Can we please get this a costume piece for players? I know people have been asking for a T-shirt like this for years and it's already in the game. We've seen other costume pieces become available that only NPCs were using, like the parka with the hood up. The only other option we have for a normal T-Shirt is to have the tight one that looks like it's tucked into our pants like some kind of Dad. Tons of people would really appreciate this for casual outfits on males.
Ok, this one might get confusing, but I'll do my best to describe what I'm hoping to see. A partial mask Toy head mask.
So we have the Toy head masks in the Full Mask section. But you can only make it look like a full mask with a face drawn on it, or a Toy head with no mask. I would love to see a set of Toy heads that can be colored to look like a Toy head wearing a partial mask
Like this AF:
That way we can make Action Figure costumes of our own character, especially since we have the toy legs and arms.
I wanted something similar to the DBz scouters I tried to might a eye-accesory based on the idea. The idea was for it to have a sub-visor category , where you could choose from different options and textures. The visor parts on bigger res.
I also recall one of the devs made some more cartoony animal heads, we coul still use a Pomeranian and Pomsky heads with matching tails, hands and feet. And maybe a "Kanabo" (those maces used by onis and demons in japanese paintings), but a really Large and Edgy one And robot parts that are more roundish and solid looking, with less of the inner-bits shown
So far, every munitions powers have a flintlock skin except SMG Burst. I know just the thing to fix that: a multi-barrel flintlock. AR and Sniper Rifle got the Musket and Arquebus. Shotgun got the Duckfoot and the Blinderbuss. Why can't SMGs get this?
So I got two suggestions, both rather simple ones.
First is a simple pair of tights that I'm almost amazed has yet to be covered, least the chestpiece.
This won't be as extensive as my insect costume set suggestion, but nonetheless I am eager to throw these ideas out there.
Nothing too complicated...But we don't have extra-long hairs in-game yet (Middleparted Long is the closest) and in my personal opinion, no great curly hairs. Also lacking a bit in the lengthy male hair department.
I'll put some suggestions of mine in spoilers to reduce the space it can take up.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^: DeviantART|FurAffinity| Twitter
Very simple suggestion, but I noticed during the mission "An Appeal to Heal" at the start of the desert the device you are given to use puts a unique medic bag on your hip for a short duration after each use. I'd like it as a permanent costume piece.
I wanted to suggest some sort of Backpack piece with Tubes/cilinders
It could be composed of 1, 2 or 3 cilinders
The cilinders could have different contents, like Liquids (which wouldn't actually move, would be like a solid thing, maybe with a glow option)
Something like the content of the Lava lamps
Or a fully sealed container/cilinder
Also using it with something similar to the Tesla coils backpiece, but removing the coils and placing the cilinders instead, or maybe other type of structures, like Crystals, etc
Also saw this parts:
Some sort of Armor-Backpiece that covers the character head, and the helmet and backpack used by this Penguin character
There's a skirt option for males with a plaid pattern available that can sort of pass for a kilt (at least as accurately as the military option on the suit jacket.) What we could use with that is a selection of sporrans, preferably as a hip layer because the belt is something else and should remain separate.
Without the sporran, the existing costume piece just a skirt.
So, i am gonna suggest more Worm-heads, or parts that are meant to work similar t the existing worm heads
(All of em cept for the plant one should fit normally in the Huge-helmet costume parts)
1. Caterpillar:
Also found this other type of Caterpilla head, instead of the tiny one.
A Caterpillar like head, with segments and little feet things .
2. Segmented Worm :
A worm divided in segments. The inbetween parts could have a glow option.
3. Armored Worm:
A wrom with some sort of hard shell on top
4. Plant :
A Plant like worm, made of vines and such
(could have used some thorns or leaves as extras)
The mouth part could work with either spikes or teeth
(made it vertical to avoid any resemblances with more popular toothed plants:
5. Biomass/Flesh Mess
I might have messed up the proportions too much on the Front version.
(I had something in mind for the eye like the one from the Zergs)
A twisted mass of flesh, bones and other stuff. The "wounds" exposing some unknown matter could glow.
6. Robot Eye (Wires)
A Large Robot eye hold by a mass of wires, with some glowing gaps.
This were other options for the Eye center, some sort of reticle, and a "pixelated" Iris
7. Robot Eye (Drone)
This were other options for the Visor/eye part, a 3 eyes part and something like soundwave line.
I was trying to make it similar to the antenna from the Alien ships of the old "War of the worlds" movie
1. Head - Featureless (no ears, no mouth, no nose, no eyes)
2. Head - Eyes only
3. Head - Mouth only
4. Head - Cyclops ( 1 large eye in the where the normal eyes should be, with the typical eye options, like cats eye, android, reticle, etc, but still without mouth, ears, nose. Also if the eye could atleast blink like the normal model ones, that would be great)
5. Head - Large mouth ( not like the one from the Treykings or Qliphotic horrors, no other features besides the mouth)
6. Head - Missing chunk ( a head with a missing part to a side of the head, not like the zombie one, no bones or gory bits, more like some sort of sculpture, one version for the reight and one for teh left side)
7. Head Hole - A large hole in the head that goes from the front to the back ( i dont know if that can be done with the game models)
All heads should have details options for Brain, Geomatric, and if possible some mask textures.
I just want some plain black hair, nothing crazy, nothing messy. Just something my stoic or older black heroes might have.
This'd be really easy to make as an alternate texture for the "Standard" hairstyle.
just like make a pattern that has dark spots and light spots, curly normal map, whatever.
I wanted to suggest more Robot heads, just beacause we cannot have enough robot parts
Also, i really like the Gladiator helmet,...
but it only has 2 textures (Normal and scratched), so i wanted to suggest some more, despite the fact that i am really bad a t drawaing things
1. Furnace/Oven like, for fire breathers mostly but could work for other i suppose
2. Diver looking helmet
3. Automaton/Golem head
4. Elegant helmet, i am not sure i was trying to make an elegant helmet with a big jewel and some simple face-part
5. Prisoner Helmetwith one or 2 eye holes
6. Scrolls, based on the scrolls textures avileable in some arm/leg accseories, boots, chst wear, shoulder pads, etc, cause theres no scroll option in headgear/helmets
I didn't knew what to put in the big central area so it could be either a knight like hole, or a solid Face-Sculpture with glowing eyes and mouth gap.
7. Strange Marks, some strange lines, asymmetrical. It could be just the glowing lines, or it could be more complicated with glowing dots around, reaching to the back of the helmet.
Also, some other helmet texture ideas i couldn't do cause of my limited art skillery
I owuld like more skins for Surfboards and Hoverboards, but tied to the events. At least one skin forsurfboards and one skin for hoverboards per event.
By events i refer to:
-Nightmare Invasion
-High Noon SnakeGulch
-Forum Malvanum
-Nighthawk Investigation
-Patriot's Celebration
-Champion's Anniversary
-March of the Misfits toys
For example:
For Bloodmoon
Surfboards skins:
a coffin
a thurakian zombie as a surfboard
Hoverboard skins:
A cauldron ( ala Babayaga style)
a magic broom, or a vacuum cleaner for the modern witches
For Forum Malvanum
Surfboard skin:
A surfboard with the pattern of the Malvan shield (or just a large version of the Malvan shield)
Hoverboard skins:
Some of the default weapons for Devastator, or that Gladiator heavy sword.
For The Anniversary Event
Surfboard skins:
Could be a glittery surfboard with the Champions Logo, or a deactivated Destroid trooper
Hoverboard skins:
A large Megadestroid or Mechanon hand as your personal hoverboard
For The March of the Misfit Toys
Surfboard skin:
a surfboard made of ice with some frosted portions.
Hoverboard skins:
Some sort of Reindeer themed hoverboards, or something like a sleigh
We need to upgrade our Jacket game with this decade paradigms
Also, since Halloween is around the corner, i wanted to suggest some spooky "textures" for the common Full helmet,
Basically, a bandages-like texture.
2.Monster Mouth Top
A large Mouth on the top of the head, with either feral or bug-like eyes
3. Monster Mouth (front)
a large mouth on front, with 3 dot-like-eyes inside.
4. Skull
A skull with glowing channels on the eyes, mouth and the top-to-back of the head.
5.Wooden Mask (?)
A wooden mask, with glow in the eyes, mouth and some gaps on the top of the head.
There are vines that go from teh top to the back of the head.
I was trying to imitate a wood-like texture
6. Ghost (or Imp)
Some sort of Ghost /creature with large glowing eyes and mouth. Theres an opening on the back of the head with a similar glow.
I tried to put some other color aroundthe eyes and the other glowing marks, but it looks kinda odd.
Something similar to a slime or melted creature, trying to attach itself to the helmet.
I've been making various super heros with animals as there inspiration, but have been a little disappointed none really capture them well. I was going to suggest some of these as a new mission area pack to unlock them origionaly.
1a) My main one I have been working on is Vixen, based off a deer. She looks okay, but more tribal then I care for, and had to go with really dark browns. You have skins for felines, and reptiles, but not really for some of the others like deer or foxes. Vixen is using leopard, but it's not very close to deer.
The big point is the white belly I cant really duplicate well, and actual spots, while the leopard has "C" shapes. The tufts on the side are also a cute touch.
Another thing missing is a good tail. The bunny works, but needs a new colorization option for a color 1 top side and color 2 bottom side.
1c) The current antlers are okay, but too large. A body scale bar might be nice for "horns".
2) Another animal I've been trying to match better are Foxes.
I actually do a little better here, but cannot get the white chest/belly area again. Also, Fox animal summons would be nice. Tired of wolves.
3) This could actually be a quick add, but a horse tail.
Even a loose "ponytail" stuck to the rear would probably work.
4) You have beast legs, but what about making a beast body for Centaurs (horse)/Hinds (deer)?
includes such highlights as
thin male eyebrows (again)
soft cheek shading for males
base-face colored lips detail option
eye circles
beauty mark/mole
This time i have some random suggestions for Heavy weapons and other stuff:
Street lights skins for Heavy Weapons:
Also, some skins for single and dual blades:
Kendo sword, folded umbrella, and walking staves
That helmet worn by some of the Arcane Golems that is still not-in-game, and this 80s hairdo
Full helmets and shoulderpads based on chess-pieces
Guitar skins for the Hoverboard and Surf powers
Also, sill going for more Textures for the good old Full Helmet piece
1 - Light Top
A helmet where the top half has glow channel.
2 - Brain-Bot
A bot-like-helmet where the top part looks like a brain
(the Eyes, mouth and Brain have the same glow channel)
3 - Fencer
A helmet inspired by those Kendo helmets
4 & 5 - Justice
Helmets inspired on that popular franchise with the color coordinated heroes doing stunts, but if that can bring copyrights problems, lets avoid em and ignore these.
6 - Speaker
A bot-like helmet with a large speaker on the front.
7 & 8 - Madame & Monsieur
Well, i dunno how to explain these. The only glowing parts should be the "eye" and the ear-like-hole on the side.
The lips and moustache parts are just as if they were "painted" on the surface of the helmet.
9 - Skull-Tech
Not much to say. An angular skull-like texture. The Top of the head, eyes and neck details share the same glow channel.
also thin man brows, and I want to make it clear I don't want them looking super-aggressive or super-concerned or anything like that.
unrelated to any of that, also would like a Calavera pattern for the skull head. Right now the only pattern like this is for a Kabuki mask for whatever reason.
Since it's December and Xmas is nearing, how about a Santa Coat similar to this guy's:
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^: DeviantART|FurAffinity| Twitter
i accidentally left a big ol post about this dangling in the suggestions box instead of here, but:SPLIT-COLORED HAIR! which i'm surprised co hasn't touched yet with the upcoming radical hairs.
examples under the cut:
additionally, each side would have two color channels to allow for two base colors with their own separate gradients on each side of the hair, like so:
I have notice people have been mentioning the need of Turtle parts, so yeah:
Normal Turtle parts like normal turtle heads, shell and feet
A more ferocious set of turtle parts, like a snapturtle head, spiked shells, and turtle claws
This character has some hand and feet that could also work for a more brutish turtle creature.
Also adding teh idea of
Mecha turtle heads
Mecha Turtle shell, that can double as a Jet Pack, the little lights are the shell exhaust parts
Mecha turtle foot, sort off like the abhorrant foot piece, but with a tank thread on the lower side.
this could work as the Mecha turtle hand
Also, other Mecha Turtle related images for ideas
So we have the Toy head masks in the Full Mask section. But you can only make it look like a full mask with a face drawn on it, or a Toy head with no mask. I would love to see a set of Toy heads that can be colored to look like a Toy head wearing a partial mask
Like this AF:
That way we can make Action Figure costumes of our own character, especially since we have the toy legs and arms.
I tried to might a eye-accesory based on the idea.
The idea was for it to have a sub-visor category , where you could choose from different options and textures.
The visor parts on bigger res.
I also recall one of the devs made some more cartoony animal heads, we coul still use a Pomeranian and Pomsky heads with matching tails, hands and feet.
And maybe a "Kanabo" (those maces used by onis and demons in japanese paintings), but a really Large and Edgy one
And robot parts that are more roundish and solid looking, with less of the inner-bits shown
These are some examples from another MMO
Also mechanical/robotic cat ears (big and small)
And matching mechanical cat-tails, (not like the mechanical tail we already have cause it feels very Dino-ish)
(yeah a Power cord style tail for robots would be cool)
Even consider a ball and chain tail
I know this might seem to silly, but we already have pieces to make one of these, why not go all out?
First is a simple pair of tights that I'm almost amazed has yet to be covered, least the chestpiece.
And secondly a backpiece
they could come with animal patterns
would be great if this boots and gloves were avileable for exposed and covered hand and feet
And some matching necks pieces or collars, like the luchador one
Something like the Zombie-No-Head part, but for Robots
It could drop some sparks every few seconds
More biker helmets.
or a bucket helmet with eye-holes.
Also, some trashy outfits
The trash can lid should be a "top accesory" so we can wear it with other existing headwears
And this type of shirt, for reasons
Nothing too complicated...But we don't have extra-long hairs in-game yet (Middleparted Long is the closest) and in my personal opinion, no great curly hairs. Also lacking a bit in the lengthy male hair department.
I'll put some suggestions of mine in spoilers to reduce the space it can take up.
Long Curly Hair (Down or Pinned Up Options)
Long Straight or Braided Hair
Hairs For Men
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
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@zemmax89 in game, former @Pallih
The cilinders could have different contents, like Liquids (which wouldn't actually move, would be like a solid thing, maybe with a glow option)
Something like the content of the Lava lamps
Or a fully sealed container/cilinder
Also using it with something similar to the Tesla coils backpiece, but removing the coils and placing the cilinders instead, or maybe other type of structures, like Crystals, etc
Also saw this parts:
Some sort of Armor-Backpiece that covers the character head, and the helmet and backpack used by this Penguin character
Without the sporran, the existing costume piece just a skirt.
(All of em cept for the plant one should fit normally in the Huge-helmet costume parts)
1. Caterpillar:
Also found this other type of Caterpilla head, instead of the tiny one.
2. Segmented Worm :
3. Armored Worm:
4. Plant :
(could have used some thorns or leaves as extras)
The mouth part could work with either spikes or teeth
(made it vertical to avoid any resemblances with more popular toothed plants:
5. Biomass/Flesh Mess
I might have messed up the proportions too much on the Front version.
(I had something in mind for the eye like the one from the Zergs)
6. Robot Eye (Wires)
A Large Robot eye hold by a mass of wires, with some glowing gaps.
This were other options for the Eye center, some sort of reticle, and a "pixelated" Iris
7. Robot Eye (Drone)
This were other options for the Visor/eye part, a 3 eyes part and something like soundwave line.
I was trying to make it similar to the antenna from the Alien ships of the old "War of the worlds" movie
1. Head - Featureless (no ears, no mouth, no nose, no eyes)
2. Head - Eyes only
3. Head - Mouth only
4. Head - Cyclops ( 1 large eye in the where the normal eyes should be, with the typical eye options, like cats eye, android, reticle, etc, but still without mouth, ears, nose. Also if the eye could atleast blink like the normal model ones, that would be great)
5. Head - Large mouth ( not like the one from the Treykings or Qliphotic horrors, no other features besides the mouth)
6. Head - Missing chunk ( a head with a missing part to a side of the head, not like the zombie one, no bones or gory bits, more like some sort of sculpture, one version for the reight and one for teh left side)
7. Head Hole - A large hole in the head that goes from the front to the back ( i dont know if that can be done with the game models)
All heads should have details options for Brain, Geomatric, and if possible some mask textures.
This'd be really easy to make as an alternate texture for the "Standard" hairstyle.
just like make a pattern that has dark spots and light spots, curly normal map, whatever.
Sapphire's Gloves (could be made available during the Anniversary Celebration)
Herculan: Head and Chest Layer (could be made available during Circus Malvanum)
Sovereign Sons Neck (could be made as a new drop from Sovereign Sons)
Dogz pieces: Mutton Chops , Jacket , Bustier , Boots (could be made as new drops from Dogz)
Also, i really like the Gladiator helmet,...
but it only has 2 textures (Normal and scratched), so i wanted to suggest some more, despite the fact that i am really bad a t drawaing things
1. Furnace/Oven like, for fire breathers mostly but could work for other i suppose
2. Diver looking helmet
3. Automaton/Golem head
4. Elegant helmet, i am not sure i was trying to make an elegant helmet with a big jewel and some simple face-part
5. Prisoner Helmetwith one or 2 eye holes
6. Scrolls, based on the scrolls textures avileable in some arm/leg accseories, boots, chst wear, shoulder pads, etc, cause theres no scroll option in headgear/helmets
I didn't knew what to put in the big central area so it could be either a knight like hole, or a solid Face-Sculpture with glowing eyes and mouth gap.
7. Strange Marks, some strange lines, asymmetrical. It could be just the glowing lines, or it could be more complicated with glowing dots around, reaching to the back of the helmet.
Also, some other helmet texture ideas i couldn't do cause of my limited art skillery
Hmm... WANT! It's an aura really, but yeah.
My characters
By events i refer to:
-Nightmare Invasion
-High Noon SnakeGulch
-Forum Malvanum
-Nighthawk Investigation
-Patriot's Celebration
-Champion's Anniversary
-March of the Misfits toys
For example:
For Bloodmoon
Surfboards skins:
a coffin
a thurakian zombie as a surfboard
Hoverboard skins:
A cauldron ( ala Babayaga style)
a magic broom, or a vacuum cleaner for the modern witches
For Forum Malvanum
Surfboard skin:
A surfboard with the pattern of the Malvan shield (or just a large version of the Malvan shield)
Hoverboard skins:
Some of the default weapons for Devastator, or that Gladiator heavy sword.
For The Anniversary Event
Surfboard skins:
Could be a glittery surfboard with the Champions Logo, or a deactivated Destroid trooper
Hoverboard skins:
A large Megadestroid or Mechanon hand as your personal hoverboard
For The March of the Misfit Toys
Surfboard skin:
a surfboard made of ice with some frosted portions.
Hoverboard skins:
Some sort of Reindeer themed hoverboards, or something like a sleigh
Also, since Halloween is around the corner, i wanted to suggest some spooky "textures" for the common Full helmet,
Basically, a bandages-like texture.
2.Monster Mouth Top
A large Mouth on the top of the head, with either feral or bug-like eyes
3. Monster Mouth (front)
a large mouth on front, with 3 dot-like-eyes inside.
4. Skull
A skull with glowing channels on the eyes, mouth and the top-to-back of the head.
5.Wooden Mask (?)
A wooden mask, with glow in the eyes, mouth and some gaps on the top of the head.
There are vines that go from teh top to the back of the head.
I was trying to imitate a wood-like texture
6. Ghost (or Imp)
Some sort of Ghost /creature with large glowing eyes and mouth. Theres an opening on the back of the head with a similar glow.
I tried to put some other color aroundthe eyes and the other glowing marks, but it looks kinda odd.
Something similar to a slime or melted creature, trying to attach itself to the helmet.
I want this visual effect for a power in CO
My characters
1a) My main one I have been working on is Vixen, based off a deer. She looks okay, but more tribal then I care for, and had to go with really dark browns. You have skins for felines, and reptiles, but not really for some of the others like deer or foxes. Vixen is using leopard, but it's not very close to deer.
The big point is the white belly I cant really duplicate well, and actual spots, while the leopard has "C" shapes. The tufts on the side are also a cute touch.
Another thing missing is a good tail. The bunny works, but needs a new colorization option for a color 1 top side and color 2 bottom side.
1c) The current antlers are okay, but too large. A body scale bar might be nice for "horns".
2) Another animal I've been trying to match better are Foxes.
I actually do a little better here, but cannot get the white chest/belly area again. Also, Fox animal summons would be nice. Tired of wolves.
3) This could actually be a quick add, but a horse tail.
Even a loose "ponytail" stuck to the rear would probably work.
4) You have beast legs, but what about making a beast body for Centaurs (horse)/Hinds (deer)?
includes such highlights as
thin male eyebrows (again)
soft cheek shading for males
base-face colored lips detail option
eye circles
beauty mark/mole
Street lights skins for Heavy Weapons:
Also, some skins for single and dual blades:
Kendo sword, folded umbrella, and walking staves
That helmet worn by some of the Arcane Golems that is still not-in-game, and this 80s hairdo
Full helmets and shoulderpads based on chess-pieces
Guitar skins for the Hoverboard and Surf powers
Also, sill going for more Textures for the good old Full Helmet piece
1 - Light Top
A helmet where the top half has glow channel.
2 - Brain-Bot
A bot-like-helmet where the top part looks like a brain
(the Eyes, mouth and Brain have the same glow channel)
3 - Fencer
A helmet inspired by those Kendo helmets
4 & 5 - Justice
Helmets inspired on that popular franchise with the color coordinated heroes doing stunts, but if that can bring copyrights problems, lets avoid em and ignore these.
6 - Speaker
A bot-like helmet with a large speaker on the front.
7 & 8 - Madame & Monsieur
Well, i dunno how to explain these. The only glowing parts should be the "eye" and the ear-like-hole on the side.
The lips and moustache parts are just as if they were "painted" on the surface of the helmet.
9 - Skull-Tech
Not much to say. An angular skull-like texture. The Top of the head, eyes and neck details share the same glow channel.
Pop Gun rifle skin
Teddy Arms, Legs (with Stitched material option)
we needs the thicc eyebrows for women
also thin man brows, and I want to make it clear I don't want them looking super-aggressive or super-concerned or anything like that.
unrelated to any of that, also would like a Calavera pattern for the skull head. Right now the only pattern like this is for a Kabuki mask for whatever reason.
A round haircut
It covers the ears and have this round straight look.
Long braids (down to the waist if possible) if it could move when the characters walks or flies, that would be excellent
something like this hair, hard to explain, it has this hair segments that go up to the back
Toy-Duck-Head and duck/webbed feet
A lollipop for Heavy weapons, but also as a mouth piece (like the cigar or the kazoo pieces)
A Masked Owl head, for Animal heads, and maybe a something similar for full helmet
Also, a shorter version of the CyberClaws
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
Also, something like those Foo Dogs heads but with the head and the back-mane as separated pieces
More Fish stuff, like fish shaped helmets and/or Fish skulls
And more robot heads are always required welcome
weapon-like heads
Camera heads
or maybe just a head with many simple robot-like patterns (the lego heads as example)
Would be nice to have a Japanese school-girl type outfit.
Urban anime hair (currently only for males)
Bird feet (currently only for females)
Also, we have lots of animal heads now, but only 2 Mech-animals heads (the horse and the mechanical bast ones)
so suggesting more Robot-animal heads
Horse Tail
there is a normal horse head and robot horse head but no tail.
Husky Tail
You've got a husky head but no tail alongside it?
Torso Fur texture
to match the leg texture already in game.
Werewolf upperbody doesn't cut it since it's half too much fur and half skin.
You can see the mismatch.
Navy sailor collar?
Also, this hairstyle with what a cloth piece ( dunno what it is called) as support?
And more neck stuff / fancy neck pieces...
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
The Mechanon Spider already has arachnid fangs; if we could get these fangs for player models, as a Mouth Accessory option, that would be superb!
examples under the cut:
additionally, each side would have two color channels to allow for two base colors with their own separate gradients on each side of the hair, like so: