I would like a vehicle that.. hmm... how to explain it... it kind of looks like a Borg ship, you know the cube one... but instead of being black and all techy, it's just flat metal... and on one side there would be a big keyhole.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
I would like to thank the 2 people who left their opinion to this post and am disappointed at the others who looked at it and didn't reply. Please don't just look and move on leave something, either "I don't like the idea" or "I like the idea".
OK, since you asked: I have no interest in spending $ OR Q to gain lockbox keys, with which I might open lockboxes to maybe get a vehicle that I do not want in the first place. This might lead you to believe that I do not care if/what vehicles might be in store for CO in the future. You would be correct. I'd say what my real opinion of the vehicle initiative is, but I have no wish to enter into debate with those who like them and want them around. Carry on.
I been a long time leaving but I'm going to be a long time gone.
Willie Nelson
T.U.F.K.A.S. (the user formerly known as Scarlyng)
Wrong on the CO forums since November, 2008
I would like a vehicle that.. hmm... how to explain it... it kind of looks like a Borg ship, you know the cube one... but instead of being black and all techy, it's just flat metal... and on one side there would be a big keyhole.
Thats freaky.....wait a minute, was that a lockbox joke?
Suggest new vehicle ideas and let Cryptic know that they should continue adding vehicles to the Z-store, when they should be focusing their development efforts in expanding on playable content?
-extensive medieval European fantasy elements.
-extensive Asian fantasy elements.
-anime influenced elements.
-cyberpunk elements.
-Lovecraftian horror elements.
-Sci-Fi elements.
and so on.
The Champions Universe was created, and has continued to evolve, to incorporate as many different possible components as possible. It is designed to be inclusive, not exclusive.
Over the course of decades of play in the Champions Universe I have seen just about everything under the sun fit into the setting.
Indeed. The IP has the capacity to have superhero vehicles, it's all provided for in the rules. I started to make a nice shiny Rocket for Dr Cerebellum when i was making the Pen&Paper version of her but realised i would run out of points so that will have to wait for levelling.
That's what i need in this game, a nice silver shiny streamlined curved-finned retro style rocket vehicle! With the capacity to put an emblem on it.
While she has been rescued
what diabolical mastermind
was behind the devious brain-napping of
the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
That's what i need in this game, a nice silver shiny streamlined curved-finned retro style rocket vehicle! With the capacity to put an emblem on it.
Now you're asking for the moon! The capacity to put an emblem on it! C'mon, that's just crazy talk!
CellarRat33 :: formerly Bsquared
"The great thing about glory unending is that it's dirt cheap!" - Tateklys From the Adventures of Thundrax (canadascott)
Now you're asking for the moon! The capacity to put an emblem on it! C'mon, that's just crazy talk!
Just being able to re-colour one of the colour fields and put an emblem on vehicles would massively transform the vehicle system from something that feels very non-heroic to something heroic because it would allow us to connect the vehicle in a meaningful way to our character and give some distinctiveness to the vehicle with a minimum of complexity.
While she has been rescued
what diabolical mastermind
was behind the devious brain-napping of
the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
Just being able to re-colour one of the colour fields and put an emblem on vehicles would massively transform the vehicle system from something that feels very non-heroic to something heroic because it would allow us to connect the vehicle in a meaningful way to our character and give some distinctiveness to the vehicle with a minimum of complexity.
Thats freaky.....wait a minute, was that a lockbox joke?
...maybe... though to be honest, I don't think I could run out of giggles watching my character fly around in that with their head poking out the key hole with this face >:D.
Especially if the keyhole faces to the rear..
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
Just being able to re-colour one of the colour fields and put an emblem on vehicles would massively transform the vehicle system from something that feels very non-heroic to something heroic because it would allow us to connect the vehicle in a meaningful way to our character and give some distinctiveness to the vehicle with a minimum of complexity.
This! This! a thousand times this. Heck I remember looking at an article which showcased The Batmobiles throughout the ages and a decent chunk of them were indeed more or less normal looking cars with the bat logo on them. Being able to put our toon's logo and primary color on it would do a nice bit towards making them go from "generic tank #2314" to "The (Character theme here) Tank" for example.
and as I think I pointed out earlier, changing the color of the bikes at least was at one point doable on the PTS so it's posible.
and as I think I pointed out earlier, changing the color of the bikes at least was at one point doable on the PTS so it's posible.
I'm... actually not sure that's correct. You can hue-shift powers, but I don't think bikes themselves have ever been color-changable. Can you link me to the post you mentioned?
I'm... actually not sure that's correct. You can hue-shift powers, but I don't think bikes themselves have ever been color-changable. Can you link me to the post you mentioned?
There was a bug of sorts early on in the testing of Grav Bikes, where the Hip Attachment Point (or something like that) was visible in the costume creator under Legs. By the looks of it, was the cheat of sort that made heroes appear as riding their bikes. But when you changed the colors of the Hip Attachment Point, the bike would change colors accordingly.
They pulled that bug off the PTS in the next update cycle.
It's a weird little bug and I doubt the devs realized the implications of it, and just went "Wait, the players aren't supposed to see that."
I imagine there are others here with screenshots of it.
There was a bug of sorts early on in the testing of Grav Bikes, where the Hip Attachment Point (or something like that) was visible in the costume creator under Legs. By the looks of it, was the cheat of sort that made heroes appear as riding their bikes. But when you changed the colors of the Hip Attachment Point, the bike would change colors accordingly.
They pulled that bug off the PTS in the next update cycle.
It's a weird little bug and I doubt the devs realized the implications of it, and just went "Wait, the players aren't supposed to see that".
Yep, DrReverend explained it well. This is actually common knowledge among the highly-involved player population. I'm frankly a bit surprised this is news to you TrailTurtle.
An upcoming issue of Captain Marvel has her lose her power of flight, and it appears as if she takes to using a jet-bike......fully customised with her colours and insignia:eek:
Note also that the bike is not that much bigger than a motorcycle..............
This is the type of thing I would like to see with vehicles in CO.
There was a bug of sorts early on in the testing of Grav Bikes, where the Hip Attachment Point (or something like that) was visible in the costume creator under Legs. By the looks of it, was the cheat of sort that made heroes appear as riding their bikes. But when you changed the colors of the Hip Attachment Point, the bike would change colors accordingly.
They pulled that bug off the PTS in the next update cycle.
It's a weird little bug and I doubt the devs realized the implications of it, and just went "Wait, the players aren't supposed to see that."
I imagine there are others here with screenshots of it.
If you've got the records, can you PM me the date when this was happening on PTS?
I would like a vehicle that.. hmm... how to explain it... it kind of looks like a Borg ship, you know the cube one... but instead of being black and all techy, it's just flat metal... and on one side there would be a big keyhole.
A flying saucer could be cute. Maybe of Gadroon design? Or a little Quallar scout-ship?
Most people who originally wanted vehicles had a certain desire. You know those cheesy toy cars you could get for your action figures when you were a kid? Like cars for Wolverine or Spiderman. I think most people were envisioning an accessory vehicle that could be brightly customized to your character. Functionality was much lower on the list.
I'm... actually not sure that's correct. You can hue-shift powers, but I don't think bikes themselves have ever been color-changable. Can you link me to the post you mentioned?
I'm not sure how to link to individual posts but post number 16 here talks about it and has a screenshot of the bike in the tailor.
Like others mentioned this was a bug really early in the testing phase on the PTS I think right after the bikes were made to actually show your toon riding them.
I'm... actually not sure that's correct. You can hue-shift powers, but I don't think bikes themselves have ever been color-changable. Can you link me to the post you mentioned?
Thanks for posting this. Its good to see the whole selection of colors we could/should have had, had vehicles been made "right" in this game. If only the bean counters didn't fall into the trap of thinking they'd get more money out of us if only they'd limit us to a single color per vehicle, then force us to GAMBLE for the chance to maaayybe get each color variation.
Thanks for posting this. Its good to see the whole selection of colors we could/should have had, had vehicles been made "right" in this game. If only the bean counters didn't fall into the trap of thinking they'd get more money out of us if only they'd limit us to a single color per vehicle, then force us to GAMBLE for the chance to maaayybe get each color variation.
QFT That's something I just don't get.
(((Warring Wall o' Text Inbound)))
I kinda think if they just sold "blank" chaises with different mod slot load-outs of the different model types* and let us color them ourselves they'd of sold a lot more than the current way things work where we just have to cross our fingers and hope they release one with a color scheme we like, I figure the fact that I regularly see people on Zone Chat offering up Hawk Grav Bikes and Avalanche Hover Tanks for one of the "lesser" variants because they like the weaker vehicle's colors better give this theory some credit.
* for example we'll call refer to the model used for the Hawk and Raptor as a "hawk" and the one used for the Copper back and Widow as "Widows"
The store could offer a Hawk mark 1 with four mod slots, a Hawk mark 2 with 5 and so forth and also do the same with a Widow Mark 1, Mark 2 ect.
This way people could buy whichever one they wanted based on the slots and how much they want to spend and then color them to their liking.
heck they might even buy more because let's say I want tank for both Super-Dude and PowerLass in the current system I just have to hope for a tank that matches up with Super-Dude and PowerLass' color scheme which is honestly kinda unlikely. Sense a truly matching color is unlikely I grab up a Tiger Shark from the C-store because meh a mismatched tank is better than no tank and sense the color doesn't really "go" with ether toon I just pass the tank between the two of them using the hideout bank. Noe if they were color-able I for one would be more likely to get 2 tanks because changing Super-Dude's Blue and Orange tank to match PowerLass' Red and Purple every time is kinda a pain :biggrin:
Heck they could even stick the big 8-slot ones in lockboxes or the drifter store for all I care if they are dead set on pushing those, or maybe stick "patterns" in there or something so the base vehicle is just flat colors like in the video Brou posted but to make one with camo or tiger stripes would cost a little extra
Commands that can be run in tailor chat window (when paperdoll appears, but before actually editing a costume)
(You can also invoke console with /console and tilde, then pass commands without the slashes)
You know what, my whole feelling towards thecurrent vehicles has been pretty 'meh' but this vid makes me actually want one. If i could do this in live i would actually want some vehicles.
Hear that Cryptic, if i could do this i would buy some vehicles. Got my cash right here... and you aren't getting it cause i can't colour any vehicles.
While she has been rescued
what diabolical mastermind
was behind the devious brain-napping of
the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
You know what, my whole feelling towards thecurrent vehicles has been pretty 'meh' but this vid makes me actually want one. If i could do this in live i would actually want some vehicles.
Hear that Cryptic, if i could do this i would buy some vehicles. Got my cash right here... and you aren't getting it cause i can't colour any vehicles.
The vehicles are COMPLETELY COLOR CUSTOMIZABLE and we have NO way to actually do it?!
...I have no words.
Knew it for months, hence my hope for colorable vehicles with the second wave of Reloaded.
It's even worse.
Using this tech tanks and jets could be colorable as well:
I've ben quiet only because I didn't wanted to start another wave of paranoid accusations on forum, because I really hoped that they are still working at it.
But since Cryptic/PWE management obviously thinks that players are hopeless idiots and can be easily cheated, well...
I would like to thank the 2 people who left their opinion to this post and am disappointed at the others who looked at it and didn't reply. Please don't just look and move on leave something, either "I don't like the idea" or "I like the idea".
I don't like the idea. This means more lockboxes and more dev time frittered away on crap only a select few can use in-concept.
~~~The Tidal Tilde Wave of Seperation~~~
I'd rather get STO's level of lockbox suck if worthwhile updates come with it. -Buxom
Any new vehicles are a good thing - just not with the current release method.
