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Attack of the AOPM clones!!



  • lady808lady808 Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I tend to agree with the poster in general. I dislike nerfing, but there does seem to be balance issues.

    PvP being what it is, there will ALWAYs be a FotM build/power.

    I make theme/concept characters, feel free to check that by asking anyone that knows me (on CO I'm @Lady-Frost).

    You can still deal with the horribly inexperienced clone builds out there. It's still iffy sometimes and yes, you still do loose to them here and there. In general though, you can effectively deal with them if need be. I have always stated that skill does play a big factor in win or loose. Sure, build helps out a bunch, but FotM build w/ fool behind the controls will, more often than not, loose to theme/concept build w/ experienced player behind the controls.

    As a side note... Recently, two groups of people from the PvP crowd went out to the desert and did "melee only" team duels. It was HELLA fun! Not a single AoPM build was there. It was mass chaos. HELLA fun! Some people stated that a single powered up UR would wipe out one side or the other. They were wrong. UR didn't tip the balance in favor of one side or another really. It was a nice AoE Fear. That's about it.


    "If you're going to ride my ****... At least pull my hair"
    Taking the trash out, one badguy at a time.
    "Satisfaction guaranteed or twice your trash back."
  • mrf0rz1mrf0rz1 Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    oobtree wrote: »
    I don't get it. Are you jealous for some reason? And then you say I'm the "one drooling" over you..

    HahahahahaHahahahaha! :biggrin:

    The only one "passionately insulting" the other here is you, over and over. Your replies are getting a bit hard to read as well, so full of rage and horrible sentence structures. If you are going to carry on being my biggest troll, at least be legible. Thanks.

    You want to know what's the difference? I don't spend every heartbeat trying to keep a nonexistant reputation in check. And well, being short in answer you get behind imaginations of my burning with rage and hatred and pick every single grammar fault a non-native english speaking person could ever make which is quite low for someone as superawesome as you pretend to be. The very difference between convincing and persuading. You tell me that you don't care about me as an attempt to punish me for being whatever monster I am in your wet dreams, yet I attack, you agressively defend, nearly with your life as you even attempt to imitate laughs to emphasize your nonsense. Such a fascinating clone! I don't even make that much effort when trying to be believable. Bravo.

    I'm waiting for your next post, I know you can't resist.

  • lovehammer1lovehammer1 Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    All i can say about this..back and forth is...

    I did see one of the two people fighting on this thread in the Ren #1 the other day.
    And all i can say he was a jerk. Saying things like "You're just mad because im good"
    and "Can't beat me?Dont talk"-"There goes so and so picking a fight with someone he can beat"

    "He doesn't want to fight a "REAL DUELER" like me"! Yeah, he was full of himself for sure.

    I won't say who, but you can most likley figure it out on your own.
    Anyway, maybe private text might be better for everyone.

    Also, kicking butt without aopm and geyser as a crutch would be nice to see.
    At least once, before you call yourself "GOOD". :biggrin:
  • oobtreeoobtree Posts: 1,068 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ...I did see one of the two people fighting on this thread in the Ren #1 the other day.
    And all i can say he was a jerk.

    Excuse me? I am a PvPer not a jerk.

    Saying things like "You're just mad because im good"
    and "Can't beat me?Dont talk"-"There goes so and so picking a fight with someone he can beat"

    "He doesn't want to fight a "REAL DUELER" like me"! Yeah, he was full of himself for sure.

    Your first two quotes never happened. Your last quote is close. What happened, and what I said was this: Here is a guy only dueling lvl 40 AT's and lower lvls, beating up only on the people he knew he could beat. So, I challenged him and he denied me. I then said "you are afraid to duel a real PvPer", then called him a pu$$y. Then he accepted my 2nd duel where-in I absolutely destroyed him. That's the story! Oh, there was a 3rd party, a random non-lvl40 PvEer who started trolling me at the same time, which makes sense as I was treating this "*****" rather harshly. But I ignored the outside PvE RP newbs who had no idea of my motives. Why get involved in their false beliefs of a PvPer/that whole mess?
    I won't say who, but you can most likley figure it out on your own. Anyway, maybe private text might be better for everyone.

