EDIT: Tried to do a mass-application of the titles during maintenance (Nov. 9), but I was only able to get it on a per-character basis instead of applying to the entire account. Levelers, talk to me at any point during today and I'll make sure your characters get the titles.
A challenge was thrown down, and a select few heroes rose up and surpassed it. Congratulations to all of the winners of our anniversary leveling contest -- 24 heroes went from raw rookies to world-saving veterans in less than two weeks!
The Body
Curt Aries
The Laird
Abraham Lincoln
Star Burst
Black Mamba
Cyber Samurai
The Shadowess
Richard Wilkins III
We'll hold the drawing for the grand prize winner soon, and the prize distribution for all winners will happen later during the anniversary extravaganza. Stay tuned, superfans!
(Also, as a side note, I just want it to be known that I'm impressed at the names. These characters sprang to life probably for the sole purpose of entering this contest, but with names this interesting I'm guessing that most of them will see play for a long time to come.)
Is this a list of all of the qualifying entries, Trailturtle? The reason I ask is that I can't seem to find my hero's name on the List, nor a few of the other ones mentioned in the announcement thread. (There's a thread where people were posting their times as they hit 40).
One of the reasons I've held off on announcing the grand prize winner is exactly because there's a possibility of error -- this is the first time we've run one of these, after all. Please either PM me or send in a ticket with names of characters that you're pretty sure qualified, but make sure your character was created during the event -- I suspect that'll be the source of some false positives. If you're 100% confident, though, give me a ping and we'll do some digging.
One of the reasons I've held off on announcing the grand prize winner is exactly because there's a possibility of error -- this is the first time we've run one of these, after all. Please either PM me or send in a ticket with names of characters that you're pretty sure qualified, but make sure your character was created during the event -- I suspect that'll be the source of some false positives. If you're 100% confident, though, give me a ping and we'll do some digging.
I wonder if a source of confusion might be that some characters started by skipping the tutorial- it was never clearly stated that skipping the tutorial would disqualify entrants (I assumed it would, which is why Eightball was the first character I'd run through the Qularr invasion in quite some time). While I don't particularly want to lessen my odds of winning the grand prize, I would hate to see anyone DQed over a miscommunication...
I skipped the tutorial. <_ _>; I really hope that didn't end my chances before I even got started.
I think another issue (for me at least) was that I rerolled an existing character. The Grey Kestrel had been sitting at level 10 for over a year, I rerolled her for the event and got her up to 40. She started at 6 (like anyone who skips the tutorial) so there was no head start or anything, but I wonder if in the data logs it might not look weird.
>.< I'm hoping that's all it is and it's easily squared away <;_;>
Check out my Champions Online webcomic in progress!
Well.. i guess this means sadly there's no time extension at all. especially now that there's a double EXP from witchcraft thing out.. I really would have liked to earn that Ascendant title.
This just feels like a major slap to the face though, with the bugs in game, and the contest itself designed with the expectancy that everyone has 4 hours a day minimum to accumulate 1 day of ingame time to max the level, which seems counter productive.
24 heroes went from raw rookies to world-saving veterans in less than two weeks!
When did the contest officially start? i thought it was Sept 1 and ended sept 6, that's 6 days, not even 1 week but the under 2 weeks makes it sound bigger :S
Anyways.. grats to all those who succeeded this deadline, and grats to the the two that win the top prize, having your own character art would be very cool
This leveling contest will start later tonight, at 12:01 AM on August 29 (Pacific), and ends 9 AM on Thursday, September 6. Level a character up to Level 40 and you'll get an entry into the contest. We'll do a drawing after the event ends to randomly determine the winner.
I started on the 29th < . .>
Check out my Champions Online webcomic in progress!
-Event started when I posted the forum post, not the blog post. I know this was a source of confusion, but with everything going full-bore for Nighthawk when the leveling contest was planned to start (August 28), I really didn't want to divert attention away and split people's attentions. I refreshed publicity for the contest with the blog post on the 1st.
-The tutorial shouldn't -- in theory -- have any effect. We're looking at a piece of data about when your character was created, part of our character database... I would be roundly amazed if the tutorial were the issue.
Nope, it's not skipping the tutorial, I skipped it with Cyberkat. And no, I didn't just make her for the contest, I've been meaning to make a srs bsns gadgeteer for quite awhile. I did however power level her in 20 hours between the 4th and 5th for the contest.
Brain was pretty numb by the end of VB crisis though...
I must be doing it wrong, because this message system won't lead me PM you trailturtle (apparently i needed to make you a freind first according to the interface), so i'd included my application in a freind request invitation to you
I must be doing it wrong, because this message system won't lead me PM you trailturtle (apparently i needed to make you a freind first according to the interface), so i'd included my application in a freind request invitation to you
Yah I did the same thing. Follow Flyingfinn's method and do a blind PM just to be sure.
