable for him being "DZ". Nobody knows why, or even questions what those two letters stand for.

    Aven (Even though she came to exist in CO less than 24 hours ago) was already nicknamed "The Bluejay Marksman" by a couple of other passing heroes.

    Q: On your roster, try to define a few relationships between your characters; whether they're friendly, unfriendly, or neutral to one another. Include characters that you also have plans to bring into the light, but are not yet on your roster or written down. You don't have to explain why, at least not until there is a question for that. You can if you like though.

    A: Oooh boy... where to begin?

    Turando is considered Friendly by Tirados, Sorrel, Cruxie, and Dahlgreen. He is considered Neutral by Sentinel, Kitty Tempest, Xeimos, Longshot, Blake Cordell, Raike, and Indus. Turando only accepts Tirados and Sorrel as friends. Everyone else on this list he has Neutral feelings for. Cruxie is considered Unfriendly by everyone except Turando and Sorrel. Blake Cordell, Longshot, and Dahlgreen are Friends to each other, everyone else considers them as Neutral. Sorrel is Neutral to everyone except Turando, to which she is Friendly.

    Whew, talk about complications...


    Turando saved the lives of Sorrel, Cruxie, Kitty Tempest, Tirados, and Dahlgreen. Sorrel and Cruxie required additional attention due to the severity of their wounds. Sorrel learned not to wallow in her self-pity and chose to follow Turando's path, choosing to move forward and working alongside Turando. Cruxie hated Turando for helping her get back on her feet, but soon accepted it and thanked him for it. Sorrel and Cruxie know each other because Turando ended up having them as patients at the same time.

    Kitty Tempest was Turando's first field patient. She never had a chance to properly thank him, as her translator was damaged during the Qulaar Invasion. It was Kitty Tempest who gave Turando the name he would be assumed by. To her though, it merely stands for "Medic".

    Turando was also brought out by Raike and Indus to help Tirados, and for a while after Turando and Tirados had worked alongside one another. Turando even helped Tirados out of a serious bind later on and the favor was returned.

    Dahlgreen, Longshot, and Blake Cordell were passing mercenaries. Dahlgreen took an explosion head-on, and Turando helped him back up to continue the fight. Dahlgreen was the first patient to be subjected to Turando's Overclocked Nanite Feedback, gaining a significant amount of power which was used to shred through the front door of a VIPER Nest.


    Corella considers Tae and Aven as friends. Tae does the same for Corella, but is Neutral toward Aven. Aven considers Corella as a friend, but is Unfriendly to Tae.

    Before the three of them were brought to the future, Corella was an adventurer and Aven and Tae were her companions. Aven taught Corella how to use the bow and some minor magic abilities, it was Aven who took care of Corella when her parents couldn't. Corella and Aven began adventuring for a while, but Aven was wounded and needed to rest. During Aven's recovery, Tae and Corella found each other and became quick friends. Tae replaced Aven as Corella's companion during her adventures. When Aven came back to the adventuring scene, she was shocked to find Tae, the Water Dragon. Aven's parents were killed by dragons when she was growing up, so she has a particular vendetta against them. Corella is the only person keeping the two from trying to kill one another, since they both consider her to be family.


    Judge Mental is Unfriendly to everyone, and everyone is Unfriendly to Judge Mental.
    Steam Guide to Modifications and Equipment (Champions Online) - DZPlayer's Builds (Last updated: 3/26/2018)
    And I will always be @DZPlayer122.

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  • deadman20deadman20 Posts: 1,533 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Q: Who on your roster is the Fastest/Strongest/Smartest/Most Armored/Richest/Expensive/Stealthiest/Oldest/Youngest/Smallest/Largest/etc. conceptually?

    Turando is by and far the most expensive person, dedicating over 80% of his earnings to his nanotech which has incredible potentiality. Even with his advancements though, Sentinel is the most qualified medical professional on hand, not Turando. Both of their capabilities are trumped by Kitty Tempest's Biotech, but she does not have access to it here on Earth and is more or less too dangerous to be around for long periods of time.

    The fastest person on land on my roster is actually Aven. Her background as an adventurer gives her plenty of experience traveling and staying mobile. In the Air, Tae has the highest speeds.

    The youngest on my roster is Player and the oldest is Tirados. Tirados is also the strongest amongst the crew.

    The smartest character on my roster is Kitty Tempest, followed closely by Zimo. Dawn and Synergist are only ever as smart as those around them since they're Telepaths. Of those two, Dawn has the most knowledge and is manipulative. Synergist has more raw mental power than Dawn does.

