This I can understand "because of server health"... but now my entire concept is just gone because of this.
And i'm more tick because With this i was certainly able to bring in new players and show them "Hey! You can do anything-- Like this!!" And then give the grand tour of CO like normal.
But this, this just downright killed all of my toon's concepts and hard work since my beginnings, and most definitely dropped out ideas for possibilities too. I really hope we get compensated for this or something, because this is just not right. Especially for another thing not being mentioned as a stealth fix.
Or just stop making costumes, power reworks, and halt the possible upcoming content and overhaul the servers and ask to have the same treatment as Neverwinter, or even Cryptic's upcoming Magic the Gathering MMORPG. Please?
My hope is wearing thin.
What concept, though.. you're standing in RC, lagging others out while spamming the discord link on zone chat. If that's a concept, then i'm Santa Clause.
I'm sorry, who are you and how have you provided for this game?
My Concept was a Gentle Giant in which the larger he gets, the more resistant he is, which definitely held true in content for years, now it's gone.
It's not uncommon that i'm always in Ren Cen, but I actually go out and help new players, and assist in cosmics when I can. Don't get it twisted.
Hi, I just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents as someone who is generally annoyed by growth effects:
Despite the fact that I don't generally like huge characters getting in the way of everything else, I still think Giant Growth and Recip Gizmo should be allowed to stack with each other like before. I say this because, even though they're not my thing, I know there's plenty of people (as made obvious by responses in this thread) who really like them. I'm pretty sure I'd be reacting in a similar way if a particular aspect I use (let's say invisible weapons, because I love and use them on several characters) were suddenly deemed fit for removal.
Unless there's some server-side reason to limit these particular effects (in which case you guys should be more transparent about it) it's probably best just to leave them be. By all means, patch up the exploits being used by certain people, like [redacted], to achieve building-level sizes, but make it a series of surgical cuts, not an outright amputation.
I'd rather be annoyed by giant growth characters obscuring my view in instances than to see a chunk of the population leave the game.
Edit: I'm curious, how do growth effects actually lag people? You're not increasing the poly count and textures are already stretched/scaled to fit over the various parts of the models regardless of whether they're tiny or massive. I play on a potato machine that lags pretty bad in any large-scale group content, such as cosmics, however "big" characters don't show any noticeable change in system performance for me.
(Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
New Power: Tornado Slash
Deals ranged damage in a cone.
Has a chance to apply bleed and stun to targets.
Advantage(2): No longer stuns. Now has a chance to apply Mental Leech.
Advantage(2): No longer applies bleed. Now has a chance to apply Chi Flame.
Ok this power is really underwelming and really not what I was expecting, got disappointed when I saw the advs as well Suggestion:Give this Power Knock To ADV which replaces the innate stun Reasoning: The power acts and has the same mechanics Particle Wave and Telekinetic Wave (+Mental Instability ADV), yet it has no ADV to knock target into you adv, and it has 10 seconds CD on top of that
If it had a knock ADV it would be useful for SB tanks and Unarmed Tanks to use the Chi Flame effect
Suggestion:Give the Power Restoration ADV Reasoning: It has 10 seconds CD, it would be nice Single Blade to get more various way to use Restoration beyond Kunai with Chains
This power needs more Utility ADVs -period
It has synergy with Telepathy and Unarmed but provides too little synergies with Single Blade
You are not really suppose to deal damage with this power
Post edited by avianos on
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Edit: I'm curious, how do growth effects actually lag people? You're not increasing the poly count and textures are already stretched/scaled to fit over the various parts of the models regardless of whether they're tiny or massive. I play on a potato machine that lags pretty bad in any large-scale group content, such as cosmics, however "big" characters don't show any noticeable change in system performance for me.
The only way I can think of is by heavy particle auras that scale with size, for example Firey Form Aura.
Edit: I'm curious, how do growth effects actually lag people? You're not increasing the poly count and textures are already stretched/scaled to fit over the various parts of the models regardless of whether they're tiny or massive. I play on a potato machine that lags pretty bad in any large-scale group content, such as cosmics, however "big" characters don't show any noticeable change in system performance for me.
The only way I can think of is by heavy particle auras that scale with size, for example Firey Form Aura.
That'd make sense, although unless it generates more particles rather than bigger particles, the only thing that really comes to mind would be glow effects. Unless caching methods are used, glows can be a bit costly.
(Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
And I want OSAKA TEAM to NOT screw up Kingdom hearts 3 with their terrible flashy battle mechanics and constant lack of Game Balance and catastrophic Boss Battle design which requires you to use exploits like they did in Birth by Sleep and Dream Drop Distance, and provide with a balanced battle system experience like SE TOKYO Team did with KH2:Final Mix with excellent Secret Boss battle designs that reward you for mastering the game's mechanics >8C
I MEAN OOPS, CO balances
PLEASE, Can someone else check and test the Reaper's Embrace Cleanse ADV? thank you in advanced
Swift Strike
New Advantage (2): Applies the Ebb and Flow buff when attacking with melee abilities for a short time.
