So here's some feedback after playing around with the new Telepathy stuff:
So, these Manifestations. I tried out Ego Restoration, Replenish, Warping and Bulwark. The effects are interesting, I like the team bonus idea.
Don't so much like the graphic of a floating glowy hooded guy in the 'chillixin' stance just standing there. For one thing, if this is a manifestation of something within the character, a hooded guy for a female toon kinda sucks. Is it at all possible to have it gender-specific?
It's stance definitely needs improvement. Perhaps by default the hands touching temple animation? So it looks more active while not being presumably super difficult to alter. I mean I'd love that it mimicked the character animations, that would basically be worth taking the power alone (lol) but not sure how realistic that is to ask for.
Finally, the sound of the Ego Restoration and Replenish is like self-trolling. I can't stand it, it's like a car unsuccessfully trying to start over and over and over right in my ear. Whereas the Ego Warping or Bulwark is almost soothing by comparison.
On Congress of Selves:
'Ego DoTs damage bonus' is kinda naaaaarrow. Can't this at least be 'DoTs' to shake it up a bit and allow out of set creativity?
A quite eclectic passive. Not sure how I feel about it as a whole.
By the way, the language on it 'ignoring resistance' - is this like what Dragon's Wrath does?
So here's some feedback after playing around with the new Telepathy stuff:
So, these Manifestations. I tried out Ego Restoration, Replenish, Warping and Bulwark. The effects are interesting, I like the team bonus idea.
Don't so much like the graphic of a floating glowy hooded guy in the 'chillixin' stance just standing there. For one thing, if this is a manifestation of something within the character, a hooded guy for a female toon kinda sucks. Is it at all possible to have it gender-specific?
It's stance definitely needs improvement. Perhaps by default the hands touching temple animation? So it looks more active while not being presumably super difficult to alter. I mean I'd love that it mimicked the character animations, that would basically be worth taking the power alone (lol) but not sure how realistic that is to ask for.
Finally, the sound of the Ego Restoration and Replenish is like self-trolling. I can't stand it, it's like a car unsuccessfully trying to start over and over and over right in my ear. Whereas the Ego Warping or Bulwark is almost soothing by comparison.
On Congress of Selves:
'Ego DoTs damage bonus' is kinda naaaaarrow. Can't this at least be 'DoTs' to shake it up a bit and allow out of set creativity?
A quite eclectic passive. Not sure how I feel about it as a whole.
By the way, the language on it 'ignoring resistance' - is this like what Dragon's Wrath does?
That "out of set creativity" would essentially mean infernal and fire DoT, which would make a telepathy passive, which is a first of its kind to be abused by other powersets. This would lead to weeks of complaints and then the only hope telepathy had at a passive would get nerfbombed. This is NOT what I'd like to happen to telepathy. I think powerset centric passives such as Congress of Selves is a great idea, and I hope it stays this way. If you look at the bonuses it gives it feels very telepathy, which is fantastic. Changing it's DoT mechanic to all DoT would ruin it and almost every DoT DPS build would take it and it would imbalance any remnant of fair play in PvP that still exists. I'd hate to see this power killed off like the rest of current telepathy.
As you pointed out the ignoring damage resistance mechanic functions like a very mini DW, similar to how Night Warrior Passive acts, but I believe the ignorance to resistance is only applied to DoTs, which would make them even more powerful as Infernal and Fire DoTs unlike the new telepathy DoTs have no cooldown. And with them being alot more powerful than the telepathy DoTs, as in they have no penalty, no CD etc, Congress of Selves would be complained about and then it would die.
So I know that it needs to remain this way. It makes someone have to think about power choices for a DoT build rather than just cherry picking a passive which buffs all DoT and wipe the floor with content in game as coupled with infernal and fire DoT it would be just too powerful.
That being said I do agree with the statement about the sound, I remember when I first used them, after a short while I couldnt stand it! Perhaps if the sound was toned down, as in it was still there but more soothing and less prominent, more like back ground noise, similar to the low humming of force fields.
Ascension. Turn it into an Active Defense. No one actually uses it as an Active Offense damage buff. It's a "make melee completely redundant" card that's nigh-useless in PvE and ridiculously broken in PvP. There are better hold-breaks available for healerey types.
Make it share a cooldown with other Active Defenses (instead of Active Offenses). Remove the damage boost component, add that in as an increased heal buff on other players. (So it makes your heals on you as strong as it does now, makes your heals on others even stronger).
Or just kill off the travel component entirely.
Either way, really.
And for people saying that Imbue in its old form didn't do much for Celestial...Conviction and Judgment disagree with you. Though it really should've been consumed after the first heal or attack, not just the first attack.
Disclaimer: The Imbue changes break two of my characters horribly (both have a ton of Con and no crit stuff whatsoever, and were designed around using it to enable a controlled single burst, not a series of crits). But hey, that's what GW2 is for.
Then where would you ascend to?:eek:
I agree with the Ascension becoming an AD, but allow it to keep it's flight, but allow it to be affected by NTTG and Freedom, however under NTTG give it slow fall innate when affected by NTTG and give it a similar jumping traction and speed buff like Rank 2 Acrobatics, until it is able to fly again.
On the subject of AD's, can we have some sort of quickfire AD buff or review, currently the only AD's I think which need to be buffed are Breakable (formerly known as Unbreakable before On Alert) and Field Surge. Unbreakable currently does not provide enough damage absorption to be on the same usefulness level as Masterful Dodge or Resurgance, it was enough before and only was weakish against DoT/DPS. It now hardly helps at all .
(Un)Breakable - For this AD, I vote give it a generous buff to damage absorption over the 15 secs it is active. I'd advocate a very high number like 30k BUT remove the refresh or seriously nerf it (I hate nerfing powers ). Unbreakable shouldnt be the only AD which can be overcome very easily overwhelmed before it's duration is up. Giving it seemingly insane numbers for damage absorbtion will give it is sense of Unbreakability back. An example of where I think Unbreakable is failing is in one of my characters, I recently looked at my behemoth char who uses Unbreakable, she has 370 CON and the Unbreakable is rank 3 and it only provides just over 1/5th of her HP protection. Not to mention how useless it is in Gravitar when she can just one shot it off you.
Field Surge - For this AD, again I'd advocate a higher shielding rate perhaps? I know that I can get about 4.1k shielding from it, which in most instances is helpful as it is thankfully applied over PFF. But I note that even "trash" mobs in enough numbers can deal over 4k damage pretty quickly, so for shielding, I'd advocate a slightly higher shielding threshold to around 4.9k. I think for sure that the healing Field Surge does to PFF may require a buff to around 6k healing/recharge to PFF.
They did leave it alone.... for 3 years.
I think they tried it your way and it didn't work.
Question : Had this bug already existed for 3 years, or was it just recently introduced ?
If it existed for so long .. why has never anyone raged about that before, but just recently ?
If it has been introduced just recently .. why shouldn't the devs be able to fix a bug that they
created with a recent update .. if they are willing to fix bugs ?
