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  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    • Made changes to Template:Powertable. It now contains the additional parameters: Image for Power Icon, Recharge Time:, Targeting (Self, Foe, pbAoE, etc),
    • Started to add power icons.
    • Added graphics for Rank 1, 2, and 3.
    • Moved vehicles into different pages according to vehicle type. Will create one "All Vehicles" page in the near future
    • Added more vehicle images. If there is a vehicle you own that is not on the table I would apperciate a screen shot of it along with its mod slots numbers and starting weapon mods.
    • Started work on powers categories. The standard layout I have going right now looks like http://www.championswiki.com/index.php?title=Hydra I will adapt all other fire powers to look similar, then more on to Electric, before moving on to other frameworks. This is because those frameworks have their stats already filled out.
    Side note: This template is killing me XD http://www.championswiki.com/index.php?title=Template:PowerInfo why is it at the top of every power page? I just feel like that layout looks a bit silly especially if you have a contents table.
    Post edited by xrazamax on
  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Hey guys! I could use some help! I need images for the wiki's power section! If you would like to contribute, post a picture using these guidelines:

    +Please post the name of the power in use.
    +Please post a CLEAR picture with the power in use. If there are too many other things going on in the screen shot, it will be confusing and cannot be used.
    +If the power looks different at rank 2 and rank 3 or with an advantage, please also take a screen shot of the power at its each of its ranks.
    +Please use the DEFAULT color for the power



    Rank 1:
    Rank 2:
    Rank 3:

    If you rather upload the images to a gallery on imgur or other popular photo hosting site, that is okay too but I still need captions with the name of the power and its rank as I am not familiar with every power and every power rank.
  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Frameworks template: championswiki.com/index.php?title=Template:Frameworks

    Power frameworks should now show a cleaner nav table at the bottom of the page. Example:

    Side Note: Need access to edit the powersets page http://www.championswiki.com/index.php?title=Power_Sets
    Post edited by xrazamax on
  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    I would mention the internal cooldown on Accelerated Metabolism, but the format looks great.
    My characters
  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    I would mention the internal cooldown on Accelerated Metabolism, but the format looks great.

    I was going to include something, but I didn't want it to get wordy or too indepth as Accelerated Metabolism is a common adv. If you click on the adv, it goes to the Accelerated Metabolism page where things will get more indepth.

    1. Finished redoing Throw Fire,Fire Strike, Fiery Form, Flame Breath, Fireball, Conflagration, Thermal Reverb, and Fire Shield pages.
    2. Add power icons to each of their pages.
    3. Made a Template for Challenge!
    4. Made a Template for Break Through
    5. Made a Template for Nailed to the Ground
    6. Recreated the power page for Thermal Reverberation, C
    Just pop in either {{Challenge!}}, {{Break Through}}, or {{NttG}} into the Advantages section and you'll get the adv description.
    Post edited by xrazamax on
  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    • Completed updates to the Haymaker Power page. Added player submitted photo from @xcaligax
    • Created nav template for might powers {{NavMightPowers}}
    • Created Sniper Rifle page
    • Added user submitted image to Sniper Rifle from payer @unknown
    • Created nav template for munition powers. {{NavMunitionsPowers}}
    Post edited by xrazamax on
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    I made a few pics last night
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  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Post edited by xrazamax on
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    I made a few updates.
    renamed "Eldtrich Blast" to "Eldritch Blast"
    added pics to Eldritch Blast, Shadow Bolt, and Pillar of Poz
    clarified description of AccMet
    My characters
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    what are the unlocks for snowball roll and hyper ball travel powers?

    Also I've been creating basic summary version of travel power pages. Eventually these will get expanded to full pages.
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  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    BEHOLD: http://www.championswiki.com/index.php?title=Support_Drones

    So what do you think about the changes? Also I'm thinking about making templates so that I can glue that picture to the name of the framework.
    My characters
  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User

    BEHOLD: http://www.championswiki.com/index.php?title=Support_Drones

    So what do you think about the changes? Also I'm thinking about making templates so that I can glue that picture to the name of the framework.