    Also, kicking butt without aopm and geyser as a crutch would be nice to see.
    At least once, before you call yourself "GOOD". :biggrin:

    I only quoted this last bit to make a point about you. Here you are, crying about AoPM and Force Geyser again. Material for a future comedy about Champions Online.


    As to MrForz, who obviously is chomping at the bit to hear my response, all I can say is "STFU Newb."

    None of your comments make sense. They are all rather ridiculous implications specifically directed at me, without a motive, a person you don't have the slightest clue about. What can I say to a person like you? A person who goes out of their way to troll me, making up stuff along the way, judging me when they are 100% wrong? I can't say anything to you, honestly. And again, I re-iterate, I do not care about what you think of me as your opinions are biased & extremely jaded without warrant.

    For the record: I didn't critique anything specific about your "bad english", just that your entire comments lacked sentence structure due to your unfocused rage. So, nice try with your attempt to smear me yet again with something as far fetched as me judging you for not being native in English.
  • secksegaisecksegai Posts: 1,354 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    oobtree wrote: »
    Excuse me? I am a PvPer not a jerk.

    Your first two quotes never happened. Your last quote is close. What happened, and what I said was this: Here is a guy only dueling lvl 40 AT's and lower lvls, beating up only on the people he knew he could beat. So, I challenged him and he denied me. I then said "you are afraid to duel a real PvPer", then called him a pu$$y. Then he accepted my 2nd duel where-in I absolutely destroyed him. That's the story! Oh, there was a 3rd party, a random non-lvl40 PvEer who started trolling me at the same time, which makes sense as I was treating this "*****" rather harshly. But I ignored the outside PvE RP newbs who had no idea of my motives. Why get involved in their false beliefs of a PvPer/that whole mess?

    It's easy to call someone a jerk without getting the bigger picture. There are plenty of folks that stick to ren cen duels and only fight people they've got clear advantages over. Dedicated pvpers will "regulate" on folks like these, typically if they gloat over their wins when its obvious their competition had little chance to begin with.

    I myself avoid vocalizing it and prefer to make a point through action. Of course, if I see someone whining about a person "running" I'll tell them they shouldn't be pvping if they need to complain about that.

    But to summarize - don't be so quick to judge, especially in the realm of pvp.
  • wesleytansgwesleytansg Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Oh wow, an all melee duel and I missed it! Damn!!!! Anyway regardless of the misunderstandings or genuine issues between Ubtri and MrForz I think it is time to call for a truce. Already we see other people drawn into the dispute and I think such things do not reflect well for the PvP community and tend to give people the impression that PvP is a cold harsh place (more carebear pls).
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Posts: 864 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    More care bear?! muhahahahah

    Well, you cant say you didn't ask for it :biggrin:

    This PVP enough for ya?

    My work here is done.
  • mrkuntamrkunta Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    oobtree wrote: »
    Excuse me? I am a PvPer not a jerk.

    Here is a guy only dueling lvl 40 AT's and lower lvls, beating up only on the people he knew he could beat. So, I challenged him and he denied me. I then said "you are afraid to duel a real PvPer", then called him a pu$$y. Then he accepted my 2nd duel where-in I absolutely destroyed him. That's the story! Oh, there was a 3rd party, a random non-lvl40 PvEer who started trolling me at the same time, which makes sense as I was treating this "*****" rather harshly. But I ignored the outside PvE RP newbs who had no idea of my motives. Why get involved in their false beliefs of a PvPer/that whole mess?


    I was there and the guy who was dueling lvl 40 ATs was a AT its not like if he was a FF challenging ATs so the one who you called a pu$$y and "destroyed" was just a unleashed AT
  • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    oobtree wrote: »
    Excuse me? I am a PvPer not a jerk.

    I think you prove to us all that the two go hand-in-hand with the way you act on forums. :rolleyes:
    Seriously, ignore Forz and be done with it.
  • oobtreeoobtree Posts: 1,068 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I think you prove to us all that the two go hand-in-hand with the way you act on forums. :rolleyes:
    Seriously, ignore Forz and be done with it.

    Well if I am always going to be the "bad guy" I might as well fill the role as best as possible :biggrin:
  • itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    You can distress people greatly without aopm or those flashy ranged abilities. Sometimes you can do it without a single kill. Ruining 10-kill screenshots with a stalemate comes to mind.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
  • lovehammer1lovehammer1 Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Ok Malware.