That "out of set creativity" would essentially mean infernal and fire DoT, which would make a telepathy passive, which is a first of its kind to be abused by other powersets. This would lead to weeks of complaints and then the only hope telepathy had at a passive would get nerfbombed. This is NOT what I'd like to happen to telepathy. I think powerset centric passives such as Congress of Selves is a great idea, and I hope it stays this way. If you look at the bonuses it gives it feels very telepathy, which is fantastic. Changing it's DoT mechanic to all DoT would ruin it and almost every DoT DPS build would take it and it would imbalance any remnant of fair play in PvP that still exists. I'd hate to see this power killed off like the rest of current telepathy.
There are DoT builds? And in PvP?
I mean, am I stretching in that PvP is generally about spike damage?
I get that you're kinda 'protecting your baby' here (and I don't mean it harshly), but you might be over-reacting a tad in that the passive would get nerfed from boosting DoTs.
But, in any case, I can see how it boosting every DoT might not make thematic sense. Perhaps just akin to how many passives work, have it boost Paranormal DoT damage. Surely those Hex of Suffering builds aren't dominating. But come to think of it, there really aren't a whole lot of Non-Ego Paranormal DoTs anyway.
A smallish boost to Ego or Paranormal overall damage might still be in order. Like 20%.
Question : Had this bug already existed for 3 years, or was it just recently introduced ?
If it existed for so long .. why has never anyone raged about that before, but just recently ?
If it has been introduced just recently .. why shouldn't the devs be able to fix a bug that they
created with a recent update .. if they are willing to fix bugs ?
It's been in the game for three years. Passives used to scale off of set stats, so back then it wasn't a huge issue because you were much more limited on what you could actually use imbue with. That changed with the changes that came with F2P.
Now that everything scales off of superstats, you simply take con as a super stat, take AoPM, and bam, your Imbue is now over 100% severity and doesn't get consumed by heals, thereby making every self heal and AD a practical joke compared to Conviction which you can spam every 3-4 seconds to gain a guaranteed 6-8k hp. Then once you're safe, or in pvp, once your opponent is out of ADs, you simply blast them for 20k with imbued force cascade or some such since you never consumed the imbue. Plus there's the whole issue of it stacking with the 50% base severity everyone has now since "On alert!".
Essentially, it started out broken, then as the years went on, the devs figured out ways to break it even more with other seemingly unrelated changes, as is the standard with CO.
Since we're going back on topic, my Imbue suggestions I posted previously.
1) Change its cooldown to 90 seconds to standarize it.
2) Have it grant 42/50/60% all damage strength to standardize it.
3) Have it grant standard breakfree damage.
3) Remove energy costs to standardize it.
4) Possibly NERF the max amount of crit/severity so it doesn't make Ice Sheath and LocknLoad look like the dummies' picks, I recomend 20/20 @ 50% hp or even lower.
The further point 4. It really is detrimental this gets in line with Ice Sheath/LnL as the two crit AOs, It needs to be nerfed in its current state, otherwise its the best overall AO. Possible bring it down to 15/15 @ 50% hp and 8/8 @ max hp
I agree with most of this except your extended notes on 4.
It should start out at 10/10, since that follows the -2 split rule that seems to propagate itself all over... (I still think Lock n load should get buffed to 20-24% crit chance, since it's the opposite specialization as ice sheathe.) It should only scale up to 20/20 at 50% HP. If it were to remain 30/30, I'd say the required HP for that should be down around 10-20% remaining HP.
Well, quite a lot of feedback here and sleepless Crush is sleepless. So lets get a few things down here. Firstly, lets try and constrain this thread to direct feedback and information on the affected powers. Arguments about semantics and general tanking mechanics need their own threads respectively.
Secondly, Imbue I can totally see getting breakfree like other AOs, but giving it the standard damage bonus is probably a bit over the top. That said, it will probably get some fair tweaking. On a side note relating to that, the change to imbue is because it has never really functioned right and with the former implementation (the one on live) is unlikely to ever really work quite right. So, with that in mind I set out to make something that can still be useful as a crit amplifier while being more accessible and less abusable.
Thirdly, it indeed could use a little more in celestial bonus, and I like the suggestions that double the crit bonus to heals. I will try that out when I get a chance.
Finally, to address telepathy. I have been overwhelmingly pleased with the response and feedback given for telepathy. It has been amazingly thorough and helpful. I feel that we are nearing the final version of many of these powers, however they do not yet have FX, and will not until Splosions gets some time to work on them. So keep in mind that very few have final FX yet.
As always keep the feedback coming guys! And stay on topic!
Well, quite a lot of feedback here and sleepless Crush is sleepless. So lets get a few things down here. Firstly, lets try and constrain this thread to direct feedback and information on the affected powers. Arguments about semantics and general tanking mechanics need their own threads respectively.
This shouldn't have been needed to be said..
Secondly, Imbue I can totally see getting breakfree like other AOs, but giving it the standard damage bonus is probably a bit over the top. That said, it will probably get some fair tweaking. On a side note relating to that, the change to imbue is because it has never really functioned right and with the former implementation (the one on live) is unlikely to ever really work quite right. So, with that in mind I set out to make something that can still be useful as a crit amplifier while being more accessible and less abusable.
I'm fine with giving it breakfree but not damage boost, though I'd rather the numbers drop so I can give said breakfree. Extremely important that you make it share cooldowns with other AOs (currently a bug) and not cost energy (could be tooltip misinformation)
Thirdly, it indeed could use a little more in celestial bonus, and I like the suggestions that double the crit bonus to heals. I will try that out when I get a chance.
You should keep in mind that certain heals in celestial are favored cherry picks, so instead of double crits, how about you grant it a heal bonus? (Either the same amount as Ascension's damage bonus, OR equal terms to Imbue's crit/sev)
Finally, to address telepathy. I have been overwhelmingly pleased with the response and feedback given for telepathy. It has been amazingly thorough and helpful. I feel that we are nearing the final version of many of these powers, however they do not yet have FX, and will not until Splosions gets some time to work on them. So keep in mind that very few have final FX yet.
On this, actually I have a few thoughts: Unlike other DoTs, all the telepathy DoTs can crit, is this intended?
The passive is in the support role, but I haven't seen it grant any real benefits, perhaps give it a teamwide 'sight' benefit, or a teamwide power discount, a teamwide something, Its not fair to the passive if its in support without a team benefit that will help a fair amount of the team.
So, with Imbue fixed, can we get crit ability back on those that had it removed?
The "problem" with that powers were not imbue, but that they are unable to make it so
that pseudo-pets can crit or not on every tick. And i doubt they will ever fix that, since
it was fixed the easy way and then forgotten.
gentlemancrush your a true soldier for even bothering to look through this thread.
PVP is starving without rewards
1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
I agree with most of this except your extended notes on 4.