    Xeimos is the sneakiest of the bunch, followed by Dawn and Longshot. The exact opposite of these deceptive people is Major Distraction, who is ALWAYS the center of attention.

    Blake Cordell is the best armored, followed by Cavalry and Tirados.
    Steam Guide to Modifications and Equipment (Champions Online) - DZPlayer's Builds (Last updated: 3/26/2018)
    And I will always be @DZPlayer122.

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  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    deadman20 wrote: »
    Q: Who on your roster is the Fastest/Strongest/Smartest/Most Armored/Richest/Expensive/Stealthiest/Oldest/Youngest/Smallest/Largest/etc. conceptually?
    Most expensive is almost certainly Happifun Security System X-4. If AIs are ever ruled to be persons, legally speaking, Happifun can look forward to a big ol' lawsuit from Happifun Robotics Inc, looking to recover its development costs. As it stands, the robot can't be sued, so... :wink: It would also qualify as Best-Armored.

    Fastest is probably Gunrunner; I've got other speedsters on the roster, but I always think of him as the fastest of them.

    Strongest would almost certainly be Hypernova, as his concept is a black Superman-expy. (Fortunately, the "Coruscations of Power" backstory bit from Champs lore also fits his powers perfectly, so that's where he comes from.)

    Stealthiest is Blackwing, hands down. His mentor, Spider-Bat, would come in second - he has an unfortunate tendency to soliloquize, which sometimes spoils his hiding.

    Oldest is without a doubt Kilbern, as he was (unbeknownst to the population at large) once known as the god Kilbern Skyfather, back in the Turakian Age. He's only fought his way back to Earth, losing enough power in the process to slide under the Ban, in order to put Takofanes back in the ground permanently.

    Richest is Patchwork - she once made a living as the heroic equivalent of Wayland Talos, until an attack on her labs by Talos and Warlord almost killed her. The armor she wears now both empowers her and keeps her alive.

    Youngest is also my newest toon, Repulsor, a superpowered cybernetic body guided by the implanted brain of a 9-year-old boy. (ARGENT thought he could be made to act like an organic computer, obeying their commands. They were mistaken.)
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    deadman20 wrote: »
    Q: Who on your roster is the Fastest/Strongest/Smartest/Most Armored/Richest/Expensive/Stealthiest/Oldest/Youngest/Smallest/Largest/etc. conceptually?

    Fastest - In terms of overall movement, I'd have to say Joule and Alara The Light Guardian. Both are meant to be able to move at the speed of light, however Alara actually wins out as she is meant to be able to fly a little faster than the speed of light (which is above Joule's top flight speed).

    Ground Speed is a toss up between ForceGirl (w/Dark Speed boots), Techna Ology, Psion The Psinister and Solaris.

    Strongest - My characters, much like I imagine other people's characters all are strong in very different ways, however to avoid excessive listing: In a physical sense, Black Diamond. In a mental sense, Mentella.

    Smartest - Techna Ology, whilst she is incredibly intelligent that doesn't detract from her personality or her self expression.

    Most Armored - Techna Ology wins again here, her love of inventing and technology allowed her to create a sturdy powered suit which she wears most of the time. If dermal armour counts, then I'd also include Black Diamond.

    Richest - Through the wealth of their family, Black Diamond & Solaris are actually the richest toons on my roster but they are closely followed by Mentella and her sisters. However if I was taking it from a personal wealth point of view as in who has made what...Mentella wins out.

    Stealthiest - ForceGirl can actually turn invisible. Joule can actually become energy and could simply slip into wiring or a system and travel that way so that too is pretty stealthy. Mentella also has her own methods to avoid detection, but cannot turn invisible in the same way her sister does. I think I'll conclude and say ForceGirl wins out here.

    Oldest - Alara The Light Guardian.

    Youngest - PsychBlade

    Smallest - Bio-B, she can shrink to incredible sizes.

    Largest - In terms of height...Black Diamond wins here.
  • sistersiliconsistersilicon Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    deadman20 wrote: »
    Q: Who on your roster is the Fastest/Strongest/Smartest/Most Armored/Richest/Expensive/Stealthiest/Oldest/Youngest/Smallest/Largest/etc. conceptually

    Fastest: Sister Silicon Prime, Hitomi Hanzo, Nuada Silverarm. Prime's construction has emphasized lightweight materials and fast reaction times. Nuada, on the other hand, is built like a brick outhouse.

