What would you like to see for the 10th year anniversary of CO? Post your suggestions here \o/
I'll start by saying
Seraphim Wings! (what a surprise)
Chewing Bubble Gum emote ,
Invisible Jet Vehicle and more
Symbols Weapon Skin for Sorcery Powers (give us something like this: )
That's a good one! New song plz
Should be a big celebration.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
2) Foxbat dancing with Sapphire at the concert
3) Onslaught NPC Targets become immune to player healers
4) Grond Cosmic Revamp
5) Food weapon unlocks (Chicken drumstick/Ham as a HW mace)
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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For devs to take the 7-8 single pistol animations and 3-4 temporary attacks and turn them into real powers.
A revolver fanning maintain attack power ending with barrel smoke, could be added to High Noon or the Recognition Vendor store.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
I wish for less to complain about and more to appreciate.
Emote/Stoic - Stoic flight hover for 5 - 10 seconds
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Oh, and bigger shield costume pieces...
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
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Now going way out there, a better power respec system, but I know that'll never happen due to a lack of developer resources.
PS: More shoes/boots with heels pls~
Regardless, it's been a wish of mine for some time. I posted the same idea a couple of years back. I've seen others periodically suggest emanation points for guns/rifles too.... in much the same way that I have seen others suggesting this wand/staff idea over the years.
Let's hope that one of them being implemented would lead to the other happening
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
YES! With the exception of 2 shield options (Mechassasin and I think New Age?), most of them are piss poor pot lid sized shields
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
- a free freeform slot like November 2016's 2015's gift (Thanks Shadowolf505!)
- More epic lairs
- Reworked Sky command / Lemurian Invasion
- More Spontaneous Open Missions rewarding SCR
- A Rampage Daily mission
They've given away Freeform slots at least twice now ( the FF slot bag event, and then at one point they just gave everyone 1 for being logged in during a certain timeframe ), so I'm not sure why it would be impossible that they would do it again.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
A Free-for-all freeform Slot and Exclusive Costume Tokens like the Defender's National Training Program Event! Along with the next Lockbox they are going to rush to meet the deadline
also powerframe revamps, oh please! WHERE is the next Powerframe Revamp pass?
Every day the unrevamped powerframes feel worse
I've been asking for this for AGES!
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I am @RavenForce in game
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My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Except maybe travel powers. They don't seem to have any of those except for basic flight which they only use if they absolutely have to. Setting TPs for sidekicks shouldn't break balance. Might require an AI update though.
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I'd like the Dogz werewolf back hair too. You know the one. The one used by the Ulfhedenars
Or even "buff pets" like an Eagle that buffs your perception, A Canine that buffs the damage you deal, and etc... The tech for that already exists and is partially in use. Would just need a possible re-skin.
But full on battle animal pets would be cool too.
...except for Indy Kid, who can't make it through doors half the time because he won't STOP flying.
2. Remove pet devices.
3. Remove pet powers.
4. Remove sidekicking from all alerts.
5. Stop fire snake, ball lightning; orbital cannon from running off on it's own.
Especially the forced sidekicking in alerts which nerf all my lvl 40, screw that
Counting on Psedo-pets for Fire and Electricity mechanics was a bad idea 👏
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Pet devices hit CC'd stuff, guaranteed; ruining kiga/ape/destroyer.
Pet powers do the same thing.
Sidekicking destroys energy mgmt, and makes 99% of builds not function properly in those alerts.
While nbkxs isn't entirely right, he's also not entirely wrong. Hybrid role isn't a good role for anything. Even if you use it to tank it's pretty toxic for the game.
Additionally pets have bad AI, it's just a fact. Even if they don't hit anything CC'd, they're unreliable, squishy, weak, and not really good for the game at all in their current state.
The sidekicking thing is a bit of an overexaggeration though and only really affects builds that didn't already have work with energy management. That being said sidekicking is still really wonky and should get its scaling fixed. Alerts still should have sidekicking though, however it should be tiered. 11-20 should SK up to 20, 21-30 up to 30, and 31-40 up to 40.
The technology is there, the PvP queues worked this way. The rotating alerts should just SK you up to 40 and, speaking of PvP queues, alerts should allow joining in progress at that. I mean people leave alerts all the time. I also think this might help battle leechers too.
Oh, and I also quoted you because that literally has nothing to do with anyone being bad at the game.
Hybrid is the role you pick when you want to be versatile instead of locked in to a single task. You won't be amazing at a given task, but you won't be bad at it either (unless your build is bad, your build doesn't have those powers or you're a bad player). While Hybrid doesn't have a specific upside, it also lacks weaknesses.
If "not being laser focused" is where you go to claim Hybrid is bad, you have the completely wrong mindset to begin with. Squishy, yes. But from (much) earlier dev discussions on the topic this is part of their balancing. Blocking the lifedrain portion of those attacks would be a nice QoL feature that shouldn't conflict with that design.
Unreliable is only true for the uncontrolled ones, controlled pets take more micromanagement but can be quite reliable if you're up to the task. Custom keybinds can help a lot, but it still won't be for those who just want to spam one or two powers for the majority of a fight.
Weak is only if considering their individual performance compared to a build, but if they manage to stay alive (see "Squishy") the combined dps of several pets at once can be specced to be at least equivalent to a dps build. Increasing the damage of pets is a dangerous proposal, as pet focused builds would then run the risk of becomming way too high damage.
Also, the game is more than "Farm Cosmics & Enter Costume Contests". Not everything needs to be tailored specifically to those two aspects. That would only work if you did not let 11-20 queue up with 21-30 or 31-40, otherwise you end up with either the lower level players being splatted in higher level alerts or the higher level players steamrolling lower level alerts (even more than what already happens). I doubt there's enough population to sustain that model for much longer than a month or two.
And I still stand by that statement.
There are a few cases where hybrid role is genuinely bad, mostly team auras. The rest of the time it's just not the best at anything.
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