As Mentioned, REALLY LIKE THIS, i hope more of the Stun Clones get the Ebb and Flow adv in the future
Even though I realized it only gives avoidance now
New Power: Laughing Zephyr
Martial Arts reverse lunge
Lunges away from your target and applies the Charged Up buff to you for a short time.
Advantage (2): Turns this power into a threat wipe.
Hmm disappointed with this power as well, It should have been given Dodge Chance bonus as well like Elusive Maneuvers (and both keep each other on CD so they cannot stack)
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Posting here since the Patch Notes are flooded with drama and the bug report will be ignore
I would like to request someone else to TEST this power as well Reaper's Caress -> Cleanse ADV
I'm having serious issues testing this power in power house, especially against Dummies where i have to damage myself with Dark Transfusion first, and in Battle station the Holograms either die too fast or I die too fast The GOOD: The healing is affected by Bonus Healing sources and by Healing Debuffs
You get 1 healing tick for Each stack consume against Mobs when used as AOE attack
Bug: The Cleanse ADV doesn't seem to consume 100% Deadly Poison neither Bleeding, causing the adv to fail to trigger and heal you
I tested it against dummies with 5 stacks of bleed and Poison
Right now the power is not reliable for self healing
I suspect the power may ignore the prime target and only consume stacks from secondaries
Hmm.. isn't that adv supposed to work only when you are poisoned or bleeding? Its not as easy to test, if so, but I'm not sure how it'd be even working if you're only hitting dummies and don't have those debuffs on you.
Anyways, I just tested it in the Battle Station w/ the Dogz minions that can bleed you, and Cleanse seems to be working afaik. It took off a bleed stack w/ every part of the combo, and didn't seem to have an internal cd (ex. had 3 stacks, removed all three w/ one combo and got 3 Cleanse procs).
(also, it seems like the old bug w/ some MA powers not procing Steadfast was fixed, so *thumbs up* for that!)
Hmm.. isn't that adv supposed to work only when you are poisoned or bleeding? Its not as easy to test, if so, but I'm not sure how it'd be even working if you're only hitting dummies and don't have those debuffs on you.
IT DOES? well... this certainly wont make it as useful for PvE then...
but hear me out, I managed to make it trigger against PW Dummies with a really low chance and without DoTs on me, how is that possible?
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
I'm curious, why are the advantages that change power effects 2-pointers? I mean, adding a knockdown can be two points, sure. But taking away the bleed proc to add a chi proc is 2 points? Taking away the stun to add despondency is 2 points? Taking away the bleed proc to add a clinging flames proc is 2 points? Those should all be single-point advantages imo. You are losing something of equal value to what you are gaining, and it is locking out rank 3.
Hmm.. isn't that adv supposed to work only when you are poisoned or bleeding? Its not as easy to test, if so, but I'm not sure how it'd be even working if you're only hitting dummies and don't have those debuffs on you.
IT DOES? well... this certainly wont make it as useful for PvE then...
but hear me out, I managed to make it trigger against PW Dummies with a really low chance and without DoTs on me, how is that possible?
Well, I haven't seen that, but you say its a really low chance? Like 1-2%-ish or something? I could try more protracted testing on just the dummies to try to corroborate, if you want, but if that is happening w/o those DoTs being on you then it may be a bug.
That'd make sense, although unless it generates more particles rather than bigger particles, the only thing that really comes to mind would be glow effects. Unless caching methods are used, glows can be a bit costly.
That's...I gotta wonder if that's truly the source of the problem. Going back to the Demonflame example (and admittedly it's been a while since I've run it), it wasn't from stacked player affect but there was a pulsating glow from the buff itself the demons were receiving. Are auras the scalpel fix needed, especially since some genuinely need a look over anyway?
"Interesting builds are born from limitations not by letting players put everything into one build."
Nah. No three threads of it, plus leaving stuff out of patch notes=/= devs know more than we do. Fixing things okay whatever, but leaving things out of patch notes is not some wise all-knowing dev trick. I fail to even see how it could be interpreted as such
Even more a mystery then why you interpreted it that way considering the post before mine didn't mention patch notes at all. Maybe don't be in such a desperate hurry to sass me in the future? Not workin' out for ya.
I'm also going to voice my disappointment with the changes going live.
If they idea was to stop people from growing to building size, then making it so that Mini Drive can't be stacked with itself and/or with Magnifier was the exact solution needed. Making it so that Enrage can't be stacked with Mini Drive was completely unnecessary. Enrage/Mini Drive has been a thing for nearly a decade at this point and plenty of players have been using it since.
I've also never really had an issue with giant characters lagging my computer either. I've been playing CO for about 8-ish years, and used some potato laptops for awhile. However, like others have pointed out, when auras and visual effects get thrown into the mix performance can take a hit.
