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Future of CO after NWO?



  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,633 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    STO produces based on what they make. At least now it does.
  • x0y1x0y1 Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    STO produces based on what they make. At least now it does.

    PWE doesn't public publish the data but dstahl said this:
    Be frustrated with me all you want, but every member of the team is pouring their lives into making this game better. While you may not see that on any given day, when you look back at where this game has come from, every year we make big strides in moving forward. They deserve a lot of credit for that.

    While you may not agree with all of our designs and decisions, the proof is in the success the game is having and how much the game continues to grow. While we don't share our internal information, STO is the best performing game for Perfect World Entertainment and is enjoy month after month increases in new captains.

  • savagedeaconsavagedeacon Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Both STO and NWO separately produce over 9 times as much content and updates every other week than CO does. So by logic we know where their revenue goes. So 90% is giving CO too much credit.

    NWO is not officially out yeth(even if for any purpose it is) and since it is work in progress it is simply logical (like a certain science officier of STO fame would say) that it receives more content and updates than a game that it is 3 years old. If it doesn't get updates now that it is in the beta stage when then ? :biggrin:
  • savagedeaconsavagedeacon Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    And how much of the revenue is being produced by STO? (NWO probably isn't producing that much yet, considering their only internal revenue stream is presales of the Founder's Packs - but then again, no MMO has a revenue stream before it even launches...)
    Founder's pack..and everything else.NWO zen market is fully active and you, even now can buy everything you want and also everything you don't. Why do you believe that they have promised that they will not delete anything when the game will go officially live ?
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Founder's pack..and everything else.NWO zen market is fully active and you, even now can buy everything you want and also everything you don't. Why do you believe that they have promised that they will not delete anything when the game will go officially live ?
    I don't "believe" anything. It's just that when someone states something as fact, I'd like to know where the data come from so I can reach my own conclusions.

    Thus far, no one with solid data has come forward; all we have are suppositions and assumptions.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • pion01pion01 Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    And how much of the revenue is being produced by STO? (NWO probably isn't producing that much yet, considering their only internal revenue stream is presales of the Founder's Packs - but then again, no MMO has a revenue stream before it even launches...)

    Based on the number of people in the closed beta weekends and more importantly, the head-start days for which access was only for Founders, NWO has already made more money than Champions.

    Personally, I dislike High-Fantasy and the crowd that goes with it. I've already spent over $300 on Neverwinter, and I'm very happy about doing so.

    edit to add: CO has no future. There is no game that I love more than CO. I love playing with it and the people in it. It still has no future. There is no population, there is no revenue and there is no development. Maybe it's making enough money to stay afloat through the vehicles and crop, scavanging for parts from STO and NWO, but it's a Frankenstein - dead and pieced together from parts that don't belong to it, and it's stitches are showing. Everyone who was going to invest in this game already has, and Cryptic has blown pretty much any chance for increasing their playerbase by squandering opportunities. The money incoming is from currently dedicated players, some from the 2 relaunches we've had so far, but with NWO now out we're bleeding population, there's nothing new in the store, and there's nothing else to sell for scraps. I don't think that CO has another magic relaunch in it, so unless the Marvel MMO fails, there's no more opportunities to get new players. CO continues, I imagine, because it's a labor of love for bad devs, and as a test server for new tech by good devs, and because it makes just enough to support itself. All of that breaks my heart, I don't want to leave CO, but there's no reason to stay. I think the combined chat server is the greatest thing Cryptic ever did, and thanks to that CO won't feel as empty as otherwise might, and makes it easier for some of us to go over to NWO for a bit without missing out on too much. Without that, idk if either game would retain me, and I know I'm not alone as several others have expressed similar views in said cross-game chat.
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    pion01 wrote: »

    Based on the number of people in the closed beta weekends and more importantly, the head-start days for which access was only for Founders, NWO has already made more money than Champions.

    Personally, I dislike High-Fantasy and the crowd that goes with it. I've already spent over $300 on Neverwinter, and I'm very happy about doing so.

    Yeah looks like I will be spending a lot of monies on NW. The games pure boss.
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • cellarrat33cellarrat33 Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    I'm just stupid.


    CellarRat33 :: formerly Bsquared

    "The great thing about glory unending is that it's dirt cheap!" - Tateklys
    From the Adventures of Thundrax (canadascott)
  • savagedeaconsavagedeacon Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    I don't "believe" anything. It's just that when someone states something as fact, I'd like to know where the data come from so I can reach my own conclusions.

    Thus far, no one with solid data has come forward; all we have are suppositions and assumptions.

    you don' have to believe anyone expecially not me
    but if you would care to log in to the Neverwinter game...
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited April 2013
    Who knows, there may not be a CO future after NWO.


    Link shows only 404 error.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    you don' have to believe anyone expecially not me
    but if you would care to log in to the Neverwinter game...
    Love to. Downloaded the client this morning; so far, however, the launcher is failing to launch.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • cryptickalidorcryptickalidor Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Anyone else remember when we would get at least one update of some sort (costume, event, device, other store object, sale) every month?

    Not really.. I remember when we were promised we'd start getting state of the game posts about every month and that happened for approx. 1 month(s) in a row before it was halted.

    You're living in a rose colored "Leave it to Beaver was a documentary of the 1950s America" fantasy if you think they have EVER put any serious work into this game that wasn't a fleeting gesture at best.

    Since the day Roper threw a hissy fit over the customers complaining that Vibora Bay shouldn't cost money the game has been on a downward slope.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Okay, somebody gave the login server mouth-to-port resuscitation, so I'll be checking this stuff out as soon as it finishes patching the just-downloaded client. :rolleyes:

    (Still won't give me the hard data I was seeking regarding Cryptic's internal distribution of income from their games, or even on the relative income levels of each game, but at least I can finally judge the game on its own merits...)
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • pion01pion01 Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Judge by how many Drow, panthers, Spider mounts, black armored horses and Dire Wolves you see running around.

    Judge by how often you see the "So-And-So has just unlocked a Nightmare" popups in your chat window.
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,633 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    Love to. Downloaded the client this morning; so far, however, the launcher is failing to launch.

    How convenient for you that NWO is having open beta issues. No one can log in unless they played during the weekend.

    But if you must, they have a solution now.
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    pion01 wrote: »

    CO has no future. There is no game that I love more than CO. I love playing with it and the people in it. It still has no future. There is no population, there is no revenue and there is no development. Maybe it's making enough money to stay afloat through the vehicles and crop, scavanging for parts from STO and NWO, but it's a Frankenstein - dead and pieced together from parts that don't belong to it, and it's stitches are showing.

    When Champions Online became Champions Online FFA, there was a increase in revenue and a decrease in development.

    This was the beginning of Champions Online: Frankenstein
  • keikomystkeikomyst Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I'm downloading Neverwinter right now and my expectations are rock-bottom, and yet, just by looking at that patch thread... I have a feeling Neverwinter's going to be a very popular game. Not good for CO, not at all. :(
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    Love to. Downloaded the client this morning; so far, however, the launcher is failing to launch.

    I'd like to try it too. Un fortunately, despite it having Windows Vista, listed in usable ones. Ok under minimum.
    It won't run becasue Vista has a 32bit and a 64bit version.
    What I got when I tried to run the Nevermind exe was,

    This file is not suitable for your system type. see the company for the correct version.

    but having heard the various descriptions and worse re ad the Nevermind forums(and finding fantasy mmo's to be all too similar). Which are actually slightly worse than Ma Online. Their biggest complaint is it being a reskinned diablo.

    and two lovely quotes from optimists, this was a thread fixing the major access problems.
    People can say what they want about the status of launch, but nobody can debate that you guys are COMMUNICATING.

    And that is what matters most, in my opinion.

    Now if only we could get you to communicate on the absurd pricing of the Zen store? :P

    Good. Thank you, because the gameplay experience today has been downright awful, and the disconnects are time killers since certain missions require you to start ALL over.

    Now can you also please fix our Panther's? They don't deal any damage, and that's IF they attack. usually they sit there and swing at already dead mobs.

    Also can we please get some complementary keys or Zen to make up for this "launch"? I took time off work just to play and can't! This is pretty annoying considering the price some people paid to be given login priority.

    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • savagedeaconsavagedeacon Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    keikomyst wrote: »
    I'm downloading Neverwinter right now and my expectations are rock-bottom, and yet, just by looking at that patch thread... I have a feeling Neverwinter's going to be a very popular game. Not good for CO, not at all. :(

    or it could be what will save CO. After all they are both free to play games of the same company and developer. Neverwinter players could try out CO and STO just to see like the "sisters" games are
  • prootwaddleprootwaddle Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    or it could be what will save CO. After all they are both free to play games of the same company and developer. Neverwinter players could try out CO and STO just to see like the "sisters" games are

    Likewise a failed NeverWinter could finish off CO as Cryptic might struggle to survive.

    Superhero stories, done well, are about modern archetypes.

    A Prootwaddle is one of the weirder player-character races in "The Fantasy Trip", Steve Jackson's first published role-playing game.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Now I've played a bit (not yet out of the opening tutorial, some stuff came up).

    Initial impression: It's going to take a while to get used to the control system - feels clunky. The gameplay is interesting; I can see why the attacks, at least initially, are mapped to the mouse buttons, given the rest of the control scheme.

    However, looking at the graphics, if this is where all the money from CO has gone, we must be doing worse than anyone has suspected. I can run CO at high graphics with only an occasional slowdown; NWO, however, starts off looking like CO with Half-Res on, and the graphical slider bars don't seem to do anything except slow the runtime down drastically.

    I will probably try them again later, as the issue may have been associated with the rather dramatic rubberbanding that was going on (which would be understandable, what with all the people jumping on as soon as the game went Live...)

    There is one feature from the other Cryptic games that I can't find, and I miss terribly. Does anyone know how to shut Chat off? Man, you think we have trolls and self-entitled brats in Chat here...
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • zahinderzahinder Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Hit 'alt' and the + on chat pane. It will let you toggle various chat channels.

    You can also add chat tabs if you want an easy quiet mode you can flip to.

    So far the game looks ok. If it wasn't for the promise of Foundry I probably would already have quit out if disinterest. (It's not bad, just feels like Bog-Standard Fantasy #493, with somewhat clunky controls.)
    Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH

    Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?

    Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?

    Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I couldn't find gamepad option there. Since the controls felt more like they would work better with gamepad than mouse/keyboard. I got in just fine without any queueing, but after few hours, rubberbanding got so bad that had to quit playing.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
    Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
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  • x0y1x0y1 Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    flyingfinn wrote: »
    I couldn't find gamepad option there. Since the controls felt more like they would work better with gamepad than mouse/keyboard. I got in just fine without any queueing, but after few hours, rubberbanding got so bad that had to quit playing.

    No native controller support atm but you can run emulator software......

    Lag yeah the servers are full and the queue is broken. The did have more then 20k players playing in the last beta weekend 4 (you needed a founders pack, so $) and now the open the floodgate. Considering that not even the Star Trek Online servers could handle the last event in february (big queues/lag/crashes) it doesn't surprise me.

    Oh and about supporting CO, PWE could do this easly if the wish to do it. :rolleyes:

  • savagedeaconsavagedeacon Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    x0y1 wrote: »
    No native controller support atm but you can run emulator software......

    Lag yeah the servers are full and the queue is broken. The did have more then 20k players playing in the last beta weekend 4 (you needed a founders pack, so $) and now the open the floodgate. Considering that not even the Star Trek Online servers could handle the last event in february (big queues/lag/crashes) it doesn't surprise me.

    Oh and about supporting CO, PWE could do this easly if the wish to do it. :rolleyes:


    yes and "The Hero of the North" pack costs $ 199,99 (like a life sub of CO) and the "Guardian of Neverwinter" pack costs 59,99 and someone doubts that NW is making money?
  • cellarrat33cellarrat33 Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    yes and "The Hero of the North" pack costs $ 199,99 (like a life sub of CO) and the "Guardian of Neverwinter" pack costs 59,99 and someone doubts that NW is making money?

    I'm sure it's making money.

    But is it making a profit?

    Depends on initial capital outlay and whether its over/under budget of course etc.

    CellarRat33 :: formerly Bsquared

    "The great thing about glory unending is that it's dirt cheap!" - Tateklys
    From the Adventures of Thundrax (canadascott)
  • morvian3520morvian3520 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    katasyntax wrote: »
    Game companies don't care about making money, they care about "repeat sales." Making lots of money requires a quality product; they don't need your money; they have all the resources they need. They want you to consume the experience that is targeted toward you.

    What? All that any company cares about is making money. Game developers just want people to enjoy their game. That's Cryptic. Sadly, game developers get their resources from game publishers. Those publishers want a good return on their investment. STO I've read is the biggest money maker for Perfect World. If true, that would explain why STO just got a major update. NWO is showing all signs of being highly successful as well. That could be good or bad for CO. Perfect World could look at CO and decide that it needs to go because it isn't as successful as the other two. Or they could decide to give it more resources and try to give it a push.

    If I were Perfect World, I'd look at Cryptic's current 2/3 success rate and be encouraged to give CO that push. I'd also see the recent discussions about closing games down and worry that shutting down CO would be a mistake. Between coverage of the backlash NCSoft got from closing CoH and discussions on the fate of MMOs in general, the "sunset" approach has gotten a lot less attractive.

    Of course the third option is that nothing changes at all and CO limps along.
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I got some buddys I met in Neverwinter ( 7 peeps no less ) to try CO and ran the Mega D mish with them and the scale of the monster blew them away.


    Not to mention the fact NW, STO and CO share a chat server. Why limit yourself to one Cryptic game when you can play all three. Its pure win.
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • pion01pion01 Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    x0y1 wrote: »
    No native controller support atm but you can run emulator software......

    Lag yeah the servers are full and the queue is broken. The did have more then 20k players playing in the last beta weekend 4 (you needed a founders pack, so $) and now the open the floodgate. Considering that not even the Star Trek Online servers could handle the last event in february (big queues/lag/crashes) it doesn't surprise me.

    Oh and about supporting CO, PWE could do this easly if the wish to do it. :rolleyes:


    If that number is correct (20k) then that means that NW has made at least $1,200,220 (because I know for a fact I bought all 3 packs) before open beta even started.

    Assuming that number is inflated x10 that's still over $120,000 before open beta even started.
  • pion01pion01 Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    or it could be what will save CO. After all they are both free to play games of the same company and developer. Neverwinter players could try out CO and STO just to see like the "sisters" games are

    HAH! No.

    That didn't work with STO, and it won't work with NW.

    No that won't happen and here's why - most everyone playing Neverwinter is there to play Neverwinter Nights 3 or Dungeons and Dragons. They could give a **** less about Cryptic other than to ***** about how useless Cryptic is at making Neverwinter Nights 3 or Dungeons and Dragons. These are not people who will say, wow Cryptic, let me see what else ya got!!!!
  • magichacker11magichacker11 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm going to be trying out CO this evening myself, mainly due to the server queue issue yesterday so I downloaded CO to give it a go. Like the person said above, why limit yourself to one cryptic game. I loved the few days I got to play in NW before Tuesday and thought I'd give Cryptic a go in the other games.
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    pion01 wrote: »

    HAH! No.

    That didn't work with STO, and it won't work with NW.

    No that won't happen and here's why - most everyone playing Neverwinter is there to play Neverwinter Nights 3 or Dungeons and Dragons. They could give a **** less about Cryptic other than to ***** about how useless Cryptic is at making Neverwinter Nights 3 or Dungeons and Dragons. These are not people who will say, wow Cryptic, let me see what else ya got!!!!

    Dunno I got a few people from NW to try CO. They seemed to like it.
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • zahinderzahinder Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Personally, my circle of online friends really enjoy being able to talk cross-game and keep a community.
    Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH

    Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?

    Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?

    Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
  • pion01pion01 Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    nepht wrote: »
    Dunno I got a few people from NW to try CO. They seemed to like it.

    That's because you are a seductress of unmatched wiles. They had no chance.

    Either way, it seems I may have been incorrect, as there are, surprisngly, some players making their way over.

    CO may actually have a chance. My negativity has gotten us this far, however, so I'm not gonna change my lucky stripes. 10 people won't save us. We're boned.
  • rokurocarisrokurocaris Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    pion01 wrote: »

    If that number is correct (20k) then that means that NW has made at least $1,200,220 (because I know for a fact I bought all 3 packs) before open beta even started.

    Assuming that number is inflated x10 that's still over $120,000 before open beta even started.

    Fear the power of the D&D fanbase! :eek:
  • akselmoiakselmoi Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Guys, guys! It's okay! I bought lifetime to CO! It's gonna save the game!

    R-right guys?
  • nam19772nam19772 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    CO has been on maintenance since forever, so you either enjoy it as it is now or move on to another game.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    akselmoi wrote: »
    Guys, guys! It's okay! I bought lifetime to CO! It's gonna save the game!

    R-right guys?

    Haven't you heard. You just became a freeloading, notmoneyspending, unsupportive reason why CO never reaches it's potential.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
    Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
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  • gingervitosgingervitos Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    3 instance of ren cen with a combined population of 250 people hell I can remember a time when CO would have like 20 instances . Neverwinter has killed us these are facts. Just a matter of time till the servers get switched off.


    Git Gud M8!
    Cause I'm worth it. Playing since 2009.
  • rokurocarisrokurocaris Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    3 instance of ren cen with a combined population of 250 people hell I can remember a time when CO would have like 20 instances . Neverwinter has killed us these are facts. Just a matter of time till the servers get switched off.

    If anything, Cryptic abandoning CO in favour of Neverwinter will have killed this game.
  • gingervitosgingervitos Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If anything, Cryptic abandoning CO in favour of Neverwinter will have killed this game.

    What if I told you.

    Thats just what I said.

    Git Gud M8!
    Cause I'm worth it. Playing since 2009.
  • vikaernesvikaernes Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    3 instance of ren cen with a combined population of 250 people hell I can remember a time when CO would have like 20 instances . Neverwinter has killed us these are facts. Just a matter of time till the servers get switched off.

    I remember when CO had just went free, and subsequently when it became available on steam, it was normal, to see 50+ Millennium City instances. and even after everything had died down, we were still maintaining at 25+ around the end of 2011 (for those who remember the bloodmoon that halloween.) This was when we were still getting adventure packs, comic series, etc. Those were really good times, I feel damn lucky to have been really actively playing during that time.

    Three? Those are pre-free to play population numbers.
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vikaernes wrote: »
    Three? Those are pre-free to play population numbers.

    It was much worse pre-free to play. I remember logging in at prime time and seeing no zone chatter, no people running around. Much, much worse.
  • gingervitosgingervitos Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vikaernes wrote: »
    I remember when CO had just went free, and subsequently when it became available on steam, it was normal, to see 50+ Millennium City instances. and even after everything had died down, we were still maintaining at 25+ around the end of 2011 (for those who remember the bloodmoon that halloween.) This was when we were still getting adventure packs, comic series, etc. Those were really good times, I feel damn lucky to have been really actively playing during that time.