It should start out at 10/10, since that follows the -2 split rule that seems to propagate itself all over... (I still think Lock n load should get buffed to 20-24% crit chance, since it's the opposite specialization as ice sheathe.) It should only scale up to 20/20 at 50% HP. If it were to remain 30/30, I'd say the required HP for that should be down around 10-20% remaining HP.
I agree with LnL changes, and I can accept your idea of how Imbue should work. LnL needs to be buffed to at least 15/17/20% crit chance.
On the subject of AD's, can we have some sort of quickfire AD buff or review, currently the only AD's I think which need to be buffed are Breakable (formerly known as Unbreakable before On Alert) and Field Surge. Unbreakable currently does not provide enough damage absorption to be on the same usefulness level as Masterful Dodge or Resurgance, it was enough before and only was weakish against DoT/DPS. It now hardly helps at all .
(Un)Breakable - For this AD, I vote give it a generous buff to damage absorption over the 15 secs it is active. I'd advocate a very high number like 30k BUT remove the refresh or seriously nerf it (I hate nerfing powers ). Unbreakable shouldnt be the only AD which can be overcome very easily overwhelmed before it's duration is up. Giving it seemingly insane numbers for damage absorbtion will give it is sense of Unbreakability back. An example of where I think Unbreakable is failing is in one of my characters, I recently looked at my behemoth char who uses Unbreakable, she has 370 CON and the Unbreakable is rank 3 and it only provides just over 1/5th of her HP protection. Not to mention how useless it is in Gravitar when she can just one shot it off you.
Field Surge - For this AD, again I'd advocate a higher shielding rate perhaps? I know that I can get about 4.1k shielding from it, which in most instances is helpful as it is thankfully applied over PFF. But I note that even "trash" mobs in enough numbers can deal over 4k damage pretty quickly, so for shielding, I'd advocate a slightly higher shielding threshold to around 4.9k. I think for sure that the healing Field Surge does to PFF may require a buff to around 6k healing/recharge to PFF.
I totally agree, I haven't used Field Surge much because I don't have a PFF toon but it doesn't look that great compared to Masterful Dodge indeed. And (un)breakable has become really, really bad, many bosses can destroy it in one hit, it almost never lasts 15s. And I'm not even speaking of pvp... 3k is barely a tap on most DPS builds. There are two options:
- the one you suggested, a large buff to its damage absorption.
- or making it impossible to disable and thus truely last 15s (and we would keep the absorption level as it is now or increase them just slightly)
You probably PvP alot more than I do but even I know there are DoT based Builds, perhaps not entirely DoT but enough DoT powers to be considered even a semi DoT build.
I get that you're kinda 'protecting your baby' here (and I don't mean it harshly), but you might be over-reacting a tad in that the passive would get nerfed from boosting DoTs.
Well my reasoning which I did state, is that, IF it was extended to ALL DoT, you can imagine the DoT monsters which would take advantage of this and people generally would be very upset about it. Look what happened in the first few weeks of Night Warrior Passive and Shadow Strike comming out (I know not a very good example but stay with me) people all over the PvP community and even those not in it were complaining about it loads. I just don't want to see a good thing like a telepathy passive go to waste, and being exploited.
But, in any case, I can see how it boosting every DoT might not make thematic sense. Perhaps just akin to how many passives work, have it boost Paranormal DoT damage. Surely those Hex of Suffering builds aren't dominating. But come to think of it, there really aren't a whole lot of Non-Ego Paranormal DoTs anyway.
It certainly would not make thematic sense, and I am very glad the Gentleman Crush made it this way. As you have already pointed out there arent many Paranormal DoT's anyway. I think HoS is the only one? So expanding a passive to accomodate one or two powers isnt practical IMO.
A smallish boost to Ego or Paranormal overall damage might still be in order. Like 20%.
This would be a nice idea but the way the passive is designed along with the powers, makes the DoTs themselves very pronounced, other powers like Mind Break would I think be mainly used for Detonation purposes than for outright damage. It would be nice to have an overall paranormal (high on Ego ofc) damage boost overall, but it might feel that too much is being packed into a passive. But regardless, it is a nice idea. Then again, I'm still in disbelief that telepathy has a passive!:eek:
Well, quite a lot of feedback here and sleepless Crush is sleepless. So lets get a few things down here. Firstly, lets try and constrain this thread to direct feedback and information on the affected powers. Arguments about semantics and general tanking mechanics need their own threads respectively.
Secondly, Imbue I can totally see getting breakfree like other AOs, but giving it the standard damage bonus is probably a bit over the top. That said, it will probably get some fair tweaking. On a side note relating to that, the change to imbue is because it has never really functioned right and with the former implementation (the one on live) is unlikely to ever really work quite right. So, with that in mind I set out to make something that can still be useful as a crit amplifier while being more accessible and less abusable.
Thirdly, it indeed could use a little more in celestial bonus, and I like the suggestions that double the crit bonus to heals. I will try that out when I get a chance.
Finally, to address telepathy. I have been overwhelmingly pleased with the response and feedback given for telepathy. It has been amazingly thorough and helpful. I feel that we are nearing the final version of many of these powers, however they do not yet have FX, and will not until Splosions gets some time to work on them. So keep in mind that very few have final FX yet.
As always keep the feedback coming guys! And stay on topic!
Gentleman Crush
I am loving telepathy but I will reiterrate a few small issues I think need to be addressed.
- Cooldowns on Telepathic DoT's - I think they need to be reduced, at most on a non INT stacking build 5-4 secs. Having a long CD makes the stacks fall of really quickly and makes stacking alot more difficult, and thereby making detonation less effective.
- Animations, I know you said Splosions will be working on them when he has time which is why I'd like to make a few suggestions. Mind Break could do with more "spear/arrowhead" animation, but I love the 3 arc animation so far .
- Ego Blast, I've always wanted to be able to do this with Ego Blast (@ 0:06) , perhaps a 1 point advantage called Psychic Rage? It would revitalize Ego Blast to some extent. I'd also advocate of the return of Stun condition on full charge please ^^. So a stun condition leading to a disorientate effect.
- I'm still hoping to see a block and a full paralyze for telepathy, like Mind Control. Like this... Mental Shield
Mental Shield creates a protective barrier of psychic energy that reduces incoming damage and increases in effictiveness as time goes on. Has a 2% chance to fully Placate attacking enemies (3 max) (20% chance to placate at 10 stacks). Protection increases as block is held. (stacks up to 10 max)
250% all damage resist (300% to Paranormal) - (Same block dmg resist progression as Eldritch Shield)
Advantages: Trick of the mind
This advantage gives your shield a 80% chance to cloud the visual cortex of your enemies, rendering you invisible and untargetable for 10 seconds. However this advantage can only be activated on an application of crippling challenge or when your health falls below 60%. Attacking during this stealthed period will render you visible. Has an internal cooldown of 15 seconds before it can reactivate.
It would use Ego Blast pose FX and would sort of have astral/psychic tendrils stemming from the forehead.