All I can do is hope that the devs reconsider this change and revert it (Enrage stacking with Mini Drive that is, not the other two changes). These changes ended up killing my main character's theme, and while I'd like to see something done, I doubt anything will happen.
Hmm.. isn't that adv supposed to work only when you are poisoned or bleeding? Its not as easy to test, if so, but I'm not sure how it'd be even working if you're only hitting dummies and don't have those debuffs on you.
IT DOES? well... this certainly wont make it as useful for PvE then...
but hear me out, I managed to make it trigger against PW Dummies with a really low chance and without DoTs on me, how is that possible?
Well, I haven't seen that, but you say its a really low chance? Like 1-2%-ish or something? I could try more protracted testing on just the dummies to try to corroborate, if you want, but if that is happening w/o those DoTs being on you then it may be a bug.
So, after getting some more time to test it a bit, I think I see what Avianos was talking about.. Bug: Reaper's Caress's Cleanse adv seems to be able to proc w/o any bleeds/poison on you when used w/ FotS and AotB.
I was getting it around 5-20% of the times per hit, when conditions were met that allowed it to happen.
Took Reaper's Caress w/ Cleansing adv and DT for the self-dmg, and just hit a regen dummy. Didn't get any Cleanse procs until I added in FotS. Also saw Cleanse procs w/ AotB. Tried it w/ other toggles (FotT, Compassion, Enrage), and didn't see any Cleanse procs. Changing to the adv that makes Caress apply CF instead of Bleed made it stop procing Cleanse w/ FotS & AotB, and either way Fiery Will didn't proc Cleanse this way. Taking Cleanse w/ R2 vs R1 didn't change the behavior of anything, as far as I could tell.
So.. I suspect it has something to do w/ AotB & FotS's bleed-proc mechanics triggering Cleanse sometimes when they prob shouldn't be (the proc rate did seem to be reduced w/ AotB, as FotS's Focus gives Caress's bleed a higher proc chance).
Huh... you think Forms self-stack their default stacks with some sort of invisible buff/debuff that the form applies to the player, and the one that FotS/AotB apply to yourself are classed as bleeds? Maybe that's what RC is absorbing.
Huh... you think Forms self-stack their default stacks with some sort of invisible buff/debuff that the form applies to the player, and the one that FotS/AotB apply to yourself are classed as bleeds? Maybe that's what RC is absorbing.
Could be. I thought for a bit that Cleanse was just procing when the toggle stacks did, but the proc rate isn't very consistent, even w/ Focus guaranteeing a bleed on the last hit of the combo. When I keep track of Focus or Bleed procs, they don't always align w/ a Cleanse proc. I also thought maybe it was just a 5x bleed (on the target) thing, but it can proc even before that many stacks.
*shrugs* Its just weird behavior and I can't really pin it down atm, aside from it being tied to AotB and FotS's similar mechanics, and roughly tied to bleed proc rate (lower for AotB & lower for the first 2 combo hits, as far as I can tell).
Where it happens: All over the place
What happens: Since the last update, enemies are not always Faceplanting on defeat - some of them are standing and cheering! They then fade away, after a time period consistent with the usual removal of defeated enemies from the map.
Where it happens: All over the place
What happens: Since the last update, enemies are not always Faceplanting on defeat - some of them are standing and cheering! They then fade away, after a time period consistent with the usual removal of defeated enemies from the map.
I'll try and get a screen shot in due course.
Hmm.. if this is true, maybe we shouldn't get it fixed :x
It was making me laugh, to be honest. It only seems to be affecting certain classes and types of enemy (PSI Hypnotists are one) so is quite difficult to replicate.
Sooo, no one is gonna comment on how overpowered Reapers embrace's advantage is?
Seriously, it may be divided into three hits but its still OP spike that bypasses dodge, even if the spike is divided into 2 or 3 hits, and heck the delay on the last 2 hits might make it more OP just do nothing, run away and block and then wait for the last 2 hits to hit the person
I love this attack but, this is just not right.
It is only effective vs Lightning Reflexes and one can even heal in between the ticks, so it is not an auto win button, unlike plenty of other skills. Rank 3 RE is way more 'scary' vs non LR users, since it doesn't give them time to heal up or you know.. BLOCK!
Considered how overperforming LR is vs bleed / DoT based builds, this advantage was a great way, to bring single blade on par with the infamous abomination we know as... LR, without actually nerfing LR in pve.
Have a great day and as Defender likes to say: 'Block!'
I was getting it around 5-20% of the times per hit, when conditions were met that allowed it to happen.
Took Reaper's Caress w/ Cleansing adv and DT for the self-dmg, and just hit a regen dummy. Didn't get any Cleanse procs until I added in FotS. Also saw Cleanse procs w/ AotB. Tried it w/ other toggles (FotT, Compassion, Enrage), and didn't see any Cleanse procs. Changing to the adv that makes Caress apply CF instead of Bleed made it stop procing Cleanse w/ FotS & AotB, and either way Fiery Will didn't proc Cleanse this way. Taking Cleanse w/ R2 vs R1 didn't change the behavior of anything, as far as I could tell.
