1. More shaped garment pieces that aren't jackets.
In particular, i'd like a top that can do a Cheongsam dress. Examples:
I'd like to draw attention to the *shape* of the top of the dress. Note the slightly squared shoulders, the visible stitch line at the sleeves angled towards the far end of the shoulder, and the distinctive collar.
Note also the fabric line cutting at a bias away from the collar closure to the side of the body in the first image, showing where the dress fabric has been wrapped across the body to be closed at the side. (The small keyhole in the last image would also be a fun top shape).
(Ideally the sleeves should be optional, as there are sleeveless cheongsams too)
2. More skirt options.
-I don't know if a mermaid skirt is doable with movement in this game, but it would be fun.
-Play with waist height a little bit. Maybe a princess waist skirt
-Short and mid-length skirts with some volume - like poodle skirts, or maybe something like this:
-a slit skirt with only a single slit. Pretty sure the one in-game is slit on both sides, so more like this:
-A skirt that's asymmetrical front-to-back. Something like this maybe:
-Steampunk skirts!
3. Damaged clothing that isn't zombie tights. Torn tights (without visible bones), damaged masks, shredded jeans, damaged armor pieces, boots that are falling apart. Not just minor things like scratched paint, either, but significant damage.
Why can’t we have us some gemmed bracers. Just take the gems from the Arcane bracer and slap’em onto some nice fitted (not too bulky) trimmed bracers.
Better yet, add the Gemstone set to Hands & Arm Accessories – or a new category like “Bracer Attachments” or whatever so we can combine them with Bracers.
A more form-fitting gorget/neck armor also would be lovely. And the top.
Can we get an update to the Goth 2 Neck (and by extension, the Goth 1 Neck accessory) to have a small, colorable square in the center. This would make it perfect for a "Priest Collar" look, as shown here:
Battle Damaged versions of existing Helmets. Even the basic helmet in game would do. I am not asking new helmets, but in this case just breaking some headwear already in the game.
Kind of like this.
Full Helmet - Broken
This would be a good starting point.
An assortment of ID badges would be nice to have. A lanyard & badge in Neck, a badge clipped at the breast pocket in Emblem Front, and/or a badge hanging from the belt in the Belt Accessory category. A generic silhouette (like the default profile pic I have on these forums) could take the place of a photo ID, or maybe just a blank square that could be colored.
And other facial accessories like more eyebrow styles, piercings, makeup patterns, scars, etc.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^: DeviantART|FurAffinity| Twitter
I feel very lack in expensive coat. We have Space scoundrel coat. But it has very obnoxious deformed sleeves. And coat is too long.
All would say "THANKS!!" if you add more sophisticated, luxurious, neat, everyday, knee-length coat. You can take space scoundrel mesh model, it works fine enough. Just change texture and leave it fully transparent below knees.
Like these:
Currently there is ABSOLUTELY NO knee-length coats in the game.
Just posting for another friend who cannot post these great suggestions on forums!
Here we go:
It's been about ten years since we've gotten a ballistic vest, and the stuff we have in the character creator is sorely outdated. I think I can speak for a number of players in the game with Until, Primus, MCPD, conventional military, vigilante, general law enforcement, mercenary, and gangster characters that a good plate carrier would be sorely appreciated. The same could potentially said for a proper ballistic helmet (all we have is the Swat helmet from a decade ago. Frankly there's a plethora of items that fit the general theme that could probably fill an entire lockbox worth of costume sets.
Likewise, it's also been over a decade since anything was done with the camouflage patterns in game. I think it'd be nice to see them either updated to allow for the detail/grunge texture to allow for greater color variation, or new pieces to be added such as BDU's (battle dress uniform) that allow a camouflage pattern.
Feel free to reference the following images:
1) Full body plate carrier. There are a number of costume pieces that could be made out of this alone. Shoulder for the delt protectors, hips piece for the groin protector, leg accessories, collar, and of course the chest piece for the plate carrier itself.
2) BDU's. General camouflage gear. Could easily have a belt piece and foot accessory to go along with it.
3) Ballistic helmet
4) Standard plate carrier
5) Conventional Night vision Head Gear:
6) On the vest itself an emblem piece could be included where you could swap out UNTIL, PRIMUS, MCPD, and so on.
Freckles (All over face, Cheeks only, Nose Only) & Beauty Marks (Cheeks, Above/Under Lips, Above/Under Eyebrows) I'd also like to suggest that they may be separate from the Makeup preferably in the Detail Category in the Head Type Section.
I see an X shaped chest strap was added to this thread earlier and I have a different version I would like to see....
That centre-piece would be with an option to put your own emblem in.
