The Monsuta Man is a joke character I made a loooooong time ago, but never posted.
Basically, it is a generic sentai inspired character, who is not even a man to begin with.....
The Monsuta Man's powers include being able to transform into any monster/creature, but cannot control which creature she transforms into......Thus the Monsuta Man can be the most powerful hero in the room, or the weakest......It is completely random.
I am Ava Imneh A'Oyani, a weather witch of the Southern Tower of Anaskani and a devout follower of Mother Earth Inuurag and Father Sky Imphadnao'an. When emissaries of the mysterious alternate Earth opened the first gate, our sisterhood was imparted by the Holy Order of Karmagus with the responsibility to guard the grand altar of the southern tower. We hold the key to the portal that maintains the balance between the parallel Earth, ensuring that it remains so for as long as the disciples live and the southern tower stands.
I am Zansimos, a dark elf from the Kingdom of Val Qun. My father was assigned to this parallel Earth by the Holy Order of Karmagus to help ward off the invasions and defend her inhabitants; and where my father goes, I follow.
I have come to learn the ways of the heroes that protect her and to share the knowledge to my fellow elves back in our kingdom.
Here's a series of costumes for my Rex Lightning character. Short bio: Former famous action movie star becomes a has-been because all the heroes and villains battling it out make action movies irrelevant. So he takes the name of his most popular character, and becomes a vigilante hero to try and stay relevant.
Movies, TV Shows, and Ads he's starred in:
Double Agent
Street Justice
Street Justice 2: The fall of Kaiser Khan
Street Justice 3: World Tour
Street Justice 4: Justice in Space
Street Justice 5: Back to the Streets
Street Justice 6: Revengeance
Street Justice 7: Maximum Payback
Light Runner
Light Runner 2: Run, Light Runner, Run
Future Force Five
Future Force Five: Back to the Present
Future Force Five: War for Surrender
Starsaber: The Galaxy War
Rise of the Condor
Condor: The Justice Guild Begins
Death of the Condor
Condor 4: The Remergeance
Black Steel
Black Steel: Steel vs. Death
Black Steel: Destruction of Chaos
Sudden Retribution
Battle of Extermination: Die to Live Again
Triple Impact
Terminal Punishment
Duke of Honor
Big Problems in Little Tokyo
Kingdom of Stones Season 1
The Long Arm of Love
Guy on the Side
DeathBall 6: The Ball of Death
Hobo House 3: Return to the Funhouse
Valutrex Medication Ad
Rearcalm Hemorrhoid Cream Ad
Zom-B-Gone Ad
Doctor Dad (Five Episodes)
Killgazer 12: An Eye for An Eye
Midnight Zombie Massacre 3: The Redeadening
MCTV Has-Been Island
Rex Lightning, from the film series "Street Justice"
Dr. Jeremy Powell, from the short lived TV show "Doctor Dad"
Jack Light from the film series "Light Runner"
Secret Agent Max Valiant from the film "Double Agent"
Death Waiter, the mysterious antagonist from the "DeathBall" film series
John Smith from the TV Movie "The Long Arm of Love"
The Condor from the "Condor" series of superhero films
Commander Zen Variant from the "Future Force Five" film series
Captain Duke MoonStryder from the film "StarSaber: The Galaxy War"
The rest I still need to come up with silly plot synopses for before I can figure out costumes for them.
From the side:
It is gone
It's all black
The Monsuta Man is a joke character I made a loooooong time ago, but never posted.
Basically, it is a generic sentai inspired character, who is not even a man to begin with.....
The Monsuta Man's powers include being able to transform into any monster/creature, but cannot control which creature she transforms into......Thus the Monsuta Man can be the most powerful hero in the room, or the weakest......It is completely random.
I am Ava Imneh A'Oyani, a weather witch of the Southern Tower of Anaskani and a devout follower of Mother Earth Inuurag and Father Sky Imphadnao'an. When emissaries of the mysterious alternate Earth opened the first gate, our sisterhood was imparted by the Holy Order of Karmagus with the responsibility to guard the grand altar of the southern tower. We hold the key to the portal that maintains the balance between the parallel Earth, ensuring that it remains so for as long as the disciples live and the southern tower stands.