I refuse to spend cash for keys on the off-chance I might get a vehicle.
Vehicle Unlocks should be handled in the same way Hideouts are managed, 1 unlock works account-wide, with costs adjusted per versatility of the vehicle. (ie, a Hawk bike could sell as a basic/enhanced/elite versions at increasing prices). They'd still sell plenty if the variety is good, as many folks will buy an unlock just to get the right one for character concept. New releases would always bring fresh sales.
Knew it for months, hence my hope for colorable vehicles with the second wave of Reloaded.
It's even worse.
Using this tech tanks and jets could be colorable as well:
I've been quiet only because I didn't wanted to start another wave of paranoid accusations on forum, because I really hoped that they are still working at it.
But since Cryptic/PWE management obviously thinks that players are hopeless idiots and can be easily cheated, well...
Well how do you explain TrailTurtle not knowing? I'd say that's more of a case of incompetence and a breakdown in communication than them intentionally trying to screw players over and lie...
Regardless, I think we can all agree that this is obviously possible IF they put effort and money into getting it done. The question is, will they?
Is Brou really Anderson Cooper? Keeping them honest!
Well how do you explain TrailTurtle not knowing? I'd say that's more of a case of incompetence and a breakdown in communication than them intentionally trying to screw players over and lie...
Regardless, I think we can all agree that this is obviously possible IF they put effort and money into getting it done. The question is, will they?
He doesn't know what they don't tell him. It's not like he's one of the code jockeys, who incidentally wouldn't tell a Community Manager about a "feature" that isn't available to players on Live anyway. None of that rings of incompetence or a breakdown in communication but rather a need to know basis sort of thing.
I don't think we'll see this "feature" activated on Live. They've gone through the trouble of making multiple reskins already, color modding would invalidate a lot of the art effort that was put into them along with making the only difference between the models being the weaponry that they come equipped with. A can of worms I don't think they want to open.
Knew it for months, hence my hope for colorable vehicles with the second wave of Reloaded.
It's even worse.
Using this tech tanks and jets could be colorable as well:
I've ben quiet only because I didn't wanted to start another wave of paranoid accusations on forum, because I really hoped that they are still working at it.
But since Cryptic/PWE management obviously thinks that players are hopeless idiots and can be easily cheated, well...
....you have got to be kidding me, a handful of code, it's that simple? Okay when they let all the hype build over the "free silver AT" two years ago only to say it was a communication error after the fact I was bummed out, when they locked the avian warrior set behind over two years of vet time I was perplexed, but this... this flat out makes me mad.
To gimp the vehicle system that could of been such an awesome addition to the game like this is just nonsense. who the heck thought it would make them more money to purposely make them less appealing to most players?
I swear I get as annoyed by the doomsayers as much as anyone but dang with stuff like this sometimes I almost swear they might be right about Cryptic flat out wanting CO to flounder
Knew it for months, hence my hope for colorable vehicles with the second wave of Reloaded.
It's even worse.
Using this tech tanks and jets could be colorable as well:
I've ben quiet only because I didn't wanted to start another wave of paranoid accusations on forum, because I really hoped that they are still working at it.
But since Cryptic/PWE management obviously thinks that players are hopeless idiots and can be easily cheated, well...
This is only costing them money.
What a foolish decision.
While she has been rescued
what diabolical mastermind
was behind the devious brain-napping of
the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
Before everyone goes berserk, take into account what is actually happening.
When you use the device it appends costume data to your character and a stance. When you deactivate it, this information is removed.
There is no evidence that a player can edit the information pertaining to a device's power definition short of powerhue.
What I have done is append information to a paperdoll without the device. There is no evidence that tech is hooked up in the game to store data for your device.
If you've got the records, can you PM me the date when this was happening on PTS?
I sadly do not have the records, though I think late October. Like the last week of it, I think. Maybe October 27th-ish? It was right when they first put the bikes on PTS when they first had the ability to show their riders.
