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FC.30.20120706a.5 PTS Update



  • ukatoenasniukatoenasni Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    bioshrike wrote: »
    1. I like that you guys added a boomerang EB, but it really needs to have an animation that's a little different than the regular throw boomerang power. Perhaps have it do the arm motion w/o the full follow-through of the actual throw boomerang power. It should also get a custom advantage - perhaps a % chance to bounce to another target or something.

    Fully agree here. A small animation variation would be fine. Also, maybe some geo-hookups? Please? The base geo is fine, but I'd love a few more little options.
    2. The main throw boomerang power is fine. Maybe give it an advantage that makes the boomerangs explosive or something.

    Agree here, too.
    3. Boomerang cone, IMO, needs to have it's cone narrowed and should be made into a maintain. Make it like a 50 foot, 60 degree cone. Perhaps give it an advantage where it can knock down or repel enemies.

    Here I'm gonna disagree on though - I think it's fine as a short-charge power. Shuriken Storm already looks kind of wonky as a maintain, and I'd really rather not go back to that kind of functionality. The 'charge' version as it is now looks and 'feels' pretty fine for what the concept is.

    Narrowing the cone would be fine, though, and a KD advantage (or maybe even an explosive one for parity with any added to Boomerang Throw) would be a good flavorful addition.
    7. Strafing run - I like the concept of this, but all it seems to do is to drop some more smoke pellets then display some little explosion animations - not very exciting. I do like that we're getting an actual targeting reticle, though. Let's see the jet that does the flyby!

    On this one, I'm not really too keen on the concept... though I guess if I had read things a bit closer, I would have had a better idea of what it was going for. I was really hoping for something more like Minimines (hand-tossing a handful of small explosives); That could just be entirely on my end, though, and if other people are happy with it I won't complain.
    8. Nightwarrior - There's already been so much said about this power. I think it's cool that it gives you the assassin strike and stealth abilities, but I feel that the stealth portion should be automatic - just give it the 15 sec cooldown if you come out of stealth in combat, and have it reapply stealth if you haven't taken damage for 15 secs. I'm not a huge fan of the animation you chose for the stealth strike - I would have preferred the animation from burning chi fist.

    I don't mind the click-aspect of Stealth, but I'd like it if would 'suppress' your energy builder while it was up. It's trivial for me to detoggle it, but immediately gaining aggro because Hawk's Talons melee-taunted something I was trying to shank is kind of frustrating. I'll note that's just a QOL notation and I'll deal with it otherwise.

    EDIT: Should add it's because I want the option to not be in Stealth, and to not have to wait sitting around like a prat for 15s after combat to have it fire back up (I do enough waiting around with Jet Boots, or being locked out of Teleport thanks to Nailed and other effects - less waiting, more action, rawr!). The 15s cooldown on 'break' works just fine for me, as I can get right back to doing what I want to do whether it's restealth the second combat is over or whatever.

    Agree on the animation, though - or maybe make it 'smart' like Forms are and have it inherent an animation similar to your Energy Builder (Unarmed for anything that doesn't have a weapon GEO, something appropriate to the weapon-GEO if you do). I'd be fine with the BCF animation instead, though.
    9. Grappling gun - it's basically a reskin of iron lariot. Have it use a gadgeteering pistol instead of the open hand or w/e it's using now. I'd also say to give it a custom advantage - something that perhaps electrifies the cable, thus dealing electrical damage and perhaps stunning the enemy.

    Agree here, except instead of the Gadgeteering pistol, why not the Swinging grapple-gun geo (if possible)? And the line seems a bit 'thick' for me as well, but that may have just been the camera angles making it seem chubbier then it was.

    Didn't really get to play with any of the other powers... was trying out a specific concept, so I was probably less then objective.

    [SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
  • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    - Cast time (longer cast time, higher damage)
    Stop there, Ego Blade Breach and Dragon's Bite, similar damage, EBB has a ridiculous charge time. Not to mention its debuff and other aspects aren't very appealing (the same can be said for Dragon's Bite, but that is another discussion)
    - Energy cost (greater energy cost, higher damage)
    Not always true, there are some high energy costing powers that don't deal great damage, I'm looking at you, Laser Sword.
    - Targets (more targets potentially hit, less damage)
    - Area (greater area covered, less damage)
    One word, Epidemic
    - Knock Immunity (if the power knocks and the target is knock immune, higher damage)
    This is true for most knock powers, some are bugged and do not recieve the ~25% boost. (First thing you said that was true so far in this post).
    - Rooting (if the power roots, higher damage)
    another word. Epidemic.
    - Cooldown time (if the power generally has a cooldown on it, it generally does higher damage)
    Holdout Shot....or lets go over the many Ultimates...Mind Link...Oh and compare Shadow Strike to Unleashed Rage :rolleyes:
    - Special conditions (If the power requires special condition to have an effect, generally higher damage, such as Force Cascade and Unleashed rage)
    Tiger's Bite vs Dragon's Claw
    - Melee or Ranged (is the power have a range greater than 10 feet, then lower damage)
    Really? Well, tell 16k Defile spikes that, or 12k Ebon Ruins, or lets talk about 20k, you heard me, 20k Force Cascade spikes.

    In conclusion, Cryptic has power formulas which itself does not follow the majority of the time.
  • theapygoostheapygoos Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    bumping the Crash on Character select screen issue
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    <snips post that doesn't get it>.

    Ah Ryder, not bothering to read nor understanding the premise, as always. Oh and things like cast time and charge time are not the same species. Cast time is the time it takes from button press to activation (ie that number like 0.5 or 0.87) while charge time is how long you hold your button to get a bonus. So really, stop trying.
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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  • voiceoftemprusvoiceoftemprus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    theapygoos wrote: »
    bumping the Crash on Character select screen issue
    I hope whatever is causing this does not make it live, I have been without PTS access since at least FC.28.20120620.0, maybe longer. :frown:
    Good-bye, DevSlayer title, you will be missed.
    Still Waiting on: Archer and the Ultimate Ninja!
    Any chance we can finally get the vibro sword laser sword skin?
    "CO once had devs, but they all fled to STO and NW because they feared Caliga." -matixzon
  • dagconfaraday#1221 dagconfaraday Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    calapsar wrote: »
    Sneak: separate toggle form, which every 3 seconds adds a stack of .. stealth (reducing the chance for enemies to see you, etc.), according to rank, 3/6/8. Take or make damage resets all stacks. Also Sneak provides a permanent bonus to .. Avoidance.
    Shadow Strike: separate melee attack, with a good damage at one target, which does not break invisibility directly, but absorbs all the stacks of stealth, receiving bonus armor penetration for each. (the animation should take from Resistance Colossus, when it pierces your mega destroid by blow of one hand).

    Preaching to the choir added with...
    rafahil893 wrote: »
    Stealth should be built into Night Warrior just like with Shadowform and Sneak should be your power to get back into stealth while in combat with maybe a 5 second cooldown as long as you are not attacked or attack yourself...

    Similar to how Lightning Reflexes stacks Dodge/Avoidance stacks untill successfully Dodging an attack. for example...
    ...Dark transfusion and life drain are clearly designed to work together. Its that kind of tight synergy with tool tip explanations that I'm looking for in the relationship between sneak and relevant powers, in and out of combat.

    ...and are also separate power selections (each costing a power point).

    The fact that they were designed to get the best performance when in combination with each other doesn't remove the ability to not go that route and only choose either or in support of an alternative playstyle path. Following the theme that the more powers within a given framework one selects, the more specialized in a playstyle one becomes.

    ...On a sidenote:
    bioshrike wrote: »
    Ok, so I finally got around to doing some testing w/ the new powers. First, I want to say that I'm always happy to see new powers added to the game. Now, here are my thoughts:

    1. I like that you guys added a boomerang EB, but it really needs to have an animation that's a little different than the regular throw boomerang power. Perhaps have it do the arm motion w/o the full follow-through of the actual throw boomerang power. It should also get a custom advantage - perhaps a % chance to bounce to another target or something.

    I feel it deserves a melee/ranged hybrid interaction in the way Wield Earth does. I still don't fully understand the need for one. But having this interaction goes along way to make me see the value of an exclusive "Captain Boomerang" build.

    The guy who formally posted as @Sky_Commander. Now posts as: "劫"
  • sorceror01sorceror01 Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I hope whatever is causing this does not make it live, I have been without PTS access since at least FC.28.20120620.0, maybe longer. :frown:

    Same here. Holy crap, I hope whatever is doing this to me on PTS does not make it to live. :eek:
  • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    sniped for incompetance.

