Btw, I forgot to ask earlier, but, what's the color coding on the vehicles lists actually for?
Originally it was just going to be for readability. However, after changing the table to be sortable, I realized that kinda didn't help anymore. I didn't decide what I wanted to do with it - continue using alternating color scheme or remove the colors. I decided, "Eh, I'll address that later, have more important things to do."
Alright, spent some time today trying to remember (and looking up) wiki markup to cobble together an NPC infobox. Currently, contacts (and heroes) and villains use two separate infoboxes. Defender and Grond use those older infoboxes, while I updated Shadow Destroyer with the version I put together. If anyone has thoughts, ideas, criticisms, hatred, whatever on the new infobox, go right ahead.
Alright, spent some time today trying to remember (and looking up) wiki markup to cobble together an NPC infobox. Currently, contacts (and heroes) and villains use two separate infoboxes. Defender and Grond use those older infoboxes, while I updated Shadow Destroyer with the version I put together. If anyone has thoughts, ideas, criticisms, hatred, whatever on the new infobox, go right ahead.
I like it. I am unsure if spoiler warnings are needed or not. I would say no but... you never know if a new player would be disappointed looking at Shadow Destroyer's Wiki and seeing "real name: James harmon IV" near the top of the page. It is a good info box either way though. If applicable, you might want to add their HP, but that might be useless as I'm not sure if NPCs have different HP amounts in different locations.
Hi all, back from an 8 month break. I am jasinblazing in game. I am also owner of the wiki. we need to get everyone in the wiki channel for communication purposes. I see a lot of great work recently and look forward to touching base with all those involved. I also hope to recruit more to make this wiki complete.
I noticed behemothking added some different images to replace the power image icons. I like the new images, but I'm curious how you acquired/made them because while they are better, I don't have those kinds of images to place
Created template {{NavArcanePowers}}
Added {{nav}} to {{NavMunitionsPowers}} so you can navigate to other sections easier.
I think I could add some things to the wiki in my spare time so
1. Added the newly added ATs and created a new page for each one, as well added updates to the recently reviewed ATs.
2. Added the new Laser Sword powerset page with a list of its powers. . I wanted to update the powerset template but I can't edit it, maybe insufient permissions?
3. Added new powers to the Power Armor powerset page and removed the old Laser Sword ones.
Useful Guides about Archetypes and General Gameplay of the Game Click Here
A basic article for High Noon is up now, but there is a problem. Galleries need to be fixed so that they create rows instead of a single column.
I'll look into that tonight and see if it's possible without messing up other pages. Also there is a wiki for media wiki you could look for alternate solutions there. I did link to your page from the events page earlier
added 2 new icons to the main page, one is for a new category Emotes, the other is for Unity. have the day off work tomorrow, plan on getting more done and looking into galleries
That page also has updated guides for power sets, toggles, powerset mechanics, & game mechanics (buffs/debuffs).
You might have to contact the page owner for permissions -- since I'm not the owner or creator. But those guides are full of useful info.
We don't currently have build guides on the wiki, once we get everything in place we can look on how that can be added. If the guide writer or any other seriously interested person wants to help with the wiki we will definitely welcome the help. I do notice we have a link to their site on the wiki already
Hmm is it self promotion if you're documenting things for other's benefit? anyways... I've been making vids of myself doing Foxbat runs. My current goal is to make them for every location set, so far I have 3. For some reason the game becomes kinda laggy when recording, might be processor slowdown or something.
I did a run using Spectral Engine.... NO. it gets stuck on random pedestrians constantly.... yeah, a GHOST train that collides with everything near you....
I have resumed updating the power pages! Starting from the top with the electric frame work. If anyone can justify focusing on a particular frame work I'll focus there instead, but atm there is just so many pages with nothing on them that I want to just go set by set and knock them out as quickly as possible.
Ugh.... we have 3 different pages that talk about Custom alerts... 2 of them don't actually link to the pages I wrote about the alerts.... Teh Suxxors. Hmm.... It's not that they're actually badly written pages either, it's just structured wrong.
Ugh.... we have 3 different pages that talk about Custom alerts... 2 of them don't actually link to the pages I wrote about the alerts.... Teh Suxxors. Hmm.... It's not that they're actually badly written pages either, it's just structured wrong.
Which is the one you think most appropriate to use? Currently we have Category:Alerts that links off the main page. From there users would click on the Custom Alerts link that actually is a Category page for custom alerts but only two pages fall under that category.
I'm planning to fix up the actual Alerts page, and use that. Then setup everything to use it as the centerpiece. IMO giant walls of text on category pages are bad. The text is best as a description of the category, not a comprehensive discussion.
and yeah, the custom alerts list is incomplete, so far I've only done two of them. Articles for the other 5 don't exist yet.
Archery (and the shared powers it has) has been gone over. The formatting is slightly inconsistent (e.g. you'll see ".5 sec" "0.5 sec", "0.5 seconds", and so on), but the data has been updated.
A few things were beyond my ability:
No images. Not a movie making magician.
No Meltdown. Mechanical Monstrosity is available on PTS, but not Meltdown.
Hunter's Instinct says both 3 sec and 4 sec. Not practical to determine due to Archery's low fire rate and the high crit rate needed.
The size of the AoE on Gas Arrow and Implosion Engine as well as their target caps. Gas Arrow's says 5 so I went with that.
I'll probably move onto another set next week that is small and isn't likely to be updated anytime: Wind, Earth, Celestial, etc.
Post edited by shadowzero66 on
Grind for the Grind God! Tokens for the Token Throne!
I'm glad to hear that there is a push to update the Champions Wiki. Yes as we all know? The push to get such an item to go through is very much like trying to get a large dog to get in the bath tub to take a bath.