    Three? Those are pre-free to play population numbers.

    Good times indeed. CO's main problem is there two games just like it made by the same guys with better IP's that happen to be also better games. Champions Online is my personal favorite of the three but I am not going to kid myself its semi decent run is almost over. After CO I think I will head off to STO and DC. Least in those games Ginger can restart his acts of evil do like he did in CoX. But saying that I will be here till the lights go out. CO till the end.

    And to answer your question the 3 instances was today. Like yourself I am a fan of a fail game. Though my fail game is better than yours.

    Git Gud M8!
    Cause I'm worth it. Playing since 2009.
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,633 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Didn't they reverse zone change priority to being sent into the most populated instead of the least populated? Its why we don't get so many instances anymore.

    This still doesn't change the fact that so many people were logging in because content was being added all the time. If comics were being released by the original plan (every 6 months) than we would still have those numbers.

    The only reason why Whiteout wasn't reporting as much traffic was not only was it the beginning of the Holidays (no one was at home), but they never did do Whiteout Complete.
  • vikaernesvikaernes Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Like yourself I am a fan of a fail game. Though my fail game is better than yours.

    I'm a fan of a lot of games, and I don't consider any of them failures. Even CO, I would not count as a failure, it's coming up on a 4 year long run, and while it's best times, I believe are in the past, those times were *really* good.
  • bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,522 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My hope is also a kitchen-sink patch sometime in the middle of the year.
    A large set of bug-fixes and improvements would satisfy me as much as new content, to be honest.

    I wish we could unmute people in our own Chat channels...that would be better than a new zone for me right this second.
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
  • akselmoiakselmoi Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    flyingfinn wrote: »
    Haven't you heard. You just became a freeloading, notmoneyspending, unsupportive reason why CO never reaches it's potential.

    Well, to be fair, I have spent over 400? in this game. ( Including lifetime and subscription fees and all that jazz)
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What if I told you.

    Thats just what I said.

    What if I told yew.

    Yah talking bawls bro.

    As the recent crashes have shown the game shares a server with STO and NW as long as those game keep ticking along CO will be about :P

    Except when they crash :<
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • gaelyn1gaelyn1 Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    3 instance of ren cen with a combined population of 250 people hell I can remember a time when CO would have like 20 instances . Neverwinter has killed us these are facts. Just a matter of time till the servers get switched off.

    To be more accurate:
    35 instances at the f2p launch.
    16 instances after the july "hideout" kitchen sink patch.
    12 instances at november.
    8 instances at Christmas.
    5 instances after the useless Vehicules online: lockboxes reloaded.
    Now 3 instances, the same number than before the f2p launch, when the game died on p2p.

    This isn't neverwinter which has killed CO. This is Co himself. The population down every couple of months long before NW.
    Co's devs has made the mistake to think that their game didn't need playable content and to think the playerbase wanted only fluff like costume sets, travel powers, etc...
    But the forumites are only a minority of a game's players.
    When the same 10 or 15 forumites wanted "moar costumes please", how many players had quit the game because there is not enough content and they wasn't interested by fluff ? I've seen a lot of players says "bye bye, there is nothing to do in this game" since 2009.

    When a game doen't have anything new to do but create some new puppets and play at the same content, again and again, players are bored and go play at an another game which create a lot more new playable content regularly.

    And nwo don't have the power to kill anything. This game is meh.
    And don't have enough content to retain his population more than a few months. (And don't have the reroll capacity of co, this is even worse in fact).

    Future of CO ? If they don't create more playable content (a lot, not only an alert every month/every 6 months) and don't add difficulty for team content (lairs, alerts, PQs, adventure packs) even if they don't want to alienate the "puppet players" which is the actual majority of the little playerbase, and don't do anything to try to revive pvp (daily quests, return of gear, etc..) they won't never be able to up the players number. Then, the future is simply a shutdown.
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