The centre piece could also be added to the Chest Emblem category as an alternative to the over-chunky and outdated 'Insignia Emblem' and 'Insignia Emblem Large' that we already have
We still don't have an actual wide-brimmed musketeeer/cavalier hat with one side folded up and a nice big buckle on it. Here's one that I think would work great...
The feather coming from the folded side and trailing down the back of it would be a great attachment and also a nice addition to the feather pieces we already have as a seperate piece... maybe in the Side Accessory category.
We could also do with a nice ornate chest strap in the musketeer style and a nice wide belt with an ornate buckle to match...
I've always liked the basic shape of the 'Long Boots Wings' without the Batarangs sticking out the back of the calves......
It would be nice to have the bat wings as an attachment and be able to remove them. Even better would be if the bat wings could also be a seperate foot accessory too, as well as an attachment
There is a no legs option, how about a no feet one for those times we would want to make a floating creature or device? From there, maybe some options for making something new and original like these drones.
Also, how about once we unlock a certain device power, we can have the option to use that visualization/sound for the actual power they are related too as well?
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Looks like a lot of the ethnic hairstyles and such have already been covered, but here's some I'd just about kill somebody to have:
Both the hairstyle and the earrings. PLEASE!
I realize the buccaneer earrings are close, but the fact that they turn outward is a bit odd. Besides, look at the detail on those!
Egypto hair pls. Long and short styles like this!
"Briefs Small Sheer" and "Briefs Sheer" skin options
Currently we can only get this material in thigh-high form, which sucks. Using tights to fake it is pretty ugly and only works with certain colors, too.
Swords with cosmic/starstuff patterns in their blades, but better-textured than this:
BIGGER swords for MA. Like the current Broadsword.
Glass/crystal-bladed swords!
MOAR HEELS! Seriously one can only use the pulp and formals for so long before they start to lose their freaking mind
And finally, a long nails option with vivid, non-muted colors that aren't horrible monster claws:
Note that the current default stubby nail and monster claw options suffer from muted colors which is...kind of ugly and unimpressive.
(Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
I'm looking to make my healer look as close to this as I can, most notably a cloak that drapes over shoulders and arms...and a beret that doesn't conflict with hair clipping issues.
Post edited by catstarsto on
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
The lion emblem built into the Lion Spartan chest looks really low res, especially on females (more like a roundish blob). It would be great if we could have a seperate lion's head chest emblem to add to costumes. Here's an example....
Wanted to suggest some stuff for the nextFOXBAT-CON
We need to go full Cactus-Core
for starters some Cactus headparts
A cactus headwear and some cactus-creature head.
The creature head should have similar proportion to the normal head as to not clip to much with existing headgear
Some sort of Cactus-bracer and or gloves
Other cactus body parts like stubby Cactus arms/legs/feet
the last 2 are by artist "Lysol Jones" in case anyone wanted to know.
A Cactus-themed chestwear and a matching hip piece
Something similar to the Bulky-tech chestwear, but more cactus-like
All Cactus parts could have optional thorns/spikes with optional textures like psy/ghost/shadow/etc.
also a small optional Cactus bud as a top accessory
Additionally, some Weapon skins ideas for Foxbat-con
A shark skin for Heavy weapons, Bazookas and Heavy machine guns
Overgrown pingpong paddles and baguettes for melee weapons.
I concur. It would be cool to see some more hairstyles in general, but I would especially like more diverse looking hair for characters of a different ethnic background.
Not just short butch styles and dreadlocks, how about more long ones like you see in china?
You can work it around the cape options, even have extras for it like vines and flowers for dryads.
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
In particular, i'd like a top that can do a Cheongsam dress. Examples:
I'd like to draw attention to the *shape* of the top of the dress. Note the slightly squared shoulders, the visible stitch line at the sleeves angled towards the far end of the shoulder, and the distinctive collar.
Note also the fabric line cutting at a bias away from the collar closure to the side of the body in the first image, showing where the dress fabric has been wrapped across the body to be closed at the side. (The small keyhole in the last image would also be a fun top shape).
(Ideally the sleeves should be optional, as there are sleeveless cheongsams too)
2. More skirt options.
-I don't know if a mermaid skirt is doable with movement in this game, but it would be fun.
-Play with waist height a little bit. Maybe a princess waist skirt
-Short and mid-length skirts with some volume - like poodle skirts, or maybe something like this:
-a slit skirt with only a single slit. Pretty sure the one in-game is slit on both sides, so more like this:
-A skirt that's asymmetrical front-to-back. Something like this maybe:
-Steampunk skirts!
3. Damaged clothing that isn't zombie tights. Torn tights (without visible bones), damaged masks, shredded jeans, damaged armor pieces, boots that are falling apart. Not just minor things like scratched paint, either, but significant damage.