Archery (and the shared powers it has) has been gone over. The formatting is slightly inconsistent (e.g. you'll see ".5 sec" "0.5 sec", "0.5 seconds", and so on), but the data has been updated.
A few things were beyond my ability:
No images. Not a movie making magician.
No Meltdown. Mechanical Monstrosity is available on PTS, but not Meltdown.
Hunter's Instinct says both 3 sec and 4 sec. Not practical to determine due to Archery's low fire rate and the high crit rate needed.
The size of the AoE on Gas Arrow and Implosion Engine as well as their target caps. Gas Arrow's says 5 so I went with that.
I'll probably move onto another set next week that is small and isn't likely to be updated anytime: Wind, Earth, Celestial, etc.
Just for future reference, I think these number were slightly inflated. I think the powers were tested with a character using 5 stars just because a few times the numbers are roughly off by 15% percent.
Testing standard:
Level 40 No stars No Primary or Secondary Superstats All stats at '5' No auras or buffs. No Passives or toggle forms
That said, it is super awesome some else literally did a whole framework
Updates: Completed the updated power Chain Lightning So I am curious as to the opinions on the current Power Table template. The existing table has all the information relevant to most powers. All powers have activation times, all powers have methods of activation (Click, Maintain, charge, tap, etc..), targeting type, etc..
My question is if more information should be added to these tables. I noticed edits that added in Area of Effect which I initially thought was a binary question as to whether a power was or was not an AoE. The purpose was provide the range of the aoe of a power - 45ft cone, 15ft sphere, whatever the range of the area of affect. Until now, that was included in the "Range" section or under "overview" or "ranks" if ranks affected it.
Additional information seems like a good idea, but the power table could get rather long and cluttered with more additions. Most powers are not AoEs. Most powers do not have Charge or recharge times or a listed duration. These are all good bits of info that should be included on the power page, but what about on the power page template which is for the most part comprised of information ALL powers have (i.e. Energy cost).
So, opinions? Should we include as much information as possible or limit what goes in the table and include the information else where? Or ideas on what to combine into a single section? Or should we have different templates for different powers (AoE, Sigils, Pets?)? The current power table is largely based off the old wiki.
Any additional data will make it go faster.
My characters
My characters
My characters
My characters
Why? there was no list that could be used for comparisons.
My characters
1. Added the newly added ATs and created a new page for each one, as well added updates to the recently reviewed ATs.
2. Added the new Laser Sword powerset page with a list of its powers. . I wanted to update the powerset template but I can't edit it, maybe insufient permissions?
3. Added new powers to the Power Armor powerset page and removed the old Laser Sword ones.
My characters
then realized I've never actually used galleries on this wiki. I've always used multiple [[file:]] objects instead.... which is what I did here.
My characters
That page also has updated guides for power sets, toggles, powerset mechanics, & game mechanics (buffs/debuffs).
You might have to contact the page owner for permissions -- since I'm not the owner or creator. But those guides are full of useful info.
My characters
set 5:
set 6:
set 7:
Hmm... it occurs to me that using large vehicles for this is probably a bad idea since it might obscure what I'm doing. What do you guys think?
My characters
Frozen Winter Sleigh(used in set 5)
Wasp SE(used in Set 6)
Sapphire's Rocker Glider(used in set 7)
Not used:
Until Shuttle
Witchcraft's chariot
Ironclad's Chariot
Flying Foxbat Mk 1
Cinder Bike
Spectral engine
Which do you think would work best?
My characters
My characters
Yeah, needs the other 5 added in, and prob something for Vigilance too.
Also, just to keep it from getting lost:
since it's not a sticky any more.
My characters
My characters
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm @blu8 in game!
My characters
Added Storm Summoner link, there is nothing yet there at the moment however.
Created a navigation template for electricity powers: {{NavElectricityPowers}}
My characters
and yeah, the custom alerts list is incomplete, so far I've only done two of them. Articles for the other 5 don't exist yet.
My characters
Raging Princess Blaze + Model 286 + Red Inferno + Burgundy Beetle
My characters
A few things were beyond my ability:
- No images. Not a movie making magician.
- No Meltdown. Mechanical Monstrosity is available on PTS, but not Meltdown.
- Hunter's Instinct says both 3 sec and 4 sec. Not practical to determine due to Archery's low fire rate and the high crit rate needed.
- The size of the AoE on Gas Arrow and Implosion Engine as well as their target caps. Gas Arrow's says 5 so I went with that.
I'll probably move onto another set next week that is small and isn't likely to be updated anytime: Wind, Earth, Celestial, etc.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
My characters
Testing standard:
Level 40
No stars
No Primary or Secondary Superstats
All stats at '5'
No auras or buffs.
No Passives or toggle forms
That said, it is super awesome some else literally did a whole framework
So I am curious as to the opinions on the current Power Table template. The existing table has all the information relevant to most powers. All powers have activation times, all powers have methods of activation (Click, Maintain, charge, tap, etc..), targeting type, etc..
My question is if more information should be added to these tables. I noticed edits that added in Area of Effect which I initially thought was a binary question as to whether a power was or was not an AoE. The purpose was provide the range of the aoe of a power - 45ft cone, 15ft sphere, whatever the range of the area of affect. Until now, that was included in the "Range" section or under "overview" or "ranks" if ranks affected it.
Additional information seems like a good idea, but the power table could get rather long and cluttered with more additions. Most powers are not AoEs. Most powers do not have Charge or recharge times or a listed duration. These are all good bits of info that should be included on the power page, but what about on the power page template which is for the most part comprised of information ALL powers have (i.e. Energy cost).
So, opinions? Should we include as much information as possible or limit what goes in the table and include the information else where? Or ideas on what to combine into a single section? Or should we have different templates for different powers (AoE, Sigils, Pets?)? The current power table is largely based off the old wiki.