    We can add an image parameter to the ranks template. Same for the Advantages template now that I think about it.

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    I was thinking of something like {{Gadgeteering}} Which would look like
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  • criswolf09criswolf09 Posts: 759 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    With the recent Sorcery update I would like to contribute with you with a list of what effects are Enchantments and Curses, the new mechanics introduced in the update.

    List of Enchantments;
    1. Mystified - innately present on Eldritch Blast, it reduces the energy costs of powers which belong to the Sorcery, Celestial, Darkness or Infernal powersets by 3% per stack and can be stacked up to 3 times. It is also present on most sorcery attack powers as an advantage.
    2. Illumination - Innately present on Star Barrage and Illumination, it will heal the target for a small amount and increase the healing they receive by 3%. It is also present on most sorcery attack powers as an advantage.
    3. Light Everlasting - Innately present on Vala's Light special advantage, as well on other powers advantage it will place a heal over time to allies of the caster.
    4. Ascencion - The first Active Offense of the Celestial powerset.
    5. Imbue - The second Active Offense of the Celestial powerset.
    6. Circle of Arcane Power - One of the "Circles" of Sorcery, returns energy when the hero is inside it and counts as an Energy Form
    7. Circle of Ebon Destruction - One of the "Circles" of Sorcery, increases damage strength of all attacks, has a chance to apply Fear to nearby attacking targets but reduces the healing the hero receives by 87%.
    8. Circle of Primal Dominion - One of the "Circles" of Sorcery, increases resistance to all types of Knocks by a large percentage, to Repels, grants a minor damage resistance debuff and heal over time whose intensity will vary depending if your build is using the Tank or Support Roles.
    9. Spellcaster - The new form exclusive of the Sorcery Powerset but it won't trigger the obtention of its Ensorcelled buff when activated. Also Pets, Sigils or Circles which grant a Curse or Enchantment effect won't proc this form.

    List of Curses:
    1. Hexed - innately present on Hex of Suffering and fully mantaining Skarn's Bane, reduces the target's magic damage resistance by 18%. Can be refreshed with the new "Chant" advantage of Eldritch Blast. This effect triggers the energy return of the Conjuring energy unlock of Conjuring, Sorcery's new energy unlock power.
    2. Illuminated - innately present on Illumination when applying it on a foe and on Star Barrage as well on different power advantages, grants the attacker of the Illuminated foe a 15% chance to proc the Mend effect which will grant them a small heal over time. This effect triggers the energy return of the Conjuring energy unlock of Conjuring, Sorcery's new energy unlock power.
    3. Jinxed - innately present on Invocation of Storm Calling as well on many special advantage of several Sorcery attacks, is a curse introduced with the Sorcery review which reduces by 10% the damage strength and by 15% the movement speed of foes who have this effect applied to them. After 8 seconds this curse will expire and targets will be knocked down. This effect triggers the energy return of the Conjuring energy unlock of Conjuring, Sorcery's new energy unlock power.
    4. Sigils of Ebon Destruction - One of the "Sigils" of Sorcery, this power will summon five Stones that will debuff the damage strength and movement speed of foes closer to the Sigils. This effect doesn't trigger the energy return of the Conjuring energy unlock of Conjuring, Sorcery's new energy unlock power.
    5. Skarn's Bane - innately considered as a Curse power will deal a flat amount of magic damage to 5 targets and will apply the Hexed debuff upon being fully mantained.
    6. Debilitating Poison - it is present on the special advantages of Condem's Corrupting Force and Lash's Decay which reduces the target's toxic damage resistance by 12% and an additional 8% against Elemental Damage.
    7. Noxious Poison - it is present on Defile's advantage which is a PBOAE DoT that is applied to a foe when Defile is fully charged.
    8. Corruption - This effect is present on the unlockable powers Mind Control and Endbringer's Grasp which will make henchmen and villain ranked enemies fight for the hero for some time. After expiring, henchmen lose 50% of their HP and villainse lose 25% of their HP. This effect is also present of the Blood of Corruption device obtaible by 350 SCR and having vanquished the villain called Bloodstone in Millenium City.