Why can’t we have us some gemmed bracers. Just take the gems from the Arcane bracer and slap’em onto some nice fitted (not too bulky) trimmed bracers.
Better yet, add the Gemstone set to Hands & Arm Accessories – or a new category like “Bracer Attachments” or whatever so we can combine them with Bracers.
A more form-fitting gorget/neck armor also would be lovely. And the top.
I'd like it to be added to Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Laser Sword, Telekinetic Blades, Heavy Weapon, Back, and Leg Accessories.
Image below as to what it looks like.
What's the difference between a Katana and an O Katana?
What's the difference between a Katana and an Shirasaya Katana?
Additional Images as to what I'd like the general look of it to be are below.
Dagger Backward
Notice that it is held inverse and more covert. Make a melee dagger that is held backwards.
and a skeleton - like Robot Body
Both divided in pieces like the skeleton or the Robot body (Head, torso, waist, limbs, hands and feet)
Also, some other stuff for costume parts consideration
A different style of eyepatch (with a version for each eye)
and a uniform/tight/costume like the one on this page
Could use different types of hands, like human, skeleton or those 3 fingered creature hands
Also, smething similar as a chestwear, made of ghostly limbs wrapped around your torso
The ghost hands could be avileable on different textures like
-Ooze, etc,etc
The limbs would connect on the back o your torso, as if they were coming out of a back-piece
Maybe some backpieces like Large Urns, coffins, or metal boxes, the 3 with optional broken textures
Kind of like this.
Full Helmet - Broken
This would be a good starting point.
Like something inspired by the Mobius Chair from DC Comics.
If it were to be made have it fly with Jack Kirby particles floating off of the chair that the player would be flying off on.
Like for the arms accessories is overdue to have some for example.
Melee Weapon wise, I would suggest these
Normal Hammer, which we have one ingame
Small Mallet
Police Baton/Tonfa
Claymore Sword
Polearms in general. They are Heavy Weapon materials
Range Weapon wise, here are some suggestion
Pancor Jackhammer
Bullpup AUG
Pretty much any skin like the Paintball guns or all the legacy stuff that hasn't been rerelease, yet
Cloting wise, here some idea
The police shirt. I know for certain the female characters don't have this option
Riot Shield
Nurse Cap
These suggestion are for laugh and I doubt it would be even consider since probably like 1 or 2 players out of the entire playerbase would use these.
Lady Bug dot pattern on a beetle wing costume
Swan/Goose head
Cobra head
Turtle Shell
Dolphin Style Tail
Common Moth Wing
Mantis Head
Anime Face Style
And other facial accessories like more eyebrow styles, piercings, makeup patterns, scars, etc.
Slouchy Beanie Hat
Crop Top Shirt
Plastic Headband
Sailor Fuku (Schoolgirl Outfit)
Maid Outfit
Things I just really want:
Roller Skates (Instead of Inline Roller Blades)
Rubber Chicken Weapon Skin
Hobby Horse Broomstick Travel Power Skin
Zippered tight pattern
All-Fur Cloaks with Bear Paw Mantle:
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
All would say "THANKS!!" if you add more sophisticated, luxurious, neat, everyday, knee-length coat. You can take space scoundrel mesh model, it works fine enough. Just change texture and leave it fully transparent below knees.
Like these:
If you don't mind me saying, we should probably collage some photos so it doesnt make such a long chain 😅
Just posting for a friend who cannot post these great suggestions on forums!
Here we go:
1) Wedge Heeled shoes/boots
2) SG insignia set:
A) knee pads -
B ) shoulder pads -
C) Holographic guild emblem a la Wildstar. Off the left shoulder or right or both and as a chest badge over the left breastplate:
3) Black Hairstyle options:
A) Buns (Afro, braided, locks)
B ) One side shaven (Afro, braided, locks)
C) Mohawk (Afro, braided, locks)
D) Extra long locks in various styles
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Just posting for another friend who cannot post these great suggestions on forums!
Here we go:
It's been about ten years since we've gotten a ballistic vest, and the stuff we have in the character creator is sorely outdated. I think I can speak for a number of players in the game with Until, Primus, MCPD, conventional military, vigilante, general law enforcement, mercenary, and gangster characters that a good plate carrier would be sorely appreciated. The same could potentially said for a proper ballistic helmet (all we have is the Swat helmet from a decade ago. Frankly there's a plethora of items that fit the general theme that could probably fill an entire lockbox worth of costume sets.
Likewise, it's also been over a decade since anything was done with the camouflage patterns in game. I think it'd be nice to see them either updated to allow for the detail/grunge texture to allow for greater color variation, or new pieces to be added such as BDU's (battle dress uniform) that allow a camouflage pattern.
