Healers need ascension to heal large groups of people in rampage or something else so do not remove the heal part you can remove the damage part instead
Problem with mental storm which I'm sure you noticed is, It doesn't get it's cooldown reduced at all as you rank it. This seems like a bug which just needs fixing.
The reason why Mental Storm never got the "Base Cooldown is Reduced as you rank up" effect that SoD and ML have is because it was a decently powerful ability and was already adjusted when it came out of the PTS (it was actually the only ability bar, Mind Break from New Telepathy that actually made it to LIVE in a WAI state back in 2013, the rest were broken AF, some still are.).
Now it has been nerfed to match AN opinion of where it should be rather than allowing for a powerful ability to be within a struggling set. This has occured without any sensible reason provided as to why it was nerfed.
Can someone point a few things out to me?, that be great!
TP Nerf: So what kind of Nerf did this get?, I can see that Mental Storm, got a Nerf, but it don't really bother me as I HATE that power with a passion. What I want to kown about is this Man-MIP Nerf, if you can call it that, any one with good math, tell me if this is really bad or "Meh". (I am waiting on doing my PSI build, due to the fact that Mind Control still bugs, and no sound, but should I wait even Longer now?)
Note: This qeastion is mostly aimed at Raven-Force, due to she knows alot about TP (Somehow...)
Current Telepathy Nerfs:
1) Mental Storm's damage was reduced by around half, if not more so to the point where Shadow of Doubt deals more damage than it does. - No real reason provided as to why this has been done.
2) Ego Sleep's ability to bypass blocking has been removed. - Due to naysayers crying about this power's unique effect which has been there since BETA. The power Ego Sleep has always had 1 Hold HP as a trade off for being able to penetrate blocking mechanics and was quite useful against enemies which utilize blocking mechanics.
3) Manipulator's duration has been reduced from 1 minute per stack to 20 seconds. This was done to "bring it in line with other form powers". It should be noted that not everyone using Manipulator makes use of PBAoE CC abilities. Manipulator's stacks lasting 1 minute per stack was implemented on purpose as it was said that it was more difficult to properly stack and use CC abilities in normal combat situations, due to cooldowns that CC powers have. Whilst in some cases this remains true, Manipulator was adjusted somewhat so that CC attempts also count towards stacking the form power. In the end, Manipulator's duration per stack is apparently so game breaking that it needed to be adjusted. I personally would have preferred for all stacks of all form powers to last 1 minute instead. At least in that way, everyone is on an equal level after overly long cut scenes and not just "Crowd Controllers". Overall this change just means that Manipulator users will have to watch their stacks and get used to the nerfed duration.
4) Mind Control ability on LIVE is a Hot Mess as far as I am concerned, it was dealt with poorly which seems to be the trend when it comes to Telepathy powers, so I was not too surprised when 99% of the feedback on Mind Control was flatly ignored. The power has zero innate effect on the new classification of higher level targets (which is specifically capped for this ability, hence why it is so bad), namely: Enforcer, Master Villain, Player, Super Villain, Legendary & Cosmic. I never expected it to have a mind controlling effect on Players & up, but it's current iteration is stupid and a waste of time.
Thank you, love..
MS, I can fully pass off, as something I don't really care about, but a reason for why it was Nerfed will be nice. as for Ego Sleep, I had no idea that was a thing, that it chuold go tought Blocks, as I don't use Ego Sleep.
However for ManIP, Hopefully with the enough feedback, this will get a bit of a Buff, along with it, tho being more careful with stacks and such, I can't see much of a big deal. Tho I chuold be wrong
As for Mind Control, I can't agree more, Mind Control is such a Hot Mess, it makes me cringe, why they Ignored our feedback, is byound me, but its PWE, so there is no real srupise there, however I don't expect being able to control Players, as that whuold be impossible to do and very abusive.
However this Power really does need Cleaning up, and fixed, with its Sound bug, and god knows what else, I'll won't be holding my Breath, but if they don't get this fixed, then there is going to be alot of dispinted people, as the Magic Nerf, seems to have really shaken the Nest.
So, all in all, Lets see what PWE can come up with.
Magic Nerfs: So, chuold someone point this out to me why, everyone is unhappy about the Magic Nerf, of the set?, I never liked the Magic powers to begin with, due to our weak they are, and the fact they are all Debuff powers.
For me its because how Lackluster the Sorcery Fremework(s), if you exclude the Different Auras, Circles and pets, there is almost no Variety on Attacks,
Eldritch Bolts (Energy Builder)
Eldtrich Blast (Single Target)
Scarn's Bane (AoE)
Pillar of Poz (AoE and Knock-spammer, I hate that Attack)
Hex of Suffering (Crowd Control)
Binding of Aratron (Crowd Control)
if you want to focus on Magical Damage you only can pick Eldtrich Blast and Scarn's Bane and that's it, its not like not to mention, there are problems with many of the Sorcery attacks which fail to Synergy with each other (Eldtrich Blast's Sorcerer's Whim, WHY exactly this power doesn't work on Rooted enemies? Root is the main Crowd Control of Sorcery)
and speaking of CC and Sorcery, Scarn's Bane Warlock's Malice and Rank 2 Hex of Suffering with Rune of Lethargy ADV still hasn't been fixed to trigger Manipulator
Scarn's Bane had an Unique effect which is now gettting Replaced with a Useless one (and Ao'Qephoth still hasn't been DELETED from the game)
Hum, I can't disaggre here, Mystical set has been very Lackluster framework, not including the Auras it can do , I tryed making a DPS Magic toon, but its almost Impossible, as all the powers are Support.
Like you said Aviados, there seems to be alot less attacks, then there is of Buffs/Auras and Pets. So I can feel your pain, but as I given up on building magic toons besides for RP purposes, I can understand that.
As for AO'Q, yeah he needs to be removed, or nerfed. I mean no offence to the person who made it, Its a great design of the Mob itself, but the powers, Yeahhhh. NOPE.
Tho who ever made it, I can bet he or she is laughing her **** of right now
I tried making a Magic DPS, I picked Shadow form as passive and Eldtrich Blast, Hex of Suffering and Skarn's Bane, it had output actually but the Scarn Bane is really Energy Hungry
Here is the kicker, Sorcery doesn't even have an Energy Unlock, so I was stucked with MSA again (Circle of Arcane Power is not an option for me)
a Sorcery revamp with an EU and other powers would be nice...
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
It doesn't need that at all. Minigun does both a particle and a crushing resistance debuff. So minigun by itself debuffs the resistance against the damage type of any PA attack. So your assumption is just not correct, just look at the description of the power. And if your damage tests show the minigun adv isn't doing a resistance debuff for either of the damage types, that is a bug, so report it as one.
Sorry, in this case i was relying on their patch note description to be accurate. (i read chest beam and minigun debuff particle and crushing as the first one debuffs particle and the second one debuffs crushing).
