Got a suggestion for a costume: A full cursed pirate costume (or sort of) for the new pirates movie that came out recently (17th century). There are a gazillions of sci fi/futuristic costumes but there aren't any about pirate times or redcoat style outfits. With maybe some special effects and a dirty texture option.
So I had a few costume Ideas throughout playing this, so I'm just gonna say them here:
My first idea isn't exactly a costume, but I was hoping for some actual animal print patterns for some tops maybe, but most importantly, tights and pants. So here's just some basic patterns I found:
Also maybe some patterns for some of the jackets too, for example:
For me exactly I was hoping for some snakeskin, because my idea for my character was for him to wear snakeskin pants, like so:
My next idea was a variation of the trench coat where it has no sleeves, whether they just have no sleeves, or they were torn off. Maybe since it has no sleeves, possibly make it a chest piece, or have both options. Something like this:
My final idea that I can think of is an option for an open shirt/over shirt, either as an option for jackets or a chest piece, and possibly have a half buttoned option with it also:
I think everyone would agree with me on the next one also
One more quick request also, maybe add a tucked in option for jackets, in case people want to have an outfit with gloves over the jackets, just so it doesn't have a clipped in effect going on.
Just some essentials I believe could be useful for some people creating outfits on here, that's all.
I'm a raging whirlwind like the tornadoes I can make. WATCH OUT!!!
Firstly I would really love a Dolphin Tail as opposed to the Shark Tail and Fins we currently have.
Next as just an Emblem that could go where all Emblems can go it would be nice to have the Rod of Asclepius which is the REAL symbol of healers and medicine. Currently we have the Caduceus which is the symbol of Commerce and Trade (The fact that the USA uses that for Hospitals and Ambulances is pretty ironic no?).
Personally i want a wolf head that isn't a chibi fursona head or at least looks more wolf like. The werewolf pack, the actual werewolf head looks attrocious on females, to be rather blunt about it, and I didn't care for the werewolf head from the Dogz, nor the one from the blood moon event which look like they were made with male only in mind. I tend to look over at WoW from time to time to see if Blizzard ever decided to do what they promised years ago and fix and update the worgen models (specifically the female), and one of the renditions a player made for a suggestion always struck out to me and would love it for a female werewolf head style, basically the lines they do in the second rendition and not the actual herpy derpy doo fem worgen they have in WoW.
I want Pirate Outfits. While we can make a rudimentary one, we can't really go all out on one either. And of course Jack Sparrow has to be in there but can also include some weapons, like the cutlass for both weapons and hip wear as well as the flintlock shoulder belt, or flintlock in the sash as picture in several pictures here. As well as a cutlass itself for regular as well as laser swords and maybe TK blades. We already have flintlocks of course but in case, I will supply others for style if more are added. Also the ability to wear both a sash and a big buckle belt together.
An appeal to the opposite, there's like a million new hairstyles that have been included so far that cover eyes. I'd like to see some nice new combineable hairpieces with a bit less face cover.
NOTE: The skull is his actual head. I meant the cloth and rings attached to him as "the headdress".
Post edited by chaosdrgnz43 on
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^: DeviantART|FurAffinity| Twitter
I know what you're thinking, "The 5-pointed star is traditionally associated with The Five Holy Wounds." But, if you don't want come off as too pro-Christian, the first 2 designs are pretty generic. And, really, 5-pointed stars have been used in lots of non-christian contexts too.
I was also going to do one with a lamb's face in front of the star, but my piece of paper wasn't big enough.
I found this image while browsing the internet (found it via a quick google search), no name attached to it, so I assume I'm not breaking any infringements. There is some faint lettering in the corner, but can't fully make it out, anyway!
My suggestion that I'd like to see?
This image has 6 varients for Mecha Heads. You can see each is inspired, but each is their own even though they share a likeness to each other. I'm not saying copy this tit for tat, but I'd like to see something along these lines come as head options for costumes, as I think this would give some added 'life' into the mech/mecha/robot characters that players love to create (I'm one of them).
But with that said, I'd like to expand upon this suggestion a bit further. With alot more power armor powers into the powerpool, it's becoming very cluttered. Heck, Rocket Punch is more of a mecha power, not so much a power armor power when you think about it.
My suggestion? Do something that City of Heroes did with it's last expansion "Freedom", which added a HUGE variety of mecha related costumes, as shown here...
Obviously this is all very techy stuff, but my personal suggestion is this; 3 Set types: Modern/Military, Fantasy/BioOrganic, and Sleek/Future, and each set will have 3 variety types of costumes, bringing at least 9 costume sub sets that can be as their own, or mixed, and matched, creating a HUGE variety of costumes!
But not only that, add a brand new power pool aptly named "Mech/Mecha", and some powers that take up the power armor pool that fit into Mecha, can easily go into this. Not only that, but new powers that can fit into this category, for example...
Arm Slung Machinegun: Energy Builder Shoulder Cannons: Requires 4 Powers from Mech/Mecha, can change the look to either be energy or physical cannons. Micro Drones: Requires 5 Powers from Mech/Mecha, a Maintain Skill, where the animation has small drones attacking a target until the maintain stops. Underslung Heavy Cannon: Requires 6 Powers from Mech/Mecha: A large cannon slung under the arm, must be fully charged (Like Chest Laser), can be changed aesthetically to look like an energy or physical cannon. Cannot move while being charged.
This is just SOME of the stuff that's been in my head! Ever since the Variable Robot set came out, I LOVED the original art for it, but the set, sadly, didn't quite match the 'spirit' the art was going for. I hope there are those in the development team with a PASSION for Mecha related material, and hopefully, see the potential in my request, as that is all I can do, request.
If my request is granted, I will HAPPILY pay for this if it does come out in the ZenStore, flat out! Without Question!
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
apart from one of the default bruiser types, there aren't any available gorilla or simean costume parts (which is funny considering the game has ape characters in it) so how about making them available with female versions as well. You could always package them in a 'Dr Silverback; lock box with Monty the Wonderchimp side kick
A buzzcut that covers the empty space on the sides earless heads.
Im not sure why earless option doesnt have the side covered for every style, toons with animal ears most likely wouldnt have human ears on top of it...unless your blake belladonna but thats a special case.
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
... if we can add aura ideas here, let me suggest the 'noir aura' ... basically, it would grey scale all the pallets on the character, so they look black & white ... bonus points if it affected the characters powers while active as well.
so basically, a "noira?"
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
... if we can add aura ideas here, let me suggest the 'noir aura' ... basically, it would grey scale all the pallets on the character, so they look black & white ... bonus points if it affected the characters powers while active as well.
Like the "desaturated santa" costume that made the rounds a few years ago?
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
I found this image while browsing the internet (found it via a quick google search), no name attached to it, so I assume I'm not breaking any infringements. There is some faint lettering in the corner, but can't fully make it out, anyway!
My suggestion that I'd like to see?
The lettering in the upper left corner says "KingRPG.***". The head design in lower left is labeled "Gundam"... I suspect it's fanart.
People were talking about the various skulls from Nightmare invasion, and then I thought of this pic.... Spirit of Corruption appears to be wearing a cow skull as a hat.
I found this thing in my Sanctum: It looks like a ritual blade made of colored crystal. It's a large knife not a sword though.
Pocket Square chest emblem, to add a little more detail to heroes wearing suits.
Shoulder holster chest layer, with option to have the gun on the right or left side
.45 pistol
Beretta pistol
Toothpick mouth accessory
Cigarette holder mouth accessory
Pipe mouth accessory
Umbrella weapon skin for swords
This kind of hat
Cabbie hat we have The Bruce that is similar, but this one doesn't protrude as much.
Rolex wristwatch the watch we have isn't very detailed, and also clips into the wrist when worn on heroes with thick arms
As someone already mentioned, a black and white aura would be a good fit as well, I had the idea to make it look like something out of Sin City:
And if we ever get single pistol powers, a Loyal Sidekick who uses the AT could be a homage to either Dirty Harry, Charles Bronson, or a detective similar to:
A cute bundle of hair that forms a curved string at the top of the head that sways as you move, much like the antenna from the sci-fi bubble Head Wear, but is categorized and available as both Head Wear, AND Top Accessory to maximize customization options for Champions!
I hope we can get it in different sizes and shapes!
Here is a follow up example for my mecha heads request
Again, I'm not saying these have to be copied tit for tat, but the designs can widely vary, and yet have similarities. Given now we also now have the Tech Pointed Feet (Which I LOVE the look of!), this is proof that mecha designs can work!
EDITED IN: I suppose what I'm asking is, for the devs to look at these head types, see what works between them, and try their own spin on a mecha head, hence the many examples.
So, I think it would be great to have an update on the open Trench coat model we have in game. Many heroes and villains from many genres wear trench coats, and we have had to make do with the same terrible model for years...
On the left is the old open trench coat that we have now and I am suggesting a new and improved trenchoat that adheres more to the way that the space scoundrel coat (on the right) is made. Also needed is the option that the space scoundrel coat has for the bottom piece....
The new open trenchoat would look more like one flowing piece rather than what we have now. Something like this....
That top centre one is probably the best model for this suggestion
Also needed is the ability to have a suit jacket on under the trenchcoat, much like the Sandman, the Question and John Constantine have above, so I am also suggesting a suit, jacket and tie combo piece under Chest and Arms for under Jackets. We already have something like this for the Victorian Set..... so along those lines.
Oh! and bonus points for having both collar up AND collar down options
I would enjoy have 4 or more arms....esp for an Unarmed character (har har). I suggest adding an "extra arms" unlock for the back costume slot. So pieces in that slot already have parts that extend out to the front of the character....want something similar but with arms.
Here's an idea. A new hood where the interior is a separate color from the exterior. Combined with the headless option, we could have something like this:
It would be cool if we could have some animal pelt heads. I've always thought it was such a shame that the one we have from the Spartan Lion set is so awful.
Here are some examples from another game for inspiration. The back piece and the neck pieces would be great too...
I think we still need basic/ almost normal stuff as melee weapons, like bats or golf clubs
And golf clubs do need some sort of specialised bag
But this is Champions online, and we have all kind of bizarre items that could fit in a bag. so maybe we could have an option in that costume part, so that , besides golf club, we could carry stuff like rifles, axes, swords, even arrows (of course, i am not a good artist) Maybe other interesting weapons, for instance, in the melee option, some swords from the Sword Pack backpiece could be placed, or other weapons for the ranged ones, maybe even ammo clips,etc
Also something like the Krampus barrel backpiece, but with a treasure chest instead.
Maybe for consideration, some of the icons that represent our equipment post the "On Alert" update could make some decent costume pieces.
So I've been debating whether or not I should put this suggestion out there, but I decided it wouldn't hurt to try.
Lots of new animal costume parts have come through, and that's awesome. However, I can't help but notice the insects and arachnids are still in need of some love. Desperately.
I'll throw a few concepts to the air before showcasing a couple of big things I have a soft spot for. - A "tail" option which is the abdomen of a spider with spinnerets on the end. Also a "tail" which is the abdomen of a black widow spider bearing the hourglass pattern. - A "tail" option which is a bee's abdomen and sports the stinger on the end. - Stationary insect abdomens in general. - Insect mandibles that actually fit to humanoid heads and don't float a good distance away from said heads. - Various insect heads. Mantis, ant, arachnid, moth, etc. - Arachnid (and general insect) eyes that actually fit to humanoid heads and don't float a good distance away from said heads. (*It's worth noting that spiders do not share the same eye patterns across different subspecies...Some spiders have no eyes. Some have two. Some have four, six, eight, even twelve. But I realize that twelve is a LOT of eyes and probably not worth the effort.) - Though I'm not too worried about antennae options, it wouldn't hurt to suggest some feathery antennae for the head region, ala the actias luna or other assorted moths. - Assorted horns for the head/face, ala rhino beetles, stag beetles, and so on so forth - Insect mandibles. Such deadly, natural face tweezers. So wonderful. - Grasshopper-style option for legs, fit with the little "feelers"/spines - A snail shell as a back piece. No. srs. -Slug eye stalks, while we're at it.
So as for the things I have a soft spot for...
I will be putting pictures of real(istic) insects under "Spoiler" tags because I am aware that arachnophobia and entomophobia exists. (I'm actually struggling to go get the pics of spiders, myself, because of my heightened fear of spider eyes.)
#1: SPIDER FANGS. OH. MY GOSH. I NEED THEM ALREADY. My poor Arahk'ne has gone toothless for much too long. There is so much potential in the idea of giant saber-like fangs on the faces of critters. They could even be used for characters who just want a giant set of fangs to run around with, not unlike a saber tooth tiger. The hooked appearance of fangs, with or without the "fuzzy bulk" the fangs attach to (AKA the area the venom canal runs through), is intimidating and makes for amazing character hooks. I mean, just check out the rough sketch art of Arahk'ne a friend of mine did a few years ago, and you'll see just how much of a defining feature it is:
#2: MORE INSECT WINGS. The little beetle shells, psionic bug wings, and one set of butterfly wings is not enough and VERY misleading for insect characters who are neither of the above. I believe that a more wide variety of wings would appeal to the masses if done right, simply because of the variety of shapes, colors, and designs one could come up with. This is Isabelle. Isabelle is an actias luna. She has to live with butterfly wings when she is a moth. This makes Isabelle of the sads.
Some examples of various moth wings.
An actias luna moth's wings.
Some examples of various butterfly wings.
Grasshopper's wings.
#3: ACTUAL SPIDER LEGS. Alright. As much as I appreciate the Mechanon Spider and Psionic Spider legs getting added...They are clearly meant for technology or straight-up costuming. They are clearly inorganic and very unfitting for a true critter. Male tarantulas even have hooks on the ends of their toes, which serve multiple purposes. Wandering spiders have spikes that extend from their legs when they're angry. All-in-all, the potential for spider legs is there and I feel like it is something worth looking into.
Fuzzy legs of a jumping spider.
...Oooor a tarantula.
A proud little spiny orb weaver spider.
Not a true spider, but a cousin nonetheless, with some interesting legs. Whiptail scorpion
Scorpion claws. Why aren't they already a thing in-game?!
#4: INSECTOID BODY PATTERNS. No; not necessarily carapace, although that is something worth considering, anyway. I'm talking about the shell patterns, tattoo-like shapes--All the things we see on colorful bugs and spiders today. The stripes on spider legs, the colorful shimmer of a variety of beetles...For one, I cannot get the proper pattern of a spider in the Scytodidae family on Arahk'ne because no Tights patterns in-game hold a candle to the unique markings on the body and heart-shaped imprint on their foreheads.
A few examples below:
A Scytodidae (spitting spider).
The peacock spider. (Yes, that's its "butt" in the air.)
Emerald scarab.
Heccin' ladybugs, man.
Classic grasshopper.
I really, REALLY hope this suggestion is received in its entirety and I will continue to hope for the future that the insects and arachnids of Millennium City will one day have their chance to shine.
I know this is a bit far fetched, since "specialized" NPC costume pieces (for lack of a better term) rarely make it into the game as costumes available to the player. However, I'd love something similar to the mouth guard Defender uses in the Champions Online: Free for All Trailer, seen below:
I did a quick browse through the mouth pieces in the game and there seems to be a lack of sleek designs like the one above.
Okay, so the image is a bit of a joke, but the suggestion isn't. We have some pouches in game but we need some more. The belt, foot accessories and shoulder pouches from above would be a great start. I know we have belts with pouches, but we could do with a belt that is *only* pouches.
At the very least, please give male toons the leg pouch piece that females have, and give it all the materials, not just leather.
A long time ago i saw this picture/painting of an oldman carrying a night-stand on his back (as a huge backpack) so yeah With optional textures to have 3 drawers, or many small ones.
It would be held to the player by ropes.
Also, it could have other optional accesories like the one from the camping backpack
and optional sideaccesories like a lamp, a pan or a mini-shovel
Imma throw the suggestion to add a costume set similar to Firefall's Biotech/Dragonfly frame. I always loved how the frame looked and I can see myself mixing a lot of pieces with it in CO.
What I want is simple: more skins for firearms. For example, I want the Tanegashima.
For pistols:
For rifles:
Oh, and also more machine pistol skins for the pistols. I mean, for starters, why not convert the Modern Conventional SMG Pistol 2 skin so it can be used as a pistol skin as well?
Also, here are some machine pistol skins that could work out as well.
A full cursed pirate costume (or sort of) for the new pirates movie that came out recently (17th century).
There are a gazillions of sci fi/futuristic costumes but there aren't any about pirate times or redcoat style outfits.
With maybe some special effects and a dirty texture option.
- My first idea isn't exactly a costume, but I was hoping for some actual animal print patterns for some tops maybe, but most importantly, tights and pants. So here's just some basic patterns I found:

- My next idea was a variation of the trench coat where it has no sleeves, whether they just have no sleeves, or they were torn off. Maybe since it has no sleeves, possibly make it a chest piece, or have both options. Something like this:

- My final idea that I can think of is an option for an open shirt/over shirt, either as an option for jackets or a chest piece, and possibly have a half buttoned option with it also:

- One more quick request also, maybe add a tucked in option for jackets, in case people want to have an outfit with gloves over the jackets, just so it doesn't have a clipped in effect going on.
Just some essentials I believe could be useful for some people creating outfits on here, that's all.Also maybe some patterns for some of the jackets too, for example:
For me exactly I was hoping for some snakeskin, because my idea for my character was for him to wear snakeskin pants, like so:
I think everyone would agree with me on the next one also
Next as just an Emblem that could go where all Emblems can go it would be nice to have the Rod of Asclepius which is the REAL symbol of healers and medicine. Currently we have the Caduceus which is the symbol of Commerce and Trade (The fact that the USA uses that for Hospitals and Ambulances is pretty ironic no?).
Or otherwise some kind of foot option that lets me get something similar to this:
Silverspar on PRIMUS
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
How about some Neck Ruffles to make some 16th Century themed characters.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Sailor collar. I'm not planning anything so evil. o3o
specially if we can have em with a mirrored version.
this necklace:
NOTE: The skull is his actual head. I meant the cloth and rings attached to him as "the headdress".
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
I'd actually say higher priority than any of that is a great helm, we don't got a good simple one of those.
Maybe we could get a "helmet" pack aswell
Those helmets designs are copyrighted by HASBRO, posted em just for examples
I was also going to do one with a lamb's face in front of the star, but my piece of paper wasn't big enough.
Edit: Switched image host.
Maybe I should have done that in the first place.
Edit: Switched image host.
I found this image while browsing the internet (found it via a quick google search), no name attached to it, so I assume I'm not breaking any infringements. There is some faint lettering in the corner, but can't fully make it out, anyway!
My suggestion that I'd like to see?
This image has 6 varients for Mecha Heads. You can see each is inspired, but each is their own even though they share a likeness to each other. I'm not saying copy this tit for tat, but I'd like to see something along these lines come as head options for costumes, as I think this would give some added 'life' into the mech/mecha/robot characters that players love to create (I'm one of them).
But with that said, I'd like to expand upon this suggestion a bit further. With alot more power armor powers into the powerpool, it's becoming very cluttered. Heck, Rocket Punch is more of a mecha power, not so much a power armor power when you think about it.
My suggestion? Do something that City of Heroes did with it's last expansion "Freedom", which added a HUGE variety of mecha related costumes, as shown here...
Obviously this is all very techy stuff, but my personal suggestion is this; 3 Set types: Modern/Military, Fantasy/BioOrganic, and Sleek/Future, and each set will have 3 variety types of costumes, bringing at least 9 costume sub sets that can be as their own, or mixed, and matched, creating a HUGE variety of costumes!
But not only that, add a brand new power pool aptly named "Mech/Mecha", and some powers that take up the power armor pool that fit into Mecha, can easily go into this. Not only that, but new powers that can fit into this category, for example...
Arm Slung Machinegun: Energy Builder
Shoulder Cannons: Requires 4 Powers from Mech/Mecha, can change the look to either be energy or physical cannons.
Micro Drones: Requires 5 Powers from Mech/Mecha, a Maintain Skill, where the animation has small drones attacking a target until the maintain stops.
Underslung Heavy Cannon: Requires 6 Powers from Mech/Mecha: A large cannon slung under the arm, must be fully charged (Like Chest Laser), can be changed aesthetically to look like an energy or physical cannon. Cannot move while being charged.
This is just SOME of the stuff that's been in my head! Ever since the Variable Robot set came out, I LOVED the original art for it, but the set, sadly, didn't quite match the 'spirit' the art was going for. I hope there are those in the development team with a PASSION for Mecha related material, and hopefully, see the potential in my request, as that is all I can do, request.
If my request is granted, I will HAPPILY pay for this if it does come out in the ZenStore, flat out! Without Question!
Seriously seeking shoulder shawl suggestion.
See this? This is too short.
I want my shoulders swaddled in silk, someday. See to it.
Like this manatee head.
Or this dolphin head.
Or this standard fish head, as opposed to the butt-ugly angler-fish head we have.
And my favourite:
This walrus head, perhaps as whisker/tusk add-ons to the manatee head to conserve the dev's computer memory!
Long coat like these
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Time to request moar.
Give the base color a glow and then have a second/third color for darker strands above it.
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
or better yet, Gun-chucks?
EDIT: sorry wrong thread
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Like the "desaturated santa" costume that made the rounds a few years ago?
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Something Zilla
People were talking about the various skulls from Nightmare invasion, and then I thought of this pic....
Spirit of Corruption appears to be wearing a cow skull as a hat.
I found this thing in my Sanctum:
It looks like a ritual blade made of colored crystal. It's a large knife not a sword though.
EDIT: the edit monster hates links
My characters
Noir leather jacket for male heroes
A closer look at that jacket in color:
Pocket Square chest emblem, to add a little more detail to heroes wearing suits.
Shoulder holster chest layer, with option to have the gun on the right or left side
.45 pistol
Beretta pistol
Toothpick mouth accessory
Cigarette holder mouth accessory
Pipe mouth accessory
Umbrella weapon skin for swords
This kind of hat
Cabbie hat we have The Bruce that is similar, but this one doesn't protrude as much.
Rolex wristwatch the watch we have isn't very detailed, and also clips into the wrist when worn on heroes with thick arms
As someone already mentioned, a black and white aura would be a good fit as well, I had the idea to make it look like something out of Sin City:
And if we ever get single pistol powers, a Loyal Sidekick who uses the AT could be a homage to either Dirty Harry, Charles Bronson, or a detective similar to:
I hope we can get it in different sizes and shapes!
Again, I'm not saying these have to be copied tit for tat, but the designs can widely vary, and yet have similarities. Given now we also now have the Tech Pointed Feet (Which I LOVE the look of!), this is proof that mecha designs can work!
EDITED IN: I suppose what I'm asking is, for the devs to look at these head types, see what works between them, and try their own spin on a mecha head, hence the many examples.
On the left is the old open trench coat that we have now and I am suggesting a new and improved trenchoat that adheres more to the way that the space scoundrel coat (on the right) is made. Also needed is the option that the space scoundrel coat has for the bottom piece....
The new open trenchoat would look more like one flowing piece rather than what we have now. Something like this....
That top centre one is probably the best model for this suggestion
Also needed is the ability to have a suit jacket on under the trenchcoat, much like the Sandman, the Question and John Constantine have above, so I am also suggesting a suit, jacket and tie combo piece under Chest and Arms for under Jackets. We already have something like this for the Victorian Set..... so along those lines.
Oh! and bonus points for having both collar up AND collar down options
May the spirit of Humphrey Bogart watch over you!
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
PARSER USAGE GUIDE: click here for an easy how-to ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
Example of Comet Flight: Here.
Here are some examples from another game for inspiration. The back piece and the neck pieces would be great too...
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
And golf clubs do need some sort of specialised bag
But this is Champions online, and we have all kind of bizarre items that could fit in a bag.
so maybe we could have an option in that costume part, so that , besides golf club, we could carry stuff like rifles, axes, swords, even arrows
(of course, i am not a good artist)
Maybe other interesting weapons, for instance, in the melee option, some swords from the Sword Pack backpiece could be placed, or other weapons for the ranged ones, maybe even ammo clips,etc
Also something like the Krampus barrel backpiece, but with a treasure chest instead.
Maybe for consideration, some of the icons that represent our equipment post the "On Alert" update could make some decent costume pieces.
Lots of new animal costume parts have come through, and that's awesome. However, I can't help but notice the insects and arachnids are still in need of some love. Desperately.
I'll throw a few concepts to the air before showcasing a couple of big things I have a soft spot for.
- A "tail" option which is the abdomen of a spider with spinnerets on the end. Also a "tail" which is the abdomen of a black widow spider bearing the hourglass pattern.
- A "tail" option which is a bee's abdomen and sports the stinger on the end.
- Stationary insect abdomens in general.
- Insect mandibles that actually fit to humanoid heads and don't float a good distance away from said heads.
- Various insect heads. Mantis, ant, arachnid, moth, etc.
- Arachnid (and general insect) eyes that actually fit to humanoid heads and don't float a good distance away from said heads. (*It's worth noting that spiders do not share the same eye patterns across different subspecies...Some spiders have no eyes. Some have two. Some have four, six, eight, even twelve. But I realize that twelve is a LOT of eyes and probably not worth the effort.)
- Though I'm not too worried about antennae options, it wouldn't hurt to suggest some feathery antennae for the head region, ala the actias luna or other assorted moths.
- Assorted horns for the head/face, ala rhino beetles, stag beetles, and so on so forth
- Insect mandibles. Such deadly, natural face tweezers. So wonderful.
- Grasshopper-style option for legs, fit with the little "feelers"/spines
- A snail shell as a back piece. No. srs.
-Slug eye stalks, while we're at it.
So as for the things I have a soft spot for...
I will be putting pictures of real(istic) insects under "Spoiler" tags because I am aware that arachnophobia and entomophobia exists. (I'm actually struggling to go get the pics of spiders, myself, because of my heightened fear of spider eyes.)
OH. MY GOSH. I NEED THEM ALREADY. My poor Arahk'ne has gone toothless for much too long. There is so much potential in the idea of giant saber-like fangs on the faces of critters. They could even be used for characters who just want a giant set of fangs to run around with, not unlike a saber tooth tiger. The hooked appearance of fangs, with or without the "fuzzy bulk" the fangs attach to (AKA the area the venom canal runs through), is intimidating and makes for amazing character hooks. I mean, just check out the rough sketch art of Arahk'ne a friend of mine did a few years ago, and you'll see just how much of a defining feature it is:
The little beetle shells, psionic bug wings, and one set of butterfly wings is not enough and VERY misleading for insect characters who are neither of the above. I believe that a more wide variety of wings would appeal to the masses if done right, simply because of the variety of shapes, colors, and designs one could come up with.
This is Isabelle. Isabelle is an actias luna. She has to live with butterfly wings when she is a moth. This makes Isabelle of the sads.
Some examples of various moth wings.
An actias luna moth's wings.
Some examples of various butterfly wings.
Grasshopper's wings.
Alright. As much as I appreciate the Mechanon Spider and Psionic Spider legs getting added...They are clearly meant for technology or straight-up costuming. They are clearly inorganic and very unfitting for a true critter. Male tarantulas even have hooks on the ends of their toes, which serve multiple purposes. Wandering spiders have spikes that extend from their legs when they're angry. All-in-all, the potential for spider legs is there and I feel like it is something worth looking into.
Fuzzy legs of a jumping spider.
...Oooor a tarantula.
A proud little spiny orb weaver spider.
Not a true spider, but a cousin nonetheless, with some interesting legs. Whiptail scorpion
Scorpion claws. Why aren't they already a thing in-game?!
No; not necessarily carapace, although that is something worth considering, anyway. I'm talking about the shell patterns, tattoo-like shapes--All the things we see on colorful bugs and spiders today. The stripes on spider legs, the colorful shimmer of a variety of beetles...For one, I cannot get the proper pattern of a spider in the Scytodidae family on Arahk'ne because no Tights patterns in-game hold a candle to the unique markings on the body and heart-shaped imprint on their foreheads.
A few examples below:
A Scytodidae (spitting spider).
The peacock spider. (Yes, that's its "butt" in the air.)
Emerald scarab.
Heccin' ladybugs, man.
Classic grasshopper.
I really, REALLY hope this suggestion is received in its entirety and I will continue to hope for the future that the insects and arachnids of Millennium City will one day have their chance to shine.
I did a quick browse through the mouth pieces in the game and there seems to be a lack of sleek designs like the one above.
Okay, so the image is a bit of a joke, but the suggestion isn't. We have some pouches in game but we need some more. The belt, foot accessories and shoulder pouches from above would be a great start. I know we have belts with pouches, but we could do with a belt that is *only* pouches.
At the very least, please give male toons the leg pouch piece that females have, and give it all the materials, not just leather.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
A long time ago i saw this picture/painting of an oldman carrying a night-stand on his back (as a huge backpack) so yeah
With optional textures to have 3 drawers, or many small ones.
It would be held to the player by ropes.
Also, it could have other optional accesories like the one from the camping backpack
and optional sideaccesories like a lamp, a pan or a mini-shovel
Also, maybe some more "simpler" robot parts
And some cool RoboLegs with wheels
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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For rifles:
Oh, and also more machine pistol skins for the pistols. I mean, for starters, why not convert the Modern Conventional SMG Pistol 2 skin so it can be used as a pistol skin as well?
Also, here are some machine pistol skins that could work out as well.