Can someone else here remember the dates, or manage catch screenshots of this? Kicking myself for not doing that.
Before everyone goes berserk, take into account what is actually happening.
When you use the device it appends costume data to your character and a stance. When you deactivate it, this information is removed.
There is no evidence that a player can edit the information pertaining to a device's power definition short of powerhue.
What I have done is append information to a paperdoll without the device. There is no evidence that tech is hooked up in the game to store data for your device.
Aah. Which actually sounds more complex than just fiddling with a color doohickey in the CC, in terms of code and programming. They'd have to change how devices work with the code.
Well I suppose that does make things a little bit better I guess. Of course now I wish they had I don't know pushed thing back a bit to make a way to save that costume data or whatever. I'm sure they would of sold tons more and of inspired much less hate.*
I'm sure there would be something they could do I mean they save how our hideout instances are set up after all and the fact that we can save the power hue colors means there's something saving data there. Heck maybe what they can do later is sell "vehicle costume slots" or something as a C-store extra to save alternate color schemes in on a per character/vehicle/something or other basis, then everyone wins, We get to change colors and Cryptic gets extra money from selling the slots.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
OK, since you asked: I have no interest in spending $ OR Q to gain lockbox keys, with which I might open lockboxes to maybe get a vehicle that I do not want in the first place. This might lead you to believe that I do not care if/what vehicles might be in store for CO in the future. You would be correct. I'd say what my real opinion of the vehicle initiative is, but I have no wish to enter into debate with those who like them and want them around. Carry on.
I been a long time leaving but I'm going to be a long time gone.
Willie Nelson
T.U.F.K.A.S. (the user formerly known as Scarlyng)
Wrong on the CO forums since November, 2008
Thats freaky.....wait a minute, was that a lockbox joke?
Indeed. The IP has the capacity to have superhero vehicles, it's all provided for in the rules. I started to make a nice shiny Rocket for Dr Cerebellum when i was making the Pen&Paper version of her but realised i would run out of points so that will have to wait for levelling.
That's what i need in this game, a nice silver shiny streamlined curved-finned retro style rocket vehicle! With the capacity to put an emblem on it.
While she has been rescued
what diabolical mastermind
was behind the devious brain-napping of
the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
Now you're asking for the moon! The capacity to put an emblem on it! C'mon, that's just crazy talk!
CellarRat33 :: formerly Bsquared
"The great thing about glory unending is that it's dirt cheap!" - Tateklys
From the Adventures of Thundrax (canadascott)
Just being able to re-colour one of the colour fields and put an emblem on vehicles would massively transform the vehicle system from something that feels very non-heroic to something heroic because it would allow us to connect the vehicle in a meaningful way to our character and give some distinctiveness to the vehicle with a minimum of complexity.
While she has been rescued
what diabolical mastermind
was behind the devious brain-napping of
the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
Duel Rocket travel power? HELL YEAH! :P
...maybe... though to be honest, I don't think I could run out of giggles watching my character fly around in that with their head poking out the key hole with this face >:D.
Especially if the keyhole faces to the rear..
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
Hmmm...emblem? On the moon? Sounds...familiar...
This! This! a thousand times this. Heck I remember looking at an article which showcased The Batmobiles throughout the ages and a decent chunk of them were indeed more or less normal looking cars with the bat logo on them. Being able to put our toon's logo and primary color on it would do a nice bit towards making them go from "generic tank #2314" to "The (Character theme here) Tank" for example.
and as I think I pointed out earlier, changing the color of the bikes at least was at one point doable on the PTS so it's posible.
I'm... actually not sure that's correct. You can hue-shift powers, but I don't think bikes themselves have ever been color-changable. Can you link me to the post you mentioned?
There was a bug of sorts early on in the testing of Grav Bikes, where the Hip Attachment Point (or something like that) was visible in the costume creator under Legs. By the looks of it, was the cheat of sort that made heroes appear as riding their bikes. But when you changed the colors of the Hip Attachment Point, the bike would change colors accordingly.