Regardless, being a general debuff was also useful for benefiting other characters you were teamed with.
And I have to agree with the person who commented earlier, that when you have to change damage types to nonsensical things, you're probably doing something wrong.
- Celestial Cleansing's buff dispel has been replaced with a damage debuff. This was done due to issues the buff dispel was causing.
This is wrong. Cleanse was the only power in the game that could remove the placate from Smoke nade and I used this power all the time to fight Night warriors. It was originally created to be a counter to debuffs. If PWE is changing this then what's the balance now for removing debuffs?
Based on some quick PTS testing, it doesn't seem like Celestial Cleansing's "friendly target" effects were changed; just the "enemy target" effects. It still dispels Escape Artist's placate when you use it on yourself.
I just want to point out (which I've mentioned before) that Ascension was originally just the damage, healing bonus, and flight. The burst of AoE healing was added in as compensation when they made Nailed To The Ground able to cancel Ascension's flight, because cancelling the flight currently cancels the rest of the buff.
Um... you have no idea what you're talking about. Ascension has had a burst of AoE healing, and been immune to NTTG, for years.
2) Ego Sleep's ability to bypass blocking has been removed. - Due to naysayers crying about this power's unique effect which has been there since BETA. The power Ego Sleep has always had 1 Hold HP as a trade off for being able to penetrate blocking mechanics and was quite useful against enemies which utilize blocking mechanics.
There is already a mechanic that is for penetrating block and it's called Crippling Advantage. As a telepathy power, ego sleep is innately a debuffer (disorient). With advantages, you can add to it's debuffing abilities and used with other telepathy powers that have snergy with it (aka Ego blast) can buff your damage (when that advantage is taken).
I think this change is more for people who use Ego Sleep not as "Telepathy users", but people just picking it up because it is more cost effective than crippling advantage and gives people who do not invest in holds a strong hold that allows them to spike people to death.
2) Ego Sleep's ability to bypass blocking has been removed. - Due to naysayers crying about this power's unique effect which has been there since BETA. The power Ego Sleep has always had 1 Hold HP as a trade off for being able to penetrate blocking mechanics and was quite useful against enemies which utilize blocking mechanics.
There is already a mechanic that is for penetrating block and it's called Crippling Advantage. As a telepathy power, ego sleep is innately a debuffer (disorient). With advantages, you can add to it's debuffing abilities and used with other telepathy powers that have snergy with it (aka Ego blast) can buff your damage (when that advantage is taken).
I think this change is more for people who use Ego Sleep not as "Telepathy users", but people just picking it up because it is more cost effective than crippling advantage and gives people who do not invest in holds a strong hold that allows them to spike people to death.
Device Changes - Lowered the cooldown for numerous summon legacy devices. Lowered duration of some legacy summon devices.
Bye Bye Dinos. lol
But you see, that literally took away a big part of what made Ego Sleep a player in CC. First and foremost, it's a CC power(not anymore with these changes ). And while you can grab the damage advantage, that is not a debuff. That's more damage, and as such does not add anything to it's CC ability and usefulness to someone who wants a pure CC toon.
Buffing everything to stupid high levels and nerfing everything to piss poor levels yields the same results, but not the same community reactions.
But you see, that literally took away a big part of what made Ego Sleep a player in CC. First and foremost, it's a CC power(not anymore with these changes ). And while you can grab the damage advantage, that is not a debuff. That's more damage, and as such does not add anything to it's CC ability and usefulness to someone who wants a pure CC toon.
Ego Sleep innately (without any advantages or upgrades) debuffs. When sleep breaks, the target becomes disoriented which causes them to deal less damage and move slower. With Advantages, Ego Sleep gains more debuffing abilities through Nailed to the ground which cancels out travel powers and Plagued by Nightmares which applies fear to target when they wake up. (Fear is also a debuff that reduces the amount of damage a target deals for those who do not know)
If you want Ego Sleep to have a block breaking mechanic, maybe Crippling Advantage could be added as an advantage possibility for this power (as long as the other advantages are not taken away). That would make the functionality possible if someone wanted to invest the appropriate amount for it.
Out of ALL the next to pointless debuffs that Skarn's Bane now applies, it has NOTHING which applies a magic damage resistance debuff.
In the event that the Development Team (or whoever made this change) do want to make Skarn's Bane useful, please see the multiple suggestions made on this thread by the players who actually use the power on a regular basis.
Ego Sleep innately (without any advantages or upgrades) debuffs. When sleep breaks, the target becomes disoriented which causes them to deal less damage and move slower. With Advantages, Ego Sleep gains more debuffing abilities through Nailed to the ground which cancels out travel powers and Plagued by Nightmares which applies fear to target when they wake up. (Fear is also a debuff that reduces the amount of damage a target deals for those who do not know)
If you want Ego Sleep to have a block breaking mechanic, maybe Crippling Advantage could be added as an advantage possibility for this power (as long as the other advantages are not taken away). That would make the functionality possible if someone wanted to invest the appropriate amount for it.
Ego Sleep, from the first time it was created, could always bypass blocking mechanics. As a trade off for this, it was made uniquely different from every other form of Crowd Control in Champions Online that players had access to.
To give you an idea of what this is equal to...NPC Disable CC power.
Disable effects from Supreme Serpent, Serpent Mages, SS Botono's and Baron Cimitre ALL BYPASS BLOCKING MECHANICS. Without the application of Crippling Challenge.
As a result our Ego Sleep mechanics are sort of like their disable abilities, minus the inflated hold HP (since their disables count as a special condition paralyze so it has hold HP, where as Ego Sleep has 1 Hold HP and is cancelled immediately by non ML/SoD/MS/ES damage)
Adding Crippling Challenge to Ego Sleep would be a very backwards move. Why?
In PvE situations where powers matter more, most enemies do not actually block. Higher rank enemies who do block would then be aggro'd onto a controller because they are using the nerfed and CC advantaged Ego Sleep.
Previously, Ego Sleep was fine as it is. If real effort was put into finding a decent solution? Who ever made this change would have done this:
Ego Sleep bypasses blocking on: Players & Super Villains IF Manipulator Form + Rank 3 Ego Sleep.
Ego Sleep has no effect on blocking IF: Player & SV Rank and NO Manipulator Form w/ Rank 3 Ego Sleep.
Ego Sleep has no effect on blocking on: Legendary & Cosmic Rank foes. EVER.
^ That would be a decent change. The power would retain functionality but would require investment to use against player rank foes and above (to SV only).
Ego Sleep innately (without any advantages or upgrades) debuffs. When sleep breaks, the target becomes disoriented which causes them to deal less damage and move slower. With Advantages, Ego Sleep gains more debuffing abilities through Nailed to the ground which cancels out travel powers and Plagued by Nightmares which applies fear to target when they wake up. (Fear is also a debuff that reduces the amount of damage a target deals for those who do not know)
If you want Ego Sleep to have a block breaking mechanic, maybe Crippling Advantage could be added as an advantage possibility for this power (as long as the other advantages are not taken away). That would make the functionality possible if someone wanted to invest the appropriate amount for it.