Any chance of at least rewarding people that got to 30 with just the title, Ascendant? Would really really like to get that title for my main to use >.<
My toon ( Queen of the Night@Zedulon ) didn't make it onto the list either. Started her late morning of the 29th, hit 40 over the weekend. Of course, the code to determine which toons made it during the selected time window was undoubtedly written by Cryptic software engineers...
I've got 21 PMs right now. and by my guess, at least 16 of those are going to be leveling contest related. Hang tight folks, I've got other stuff that unfortunately needs to take priority, but I'll take a look at all of this when I can.
Would that be Mayor Richard Wilkins III? (Do we have a giant worm powerset I missed?)
hmm.. I might vote for Wilkins over Bisselle...
LOL, I'm impressed you caught that. And yes, it's a loose homage to The Mayor. I was inspired by the Ascendant title. For the record he's running a platform of family values, good clean living, respect for one's elders, and a guaranteed fewer-than-five infant sacrifices per year! I mean that's pretty good, amiright? :biggrin:
I wonder if a source of confusion might be that some characters started by skipping the tutorial...
I created and leveled two toons during the Event. My first toon California Jones is not on the list, but my second, Richard Wilkins III, is there. They both skipped the tutorial, so I agree with TrailTurtle's note that that shouldn't be a factor. >shrug<
Go to your User CP. There's Your Control Panel, Send New Message.
Thanks FF, I had no idea how to do that either!
TrailTurtle, I sent you a PM too, for my first character: California Jones.
And in regards to your comments on the names... I had been planning to make a CA Jones toon at some point, so yeah, that one was intentional. The second, as I mentioned above, was inspired by the Event's prize. Both toons were made with sort of thrown together builds intended to facilitate speed leveling. Now that they're L40, once the contest is all done/awards are given, and I'm sure tinkering with them won't affect anything, I'll go respec each and get them all themed-up.
Also, I'm kind of shocked at how few toons qualified.
When XP earnings during a Double-XP Weekend still feel like I'm underperforming,
there's something terribly wrong with the reward system...
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Original Join Date: Feb 2010.
I've got 21 PMs right now. and by my guess, at least 16 of those are going to be leveling contest related. Hang tight folks, I've got other stuff that unfortunately needs to take priority, but I'll take a look at all of this when I can.
Yeah, i'd be a little sad too if Armus@wraith_shadow didn't make it in after he made it with time to spare. I'm worried though since he was deleted then restarted all together for this contest as well as skipped the tutorial. I almost made it with a second character Rayth Shadowborn (an elf rogue since i apparently can't wait for neverwinter beta) but was a level and a half short and wouldn't have made it in the hour left.
PM sent, but like a few others have said, thank you again for taking a look into this for us.
created and leveled two toons during the Event. My first toon California Jones is not on the list, but my second, Richard Wilkins III, is there. They both skipped the tutorial, so I agree with TrailTurtle's note that that shouldn't be a factor. >shrug<
Yeah same here created and levelled 2 characters, both skipped the tutorial, first isnt on list but 2nd one is
I knew there were going to be problems with the results. I created my character midday 29th and skipped the tutorial. If there is any confusion, I deleted an old character, Laura Krane, which I never used and recreated her specifically for the event.
The one who can't shut up formerly known as 4rksakes
About the @handle - it's a long story.
Profound quote.. "I'm not a complete idiot - several parts are missing."
Well good luck to those who did it. Sad I couldn't be one of them, what with the game being totally unplayable now... oh well less competition for you all
Hopefully next time a contest like this is held hopefully Cryptic doesn't do it after making a huge portion of their player base unable to even attempt it again.... Sigh, could have really used that prize too and with odds as high as they are to win... oh well hopefully someone else who needs it wins
From reading the previous posts, it seems I missed some info. I thought that ANY toon that hit 40 would be eligible. I took a level 30 toon that I liked a lot, and she hit 40 at about 9:30pm PST Thursday night.
I am fairly certain she was tutorial-free, and she was over a year old (I?m an Altoholic, this was only my 4th 40 in 1.5 years). Does that mean she was ineligible? I didn't see her on the list -Juicy'Fruit is her name.
I work about 55-60 hours a week, have two kids and a wife, which means not a whole lot of time left for fun stuff? but I managed to get her to 40 for the contest. I can only play a few hours each night, and it still took me most of the week to get her to 40 (I'm amazed how people can level toons so fast).
As to the contest - I did not know I had to create a new toon and level it up to 40 to qualify. As I have two and a half pages full of heroes and heroines on my character login page, I have no spare slots until I get a character to 40, this put me at a disadvantage for this contest.
I knew there were going to be problems with the results. I created my character midday 29th and skipped the tutorial. If there is any confusion, I deleted an old character, Laura Krane, which I never used and recreated her specifically for the event.
I'll send you a PM too, Trailturtle.
For the record, I'm glad that the tutorial is not the issue and I sincerely hope that the missing eligible characters gets sorted out quickly.
I remember being in a couple PUGs with lots of you guys- Guy Calamari made me wonder if Cthulu was making a comeback... PUGing with Laura Krane was great- when she was tanking, I never had to worry about accidentally stealing aggro when I pulled out my big guns. Her aggro management was superb!
Since the last patch, it's been spottier than a boatload of Dalmatians. At some point, I may need to vote with my dollars regarding the patches (e.g. sparkly boots I've already owned for 2 years may not be as important as actually playing the game without interruptions).
I really hope I and many others make it onto the list, considering that we earned it. Which should be edited when the final results actually make it in there.
PUGing with Laura Krane was great- when she was tanking, I never had to worry about accidentally stealing aggro when I pulled out my big guns. Her aggro management was superb!
And that's without Crippling Challenge or Challenging Strikes. But I admit Bulwark in the Hybrid role along with Regen's healing agro helped in that regard.
I tried, I really did, but this happened to be the week when I had a bunch of stuff going on, so I really didn't get that far. Arula only got to level 18. I probably should've abused smash alerts more, but after a while I had this nagging "Well, this feels like CHEATING!" feeling.
My dreams of having a Bluey on every loading screen are now crushed.
I work about 55-60 hours a week, have two kids and a wife, which means not a whole lot of time left for fun stuff? but I managed to get her to 40 for the contest. I can only play a few hours each night, and it still took me most of the week to get her to 40 (I'm amazed how people can level toons so fast).
That's still a spectacular feat, and don't let the scale of this contest make you think otherwise. Speaking for myself, earlier in the week I sunk about two hours into Iris Irregular, and I still only got from 11-12. Granted, that was doing solo missions and no alerts, but this was definitely a contest that was aimed at the hardcore players.
For everyone else: Please hang tight. Between some HTML issues earlier in the day and handling most of the Neverwinter blog posts for today, I did not have time to look into the leveling contest today. I'll be investigating this on Monday, but it will likely be a debugging process.
If qualified characters really weren't caught in our data pull, we both have an immediate issue and one with database validity. The good news is that with your PMs, we'll be able to manually check this... although finding out when non-detected characters reached level 40 may be difficult. Stay tuned.
hmm.. I might vote for Wilkins over Bisselle...
Stuffy on the old CO forums. PWE ate my username.
Check out my Champions Online webcomic in progress!
Annoying people since 2009!
Same here.
I wonder if a source of confusion might be that some characters started by skipping the tutorial- it was never clearly stated that skipping the tutorial would disqualify entrants (I assumed it would, which is why Eightball was the first character I'd run through the Qularr invasion in quite some time). While I don't particularly want to lessen my odds of winning the grand prize, I would hate to see anyone DQed over a miscommunication...
I think another issue (for me at least) was that I rerolled an existing character. The Grey Kestrel had been sitting at level 10 for over a year, I rerolled her for the event and got her up to 40. She started at 6 (like anyone who skips the tutorial) so there was no head start or anything, but I wonder if in the data logs it might not look weird.
>.< I'm hoping that's all it is and it's easily squared away <;_;>
Check out my Champions Online webcomic in progress!
Annoying people since 2009!
This just feels like a major slap to the face though, with the bugs in game, and the contest itself designed with the expectancy that everyone has 4 hours a day minimum to accumulate 1 day of ingame time to max the level, which seems counter productive.
One question though about a comment..
When did the contest officially start? i thought it was Sept 1 and ended sept 6, that's 6 days, not even 1 week but the under 2 weeks makes it sound bigger :S
Anyways.. grats to all those who succeeded this deadline, and grats to the the two that win the top prize, having your own character art would be very cool
I started on the 29th < . .>
Check out my Champions Online webcomic in progress!
Annoying people since 2009!
-The tutorial shouldn't -- in theory -- have any effect. We're looking at a piece of data about when your character was created, part of our character database... I would be roundly amazed if the tutorial were the issue.
I also. I know I did it with ten hours to spare, on a character made just six days before he dinged 40.
And I did the Tutorial.
Streaking Star@Rune
Started at 30th.
Skipped tutorial. Old habits....
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Brain was pretty numb by the end of VB crisis though...
Snark never dies.
