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Transitioning from CoH



  • clawsandeffectclawsandeffect Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hey all.

    Claws here.

    7 year CoH vet from the Pinnacle server and Scrapper build guru.

    Just popping in to say hi. Don't know if I'm going to stick around, but I figured I'd give CO at least a fair shake before I write it off.

    In looking at it, I can recreate my main pretty easily, but I'll have to subscribe first. Dunno if that's in the cards yet.

    I'll be around for a bit, testing the waters.
  • polargizmopolargizmo Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    im goin to be a newb all over again. i was very disappointed to find that COH is gone. i was looking forward to playing it again since im getting a better internet. the last time i was on i kept crashing bcoz of my weak conection. and my heart dropped when i saw that its gone:O this game is similar to COH and hopefully its as good too or better. my question is , character build and all that are they pretty much the same? and can you still go on solo missions? i would def not know anyone anymore to help me with character build so a channel would be very helpful lol.
  • deathsentry2012deathsentry2012 Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You can definitely solo. Lots of costume options. But in terms of builds, there are a number of threads to help. What I found (after my trial and error) is that to be survivable, you definitely need a good heal(s), and an active defense (Unbreakable from Power Armor/forgot the one from Martial Arts).

    However, these only last a short time at a pop and have a 30 second cooldown, so the use of specializations and gear help to reduce the cooldown time. There is also another power, Inertial Dampening Field (IDF) from the Force power set that provides some protection along with a passive defense like lightning reflexes, invulnerability, etc.

    Hardest part I've had has been trying to get the right mix between defense and offense. So for example, you have powers categorized as Forms, but only one Form can be active at a time. Not surprisingly, one form in a power set is offensive based, and the other defensive. Same for passives.. so I can use a passive slot for offense or defense.. so trying to get those lined up correctly (and I'm still learning so anyone please feel free to correct me) is a challenge.

    Most of my toons now, even if its suboptimal, will have Intelligence as the primary superstat so that I can use from their specialization tree, a power to reduce cooldowns. Then I use two other specialization trees where one reduces active defenses (like masterful dodge - ah remembered it now and unbreakable) and then another tree for active offenses.

    To me, I have been unable to make a tank that is durable but can also do some damage, and maybe its unrealistic to do so. At one point, I had the two active defenses, along with IDF, and I was able to easily fight some tough bosses. However, because I couldn't really do much damage (because of sacrificing offensive slots for defensive), i could never beat them...just survive.
    polargizmo wrote: »
    im goin to be a newb all over again. i was very disappointed to find that COH is gone. i was looking forward to playing it again since im getting a better internet. the last time i was on i kept crashing bcoz of my weak conection. and my heart dropped when i saw that its gone:O this game is similar to COH and hopefully its as good too or better. my question is , character build and all that are they pretty much the same? and can you still go on solo missions? i would def not know anyone anymore to help me with character build so a channel would be very helpful lol.
  • golgothmoggolgothmog Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I finally decided to try out CO after yet another sudden bout of missing COH.
    So far I'm enjoying it and figuring it out... slowly. There's a lot that reminds me of COH with tweaks.

    So some questions:
    One thing I really enjoyed about COH was the pulp content... Dr. Vahzilok, the Circle of Thorns and all the other weirdos.
    Is there much of that flavor to be had in CO? Everything I've seen so far has seemed toned down... the Maniacs remind me of The Freakshow... but not as bizarre. Are there giant monster events like the enormous squid or that ghost pirate ship?

    Another thing, I enjoyed the low level 'sewer missions' in COH... just jump into a group and head into the gauntlet. Is there anything like that in CO? (I'm not up on how missions/grouping works yet).

    I've yet to team with anyone but the folks I've run into so far have been just as nice as the people I met in COH... which were great compared to other MMOs I've tried.
    So far this game seems like it MIGHT be able to scratch my COH itch... maybe even satisfy it for good. Already I like the look and I think the gameplay might be a bit more interesting... but I've haven't started bugging my old COH buddies to come play, yet.

    Thanks for thoughts,
  • bitloader#0640 bitloader Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    golgothmog wrote: »
    Another thing, I enjoyed the low level 'sewer missions' in COH... just jump into a group and head into the gauntlet. Is there anything like that in CO? (I'm not up on how missions/grouping works yet).