Ego Sleep, from the first time it was created, could always bypass blocking mechanics. As a trade off for this, it was made uniquely different from every other form of Crowd Control in Champions Online that players had access to.
To give you an idea of what this is equal to...NPC Disable CC power.
Disable effects from Supreme Serpent, Serpent Mages, SS Botono's and Baron Cimitre ALL BYPASS BLOCKING MECHANICS. Without the application of Crippling Challenge.
As a result our Ego Sleep mechanics are sort of like their disable abilities, minus the inflated hold HP (since their disables count as a special condition paralyze so it has hold HP, where as Ego Sleep has 1 Hold HP and is cancelled immediately by non ML/SoD/MS/ES damage)
Adding Crippling Challenge to Ego Sleep would be a very backwards move. Why?
In PvE situations where powers matter more, most enemies do not actually block. Higher rank enemies who do block would then be aggro'd onto a controller because they are using the nerfed and CC advantaged Ego Sleep.
Previously, Ego Sleep was fine as it is. If real effort was put into finding a decent solution? Who ever made this change would have done this:
Ego Sleep bypasses blocking on: Players & Super Villains IF Manipulator Form + Rank 3 Ego Sleep.
Ego Sleep has no effect on blocking IF: Player & SV Rank and NO Manipulator Form w/ Rank 3 Ego Sleep.
Ego Sleep has no effect on blocking on: Legendary & Cosmic Rank foes. EVER.
^ That would be a decent change. The power would retain functionality but would require investment to use against player rank foes and above (to SV only).
Huh, never thought about Baron/other CC that goes through block. I stand by my post as well, and agree with you Raven.
Buffing everything to stupid high levels and nerfing everything to piss poor levels yields the same results, but not the same community reactions.
Ego Sleep, from the first time it was created, could always bypass blocking mechanics.
Even if Ego Sleep has had that functionality since it was created doesn't mean that it was working as intended. Or maybe the game environment as changed in such a way that this power needs to change. As a Mind AT user myself, I really don't see this change adversely effecting me at all and I use Ego Sleep all the time. Like I said, this change seems to be targeting people using this power as an easy out and I am all for this change. Ego Sleep is different in quite a few different ways, but I really don't have time to get into all this right now.
Nice suggestions on how they could make investment in ego sleep a factor, but people's investment in block hasn't been made a factor either. If they are just looking for a general change then I am all for them keeping their change to ego sleep as is.
Even if Ego Sleep has had that functionality since it was created doesn't mean that it was working as intended.
That is somewhat problematic as a statement. I say that because that function of Ego Sleep managed to survive Beta and then when CO was officially launched...and then it survived F2P...and then it survived The Mass CC Nerf (aka On Alert, which decimated Maintained Paralyzes).
That baked in function is/was part of the ability as a "Sleep" power/ class of ability.
Not even enemies who use Ego Sleep (or their variation of it) have that kind of power. Since theirs is a paralyze with sleep emoting.
If it truly was not intended to be there, it would have been taken out a long time ago. Now isn't the only time CO players test things in PvP scenarios.
Or maybe the game environment as changed in such a way that this power needs to change. As a Mind AT user myself, I really don't see this change adversely effecting me at all and I use Ego Sleep all the time. Like I said, this change seems to be targeting people using this power as an easy out and I am all for this change. Ego Sleep is different in quite a few different ways, but I really don't have time to get into all this right now.
Game environment has changed, but not to the point where Ego Sleep's block breaking is OP. It is just that, in a similar fashion to what prompted the Maintained Paralyze nerf, people are crying about it's effects in PvP and as a result of this, a CC power and the parent set suffer yet again because of PvP. No one can tell me otherwise, because they'd be BSing. The first round of nerfs on maintained paralyzes happened because of PvP and now so has this.
I know what this change was targeting and to a degree, I respect that but if you think about it, things are not going to change.
NPCs have not complained to Cryptic and said "Players can bypass my block, please nerf Q_Q".
This is a PvP issue.
Crippling Challenge has NO counter mechanic in CO. None what so ever. There is no cooldown period for the block breaking effect. Only the threat effect.
So I could simply use power X which applies crippling then tap Ego Sleep and then spike you. Having observed PvP matches in duels and in BASH, not that many PvPers actually block because it's a given that at some point it's going to be disabled.
So my point still stands, much like the Skarn's Bane nerf, this was an easy and lazy change.
Right now, Ego Sleep may hold the category of Sleep Power, but in terms of mechanics, Charged Paralyzes last just as long and have more static Hold HP. The only saving grace of Ego Sleep (if any) is that four powers from Telepathy cannot break it's duration. Yippee.
Nice suggestions on how they could make investment in ego sleep a factor, but people's investment in block hasn't been made a factor either. If they are just looking for a general change then I am all for them keeping their change to ego sleep as is.
Resistance to Crowd Control and Knocks is a set value for blocking, ranking up a block will only increase the effectiveness of the damage resistance it provides. (I tested this about a year ago, but I really ought to do more testing to see if this is still the case)
There is also the matter of the different systems that Player CC and NPC CC use. But for the purposes of what we are discussing, we'll look at Player CC system and dip a little into the NPC CC system.
Players can apply CC to other players through blocking mechanics. However whilst the block is active the fact that you are blocking removes a set value from the power of the CC but the rest of the effect will linger meaning that the moment you lift your finger off block, if you do not stat EGO or wait for incoming damage, the hold will take over.
As I've had to explain to some players over recent months on forums (this is not aimed at you amy), the RESIST portion of "Hold Resistance" from blocking does not mean you will be immune to CC whilst blocking. It simply means you can RESIST it.
The RESISTANCE translates into "You can move around even though it's been applied to you." (this is not the case versus lower than player rank target CC (NPC CC ranging from Henchmen, Villain, Enforcer & Master Villain) anything higher than Player, so Super Villain, Legendary & Cosmic style holds work in the same / similar manner to how Player CC interacts with blocking mechanics.)
Versus lower than Player Rank NPC CC, as Bluhman so wonderfully demonstrates, works differently.
Most players utilize late block which is why you get lingering effects from lower than Player Rank NPC CC attacks after to release the block.
What isn't shown in this video is how to detonate CC effects using your outgoing damage (mainly because it is a weird and not widely used ability by players but very fun to do).
Nine times out of ten, the player who is holding you is just doing so out of convenience rather than to actually lock you down and exploit Ego Sleep using SoD/ML/MS/ES dmg. So you'll break out relatively fast or they'll break you out.
This change means that if I am blocking and you Ego Sleep me I will still be able to move around and heal (Regen/SA/Lingering BCR etc) and I retain control over the amount of incoming damage (to a degree) but the moment you apply Crippling Challenge to me, I lose my block and gain a stack of resistance to any further holds for 15 seconds, which stacks up three times but I also gain Disorient (and Fear if you take PBN).
So in terms of primary function, you are automatically nerfing yourself when you apply Ego Sleep to me, unless you remove my blocking first and then use Ego Sleep. Which would still allow you to spike me, if you so desired, but it would just take a little longer.
Now in a BASH scenario where it is FFA, Player 1 removes my block and I run away only to be hit by an Ego Sleep from Player 2 and then get shanked by a random Defile/Rimefire/FC/Sniper Rifle OR I get a free stack of hold resistance as I get hit by someone else's attack or AoE.
Basically, I'm not a fan of watching my favorite power set get kicked whilst it is down...constantly.
But it is what it is and as one player, I can't really do much except give feedback and hope it's listened to.
There are quite a few instances where NPCs have different mechanics from players.
I believe it to be primarily a PVP issue as well especially since (Like you have said Raven) running into NPCs and having them blocking be an issue is few and far between. Even in PvP (as you have also said) the issue of blocking can be few and far between because people anticipate the use of the Crippling Challenge Advantage. This is why I said as a Mind AT and someone who uses Ego Sleep, this change would not adversely effect me. I don't use Ego Sleep to break blocks (especially not in PvE). I use it to stop attacks and debuff. There is a reason why the Crippling Challenge Advantage (the block breaker) is thought of more as a PvP advantage.
The change is not a big deal and will effect people using the power for a purpose that is not even found in the description of the power.
Game environment has changed, but not to the point where Ego Sleep's block breaking is OP. It is just that, in a similar fashion to what prompted the Maintained Paralyze nerf, people are crying about it's effects in PvP and as a result of this, a CC power and the parent set suffer yet again because of PvP. No one can tell me otherwise, because they'd be BSing.
I agree that it's because of PvP. However, it's also not a meaningful nerf outside of PvP. In PvE, all it lets you do is break the block on the very very small number of npcs (Viper power armor, Viper commanders; the Argent shield-bots aren't actually blocking) that actually use a block, and are not immune to hold effects. Since blocking NPCs are super-stupid about when they use block, and don't do any damage or otherwise make trouble when blocking, there's little need to disable their blocks and it can actually be detrimental to do so.
So, they BS'ed, went back on what they originally had planned for Ascension to help it vs NttG, then made up a story to persuade everyone that it's ok?. Wow...
Buffing everything to stupid high levels and nerfing everything to piss poor levels yields the same results, but not the same community reactions.
There are quite a few instances where NPCs have different mechanics from players.
I believe it to be primarily a PVP issue as well especially since (Like you have said Raven) running into NPCs and having them blocking be an issue is few and far between. Even in PvP (as you have also said) the issue of blocking can be few and far between because people anticipate the use of the Crippling Challenge Advantage. This is why I said as a Mind AT and someone who uses Ego Sleep, this change would not adversely effect me. I don't use Ego Sleep to break blocks (especially not in PvE). I use it to stop attacks and debuff. There is a reason why the Crippling Challenge Advantage (the block breaker) is thought of more as a PvP advantage.
The change is not a big deal and will effect people using the power for a purpose that is not even found in the description of the power.
But it removes what made Ego Sleep unique. At all. And makes it as, 'meh' as the other CC options. And again as raven said: Baron, and Supreme serpents get an ability like Ego sleep, where it can phase through block, are you telling me players shouldn't be able to have one power that isn't garbage in CC?
Buffing everything to stupid high levels and nerfing everything to piss poor levels yields the same results, but not the same community reactions.
So, they BS'ed, went back on what they originally had planned for Ascension to help it vs NttG, then made up a story to persuade everyone that it's ok?. Wow...
Ascension used to not be affected by NttG. This got changed (probably for PvP balancing I think) so it would be, but NttG would kill the whole buff instead of just the flight effect, so they added the healing AoE to compensate.
NOW, they fixed it so that NttG will only remove the flight but keep the rest of the buff intact. So removing the heal makes logical sense in that it was added as compensation for losing the whole buff.
There is no made up story.
And while I say the above makes logical sense, you can count me as one of those who would prefer to see it keep the AoE heal instead of the damage/healing buff.
But it removes what made Ego Sleep unique. At all. And makes it as, 'meh' as the other CC options. And again as raven said: Baron, and Supreme serpents get an ability like Ego sleep, where it can phase through block, are you telling me players shouldn't be able to have one power that isn't garbage in CC?
Ego Sleep is still unique without breaking block. Not trying to explain that anymore. If you think the only thing that makes ego sleep not "garbage", is it's ability to break block (which is not even in the power's description), then don't use it. If you think CC powers are garbage because they don't break block, then don't use them. Get a power with Crippling Challenge Advantage and use that if you want to break blocks. It's really not that complicated.
Ego sleep going through block was fine, there are a lot of other powers that ignore block that should be looked at first. I.E The aoe stun Psi agents use.
So, they BS'ed, went back on what they originally had planned for Ascension to help it vs NttG, then made up a story to persuade everyone that it's ok?. Wow...
Urr...the BS in that post is the idea that Ascension was removed by NTTG. Maybe it was briefly, but if so they reverted it until it was added again within the last couple weeks.
Yes, if you use Ego Storm you can max it out fast. That's pretty much the only power that does that, and it also gives all enemies 3 stacks of hold resistance most of the time. Hint: Not everyone uses or wants to use Ego Storm (and hence why i said 'in most situations').
I'm also not sure Ego Storm will give you *any* stacks against a cosmic/legendary. It certainly doesn't provide wither or ... whatever the other one is called... unless it actually holds the target (tested). So it only seems to count as a hold if it *can* hold the target.
Ego Storm doesn't need an enemy to stack Manip. And all CC effects (sans advantages) will stack Manipulator, including against targets that can't be CC'd.
Ego Storm will grant stacks as long as it is maintained and your target does not die. As an Incapaciderp (Incapacitate) it is designed to work with Manipulator.
This basically means that even if you stack up 6 stacks of Hold Resistance on a target and then activate Ego Storm, you will still gain or refresh Manipulator stacks.
It is interesting to note that the actual time taken between activation and holding seems to now be LONGER than the stupid 1 second rule.
That ridiculous one second rule on Incapaciderps needs to be burnt in a raging inferno and never thought about again.
I still say that Incapacitates don't need to be cancelled when the target(s) die. Ego Storm suffers greatly from this.
1. Using CC applies resistance. Because of this, you cant freely spam CC the way you can damage powers with other forms without being penalized. CC generally operates at a different pace than DPS. 2. CC is about timing. Spamming CC to build manipulator is likely to cause your target to be resistant at the moment you need the CC to work. 3. CC is already universally under-performing. That alone is reason enough not to nerf it an any way. 4. How does this manipulator change make CC more fun, useful, or effective?
1. Already aware and agree. 2. Also agreed, but also by the time the targets have built up that kind of resistance they're either dead or nearly dead. 3. Completely agree. 4. It doesn't. It drives people away from using CC, which seems to have been the goal from the beginning of the game. (My perspective)
"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
Champions Online: Better Nerf Crowd Control!
That's the Motto right?
We don't want Crowd Controller to be useful for this new Lair, Do we?
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
When I saw all this rabbling about crowd control being nerfed I was expecting to see some huge changes. Teeny bit less dps, the need to use a CC power more than once a minute, and the inability to sleep mobs that wouldn't have stayed slept anyway... I'm not impressed. The drama is a bit much guys. Maybe instead of draping yourself across the martyr stone and crying out to the heavens about plagues and dead children while cursing the name of cryptic devs... just calmly make your suggestions on the changes? Like the one person who said the duration for the form could scale off of presence, that sounds neat.
Personally I always saw a disparity with Mental Storm ( we hate those right? power disparities? ). It does the most damage AND it's aoe damage AND it has CC AND that CC is aoe AND it has a resistence debuff. Does this damage reduction put it in line with the other dots? Eh, it maybe brings it a bit closer but it's still by far got the most going for it.
( don't worry, I know folks don't want to see any sense in nerfs right now so I'm not bothered by the fact that folks will vehemently disagree and try to paint me as a bringer of plagues )
Thinking of "spirit of the law vs letter of the law", I have a suggestion of how to revamp Skarn's Bane instead of the random effects it's being given. If Skarn's Bane is used against an enemy that has a form, forcefield, or is blocking, it should have a chance to apply a stacking debuff (we'll call it "Skarned" for now) that has -healing, -resist, and -damage. This feels more in line with what people take Skarn's Bane for and allows it to retain its unique place in the game with less bugginess. Exact numbers for such a debuff would need testing but it would better justify a high energy cost.
Do this, please. Skarn's Bane was particularly useful for Broken-Enemy Ao'Qephoth, and taking that away means we lose a bit of variety in attacks we can use against his over-the-top Regenerative capabilities. The random debuff mechanic would be particularly nice, but I think we can put that to use on different powers. Skarn's Bane is a power whose namesake is practically begging for it to be useful in breaking away its targets' strength and leave openings to be exploited.
But it removes what made Ego Sleep unique. At all. And makes it as, 'meh' as the other CC options. And again as raven said: Baron, and Supreme serpents get an ability like Ego sleep, where it can phase through block, are you telling me players shouldn't be able to have one power that isn't garbage in CC?
Ego Sleep is still unique without breaking block. Not trying to explain that anymore. If you think the only thing that makes ego sleep not "garbage", is it's ability to break block (which is not even in the power's description), then don't use it. If you think CC powers are garbage because they don't break block, then don't use them. Get a power with Crippling Challenge Advantage and use that if you want to break blocks. It's really not that complicated.
Your right it's not: Don't nerf Ego Sleep
Buffing everything to stupid high levels and nerfing everything to piss poor levels yields the same results, but not the same community reactions.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
Personally I always saw a disparity with Mental Storm ( we hate those right? power disparities? ). It does the most damage AND it's aoe damage AND it has CC AND that CC is aoe AND it has a resistence debuff. Does this damage reduction put it in line with the other dots? Eh, it maybe brings it a bit closer but it's still by far got the most going for it.
None of those other DoTs have a 15s cd. (Okay, there's probably one somewhere, but most of them certainly don't). And pretty sure none of them are top tier powers (to whatever degree that matters anymore). The appropriate comparisons are total dps on things like (the new nerfed) SR or other great top tier powers, not stuff you can take at level 6 like ego sprites.
And it ignores that its one of the few powers which is anywhere close to acceptable in the telepathy powerset.
If you make Mental Storm chooseable at level 11 and drop the cd to something like 9s, and buff the rest of telepathy so the powerset isn't total garbage, then sure, a dps-nerf is warranted. As none of those things are going to happen in the foreseeable future, there's literally no reason to nerf mental storm except unreasonable hatred of telepathy as a powerset.
Personally I always saw a disparity with Mental Storm ( we hate those right? power disparities? ). It does the most damage AND it's aoe damage AND it has CC AND that CC is aoe AND it has a resistence debuff. Does this damage reduction put it in line with the other dots? Eh, it maybe brings it a bit closer but it's still by far got the most going for it.
None of those other DoTs have a 15s cd. (Okay, there's probably one somewhere, but most of them certainly don't). And pretty sure none of them are top tier powers (to whatever degree that matters anymore). The appropriate comparisons are total dps on things like (the new nerfed) SR or other great top tier powers, not stuff you can take at level 6 like ego sprites.
And it ignores that its one of the few powers which is anywhere close to acceptable in the telepathy powerset.
If you make Mental Storm chooseable at level 11 and drop the cd to something like 9s, and buff the rest of telepathy so the powerset isn't total garbage, then sure, a dps-nerf is warranted. As none of those things are going to happen in the foreseeable future, there's literally no reason to nerf mental storm except unreasonable hatred of telepathy as a powerset.
^ This. But again, Nerf is an easier word to be said, a cheap and easy tactic to use, and, is actually constantly asked by the playerbase(Despite 3/4 of the people asking for them not having much of a reasoning beyond ,"whaaa it killed me in teh PvPz. )
Buffing everything to stupid high levels and nerfing everything to piss poor levels yields the same results, but not the same community reactions.
Pretty sure mental storm cooldown is because it's an AoE hold, not for the strength of its DoT -- Mental Storm was probably supposed to be 'crowd control with incidental damage', not 'damage with incidental crowd control'. Of course, this runs into the problems with crowd control in CO -- anything balanced against other crowd control will seem weak, because crowd control is so marginal in CO.
Pretty sure mental storm cooldown is because it's an AoE hold, not for the strength of its DoT -- Mental Storm was probably supposed to be 'crowd control with incidental damage', not 'damage with incidental crowd control'. Of course, this runs into the problems with crowd control in CO -- anything balanced against other crowd control will seem weak, because crowd control is so marginal in CO.
Well, you can't really say its overperforming if its available like 1/5 the time egosprites is...
Well, you can't really say its overperforming if its available like 1/5 the time egosprites is...
Ego sprites isn't a hold power. Compare mental storm to grasping shadows...
What a fabulous idea. Let's do that.
Grasping Shadow's has a 15ft radius and a 50ft range. - The dimensional Damage advantage deals very minor DoT and this DoT is special DoT so it doesnt affect the static HP of the paralyze. Mental Storm has a 10ft radius and a 50ft range.
The only thing that would be a good comparison to Mental Storm...would likely be Condemn or Vengeance with advantage, even then, there really isnt any other power like Mental Storm.
So because it was unique, it obviously couldn't stay that way.
As for the reduction in damage...personally I've lost around 50% - 60% damage when I compare numbers from LIVE to PTS, so yeah, it's not "teeny tiny" it's a rather large impact.
I'd be "alright" with it, if the cooldown on Mental Storm matched SoD or ML, or rather was just a bit longer than their base CDs or inherited the same "as you rank up CD gets lower" feature.
But as none of those things will happen, Telepathy will yet again be penalized for daring to be different lol
When I saw all this rabbling about crowd control being nerfed I was expecting to see some huge changes. Teeny bit less dps, the need to use a CC power more than once a minute, and the inability to sleep mobs that wouldn't have stayed slept anyway... I'm not impressed. The drama is a bit much guys. Maybe instead of draping yourself across the martyr stone and crying out to the heavens about plagues and dead children while cursing the name of cryptic devs... just calmly make your suggestions on the changes? Like the one person who said the duration for the form could scale off of presence, that sounds neat.
Personally I always saw a disparity with Mental Storm ( we hate those right? power disparities? ). It does the most damage AND it's aoe damage AND it has CC AND that CC is aoe AND it has a resistence debuff. Does this damage reduction put it in line with the other dots? Eh, it maybe brings it a bit closer but it's still by far got the most going for it.
( don't worry, I know folks don't want to see any sense in nerfs right now so I'm not bothered by the fact that folks will vehemently disagree and try to paint me as a bringer of plagues )
I haven't cursed anyone out. I'm just extremely bitter that some of the changes negatively impact a power set which is struggling to survive as it is.
The main feature of Telepathy IS Crowd Control and support. The set's main mechanic is DEAD and is still getting shot. Repeatedly.
I don't find that something to be happy about. It's always Telepathy that gets the short end of the stick.
Basically, I'm not a fan of watching my favorite power set get kicked whilst it is down...constantly.
And even if they go forward with these changes it's still more of a power framework than Fighting Claws.
Please identify for yourself what the main mechanic in Fighting Claws is (DAMAGE). Once identified work out if the effectiveness of this mechanic (DAMAGE) is being marginalized by upcoming content.
Please identify for yourself how many broken or soon to be nerfed powers exist within that frame work as of right now.
Please identify for yourself what changes within this update negatively affect Fighting Claws.
Personally, I would have left the DoT damage on mental storm unchanged, and simply required a full charge for Mental Storm. However, the fact was that the power was overperforming when used as a quick tap damage add-on, and it needed some change.
Basically, I'm not a fan of watching my favorite power set get kicked whilst it is down...constantly.
And even if they go forward with these changes it's still more of a power framework than Fighting Claws.
Please identify for yourself what the main mechanic in Fighting Claws is (DAMAGE). Once identified work out if the effectiveness of this mechanic (DAMAGE) is being marginalized by upcoming content.
Please identify for yourself how many broken or soon to be nerfed powers exist within that frame work as of right now.
Please identify for yourself what changes within this update negatively affect Fighting Claws.
When I saw all this rabbling about crowd control being nerfed I was expecting to see some huge changes. Teeny bit less dps, the need to use a CC power more than once a minute, and the inability to sleep mobs that wouldn't have stayed slept anyway... I'm not impressed. The drama is a bit much guys. Maybe instead of draping yourself across the martyr stone and crying out to the heavens about plagues and dead children while cursing the name of cryptic devs... just calmly make your suggestions on the changes? Like the one person who said the duration for the form could scale off of presence, that sounds neat.
Personally I always saw a disparity with Mental Storm ( we hate those right? power disparities? ). It does the most damage AND it's aoe damage AND it has CC AND that CC is aoe AND it has a resistence debuff. Does this damage reduction put it in line with the other dots? Eh, it maybe brings it a bit closer but it's still by far got the most going for it.
( don't worry, I know folks don't want to see any sense in nerfs right now so I'm not bothered by the fact that folks will vehemently disagree and try to paint me as a bringer of plagues )
I haven't cursed anyone out. I'm just extremely bitter that some of the changes negatively impact a power set which is struggling to survive as it is.
The main feature of Telepathy IS Crowd Control and support. The set's main mechanic is DEAD and is still getting shot. Repeatedly.
I don't find that something to be happy about. It's always Telepathy that gets the short end of the stick.
Well, you can't really say its overperforming if its available like 1/5 the time egosprites is...
Ego sprites isn't a hold power. Compare mental storm to grasping shadows...
What a fabulous idea. Let's do that.
Grasping Shadow's has a 15ft radius and a 50ft range. - The dimensional Damage advantage deals very minor DoT and this DoT is special DoT so it doesnt affect the static HP of the paralyze. Mental Storm has a 10ft radius and a 50ft range.
The only thing that would be a good comparison to Mental Storm...would likely be Condemn or Vengeance with advantage, even then, there really isnt any other power like Mental Storm.
So because it was unique, it obviously couldn't stay that way.
As for the reduction in damage...personally I've lost around 50% - 60% damage when I compare numbers from LIVE to PTS, so yeah, it's not "teeny tiny" it's a rather large impact.
I'd be "alright" with it, if the cooldown on Mental Storm matched SoD or ML, or rather was just a bit longer than their base CDs or inherited the same "as you rank up CD gets lower" feature.
But as none of those things will happen, Telepathy will yet again be penalized for daring to be different lol
^ But, raven, this makes sense, and means a power should be unique and..y'know..Actually what was advertised with CO's "Be the hero you want to be" and all that jazz (also, I'm not one to say they can't alter their game, but this..? Why not just take Everything CC out the game, and turn it even more into a holy trinity, where only HP, and DMG matter. Hey!, WoW did it and their doin' great ). Blasphemy, I say! Blasphemy :P
Buffing everything to stupid high levels and nerfing everything to piss poor levels yields the same results, but not the same community reactions.
Before nerfing vehicle gravpulse, can we make its weapons always appear on slots they're modded? And Incendiary Round needs to overwrite it's stack with least duration (i.e. earliest stacked), just in a manner of other non-refreshable buffs do (i.e. Expose from Find the mark Stacks or halloween candies)? Because 3 inc stacks renders target completely immune to it, which requires very careful timing if you decided to max out vehicle, or else it's easy to fall to 2 inc stacks, which's annoying.
I Got a bad feeling, that the hole massive update is going LIVE with all the Bugs and issues.
(14:00 to 20:00)
6 Hours?, Long enough to put all this on?
If it does go live "as is" then my suspicions about the direction CO is heading will be confirmed. I think the dev team is under the gun to make massive changes quickly. It's only January remember. If my suspicions are correct by the end of the year - we're going to have seen some HUGE changes in the game and how it works. More monetization, more grind, less complicated mechanics, and new content too boot. Interesting times ahead indeed.
Thank you, love..
MS, I can fully pass off, as something I don't really care about, but a reason for why it was Nerfed will be nice. as for Ego Sleep, I had no idea that was a thing, that it chuold go tought Blocks, as I don't use Ego Sleep.
However for ManIP, Hopefully with the enough feedback, this will get a bit of a Buff, along with it, tho being more careful with stacks and such, I can't see much of a big deal. Tho I chuold be wrong
As for Mind Control, I can't agree more, Mind Control is such a Hot Mess, it makes me cringe, why they Ignored our feedback, is byound me, but its PWE, so there is no real srupise there, however I don't expect being able to control Players, as that whuold be impossible to do and very abusive.
However this Power really does need Cleaning up, and fixed, with its Sound bug, and god knows what else, I'll won't be holding my Breath, but if they don't get this fixed, then there is going to be alot of dispinted people, as the Magic Nerf, seems to have really shaken the Nest.
So, all in all, Lets see what PWE can come up with.
Like you said Aviados, there seems to be alot less attacks, then there is of Buffs/Auras and Pets. So I can feel your pain, but as I given up on building magic toons besides for RP purposes, I can understand that.
As for AO'Q, yeah he needs to be removed, or nerfed. I mean no offence to the person who made it, Its a great design of the Mob itself, but the powers, Yeahhhh. NOPE.
Tho who ever made it, I can bet he or she is laughing her **** of right now
Here is the kicker, Sorcery doesn't even have an Energy Unlock, so I was stucked with MSA again (Circle of Arcane Power is not an option for me)
a Sorcery revamp with an EU and other powers would be nice...
Regardless, being a general debuff was also useful for benefiting other characters you were teamed with.
And I have to agree with the person who commented earlier, that when you have to change damage types to nonsensical things, you're probably doing something wrong.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
I think this change is more for people who use Ego Sleep not as "Telepathy users", but people just picking it up because it is more cost effective than crippling advantage and gives people who do not invest in holds a strong hold that allows them to spike people to death. Bye Bye Dinos. lol
42 40s, LTSer.
If you want Ego Sleep to have a block breaking mechanic, maybe Crippling Advantage could be added as an advantage possibility for this power (as long as the other advantages are not taken away). That would make the functionality possible if someone wanted to invest the appropriate amount for it.
Out of ALL the next to pointless debuffs that Skarn's Bane now applies, it has NOTHING which applies a magic damage resistance debuff.
In the event that the Development Team (or whoever made this change) do want to make Skarn's Bane useful, please see the multiple suggestions made on this thread by the players who actually use the power on a regular basis.
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I am @RavenForce in game
To give you an idea of what this is equal to...NPC Disable CC power.
Disable effects from Supreme Serpent, Serpent Mages, SS Botono's and Baron Cimitre ALL BYPASS BLOCKING MECHANICS. Without the application of Crippling Challenge.
As a result our Ego Sleep mechanics are sort of like their disable abilities, minus the inflated hold HP (since their disables count as a special condition paralyze so it has hold HP, where as Ego Sleep has 1 Hold HP and is cancelled immediately by non ML/SoD/MS/ES damage)
Adding Crippling Challenge to Ego Sleep would be a very backwards move. Why?
In PvE situations where powers matter more, most enemies do not actually block. Higher rank enemies who do block would then be aggro'd onto a controller because they are using the nerfed and CC advantaged Ego Sleep.
Previously, Ego Sleep was fine as it is. If real effort was put into finding a decent solution? Who ever made this change would have done this:
Ego Sleep bypasses blocking on: Henchmen, Villain, Enforcers, Master Villains ONLY.
Ego Sleep bypasses blocking on: Players & Super Villains IF Manipulator Form + Rank 3 Ego Sleep.
Ego Sleep has no effect on blocking IF: Player & SV Rank and NO Manipulator Form w/ Rank 3 Ego Sleep.
Ego Sleep has no effect on blocking on: Legendary & Cosmic Rank foes. EVER.
^ That would be a decent change. The power would retain functionality but would require investment to use against player rank foes and above (to SV only).
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
42 40s, LTSer.
Nice suggestions on how they could make investment in ego sleep a factor, but people's investment in block hasn't been made a factor either. If they are just looking for a general change then I am all for them keeping their change to ego sleep as is.
That baked in function is/was part of the ability as a "Sleep" power/ class of ability.
Not even enemies who use Ego Sleep (or their variation of it) have that kind of power. Since theirs is a paralyze with sleep emoting.
If it truly was not intended to be there, it would have been taken out a long time ago. Now isn't the only time CO players test things in PvP scenarios.
Game environment has changed, but not to the point where Ego Sleep's block breaking is OP. It is just that, in a similar fashion to what prompted the Maintained Paralyze nerf, people are crying about it's effects in PvP and as a result of this, a CC power and the parent set suffer yet again because of PvP. No one can tell me otherwise, because they'd be BSing. The first round of nerfs on maintained paralyzes happened because of PvP and now so has this.
I know what this change was targeting and to a degree, I respect that but if you think about it, things are not going to change.
NPCs have not complained to Cryptic and said "Players can bypass my block, please nerf Q_Q".
This is a PvP issue.
Crippling Challenge has NO counter mechanic in CO. None what so ever. There is no cooldown period for the block breaking effect. Only the threat effect.
So I could simply use power X which applies crippling then tap Ego Sleep and then spike you. Having observed PvP matches in duels and in BASH, not that many PvPers actually block because it's a given that at some point it's going to be disabled.
So my point still stands, much like the Skarn's Bane nerf, this was an easy and lazy change.
Right now, Ego Sleep may hold the category of Sleep Power, but in terms of mechanics, Charged Paralyzes last just as long and have more static Hold HP. The only saving grace of Ego Sleep (if any) is that four powers from Telepathy cannot break it's duration. Yippee. Thanks.
Resistance to Crowd Control and Knocks is a set value for blocking, ranking up a block will only increase the effectiveness of the damage resistance it provides. (I tested this about a year ago, but I really ought to do more testing to see if this is still the case)
There is also the matter of the different systems that Player CC and NPC CC use. But for the purposes of what we are discussing, we'll look at Player CC system and dip a little into the NPC CC system.
Players can apply CC to other players through blocking mechanics. However whilst the block is active the fact that you are blocking removes a set value from the power of the CC but the rest of the effect will linger meaning that the moment you lift your finger off block, if you do not stat EGO or wait for incoming damage, the hold will take over.
As I've had to explain to some players over recent months on forums (this is not aimed at you amy), the RESIST portion of "Hold Resistance" from blocking does not mean you will be immune to CC whilst blocking. It simply means you can RESIST it.
The RESISTANCE translates into "You can move around even though it's been applied to you." (this is not the case versus lower than player rank target CC (NPC CC ranging from Henchmen, Villain, Enforcer & Master Villain) anything higher than Player, so Super Villain, Legendary & Cosmic style holds work in the same / similar manner to how Player CC interacts with blocking mechanics.)
Versus lower than Player Rank NPC CC, as Bluhman so wonderfully demonstrates, works differently.
Most players utilize late block which is why you get lingering effects from lower than Player Rank NPC CC attacks after to release the block.
What isn't shown in this video is how to detonate CC effects using your outgoing damage (mainly because it is a weird and not widely used ability by players but very fun to do).
Nine times out of ten, the player who is holding you is just doing so out of convenience rather than to actually lock you down and exploit Ego Sleep using SoD/ML/MS/ES dmg. So you'll break out relatively fast or they'll break you out.
This change means that if I am blocking and you Ego Sleep me I will still be able to move around and heal (Regen/SA/Lingering BCR etc) and I retain control over the amount of incoming damage (to a degree) but the moment you apply Crippling Challenge to me, I lose my block and gain a stack of resistance to any further holds for 15 seconds, which stacks up three times but I also gain Disorient (and Fear if you take PBN).
So in terms of primary function, you are automatically nerfing yourself when you apply Ego Sleep to me, unless you remove my blocking first and then use Ego Sleep. Which would still allow you to spike me, if you so desired, but it would just take a little longer.
Now in a BASH scenario where it is FFA, Player 1 removes my block and I run away only to be hit by an Ego Sleep from Player 2 and then get shanked by a random Defile/Rimefire/FC/Sniper Rifle OR I get a free stack of hold resistance as I get hit by someone else's attack or AoE.
Basically, I'm not a fan of watching my favorite power set get kicked whilst it is down...constantly.
But it is what it is and as one player, I can't really do much except give feedback and hope it's listened to.
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
I believe it to be primarily a PVP issue as well especially since (Like you have said Raven) running into NPCs and having them blocking be an issue is few and far between. Even in PvP (as you have also said) the issue of blocking can be few and far between because people anticipate the use of the Crippling Challenge Advantage. This is why I said as a Mind AT and someone who uses Ego Sleep, this change would not adversely effect me. I don't use Ego Sleep to break blocks (especially not in PvE). I use it to stop attacks and debuff. There is a reason why the Crippling Challenge Advantage (the block breaker) is thought of more as a PvP advantage.
The change is not a big deal and will effect people using the power for a purpose that is not even found in the description of the power.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
I know what I'm talking about.
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42 40s, LTSer.
I know what I'm talking about.
So, they BS'ed, went back on what they originally had planned for Ascension to help it vs NttG, then made up a story to persuade everyone that it's ok?. Wow...
42 40s, LTSer.
42 40s, LTSer.
Ascension used to not be affected by NttG. This got changed (probably for PvP balancing I think) so it would be, but NttG would kill the whole buff instead of just the flight effect, so they added the healing AoE to compensate.
NOW, they fixed it so that NttG will only remove the flight but keep the rest of the buff intact. So removing the heal makes logical sense in that it was added as compensation for losing the whole buff.
There is no made up story.
And while I say the above makes logical sense, you can count me as one of those who would prefer to see it keep the AoE heal instead of the damage/healing buff.
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Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
2. Also agreed, but also by the time the targets have built up that kind of resistance they're either dead or nearly dead.
3. Completely agree.
4. It doesn't. It drives people away from using CC, which seems to have been the goal from the beginning of the game. (My perspective)
"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
That's the Motto right?
We don't want Crowd Controller to be useful for this new Lair, Do we?
Personally I always saw a disparity with Mental Storm ( we hate those right? power disparities? ). It does the most damage AND it's aoe damage AND it has CC AND that CC is aoe AND it has a resistence debuff. Does this damage reduction put it in line with the other dots? Eh, it maybe brings it a bit closer but it's still by far got the most going for it.
( don't worry, I know folks don't want to see any sense in nerfs right now so I'm not bothered by the fact that folks will vehemently disagree and try to paint me as a bringer of plagues )
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Do this, please. Skarn's Bane was particularly useful for Broken-Enemy Ao'Qephoth, and taking that away means we lose a bit of variety in attacks we can use against his over-the-top Regenerative capabilities. The random debuff mechanic would be particularly nice, but I think we can put that to use on different powers. Skarn's Bane is a power whose namesake is practically begging for it to be useful in breaking away its targets' strength and leave openings to be exploited.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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42 40s, LTSer.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
And it ignores that its one of the few powers which is anywhere close to acceptable in the telepathy powerset.
If you make Mental Storm chooseable at level 11 and drop the cd to something like 9s, and buff the rest of telepathy so the powerset isn't total garbage, then sure, a dps-nerf is warranted. As none of those things are going to happen in the foreseeable future, there's literally no reason to nerf mental storm except unreasonable hatred of telepathy as a powerset.
This. But again, Nerf is an easier word to be said, a cheap and easy tactic to use, and, is actually constantly asked by the playerbase(Despite 3/4 of the people asking for them not having much of a reasoning beyond ,"whaaa it killed me in teh PvPz.
42 40s, LTSer.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Grasping Shadow's has a 15ft radius and a 50ft range. - The dimensional Damage advantage deals very minor DoT and this DoT is special DoT so it doesnt affect the static HP of the paralyze.
Mental Storm has a 10ft radius and a 50ft range.
The only thing that would be a good comparison to Mental Storm...would likely be Condemn or Vengeance with advantage, even then, there really isnt any other power like Mental Storm.
So because it was unique, it obviously couldn't stay that way.
As for the reduction in damage...personally I've lost around 50% - 60% damage when I compare numbers from LIVE to PTS, so yeah, it's not "teeny tiny" it's a rather large impact.
I'd be "alright" with it, if the cooldown on Mental Storm matched SoD or ML, or rather was just a bit longer than their base CDs or inherited the same "as you rank up CD gets lower" feature.
But as none of those things will happen, Telepathy will yet again be penalized for daring to be different lol
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
The main feature of Telepathy IS Crowd Control and support. The set's main mechanic is DEAD and is still getting shot. Repeatedly.
I don't find that something to be happy about. It's always Telepathy that gets the short end of the stick.
But as I've said many times, I'll wait.
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Please identify for yourself how many broken or soon to be nerfed powers exist within that frame work as of right now.
Please identify for yourself what changes within this update negatively affect Fighting Claws.
Once this has been completed, get back to me.
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
But, raven, this makes sense, and means a power should be unique and..y'know..Actually what was advertised with CO's "Be the hero you want to be" and all that jazz
42 40s, LTSer.
(14:00 to 20:00)
6 Hours?, Long enough to put all this on?
If it does go live "as is" then my suspicions about the direction CO is heading will be confirmed. I think the dev team is under the gun to make massive changes quickly. It's only January remember. If my suspicions are correct by the end of the year - we're going to have seen some HUGE changes in the game and how it works. More monetization, more grind, less complicated mechanics, and new content too boot. Interesting times ahead indeed.