i need to get a screen of my fav of my chars, but i think he looks nice, one of my oldest sicne becoming a Lifetime Gold about 2 years ago
named Tesla Trooper, part thematic-design name-wise from the C&C Red Alert series but also very fitting for an Electric character
edit: i honestly havent messed with the scales too much on my chars, but has potential for some neat ideas, ive just stuck with a few standard-type body-scales builds
The scaling on that socrates chest is defintely very different than most. The lockbox gladiator shoulders scale funky too, increasing in size more from the chest sliders than the shoulders.
All those lines go great in Caprice. Caprice's disco floor could use an update, ugh.
Its that nicotine stains or what?
Oh and here's the BEST costume in the whole game.
All those lines go great in Caprice. Caprice's disco floor could use an update, ugh.
Its that nicotine stains or what?
Oh and here's the BEST costume in the whole game.
Vend to the end!
And a damn fine hero, too. :biggrin: She just saved my heroes bacon when some Destroid's Chest Beam knock Spacehawk for a loop. Would have surely bit the bullet if not for her skill at fisticuffs.
Thanks When waiting for alerts, I like to sit in Ren Center and stare at people in that costume. Here's one I just finished the other day. Much less creepy lol
Thanks When waiting for alerts, I like to sit in Ren Center and stare at people in that costume. Here's one I just finished the other day. Much less creepy lol
I don't know if I should be running from it, or hugging it. lol
Got a new one to throw in the "Champions Originals" pile: Blue Jae (apparently "Jay" is illegal... ). Actually got complimented on him within a few seconds of leaving the powerhouse.
You could swap out the white markings for black and go by the name Stellar's Jay...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Nice. As far as cape glide, I agree, though I wouldn't be opposed to a simpler, slower "glide" tp that doesn't force a cape on your character. I can think of a character or two of my own that could use that. It's not like Cryptic's above rehashing travel powers or anything. :biggrin:
And while I can agree with the applications of not forcing a cape on cape glide (it would be cool to make a glider suit), I also wouldnt want to give up the forced cape either since I have at least two characters where it fits thematically. (FYI cape glide does not replace most back pieces, besides capes, resulting in a nifty hang glider in my backpack)
And while I can agree with the applications of not forcing a cape on cape glide (it would be cool to make a glider suit), I also wouldnt want to give up the forced cape either since I have at least two characters where it fits thematically. (FYI cape glide does not replace most back pieces, besides capes, resulting in a nifty hang glider in my backpack)
TY Benevon! I agree with you there....there are many ways they could have the two options..
One is to go the route of having 2 TPs...one with cape and one without (kinda like they did with having the different animations for Acrobatics and Athletics.
Another is to have a 0 point advantage which would remove the cape (although I know that, for some reason, they don't like 0 point advantages)
Finally, they could do it kinda like they do for Jetpack. The jetpack animation only comes on when you have the jetpack.....they could have the cape showing only if you are wearing a cape(I like this idea the best).
Anyway....here's another outfit of Goldwing's. His steampunk Hawkman homage is all ready for The Society of Distinguished Ladies And Gentlemen's JLA Homage CC which I'm hosting on the 24/09/2013 (next Tuesday!) at 6:30pm ST in MCPHT.
Cats are Warrior Woman, Caped Strongman, Alien Genius, Speedster & Dark Vigilante! Host's Choice: Waterlogged Hero! Usual rules apply and switching for the Host's choice.
What a shameless plug!!!
Edit: All costumes moved to my costumes thread (see under my signature, below).
Also, it would be nice if I could've gotten their feet in some of these instead of amputating at the ankle.
I absolutely HATE that about the camera angles in this game. If you're flying/hovering it's not as much of a problem. But try just STANDING anywhere and get a good angle. SHEESH. I've taken to standing at the edges of buildings so that I can get the camera DOWN at the proper angle to look UP so that I can get good angles for standing characters. But you can't do that with some environments that you really want your character to be in.
Here's a Champions original of mine. I posted a thread for her a couple of years ago. But that's been a long time ago. And she's recently hit 40, so I think it's okay to post some of her costumes in this thread.
I went with canon lore (both game and book) in designing Tarma Sul. She's a Malvan warrior who's had herself augmented before coming to Terra. She uses the Psi blades powers mostly. But as a freeform I've added some things like a self-heal and dodge from the standard martial arts tree. I originally made her first costume below with an eye toward working with the default colorations of the Psi powers. And then it kinda went from there. I tried to make costumes that felt alien yet sexy. I think I kinda channeled some Bill Thiess (the original costumer for Star Trek in the 60s).