    Well, there is something called Alert Missions, which is kinda like spamming "LFG!" in CoH and wait for the random PuG to form. Although these Alert Missions will wait for a full team of 5 before sending you into the depths of mayhem, but their quite fun and really short. You can finish these within several minutes most of the times.

    I'm a CoH veteran myself and moved to CO because of the freedom you get with costumes and more likeness to CoH. People here are quite friendly and the story arcs are fun to play.
    Sure, like CoH some things need to be improved. And the dev team is fixing bugs all over the place. But those things haven't stopped me from playing.

    It's a fun game. Lot's of stuff to enjoy.
    Roster: Gemstone (L7; the Inferno)
    former CoH veteran
  • golgothmoggolgothmog Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Oh, the Alert Missions... those are the ones everyone says to wait till your 15 to jump into? OK, those look fun.

    I agree that the costume designer, even for Silver, is quite nice. I've been able to make very nice versions of most all my COH toons... some of them I even like better.
    My fire blaster is even more fun to play, so far, than his old version... though I read somewhere 'Infernos' are glass cannons.
  • itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    golgothmog wrote: »
    Oh, the Alert Missions... those are the ones everyone says to wait till your 15 to jump into? OK, those look fun.

    I agree that the costume designer, even for Silver, is quite nice. I've been able to make very nice versions of most all my COH toons... some of them I even like better.
    My fire blaster is even more fun to play, so far, than his old version... though I read somewhere 'Infernos' are glass cannons.

    It is fragile, but has a shield that damages enemies while blocking, and DoTs that continue to burn enemies even after they leash.

    Enemies also tend to pause when you break line of sight, or "forget" about you. This is something that you can really put to your advantage.

    You can also purchase a crowd control ability (heatwave). Additionally, some travel powers grant stealth and can be purchased with recognition tokens. Ooze tunneling can be used as a thematic "going molten" that grants stealth, and your enemies will keep burning as they have trouble finding you..
    Brou in Cryptic games.
  • alphaph0enixalphaph0enix Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Am I honestly the only one that finds this game exceptionally frustrating? I *know* its not CoH but this game (champions online) almost has me in tears with its counter intuitiveness.

    For example I have been google-ing "Champions for beginners" and I came across a tutorial by someone named Daniel Jason Dyals (so non of it belongs to me it belongs to him) and he says:
    "You have two choices when using an energy-using power. You can either press this power down (by holding your mouse click or by holding down the bound key) to "charge" this power, or you can instantly activate it by "tapping" the power (clicking without holding the power down or tapping the bound key). Powers have effects that vary depending on whether you tapped or charged the power. Most powers get stronger when you charge them, but charging takes time and you can't take other actions while charging."

    HOW WAS I SUPPOSE TO *KNOW* THAT? Did I blink and miss it at some point in this tutorial??
    SERIOUSLY frustrated.
    Maybe this game just isn't for me.
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It's a bit of a hassle at first. I remember when I started out and was confused as to why my 1st attack was doing crappy damage. Then I used my second attack, and was like "...Damn, this doesn't have a cooldown-wait, it combos!?"

    So yes, after that, I realized this game has kind of actiony controls. Reading descriptions should give greater insight to how to use these amazingly complicated moves!
    How to block a user with μblock:
  • locsmith12locsmith12 Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Am I honestly the only one that finds this game exceptionally frustrating? I *know* its not CoH but this game (champions online) almost has me in tears with its counter intuitiveness.

    For example I have been google-ing "Champions for beginners" and I came across a tutorial by someone named Daniel Jason Dyals (so non of it belongs to me it belongs to him) and he says:
    "You have two choices when using an energy-using power. You can either press this power down (by holding your mouse click or by holding down the bound key) to "charge" this power, or you can instantly activate it by "tapping" the power (clicking without holding the power down or tapping the bound key). Powers have effects that vary depending on whether you tapped or charged the power. Most powers get stronger when you charge them, but charging takes time and you can't take other actions while charging."