    Smartest: SSP, HH, Nuada, all close together. Prime was a brilliant engineer before she was uploaded. Hitomi is an information broker, which is no place for a dull wit. Nuada has the wisdom and insight of a king.

    Most Armored: SSP, Nuada, HH. Nuada's plate mail is strong, but it's no match for Prime's kinetic barriers. Hitomi has a nice leather jacket.

    Richest/Most Expensive: SSP, HH, Nuada. Siobhan founded her company out of a combination of altruism and practicality, because her own operational and R&D costs are astronomical. Hitomi lives in simple luxury, and she has enough liquidity to grease any palms she needs to.

    Stealthiest: HH, Nuada, SSP. Hitomi mostly works with influence, but when she has to walk out the door with a gun and a sword, she's just as discreet. Prime, on the other hand, might as well be wearing a neon yellow light that reads "HIT ME".

    Strongest: Nuada, SSP, HH. Nuada has divinely-gifted old man strength.

    Oldest to Youngest: Nuada, HH, SSP, although this gets really weird because, depending on how you count, you can list two different ages for Nuada (divine vs mundane form) and Prime (Moira's birth date or Siobhan's upload date).

    Largest to Smallest: Nuada, SSP, HH. Nuada in mundane form is awfully close to Prime in height though.
    Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
    They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
  • edited May 2015
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  • notyuunotyuu Posts: 1,121 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    deadman20 wrote: »
    Q: Who on your roster is the Fastest/Strongest/Smartest/Most Armored/Richest/Expensive/Stealthiest/Oldest/Youngest/Smallest/Largest/etc. conceptually?

    Fastest: Intessia, they are an eletromancer robot capable of turning their entire body into electricity, and thus are capable of moving as fast as a bolt of lighting across the sky, except for when they return physical form, in that state they are barely faster than your average Joe.

    Strongest: Kinertha, her strength fueled by her endless rage, once she gets worked up she can easily pick up and swing entire buildings around as makeshift weapons if needs be.

    Smartest: Tikaia, despite being little more than an genetically engineered fox girl, she's smart enough to preform a null magic ritual to summon Marbas, who she then made a deal with to gain the secret of granting innate magical ability, which upon gaining, she promptly used to outsmart Marbas, stealing her soul back, before sealing them away.

    Most Armored: The Gold knight, He's a golem made of dekonittie armour and the bound soul of a noble sinner, being living, unbreakable armour....it's kinda impossible to be more armoured than actual...well, armour.

    Richest: Arona, an experienced general trader and seller/repairer/upgrader of cybernetics, robotics and power armour, combined with her age [don't take the one on the primus srs, i'm re-writing it in notepad atm] means she has managed amass a vast amount of personal wealth.

    Expensive: Tillabeth, despite being little more than a gun for hire, her experience, specialized equipment and personal greed means that only the very extremely rich can hire her.

    Stealthest: Styker, She's a ninja....need I say more?

    Youngest: The gold knight, he was made only 7 months ago...making him less than a year old.

    Oldest: Arona, being made of unaging energy mass has its.....advantages.

    Smallets: Tikaia, comming in at a rather meek 4'10 in height, she's the smallest of the all the chars i have.

    Tallest: Arona, she's a 9'5 titan of a woman
    In all things, a calm heart must prevail.

    Member of Paragon Dawn: Because some people like friendly helpful communities.


    Yeah some things are broken... no I don't use/abuse them.. where would be the fun in that?
  • aceretrieveraceretriever Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    deadman20 wrote: »
    Q: Who on your roster is the Fastest/Strongest/Smartest/Most Armored/Richest/Expensive/Stealthiest/Oldest/Youngest/Smallest/Largest/etc. conceptually?

    Fastest: A tie between Firehart and Blitzen if by flight, Grey if by foot.

    Strongest: Lupine Fist, without a doubt.

    Smartest: Firehart and Super Hound. However, William Gruff is the most intelligent.

    Most Armored: Cyber Fang. Of course, being the only guy with power armor helps in this category. Stone can almost match this when he manipulates rocks and earth into armor.

    Richest: Lupine Fist, thanks to his inheritance. His late mentor, Power Wolf, left him over 10 million dollars and a hotel chain.

    Expensive: Firehart; he constantly buys old machines just to fix them up. That, and he causes a lot of the wreckage in the garage...

    Stealthiest: Hunter. In a comedic light, Lupine Fist can match this in his "Father Mode."

    Oldest: William Gruff at the age of 57.

    Youngest: Kid Magic at the age of 10.

    Smallest: Kid Magic at 4'7" and ~80 lbs.

    Largest: Lupine Fist, towering at over 7 feet and more than 500 lbs.


    Q: Are there certain levels or types of crime or problems that your hero won't associate with?

    Lupine Fist expressly forbids Beast Squad apprentices (Grey, Techna, Stone, Kid Magic) from helping with anything greater than petty crimes on their own. They never listen.

    Blitzen, being Santa's reindeer and part of a Legend, is forbidden from participating in any world, time, or fate-altering events outside of those related to Christmas (this has nothing to do with Champions lore, as I know little of it. This is just a fun excuse I made up when I decided to skip the VB Crisis on Blitzen).
    Champions: @ace112233
  • kemmicalskemmicals Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    deadman20 wrote: »
    Q: Who on your roster is the Fastest/Strongest/Smartest/Most Armored/Richest/Expensive/Stealthiest/Oldest/Youngest/Smallest/Largest/etc.

    Fastest: Proxi, an AI forced into an experimental robot body, has control over electricity and can zap from one spot to another.

    Strongest/Most Armoured/Largest: Mad Bull. He's a friggin' robot bull man that can bench a semi.

    Smartest: Minnie Magus. Fumes and such from magical experimentation has had adverse effects on her body, which lead her be a bit more reclusive... She's had a lot of time to study magical texts and amass a small library in her estate. If she's not busy being a secretary, she usually has her nose buried in a book.

    Richest/Oldest: Ma'at, having made the mistake of raiding a tomb guarded by an ancient being and being cursed to be one of its guardians for over 2000 years until now, has lost a good majority of her fortune from her thieving days to museums and collectors. Now that her curse has weakened some, she now works towards regaining that fortune. So far, she's about a halfway to meeting that goal.

    Stealthiest: Cherri, Duria and Gelata, being weird Jell-O aliens, tend to hide by conforming to the shape of whatever they hide behind. They literally run on cartoon logic.

    Youngest/ Most Expensive: Cybel was activated just last year! Cybel's packed with all sorts of compact gadgets in order to subdue criminals. Unfortunately, due to her size, she tends to get kicked around a lot.
  • deadman20deadman20 Posts: 1,533 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Q: Are there certain levels or types of crime or problems that your hero won't associate with?

    A: Turando is incredibly picky on his contracts and chooses only the high-paying and more intense ones that are available. This means he strays away from normal and petty crime investigations. It would put him down financially. His high reliance on his prototype nanotech and its instability force him to either go big or go home, there's not any other way I can put it. That being said, he still carries a few first aid kits and other tools on him in case of emergency when he's out walking with the civvies.

    Q: Name a few fatal flaws from some of your characters.

    A: Turando being expensive is one thing, but his personality can take dramatic shifts in the middle of combat. One moment he's calm and collected and the next he's feral and unmanageable. He enjoys fighting only while he's fighting, and will curse himself silently when it's all over. These constant shifts can and have gotten him killed.
    Steam Guide to Modifications and Equipment (Champions Online) - DZPlayer's Builds (Last updated: 3/26/2018)
    And I will always be @DZPlayer122.

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  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited June 2015
    deadman20 wrote: »
    Q: Who on your roster is the Fastest/Strongest/Smartest/Most Armored/Richest/Expensive/Stealthiest/Oldest/Youngest/Smallest/Largest/etc. conceptually?
    Deathlark can go hypersonic in all modes and even FTL in her fight mode outside of planetary atmosphere.
    Scythe can exchange its body mass into energy and fly even faster, but it lacks Deathlark's speedster reflexes in humanoid form. On the other hand, unlike Deathlark, Scythe can fly FTL within atmosphere. Benefits of not being built with flimsy cavemen-level Earth technology.

    Haywire. If he was built in Hero PnP, he'd need a maximum Strength score. It also helps that he can't be tired. It's pretty needed considering how bulky and large his plating is.

    Most Armored:
    Haywire. Endostructure, external plating and additional plating around his reactor are made from a syntehtic neutronium knock-off.

    Haywire. Not like he earned a single coin in an honest way, but still the richest one and he really needs it because...

    Most Expensive:
    He's also the most expensive one. His body has upkeep easily on pair with modern jet fighters.

    Deathlark. Both in aerial and humanoid mode she can shield her entire electromagnetic output.

    Scythe. Made-to-order rougly 900 of "her"/its homeworld's stellar cycles ago = about 10800 Earth years.
    Not like it's not a moot point when you're made in a world populated entirely by ageless beings and you can't even comprehend how offworlders could pay any attention to something as unimportant as age.

    That would be Deathlark (activated almost two years ago) and Haywire (activated in 1999). Except Haywire is a neural copy of a roughly 35+ old human brain and Deathlark was patterned after 25+ old brain, so their age is a bit of a moot point.

    Magician. Being 24 years old and 5'1 "tall". Daddy was a smoker, lol. And she's not very fond of anyone commenting on heir height.

    Haywire. Well over 8 feet tall, actually pretty close to 9 feet. Relative weight roughly 45 metric tons/99000 lbs.
    He tried very hard, but couldn't fit his armor and reactor into anything smaller.
  • edited June 2015
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  • edited June 2015
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  • sistersiliconsistersilicon Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Q: Are there certain levels or types of crime or problems that your hero won't associate with?

    Sister Silicon Prime is a woman of science, so she hates to deal with anything magical or metaphysical. Hitomi Hanzo is damn good with a katana and a gun, but she knows damn well how far that will take her. Nuada's a king. Figure it out.

    Q: Name a few fatal flaws from some of your characters.

    Prime has one significant physical flaw: If her crystal memory matrix is damaged, she's pretty much screwed. Otherwise, her temper gets her into way more trouble than it should. Hitomi is overwhelmingly mortal compared to the rest of you lot, and has a past that is one trans-Pacific flight away from catching up to her. Nuada has enemies in the Fir Bolg who might come calling someday.
    Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
    They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
  • friezalivesonfriezaliveson Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    deadman20 wrote: »
    Who do you think is the most powerful character in your roster concept-wise? This one is for everyone involved.

    Concept wise out of all of them? Cassandra Elena the First. heavy Telepathic, Telekinesis and Strength control.

    Her Telekinesis Abilities: They very adaptive and fluidly interchangeable into extreme degrees of control from simply stuff like jettisoning off cliff sides or complicated like shifting ocean rifts.

    And while we are at it she can also form the TK energy into a variety of situations like ropes, grappling hooks, and ziplines to descend herself down without injury or the need to go out and buy grappling gear or have it fail, become faulty/malfunction on her completely while on mission/etc. Ontop of the fact that she can manipulate a TK blade into any shape possible this extends to not just weapons but shields, bows, arrows -- the shields can be manipulated to protect multitudes of people in a chain. Can arc her TK powers around corners, skillfully knock said objects from the ground, etc.

    Her Telepathic Abilities: I'd say that her training with Telepath is extremely vivid in aspect. So much that she created a 'Mind-Server'in a portion of her mind which allows her to communicate with pretty much ANY telepath that is capable of communicating that way. This 'server' acts like i.e. a Gaming Server where SHE is the admins it, list the server's capacity by number of people, whether or not the location is changed. The Mind Server mostly is shaped into a Hotel Complex Building with sofas, soda machines and green walls but she can really change it into any type of environment she wants to think up to be really.

    Compared to Psimon, Menton, Medusa, Cassandra can form a sphere of condensed Psionic Energy(I guess the closest representation would be the Psionic Surge wish we had something better instead of Force Cascade imo :/) to a extreme degree of condensation into the physical world and exert it as if it was a wait for it... Ki Sphere yes it goes to that length. She can also create several psionic entities into the physical world -- as part of her mental training originally in the numbers of the hundreds of thousands. But since she follows a strict code with her powers and consent against mental exploitation(as well as the fact that Psionic users are monitored) majority will never see her use this at all. Only if she finds a student to teach Psi-Honor to will she show them. Or at least five of them. :P

    Lastly her mental capacity is pretty solidified she can even to an extend figure out the definitive 'layers'(numbers) of a person's defenses. Think of it as seeing a security system with a complicated locking mechanism and figuring out the relative layers of said security system NOT actually breaking it mind you.

    Her Strength Control: Nothing on terms of Supers that are more experience in strength than she does, Demi-Gods or Hercules, but its enough to keep her on guard. That's about it.

    Q: Turando; hero at heart, or villain in disguise?

    Cassandra would probably see him as a hero at heart!
    Q: Which do you (and a majority of your characters) prefer; Technology, Magic, or Natural Abilities?

    Alot of them are on the natural side though plenty of them have Magic/Elemental Magics.
    Q: Do any of your characters have familial ties to each other?

    Cassandra Elena I has a adoptive daughter Cassandra Elena II. That's about it.
    Q: Which of your characters do you think has the most entertaining backstory? Give us a small summary!

    Here read this small excerpt from Cass's back story:

    Though the original ‘name’ or ‘names’ many generations or so, the ‘Elena’ name was passed down per each person.. and this generation would be first time for her shine. But actually it was more so of a reboot for her. A chance to start over and growing up in a Utopia full of Psionics, Telepaths, Touch-Telepaths,and Telekinetics was the surely the easily part but the other part was simply and easy yet she choose to be a bit casual about it: The will to max out her potential!
    Q: Do you have character concepts that just can't fit into the game due to some missing powers/costume choices/game mechanics in spite of how much we actually have?

    Oooh too many that simply would only really benefit me and me only. I wish for Medusa's Psionic Echos to be a power instead of a device tbh. Also like I said in the above a TK Grappling Hook/Zip-line would be cool. I also posted in a thread about revamping the TK Tree here: http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=308631&highlight=Telekinesis

    I'll answer these questions in bulk:
    Q) What is the most embarassing situation your character has been in? (Pick any character)

    Q) What do you enjoy most about your favourite character? Their personality? Looks? What drove you onto making this character and why?

    Q) What are your character's hobbies outside of fighting crime?

    Q) What sort of character personalities do you like to give to you characters? Goofy?Stupid? Controlling? Give us a reason

    Q) Most valuable person/thing your character is willing to protect.. Whether it be a memory, person or object.etc..

    Q) Quote(s) your character are known to say.

    Q) You character's pet peeves/ things that annoy them.

    Q)How they view their family/friends. (If any)

    Q1: Impulsonaria's upbeat and always "For Justice" attitude can lead to awkward situations.
    Q2: Cassandra Elena is probably my favorite concept wise, I've been working on her since before CO, outside of game with a separate website and custom lore pages/entities and etc. She will always be something to carry on through games like this or better.
    Q3: Most of them enjoy parties, shopping, sun-tanning at resorts or beach spots, etc generally just hanging out.
    Q4: Mixes between Blunt/Serious to Goofy immature/Ego-inflated at times but overall nice.
    Q5: Probably the most valuable thing to Cassandra Elena I is her adoptive daughter.
    Q6: Dang.. I don't really have any for quotes for my character's. Something that's not in my context alot.
    Q7: Probably the most annoying thing for Impulsonaira would be the fact that she looses her cigarette pack due to her Force powers when fighting.. sometimes can get out of hand. Ms. Electrolyte has anger issues mostly resulting in just frustration or out right upset in general of things that happen to her(uncontrollable children, bad parents, etc). Probably something that's annoyed Cassandra at a earlier age was the fact that her training days were most or less problematic for her to say the least but she pressed on though.
    Q8: Growing up Poor in Mexico, Ms. Electrolyte wants people to understand that everyone has it hard.. even if they are rich, poor or none of the above. Can't stress this enough on people(family or friend)
    Q: How likely would you guys be willing to write out a "chapter" of your character's adventures? Something that doesn't actually tie into the game's available content. Think of it like a side-origin; an event or period of time that adds a bit more insight into the character, but isn't native to their key story points. Don't actually do it here, I am tempted to put out another topic dedicated to that sort of thing in the near future.

    Oh I have plenty on Cassandra Elena. Not enough energy to post it here regardless. But when I rp I treat casual RP's as mini story arcs with the people she interacts with on a daily basis. Never know somethings could be interesting than others.
    Q: Have any of your characters ever had to resort to criminal activities or have had a criminal background?
    Cassandra isn't known to play favorites with her powers and Ms. Electrolyte if you take the fact that she uses electrical power and the fact that she has anger issues will most likely shock someone's butt on the ground if they so much as try to piss her off.

    Lady Death Arc has and will probably publicly execute heroes if she's taken any hostage. Fry a hole into their chest. Or turn up the voltage enough to kill them.

    Kakuto Chojin will probably fight to kill someone just to survive. I mean she's been hunted across a separate universe and current hunted by gang members as well as VIPER and so on but that's about it.
    Where do your various heroes stand on the 'do not kill' issue? What might make them cross that line if they haven't already?

    Pretty much answered but on this part I'll say Cassandra Elena has been taught to not use her powers without consent(she has been trained for this sole reason as stated above), however if there comes to a point where there is a major situation that could kill off more than most around here can handle, she'll use the further full of her power to stop them... to the death.
    Q: What powers which benefit your characters can also be used against them? I.E. - Their greatest strength can also be their greatest weakness.

