Well to be honest, I came to that conclusion by you saying you want UNITY to be more 'challenging'.
The rewards currently match the level of challenge offered by the missions. That's why I say - if we want them to be more rewarding, they need to also be more challenging. And no, I'll cut off your hyper-charged assumption machine right there; I mean more challenging than they are now, to justify better rewards. I don't know about your skill level but there aren't many people who need Unity missions to be as easy as they are right now to complete them.
In the future when you see me say that things should be more challenging, try to turn off the assumption machine and instead fire up the old memory to remember the time that I quoted myself like five times for you talking about how there are many different levels of difficulty
And I'm of the opinion they don't need to be anymore challenging than they already are. Just better written.
Of Course i personally couldn't care about the rewards and care about the devs building content that actually moves the story forward.
And I'm of the opinion they don't need to be anymore challenging than they already are. Just better written.
Of Course i personally couldn't care about the rewards and care about the devs building content that actually moves the story forward.
I think they should do both. After all, it'd be a shame if they gave those missions some really great story content but nobody cared because "Not enough rewards/time ratio!". Also, unless the story is "Super hero shows up and tramples ants with compelling story"...well, you know where I'm going with that
You did kind of scare off my fave chew toy Roar Of Olympus. I haven't forgiven you for that yet, that type of forgiveness will require several muffin baskets U_U
On topic all the devs need to do is have some sort of other carrot for doing Unity. Like say a decent amount of level 6 mods dropping in those missions. Its not hard getting them worth while again.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
You did kind of scare off my fave chew toy Roar Of Olympus. I haven't forgiven you for that yet, that type of forgiveness will require several muffin baskets U_U
On topic all the devs need to do is have some sort of other carrot for doing Unity. Like say a decent amount of level 6 mods dropping in those missions. Its not hard getting them worth while again.
I hear Roaro in zone chat every now and then. Apparently he's been trying market PvP.
Also... I would farm into oblivion anything that actually regularly dropped rank 6 mods.
On topic all the devs need to do is have some sort of other carrot for doing Unity.
This assumes the devs want to get more people to run UNITY -- and if they did, by far the easiest method would be to bump up the SCR award again. I'm guessing that, pending some sort of revamp, they're not really interested in adding incentives to run UNITY.
This assumes the devs want to get more people to run UNITY -- and if they did, by far the easiest method would be to bump up the SCR award again. I'm guessing that, pending some sort of revamp, they're not really interested in adding incentives to run UNITY.
Pretty much this. Why give people incentives to run what they know is bland, extremely easy content. People who are looking for that are already running it - if a lot of people aren't running it then that points to the need for improvement of the content more than it points to the need for better rewards.
I'd love to have new quests with new rewards, i hope that will be the case someday. and hopefully something with a little backstory that makes it interesting. not "bring me 4 cats lol".
I did not get to Level 40 before the price/reward changes, so my first impression of UNITY came afterwards. I was looking forward to it and did run probably a week's worth of "clear the daily board" before I ran out of steam. I don't think I've unlocked Unity 2 yet, though not sure how to be certain of that.
Anyway, pros:
- New content for level 40s - Clear the board unlocks daily missions that I really enjoyed, between unique locations, teaming up with signature heros, etc. These were the #1 thing I loved about UNITY
- There are a few too many generic missions you have to go through each day to get to the unique one - The rewards in terms of SCR per day are just not that great. After a while, it was just not worth the grind to unlock the unique daily mission vs. doing other content.
I'd like to see a bigger reward for the final daily mission and perhaps half the number of prerequisite missions per day. Would be great to see L40 UNITY Alerts that can count as prereq missions and give unique rewards
- There are a few too many generic missions you have to go through each day to get to the unique one - The rewards in terms of SCR per day are just not that great. After a while, it was just not worth the grind to unlock the unique daily mission vs. doing other content.
I'd like to see a bigger reward for the final daily mission and perhaps half the number of prerequisite missions per day. Would be great to see L40 UNITY Alerts that can count as prereq missions and give unique rewards
I also wish that there were less generic missions and more focus was on the unique one.
i dont look at difficuly, i look at time invested... you can do 3 rad rumbles in about 10 min for 5 SCR, same with smash and custom alerts... a little longer for grabs... how much time do you spend on unity missions... including travel? how much do you get in return?
i dont look at difficuly, i look at time invested... you can do 3 rad rumbles in about 10 min for 5 SCR, same with smash and custom alerts... a little longer for grabs... how much time do you spend on unity missions... including travel? how much do you get in return?
On average? I finish Unity 1 in about 20 minutes, start to finish, all travel time included for about 10-12 SCR.
Hmmm so looking at the big picture. Does this mean that Unity underpays or the other stuff over pays?
I'm thinking the first one. But only because of the price change. If not for the price change I'd say the other stuff over pays.
Unity pays an amount that is equal to the time/effort required to complete it. Yes, you might spend some time flying around zones to get to your destination, but holding W after you've pointed yourself at the quest marker doesn't really add a lot of effort.
Hmmm so looking at the big picture. Does this mean that Unity underpays or the other stuff over pays?
I'm thinking the first one. But only because of the price change. If not for the price change I'd say the other stuff over pays.
Unity pays an amount that is equal to the time/effort required to complete it. Yes, you might spend some time flying around zones to get to your destination, but holding W after you've pointed yourself at the quest marker doesn't really add a lot of effort.
Honestly, I think the problem is UNITY's rewards are trickled in over time rather than it being a significant payout at the end. It's a psychological thing. People preferring the big pay out over a small pay over time leading up to being equal to the big pay at the end. 1 or 3 SCR per mission you complete in a UNITY set doesn't look like a lot until it's been added up at the end of the entire run, as opposed to the 3 Alert Daily/Single Custom Alert Daily which reward 5 SCR after it's all been cleared.
Now, another thing wrong with UNITY's rewards is that others have additional rewards added to them. Alert Dailies, AP/Comics, Rampages all have Questionite with their SCR reward, TA and Cosmics primarily have GCR as additional rewards. UNITY itself has... well, nothing really. Any resources you get don't compare, you get no extra Questionite from doing UNITY, you might get the occasional R5 mod, or a Purple Quality Lv40 Secondary... but you can get those from murdering Lv40 mobs naturally anyway. The chance for an additional SCR on killing UNITY mobs isn't even worth justifying trying to clear out each and every instance, so it's actually much more efficient to focus on only clearing objectives since all you will really be rewarded is the SCR from the mission.
So...the way I see it, the problem with UNITY isn't the SCR reward itself, but how it's being given which has a psychologically different effect than other sources, and the lack of additional rewards like Questionite that other SCR sources have.
I mean, there's also the fact that UNITY is old and nail-grindingly boring... but that has nothing to do with rewards.
Hmmm so looking at the big picture. Does this mean that Unity underpays or the other stuff over pays?
I'm thinking the first one. But only because of the price change. If not for the price change I'd say the other stuff over pays.
Unity pays an amount that is equal to the time/effort required to complete it. Yes, you might spend some time flying around zones to get to your destination, but holding W after you've pointed yourself at the quest marker doesn't really add a lot of effort.
Why hold w? CO is a game where the auto travel feature is great. Tap R then watch my character fly towards the destination. I really should try these sometime...
I mean, there's also the fact that UNITY is old and nail-grindingly boring... but that has nothing to do with rewards.
Well it does, because our current dev team recognizes that rewards need to match what you do to get them. It's simply a reality now that if we want better rewards, they're going to be paired with a greater investment on our part.
It also has to do with it because if you're arguing that the missions need better rewards in order to motivate people to do them, then you also need to figure out a reason for why the devs would want to motivate players to do those missions. If the missions are old and nail-grindingly boring why would anyone in their right mind want to motivate players to do them more often? We don't need to motivate players to do everything in the game just for the sake of being able to say that all content is actively participated in... if anything, it seems a bit deceptive to push players into boring content just to make it look active.
I stopped doing them the moment they friggin' QUINTUPLED the price of Silver gear. Completely not worth it now. Like many others I just go buy blue Merc gear and call it a day. Not sure what Cryptic expected to accomplish with that price increase except to force people into grinding content, which was a fail.
I stopped doing them the moment they friggin' QUINTUPLED the price of Silver gear. Completely not worth it now. Like many others I just go buy blue Merc gear and call it a day. Not sure what Cryptic expected to accomplish with that price increase except to force people into grinding content, which was a fail.
To those of us who know what they were trying to accomplish it is evident that they succeeded.
It's fine though, just keep repeating this to yourself: All content is optional, only play what's fun.
Spinny, you already got what you wanted, so the change doesn't affect you... I found out about the unity missions about 6 weeks before the change...
Not really. I want the Unity missions overhauled to be better missions. Still waiting for that.
If you mean heroic gear - use Merc, same thing. Keep in mind that all the fabulous new rewards for SCR were not available before the Unity rewards were reduced. We all learned about the new rewards and the reward reduction at the same time, so we all had the same opportunity to farm SCR with the old reward amounts before the changes went live - 6 weeks meant you discovered Unity before the changes were announced. You had the same opportunities I did in this regard. I sure as heck didn't farm SCR en masse before the new rewards were announced because there was nothing to get with them.
Not really. The Merc offensive slot gloves lack offense (what?) and the merc stuff is weaker overall. The only real upside to merc over heroic is that merc gear can be obtained right at 40 by grinding enough smashes to buy it off the exchange. Provided the piece with the stats you want is up, of course...
(Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
Not really. The Merc offensive slot gloves lack offense (what?) and the merc stuff is weaker overall. The only real upside to merc over heroic is that merc gear can be obtained right at 40 by grinding enough smashes to buy it off the exchange. Provided the piece with the stats you want is up, of course...
Or by running the lairs where that gear drops. I know, shocking idea... running lairs to acquire gear in an mmo.
Trust me when I tell you this: Mercenary gear is a perfectly fine replacement for Heroic Gear. You don't need Heroic, stop trying to get it.
I've realized you pretty much just have to ignore what it says. Seldom does it have anything useful to say--like in this case, it doesn't seem to understand that different people have different ways they like to play a game. It should be fine with that, but it isn't for whatever reason.
(Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Of Course i personally couldn't care about the rewards and care about the devs building content that actually moves the story forward.
I am truly unstoppable.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
On topic all the devs need to do is have some sort of other carrot for doing Unity. Like say a decent amount of level 6 mods dropping in those missions. Its not hard getting them worth while again.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Also... I would farm into oblivion anything that actually regularly dropped rank 6 mods.
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Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Epic Stronghold
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My super cool CC build and how to use it.
and hopefully something with a little backstory that makes it interesting. not "bring me 4 cats lol".
Anyway, pros:
- New content for level 40s
- Clear the board unlocks daily missions that I really enjoyed, between unique locations, teaming up with signature heros, etc. These were the #1 thing I loved about UNITY
- There are a few too many generic missions you have to go through each day to get to the unique one
- The rewards in terms of SCR per day are just not that great. After a while, it was just not worth the grind to unlock the unique daily mission vs. doing other content.
I'd like to see a bigger reward for the final daily mission and perhaps half the number of prerequisite missions per day.
Would be great to see L40 UNITY Alerts that can count as prereq missions and give unique rewards
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
I'm thinking the first one. But only because of the price change. If not for the price change I'd say the other stuff over pays.
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On average? I finish Unity 1 in about 20 minutes, start to finish, all travel time included for about 10-12 SCR.
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Honestly, I think the problem is UNITY's rewards are trickled in over time rather than it being a significant payout at the end. It's a psychological thing. People preferring the big pay out over a small pay over time leading up to being equal to the big pay at the end. 1 or 3 SCR per mission you complete in a UNITY set doesn't look like a lot until it's been added up at the end of the entire run, as opposed to the 3 Alert Daily/Single Custom Alert Daily which reward 5 SCR after it's all been cleared.
Now, another thing wrong with UNITY's rewards is that others have additional rewards added to them. Alert Dailies, AP/Comics, Rampages all have Questionite with their SCR reward, TA and Cosmics primarily have GCR as additional rewards. UNITY itself has... well, nothing really. Any resources you get don't compare, you get no extra Questionite from doing UNITY, you might get the occasional R5 mod, or a Purple Quality Lv40 Secondary... but you can get those from murdering Lv40 mobs naturally anyway. The chance for an additional SCR on killing UNITY mobs isn't even worth justifying trying to clear out each and every instance, so it's actually much more efficient to focus on only clearing objectives since all you will really be rewarded is the SCR from the mission.
So...the way I see it, the problem with UNITY isn't the SCR reward itself, but how it's being given which has a psychologically different effect than other sources, and the lack of additional rewards like Questionite that other SCR sources have.
I mean, there's also the fact that UNITY is old and nail-grindingly boring... but that has nothing to do with rewards.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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It also has to do with it because if you're arguing that the missions need better rewards in order to motivate people to do them, then you also need to figure out a reason for why the devs would want to motivate players to do those missions. If the missions are old and nail-grindingly boring why would anyone in their right mind want to motivate players to do them more often? We don't need to motivate players to do everything in the game just for the sake of being able to say that all content is actively participated in... if anything, it seems a bit deceptive to push players into boring content just to make it look active.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
It's fine though, just keep repeating this to yourself: All content is optional, only play what's fun.
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S'borin' m'kay?
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If you mean heroic gear - use Merc, same thing. Keep in mind that all the fabulous new rewards for SCR were not available before the Unity rewards were reduced. We all learned about the new rewards and the reward reduction at the same time, so we all had the same opportunity to farm SCR with the old reward amounts before the changes went live - 6 weeks meant you discovered Unity before the changes were announced. You had the same opportunities I did in this regard. I sure as heck didn't farm SCR en masse before the new rewards were announced because there was nothing to get with them.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Yes, I use one....
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Trust me when I tell you this: Mercenary gear is a perfectly fine replacement for Heroic Gear. You don't need Heroic, stop trying to get it.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.