    HOW WAS I SUPPOSE TO *KNOW* THAT? Did I blink and miss it at some point in this tutorial??
    SERIOUSLY frustrated.
    Maybe this game just isn't for me.

    It's not in the tutorial but in one of the first missions you get once the tutorial is complete. In the Powerhouse there are a set of videos to watch that will complete a quest for you. One of the videos specifically goes over the different ways you use the powers (one click, charge up and sustained attack).:biggrin:
  • weapwn1weapwn1 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    My brother and I played together all the time in CoX and are looking forward to the PvP in this game! My global was @Dynamite Hack and my brothers was @Critical.bil. If there are any SC pvpers from freedom sever in this game PLEASE let me know
  • capemike4capemike4 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    @Blitzwing here! :D

    I played CoH(we will -never- forget) from July 2004 through late 2009 on Pinnacle(the only server where you faceplanted BEFORE a fight!), when real-life essentially forced me into retirement....

    I'm having tons of fun in Star Trek Online, and finally decided, earlier today, to give CO a chance to impress me...some years ago, I 'sort-of' participated in the CO Beta...I say it like that, as the PC I had then could only just BARELY handle the game, but I always kept an eye on how the game was progressing!

    So far, I'm only lv 6 or so and just romping around in the area just outside the tutorial as a Free/Silver player(stupid unemployment issues, which I hope will finally go away this week!)...; I've been able to physically re-create my beloved Scrapper(as a sword-wielder, which conveniently fits, given he's used one in his pre-CoH days), and I think I can make a pretty good go of things....

    So, any additional advice someone can give would be welcome!

    CapeMike, my character here, has RP-potential, but I have to be in a pretty good mood to do so, as his anime-themed, 4th wall obliterating mayhem usually goes right over people's heads! :D
  • reggyworld27reggyworld27 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Hey guys.

    Noob to CO, 5 year veteran from virtue server CoX. Loving CO so far and looking forward to how the game progresses.

    Anyway... was wondering if you could help a fellow CoX-er out?
    Does anyone kno where I can get those 4th anniversary lockboxes? Or whether I can still get em or not? Didnt kno where to post on the forums, thought id try my luck here.

    Thanks guys!
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Auction House.
    Fellow players.
    If you can't find a way to travel back in time.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
    Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Hey guys.

    Noob to CO, 5 year veteran from virtue server CoX. Loving CO so far and looking forward to how the game progresses.

    Anyway... was wondering if you could help a fellow CoX-er out?
    Does anyone kno where I can get those 4th anniversary lockboxes? Or whether I can still get em or not? Didnt kno where to post on the forums, thought id try my luck here.

    Thanks guys!

    The 4th lockbox has been retired for now, but you can still get it from other players who still have some. You can also buy it from the AH.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    no cookie cutter classes(with associated jerks insisting on 'their' build is the only one to use. Ok we have the FF version of those.)- yay
    no end game gear grind- yay
    no raids- YAY
    Nope - it was competition and despite lack of funding,regular updates, plagues of bugs, still going.
    Alphapheonix- if its any consolation. I took 2 levels to work out that one of my attacks was a charge up attack. I kept tapping it and wondering why it did F.. all. I missed the activation time when reading it.
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • jasperzeddenjasperzedden Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Howdy. I am a CoX refugee lng time player of the game. I have played CO for awhile and am looking at setting up and staying. Currently have a lvl 39 freeform that sadly is a bit of a Mutt, but she is beautiful.


    1. Current laptop is old. A HP Pavilion running with Intel cor i3CPU 330 2.13GHz and a Intel HD Graphics card. I cannot team with out lotsa lag and can only play on the 50% graphics setting. Odd that it ran CoH fine, Mothership bowl and all. Ok, on low settings too....

    2. SG groups?

    3. May I have an invite to chat channel.

    looking to make a home....again
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Howdy. I am a CoX refugee lng time player of the game. I have played CO for awhile and am looking at setting up and staying. Currently have a lvl 39 freeform that sadly is a bit of a Mutt, but she is beautiful.


    1. Current laptop is old. A HP Pavilion running with Intel cor i3CPU 330 2.13GHz and a Intel HD Graphics card. I cannot team with out lotsa lag and can only play on the 50% graphics setting. Odd that it ran CoH fine, Mothership bowl and all. Ok, on low settings too....

    2. SG groups?

    3. May I have an invite to chat channel.

    looking to make a home....again

    1. A few key options: Set High Quality Lighting to Low (or Off, don't remember the setting). Set Screen Space Ambient Occlusion to off. In your HUD options, turn off player names and damage floaters. This helps a lot in big groups of players.

    2. Check the forums, in the player to player section toward the bottom, there's a Supergroup Recruitment forum.

    3. You should join the CoX channel; you don't need an invite. Just type /channel_join CoX in your chat box and you should be set up. You can also assign a chat color to that channel so it doesn't just end up looking like /local chat.
  • jasperzeddenjasperzedden Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Thank you . Those settings helped in a big way!
  • arrowred42arrowred42 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Hey gang, I played CoX for almost the whole time it was up and running. I like this game just fine, but how come there aren't any radio missions? I've done some alerts, but it's just not the same.
  • mrsoul73mrsoul73 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I'm a former COH player. I've played the game from Beta in 2004 until it closed down. I started playing CO about two weeks ago thanks to getting a updated computer and so far I'm enjoying this. This is a lot better than DC online, which I was force to play for year while I saved up money for a new computer. A lot of things are similar to COH and there are things that are different. One thing I notice is that this game is all about micro transactions. Not a bad thing as I've seen worse.

    Looking forward to seeing where this game takes me.
  • gemini2099gemini2099 Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I just want to know where the tailors are located at throughout the game and I will be a happy clam lol.:biggrin:
    Gemini - Lvl 4x - Soldier
    Omicron - Lvl 4x - Mind
    Emerald Myst - Lvl 2x - Claws/Fighting Hybrid
    Epsilon - Lvl 2x - Blade
    Asterius - Lvl 1x - Electric/Void Hybrid

  • jerax1011jerax1011 Posts: 974 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    gemini2099 wrote: »
    I just want to know where the tailors are located at throughout the game and I will be a happy clam lol.:biggrin:

    There's three located around the center of Ren Cen (under the blue canopy) an entire "store" that's an access point for tailors in every Powerhouse in each Zone (except Lemuria), two behind the stage in the Powerhouse Theaters (also located in every powerhouse) and the one that's accessible in every hideout you own (including friends hideouts).
    @Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
  • gemini2099gemini2099 Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited February 2014

    Having lots of fun thus far.
    Gemini - Lvl 4x - Soldier
    Omicron - Lvl 4x - Mind
    Emerald Myst - Lvl 2x - Claws/Fighting Hybrid
    Epsilon - Lvl 2x - Blade
    Asterius - Lvl 1x - Electric/Void Hybrid

  • jerax1011jerax1011 Posts: 974 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Glad to hear it! Also if you weren't aware already (and not just for the costume fanatics :P) the community hosts several costume contests throughout the week, mostly in the evening hours server time. You can join the Contests-Central channel for ads and a group of social folks who love the creativity the tailor offers. (you can join by typing /join_channel Contests-Central)
    There are all sorts of themes from the classic heroes to off the wall out of the box categories! It's certainly a lot of fun, and there are in game prizes too! Maybe I'll see you there ^.^
    @Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
  • co1americanvalorco1americanvalor Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hello All just wanted to let all our COx'er , former one myself Liberty, Virtue and well all of them ;) that the Champions-Online wikia pages are slowly being updated and that the Alienware Giveaway from 09/07/2011 still has over 7000 keycodes which is great for all silver accounts.

    I can be found in game @American_Valor see you all in the funny pages.

    Few are the Heroes upon this Globe who deserve the reward of Michelob, drink up heroes.
  • bigbooty66bigbooty66 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2014

    Old CoH player here. I tried CHampions ages ago, but didn't really gel with it. I'm considering trying again, and I was wondering how much money I need to pay and what sort of account to go for to get full access to all the archetypes and powers and costume bits etc.
  • xydaxydaxydaxyda Posts: 800 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    A 15$ a month gold membership will gives you access to all powers and archetypes as well as a hideout, a monthly stipend of zen and some costume packs and travel powers that are only free to subscribers. A majority of costume packs in the game have to be bought separately with zen regardless of if you're a paying member or not. If you don't want to pay monthly you can throw down $250(I think that's the price) for a LTS and receive all veteran awards from day one(more costume stuff, travel powers, and items).

    Or you can play on a silver account, start with a free archetype to see how things go, and buy additional ATs, character slots, costume packs, and whatever else you think you might want...including a single free form character slot that will allow you to create a hero using a combination of any of the powersets in the game for $50

    However only a gold account(monthly fee or LTS) can change the color of their powers, earn additional costume slots as they level, and are awarded with a free retrain token and an extra character slot with every character that reaches level 40.
  • bigbooty66bigbooty66 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Thanks for the fast response. For the time being, I'm mostly interested in the costume bits. a monthly sub of 15 bucks isn't too much, will this give me a nice range of costume parts? Compared to what I can get from the free account, I mean?

    A link to the shop with the costume packs would be appreciated too, if there is one handy.
  • kojirohellfirekojirohellfire Posts: 2,078 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    bigbooty66 wrote: »
    Thanks for the fast response. For the time being, I'm mostly interested in the costume bits. a monthly sub of 15 bucks isn't too much, will this give me a nice range of costume parts? Compared to what I can get from the free account, I mean?

    A link to the shop with the costume packs would be appreciated too, if there is one handy.

    That's been rendered inaccessible since PWE changed the website format. The Zen Store's accessible in the game, though. Just click on the button with the golden Z.
  • uniidenuniiden Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Hello CO community,

    My account is still new (created it last night) and I can't create my own threads yet so I thought I'd post here. Just thought I'd start with a little backstory: I played CoX throughout all of it's entirety. I ran a few different accounts, mostly because of on-again, off-again subscriptions and forgotten passwords. After CoX got shut down, I bought a 3 month subscription to WoW, but decided not to renew it because I got bored with the game. It just didn't have that "Wow" factor that CoX had. CoX was really the first MMORPG that I connected with; being a massive comic book fan, I became submerged in the world of Paragon.

    Anywho, long story short, I haven't played any online games for the past couple years and with the recent news and updates from the City of Titans developers and the rumors of CoX possibly coming back to life, I remembered about Champions Online and decided to finally come check it out (I've severely missed the comic book world).

    Now, my only concern is: Is a subscription worth getting at this point? I'm thinking of a free subscription (Mostly as a test and if I do find myself loving this game, I'd consider a paid subscription) and I wanna know if joining at this point in it's MMORPG lifespan is worth the time. As I said before, I do miss the comic book superhero world and I feel like this game can possibly fill the gap CoX has left in me.

    Any insight would help greatly. Sorry for the long read, just trying to get some answers on the game.

    Thanks for reading,

    Formerly Polypro Ninja AKA Sirory
  • kojirohellfirekojirohellfire Posts: 2,078 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    uniiden wrote: »
    Now, my only concern is: Is a subscription worth getting at this point? I'm thinking of a free subscription (Mostly as a test and if I do find myself loving this game, I'd consider a paid subscription) and I wanna know if joining at this point in it's MMORPG lifespan is worth the time. As I said before, I do miss the comic book superhero world and I feel like this game can possibly fill the gap CoX has left in me.

    Any insight would help greatly. Sorry for the long read, just trying to get some answers on the game.

    Thanks for reading,

    Formerly Polypro Ninja AKA Sirory

    If you want Free Forms, power color customization and 8 character slots with the ability to open more for each character you level to 40, then a paid subscription is the way to go. They've also recently introduced a system where you can get a new costume piece each month if you're subscribed (the merchant for the pieces is in RenCen).

    Otherwise, you'll have only two character slots and a limited assortment of very limited archetypes.
  • uniidenuniiden Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    If you want Free Forms, power color customization and 8 character slots with the ability to open more for each character you level to 40, then a paid subscription is the way to go. They've also recently introduced a system where you can get a new costume piece each month if you're subscribed (the merchant for the pieces is in RenCen).

    Otherwise, you'll have only two character slots and a limited assortment of very limited archetypes.

    Okay. So, how active is this game these days?
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,598 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    uniiden wrote: »
    Okay. So, how active is this game these days?

    I suggest you make a free account and see for yourself mate. Depends on so many factors/time zones, etc. Personal experience will answer that question better than any answers that folks can give you here.

    Also, opinions vary wildly.
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Take Zenith's advice and go with being free until you get a feel for the game.

    The Unleashed is a good AT to start with since it has high damage and can be tanky. The Behemoth is good too as it is a tank. The Blade and Marksmen are my favorite of the free ATs but also somewhat squishy. Both are DPS, but with how aggro works, you will be tanking anyway. However, learning how to tank and survive with them will only improve your play, if that's your thing, at the cost of dying a lot in the process. The Soldier is good for lazy end game (rampages) due to the sniper rifle and crappy enemy AI. Well, the Marksmen as an equivalent power but with MUCH less damage. The Devastator can be picked up for free from Alienware Arena, as far as I know. It's pretty beefy and does decent damage.

    Pick up the ARC promo codes for the free hideouts and ... um ... whatever the other stuff was. Costume bits, I think. Speaking of costume bits, the full tailor doesn't open up until you hit level 10. Option are limited when you first start out.

    Join Contest Central chat channel if you're interested in the costume contest thing. You can probably find most of the forum posters in game and ask them stuff if you need help. Off Topic is another channel you can join to chat and ask question. In the middle of RenCen is the duelist circle. People also like to duel in the area between the Power House ring and Robot Defendummy's standing spot. There are quite a few lvl 40s that like to hang out in this area as well. They may or may not help you if you ask. Depends on if they're AFK or how grumpy they are.

    I don't know how active the game is other than the population is on the low side. I only pay attention to my guild and friends. Most of the decent sized guilds are active and probably don't mind new members whether they're actively recruiting or not.
    YouTube - Steam - Twitter
    [at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
  • xydaxydaxydaxyda Posts: 800 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Make a silver account and try it out for a day or two, some of the mission areas can be a little lonely because of the population but there are always plenty of people around millennium city. I second the suggestion of Unleashed or Behemoth as a good place to start and I'm also a fan of the Marksman.
  • uniidenuniiden Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    sterga wrote: »
    Take Zenith's advice and go with being free until you get a feel for the game.

    The Unleashed is a good AT to start with since it has high damage and can be tanky. The Behemoth is good too as it is a tank. The Blade and Marksmen are my favorite of the free ATs but also somewhat squishy. Both are DPS, but with how aggro works, you will be tanking anyway. However, learning how to tank and survive with them will only improve your play, if that's your thing, at the cost of dying a lot in the process. The Soldier is good for lazy end game (rampages) due to the sniper rifle and crappy enemy AI. Well, the Marksmen as an equivalent power but with MUCH less damage. The Devastator can be picked up for free from Alienware Arena, as far as I know. It's pretty beefy and does decent damage.

    Pick up the ARC promo codes for the free hideouts and ... um ... whatever the other stuff was. Costume bits, I think. Speaking of costume bits, the full tailor doesn't open up until you hit level 10. Option are limited when you first start out.

    Join Contest Central chat channel if you're interested in the costume contest thing. You can probably find most of the forum posters in game and ask them stuff if you need help. Off Topic is another channel you can join to chat and ask question. In the middle of RenCen is the duelist circle. People also like to duel in the area between the Power House ring and Robot Defendummy's standing spot. There are quite a few lvl 40s that like to hang out in this area as well. They may or may not help you if you ask. Depends on if they're AFK or how grumpy they are.

    I don't know how active the game is other than the population is on the low side. I only pay attention to my guild and friends. Most of the decent sized guilds are active and probably don't mind new members whether they're actively recruiting or not.

    Back in the good ol' CoX games, I used to favor Blasters and Scrappers mostly so, anything that can translate into that in this game would probably be my go-to. Anything like a Fire or Energy Blaster or something with claws, swords, weapons, something like that. But I'm considering it more and more. I recently logged on to my Photobucket and Image Shack accounts and found all my old CoX character screenshots and it's making me hungry for more superhero goodness.

    Thanks for the info, all! When I figure out how to download CO for Macs and how smoothly I can run the game, I'll definitely be trying a free account.
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