    There are clearly those out there that can apparently have no effect against Telepathy or Telekinesis. Others can gimp Cassandra Elena by just outright physical strength, speed or other powers. She isn't capable of stopping Alien Telepathy either only exception to this rule would be ONE person she can communicate with but that is because they translate that said language in English for it to be understandable. Also she has weakness to magic even with some minor training in wards, defenses and spiritual/spell cleansing, it's not enough.

    Lady Death Arc's electrical damage is high but she is clearly outclassed by Ms. Electrolyte(for the fact that she's got the electrical conduit of power in this regard; not the magic that LDA possess so ME can survive LDA's electrical output -- their equilibrium is the same) and in most cases all the other non-electrical characters in my roster + others. Her magic isn't by means on par with other mages who know what they are doing and simply can just beat her outright with just that.

    Ms. Electrolyte's survivability against electrical damage is good but she has trouble trying to focus this/anger in the right balance to defeat and put LDA away in prison, while on the flipside, LDA lacks the survivability just to finish ME off for good. Ontop of that, ME's anger compromises her job as a hero -- things that normally someone wouldn't be angry about it/over easily would upset her on a basis of the things people do or have done.

    Supreme Super Omega Destroid can be hacked/reprogrammed, isn't immune to EMPs, etc; Weapons can malfunction, armor can be destroyed and so on.

    Those who are good or better in the disguise department or have ways to detect such abilities can simply see through Cassandra Elena II's magical altercations.

    Impulsionaria's force powers are decent but by no means will she take on anything she can't handle with them.

    As for the rest? Can be killed just by bullets if enough punishment is met/dealt.
    Q: Do your characters have voice concepts? What I mean to say is; Who would they sound like, if anyone?/Who would be their voice actor?

    Michelle Rodriguez from the Fast and Furious serious would DEFINIETELY fit for Ms. Electrolyte/Lady Death Arc perfect. I mean they both play tough, anger matic chicks with some apparent difference in material but still I think she's perfect for their roles.

    Haven't really though about this one much but I can think of a few that could act as Cassandra Elena:

    I'm tied between those two. Leaning more with Pamela Anderson because Barbwire is/was a awesome movie imho.

    Don't call me babe.
    Q: Which character(s) on your roster is hated the most as a part of their theme, or is generally disliked by your peers?
    They say that Cassandra Elena has a 'Ego' problem off and on, or seems to friendly for her own good. Or says alot in the way she speaks that makes no sense.
    Q: Do any of your characters have notable sobriquets?
    Hmm... Cassandra Elena goes by Cass, Cassy, Ms. Elena, Elena, etc. All the others no.
    Q: Who on your roster is the Fastest/Strongest/Smartest/Most Armored/Richest/Expensive/Stealthiest/Oldest/Youngest/Smallest/Largest/etc. conceptually?

    In order of operations:

    Strongest: Cassandra Elena - In terms of Telekinesis and Telepathy she outranks the rest.
    Fastest: Supreme Super Omega Destroid - For the fact it can output its weapons faster than even Impulsonaria's force speed is saying something.
    Youngest: Impulsionaria - 21 years strong!
    Oldest: Sky Sentry Ajin - 6,000+ years for a Elemental Wind Construct.
    Smartest: No idea
    Most Armored: N/A
    Largest: N/A
    Expensive: N/A
    Richest: Cassandra Elena I - Owns a private jet, Condo outside city limits, mostly due to that retirement money comes in droves!
    Stealthiest: Kakuto Chojin
    Smallest: Also Kakuto Chojin - Under 4ft club
    Q: Name a few fatal flaws from some of your characters.

    The most major flaw out of all my character's is Ms. Electrolyte's anger issues, she's had them since she was a kid. Bouncing and bouncing from Anger Management classes has tend to be a thing for her. She can snap even sometimes randomly outburst at people.
    Q: Are there certain levels or types of crime or problems that your hero won't associate with?
    Cassandra hates PSI, REALLY hates PSI for the fact that they are exploiting people's minds without consent.. and the fact that she agreed to be monitored/still be monitored. If anything she wished to see this organization and all of it's known perpetrators to date in prison.

    ...wow I think I covered most of this. Some of it is half answered but I did the best I could to fill out the rest. Took some thing to think things over but.. it is what it is.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Q: Are there certain levels or types of crime or problems that your hero won't associate with?

