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The only truth you need to know about CCs!



  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    xen0bia wrote: »
    It's like you're reading one sentence and ignore everything else...

    You know, one fo my hobby outside of gaming is cosplaying. If you think making a great costume in CO is hard work, imagine doing the same in real life. I spent nearly 2 months building a Sith armor and then went on to show off at a convention. Also participated in a contest while there. Do you really think, in your right mind, that I spent that much freakin' time with the only intent of winning that one miserable constest? F*** no! It was purely for fun. And being there at that contest was great just to see other incredible creations and meet other cosplayers. But with all that being said, I still expected the judges to be ETHICAL and FAIR in their decisions even if it's all in good fun in the end. It should be a given! But no, apparently in your book, it's perfectly alright to be unfair and play favorites under the guise that CCs aren't serious anyway and therefore can do whatever you want. Well I'm sorry, but clearly myself and others won't EVER agree with you on that.

    This is true, but I would just like add my grain of salt. I certainly have nothing against thinking outside of the box and coming up with wacky costumes, but in the end you still need to look remarkably good which is where things get a tad iffy sometimes. Because, think about it, if all it takes to win a contest is to come up with something twisted enough to get a chuckle out of the judges then why bother spending X amount of time making a phenomenal 'proper' (for a lack of a better word) costume? It would be like being a standup comedian and spending an ungoddly amount of hours writting extremely witty humour and, sure enough, getting a good laugh out of the audience, but then being followed by another comedian that's nothing but poop and fart jokes and getting the same reaction from the crowd. It would be slightly frustrating to say the least. The judges need to be able to discern what's really the best between the 2 and that's not always so.

    You want to have wacky cotsume? Fine by me, but still make the point of looking absolutely great.

    I'm not going to comment on hypothetical costume contests other than the one referenced here. The judges did pick the one that looked best. It was a proper costume that was not a boring representation of the category in the narrowest least creative sense. As I mentioned previously, all of that creativity, outside the box, etc must still remain within the spirit of the category.

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • lunaw78lunaw78 Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    drgmstr wrote: »
    Lets face it guys, OP won't stop until he/she gets the prize they should of won, which was probably a Purple Gang Tommy Gun that everyone and their brother already have.

    Go to a CC to have fun and communicate with the community, not to go win and rub it in everyone's faces. End of story.

    Let`s face it drmstr! I already said that I don`t wanna win any CCs because I don`t want to go to any CC! Is not clear enough for you?

    "...until he/she gets the prize they should of won, which was probably a Purple Gang Tommy Gun that everyone and their brother already have."
    ha ha ha vr "funny", drgmstr! is not even about the prize is about how you are feeling when you win a CC! Is clear enough that I didn`t felt that ever in my life when I was at CCs and I`ll never feel that thing!

    "and rub it in everyone's faces. End of story"
    I don`t "rub" anything in nobody face!

    OP also means Over powered! Next time when you or anybody else use acronyms please explain them!
  • towershield#4714 towershield Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lunaw78 wrote: »
    Let`s face it drmstr! I already said that I don`t wanna win any CCs because I don`t want to go to any CC! Is not clear enough for you?

    "...until he/she gets the prize they should of won, which was probably a Purple Gang Tommy Gun that everyone and their brother already have."
    ha ha ha vr "funny", drgmstr! is not even about the prize is about how you are feeling when you win a CC! Is clear enouh that I didn`t felt that ever in my life when I was at CCs and I`ll never feel that thing!

    "and rub it in everyone's faces. End of story"
    I don`t "rub" anything in nobody face!

    OP also means Over powered! Next time when you or anybody else use acronyms please explain them!

    You have the internet at your disposal and you can't do the quick and dirty google search to see what "OP" predominantly means on a discussion forum? OP means "Original Poster" unless it's being used to shorten "over powered". Now you know...

    To the topic at hand: I still have no idea what you're trying to accomplish with this thread, it's THAT incoherent.
  • lunaw78lunaw78 Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    smoochan wrote: »

    Wow, what a mature response without any sort of childish outbursts.

    You keep talking about the random button... did it ever occur to you that the guy who won didn't use the random button? Go push the random button a few times, see what comes up, it'll be enlightening.

    You say you made your costume with what costume parts you had... those are all the costume parts you had? Wow, I've never payed a dime for this game and I have about a thousand more parts than you do, strange! Also, I think you're overestimating your costume when you call it "sexy/beautiful". You're also misunderstanding what wins CCs... it's not a swimsuit pageant.

    Yes, you were the only one with that specific combination of costume parts. If there had been others with that exact costume, that sure would have been a coincidence, considering how many costume pieces are available. It's entirely possble that a lot of other people also "threw on a bunch of red clothing and a christmas hat" just like you thoughIt's entirely possble that a lot of other people also "threw on a bunch of red clothing and a christmas hat"

    At some point, you have to admit that even if you spent hours in the tailor making that costume, that at the end it really does look like you just "threw on a bunch of red clothing and christmas hat" and clicked done.