EDIT: The astral tendrils would stem out to a Collective Will dude standing in front shielding you from damage.
And for the paralyze:
Mind Control
Your psychic power allows you to dominate and command your foes for a duration of time. This power causes the targeted enemy to become a friendly pet for a short duration. The power and duration of your mind control scales with your Primary SS. However if your primary stat is EGO/PRE this scaling is greater. Max length that they can be controlled for is 40 seconds.
Other Champions build up resistance (3 stacks max) to your mind control and can no longer be controlled by you for a short while. Champions are paralyzed for 30 seconds. After your targets outlive their usefulness they take 1000 Ego damage. Breaking out of this control effect early causes your targets to take more Ego damage.
Advantage: Total Control
This advantage turns this power into an AoE power but reduces the length of time that subjects remain under your control by 20%. (Max targets 5)
It certainly would not make thematic sense, and I am very glad the Gentleman Crush made it this way. As you have already pointed out there arent many Paranormal DoT's anyway. I think HoS is the only one? So expanding a passive to accomodate one or two powers isnt practical IMO.
I'm still of the opinion that it [Congress of Selves] should boost all, if not just paranormal, DoTs. More paranormal DoTs might be added in the future, you never know and then there went that window of opportunity. This is a freeform system and this passive being the first of its kind, it can open up a whole world of synergies that never existed before. IMO, that is a good thing and that is an expansion over the current style of DPS building, not a better expansion but a different one. Exploitation is always a bad thing but holing up an amazing passive to single set of damage is a shame. In terms of thematically sense, ice form using only fire powers or toxic powers? I don't know, I think in the end, it isn't up to you to decide whether something makes thematically sense, that's on the player side of things.
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm still of the opinion that it [Congress of Selves] should boost all, if not just paranormal, DoTs. More paranormal DoTs might be added in the future, you never know and then there went that window of opportunity. This is a freeform system and being the first of its kind, it can open up a whole world of synergies that never existed before. IMO, that is a good thing and that is an expansion over the current style of DPS building, not a better expansion but a different one. Exploitation is always a bad thing but holing up an amazing passive to single set of damage is a shame. In terms of thematically sense, ice form using only fire powers or toxic powers? I don't know, I think in the end, it isn't up to you to decide whether something makes thematically sense, that's on the player side of things.
That is all well and good, but in the deprivation of a great power which should by right solely belong to a set which has been beaten up with nerfs for so long, is necessary. Currently on my Telepath on PTS, her passive grants 30% defense ignore on the DoTs. Putting this out to ALL DoT builds as I have said before is a very bad idea. I REALLY hope Gentleman Crush does not change this passive at all except for perhaps visual FX, but that is Splosions Department I believe..
Exploitation will happen if this passive buffed all DoT's, people would simply pack wind/fire/infernal/bleeding builds and get insane power. I realise that this is the FF system, but I don't want this passive becoming another Imbue type case and then gettting nerfed in some horrible way.
As it was said before I am just "protecting my baby". I don't want it ruined. Thematically it works perfectly. Telepaths should be an exclusive class of people, in CO they have been down trodden for ages, now is their time to shine. Allow us to do that without Infernal DoT's ruining and exploiting our one chance at a passive.
The new synergies which you talk about will be horrendously powerful Infernal/fire/bleed dmg builds. Builds like that are already very powerful against most things. I've seen and I am sure many others have seen Infernal builds rip through some players with scary speed, and thats without a passive like Congress of Selves. Anyway, there are passives which exist to buff powerset specific damage, like pestilence, I dont ever recall seeing it on a non infernal DoT/ ranged build.
Leaving Congress of Selves how it is will make it alot harder to exploit, such exploitation is what Devs are trying to avoid. Which is why there was the Imbue change. If there is no damage expansion to all DoTs there will be less likely to be complaints from players being upset that thier tank builds are being ripped through by Infernal builds with DoT boosting and defense penetration on those DoT's. It would be a nightmare.
Hmm no...I'd advocate END to give an innate bonus to ALL shielding powers and defense. It would not only fit it's name but give it a purpose..
Shield strength should definitely scale with END and not PRE.
And because Energy Maintenance is a joke (i haven't seen many builds using energy builder in a while) then All Energy Unlocke (not toggle forms) could scale with REC
You probably PvP alot more than I do but even I know there are DoT based Builds, perhaps not entirely DoT but enough DoT powers to be considered even a semi DoT build.
Technically not at all since On Alert. Genuinely had no idea and remain disbelieving. :biggrin:
This would be a nice idea but the way the passive is designed along with the powers, makes the DoTs themselves very pronounced, other powers like Mind Break would I think be mainly used for Detonation purposes than for outright damage.
A small bonus, combined with no multiplicative bonus from Ranged DPS role, should preclude building for the detonation. If I wanted to build for the detonation, I would use Ego Form, which is still going to buff the DoTs while buffing a bunch of other stuff and still has other perks, and of course will mega-boost the detonation.
Anyway, there are passives which exist to buff powerset specific damage, like pestilence, I dont ever recall seeing it on a non infernal DoT/ ranged build.
Once upon a time (guess before the Infernal pass and Derpidemic) there were Pestilence Muni builds, but with all the changes perhaps they don't exist anymore. But technically the large part of Pestilence is just through using a quick-proccing maintain.
And because Energy Maintenance is a joke (i haven't seen many builds using energy builder in a while) then All Energy Unlocke (not toggle forms) could scale with REC
Ew, no. REC needs to just go away, it's the most universally useless stat ever and has been since launch. It should just be lumped into END.
Ew, no. REC needs to just go away, it's the most universally useless stat ever and has been since launch. It should just be lumped into END.
Just did a Nemcon with an Int/End/Rec Invuln lolcade + electric build.
I found it shocking that I was the tank whatever I chose to use (lightning arc, lightning storm, force cascade) for some reason I was outdamaging 4 later 3 other players. I think one was a mind but it seemed odd.
If Rec goes to End then I will have another SS to choose - hmm which should it be I wonder.
Maybe they were just poorer builds than my own I noticed they were more cautious than several other teams I've nemconned with.
I'm not saying Rec is an uber stat but if it goes away then builds are gonna get even more powerful than they already are. Certainly mine will..
The one who can't shut up formerly known as 4rksakes
About the @handle - it's a long story.
Profound quote.. "I'm not a complete idiot - several parts are missing."
I will heartily disagree with this. I am Str Con/Rec, Rec is pretty powerful stat to have.
Yeah, and if "raises energy equilibrium" was just placed on END, then you could switch to END and be even better, cause now you'd have way more in your pool, and equilibrium. And your supernatural power would be absurdly easy to trigger with your max energy being higher.
Not to mention, energy builder returns scale way more off increasing max energy than increasing recovery.
Rec is hardly a bad option for a power, and I would not like to see it removed.
As far as Ascension goes, I PvE'd with it on my Seraphim/Ego Blades tank, and it helped me out quite a lot. I wouldn't mind seeing it switched to an AD. Change out damage bonus for damage resistance, and make the travel effect be affect-able by NttG and stuffs.
I will heartily disagree with this. I am Str Con/Rec, Rec is pretty powerful stat to have.
You'd be even more efficent with Str Con/Int because your energy costs would be silly low, and that'll end up helping Supernatural Power even more, since its base energy return is rather high, guess thats more of an issue with Supernatural power, I think its scaling should be more rec sensitive and have a lower base. But thats just speculating.
What I liked about Imbue before was that it complemented Might very well. Might's heavy hitters don't really compare with the damage of other sets, and they come with some really long charge times. Being able to make that Demolish or Haymaker really count is not only important for your damage, but it helps Might feel...well, mighty.
That said, after trying the new Imbue and comparing it with Ego Surge, I'll take Ego Surge. It may even be better than the old Imbue, simply because it works on multiple attacks and is never wasted on an errant energy builder swing.
I'll also take Ego Surge over Aggressor at this point I think, since the additive damage bonus is only adding between 5 and 10 percent real damage in my tests. Multiplicative damage is what it's all about these days.
The poster formerly known as Lightwave!
What I liked about Imbue before was that it complemented Might very well. Might's heavy hitters don't really compare with the damage of other sets, and they come with some really long charge times. Being able to make that Demolish or Haymaker really count is not only important for your damage, but it helps Might feel...well, mighty.
That said, after trying the new Imbue and comparing it with Ego Surge, I'll take Ego Surge. It may even be better than the old Imbue, simply because it works on multiple attacks and is never wasted on an errant energy builder swing.
I'll also take Ego Surge over Aggressor at this point I think, since the additive damage bonus is only adding between 5 and 10 percent real damage in my tests. Multiplicative damage is what it's all about these days.
Well said, but I'm sure you will be told that might is just fine and tanks don't need to do high damage.
Yes but you will be using crit base and Nimble Mind at this point.
Applauds. Although using imbue was also crit but at least you can SS Strength and Con instead of Dex. So it seems our might build is making a turn for agility.
What I liked about Imbue before was that it complemented Might very well. Might's heavy hitters don't really compare with the damage of other sets, and they come with some really long charge times. Being able to make that Demolish or Haymaker really count is not only important for your damage, but it helps Might feel...well, mighty.
That said, after trying the new Imbue and comparing it with Ego Surge, I'll take Ego Surge. It may even be better than the old Imbue, simply because it works on multiple attacks and is never wasted on an errant energy builder swing.
I'll also take Ego Surge over Aggressor at this point I think, since the additive damage bonus is only adding between 5 and 10 percent real damage in my tests. Multiplicative damage is what it's all about these days.
Seems weird that you can achieve the same severity with just ego surge unless you have swap out strength/con for ego/dex.
Heh, feel free to show them up. Someone needs to show might off, right?
I've been working on a singlestatted STR might build, only level 30 for now, and definately in need of more work, (I think if I contribute more towards dex to boost severity(via STR spec) and chance, I'd get higher numbers) But I'm condifent I'll be hitting 15k Haymakers at least once I break 40.
Nimble Mind? Nah, no Active Offense needed. Nimble Mind just boosts crit chance, severity is boosted by Ego only if you have a spec for that.
I just meant to pull off the spike crit more reliably, without good ole Imbue, one is probably going to use something as a replacement. Including new Imbue, but it has a condition for optimal impact, and on average won't improve crit chance as high, though of course also adds to severity.
It appears you're the one that didn't read the thread.
EDIT: Also, for the record, this is relevant. As is well pointed out, they're removing a bandaid to a problem they created, before solving the problem. People have a right to be sore.
Since when do you have to spec dex to get crit? Oh wait you don't. I have base Dex and 32% crit rate.
But yeah, I'm not the one who said that, and it's not the point.
It is very much the point, complaints are being made about might, then when the response to those complaints is that crits are needed (like for almost every other build in the game that wants to do competitive damage) that is suddenly not acceptable for might.
Why is crit acceptable for any other powerset in the game, but not for might? And strangest of all, crit is not wanted, but imbue is?
Shield strength should definitely scale with END and not PRE.
And because Energy Maintenance is a joke (i haven't seen many builds using energy builder in a while) then All Energy Unlocke (not toggle forms) could scale with REC
Just my suggestions
Your not paying attention then I personally use my energy builder quite a bit (more so now than in the past to take advantage of specialisations)
I love how you go on with this line of thinking despite it's been repeated over and over here the issue is that Might players don't want to be shuffled into crits. It doesn't matter if you can hit 20 billion damage crits, as it's still completely missing the point.
God yes if anything might should be inherently anti crits
I would love to see all might powers get a much higher base damage but a pretty substantial negative critical hit chance. So that they were more a consistent pounding damage.
Maybe give some of the big hitters like haymaker a critical severity multiplier so if it dose crit (which should be a big IF) it hits like a truck.
You'd be even more efficent with Str Con/Int because your energy costs would be silly low, and that'll end up helping Supernatural Power even more, since its base energy return is rather high, guess thats more of an issue with Supernatural power, I think its scaling should be more rec sensitive and have a lower base. But thats just speculating.
INT as secondary SS is not really that great. The scaling of INT was always that you needed
a lot of INT to make it good, and its still the same. Items with Cost-Discount and REC as
secondary SS work much better for me in a lot of builds now.
Seems weird that you can achieve the same severity with just ego surge unless you have swap out strength/con for ego/dex.
I can't match the severity, but every 30 seconds I'll get my normal 100% severity on 80% of my attacks for 15 seconds instead of 130% severity on one attack every 15 seconds, so I might just be better off in the end, or maybe it'll be a wash.
The poster formerly known as Lightwave!
Well, quite a lot of feedback here and sleepless Crush is sleepless. So lets get a few things down here. Firstly, lets try and constrain this thread to direct feedback and information on the affected powers. Arguments about semantics and general tanking mechanics need their own threads respectively.
Secondly, Imbue I can totally see getting breakfree like other AOs, but giving it the standard damage bonus is probably a bit over the top. That said, it will probably get some fair tweaking. On a side note relating to that, the change to imbue is because it has never really functioned right and with the former implementation (the one on live) is unlikely to ever really work quite right. So, with that in mind I set out to make something that can still be useful as a crit amplifier while being more accessible and less abusable.
Having it scale with current HP makes it pretty not useful. That is the only bit in the change that keeps it from being good. A possible better solution would be to have it scale off of either Con or Pre in terms of crit and severity? Base 10% at 10 stat and increasing to 30% at 300 stat?
Thirdly, it indeed could use a little more in celestial bonus, and I like the suggestions that double the crit bonus to heals. I will try that out when I get a chance.
Finally, to address telepathy. I have been overwhelmingly pleased with the response and feedback given for telepathy. It has been amazingly thorough and helpful. I feel that we are nearing the final version of many of these powers, however they do not yet have FX, and will not until Splosions gets some time to work on them. So keep in mind that very few have final FX yet.
I like this news. The current stuff was a bit bland, but the powers were so nice I didn't really notice till after testing with it for about a half hour.
Grappling/Wrestling Power Set Suggestion 2012-2013
How a Wrestling Power Set Can Work
So, these Manifestations. I tried out Ego Restoration, Replenish, Warping and Bulwark. The effects are interesting, I like the team bonus idea.
Don't so much like the graphic of a floating glowy hooded guy in the 'chillixin' stance just standing there. For one thing, if this is a manifestation of something within the character, a hooded guy for a female toon kinda sucks. Is it at all possible to have it gender-specific?
It's stance definitely needs improvement. Perhaps by default the hands touching temple animation? So it looks more active while not being presumably super difficult to alter. I mean I'd love that it mimicked the character animations, that would basically be worth taking the power alone (lol) but not sure how realistic that is to ask for.
Finally, the sound of the Ego Restoration and Replenish is like self-trolling. I can't stand it, it's like a car unsuccessfully trying to start over and over and over right in my ear. Whereas the Ego Warping or Bulwark is almost soothing by comparison.
On Congress of Selves:
'Ego DoTs damage bonus' is kinda naaaaarrow. Can't this at least be 'DoTs' to shake it up a bit and allow out of set creativity?
A quite eclectic passive. Not sure how I feel about it as a whole.
By the way, the language on it 'ignoring resistance' - is this like what Dragon's Wrath does?
That "out of set creativity" would essentially mean infernal and fire DoT, which would make a telepathy passive, which is a first of its kind to be abused by other powersets. This would lead to weeks of complaints and then the only hope telepathy had at a passive would get nerfbombed. This is NOT what I'd like to happen to telepathy. I think powerset centric passives such as Congress of Selves is a great idea, and I hope it stays this way. If you look at the bonuses it gives it feels very telepathy, which is fantastic. Changing it's DoT mechanic to all DoT would ruin it and almost every DoT DPS build would take it and it would imbalance any remnant of fair play in PvP that still exists. I'd hate to see this power killed off like the rest of current telepathy.
As you pointed out the ignoring damage resistance mechanic functions like a very mini DW, similar to how Night Warrior Passive acts, but I believe the ignorance to resistance is only applied to DoTs, which would make them even more powerful as Infernal and Fire DoTs unlike the new telepathy DoTs have no cooldown. And with them being alot more powerful than the telepathy DoTs, as in they have no penalty, no CD etc, Congress of Selves would be complained about and then it would die.
So I know that it needs to remain this way. It makes someone have to think about power choices for a DoT build rather than just cherry picking a passive which buffs all DoT and wipe the floor with content in game as coupled with infernal and fire DoT it would be just too powerful.
That being said I do agree with the statement about the sound, I remember when I first used them, after a short while I couldnt stand it! Perhaps if the sound was toned down, as in it was still there but more soothing and less prominent, more like back ground noise, similar to the low humming of force fields.
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I am @RavenForce in game
Then where would you ascend to?:eek:
I agree with the Ascension becoming an AD, but allow it to keep it's flight, but allow it to be affected by NTTG and Freedom, however under NTTG give it slow fall innate when affected by NTTG and give it a similar jumping traction and speed buff like Rank 2 Acrobatics, until it is able to fly again.
On the subject of AD's, can we have some sort of quickfire AD buff or review, currently the only AD's I think which need to be buffed are Breakable (formerly known as Unbreakable before On Alert) and Field Surge. Unbreakable currently does not provide enough damage absorption to be on the same usefulness level as Masterful Dodge or Resurgance, it was enough before and only was weakish against DoT/DPS. It now hardly helps at all
(Un)Breakable - For this AD, I vote give it a generous buff to damage absorption over the 15 secs it is active. I'd advocate a very high number like 30k BUT remove the refresh or seriously nerf it (I hate nerfing powers
Field Surge - For this AD, again I'd advocate a higher shielding rate perhaps? I know that I can get about 4.1k shielding from it, which in most instances is helpful as it is thankfully applied over PFF. But I note that even "trash" mobs in enough numbers can deal over 4k damage pretty quickly, so for shielding, I'd advocate a slightly higher shielding threshold to around 4.9k. I think for sure that the healing Field Surge does to PFF may require a buff to around 6k healing/recharge to PFF.
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I am @RavenForce in game
Question : Had this bug already existed for 3 years, or was it just recently introduced ?
If it existed for so long .. why has never anyone raged about that before, but just recently ?
If it has been introduced just recently .. why shouldn't the devs be able to fix a bug that they
created with a recent update .. if they are willing to fix bugs ?
To a higher level of healing efficiency.
The user formerly known as Dr. Sage.
There are DoT builds? And in PvP?
I mean, am I stretching in that PvP is generally about spike damage?
I get that you're kinda 'protecting your baby' here (and I don't mean it harshly), but you might be over-reacting a tad in that the passive would get nerfed from boosting DoTs.
But, in any case, I can see how it boosting every DoT might not make thematic sense. Perhaps just akin to how many passives work, have it boost Paranormal DoT damage. Surely those Hex of Suffering builds aren't dominating. But come to think of it, there really aren't a whole lot of Non-Ego Paranormal DoTs anyway.
A smallish boost to Ego or Paranormal overall damage might still be in order. Like 20%.
It's been in the game for three years. Passives used to scale off of set stats, so back then it wasn't a huge issue because you were much more limited on what you could actually use imbue with. That changed with the changes that came with F2P.
Now that everything scales off of superstats, you simply take con as a super stat, take AoPM, and bam, your Imbue is now over 100% severity and doesn't get consumed by heals, thereby making every self heal and AD a practical joke compared to Conviction which you can spam every 3-4 seconds to gain a guaranteed 6-8k hp. Then once you're safe, or in pvp, once your opponent is out of ADs, you simply blast them for 20k with imbued force cascade or some such since you never consumed the imbue. Plus there's the whole issue of it stacking with the 50% base severity everyone has now since "On alert!".
Essentially, it started out broken, then as the years went on, the devs figured out ways to break it even more with other seemingly unrelated changes, as is the standard with CO.
I agree with most of this except your extended notes on 4.
It should start out at 10/10, since that follows the -2 split rule that seems to propagate itself all over... (I still think Lock n load should get buffed to 20-24% crit chance, since it's the opposite specialization as ice sheathe.) It should only scale up to 20/20 at 50% HP. If it were to remain 30/30, I'd say the required HP for that should be down around 10-20% remaining HP.
Snark never dies.
Secondly, Imbue I can totally see getting breakfree like other AOs, but giving it the standard damage bonus is probably a bit over the top. That said, it will probably get some fair tweaking. On a side note relating to that, the change to imbue is because it has never really functioned right and with the former implementation (the one on live) is unlikely to ever really work quite right. So, with that in mind I set out to make something that can still be useful as a crit amplifier while being more accessible and less abusable.
Thirdly, it indeed could use a little more in celestial bonus, and I like the suggestions that double the crit bonus to heals. I will try that out when I get a chance.
Finally, to address telepathy. I have been overwhelmingly pleased with the response and feedback given for telepathy. It has been amazingly thorough and helpful. I feel that we are nearing the final version of many of these powers, however they do not yet have FX, and will not until Splosions gets some time to work on them. So keep in mind that very few have final FX yet.
As always keep the feedback coming guys! And stay on topic!
Gentleman Crush
Unlike other DoTs, all the telepathy DoTs can crit, is this intended?
The passive is in the support role, but I haven't seen it grant any real benefits, perhaps give it a teamwide 'sight' benefit, or a teamwide power discount, a teamwide something, Its not fair to the passive if its in support without a team benefit that will help a fair amount of the team.
LIFETIMER since 23/01/2012 || Join Date: Sep 2009
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The "problem" with that powers were not imbue, but that they are unable to make it so
that pseudo-pets can crit or not on every tick. And i doubt they will ever fix that, since
it was fixed the easy way and then forgotten.
PVP is starving without rewards
1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
I agree with LnL changes, and I can accept your idea of how Imbue should work. LnL needs to be buffed to at least 15/17/20% crit chance.
I totally agree, I haven't used Field Surge much because I don't have a PFF toon but it doesn't look that great compared to Masterful Dodge indeed. And (un)breakable has become really, really bad, many bosses can destroy it in one hit, it almost never lasts 15s. And I'm not even speaking of pvp... 3k is barely a tap on most DPS builds. There are two options:
- the one you suggested, a large buff to its damage absorption.
- or making it impossible to disable and thus truely last 15s (and we would keep the absorption level as it is now or increase them just slightly)
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I am @RavenForce in game
You probably PvP alot more than I do but even I know there are DoT based Builds, perhaps not entirely DoT but enough DoT powers to be considered even a semi DoT build.
Well my reasoning which I did state, is that, IF it was extended to ALL DoT, you can imagine the DoT monsters which would take advantage of this and people generally would be very upset about it. Look what happened in the first few weeks of Night Warrior Passive and Shadow Strike comming out (I know not a very good example but stay with me) people all over the PvP community and even those not in it were complaining about it loads. I just don't want to see a good thing like a telepathy passive go to waste, and being exploited.
It certainly would not make thematic sense, and I am very glad the Gentleman Crush made it this way. As you have already pointed out there arent many Paranormal DoT's anyway. I think HoS is the only one? So expanding a passive to accomodate one or two powers isnt practical IMO.
This would be a nice idea but the way the passive is designed along with the powers, makes the DoTs themselves very pronounced, other powers like Mind Break would I think be mainly used for Detonation purposes than for outright damage. It would be nice to have an overall paranormal (high on Ego ofc) damage boost overall, but it might feel that too much is being packed into a passive. But regardless, it is a nice idea. Then again, I'm still in disbelief that telepathy has a passive!:eek:
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I am @RavenForce in game
I am loving telepathy but I will reiterrate a few small issues I think need to be addressed.
- Cooldowns on Telepathic DoT's - I think they need to be reduced, at most on a non INT stacking build 5-4 secs. Having a long CD makes the stacks fall of really quickly and makes stacking alot more difficult, and thereby making detonation less effective.
- Animations,
- Ego Blast, I've always wanted to be able to do this with Ego Blast (@ 0:06) , perhaps a 1 point advantage called Psychic Rage? It would revitalize Ego Blast to some extent. I'd also advocate of the return of Stun condition on full charge please ^^. So a stun condition leading to a disorientate effect.
- I'm still hoping to see a block and a full paralyze for telepathy, like Mind Control. Like this...
Mental Shield
Mental Shield creates a protective barrier of psychic energy that reduces incoming damage and increases in effictiveness as time goes on. Has a 2% chance to fully Placate attacking enemies (3 max) (20% chance to placate at 10 stacks). Protection increases as block is held. (stacks up to 10 max)
250% all damage resist (300% to Paranormal) - (Same block dmg resist progression as Eldritch Shield)
Advantages: Trick of the mind
This advantage gives your shield a 80% chance to cloud the visual cortex of your enemies, rendering you invisible and untargetable for 10 seconds. However this advantage can only be activated on an application of crippling challenge or when your health falls below 60%. Attacking during this stealthed period will render you visible. Has an internal cooldown of 15 seconds before it can reactivate.
It would use Ego Blast pose FX and would sort of have astral/psychic tendrils stemming from the forehead.
EDIT: The astral tendrils would stem out to a Collective Will dude standing in front shielding you from damage.
And for the paralyze:
Mind Control
Your psychic power allows you to dominate and command your foes for a duration of time. This power causes the targeted enemy to become a friendly pet for a short duration. The power and duration of your mind control scales with your Primary SS. However if your primary stat is EGO/PRE this scaling is greater. Max length that they can be controlled for is 40 seconds.
Other Champions build up resistance (3 stacks max) to your mind control and can no longer be controlled by you for a short while. Champions are paralyzed for 30 seconds. After your targets outlive their usefulness they take 1000 Ego damage. Breaking out of this control effect early causes your targets to take more Ego damage.
Advantage: Total Control
This advantage turns this power into an AoE power but reduces the length of time that subjects remain under your control by 20%. (Max targets 5)
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I am @RavenForce in game
I'm still of the opinion that it [Congress of Selves] should boost all, if not just paranormal, DoTs. More paranormal DoTs might be added in the future, you never know and then there went that window of opportunity. This is a freeform system and this passive being the first of its kind, it can open up a whole world of synergies that never existed before. IMO, that is a good thing and that is an expansion over the current style of DPS building, not a better expansion but a different one. Exploitation is always a bad thing but holing up an amazing passive to single set of damage is a shame. In terms of thematically sense, ice form using only fire powers or toxic powers? I don't know, I think in the end, it isn't up to you to decide whether something makes thematically sense, that's on the player side of things.
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm @blu8 in game!
That is all well and good, but in the deprivation of a great power which should by right solely belong to a set which has been beaten up with nerfs for so long, is necessary. Currently on my Telepath on PTS, her passive grants 30% defense ignore on the DoTs. Putting this out to ALL DoT builds as I have said before is a very bad idea. I REALLY hope Gentleman Crush does not change this passive at all except for perhaps visual FX, but that is Splosions Department I believe..
Exploitation will happen if this passive buffed all DoT's, people would simply pack wind/fire/infernal/bleeding builds and get insane power. I realise that this is the FF system, but I don't want this passive becoming another Imbue type case and then gettting nerfed in some horrible way.
As it was said before I am just "protecting my baby". I don't want it ruined. Thematically it works perfectly. Telepaths should be an exclusive class of people, in CO they have been down trodden for ages, now is their time to shine. Allow us to do that without Infernal DoT's ruining and exploiting our one chance at a passive.
The new synergies which you talk about will be horrendously powerful Infernal/fire/bleed dmg builds. Builds like that are already very powerful against most things. I've seen and I am sure many others have seen Infernal builds rip through some players with scary speed, and thats without a passive like Congress of Selves. Anyway, there are passives which exist to buff powerset specific damage, like pestilence, I dont ever recall seeing it on a non infernal DoT/ ranged build.
Leaving Congress of Selves how it is will make it alot harder to exploit, such exploitation is what Devs are trying to avoid. Which is why there was the Imbue change. If there is no damage expansion to all DoTs there will be less likely to be complaints from players being upset that thier tank builds are being ripped through by Infernal builds with DoT boosting and defense penetration on those DoT's. It would be a nightmare.
Congress of Selves is amazing exactly how it is.
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I am @RavenForce in game
Shield strength should definitely scale with END and not PRE.
And because Energy Maintenance is a joke (i haven't seen many builds using energy builder in a while) then All Energy Unlocke (not toggle forms) could scale with REC
Just my suggestions
Technically not at all since On Alert. Genuinely had no idea and remain disbelieving. :biggrin:
A small bonus, combined with no multiplicative bonus from Ranged DPS role, should preclude building for the detonation. If I wanted to build for the detonation, I would use Ego Form, which is still going to buff the DoTs while buffing a bunch of other stuff and still has other perks, and of course will mega-boost the detonation.
I Know Right?! :biggrin:
Good point!
Once upon a time (guess before the Infernal pass and Derpidemic) there were Pestilence Muni builds, but with all the changes perhaps they don't exist anymore. But technically the large part of Pestilence is just through using a quick-proccing maintain.
Ew, no. REC needs to just go away, it's the most universally useless stat ever and has been since launch. It should just be lumped into END.
Snark never dies.
I found it shocking that I was the tank whatever I chose to use (lightning arc, lightning storm, force cascade) for some reason I was outdamaging 4 later 3 other players. I think one was a mind but it seemed odd.
If Rec goes to End then I will have another SS to choose - hmm which should it be I wonder.
Maybe they were just poorer builds than my own I noticed they were more cautious than several other teams I've nemconned with.
I'm not saying Rec is an uber stat but if it goes away then builds are gonna get even more powerful than they already are. Certainly mine will..
The one who can't shut up formerly known as 4rksakes
About the @handle - it's a long story.
Profound quote.. "I'm not a complete idiot - several parts are missing."
I will heartily disagree with this. I am Str Con/Rec, Rec is pretty powerful stat to have.
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Yeah, and if "raises energy equilibrium" was just placed on END, then you could switch to END and be even better, cause now you'd have way more in your pool, and equilibrium. And your supernatural power would be absurdly easy to trigger with your max energy being higher.
Not to mention, energy builder returns scale way more off increasing max energy than increasing recovery.
Snark never dies.
As far as Ascension goes, I PvE'd with it on my Seraphim/Ego Blades tank, and it helped me out quite a lot. I wouldn't mind seeing it switched to an AD. Change out damage bonus for damage resistance, and make the travel effect be affect-able by NttG and stuffs.
@Quincy-St-Moth's PRIMUS page
You'd be even more efficent with Str Con/Int because your energy costs would be silly low, and that'll end up helping Supernatural Power even more, since its base energy return is rather high, guess thats more of an issue with Supernatural power, I think its scaling should be more rec sensitive and have a lower base. But thats just speculating.
That said, after trying the new Imbue and comparing it with Ego Surge, I'll take Ego Surge. It may even be better than the old Imbue, simply because it works on multiple attacks and is never wasted on an errant energy builder swing.
I'll also take Ego Surge over Aggressor at this point I think, since the additive damage bonus is only adding between 5 and 10 percent real damage in my tests. Multiplicative damage is what it's all about these days.
The poster formerly known as Lightwave!
Well said, but I'm sure you will be told that might is just fine and tanks don't need to do high damage.
You know, I'm gonna go make a video about 20k Haymaker crits using might DPS. Thanks for the inspiration...Give me a week, need to level a character.
Yes but you will be using crit base and Nimble Mind at this point.
Applauds. Although using imbue was also crit but at least you can SS Strength and Con instead of Dex. So it seems our might build is making a turn for agility.
Seems weird that you can achieve the same severity with just ego surge unless you have swap out strength/con for ego/dex.
I can't hop onto my might dps character since Im silver now, but this isn't an impossible feat.
@Quincy-St-Moth's PRIMUS page
Ok great, I don't have to waste my tme showing someone up, thanks. <.<
Nimble Mind? Nah, no Active Offense needed. Nimble Mind just boosts crit chance, severity is boosted by Ego only if you have a spec for that.
Heh, feel free to show them up. Someone needs to show might off, right?
@Quincy-St-Moth's PRIMUS page
I've been working on a singlestatted STR might build, only level 30 for now, and definately in need of more work, (I think if I contribute more towards dex to boost severity(via STR spec) and chance, I'd get higher numbers) But I'm condifent I'll be hitting 15k Haymakers at least once I break 40.
I just meant to pull off the spike crit more reliably, without good ole Imbue, one is probably going to use something as a replacement. Including new Imbue, but it has a condition for optimal impact, and on average won't improve crit chance as high, though of course also adds to severity.
Since when do you have to spec dex to get crit? Oh wait you don't. I have base Dex and 32% crit rate.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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It is very much the point, complaints are being made about might, then when the response to those complaints is that crits are needed (like for almost every other build in the game that wants to do competitive damage) that is suddenly not acceptable for might.
Why is crit acceptable for any other powerset in the game, but not for might? And strangest of all, crit is not wanted, but imbue is?
Your not paying attention then I personally use my energy builder quite a bit (more so now than in the past to take advantage of specialisations)
God yes if anything might should be inherently anti crits
I would love to see all might powers get a much higher base damage but a pretty substantial negative critical hit chance. So that they were more a consistent pounding damage.
Maybe give some of the big hitters like haymaker a critical severity multiplier so if it dose crit (which should be a big IF) it hits like a truck.
INT as secondary SS is not really that great. The scaling of INT was always that you needed
a lot of INT to make it good, and its still the same. Items with Cost-Discount and REC as
secondary SS work much better for me in a lot of builds now.
I can't match the severity, but every 30 seconds I'll get my normal 100% severity on 80% of my attacks for 15 seconds instead of 130% severity on one attack every 15 seconds, so I might just be better off in the end, or maybe it'll be a wash.
The poster formerly known as Lightwave!
He might've meant his thread that he linked and wanted you to peruse, presumably, as apposed to this thread.
Having it scale with current HP makes it pretty not useful. That is the only bit in the change that keeps it from being good. A possible better solution would be to have it scale off of either Con or Pre in terms of crit and severity? Base 10% at 10 stat and increasing to 30% at 300 stat?
Nice touch.
I like this news. The current stuff was a bit bland, but the powers were so nice I didn't really notice till after testing with it for about a half hour.
Thanks for keeping us in the loop!
Formerly Aeolwind
Nothing witty, just angst.
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