I have come to learn the ways of the heroes that protect her and to share the knowledge to my fellow elves back in our kingdom.
Polliwog, Millennium City University student in a suit of power armor.
Captain Acorn.
Movies, TV Shows, and Ads he's starred in:
Street Justice
Street Justice 2: The fall of Kaiser Khan
Street Justice 3: World Tour
Street Justice 4: Justice in Space
Street Justice 5: Back to the Streets
Street Justice 6: Revengeance
Street Justice 7: Maximum Payback
Light Runner
Light Runner 2: Run, Light Runner, Run
Future Force Five
Future Force Five: Back to the Present
Future Force Five: War for Surrender
Starsaber: The Galaxy War
Rise of the Condor
Condor: The Justice Guild Begins
Death of the Condor
Condor 4: The Remergeance
Black Steel
Black Steel: Steel vs. Death
Black Steel: Destruction of Chaos
Sudden Retribution
Battle of Extermination: Die to Live Again
Triple Impact
Terminal Punishment
Duke of Honor
Big Problems in Little Tokyo
Kingdom of Stones Season 1
The Long Arm of Love
Guy on the Side
DeathBall 6: The Ball of Death
Hobo House 3: Return to the Funhouse
Valutrex Medication Ad
Rearcalm Hemorrhoid Cream Ad
Zom-B-Gone Ad
Doctor Dad (Five Episodes)
Killgazer 12: An Eye for An Eye
Midnight Zombie Massacre 3: The Redeadening
MCTV Has-Been Island
Rex Lightning, from the film series "Street Justice"
Dr. Jeremy Powell, from the short lived TV show "Doctor Dad"
Jack Light from the film series "Light Runner"
Secret Agent Max Valiant from the film "Double Agent"
Death Waiter, the mysterious antagonist from the "DeathBall" film series
John Smith from the TV Movie "The Long Arm of Love"
The Condor from the "Condor" series of superhero films
Commander Zen Variant from the "Future Force Five" film series
Captain Duke MoonStryder from the film "StarSaber: The Galaxy War"
The rest I still need to come up with silly plot synopses for before I can figure out costumes for them.
1. Auroch - (Telekinesis/TK Blades)--- PSi-operative
2. Terrene - (Earth/Offensive)--- Part of a Family-based superteam.
3. Cadaver - (Toxic/Rot/Decay Control) --- Wendigo inspired superhero; was abducted and experimented on, during the Qularr invasion
4. Saint Knaira - (Celestial) --- Centuries old, light sage, and mentor.
5-7. Storm Fox/Rift-Walker/Shield-Maiden - (Archery/Magic/Sword and Shield) --- Represent a typical RPG trinity, and are a traveling trio.
8. Lambda - (Darkness/Dark Matter) --- Part of the same batch of humans, abducted by the Qularr. Result of an experiment
9. Ropera Rose - (Martial Arts) --- Star of a Spanish Sentai style action show.
10. Brain-Child - (Gadgeteering) --- Engineering genius, who makes the tech for most of my other heroes.
11. Leblos - (Power Armor) --- Sentient Combat Android.
12. Alabaster - (Earth/Defensive) --- Construction worker, who stumbled upon an ancient ruin site.
13. Shadow-Song - (Dual Swords/Martial Arts) --- Dark Elven Rogue, who's a bit of a blood knight.
14. Madam Cinza - (Ghostly/Psionic Constructs) --- Actress who binded with an entity, to save her life.
15. Jade Serpent - (Sorcery) --- Former gang member, turned mystic advisor.
16-17. PsyPher & Psi-Ren - (Telepathy & Telekinesis) --- Sibling team, who broke free from Mind Inc's influence.
18. Powertrip - (Electricity) --- Nephew of Terrene, part of a family based superteam.
19. Death-Wish - (Munitions) --- Leader of a vigilante band of mercs.
20. Sirena - (Ice/Water control) --- Lemurian superhero, trying to right the wrongs of her people.