If she doesn't look like what the game has decided is a "standard" Malvan, well - I designed her long before they showed up officially in the MMO by studying what art and descriptions there was in the books. By those standards she's pretty much accurate. I kinda... disagree with the wild eyebrows in the online game. I know Malvans HAVE long eyebrows, but the game took what was supposed to be a SUBTLE feature and just made made them into Night-Elf "if I express myself too much I'm going to fly off the ground!" eyebrows. Blech...
Besides - she had herself modified with superpowers. So her genetics are a little off-standard anyway.
This one below is a costume I often change Tarma into in Canada. Full coverage against the cold and all.
The costume below is used both for Lemuria and if there's any space missions. (Also for use outside the dome there on the Lunar hideout)
A "force armor" costume that uses a trick where you color some of the "Holo" pieces black. That makes them invisible until you apply a power effect like a block. I used this outfit in the Cybermind Grid missions.
So I'll join the fray with a few heroes of my own! I'd like to create my own thread with builds and all, but I'll start by sharing my four favourite costumes:
Sapphire Hawk
Technetium Merc (love this costume, but boooring hero)
Agent Coral
Edit: lol I just realized how much I love those bracers, 3 out of 4 of my favourites use them
______________________________________________________________ My Characters
Not bad - but for some reason, when we see Midnight Moth in flight, all I can hear is, "Not in the face! Not in the face!!"
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Awesome, the textures look neat. Edited my last post to include another picture...it probably isn't one of my best, but it amuses me more than most at least!
Did a fairly subtle but actually pretty major overhaul of my main character's main costume. Chernobyl had drifted away from the pseudo-steampunk feel I first created her with, and I wanted to bring her back to that style.
I absolutely love this costume. Her concept basically makes her a dps with *way* more survivability than any dpser has a right to have, and this armor makes her feel as sturdy as she is. I actually find myself taking more risks in it, since she feels like she can handle it in this getup.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
Did a fairly subtle but actually pretty major overhaul of my main character's main costume. Chernobyl had drifted away from the pseudo-steampunk feel I first created her with, and I wanted to bring her back to that style.
I love that outfit Taco...great feel to it.
So I made a new costume for The Huntsman....channeling Deadshot but keeping my theme.
Edit: All moved to my costumes thread (see under my signature, below).
Pretty cool combo of the Mechassassin hand with the bow. Have you tried some of the more tech options, like the compound or the one sold in the c-store?
______________________________________________________________ My Characters
A selection of my most complete heads and faces. In my opinion head makes or kills the costume. Sometime costume itself is great but if fails upon closer examination just because of distorted/awkward face.
The engineers didn't think that all the way through when building the prototype.
My Characters on PRIMUS
Toons and costumes thread
Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
I love the creative use of the scaling!
The poster formerly known as Lightwave!
named Tesla Trooper, part thematic-design name-wise from the C&C Red Alert series but also very fitting for an Electric character
edit: i honestly havent messed with the scales too much on my chars, but has potential for some neat ideas, ive just stuck with a few standard-type body-scales builds
My Characters on PRIMUS
Toons and costumes thread
Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
Hey I need dat hairstyle.
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Did someone got the reference?? XD :biggrin:
Down goes Destroid!
I don't know if I should be running from it, or hugging it. lol
My Characters on PRIMUS
Toons and costumes thread
Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5
Pic 6
No relation to "the" Nighthawk.
Refugee from Paragon City.
Yeah, someone else just pointed that out. Dangit all the good names are taken! lol
But thank you for the compliment.
No relation to "the" Nighthawk.
Refugee from Paragon City.
You could always call yourself Blue Jim!:biggrin:
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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No relation to "the" Nighthawk.
Refugee from Paragon City.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
No relation to "the" Nighthawk.
Refugee from Paragon City.
And while I can agree with the applications of not forcing a cape on cape glide (it would be cool to make a glider suit), I also wouldnt want to give up the forced cape either since I have at least two characters where it fits thematically. (FYI cape glide does not replace most back pieces, besides capes, resulting in a nifty hang glider in my backpack)
My Characters on PRIMUS
Toons and costumes thread
Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
TY Benevon! I agree with you there....there are many ways they could have the two options..
One is to go the route of having 2 TPs...one with cape and one without (kinda like they did with having the different animations for Acrobatics and Athletics.
Another is to have a 0 point advantage which would remove the cape (although I know that, for some reason, they don't like 0 point advantages)
Finally, they could do it kinda like they do for Jetpack. The jetpack animation only comes on when you have the jetpack.....they could have the cape showing only if you are wearing a cape(I like this idea the best).
Anyway....here's another outfit of Goldwing's. His steampunk Hawkman homage is all ready for The Society of Distinguished Ladies And Gentlemen's JLA Homage CC which I'm hosting on the 24/09/2013 (next Tuesday!) at 6:30pm ST in MCPHT.