Feel free to reference the following images:
1) Full body plate carrier. There are a number of costume pieces that could be made out of this alone. Shoulder for the delt protectors, hips piece for the groin protector, leg accessories, collar, and of course the chest piece for the plate carrier itself.
2) BDU's. General camouflage gear. Could easily have a belt piece and foot accessory to go along with it.
3) Ballistic helmet
4) Standard plate carrier
5) Conventional Night vision Head Gear:
6) On the vest itself an emblem piece could be included where you could swap out UNTIL, PRIMUS, MCPD, and so on.
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Better Ethnic Hairstyles
More Long Anime Hairstyles (Harajuku Pt 2?)
Freckles (All over face, Cheeks only, Nose Only) & Beauty Marks (Cheeks, Above/Under Lips, Above/Under Eyebrows) I'd also like to suggest that they may be separate from the Makeup preferably in the Detail Category in the Head Type Section.
Add Nose Accessory Category & Nose Piercings
Midriff Shirt Options
Opaque stockings for skin and tights
Ruff Collar
False Collar (Men have one. Women don't)
Bug Swarm skin texture.
Some katanas that hang off the back, the current pile of swords costume piece is a bit goofy:
A better top to go with the hakama (speaking of, the current one is really, really dated)/other bits, looser with big sleeves:
An asymmetrical kimono, this designs pretty fun:
Some fancier coats that flow straight down, instead of being glued to the frame:
Some harnesses/shoulder straps/police gear etc:
Some messier ponytails:
And lastly, this hair, but everything from Street of Rage 4 would make for good inspiration in general:
That centre-piece would be with an option to put your own emblem in.
The centre piece could also be added to the Chest Emblem category as an alternative to the over-chunky and outdated 'Insignia Emblem' and 'Insignia Emblem Large' that we already have
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
The feather coming from the folded side and trailing down the back of it would be a great attachment and also a nice addition to the feather pieces we already have as a seperate piece... maybe in the Side Accessory category.
We could also do with a nice ornate chest strap in the musketeer style and a nice wide belt with an ornate buckle to match...
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
It would be nice to have the bat wings as an attachment and be able to remove them. Even better would be if the bat wings could also be a seperate foot accessory too, as well as an attachment
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Also, how about once we unlock a certain device power, we can have the option to use that visualization/sound for the actual power they are related too as well?
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Both the hairstyle and the earrings. PLEASE!
I realize the buccaneer earrings are close, but the fact that they turn outward is a bit odd. Besides, look at the detail on those!
Egypto hair pls. Long and short styles like this!
"Briefs Small Sheer" and "Briefs Sheer" skin options
Currently we can only get this material in thigh-high form, which sucks. Using tights to fake it is pretty ugly and only works with certain colors, too.
Swords with cosmic/starstuff patterns in their blades, but better-textured than this:
BIGGER swords for MA. Like the current Broadsword.
Glass/crystal-bladed swords!
MOAR HEELS! Seriously one can only use the pulp and formals for so long before they start to lose their freaking mind
And finally, a long nails option with vivid, non-muted colors that aren't horrible monster claws:
Note that the current default stubby nail and monster claw options suffer from muted colors which is...kind of ugly and unimpressive.
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
And also a SnakeS headgear
Basically a headwear made of several small snakes, with an attachment option to cover your eyes (in more snakes)
Maybe also some sort of Snake chestwear and optional variants
A snake, or a worm, or a snake-bot
for both sides
Also maybe Snake-Arms
Maybe even some mechanical looking ones
Or even a worm/Centipede like arms
And some other ideas for consideration:
we always need more helmets
And some hi-tech looking Eskrima sticks for dual weapons.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
We need to go full Cactus-Core
for starters some Cactus headparts
A cactus headwear and some cactus-creature head.
The creature head should have similar proportion to the normal head as to not clip to much with existing headgear
Some sort of Cactus-bracer and or gloves
Other cactus body parts like stubby Cactus arms/legs/feet
the last 2 are by artist "Lysol Jones" in case anyone wanted to know.
A Cactus-themed chestwear and a matching hip piece
Something similar to the Bulky-tech chestwear, but more cactus-like
All Cactus parts could have optional thorns/spikes with optional textures like psy/ghost/shadow/etc.
also a small optional Cactus bud as a top accessory
Additionally, some Weapon skins ideas for Foxbat-con
A shark skin for Heavy weapons, Bazookas and Heavy machine guns
Overgrown pingpong paddles and baguettes for melee weapons.
My Characters
We have had some really cool hairstyles made by the team and these would make a great and much needed addition...
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
You can work it around the cape options, even have extras for it like vines and flowers for dryads.
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods