Rocker Lockbox
Added Glider vehicles to the Drifter, PTS and Questionite stores.
New Vehicle Power: Sonic Boom
Deals Sonic Damage in a cone in front of you and Disorients enemies.
New Ultimate Power: Power Chord
This power has been added to the PTS store.
25ft pbaoe ranged damage sonic maintained attack.
Deals escalating sonic damage and stacks the Rocking Out buff on you, which increases your damage for 10 seconds.
When you stop maintaining knocks back all enemies and disorients them.
This power is available in Might shared and uses your heavy weapon.
Known issues: The sound on this power occasionally cuts out halfway through the maintain.
The cost of this power is set a bit high.Costumes
Sparkle hair can now be set to glow.
Fixed a bug where Totemic Helmet was requiring the wrong Subzero Servant mission.
Added collector tickets to the PTS store.
Please format any bugs you find in the following format:
Where it happens
What happens
Please stay on topic in this PTS thread. We use bug reports from this thread to decide whether a PTS build is ready to go live, and so we need to make sure we're seeing everything in it. Please do discuss the changes, but if you find yourself writing about something that isn't specific to what's on PTS, then that should probably go here: Posts that do not pertain to the current PTS patch will be removed.
These player & moderator maintained threads are checked weekly by the development team.
Yay new sonic power. But 2 of the sonic powers are now ultimates, so you can't use both =(. Sadness.
"Added new Warp items to: Fighting Dojo, Arcana Bookstore, Mutations Lab, Inventions Lab, Enchanted Foundry and MCPD Armory."
As far as I know, several of those were closed and aren't available to go into. Are they open again, then? Or are these teleporters the only way to get into them?
This sounds incredible Sexy
Crescendo is getting complety revamped and gonna swap Unleashed Rage with it
They have been added 3 weeks ago, but DEVs forgot to add them into the patch notes :P
You can visit them Live right now
Make the Rocking Out buff (partly?) apply to other players in your team.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Also I don't think a maintain is a good idea for an ultimate. In the higher difficulty content there are a huge number of knocks, stuns, or stuff you need to suddenly block. The click or charge ultimates (usually) just go on cooldown when they apply their full effect. But testing Power Chord against the event mobs I was able to fully maintain it about 10% of the time, the rest I was interupted by some knock or stun during the maintain.
Put it back in the Drifter Store as it was originally from there and was never meant to be in a lockbox.
Can you make it so that using powerscancelallactivations or blocking to interrupt the power use allow the animation and sound to be played throughout without putting the power on cooldown? Like how Unleashed Rage used to play without making it go off by blocking.
I think I'm in Love
Also Music Notes Aura WHEN!?
as in i got it unlocked on one toon, they could use it fine and dandy, went to test it on another toon, they couldn't take the power nor buy the unlock for said power.
Member of Paragon Dawn: Because some people like friendly helpful communities.
Yeah some things are broken... no I don't use/abuse them.. where would be the fun in that?
Need more sonic powers for Sonata...
No im too obsessed with my character Crescendo to let this go
Maybe Sonatina and Vespers can take usage of them too
Suggestion: Music Notes Aura I would like to endorse this idea, because it leverages the developmental effort you already put into the graphics itself, while creating a new Zen Store product or value to subscriptions with minimal incremental investment. Moreover, you actually already created the demand with the addition of the hard-rocking Vehicles, Vehicle Mods, Powers and Ultimate Powers.
Hahahaha~ha, those are some fancy 5-dollar words, but srsly, this is a good suggestion, max impact for minimal investment.
Suggestion: All-American Glider
You probably had this idea since you're planning ahead, but a Red, White & Blue Glider for July 4th event pls.
More action at Champions Online Comics @
42 40s, LTSer.
Power Chord + Imaginary Heavy Weapons = Ultimate Air Guitar!
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
42 40s, LTSer.
Possible fix: Have the orbs give immunity, not healing. Or, make the deactivation time for each orb much longer so it is worth while to deactivate the orbs.
Suggestion: Please add a roar sound effect or something menacing to the nightmare colossus. I think Teleiosaurus' roar would work nicely.
There may already be a sound effect, but if so I didn't hear it.
Member of Paragon Dawn: Because some people like friendly helpful communities.
Yeah some things are broken... no I don't use/abuse them.. where would be the fun in that?
With invulnerability, you will just have a pause as if to say, "Hey, don't forget those orbs. Can't win without doing those". The downside maybe that you'll see a surge of everyone running from the Colossus to the orbs to the colossus to the orbs, ad infinitum. I don't know how that works performance wise to have 30 players doing that at once. However, it could just work out that you have a dedicated team focusing on the orbs.
Suggestion: Can we have an Advantage which stacks the Rocking Out buff on allies in the area of effect? Maybe a 2 or 3 point one depending on how powerful the buff actually is.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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Turning the Ultimate into Optional Team Buff!
I like this suggestion +1
Also, previous suggestions have been similar, with giving Power Chord a bard-like advantage between 2-3 advantage points.
I personally like the sound of applying an "Inspired" buff to allies, making for a cute homage to bards in tabletop games. This could be a lesser version of whatever the finished Power Chord ends up with.
PS - this power looks sweeeeeeeet~!
[Daily Login Rewards] - They sure would spice things up a bit!
[Monthly Rewards and Silver Players] - Surely there should be some way to get them, no matter how difficult!
[Discussion Concerning Event Powers] - Feel like you're missing out on Holy Water? Uh, probably shouldn't.
[Discussion Concerning Energy Stats] - More or less what it says on the tin, there.
[Analysis of Sorcery Copy-Powers] - I showcase some visual chopjobs, and such.
[Analysis of a Poison Spread Bug] - The different interactions Virulent Propagation and Bite has with all poisons.
Its not that great a buff as its on par with increasing your total damage as if it was only one rank higher for the full ten stacks. It doesn't stack at all. So at best it could be 2 or maybe even worth 1 point.
Overall, it has atrocious synergy with Might, but it's a fine power in its own right.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
same stance, same steering, fly flat and you can fly backwards on them
BUG: Light streaks aura
you choose a colour and it uses the colour below that.
BUG: Rock crystal aura
you choose a colour and it does the one 3 up from it.
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BOne spikes long are on chest and back
Nocturne aura- another burnt toast aura. You need light colours for it to show, Is there meant to be any aura around the person or just on the costume?
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notice your black tshirt shows no change
red it shows on, blue up to medium.
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Are the new tokens from the missions just a test, that it only gives you one per mission, where the costumes themselves cost 100 each? Cuz to me that seems a little bit steep for players who are unable to cope with "Grind"
Just my thoughts, but does anyone else but me and "someone else" share the same feelings, about this kind of grind?
Also chuold someone care to point me to a comment I may of missed along the lines "PTS Only, its subject to change"
Thank You
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Sonic Boom weapons on gliders cause your character to animate as if using a breath attack. The Sonic Boom is coming from the vehicle, not the character.
This will be really off-putting for non-sonic, non-rocker heroes that use these vehicles.
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Suggestion #1: Innately allow this ability's maintain to apply perpetual interrupts (perhaps per tick of damage?) to the following rank of targets Henchmen, Villain, Enforcer, Master Villain & Player Rank, within range. This would allow a player to maintain the power without fear of being knocked or CC'd during the maintain.
Suggestion #2: Force this ability to go into cooldown once it has been FULLY maintained by the player. Perhaps make it a forced maintain?
Suggestion #3: Turn this Ultimate into a TOGGLE which works in a similar fashion to Power Armor slots, so that whilst it locks out everything else, if you are knocked it will still function/fire off.
If those aren't good enough...
Suggestion #4: Grant this ability the Fury of the Dragon treatment and make it immune to Crowd Control for the duration of the maintain. Extend this immunity to Knocks as well.
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I am @RavenForce in game
What happens if this weapon ends up on another vehicle?
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I am @RavenForce in game