They pulled that bug off the PTS in the next update cycle.
It's a weird little bug and I doubt the devs realized the implications of it, and just went "Wait, the players aren't supposed to see that."
I imagine there are others here with screenshots of it.
Yep, DrReverend explained it well. This is actually common knowledge among the highly-involved player population. I'm frankly a bit surprised this is news to you TrailTurtle.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
Note also that the bike is not that much bigger than a motorcycle..............
This is the type of thing I would like to see with vehicles in CO.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
If you've got the records, can you PM me the date when this was happening on PTS?
A flying saucer could be cute. Maybe of Gadroon design? Or a little Quallar scout-ship?
Please, please add motorcycles like these.
PARSER USAGE GUIDE: click here for an easy how-to ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
Not all character concepts make sense with flight, super jumping or teleportation.
There's way better customs in West Side Choppers yard.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
There are other choices too!
PARSER USAGE GUIDE: click here for an easy how-to ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
I'm not sure how to link to individual posts but post number 16 here talks about it and has a screenshot of the bike in the tailor.
Like others mentioned this was a bug really early in the testing phase on the PTS I think right after the bikes were made to actually show your toon riding them.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
The turtle should follow the trail.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
Watch this.
...Then Brou mysteriously went missing. Never to be heard from again.
PS: Zombie Stance FTW!
Thanks for posting this. Its good to see the whole selection of colors we could/should have had, had vehicles been made "right" in this game. If only the bean counters didn't fall into the trap of thinking they'd get more money out of us if only they'd limit us to a single color per vehicle, then force us to GAMBLE for the chance to maaayybe get each color variation.
QFT That's something I just don't get.
I kinda think if they just sold "blank" chaises with different mod slot load-outs of the different model types* and let us color them ourselves they'd of sold a lot more than the current way things work where we just have to cross our fingers and hope they release one with a color scheme we like, I figure the fact that I regularly see people on Zone Chat offering up Hawk Grav Bikes and Avalanche Hover Tanks for one of the "lesser" variants because they like the weaker vehicle's colors better give this theory some credit.
* for example we'll call refer to the model used for the Hawk and Raptor as a "hawk" and the one used for the Copper back and Widow as "Widows"
The store could offer a Hawk mark 1 with four mod slots, a Hawk mark 2 with 5 and so forth and also do the same with a Widow Mark 1, Mark 2 ect.
This way people could buy whichever one they wanted based on the slots and how much they want to spend and then color them to their liking.
heck they might even buy more because let's say I want tank for both Super-Dude and PowerLass in the current system I just have to hope for a tank that matches up with Super-Dude and PowerLass' color scheme which is honestly kinda unlikely. Sense a truly matching color is unlikely I grab up a Tiger Shark from the C-store because meh a mismatched tank is better than no tank and sense the color doesn't really "go" with ether toon I just pass the tank between the two of them using the hideout bank. Noe if they were color-able I for one would be more likely to get 2 tanks because changing Super-Dude's Blue and Orange tank to match PowerLass' Red and Purple every time is kinda a pain :biggrin:
Heck they could even stick the big 8-slot ones in lockboxes or the drifter store for all I care if they are dead set on pushing those, or maybe stick "patterns" in there or something so the base vehicle is just flat colors like in the video Brou posted but to make one with camo or tiger stripes would cost a little extra
That is pretty badass. :biggrin:
PARSER USAGE GUIDE: click here for an easy how-to ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
Sample of demo markup to change to see color variation
Commands that can be run in tailor chat window (when paperdoll appears, but before actually editing a costume)
(You can also invoke console with /console and tilde, then pass commands without the slashes)
Okay that's kinda awesome, lol even if they don't make the bikes colorable after this they should at least make that one an option :biggrin:
You know what, my whole feelling towards thecurrent vehicles has been pretty 'meh' but this vid makes me actually want one. If i could do this in live i would actually want some vehicles.