So.. I suspect it has something to do w/ AotB & FotS's bleed-proc mechanics triggering Cleanse sometimes when they prob shouldn't be (the proc rate did seem to be reduced w/ AotB, as FotS's Focus gives Caress's bleed a higher proc chance).
So that's what caused this, I never suspected this has nothing to do with FotS
Thank you for checking it out
Really shame the self healing of this power works that way not as useful as I was expecting
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
> @avianos said: > First thing on LIVE was to test my main Single Blade DPS (DEX/STR/CON, Vindicator+Brawler Set Up+Flanking) > > RANK 3 Reaper's Embrace, around 30k on Critical, i don't think the No Mercy ADV is enforced > Not everyone is fan of Scything Blade, so Swallowtail cut isn't been used in all builds (i hate it personally) > > I don't trust No Mercy ADV for endgame, the timing is tricky. This is propably intended to be used by Tanks so I don't plant to change my Main single blade dps build any time soon > > EDIT: Almost 40k on Critical on a build with Aurum gear by consuming all types of bleeds, interesting > The timing of keeping all 4 bleeds active during endgame won't be easy, especially since Shredded is capped > So yeah while the damage output is > No Mercy Advantage: This advantage no longer has a chance to apply Bleeds. Now causes Reaper's Embrace to rupture all of your Wound effects instead of just Bleed effects. The rupture damage now deals a portion of the damage initially, then hits twice more over the next 4 seconds. The last 2 hits cannot be dodged and cannot be refreshed or reapplied while active. > > > > > Are those 2 Hit suppose to be able to Critical Hit?
The 30% nerf to rupture damage was removed from "normal" Reaper's Embrace (not taking No Mercy) when the patch was pushed to live. All is well and I agree, it was just silly beforehand when it was on PTS.
Edit: Excuse the formatting. These forums can be stupid.
The 30% nerf to rupture damage was removed from "normal" Reaper's Embrace (not taking No Mercy) when the patch was pushed to live. All is well and I agree, it was just silly beforehand when it was on PTS.
Edit: Excuse the formatting. These forums can be stupid.
BOY I'm glad, because that nerf would piss me off
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Cleanse just seems like a strangely specific advantage. It will do nothing for you most of the time, and be overpowered in a few niche scenarios. I don't really care for mechanics like that. Is it there to address some pvp bleed imbalance?
If it's effective vs lightning reflexes, that's a bug. Lightning Reflexes includes massive damage resistance vs bleed and DoT effects, and rupture is both of those things, so even if not dodged it should be doing minimal damage.
That's just based on my experience with trying to optimize graphic performance as much as possible in applications. However, since this is CO we're talking about, the issue of "larger models causing more lag" could be the result of something entirely different and (in normal cases) nonsensical.
(Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
If it's effective vs lightning reflexes, that's a bug. Lightning Reflexes includes massive damage resistance vs bleed and DoT effects, and rupture is both of those things, so even if not dodged it should be doing minimal damage.
Sorry, but ruptures are burst dmg with with a small delay on the no mercy adv. DoTs however are used to set the burst up.Don't get me wrong but, do you even pvp.. i doubt it. I merely said it's effective, not that it outright annihilates LR (ab)users. Read before you reply.
> @colonelwing said: > poptartmaniac#8493 wrote: » > > Sooo, no one is gonna comment on how overpowered Reapers embrace's advantage is? > > > Seriously, it may be divided into three hits but its still OP spike that bypasses dodge, even if the spike is divided into 2 or 3 hits, and heck the delay on the last 2 hits might make it more OP just do nothing, run away and block and then wait for the last 2 hits to hit the person > > > I love this attack but, this is just not right. > > > > > > It is only effective vs Lightning Reflexes and one can even heal in between the ticks, so it is not an auto win button, unlike plenty of other skills. Rank 3 RE is way more 'scary' vs non LR users, since it doesn't give them time to heal up or you know.. BLOCK! > > Considered how overperforming LR is vs bleed / DoT based builds, this advantage was a great way, to bring single blade on par with the infamous abomination we know as... LR, without actually nerfing LR in pve. > > > Have a great day and as Defender likes to say: 'Block!'
Except RE was already good vs LR when they missed a dodge, that was the whole weakness of LR getting caught by a spike ceit on a non dodge
with this advantage I can get 19k on the inital rupture hit then 10k on the last 2 hits that cant be dodged that is way too overpowered, also, create a situation where two people use masterful dodge they both have high avoidance and dodge chance, the person with reapers embrace will be able to wreck the other, the other wont be able to do much damage or atleast not as much as the RE user unless they have Re themselves, i dont think thats balanced at all.