But I dont see my own character on that list. Recoil was created on the 29th. and hit 40 on the fourth. The should qualify me.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Would be terrible to have the effort lost since I did get to level 40.
Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
Thanks FF, no idea here either. :redface:
And yes, I too was left off the list. :mad:
PM sent.
People are broken. - Lum the Mad
in any event, the character was Mr. Hero@jeeperso
And yeah, poor lil Lancet didn't make the list either
I was one of those tutorial skippers.
You're a lunatic with a mad man's dream of a milk proof robot!
Yah I did the same thing. Follow Flyingfinn's method and do a blind PM just to be sure.
People are broken. - Lum the Mad
Edit: My character was created on the 29 of Aug, and my handle is @superkhandar
Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
For the record, I did the Tutorial.
I created and leveled two toons during the Event. My first toon California Jones is not on the list, but my second, Richard Wilkins III, is there. They both skipped the tutorial, so I agree with TrailTurtle's note that that shouldn't be a factor. >shrug<
Thanks FF, I had no idea how to do that either!
TrailTurtle, I sent you a PM too, for my first character: California Jones.
And in regards to your comments on the names... I had been planning to make a CA Jones toon at some point, so yeah, that one was intentional. The second, as I mentioned above, was inspired by the Event's prize. Both toons were made with sort of thrown together builds intended to facilitate speed leveling. Now that they're L40, once the contest is all done/awards are given, and I'm sure tinkering with them won't affect anything, I'll go respec each and get them all themed-up.
Also, I'm kind of shocked at how few toons qualified.
When XP earnings during a Double-XP Weekend still feel like I'm underperforming,
there's something terribly wrong with the reward system...
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Original Join Date: Feb 2010.
Thanks for taking the time to sort this out, TT.
Yeah, I think that tool missed more than it found.
It would suck if my 5 am finisher was in vain.
Deliciously nutritious!
PM sent, but like a few others have said, thank you again for taking a look into this for us.
Yeah same here created and levelled 2 characters, both skipped the tutorial, first isnt on list but 2nd one is
Guy Calamari shall wait patiently.
I'll send you a PM too, Trailturtle.
The one who can't shut up formerly known as 4rksakes
About the @handle - it's a long story.
Profound quote.. "I'm not a complete idiot - several parts are missing."
Hopefully next time a contest like this is held hopefully Cryptic doesn't do it after making a huge portion of their player base unable to even attempt it again.... Sigh, could have really used that prize too and with odds as high as they are to win... oh well hopefully someone else who needs it wins
I am fairly certain she was tutorial-free, and she was over a year old (I?m an Altoholic, this was only my 4th 40 in 1.5 years). Does that mean she was ineligible? I didn't see her on the list -Juicy'Fruit is her name.
I work about 55-60 hours a week, have two kids and a wife, which means not a whole lot of time left for fun stuff? but I managed to get her to 40 for the contest. I can only play a few hours each night, and it still took me most of the week to get her to 40 (I'm amazed how people can level toons so fast).
As to the contest - I did not know I had to create a new toon and level it up to 40 to qualify. As I have two and a half pages full of heroes and heroines on my character login page, I have no spare slots until I get a character to 40, this put me at a disadvantage for this contest.
Oh, well? got another 40 out of it
For the record, I'm glad that the tutorial is not the issue and I sincerely hope that the missing eligible characters gets sorted out quickly.
I remember being in a couple PUGs with lots of you guys- Guy Calamari made me wonder if Cthulu was making a comeback... PUGing with Laura Krane was great- when she was tanking, I never had to worry about accidentally stealing aggro when I pulled out my big guns. Her aggro management was superb!
Yeah, the toon had to be created on or after the 29th.
And that's without Crippling Challenge or Challenging Strikes.
My dreams of having a Bluey on every loading screen are now crushed.
Studio (D)raconis | Champions Blog
Bluey's List of Things He Wants in Champions
That's still a spectacular feat, and don't let the scale of this contest make you think otherwise. Speaking for myself, earlier in the week I sunk about two hours into Iris Irregular, and I still only got from 11-12. Granted, that was doing solo missions and no alerts, but this was definitely a contest that was aimed at the hardcore players.
For everyone else: Please hang tight. Between some HTML issues earlier in the day and handling most of the Neverwinter blog posts for today, I did not have time to look into the leveling contest today. I'll be investigating this on Monday, but it will likely be a debugging process.
If qualified characters really weren't caught in our data pull, we both have an immediate issue and one with database validity. The good news is that with your PMs, we'll be able to manually check this... although finding out when non-detected characters reached level 40 may be difficult. Stay tuned.
And while we wait...
Deliciously nutritious!