Hear that Cryptic, if i could do this i would buy some vehicles. Got my cash right here... and you aren't getting it cause i can't colour any vehicles.
While she has been rescued
what diabolical mastermind
was behind the devious brain-napping of
the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
The vehicles are COMPLETELY COLOR CUSTOMIZABLE and we have NO way to actually do it?!
...I have no words.
Razira's Primus Database Page
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Knew it for months, hence my hope for colorable vehicles with the second wave of Reloaded.
It's even worse.
Using this tech tanks and jets could be colorable as well:
See? They simply lied to players.
I've ben quiet only because I didn't wanted to start another wave of paranoid accusations on forum, because I really hoped that they are still working at it.
But since Cryptic/PWE management obviously thinks that players are hopeless idiots and can be easily cheated, well...
I don't like the idea. This means more lockboxes and more dev time frittered away on crap only a select few can use in-concept.
I'd rather get STO's level of lockbox suck if worthwhile updates come with it. -Buxom
I refuse to spend cash for keys on the off-chance I might get a vehicle.
Vehicle Unlocks should be handled in the same way Hideouts are managed, 1 unlock works account-wide, with costs adjusted per versatility of the vehicle. (ie, a Hawk bike could sell as a basic/enhanced/elite versions at increasing prices). They'd still sell plenty if the variety is good, as many folks will buy an unlock just to get the right one for character concept. New releases would always bring fresh sales.
Well how do you explain TrailTurtle not knowing? I'd say that's more of a case of incompetence and a breakdown in communication than them intentionally trying to screw players over and lie...
Regardless, I think we can all agree that this is obviously possible IF they put effort and money into getting it done. The question is, will they?
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
He doesn't know what they don't tell him. It's not like he's one of the code jockeys, who incidentally wouldn't tell a Community Manager about a "feature" that isn't available to players on Live anyway. None of that rings of incompetence or a breakdown in communication but rather a need to know basis sort of thing.
I don't think we'll see this "feature" activated on Live. They've gone through the trouble of making multiple reskins already, color modding would invalidate a lot of the art effort that was put into them along with making the only difference between the models being the weaponry that they come equipped with. A can of worms I don't think they want to open.
....you have got to be kidding me, a handful of code, it's that simple? Okay when they let all the hype build over the "free silver AT" two years ago only to say it was a communication error after the fact I was bummed out, when they locked the avian warrior set behind over two years of vet time I was perplexed, but this... this flat out makes me mad.
To gimp the vehicle system that could of been such an awesome addition to the game like this is just nonsense. who the heck thought it would make them more money to purposely make them less appealing to most players?
I swear I get as annoyed by the doomsayers as much as anyone but dang with stuff like this sometimes I almost swear they might be right about Cryptic flat out wanting CO to flounder
This is only costing them money.
What a foolish decision.
While she has been rescued
what diabolical mastermind
was behind the devious brain-napping of
the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
When you use the device it appends costume data to your character and a stance. When you deactivate it, this information is removed.
There is no evidence that a player can edit the information pertaining to a device's power definition short of powerhue.
What I have done is append information to a paperdoll without the device. There is no evidence that tech is hooked up in the game to store data for your device.
I sadly do not have the records, though I think late October. Like the last week of it, I think. Maybe October 27th-ish? It was right when they first put the bikes on PTS when they first had the ability to show their riders.
Can someone else here remember the dates, or manage catch screenshots of this? Kicking myself for not doing that.
Aah. Which actually sounds more complex than just fiddling with a color doohickey in the CC, in terms of code and programming. They'd have to change how devices work with the code.
I'm sure there would be something they could do I mean they save how our hideout instances are set up after all and the fact that we can save the power hue colors means there's something saving data there. Heck maybe what they can do later is sell "vehicle costume slots" or something as a C-store extra to save alternate color schemes in on a per character/vehicle/something or other basis, then everyone wins, We get to change colors and Cryptic gets extra money from selling the slots.
* ...well okay a maybe just a little less hate