    First of all, you don`t have the slightest ideea of what costumes I have unlocked in the game or what costume packs I have bought! So please, stop judging me, ok?

    "...and I have about a thousand more parts than you do, strange!"
    And your point is? Quality is important not quanity! And even if you have "thousands" of costumes, that should make me feel inferior or what, because I don`t get your point!

    "It's entirely possble that a lot of other people also "threw on a bunch of red clothing and a christmas hat"
    I bet if you were in my place you wouldn`t make same costume as I did! Why? Because you aren`t me and you don`t think like I do!

    "It's entirely possble that a lot of other people also "threw on a bunch of red clothing and a christmas hat"
    And now you are what? A psychic? You can read ppl mind? o.O

    "At some point, you have to admit that even if you spent hours in the tailor making that costume, that at the end it really does look like you just "threw on a bunch of red clothing and christmas hat" and clicked done."
    I understand hun, you are just jelly! It`s ok! I forgive ya!
  • lunaw78lunaw78 Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You have the internet at your disposal and you can't do the quick and dirty google search to see what "OP" predominantly means on a discussion forum? OP means "Original Poster" unless it's being used to shorten "over powered". Now you know...

    To the topic at hand: I still have no idea what you're trying to accomplish with this thread, it's THAT incoherent.

    Maybe I don`t want to use Google! Maybe I want to hear what OP means from sombody reply! Like you did! ANd thank you for doing that!

    "I still have no idea what you're trying to accomplish with this thread, it's THAT incoherent."
    Go and check other threads! This is cleary not the thread for you to understand what`s going on here!
  • lunaw78lunaw78 Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well, I`m really sry for all of you that believed this thread is only about mysefl because in not totally about my person!
    From nice dicussions we ended up just arguing to each other! And I`m not gonna participate anymore at this thing! Bye guys and have "fun" arguing!
  • drgmstrdrgmstr Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yeah, everyone is arguing in circles because everyone thinks they're right. Topic needs to be closed.

    All in favor say 'I'.

    And for the record, I am not even going to bother quoting luna anymore. This thread has turned into a "the world revolves around me, I deserve attention and satisfaction!" thread.

    Handle: @drgmstr

    "Embrace your dreams"

    Come Check Out My PRIMUS Database Page!
  • towershield#4714 towershield Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lunaw78 wrote: »
    Maybe I don`t want to use Google! Maybe I want to hear what OP means from sombody reply! Like you did! ANd thank you for doing that!

    "I still have no idea what you're trying to accomplish with this thread, it's THAT incoherent."
    Go and check other threads! This is cleary not the thread for you to understand what`s going on here!

    Oh no, I understand what's going on. You and others are complaining about how you feel CC judging can seem totally bogus at times. I just don't get what you're trying to accomplish by making a big public stink about it.
  • kemmicalskemmicals Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This thread is just one train wreck after another... Even the conductor can't seem to decide what they're trying to do.

    From what I've read, the OP is sour about their loss in a CC and is attempting to teach people the supposed "one truth" about these contests by way of "blah blah blah I'm right and you're dumb". People have tried to explain why they may have lost and maybe that they should have went to this contest to have fun instead of getting huffy about it, but the OP comes back with "You're wrong because I just changed my mind so I'm totally right."

    OP, get your "mission statement" sorted out before you start typing your CC gospel, otherwise you end up coming across as a confused nitwit.
  • p0temk1np0temk1n Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Close topic. What needed to be said has been said, and this was the least appropriate place to have this kind of discussion.


    [thread=139701]My old, old guide for Ego Blades. Updated for On: Alert.[/thread]
    [thread=154211]The Costume Contest Schedule. Stay up-to-date without having to log in![/thread]
  • xienthxienth Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Off topic a little I know but I was sitting at the bar reading the forums, and the barmaid said Sunday is funday.
  • smoochansmoochan Posts: 2,567 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lunaw78 wrote: »
    First of all, you don`t have the slightest ideea of what costumes I have unlocked in the game or what costume packs I have bought! So please, stop judging me, ok?

    "...and I have about a thousand more parts than you do, strange!"
    And your point is? Quality is important not quanity! And even if you have "thousands" of costumes, that should make me feel inferior or what, because I don`t get your point!

    "It's entirely possble that a lot of other people also "threw on a bunch of red clothing and a christmas hat"
    I bet if you were in my place you wouldn`t make same costume as I did! Why? Because you aren`t me and you don`t think like I do!

    "It's entirely possble that a lot of other people also "threw on a bunch of red clothing and a christmas hat"
    And now you are what? A psychic? You can read ppl mind? o.O

    "At some point, you have to admit that even if you spent hours in the tailor making that costume, that at the end it really does look like you just "threw on a bunch of red clothing and christmas hat" and clicked done."
    I understand hun, you are just jelly! It`s ok! I forgive ya!


    Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
  • forutnefireforutnefire Posts: 482 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Smacky! Come hither!
    ~ Flare@Lectrohm (In-Game)

    Flare's guide to hosting and judging costume contests!
    (link under construction)
This discussion has been closed.