    Really now, just what I'd expect from someone who doesn't understand this game. Cast Time and Charge Time are related regardless, otherwise why would Force Cascade have a 3 second chargetime while Ebon Ruin is what...2? 1.5?
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Some things just slip by from the PTS.....
    And yea, i have the same issue about crashing on character select.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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  • spellchekcspellchekc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    bioshrike wrote: »
    8. Nightwarrior - There's already been so much said about this power. I think it's cool that it gives you the assassin strike and stealth abilities, but I feel that the stealth portion should be automatic - just give it the 15 sec cooldown if you come out of stealth in combat, and have it reapply stealth if you haven't taken damage for 15 secs. I'm not a huge fan of the animation you chose for the stealth strike - I would have preferred the animation from burning chi fist.

    This so much. The concept of having a passive give you additional button powers is interesting, but having NW just reapply stealth is a much more elegant solution. The stealth button could be a toggle on/off for the auto stealth so that RP can still do costume contests etc.

    I'd like to suggest Shadow Strike get similar treatment- integrate and re-balance it into whatever first strike you do (ranged or melee). Maybe we could get a counting buff every time we auto-stealth (leaving combat) or per time (every 10 seconds gain a stack), and on the 5th stack, our next stealthed hit is a Shadow Strike? And instead of making it crazy buff our attack (which may be difficult to balance), just have a special SStrike attack take over and do X damage. Make it high enough to a higher opening attack, but don't let it crit.
    August 28th!
  • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    spellchekc wrote: »
    This so much. The concept of having a passive give you additional button powers is interesting, but having NW just reapply stealth is a much more elegant solution. The stealth button could be a toggle on/off for the auto stealth so that RP can still do costume contests etc.
    Come on Cryptic, you know we're right, Sneak should be reworked to a passive toggle, make it so if you aren't attacked for 3-4 seconds and you don't attack, you get put back into sneak, and also BUFF ITS PERCEPTION/AGGRESSION STEALTH PLEASE! ITS STILL NOWHERE NEAR ENOUGH!
  • towershield#4714 towershield Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    Not always true, there are some high energy costing powers that don't deal great damage, I'm looking at you, Laser Sword.


    Laser Sword has always hit really hard and continues to do so today. Its cost may be higher compared to other melee combo abilities but the damage is also higher as a result.
  • elddirelddir Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Anyone else having problems when choosing powers?

    As soon as I click, the window scrolls back up to the top leaving me unable to choose anything that is lower down than what is initially on screen.
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    hexcaster wrote: »
    Yeah, hopefully right after they take a long look at telepathy and hold mechanics first.


    I literally am ignoring all game changes till this happens as they dont at all affect me.
  • rugrothrumborrugrothrumbor Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    More damage penetration in the game? Isn't about time there is absorption penetration and dodge/avoidance penetration?
  • zellgawrathzellgawrath Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    More damage penetration in the game? Isn't about time there is absorption penetration and dodge/avoidance penetration?

    god i hope not dodge penetration? how does that work? if you are trying to doge something you either dodge or you dont its not a penetrating affect.
  • sagewithbubblessagewithbubbles Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    So, any word on the PTS crashing at the character select screen?

    The user formerly known as Dr. Sage.
  • megaskullmonmegaskullmon Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    There was a little patch on the test server just now but i don't nkow what you can check
  • theapygoostheapygoos Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    There was a little patch on the test server just now but i don't nkow what you can check

    dunno what it was but I am Still crashing on character select screen
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,155 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    gamehobo wrote: »

    I literally am ignoring all game changes till this happens as they dont at all affect me.

    YAY, another person who cares for hold mechanics and telepathy :biggrin:
  • sarelfoxsarelfox Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I posted this in a previous thread, but didn't realize this one is pinned and the other one was not. I too have the bug that prevents me from testing, crashing to desktop at character select or sooner. Here is the screencap with a -console advanced command.


    Chestbouncies have crashed my game! Breasts have failed me!
  • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    sarelfox wrote: »
    I posted this in a previous thread, but didn't realize this one is pinned and the other one was not. I too have the bug that prevents me from testing, crashing to desktop at character select or sooner. Here is the screencap with a -console advanced command.


    Chestbouncies have crashed my game! Breasts have failed me!

    Oh my...Cryptic....I can only say one thing about your promblem with bouncy...
  • megaskullmonmegaskullmon Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    ooookay just watched that...
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