Added Swordfish, Heavy Swordfish and Gunfish costumes as possible drops from Foxbatcon Swag Bags.
Added Googly Eye Glasses, Mallet, Psionic/Invisible Toothpick and Laser Toothpick costumes to the Foxbatcon vendor.
Added Juggle vanity device to the Foxbatcon vendor.
Mayor Biselle will offer the Real Foxbat mission this week. This mission will become available at 11am server time.
The old Treed the Fox perk can now be obtained by completing the real Foxbat mission.
Added a one time talk to mission to the Foxbatcon vendor to check out the Foxbatcon exchange vendor.
Fake Foxbat's can now drop every type of temp device, not just ping pong guns.
Added a Foxbat Cred exchange for temporary Foxbatcon devices to the Foxbatcon Exchange vendor.
Fixed a bug where the Ping Pong ball Perk wasn't showing up. Players should receive credit from any ping pong ball temp items they've used since the start of Foxbatcon this year.
Fixed a bug where the cartoon hands were not unlocking on males. This will retroactively fix itself if you have already unlocked the costume.
Alerts Fury of the Dragon
Hipan will no longer drop a reward box. Instead the drops will be at the reward circle.
Updated the Dragon Staff device tooltip and added preview image.
Lowered the Dragon Staff device cooldown to 90 seconds (from 120).
Added a charge animation to the Dragon Staff device.
Reduced temporary dragon staff device charge count to 1, this was done to make the item stackable.
Fixed a bug where the Socrates action figure was bind on pickup.
Added Bit 01 and Bit 00 auras as potential drops to Cybermind.
Added Cybermind's Impression mod as a potential drop to Cybermind.
Added preview images to the Cybermind costumes.
Cybermind now has a normal scoreboard that takes into account damage and healing done through the entire alert. This should help with crediting issues.
Fixed a bug where the scaling on the open mission bosses had an incorrect value that caused it to scale higher than intended for a certain range of player targets.
Fixed a bug where the open mission bosses in the Qliphothic Warone were scaling off of targets other than players.
Known Issue: Under certain circumstances the objectives for Assault the Battery and Worm Wrecker may not reset instantly after a successful completion. They will eventually reset a couple minutes after the open mission resets. This will be corrected next week.
Gave Psionic Surge, Echos Stick and Plasma Rifle preview images.
Cybermind now has a normal scoreboard that takes into account damage and healing done through the entire alert. This should help with crediting issues.
I just realized, The Swordfish is the model used in Vibora bay, there is a Swordfish trophy on the walls near Auction House! GOOD STUFF
Fixed a bug where the Socrates action figure was bind on pickup.
Added Bit 01 and Bit 00 auras as potential drops to Cybermind.
Added Cybermind's Impression mod as a potential drop to Cybermind.
Added preview images to the Cybermind costumes.
Cybermind now has a normal scoreboard that takes into account damage and healing done through the entire alert. This should help with crediting issues.
Thank you very much for improving this alert, Slowly it become more stable and popular (wall immunity due to CC fix when?)
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Mayor Biselle will offer the Real Foxbat mission this week. This mission will become available at 11am server time.
I've always wondered about this kind of thing. Why the two hour delay? Do you have to load it up or something AFTER maintenance and that takes two hours? It's always confused me when you don't start events right after the maintenance.
Did you seriously Stealth PATCHED the SCR/GCR vendor and increased the Eidolon costume perk requirement from the 10 kills perk to 50!?
I should have got the Destroyer's Collar when I had the chance
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
So you have to STUCK with the same character with eidolon fight for 50 kills... same character
so much for being an Altitis friendly game,
freaking hell, This was a good update until you decided to screw up and make endgame even more grindfest for costume enthusiasts
50 kills perk requirement is simply sadistic
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
I think I got that perk from beating up the real Foxbat.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^: DeviantART|FurAffinity| Twitter
In the course of completing the 100 Foxbats, one of them would be the 'real' Foxbat, and would award you that perk. Now it's actually tied in the mission chain. Good show
Bug Eidolon of Destruction Fight Green Orbs keep respawning after being killed. While orbs that were already killed do not explode, it causes confusion taking into account the huge range they spawn on making it hard to keep track of which were killed and which weren't.
Bug Eidolon of Destruction Fight
During 3rd Bar, Eidolon will spawn Geysers before the Green Orbs are taken down or explode. This is possibly caused due to the delay Green Orbs now have when spawning
Bug Eidolon of Destruction Fight During last bar, Eidolon will sometimes not spawn his orbs (both red or green) for no particular reason
Bug Eidolon of Destruction Fight During Red Orb phase, Eidolon will clear the "Red Orb Mezzed DoT", causing some ticks to be way lower than others while the debuff restacks. Suggestion: The debuff clear change was implemented to avoid Fire users accidentally waking up an orb when orbs spawned on players. Since this is no longer the case, this change could be reversed.
Green Orbs Make them heal Eidolon more than they used to when exploding (they are healing him for way less now, they used to heal for 500k, make them heal him for like 800k each) Remove the Full Arena AoE effect and make them only do huge damage within the boundaries of the new Circle FX BUT Give them a perception debuff that makes people not being able to target them UNLESS they are inside that circle
Turn it into a Sadistic Choice Mechanic :^) You either step in and risk getting blown up, or stay outside and watch Eidolon regain health
Ugh... At first i thought farming Eido ten times wasn't that bad, and even fun. But seriously, 50 times just to grab a cape option? By the time i'm done, i might just have lost interest in those costume parts
Ugh... At first i thought farming Eido ten times wasn't that bad, and even fun. But seriously, 50 times just to grab a cape option? By the time i'm done, i might just have lost interest in those costume parts
Not only does this disadvantage those that don't have the convenience to farm prime time due to circumstances, this also discourages those that can't or don't have these unlocked to begin with, if you're focusing on getting Costume unlocks, so where does this leave us? Neglected? Marginalized?
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
I thought the perk requirement change was seriously shady too. I mean I only just got the perk not long ago, and was just waiting to get the Champs Rec. This is like the definition of a bait and switch. To seriously be fair about it, the players that already have the costumes but not the new perk should have the costumes locked again until the new perk is unlocked. Otherwise the game is being seriously unfair to those that did other things besides grind Cosmics.
Or you guys could be actually fair, and change the requirement back. The Eido fight isn't fun, even if the elites take it on themselves to do secret OM unlock runs.
Ugh... At first i thought farming Eido ten times wasn't that bad, and even fun. But seriously, 50 times just to grab a cape option? By the time i'm done, i might just have lost interest in those costume parts
Not only does this disadvantage those that don't have the convenience to farm prime time due to circumstances, this also discourages those that can't or don't have these unlocked to begin with, if you're focusing on getting Costume unlocks, so where does this leave us? Neglected? Marginalized?
I know, right?
Eido is basically the only Cosmic i was really interested in. Ape? No costume options. Kiga? Unappealing costume options, and that demon head looks ridiculous. Dino? Unless i want to reroll a raptor, meh... Anyway, that change is not going to incentivize me a whole lot regarding Cosmic farming, i guess.
You are insulting your playerbase by not documentary every chance you are making and keeping things secret
EVERY SINGLE THING should be mentioned in patch notes
what upset me now is that I have to STUCK with the same character 50 EIDOLON RUNS in order to get access to costumes. Screw your needed roles as healer and tanks everyone, the game DEVs forced me to farm eidolon with only 1 character
What's next? 1000 cosmic perk kills?
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Fixed a bug where the Socrates action figure was bind on pickup.
Added Bit 01 and Bit 00 auras as potential drops to Cybermind.
Added Cybermind's Impression mod as a potential drop to Cybermind.
Added preview images to the Cybermind costumes.
Cybermind now has a normal scoreboard that takes into account damage and healing done through the entire alert. This should help with crediting issues.
good start
now if you could just add a column of light in the third phase when he starts that whole 'change color and go hulk' thing, since just changing color isn't enough as he's often blocked by heavy particle effects until he actually starts growing, at which point he starts throwing around massive damage hits and you may not make it to one of those upgrade columns in time
also, i don't know if it's possible in the engine, but if you can, please make it so the viral rain protection buff propogates to pets and other summons too
Bug Eidolon of Destruction Fight Green Orbs keep respawning after being killed. While orbs that were already killed do not explode, it causes confusion taking into account the huge range they spawn on making it hard to keep track of which were killed and which weren't.
Bug Eidolon of Destruction Fight
During 3rd Bar, Eidolon will spawn Geysers before the Green Orbs are taken down or explode. This is possibly caused due to the delay Green Orbs now have when spawning
Bug Eidolon of Destruction Fight During last bar, Eidolon will sometimes not spawn his orbs (both red or green) for no particular reason
Bug Eidolon of Destruction Fight During Red Orb phase, Eidolon will clear the "Red Orb Mezzed DoT", causing some ticks to be way lower than others while the debuff restacks. Suggestion: The debuff clear change was implemented to avoid Fire users accidentally waking up an orb when orbs spawned on players. Since this is no longer the case, this change could be reversed.
Hmm... had a possible report of someone not getting credit.... on my first run this week. He didn't say he didn't get credit, but he asked if there was a non-credit bug in zone immediately after we finished the alert.
Bug Eidolon of Destruction Fight During Red Orb phase, Eidolon will clear the "Red Orb Mezzed DoT", causing some ticks to be way lower than others while the debuff restacks.
That's not why some tics are lower than others. There's two tics, one is a flat value, one is a percentage of hp.
Bug Eidolon of Destruction Fight During Red Orb phase, Eidolon will clear the "Red Orb Mezzed DoT", causing some ticks to be way lower than others while the debuff restacks.
That's not why some tics are lower than others. There's two tics, one is a flat value, one is a percentage of hp.
Hmm... had a possible report of someone not getting credit.... on my first run this week. He didn't say he didn't get credit, but he asked if there was a non-credit bug in zone immediately after we finished the alert.
If we're talking Cybermind I had someone in my run this morning not get credit. It was strange, me and this other person basically took down Cybermind completely on our own as the rest of the team was taken out with the first rain. Then after a long long fight, everyone but the other person that stayed in the fight, got credit why they didn't. So on the one hand, some people were getting credit for completing the mission, but one of the two people who deserved the most credit didn't get any.
now if you could just add a column of light in the third phase when he starts that whole 'change color and go hulk' thing, since just changing color isn't enough as he's often blocked by heavy particle effects until he actually starts growing, at which point he starts throwing around massive damage hits and you may not make it to one of those upgrade columns in time[/quote]
While you wait and see if they change anything to make it easier...If you look at the target picture (Cybermind) he'll have a little buff icon of the color he'll be just before he changes. It made a world of difference for me. Hope this helps a little.
While you wait and see if they change anything to make it easier...If you look at the target picture (Cybermind) he'll have a little buff icon of the color he'll be just before he changes. It made a world of difference for me. Hope this helps a little.
Btw. The quote function blows.
The buff Icon takes around 5 seconds to appear on cybermind portrait, there is a big delay from when he already started changing form
Those 5 seconds are enough to get you killed if you are not fast enough, Its not reliable, its better to look directly on cybermind's body in order to react
By the time the Icon appears on the potrait, Cybermind Avatar is already HUGE and deals massive damage
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Okay, this is a new one to me, my internet connection died in the middle of the cybermind fight, and when I logged back in I was in the start/end zone with no way to get back into the fight.
Okay, this is a new one to me, my internet connection died in the middle of the cybermind fight, and when I logged back in I was in the start/end zone with no way to get back into the fight.
Edit: I still managed to get credit though!
Due to the limited spawn points in the alert's map, this is bound to happen
If you get disconected you will be locked in Dr.Silverback's room
its bad alert design
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Okay, this is a new one to me, my internet connection died in the middle of the cybermind fight, and when I logged back in I was in the start/end zone with no way to get back into the fight.
Edit: I still managed to get credit though!
Not a new bug, though getting credit is new. They could just put a teleporter in there, you aren't otherwise in there except for end of fight or cut scene.
Did not get credit on a run of Cybermind just now:
* did not die or respawn * scored 450,000 * did healing/damage/rezzing * did damage in every stage and mob fight * got reward circle at the end * no mission credit
It's possible that one of the bugs got fixed, IE the 0 mission score bug, but not the one that occasionally caused it to not count towards Vigilance when completed.
While you wait and see if they change anything to make it easier...If you look at the target picture (Cybermind) he'll have a little buff icon of the color he'll be just before he changes. It made a world of difference for me. Hope this helps a little.
Btw. The quote function blows.
The buff Icon takes around 5 seconds to appear on cybermind portrait, there is a big delay from when he already started changing form
Those 5 seconds are enough to get you killed if you are not fast enough, Its not reliable, its better to look directly on cybermind's body in order to react
By the time the Icon appears on the potrait, Cybermind Avatar is already HUGE and deals massive damage
I thought maybe you were mistaken...but, I went and ran a couple Cybermind's. And yup you were 100% correct. I haven't run it in a while and I guess they changed it .
I did notice something else that might help a little. When Cyber floats up he has a faint color of what his giant form will be. Not very clear but it is there.
There is a FnaF Fenny Animatronic in Vibora Bay's Arcade House now
Standing there, soulless
Do USE a Party Ball on him
Post edited by avianos on
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
While you wait and see if they change anything to make it easier...If you look at the target picture (Cybermind) he'll have a little buff icon of the color he'll be just before he changes. It made a world of difference for me. Hope this helps a little.
Btw. The quote function blows.
The buff Icon takes around 5 seconds to appear on cybermind portrait, there is a big delay from when he already started changing form
Those 5 seconds are enough to get you killed if you are not fast enough, Its not reliable, its better to look directly on cybermind's body in order to react
By the time the Icon appears on the potrait, Cybermind Avatar is already HUGE and deals massive damage
yeah, you know the problem with that? you cannot SEE his body if he is surrounded by heavy particle effects!
that's the whole POINT behind the request i made to have a colored column of light show up when he's about to start hulking out
Added Bit 01 and Bit 00 auras as potential drops to Cybermind.
The auras are EXTREMLY rare compared to Hi-Pan's Flames Aura, and they are BOUND ON CHARACTER instead of Account, are you kidding me?
Why do you keep doing those disgusting things!?
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Error in the description of Composure (in the part of increases dodge and avoidance scale with SS). Only avoidance scale with SS and dodge is always 16 %.
Perhaps I didn't make it clear, the Auras are Bound on Equip, they don't bound on pickup
Which means yet another NON account wide aura
Which means, you cannot give it another character if you find out you dislike it on the character you bound it
Edit: "A bit disappointed." Pun not actually intended, but I'll run with it.
I chuckled
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Character bound auras isn't a big deal, since you could still buy the aura in the AH (I sold the couple I got for 550 G each), or transfer a drop you got yourself.
Yes, it does mean that if a character concept changes, or if a character better suited to the aura is made later, you will be disappointed. That's true for gear, too. I have toons with full Legion gear that I no longer use, and that gear is a waste on them.
We've had character bound auras for a while, no? Aren't the ones that drop from TA/Cosmics character-bound? I use a couple of them (psionic, flames), but never really checked to see if BoE.
The fact you just accept the Bound on Character aura policy, in a character costumization driven and "Alt-friendly" game , just disgust me
Especially now that the updated Qzones' Open missions changed and makes it difficult to get the 10 perk requirements in order to buy the auras with specific characters
and Teleios Ascendant DOESN'T have auras
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
I forget where I got that psionic aura from--psionic back aura.
Must be from Q zone, then.
*goes on being disgusting*
Even if you are being sarcastic to piss me off
Qzone, Open Mission, Possible drop from Slug OM
and you are never doing proper research, and this alone is not funny
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Thank you very much for improving this alert, Slowly it become more stable and popular (wall immunity due to CC fix when?)
I should have got the Destroyer's Collar when I had the chance
Now they have plenty more things to do.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
so much for being an Altitis friendly game,
freaking hell, This was a good update until you decided to screw up and make endgame even more grindfest for costume enthusiasts
50 kills perk requirement is simply sadistic
Anyways, what used to give you "Treed the Fox"?
My characters
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
Eidolon of Destruction Fight
Green Orbs keep respawning after being killed. While orbs that were already killed do not explode, it causes confusion taking into account the huge range they spawn on making it hard to keep track of which were killed and which weren't.
Eidolon of Destruction Fight
During 3rd Bar, Eidolon will spawn Geysers before the Green Orbs are taken down or explode. This is possibly caused due to the delay Green Orbs now have when spawning
Eidolon of Destruction Fight
During last bar, Eidolon will sometimes not spawn his orbs (both red or green) for no particular reason
BugEidolon of Destruction Fight
During Red Orb phase, Eidolon will clear the "Red Orb Mezzed DoT", causing some ticks to be way lower than others while the debuff restacks.
Suggestion: The debuff clear change was implemented to avoid Fire users accidentally waking up an orb when orbs spawned on players.
Since this is no longer the case, this change could be reversed.
Eidolon of Destruction Fight
Green Orbs
Make them heal Eidolon more than they used to when exploding (they are healing him for way less now, they used to heal for 500k, make them heal him for like 800k each)
Remove the Full Arena AoE effect and make them only do huge damage within the boundaries of the new Circle FX
Give them a perception debuff that makes people not being able to target them UNLESS they are inside that circle
Turn it into a Sadistic Choice Mechanic :^) You either step in and risk getting blown up, or stay outside and watch Eidolon regain health
Ugh... At first i thought farming Eido ten times wasn't that bad, and even fun. But seriously, 50 times just to grab a cape option? By the time i'm done, i might just have lost interest in those costume parts
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
Or you guys could be actually fair, and change the requirement back. The Eido fight isn't fun, even if the elites take it on themselves to do secret OM unlock runs.
Eido is basically the only Cosmic i was really interested in. Ape? No costume options. Kiga? Unappealing costume options, and that demon head looks ridiculous. Dino? Unless i want to reroll a raptor, meh... Anyway, that change is not going to incentivize me a whole lot regarding Cosmic farming, i guess.
You are insulting your playerbase by not documentary every chance you are making and keeping things secret
EVERY SINGLE THING should be mentioned in patch notes
what upset me now is that I have to STUCK with the same character 50 EIDOLON RUNS in order to get access to costumes. Screw your needed roles as healer and tanks everyone, the game DEVs forced me to farm eidolon with only 1 character
What's next? 1000 cosmic perk kills?
good start
now if you could just add a column of light in the third phase when he starts that whole 'change color and go hulk' thing, since just changing color isn't enough as he's often blocked by heavy particle effects until he actually starts growing, at which point he starts throwing around massive damage hits and you may not make it to one of those upgrade columns in time
also, i don't know if it's possible in the engine, but if you can, please make it so the viral rain protection buff propogates to pets and other summons too
My characters
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
now if you could just add a column of light in the third phase when he starts that whole 'change color and go hulk' thing, since just changing color isn't enough as he's often blocked by heavy particle effects until he actually starts growing, at which point he starts throwing around massive damage hits and you may not make it to one of those upgrade columns in time[/quote]
While you wait and see if they change anything to make it easier...If you look at the target picture (Cybermind) he'll have a little buff icon of the color he'll be just before he changes. It made a world of difference for me. Hope this helps a little.
Btw. The quote function blows.
The buff Icon takes around 5 seconds to appear on cybermind portrait, there is a big delay from when he already started changing form
Those 5 seconds are enough to get you killed if you are not fast enough, Its not reliable, its better to look directly on cybermind's body in order to react
By the time the Icon appears on the potrait, Cybermind Avatar is already HUGE and deals massive damage
Edit: I still managed to get credit though!
If you get disconected you will be locked in Dr.Silverback's room
its bad alert design
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
My characters
* did not die or respawn
* scored 450,000
* did healing/damage/rezzing
* did damage in every stage and mob fight
* got reward circle at the end
* no mission credit
So, bug is still there in some form.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
My characters
I thought maybe you were mistaken...but, I went and ran a couple Cybermind's. And yup you were 100% correct. I haven't run it in a while and I guess they changed it
I did notice something else that might help a little. When Cyber floats up he has a faint color of what his giant form will be. Not very clear but it is there.
Standing there, soulless
Do USE a Party Ball on him
yeah, you know the problem with that? you cannot SEE his body if he is surrounded by heavy particle effects!
that's the whole POINT behind the request i made to have a colored column of light show up when he's about to start hulking out
The auras are EXTREMLY rare compared to Hi-Pan's Flames Aura, and they are BOUND ON CHARACTER instead of Account, are you kidding me?
Why do you keep doing those disgusting things!?
That said, I agree with them being rarer though. Hi Pan's Flames are too common.
Edit: "A bit disappointed." Pun not actually intended, but I'll run with it.
Which means yet another NON account wide aura
Which means, you cannot give it another character if you find out you dislike it on the character you bound it the reason Hi Pan's aura is so common is because the alert is short and people farm it for the eyes of the dragon for years
I have half filled bank with those auras
I chuckled
Yes, it does mean that if a character concept changes, or if a character better suited to the aura is made later, you will be disappointed. That's true for gear, too. I have toons with full Legion gear that I no longer use, and that gear is a waste on them.
We've had character bound auras for a while, no? Aren't the ones that drop from TA/Cosmics character-bound? I use a couple of them (psionic, flames), but never really checked to see if BoE.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Especially now that the updated Qzones' Open missions changed and makes it difficult to get the 10 perk requirements in order to buy the auras with specific characters
and Teleios Ascendant DOESN'T have auras
Must be from Q zone, then.
*goes on being disgusting*
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Qzone, Open Mission, Possible drop from Slug OM
and you are never doing proper research, and this alone is not funny