It is very effectice against all builds not just LR as you say.
Except RE was already good vs LR when they missed a dodge, that was the whole weakness of LR getting caught by a spike ceit on a non dodge
with this advantage I can get 19k on the inital rupture hit then 10k on the last 2 hits that cant be dodged that is way too overpowered, also, create a situation where two people use masterful dodge they both have high avoidance and dodge chance, the person with reapers embrace will be able to wreck the other, the other wont be able to do much damage or atleast not as much as the RE user unless they have Re themselves, i dont think thats balanced at all.
It is very effectice against all builds not just LR as you say.
I doubt that pvp was taken into consideration during the pass. Has it ever been considered? As for pve, unless the plan is to introduce more mobs and bosses that can dodge attacks, bypassing dodge is completely useless.
I'm curious, why are the advantages that change power effects 2-pointers? I mean, adding a knockdown can be two points, sure. But taking away the bleed proc to add a chi proc is 2 points? Taking away the stun to add despondency is 2 points? Taking away the bleed proc to add a clinging flames proc is 2 points? Those should all be single-point advantages imo. You are losing something of equal value to what you are gaining, and it is locking out rank 3.
If it's effective vs lightning reflexes, that's a bug. Lightning Reflexes includes massive damage resistance vs bleed and DoT effects, and rupture is both of those things, so even if not dodged it should be doing minimal damage.
Sorry, but ruptures are burst dmg with with a small delay on the no mercy adv. DoTs however are used to set the burst up.Don't get me wrong but, do you even pvp.. i doubt it. I merely said it's effective, not that it outright annihilates LR (ab)users. Read before you reply.
Lol at smack talking @the guy that knows more about this game than probably the devs regarding a coding issue. That PvP edgelord RP is starting to rub off on you.
It is not a DoT, it is a rupture that consumes DoTs and that is considered burst damage. Sure, unlike the real rupture, this thing is delayed (for only god knows what reason) but a burst still is a burst. It's useless for pvp anyway, as i mentioned before.. people can just block the delayed ruptures, or heal, or both.
> @colonelwing said: > It is not a DoT, it is a rupture that consumes DoTs and that is considered burst damage. Sure, unlike the real rupture, this thing is delayed (for only god knows what reason) but a burst still is a burst. It's useless for pvp anyway, as i mentioned before.. people can just block the delayed ruptures, or heal, or both. > > Stick to pve, please ^^
Look kid, theres a difference between what you believe a power does based on your interpretation of what the flavoury text says and the way the power is actually tagged in the game code. You can try to conceal your blissful ignorance behind your pvp edgelord smack talk but at the end of the day Ruptures will still be tagged as a Bleed effect and a DoT in the code. You can verify this by yourself by comparing RE's Rupture damage with NW or with Unstoppable/WotW. If the Rupture's portion of the damage goes waaaaay up, then it's tagged as a bleed (spoiler: I already know the answer to this, but by all means entertain me by verifying it yourself)
So move along and let the adults talk about fixing bugs so that you can enjoy ganking and shittalking newbies and then complain that pvp is dead.
Now off to bed with you, kids shouldn't be up so late on a school day
It is not a DoT, it is a rupture that consumes DoTs and that is considered burst damage. Sure, unlike the real rupture, this thing is delayed (for only god knows what reason) but a burst still is a burst. It's useless for pvp anyway, as i mentioned before.. people can just block the delayed ruptures, or heal, or both.
Stick to pve, please ^^
I'm not sure why you think pve vs pvp has anything to do with whether the game treats ruptures as dots/bleeds.
The point in question is not whether a "burst is a burst"... it's about how the game classifies ruptures and whether or not LR respects that classification. It's very easy to verify.
Except RE was already good vs LR when they missed a dodge, that was the whole weakness of LR getting caught by a spike ceit on a non dodge
with this advantage I can get 19k on the inital rupture hit then 10k on the last 2 hits that cant be dodged that is way too overpowered, also, create a situation where two people use masterful dodge they both have high avoidance and dodge chance, the person with reapers embrace will be able to wreck the other, the other wont be able to do much damage or atleast not as much as the RE user unless they have Re themselves, i dont think thats balanced at all.
It is very effectice against all builds not just LR as you say.
I doubt that pvp was taken into consideration during the pass. Has it ever been considered? As for pve, unless the plan is to introduce more mobs and bosses that can dodge attacks, bypassing dodge is completely useless.
Except that this argument about who has LR seems to indicate it IS for pvp, since there is next to no bosses (spinny said 1) that has it. Ergo, it must be for other than pve ... -> pvp.
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=- "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
Where it happens: All over the place
What happens: Since the last update, enemies are not always Faceplanting on defeat - some of them are standing and cheering! They then fade away, after a time period consistent with the usual removal of defeated enemies from the map.
It was making me laugh, to be honest. It only seems to be affecting certain classes and types of enemy (PSI Hypnotists are one) so is quite difficult to replicate.
There's that one boss in Alerts that has LR! owo/
Actually, I thought there were two or three ('Nighthawk?', Deadman Walkin', and Mr. Gemini) though some may just have high dodge and not truly have LR.
"Interesting builds are born from limitations not by letting players put everything into one build."
Including 2 Bosses in Red Winter
Those bosses are not a threat in alerts beyond Pyramind of Burst BURST due to the HP buff (but that's bad alert design)
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Except that this argument about who has LR seems to indicate it IS for pvp, since there is next to no bosses (spinny said 1) that has it. Ergo, it must be for other than pve ... -> pvp.
I highly doubt it. After years of neglect, suddenly pvp is being thought about as evidenced by some random change in one attack's advantage's interaction with a mechanic? It seems that there would need to be more evidence for this to be convincing considering the years of neglect bit.
It's more likely a coincidence that it affects pvp more as opposed to a result of deliberate dev effort. Just like every other power change that's been made....ever.
Look, I'm not arguing that it is positively BECAUSE of pvp. But, the fact that it bypasses dodge pretty much means Lightning Reflexes and possibly even the boosted dodge one can get from WotW, Quarry, etc plus the +dodge a player can achieve. And only one boss in an Alert has LR. So ... either this was totally ill-conceived and added where it is far from necessary OR it addresses pvp OR they plan on introducing some new characters or bosses that use LR/high dodge.
Given this, in my book it is more for pvp. Not that I know or am aware of what passives, builds, etc are used in pvp, mind you. But where else is this advantages' dodge bypass useful? No where, is the answer.
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=- "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
I'm sorry, who are you and how have you provided for this game?
My Concept was a Gentle Giant in which the larger he gets, the more resistant he is, which definitely held true in content for years, now it's gone.
It's not uncommon that i'm always in Ren Cen, but I actually go out and help new players, and assist in cosmics when I can. Don't get it twisted.
P.D: I want a PS4 for this Xmas
Despite the fact that I don't generally like huge characters getting in the way of everything else, I still think Giant Growth and Recip Gizmo should be allowed to stack with each other like before. I say this because, even though they're not my thing, I know there's plenty of people (as made obvious by responses in this thread) who really like them. I'm pretty sure I'd be reacting in a similar way if a particular aspect I use (let's say invisible weapons, because I love and use them on several characters) were suddenly deemed fit for removal.
Unless there's some server-side reason to limit these particular effects (in which case you guys should be more transparent about it) it's probably best just to leave them be. By all means, patch up the exploits being used by certain people, like [redacted], to achieve building-level sizes, but make it a series of surgical cuts, not an outright amputation.
I'd rather be annoyed by giant growth characters obscuring my view in instances than to see a chunk of the population leave the game.
Edit: I'm curious, how do growth effects actually lag people? You're not increasing the poly count and textures are already stretched/scaled to fit over the various parts of the models regardless of whether they're tiny or massive. I play on a potato machine that lags pretty bad in any large-scale group content, such as cosmics, however "big" characters don't show any noticeable change in system performance for me.
Ok this power is really underwelming and really not what I was expecting, got disappointed when I saw the advs as well
Suggestion:Give this Power Knock To ADV which replaces the innate stun
Reasoning: The power acts and has the same mechanics Particle Wave and Telekinetic Wave (+Mental Instability ADV), yet it has no ADV to knock target into you adv, and it has 10 seconds CD on top of that
If it had a knock ADV it would be useful for SB tanks and Unarmed Tanks to use the Chi Flame effect
Suggestion:Give the Power Restoration ADV
Reasoning: It has 10 seconds CD, it would be nice Single Blade to get more various way to use Restoration beyond Kunai with Chains
This power needs more Utility ADVs -period
It has synergy with Telepathy and Unarmed but provides too little synergies with Single Blade
You are not really suppose to deal damage with this power
Seriously would recommend it. Fantastic games to get around to.
42 40s, LTSer.
The only way I can think of is by heavy particle auras that scale with size, for example Firey Form Aura.
I MEAN OOPS, CO balances
PLEASE, Can someone else check and test the Reaper's Embrace Cleanse ADV? thank you in advanced As Mentioned, REALLY LIKE THIS, i hope more of the Stun Clones get the Ebb and Flow adv in the future
Even though I realized it only gives avoidance now
Hmm disappointed with this power as well, It should have been given Dodge Chance bonus as well like Elusive Maneuvers (and both keep each other on CD so they cannot stack)
Anyways, I just tested it in the Battle Station w/ the Dogz minions that can bleed you, and Cleanse seems to be working afaik. It took off a bleed stack w/ every part of the combo, and didn't seem to have an internal cd (ex. had 3 stacks, removed all three w/ one combo and got 3 Cleanse procs).
(also, it seems like the old bug w/ some MA powers not procing Steadfast was fixed, so *thumbs up* for that!)