    I hope this help you guys. Also please be aware that some powers are bugged and don't trigger their new intended effects, the most clear example is Skarn's Bane which doesn't apply Hexed when you rank it up.
    Post edited by criswolf09 on
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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,155 Arc User
    @criswolf09, thank you very much for providing this information! Will no doubt be useful to updating the wiki AND for those getting to grips with the Sorcery Update!!
  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    • Updated Living Fire power.
    • Updated Pyromancer's Blades power. This was added to Fire powerset and removed from the Sorcery set.
    • Updated Energy Storm power. This page still needs a lot of attention as Energy Storm is a power that needs lots of clarifying.
    • Added images to all the powers on the Fire Powerset page.
    • Added the new powers to the {{navFirePowers}} template for navigation purposes.
    This covers all the current fire powerset! One down, many to go! :sweat_smile:
    Post edited by xrazamax on
  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    • Updated Assault Rifle power. Included GIF image! May do more gifs if I am happy with their quality at a lower file size. 1.5 mb is kinda big.
    Think I will tackle the munitions powerset next. Wanna do the most popular first since that is what most people will be looking for obviously.

  • chaosdrgnz43chaosdrgnz43 Posts: 1,683 Arc User
    xrazamax said:


    • Updated Assault Rifle power. Included GIF image! May do more gifs if I am happy with their quality at a lower file size. 1.5 mb is kinda big.
    Think I will tackle the munitions powerset next. Wanna do the most popular first since that is what most people will be looking for obviously.

    Curious to ask, what dimensions do you want for these gifs? I was thinking of giving Sorcery a go.
    Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    I made a few edits related to Blood Moon: http://www.championswiki.com/index.php?title=Special:RecentChanges&limit=500

    If you see any errors please let me know.
    My characters
  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User

    xrazamax said:


    • Updated Assault Rifle power. Included GIF image! May do more gifs if I am happy with their quality at a lower file size. 1.5 mb is kinda big.
    Think I will tackle the munitions powerset next. Wanna do the most popular first since that is what most people will be looking for obviously.

    Curious to ask, what dimensions do you want for these gifs? I was thinking of giving Sorcery a go.
    To keep loading times down, the gifs will be set to 150px size (may test 200px) on the power page, however I don't have a requirement for their size as long as it isn't ridiculously huge - the absolute max for any file is 20mb, so it should be much lower than that. Users can still click on the image and view the larger file size.

    I realize that ideally there should be a standardized resolution, but I rather not limit the amount of people who can help due to technical limitations.

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Yeah, we don't really NEED a standard size, so anything that looks good works.

    Question: What do OTHER people see when they look at the recent changes page? I recently realized that I only see what I did, and NOT what Razama has done.
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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,155 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    A few notes for clarification on Energy Storm:

    - There are MANY different inside versions of Energy Storm as it is quite a complicated ability...

    - The Snare/Slow portion of this power is negligible/does not work.

    - Each stack of Infused is meant to grant a 10% damage buff and stacks to a maximum of 8.

    - Infused buff prevents you from fully charging Gigabolt. This is more reliably replicated when you absorb Negative Ions.

    - Unknown circumstances cause Energy Storm's cool down to sometimes not trigger and allow the power to be spam maintained, however this is not always consistent.

    - The following effects are classed as "Containment Fields" in Champions Online: Personal Force Field, Field Surge, Containment Field, Protection Field, Mindful Reinforcement, Hardened Particle Matrix, Energy Refraction, Bastion (from Onslaught Gear) & Presence Mastery Shields. (Basically all in game bubbles/shields with a few exceptions which act as Damage Shields e.g. Nimbus of Force is a "Damage Shield", despite its VFX, whereas Demonic Flesh Graft is a "Containment Field" effect.)

    - Energy Storm can fully remove & prevent all forms of "Containment Fields" from being applied for a short duration. This duration is mostly unspecified however I believe it is measured by the "Drained" debuff. This effect can be applied indefinitely to permanently remove shielding from your target as it forces the numbers on a shield (if significantly drained) to dip into negative values.

    - Do not use Energy Storm against Onslaught Villains as you run the risk of killing yourself or anyone else engaged in the fight, as the bounce damage (Ricochet Tempest power - gained by absorbing Negative Ions) has severe issues vs Onslaught Villains and will seek out and kill other players, NPCs (friendly or otherwise), or the caster once the first part of the blast has been unleashed. (I suspect this is because the secondary blast has to come from...the target's body or something weird like that??!?)

    - Energy Storm will absorb all instances of Clinging Flames, Negative Ions (and incredibly rare to see I know...) Containment Fields. They do not have to be applied to a target by the caster.

    - The AoE aspect of the Fire charge does not always work as it should and sometimes only the VFX plays.

    - Energy Storm has not been able to absorb the chill effect since...2011. But will still grant an ice charge.

    - You can monitor what charges you have by looking at your character's hands (Force Charge has a particularly nice aura)

  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,155 Arc User
    Updated Congress of Selves page with the most recent nerf (Oct -2016).
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User

    Question: What do OTHER people see when they look at the recent changes page? I recently realized that I only see what I did, and NOT what Razama has done.

    I figured it out, everyone but me is flagged as a "bot" so I have to click the show bot edits button.
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  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Just an update on GIF requirements: You need to use 400px x 224px (this is the MEDIUM quality if using the popular makeagif.com/) or lower. Otherwise, the gif will not animate unless the user clicks on it and opens up the image in a separate window.
  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    • Created Bullet Beatdown power page.
    • Created Holdout Shot power page.
    • Edited Munitions Framework page to reflect Bullet Beatdown as a tier 2 power.
    • Tried gelatto for the first time today. Can confirm it is superior to regular ice cream.
    Post edited by xrazamax on
  • zamuelpwezamuelpwe Posts: 667 Arc User

    I figured it out, everyone but me is flagged as a "bot" so I have to click the show bot edits button.

    That...should really be fixed at some point by whoever has access to do so.

    Say markhawkman, would you be able to setup a template table for spec trees? I did the initial pages for the new wiki and I'm going to try to do the rest. Even copy/paste of the old wiki is better than absolutely nothing since specs haven't changed that much and it's better to get it in there and update a few instead of leaving it blank. The old wiki's spec main page is here: http://web.archive.org/web/20130826000159/http://champions-online-wiki.com/wiki/Specialization_Tree

    And one of the pages for an example of the table I meant is here: http://web.archive.org/web/20130811130641/http://www.champions-online-wiki.com/wiki/Endurance_Tree
    "Interesting builds are born from limitations not by letting players put everything into one build."

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    Hmm... It doesn't look too complicated to recode, just stupid time consuming since it looks to have around a hundred linked pages.
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  • zamuelpwezamuelpwe Posts: 667 Arc User
    I'll try to handle the gruntwork once there's a template.
    "Interesting builds are born from limitations not by letting players put everything into one build."

  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
    If it isn't done by early November, I can do that. Just highly busy with irl stuff atm.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    zamuelpwe said:

    I'll try to handle the gruntwork once there's a template.

    It doesn't seem to have used much in the way of templates.

    Honestly, IMO, we don't NEED to try to duplicate the format. The main thing we need is pictures.... But it's a Royal Pain get those via the wayback machine. The old site used a dumb layering system so that the picture FRAMES were separate image files, and if you RightClick>Save you get the frame and not the picture. Saving a copy of the ENTIRE web page gives a copy of the pics though.
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  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Well I was pondering and I came up with a neat idea. Revamp EVERYTHING! :p Yes I never finished it, but I think I managed an adequate proof of concept with the mod not-really-a-template.

    Each Spec tree has 3 levels and 9 skill.
    Levels can be handled the way you do article sections as-is.
    But (some) Skills are shared between spec trees. So make templates for those and add the templates to the spec tree articles. I don't really think having a full page for each was really needed.... unless you're planning on writing an essay about how to use it. Even then you can add a link to the essay to the template.

    Creating a template is actually easy. When editing put in {{WhateverTemplateName}}, click preview, click the template name, then add whatever content to the template that you need, and then save everything. It's how I made the {{tc}} template. Yes it's a mindbogglingly simple template. all it does it add a pic of a Turakian coin to the article. But it's way quicker and easier than adding [[File:TurakianCoin.png]] every time. :p
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  • criswolf09criswolf09 Posts: 759 Arc User
    Hello I have a good amount of experience with the archetypes so I would like to know how can I add to the wiki the recently added ones this year. The wiki uses a format I'm not used to yet.
    Useful Guides about Archetypes and General Gameplay of the Game Click Here
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,155 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    We now have an additional pair of hands on deck for the wiki: "AtlasSarnosian"!

    Atlas will be helping us with contributions towards Costumes and Auras.

    If you are in charge of costumes and auras please contact Atlas and let him know what ways he can help!
  • zamuelpwezamuelpwe Posts: 667 Arc User
    Something I've been wondering for the longest is why do we have so many pages that are actually categories?
    "Interesting builds are born from limitations not by letting players put everything into one build."

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    Whoever started setup for the wiki apparently didn't actually understand what the purpose of categories is, but I can't change it.
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  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    zamuelpwe said:

    Something I've been wondering for the longest is why do we have so many pages that are actually categories?

    That isn't so hard to fix. Please point them out and I can move things around. It isn't a bad thing though if there are some category pages that have some info on them, many wikis do this.

  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
    I think it would be very useful if we updated the wiki to include a walkthrough/guide for cosmics. I could do all the formatting and whatnot, but making the actual guide is something time consuming that I don't have time for with everything else going on.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    xrazamax said:

    zamuelpwe said:

    Something I've been wondering for the longest is why do we have so many pages that are actually categories?

    That isn't so hard to fix. Please point them out and I can move things around. It isn't a bad thing though if there are some category pages that have some info on them, many wikis do this.
    Oh, Category descriptions are a Great idea. But we have stuff like: championswiki.com/index.php?title=Category:Modifications
    "This category currently contains no pages or media. "

    Which is linked to from the main page..... Which I can't edit. Several of the other buttons on main link to Categories that are actually article pages.
    xrazamax said:

    I think it would be very useful if we updated the wiki to include a walkthrough/guide for cosmics. I could do all the formatting and whatnot, but making the actual guide is something time consuming that I don't have time for with everything else going on.

    Why does it need to be original research? http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/championsonline#/discussion/1205275/tips-for-giant-monsters/p1
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  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User

    xrazamax said:

    zamuelpwe said:

    Something I've been wondering for the longest is why do we have so many pages that are actually categories?

    That isn't so hard to fix. Please point them out and I can move things around. It isn't a bad thing though if there are some category pages that have some info on them, many wikis do this.
    Oh, Category descriptions are a Great idea. But we have stuff like: championswiki.com/index.php?title=Category:Modifications
    "This category currently contains no pages or media. "

    Which is linked to from the main page..... Which I can't edit. Several of the other buttons on main link to Categories that are actually article pages.
    That will automatically fill up when pages are tagged with the appropriate Modifications category tag [[Category:Modifications]] which I just realized is not being used because someone started a different category with [[Category:Mods]] -_-

    xrazamax said:

    I think it would be very useful if we updated the wiki to include a walkthrough/guide for cosmics. I could do all the formatting and whatnot, but making the actual guide is something time consuming that I don't have time for with everything else going on.

    Why does it need to be original research? http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/championsonline#/discussion/1205275/tips-for-giant-monsters/p1
    It doesn't, but 1) Probably should ask the person and 2) It would probably be good to make it seem more wiki-like (not that that guide isn't great!). I'll probably just start pulling from sources like the one you linked as soon as I start on the section. Going to try to finish up munitions powerset first.
  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    IT HAS COME TO MY ATTENTION that there are like 15 different Modification pages XD

    I guess people kept wondering where the heck the modification page was and made like 15 of them. They are now all located at the bottom of the main modification page (the one you are lead to when clicking from the front page). There is a ton of duplicate information, and we can probably delete some of the pages and merge information into one page or maybe a few subpages or use some anchors on a single page. Whoever is doing mods can do it the way they see best ( @markhawkman I believe :tongue: ).

    • I did a little bit of editing but the pages with/about mods should now all appear at the bottom of the modification category.
    • Made the modification category no longer be a subcategory of itself.
    • linked the HeroCreator (thanks @aesica !) to the front page. I mailed aesica to make sure this was okay in game, I'll remove it if they don't want it to be linked. However, because the Powerhouse Link is outdated, I think it is a good tool to point people towards. I left the Powerhouse link there with (Legacy) next to the link.
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,569 Arc User
    Maybe add the Dragon Eye and Depleted Uranium Core mods to the Mods page?
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User

    Maybe add the Dragon Eye and Depleted Uranium Core mods to the Mods page?

    They're in there somewhere.

    Yeah the mod stuff needs to be completely rebuilt from the ground up. I've been trying to work with what someone else started and it's become apparent that their idea wasn't a good one. Oh and I forget who it was but someone told me previously, that I wasn't allowed to populate the Modifications category. :/ Well, I'm pretty sure that person hasn't logged in in over a month, so... yeah, I'mma fix it.
    My characters
  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
    edited November 2016

    Maybe add the Dragon Eye and Depleted Uranium Core mods to the Mods page?

    They're in there somewhere.

    Yeah the mod stuff needs to be completely rebuilt from the ground up. I've been trying to work with what someone else started and it's become apparent that their idea wasn't a good one. Oh and I forget who it was but someone told me previously, that I wasn't allowed to populate the Modifications category. :/ Well, I'm pretty sure that person hasn't logged in in over a month, so... yeah, I'mma fix it.
    That makes no sense, what else would it be used for? :tongue:

    The other option is to make the category page redirect to a Mod page. On that page, do whatever - mod charts, link to pages about more specific mod types such as vehicle mods, pages that lead to pages to pages, or just one giant page, etc. Then if you categorize stuff, you won't see the Category and all the pages under that category because you just go straight to the Mods page.

    The way I did the vehicle category was as such: Vehicle Category

    A table with basic stats, then it shows all the links to the different vehicles based on type. You could do something similar, but with mods based on whatever you think is most appropriate. I initially used the category as a "page" but honestly... that might not be the best because people will have to load up that whole page just to see what is all in that category. This is why you might want to have a different "Mods" page - put info in there, category page just for showing all the pages in that category. If you need someone to redirect the Link on the front page to go to a different "Modifications Page" , I can do that for you if you don't have the ability to.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    yeah, I know. :/ that's what I said too.
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  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    • Updated Concentration power page. Included gif and stat descriptions. I do not like doing forms, may have to redo this whole page because it is very wordy and not concise.
    Post edited by xrazamax on
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    Enh, it is not overly wordy though, it's a comprehensive description.
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  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    • Created a page for topic of Knocks. I will start using anchors in power page to go to each section inside this page. For example, in shotgun blast, the power is listed as Knock Back. This uses [[Knock #Knock Back|Knock Back]] to take the page directly to the knock back section. I will do this for Crowd Control stuff in the future as well.
    • Crated Shotgun Blast power page.
    If anyone would like to write up a description for the Knock page and its sections, that'd be greaaaaaaaaaat.
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