PowersNew Power: Last Stand
- Supernatural Bestial Framework
- Active Defense/Self Rez
- Can only be used when defeated.
- Fully restores your health, gives you a health boost, damage resistance and a massive amount of regeneration for 15 seconds.
- After 15 seconds, your health is dramatically reduced. For the next 10 seconds you cannot be healed and cannot use any active defenses.
- Places other Self Rezzes and Active Defenses on cooldown.
- Advantage (2): Grants a large amount of threat generation while active.
- Advantage (2): Reduces the amount of time you are immune to healing.
New Power: Crimson Bloom
- Single Blade Framework
- Pbaoe maintain that applies a brief shield effect to you as you maintain (basically eye of the storm).
- Advantage (2): After maintaining for 1 sec, applies the Aegis buff to you.
- Advantage (2): Chance to apply bleed to targets.
Scything Blade
- Swallowtail Cut Advantage: This advantage has gone back to applying a stack of bleed to high ranking targets unaffected by one of your bleeds due to the dot mechanic not working properly if a bleed was ruptured after applying it.
- This effect however still counts as a wound and can be utilized by other powers, even on high ranking targets.
Sword Cyclone
- New Advantage (2): Increases dodge and avoidance while maintained.
Reaper's Embrace
- No Mercy Advantage: The rupture damage now deals a portion of the damage initially, then hits twice more over the next 4 seconds.
- The last 2 hits cannot be dodged and cannot be refreshed or reapplied while active.
The Samurai power progression changes:
- 11 Crimson Bloom
- 17 Dragon's Bite
- 30 Tornado Slash OR Sword Cyclone
- 35 Bountiful Chi Resurgence
- 40 Masterful Dodge OR Last Stand
Single Blade needed this addition
Seconded, that's a nice addition to the set. Looking forward to taking SB for a spin when this stuff is all ready.
And it’s pretty easy to get bleeds so the can’t be refreshed does not balance it.
It is pretty unfair in duels considering the RE user can lower your hp drastically through masterful dodge but you cannot or atleast not as much cause you dont have an attack that “cant be dodged”
Well no, it says "basically eye of the storm" but that doesn't confirm anything about the animation. Of course, what other animation would it be.
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Dramatically reduced: 90% health loss at r1, 80% health loss at r3.
While I admit that during the 15 seconds after rez you are practically immortal, the penalty seems a tad too much, specially since it looks like the rez power is intended for tanks due to the threat advantage.
Staying alive against any cosmic without any healing (either self or from other) for 10 seconds is a hard feat for non-dodge builds (and even to dodge tanks too), but staying alive for 10 seconds against any cosmic without healing while at 10-20% health is outright impossible unless you luck out and the cosmic spends a large portion of those 10 seconds doing other stuff like summoning tombs/meteors/hold roar.
Eruption helps lessen this a bit if timed right and you take the adv to reduce the healing downtime to 5 seconds.
Till this point, everything is ok I guess if the power was intended to be a very situational niche thing, since it can potentially save wipes.
However a rather...conflicting thing we found out while testing is that most healing devices do not work at all, while Sub/LTS healing devices and Lockboxes' Health Surge devices do work...This might give a wrong message.
It literally says nothing about the animation in the description.
The Adv on the Sword Cyclone would certainly help with the offtanking part of the Samurai AT since it basically an unrooted shorter range Shuriken Storm. I think Dragon Bite is a side grade to Reaper Embrace so no comment in that.
The Level 40 choice is laughable since you're either taking MD, or a power that is meant to use when you're dead. As a tank. That can weaken and kill you after 15 seconds. I get that this is a reference to the movie Last Samurai, but yeah.
It a meh main tank but a super good offtank. I'm still think it should get an Invulnerability as a choice between LR.
BUG: Heroic Resonance by pass the Exhausted Debuff from the Last Stand Power
BUG?: Crimson Bloom with Aegis adv doesn't seem to refresh Aegis. You would have to let the cooldown on Aegis to drop before you could reapply it again. If this was intentionable, would it be possible to make it refresh any existing Aegis buff?
Here you go. The animation for Crimson Bloom.
And so does the Health Surge item device you get from Lockbox bundles/zen store
The fact that it's a Self-Rez heavily undermines it's apparent intended purpose and practicality.
If the Tank dies, even if he rezzes with immortality and +30% more threat for the next 15 seconds, dieing wiped him from the threat table. In a Cosmic fight that generally lasts 2+ mins that means that the boss will first cycle through all the DPS/Healers that didn't die during those 2+ mins, essentially wiping most of the raid, before settling back on the tank. And when that happens, the tank will be at 10-20% health, with no raid to provide any healing or form of backup to him (example shields).
This is something that already happens. Tank dies, he self-rezzes/a healer rezzes him, meanwhile the Cosmic keeps killing the rest of the raid till finally going back to the Tank. Only in this scenario the tank isn't left at 10-20% Health and can heal and receive heals from others.
So there is really no advantage to this power neither in Cosmic raids nor team content like TA or Rampages.
I would suggest changing this power into a straight out Active Defense. Or even an Active Defense Ultimate (like Master of the Mind). The penalties and drawbacks would still be exactly the same, only it would gain a lot more situational usage (example: raid/party healer died, or healer is busy rezzing/healing someone else).
Plus I think it would be a better idea to encourage tanks to avoid dieing at all costs by resorting to the desperate measure of using Last Stand, than to tell them "It's ok to die, you have this option" that most of the time might end up not working anyways.
For those who have access and are testing, how do bubbles/shields work on the person who is under the effect of the heal debuff? Also, how large is the threat buff? This really sounds like a power that needs testing out in the wild to get a better feel for it.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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An interesting ability. Definitely forces the user into a last stand situation. The only gripe I have may be the fact that this prevents ALL other healing after it expires if I'm reading that right. Considering what the power does though, the idea is fitting. Perhaps instead of full immunity to healing, only allow a small amount of it to come through instead? Something along the lines of 10%/15%/20% healing going through. I get that it is meant to be a "last stand", but I think using a normal AD rotation and/or alternate self-res is significantly less risky than 15 seconds of security followed by 10 seconds of "Oh wait, you're dying now and there's nothing anyone can do about it." Generally if we're that close to ending a battle, I'd want to keep doing what we were doing anyway instead of adding that risk of failure and potential resetting to the mix. Won't deter that sort of conclusion, but even a small amount of healing is better than no healing at all.
A long-awaited Single Blade power, for sure. Glad to see this made it in just in time to join the Single Blade mini-revamp. Interesting and useful advantages as well.
Hm, well, the progression issue is now gone thanks to that Dual Blade power being replaced with a Single Blade one. I'm glad that the AoEs got moved to earlier levels as well.
Still unsure why CO is crashing whenever I view the Weapons tab in the tailor.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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Last Stand: For the next 12/15/18 seconds, you are immune to damage. At the end of that period, you take all the damage this stopped (defenses are applied when the effect ends).
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
My issue w/ this AT's final power picks is pretty simple. On a dodge tank build like the Samurai, MD is hands down the best option. While Last Stand sounds really cool, I can almost guarantee no Samurai player who does end-game will select it. MD synergizes really with the passive and the block. Which leaves Last Stand an unattractive power choice.
Last Stand Feedback
Powers that impose unfavorable penalties for using them are never popular in CO. I don't see why the healing debuff can't be dropped altogether. LS already places AD's on cooldown. Plus, we already have nice self-resurrection abilities that work well w/o any penalties at all. So FF builders have no compelling reason to choose LS as an ultimate. If this is going be an ultimate, make it really awesome! Ditch the penalties.
I do. I will leave Last Stand to others, but the other powers are all getting a bit muddly. C&Ping Dual Blade powers into single blade ones is just set bloat. Single Blade should be more vulnerable than Dual - it's about a character who is either supported by an enhanced weapon, or who has great speed and agility on their side, not some super sturdy tank. It's also daft that SB characters don't have access to the same self-heal mechanisms as Bestial Supernatural when they apply the same debuffs.
The way these new powers should work is..
Tornado Slash
Remove the Soul Blade Advantage which applies Dependency (has that been nerfed on the quiet, btw?)
Add Knock-To advantage which removes Stun
Crimson Cloud
PbAoE, Slashing Damage, does not apply Bleed, Applies Dodge And Avoidance bonus while maintained
Adv to apply Dependency at the end of a full maintain
New Power - Soul Blade
Single Target melee, moderate Slashing Damage, consumes all Bleeds on the target and heals for a set amount per bleed
Adv gives chance to apply Fear to enemies
And just to even up the Cosmic focused comments, that power set for the Samurai AT is not much good for solo play. At the moment it is Q Zone viable, but only if it is allowed to use Stuns, Bleeds and Blocking to best advantage. Adding a mediocre shield to a mediocre dodge tank = ubiquitous mediocrity.
Obviously this Self-rez is for tanks but the lack of being able to get healed for 10 seconds is a massive red flag
It's Risk & Reward situation, but the risk is too much for endgame
Does this take into consideration that the AT is a DODGE Tank? Will Dodge be enough during that 10 sec period to protect the AT from being One Shotted?
and by the time the TANK gains the Cosmic boss aggro back, the HP and Self Heal debuffs will kick it, killing the tank instantly with the damage spikes
HMMMMM Wasting 2 points of ADVs to fix the handicap the power punish you with, is not a good deal, not a good deal at all
Those 2 ADV points can be used BETTER in tank build
Suggestion: I would suggest giving this adv a useful secondary effect as well to make it more viable and attractive
Wow, i'm happily surprised, this is new animation
I was expecting Ego Blade Frenzy to be reskined for this
Suggestion: Speed up the animation of Crimson Bloom, it looks kinda slow
I mean... I'm not going to touch the AT neither since I only play with FFs, but it's good to discuss about the AT's build and power progression
Also new powers are always welcomed at least for Crimson Bloom which I had been waiting for years, Last Stand not so much at least it has a badass name
Make this power such that it can be used before or after death. That would make it less situational and more unique.
At least add an advantage that takes off the rez part and lets you activate before death as a more traditional AD.
After all... Your "Last Stand" typically refers to what happens before your defeated/killed.
PVP is starving without rewards
1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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I do wish the power was dodge based, though, so that you can make a proper dodge-focused build. If people want a shield effect - and why not - then it should be a 3pt advantage on the power, as it is with the munitions powers that have a shield effect.
I'd also love an AT without a BCR self-heal. This will be the sixth one. Master, Fist, Blade, Unleashed, Dragon Spirit, Samurai. It's all a bit samey. Healing off stacked debuffs isn't new - we already have Thrash and Absorb Heat - and it's balanced, because BCR works better against multiple enemies, but debuff healing is more useful against single targets, bosses, etc.
I like this but I would make a slight modification to it.
The current proposal you made seems to be good for OT, but MT would still immediately die if at the end of that period he'd take all the damage he should have taken. Even if he were to turtle block against Dino, he would still be taking 6-7k hits without a split. If the Dino attacks 3-4 times in that window of time, the total damage the Tank would take would be above 20k, well beyond what most tanks max Hp is.
So instead I'd have it be that at the end of the immunity period, you take all the damage Last Stand stopped over a window of 5 seconds (ticking every 1 second). That way, it can still be healed if the healers are efficient enough, but it will still pose a risk since you'd be taking a heavy unblockable DoT while also blocking the bosses hits.
The threat buff is a +30% threat modifier...which is pretty moot since you've just been wiped from the threat table, leading to 2 possible scenarios:
a) the boss cycles and kills everyone else in the threat table before landing back on you. The +30% modifier played no role here.
b) the boss moves to the person with the 2nd highest threat in the list who manages not to die. Assuming it would normally take you 1 minute to generate enough threat to take aggro away from him, with the advantage it would take you 42 seconds, by which point the other effects of Last Stand, both good and bad, have expired. Taking this self rez to regain aggro 18 seconds earlier seems a huge unecessary risk considering the 2nd part of Last Stand.
Ideally this advantage should work like the old hard taunt part of Crippling Challenge and immediately move you to the front of the threat table in addition to the threat generation bonus.
Day 1 trolls would be letting dino kill them and then using this to spin her towards the dps
Did you guys ever consider that Last Stand isn't actually intended to be a "we don't lose button" for Cosmics? Cause the changes you're suggesting seem to be trying to turn it into that, in the process making it the best obvious choice among self rezzes and an obvious choice for tanks. As it is currently it would be very effective in TA and everything below that.
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Everything below that, yeah.
TA, debatable. Bosses would still cycle through the threat table before going back to you, who would then be 10/20% Hp and unhealable (that is considering healer has self rez out of cooldown).
Like how would Last Stand prove more benefitial in TA than a regular self rez like the Fire/Ice/Lightning one?
But again, so would using a regular self rez with less drawbacks.
Like every scenario I've tried to think in my head where Last Stand could prove useful always boils down to the same conclusion of "but so would another self rez with less drawbacks"
This is not a case of making Last Stand the best choice, but to make it not the worst choice as it currently is.
I like this idea, but taking all the damage that's stopped by this power would mean you would more or less probably die. Maybe instead of taking all the damage that it stopped, make Last Stand give the user a 40-50% healing debuff (effects should be non-stackable with other trauma debuffs). I like Lezard's idea for the DoT as well, but either way, still noticable (but not as big as healing immunity) negatives from using Last Stand. I would also give the power a big 200% threat boost (only usable in tank role so no trolls finna ruin Cosmics) to your primary target, like a big one when it's activated, essentially being a big taunt since... you know... this is your last stand. It fits the name more than the current Last Stand's specs. The downsides for its current form are too much.
Revival-wise, there's always other healers and devices to do that for you. Even then, a tank shouldn't be dying in the first place. The role's job is to not die as much as possible.
On the other note, I still say the AT should have a choice between LR and Invulnerability. Unarmored Samurai vs Armored Samurai.
I own Koda Ortega. Yeah...
Last Stand: I'm...not so sure about this one for several reasons:
PS: Invulnerability OR Lightning Reflexes for the Samurai, and a Knock To on Tornado Slash. Don't forget these two important things.
If anything this looks more like an attack that would attack in a cylinder, where the cylinder is centered on the player, so basically in a line in front of and behind of the player, and then the last tick of the maintain could maybe do a knockdown or something. Or it could be an animation for activating a form.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Honestly I suggest dropping the HP Reduction effect and getting a Self Healing x% penalty instead
Both of you get out. Now.
It's possible my view of the name is being influenced by the various RPGs I've played, where there's often a "Last Stand" power usually found on warrior-type classes/characters which is something like a defensive cooldown, effect that triggers below a certain HP threshold, or a state that gets consumed upon receiving fatal damage to keep the user alive with minimal HP.
No matter how much you may like it, there's no way it looks like a proper attack or parry. Sorry. No need to tell me to "get out", either.
Thanks for giving me / us a viable skill vs Lightning Reflexes. Best update, ever.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Fire, Ice, and Electricity self-rez powers bring you back at 50%, but have no survivability drawbacks other than that. Rebirth, the OG self-rez, gives you 100% just like Last Stand, however having your health tick away over 20 seconds is a lot easier to deal with than suddenly getting dropped to 10% coupled with a 10 second healing and active defense lockout.
How about this: What reason is there to actually take Last Stand over any of the others? And before you say "muh theme," Rebirth has been pretty generic ever since it had its visuals stripped away, so it goes with just about anything.
In anything without a lockout? No reason at all, just like the other self rez powers. However, in lockout situations like say the last phase of STE a tank could pop back up, grab aggro on everything ( threat bonus + being able to attack constantly without having to worry about incoming damage, great combo for that ) then wait out the penalty period while blocking.
I doubt this power is meant to be the "cosmic saver" people are trying to turn it into, but it can certainly save a fight in a lockout situation, and in that case would be better at it than other self rez powers. And if the response is "well failing STE is no big deal" the comeback is "failing anything in the game is no big deal".
If I would suggest anything to change with Last Stand, it would be simple: Adjust the health reduction. We know these powers don't change much once we get to see them.
Now the real question is, do we know if the penalty period effects shields? Since it's a penalty to healing received and not a healing strength penalty on the healer, I'm curious.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.