Cats are Warrior Woman, Caped Strongman, Alien Genius, Speedster & Dark Vigilante! Host's Choice: Waterlogged Hero! Usual rules apply and switching for the Host's choice.
What a shameless plug!!!
Edit: All costumes moved to my costumes thread (see under my signature, below).
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Not at all. This is some great stuff you've got!
I absolutely HATE that about the camera angles in this game. If you're flying/hovering it's not as much of a problem. But try just STANDING anywhere and get a good angle. SHEESH. I've taken to standing at the edges of buildings so that I can get the camera DOWN at the proper angle to look UP so that I can get good angles for standing characters. But you can't do that with some environments that you really want your character to be in.
I just want to say that that is one of the most classic outfits I've ever seen. Love the balance and the colors on this.
That is awesome! Love the original Goldwing suit a page back, too! Very classic Silver/Bronze age to look to him on that one!
I went with canon lore (both game and book) in designing Tarma Sul. She's a Malvan warrior who's had herself augmented before coming to Terra. She uses the Psi blades powers mostly. But as a freeform I've added some things like a self-heal and dodge from the standard martial arts tree. I originally made her first costume below with an eye toward working with the default colorations of the Psi powers. And then it kinda went from there. I tried to make costumes that felt alien yet sexy. I think I kinda channeled some Bill Thiess (the original costumer for Star Trek in the 60s).
If she doesn't look like what the game has decided is a "standard" Malvan, well - I designed her long before they showed up officially in the MMO by studying what art and descriptions there was in the books. By those standards she's pretty much accurate. I kinda... disagree with the wild eyebrows in the online game. I know Malvans HAVE long eyebrows, but the game took what was supposed to be a SUBTLE feature and just made made them into Night-Elf "if I express myself too much I'm going to fly off the ground!" eyebrows. Blech...
Besides - she had herself modified with superpowers. So her genetics are a little off-standard anyway.
This one below is a costume I often change Tarma into in Canada. Full coverage against the cold and all.
The costume below is used both for Lemuria and if there's any space missions. (Also for use outside the dome there on the Lunar hideout)
A "force armor" costume that uses a trick where you color some of the "Holo" pieces black. That makes them invisible until you apply a power effect like a block. I used this outfit in the Cybermind Grid missions.
Vibora Bay outfit.
A Malvan "Thalusco" outfit.
On the left is Inventress, my Power Armor/Gadget hero
Middle is Celestial Seer
and on the right is Wild Fox
By the way Tarma Sul is very impressive, most of my heroes can't hold a candle to her
Night Spider (Current attire, inspired by Batman Arkham Origins)
Lady Recluse
Ebon Widow (Current Attire)
@Hope1 ingame. PRIMUS Database Characters
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Sapphire Hawk
Technetium Merc (love this costume, but boooring hero)
Agent Coral
Edit: lol I just realized how much I love those bracers, 3 out of 4 of my favourites use them
My Characters
Handle: @drgmstr
"Embrace your dreams"
Come Check Out My PRIMUS Database Page!
Casual IMP
Monstrous IMP
One eye IMP
Pirate IMP
I have loads more like this but no where near enough costume slots. ;D
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
My tank, Jawbreaker!
My pistol packing firecracker, Quick Trigger!
And the mysterious night warrior, Midnight Moth!
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Nonsense. :P
I've seen Jawbreaker around, great character!
The poster formerly known as Lightwave!
Here are a few more I think turned out pretty good.
Blue Mamba!
Green Mantid!
aaand a very special homage costume worn by the Dispensable Assassin!
Here's my archer Recurve after that lil Destroid dustup recently.
You're a lunatic with a mad man's dream of a milk proof robot!
It's the look: "What ever you do, don't fart in front of the cameras"
Handle: @drgmstr
"Embrace your dreams"
Come Check Out My PRIMUS Database Page!
Gross :P
Poor Defener, the butt of every joke
You're a lunatic with a mad man's dream of a milk proof robot!
Nice costumes there!
Who farts PINK?
Bronies. :rolleyes:
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Did a fairly subtle but actually pretty major overhaul of my main character's main costume. Chernobyl had drifted away from the pseudo-steampunk feel I first created her with, and I wanted to bring her back to that style.
I absolutely love this costume. Her concept basically makes her a dps with *way* more survivability than any dpser has a right to have, and this armor makes her feel as sturdy as she is. I actually find myself taking more risks in it, since she feels like she can handle it in this getup.
RIP Caine
I love that outfit Taco...great feel to it.
So I made a new costume for The Huntsman....channeling Deadshot but keeping my theme.
Edit: All moved to my costumes thread (see under my signature, below).
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
My Characters
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
A selection of my most complete heads and faces. In my opinion head makes or kills the costume. Sometime costume itself is great but if fails upon closer examination just because of distorted/awkward face.