We're still waiting for Aura sets in the Store to be redeemable per character after the initial purchase.
Oh wait. You want us to put them in the hideout bank every time we switch toons or buy the costume set every time I want a set on a character? Never mind.
We'll stick with buying account wide costume set unlocks.
Why the way auras are sold now is awful:
Buying a set only gives you 5 aura pieces
that you have to trade to other characters to use.
If you want more than one character with the
same auras, you have to keep trading when you
switch characters or buy another set.
Auras get lost in all the characters' different inventories.
Ultimately discourages the money spending players from buying any at all if they have many characters.What we essentially want aura set to do when purchased:
Buying a set unlocks all the pieces for every one of our characters which can be claimed in the store.
Buying the set again will give all characters duplicates so they can have multiple colored layers.
1.) Make aura pieces so they don't bind and can be sold to other players.
2.) Make the auras part of the tailor.
3.) Sell the aura parts piece meal.
We players know that whoever is in charge told the devs to ruin a practically perfect new feature of the game for the sake of making maybe an extra buck on players who would buy sets multiple times.
BUT at the cost of players who won't buy the first copy because of it.
The very same players who are ongoing customers who keep buying zen to put into the game. That's currently a total of $33.25 (all currently available sets), plus $4.75 for every new set, and $6 for every character (dozens of repeat purchases for loyal players) we would have unlocked all the aura slots on. Per player! That Cryptic will now never see because those players see that 475 Zen for items that must be traded constantly are a waste.
Write a comment of why you think this system is absurd and why you won't buy auras until they unlock for all your characters.
100 Slots for the Storage which allready has 40 slots.
I know i'm a bit simple and slow, but handsomly, that just doesn't sound reasonable thing to do.
Or was the Aura Storage meant to be Account wide at 1st?
So, still waiting for Account wide unlocks for the Aura Slots, atleast.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
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And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
I'll stop "complaining" about this when it is fixed.
The price of a costume set for cosmetic options should match the utility of a costume set. It should unlock for all characters.
Or should they start selling costume sets so they only unlock per character?
Whoever made this decision is a real prick.
Hey I agree with you. But the post was obligatory.
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:eek: :eek: :eek:
Are we able to sell/trade? I just wanted the Rune Aura for hands for two characters.
C-store Auras are Account bound. Same way Vehicles are when you use/bind one.
Legacy ones are per character.
Also the Aura Slots are per character. Same With the Aura Storage slots.
Same thing with the future mission/mob drop Auras i imagine. Per character.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
It's really my only bone to pick with Auras though. I'm very happy with them otherwise.
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If I had my way, sure I'd like them to be global unlocks. At the same time I can somewhat understand why they aren't.
That being said, though, I think the implementation should lead to a lower cost of the Auras - say, 300 Zen per set. Then you'd get better odds of someone being infected with Pokemon Syndrome (gotta catch 'em all!).
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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1. need a HIDEOUT to swap between characters, so any silver without a hideout is screwed.
2. 8 builds X 8 aura slots = 64,
why the heck do we need 140?
3. I have lots of feet, chest and head peices unused(in fact all of them). I'd like to swap them with someone else.
4. All they are is a costume part, they have no useful function apart from blinding other players in the right combination.Why don't they unlock as costum es then?
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wait a minute... did i read that right? Are you saying/implying that some of the c store costume sets unlock on the character it's bought on only? not account wide?
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
AND additionally for the slots...this is a ripoff
I'm implying that the designers were making it one way and the higher ups made them change it into what we have now.
I want to make purchases and buy all these aura sets. But I'm not going to for a system that was designed to make me pay multiple times for a cosmetic item when all cosmetic packs before were one time purchases.
This isn't NWO. Their cosmetic price gouging should butt out of CO.
I make game special effects for a living, so I've been wanting an aura system ever since the game launched. My favorite alts are the ones where I managed to make the inherent power auras match the concept of the character. So when I heard that we were finally getting an aura system, I was pretty excited.
And then I saw how it was implemented.
Honestly, I haven't logged into CO for more than thirty minutes total since the aura system went live. The current implementation just feels like a money grab and an insult to the players who have stuck by the game for so many years.
I bought one aura- the sparkly one. I used exactly one piece of it- the skin portion- on one character. The others are sitting in my bank, and it's unlikely they'll ever be used. As I said, I make a lot of alts- and, as a result, I have to delete a lot of characters that don't work out. I'm too afraid, now, that I'll delete a character who has an aura that I can't replace- and that aura will just be gone. That's unacceptable.
Like I said, the aura system pretty much destroyed my desire to play the game. We've been waiting for auras for years- you know, something that CoX got far sooner, and with a better implementation. I'm done.
Thats what i thought when i first tested it on the PTS .. that we can store them there and access them from there directly with other characters. Without that and the need to use the shared bank, the whole system makes no sense for me.
But i think that also was their inittial idea .. and then somebody had the idea it would be much better that some auras are not accountbound, and so the just let that in because it was already there.
As for me I still haven't Spend not a Single Zen on them, Why? Because I don't need them and none of the current Auras in Z-store makes me go WOW!
I do agree that the Per Character use is really Bollrocks though, especially when you can buy a Costume pack for all your characters on that Price
oh right.. can't have people freely able to get additional aura access for free.. even if they pay.
Though really.. i don't see why that matters? for dark aura.. if i farmed droped on one toon.. i could have sent it to my other toon before binding and still have had control which toon it goes to.. and for legacy auras.. i'd used to have had two of these "auras" to cycle through when i changed my build with 2 different passives for it.. now i get one? meh.. i don't care for the removal to turn it into new content to "re-earn" so far as i'm concerned, al legacy ones should have been free for all characters in the first place. you're free to disagree with that though.. but my main concern is if the "freebies" is used as an excuse to make the paid for ones restrictive in use. "You can't have easier useability with you paid for items because it helps you get usefulness from the free ones too, and clearly we don't like you enjoying free stuff"
No because legacy auras are character bound to prevent that.
I don't really care that aura storage is not accountwide, that's no issue, we have plenty of slots anyway. What's more concerning is that aura slots in the z store is character based, when it clearly should be account based.
I guess they sold few Hideouts also. And more Hideout Bank Slots.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
You see when you switch a build the legacy auras go into your regular inventory. For some reason they never return to aura storage even if you equip the legacy auras from there.
Could this "bug" be a remnant of the first implementation of making sure legacy auras never go into aura storage? Perhaps.
Regardless, we players know that whoever is in charge told the devs to ruin a practically perfect new feature of the game for the sake of making maybe an extra buck on players who would buy sets multiple times.
BUT at the cost of players who won't buy the first copy because of it.
The very same players who are ongoing customers who keep buying zen to put into the game. That's currently a total of $33.25 (all currently available sets), plus $4.75 for every new set, and $6 for every character (dozens of repeat purchases for loyal players) we would have unlocked all the aura slots on. Per player! That Cryptic will now never see.
Whoever is in charge sabotaged the aura update with the live implementation.
I think you missed their point.. As you said, Legacy Aura's are character bound, right? Then it can't go into hideout storage, right? Imagine that, but for aura storage, can not share character bound auras, if you got on in there... how would you make it so you can't transfer it to another character? blocking it from being able to go in in the first place... which is what they did with hideouts/SG storage slots.
Or Cryptic North really is geniuses and they smartly decided that they're not going to cash in on gear (Justice Gear) and instead cash in on vanity like most F2P mmos do
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You'd be screwed. Think about it. If they kept lacy auras character bound as well as dark aura, what happens when your aura slots are account wide but your aura is character bound. You won't be able to put the character bound aura in the account slot, so what happens to your auras in the stream of code when you try to replace them or double click your dark aura in your item inventory.
i think the answer depends on the auras you have at the time you try this evil sorcery... if you have black krackle aura, you open a black hole into the abyss where all life shall rot away slowly, painfully...
if you instead bought the colourable version (oh look... they CAN make black.. but keep it completely separate from us afterall.. hooray for market tactics!) then instead you create the fabled rainbow to the magic pot of gold, and when you reach it.. all life explodes in a showerof bliss because no one is around to be alive to be grumpy at dying.
A real community would not just buy the aura..they would open peititions and make Cryptic change or else they would not spend a dime on it.. that easy...
What this community needs is to unite and make things happen
[Psionic Shield: Wobble] <--Which is on the PTS, to have this on more than one toon, I'd have to buy it over and over again? Or continually switch it?
Yeah, I'm not sure why Aura Storage isn't account wide, it would be waay better in my opinion.
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I have no problems with them being account wide and place them into storage to move them between characters. For those who don't have a hideout, you should be able to mail them, granted I have not tried it, so I don't know for sure.
Areismajor just thought of a new idea of an aura.. and I want it o.O
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
You can put the AURA into you HIDEOUT and pick it up with abother toon...
AURAS work like Vehicles ... only one char can have it at a time and the aura storage is NOT account wide....
Actually, a lot of people in zone thought you only had to buy an aura set once and it was useable like costume sets. A lot of those players regretted their purchases immediately.
Chances are that aura will be a drop in game. Its color coded purple and has a bit more unique icon supporting that theory further.
Well i knew it from the start but i only bought each aura once hoping they will make it an unlock....
All i can suggest is making a petition .. directly to Cryptic/ PWI whatever.. if you need my sign you need to let me know.
/signed one million times.
(°∇° ) #megalodon2015
"Champions-Online and Star Trek Online contained hundreds of hours of mediocre content!"
and "nothing was polished".
--Jack Emmert
No, the auras are: like vehicles... you can onyl use 1 piece of aura on 1 toon at the same time...if youw ant the aura on a different char you need to put it in hideout bank....
(°∇° ) #megalodon2015
My biggest issue is that it takes a great chunk of time to trade the individual aura pieces through the hideout and that I need the inventory space to do it. I have tons of characters that could use the aura pieces, but as it is, it is very silly.
Make all the pieces add to each individual character's aura storage or convert them into the tailor.
I would love that, that way we could give auras to nemesis too
If you're going to tell people to learn to read, you should at least write properly.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Dude gett off my nerves'
(( is there any ignore function for forums? ))
Yes, you'll find it in this thread: http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=150221
Hey look at that, another thing I'm teaching you about how the forums work. Weird, you were so much more pleasant in game
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
We can all fall victim to arguing with that type of person now and again, but the personal vendetta between you two has gotten old really fast and I, for one, am a little tired of seeing it.
I'm directing this to you and not your adversary because I credit you with more intelligence than them.........sometimes it's more heroic to not try to get the last word.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Well then. Since you said it that way, I'll do it.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
oh i can return that comment !
Reposting to put thread back on track.