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
but hear me out, I managed to make it trigger against PW Dummies with a really low chance and without DoTs on me, how is that possible?
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
That's...I gotta wonder if that's truly the source of the problem. Going back to the Demonflame example (and admittedly it's been a while since I've run it), it wasn't from stacked player affect but there was a pulsating glow from the buff itself the demons were receiving. Are auras the scalpel fix needed, especially since some genuinely need a look over anyway?
Yes. Your last stand wasn't actually your last stand, this one is!
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
If they idea was to stop people from growing to building size, then making it so that Mini Drive can't be stacked with itself and/or with Magnifier was the exact solution needed. Making it so that Enrage can't be stacked with Mini Drive was completely unnecessary. Enrage/Mini Drive has been a thing for nearly a decade at this point and plenty of players have been using it since.
I've also never really had an issue with giant characters lagging my computer either. I've been playing CO for about 8-ish years, and used some potato laptops for awhile. However, like others have pointed out, when auras and visual effects get thrown into the mix performance can take a hit.
All I can do is hope that the devs reconsider this change and revert it (Enrage stacking with Mini Drive that is, not the other two changes). These changes ended up killing my main character's theme, and while I'd like to see something done, I doubt anything will happen.
Bug: Reaper's Caress's Cleanse adv seems to be able to proc w/o any bleeds/poison on you when used w/ FotS and AotB.
I was getting it around 5-20% of the times per hit, when conditions were met that allowed it to happen.
Took Reaper's Caress w/ Cleansing adv and DT for the self-dmg, and just hit a regen dummy. Didn't get any Cleanse procs until I added in FotS. Also saw Cleanse procs w/ AotB. Tried it w/ other toggles (FotT, Compassion, Enrage), and didn't see any Cleanse procs. Changing to the adv that makes Caress apply CF instead of Bleed made it stop procing Cleanse w/ FotS & AotB, and either way Fiery Will didn't proc Cleanse this way. Taking Cleanse w/ R2 vs R1 didn't change the behavior of anything, as far as I could tell.
So.. I suspect it has something to do w/ AotB & FotS's bleed-proc mechanics triggering Cleanse sometimes when they prob shouldn't be (the proc rate did seem to be reduced w/ AotB, as FotS's Focus gives Caress's bleed a higher proc chance).
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
*shrugs* Its just weird behavior and I can't really pin it down atm, aside from it being tied to AotB and FotS's similar mechanics, and roughly tied to bleed proc rate (lower for AotB & lower for the first 2 combo hits, as far as I can tell).
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Where it happens: All over the place
What happens: Since the last update, enemies are not always Faceplanting on defeat - some of them are standing and cheering! They then fade away, after a time period consistent with the usual removal of defeated enemies from the map.
I'll try and get a screen shot in due course.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
It is only effective vs Lightning Reflexes and one can even heal in between the ticks, so it is not an auto win button, unlike plenty of other skills. Rank 3 RE is way more 'scary' vs non LR users, since it doesn't give them time to heal up or you know.. BLOCK!
Considered how overperforming LR is vs bleed / DoT based builds, this advantage was a great way, to bring single blade on par with the infamous abomination we know as... LR, without actually nerfing LR in pve.
Have a great day and as Defender likes to say: 'Block!'
That's just creepy.
and this is how Creepypastas are made So that's what caused this, I never suspected this has nothing to do with FotS
Thank you for checking it out
Really shame the self healing of this power works that way
> First thing on LIVE was to test my main Single Blade DPS (DEX/STR/CON, Vindicator+Brawler Set Up+Flanking)
> RANK 3 Reaper's Embrace, around 30k on Critical, i don't think the No Mercy ADV is enforced
> Not everyone is fan of Scything Blade, so Swallowtail cut isn't been used in all builds (i hate it personally)
> I don't trust No Mercy ADV for endgame, the timing is tricky. This is propably intended to be used by Tanks so I don't plant to change my Main single blade dps build any time soon
> EDIT: Almost 40k on Critical on a build with Aurum gear by consuming all types of bleeds, interesting
> The timing of keeping all 4 bleeds active during endgame won't be easy, especially since Shredded is capped
> So yeah while the damage output is
> No Mercy Advantage: This advantage no longer has a chance to apply Bleeds. Now causes Reaper's Embrace to rupture all of your Wound effects instead of just Bleed effects. The rupture damage now deals a portion of the damage initially, then hits twice more over the next 4 seconds. The last 2 hits cannot be dodged and cannot be refreshed or reapplied while active.
> Are those 2 Hit suppose to be able to Critical Hit?
The 30% nerf to rupture damage was removed from "normal" Reaper's Embrace (not taking No Mercy) when the patch was pushed to live. All is well and I agree, it was just silly beforehand when it was on PTS.
Edit: Excuse the formatting. These forums can be stupid.
BOY I'm glad, because that nerf would piss me off
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Sorry, but ruptures are burst dmg with with a small delay on the no mercy adv. DoTs however are used to set the burst up.Don't get me wrong but, do you even pvp.. i doubt it. I merely said it's effective, not that it outright annihilates LR (ab)users. Read before you reply.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
> poptartmaniac#8493 wrote: »
> Sooo, no one is gonna comment on how overpowered Reapers embrace's advantage is?
> Seriously, it may be divided into three hits but its still OP spike that bypasses dodge, even if the spike is divided into 2 or 3 hits, and heck the delay on the last 2 hits might make it more OP just do nothing, run away and block and then wait for the last 2 hits to hit the person
> I love this attack but, this is just not right.
> It is only effective vs Lightning Reflexes and one can even heal in between the ticks, so it is not an auto win button, unlike plenty of other skills. Rank 3 RE is way more 'scary' vs non LR users, since it doesn't give them time to heal up or you know.. BLOCK!
> Considered how overperforming LR is vs bleed / DoT based builds, this advantage was a great way, to bring single blade on par with the infamous abomination we know as... LR, without actually nerfing LR in pve.
> Have a great day and as Defender likes to say: 'Block!'
Except RE was already good vs LR when they missed a dodge, that was the whole weakness of LR getting caught by a spike ceit on a non dodge
with this advantage I can get 19k on the inital rupture hit then 10k on the last 2 hits that cant be dodged that is way too overpowered, also, create a situation where two people use masterful dodge they both have high avoidance and dodge chance, the person with reapers embrace will be able to wreck the other, the other wont be able to do much damage or atleast not as much as the RE user unless they have Re themselves, i dont think thats balanced at all.
It is very effectice against all builds not just LR as you say.
I doubt that pvp was taken into consideration during the pass. Has it ever been considered? As for pve, unless the plan is to introduce more mobs and bosses that can dodge attacks, bypassing dodge is completely useless.
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My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Agreed on this
Lol at smack talking @the guy that knows more about this game than probably the devs regarding a coding issue. That PvP edgelord RP is starting to rub off on you.
Stick to pve, please ^^
> It is not a DoT, it is a rupture that consumes DoTs and that is considered burst damage. Sure, unlike the real rupture, this thing is delayed (for only god knows what reason) but a burst still is a burst. It's useless for pvp anyway, as i mentioned before.. people can just block the delayed ruptures, or heal, or both.
> Stick to pve, please ^^
Look kid, theres a difference between what you believe a power does based on your interpretation of what the flavoury text says and the way the power is actually tagged in the game code. You can try to conceal your blissful ignorance behind your pvp edgelord smack talk but at the end of the day Ruptures will still be tagged as a Bleed effect and a DoT in the code. You can verify this by yourself by comparing RE's Rupture damage with NW or with Unstoppable/WotW. If the Rupture's portion of the damage goes waaaaay up, then it's tagged as a bleed (spoiler: I already know the answer to this, but by all means entertain me by verifying it yourself)
So move along and let the adults talk about fixing bugs so that you can enjoy ganking and shittalking newbies and then complain that pvp is dead.
Now off to bed with you, kids shouldn't be up so late on a school day
I'm not sure why you think pve vs pvp has anything to do with whether the game treats ruptures as dots/bleeds.
The point in question is not whether a "burst is a burst"... it's about how the game classifies ruptures and whether or not LR respects that classification. It's very easy to verify.
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Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
Except that this argument about who has LR seems to indicate it IS for pvp, since there is next to no bosses (spinny said 1) that has it. Ergo, it must be for other than pve ... -> pvp.
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
"Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
Hmmm, why do I think this is not a bug? (At least I hope it's not)
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
Actually, I thought there were two or three ('Nighthawk?', Deadman Walkin', and Mr. Gemini) though some may just have high dodge and not truly have LR.
Those bosses are not a threat in alerts beyond Pyramind of Burst BURST due to the HP buff (but that's bad alert design)
I highly doubt it. After years of neglect, suddenly pvp is being thought about as evidenced by some random change in one attack's advantage's interaction with a mechanic? It seems that there would need to be more evidence for this to be convincing considering the years of neglect bit.
It's more likely a coincidence that it affects pvp more as opposed to a result of deliberate dev effort. Just like every other power change that's been made....ever.
PARSER USAGE GUIDE: click here for an easy how-to ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
Look, I'm not arguing that it is positively BECAUSE of pvp. But, the fact that it bypasses dodge pretty much means Lightning Reflexes and possibly even the boosted dodge one can get from WotW, Quarry, etc plus the +dodge a player can achieve. And only one boss in an Alert has LR. So ... either this was totally ill-conceived and added where it is far from necessary OR it addresses pvp OR they plan on introducing some new characters or bosses that use LR/high dodge.
Given this, in my book it is more for pvp. Not that I know or am aware of what passives, builds, etc are used in pvp, mind you. But where else is this advantages' dodge bypass useful? No where, is the answer.
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
"Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"