    Mentella isn't the type to go out patrolling and stop every crime she sees. As a clinical psychologist she has her own schedule and patients to deal with, as well as The Summerstone Academy and the work load that goes with that (although in the current storyline that's no longer a factor), as well as looking after/monitoring the people in her care.

    When Mentella has time to go out and act as a super hero, she'll usually be contacted by other heroes or perhaps UNTIL/UNITY/Champions/PRIMUS etc to see if she can assist with X, Y or Z.

    That is not to say if she sees someone like that civilian in MC who VIPER are trying to push off the roof, she will just walk by, she'll definitely help.

    Aside from the constraints her schedule places on her...I'd say crime or problems that involve an inordinate amount of robots are usually avoided through sheer preference to use her telepathy on organic minds rather than having to utilize the work around she has been provided with when it comes to robots vs her telepathy, or relying on her telekinetic abilities or...Psion.

    ForceGirl, when she has the time, has no issue helping out at any level of crime. Obviously she wouldn't try to take on a huge group of super villains by herself but she'll definitely do her part. Out of the three sisters, ForceGirl really enjoys working with other heroes the most, as she tends to take a more defensive stance in combat than using her force fields for offense.

    Techna Ology is very much the same in that regard. Although she doesn't usually she isn't in the field much, if she is around, it doesn't matter if someone's cat is lost or if Gravitar threatening to take Downtown way down, she'll help out if she can.

    Psion The Psinister...has an attitude that if it isn't affecting him or Mentella or even her sisterhood, he generally doesn't care about it. But with his efforts to adhere to the whole idea of becoming a hero, he will, albeit reluctantly stop a crime in progress.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Q: Name a few fatal flaws from some of your characters.

    Mentella -

    Her physical body is no where near as powerful as her mind is, whilst her natural alien physiology does provide her with close to 'superhuman' attributes in many areas, she must do her best to carefully monitor situations she gets into so that she can protect herself adequately.

    ForceGirl -

    Preference for defensive stances in combat situations. Whilst she is very experienced and adept at using her natural abilities, she can fall into situations where she is constantly defending and even with the mastery of her powers, she cannot defend forever and if she tries she can put herself and those whom she may be protecting in a very vulnerable position.
  • friezalivesonfriezaliveson Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I guess I should pop a question or two in here as well:

    Q: What is the first thing that comes to mind when your character(s) hear a Quote like this:
    In all of mankind's history, there has never been more damage done than by people who "Thought they were doing the right thing".

    A: I'd say Kakuto Chojin in this case. Alot of her 'survival killing' of course she knows is WRONG, despite her efforts to correct her path(for everyone's sake as well as the ones that know her). It's not easy, it NEVER is.

    Same goes for Ms. Electrolyte she feels compromised as a Hero. Mainly for that anger she has. Difficult for her to maintain the two. It's tearing her apart. Trying to be herself and help the poor, weak, etc vs. trying to control her anger. Caught in the middle.

    Next Question:

    Q: Most memorable moment in said character's life(i.e. pictures, scrapbooks, concerts, etc)?

    A: Most memorable moment(s) for Cassandra Elena would be with Terra -- her girlfriend who she met last year. Probably the most significant person in her life.
  • edited June 2015
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  • sistersiliconsistersilicon Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    gradii wrote: »
    Are you talking about a peak human/literally non superpowered character?

    Yep. Think Colleen Wing, but with a gun, too.
    Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
    They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
  • deadman20deadman20 Posts: 1,533 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Q: What is the cruelest thing your character(s) have said or done?

    "I swear, if you don't bring me some of your equipment I will surgically cut you open, turn you inside out and then hang you in front of that nice hunting lodge of yours for all to see!" - Turando, to a captured ARGENT Operative.

    Luckily enough, the Operative was intimidated enough to not have his guts strewn about the place and supplied a crate of munitions. He signed an early retirement form and went back to the city never to be heard from again.
    Steam Guide to Modifications and Equipment (Champions Online) - DZPlayer's Builds (Last updated: 3/26/2018)
    And I will always be @DZPlayer122.

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  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    deadman20 wrote: »
    Q: What is the cruelest thing your character(s) have said or done?
    "Quit whining, ese. You get to a doctor in time, they can give you a new kneecap. Now, you wanna save the other one, you gonna answer me a couple questions." - Gunrunner, while finding the VIPER Nest in Millennium City. Turns out mind bullets are every bit as painful as the real thing.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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