    Calling someone a ***** and talking crap is not being a jerk?

    ok, i was there. But, whatever. I just called it how i saw it.

    About the whole "Crying about AOPM and Geyser thing" please read and try to understand.

    I would like you or anybody else who claims to be a "PVPer"(that has aopm and geyser) fight a few rounds without using aopm and geyser. Simple.

    I wonder what type of results you would get without that build. And having to rely on other skills instead.

    I hardly think that's crying. So, you are wrong to assume such in this instance. Sorry.
  • oobtreeoobtree Posts: 1,068 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Ok Malware.

    Calling someone a ***** and talking crap is not being a jerk?

    ok, i was there. But, whatever. I just called it how i saw it.

    About the whole "Crying about AOPM and Geyser thing" please read and try to understand.

    I would like you or anybody else who claims to be a "PVPer"(that has aopm and geyser) fight a few rounds without using aopm and geyser. Simple.

    I wonder what type of results you would get without that build. And having to rely on other skills instead.

    I hardly think that's crying. So, you are wrong to assume such in this instance. Sorry.

    Oh but it IS crying. For example, Ebon Ruin seems to have been created for PvP. It's a natural choice. Nothing other than a couple Melee attacks offer a heal debuff. So asking someone to not use ER, or even AoPM, is like asking people to not use heals and bubbles.

    Why don't you just accept the fact you likely blow at PvP completely rather than diss on powers that Cryptic made for us to use? Oh and btw, I am 100% positive I can beat you without AoPM/Force Geyser/Ebon Ruin. You're not even a PvPer, which IMHO, makes you one huge idiot in these parts for whining as much as you do.

    I can accept that I am a jerk. So now I will act like one.
  • lucyinspacewithdiamondslucyinspacewithdiamonds Posts: 1,594 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    If Aura is alphabet soup, then who the heck does it come from? O_o That ain't any language I've ever seen let me tell ya :P
  • lovehammer1lovehammer1 Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    oobtree wrote: »
    Oh but it IS crying. For example, Ebon Ruin seems to have been created for PvP. It's a natural choice. Nothing other than a couple Melee attacks offer a heal debuff. So asking someone to not use ER, or even AoPM, is like asking people to not use heals and bubbles.

    Why don't you just accept the fact you likely blow at PvP completely rather than diss on powers that Cryptic made for us to use? Oh and btw, I am 100% positive I can beat you without AoPM/Force Geyser/Ebon Ruin. You're not even a PvPer, which IMHO, makes you one huge idiot in these parts for whining as much as you do.

    I can accept that I am a jerk. So now I will act like one.
    I see. So anyone that doesn't see things your way is an idiot? And now you can read minds, and know who is pve or pvp or whatever? Ok. If winning at pvp is your biggest and brightest acomplishment in this game then good for you.

    As for me, i win more than half the battles i'm in when dueling or pvping.
    And i use at least 5 to 6 different types of builds. Not that it matters when talking to a person like you. You seem very narrow minded indeed.

    What i should of said was" Do you use any other build when pvping". But, you took it as an attack.

    And yes, you are a jerk.

    Don't bother with a response. You will just get defensive and use the same old BS.

    Asking a question is "crying" when it's about your crutch. How shallow can one person be?
  • oobtreeoobtree Posts: 1,068 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I see. So anyone that doesn't see things your way is an idiot? And now you can read minds, and know who is pve or pvp or whatever? Ok. If winning at pvp is your biggest and brightest acomplishment in this game then good for you.

    As for me, i win more than half the battles i'm in when dueling or pvping.
    And i use at least 5 to 6 different types of builds. Not that it matters when talking to a person like you. You seem very narrow minded indeed.

    Pot calling the kettle black, here. Your posts indicate a severe lack of intelligence re: pvp builds so yes, you are an idiot.
    What i should of said was" Do you use any other build when pvping". But, you took it as an attack.

    And yes, you are a jerk.

    Don't bother with a response. You will just get defensive and use the same old BS.

    Asking a question is "crying" when it's about your crutch. How shallow can one person be?

    I am only defensive because you are personally attacking me at this point, which yes, deserves some recognition. Was I innacurate to say you were "whining" about AoPM and Force Geyser? I don't think so. The very end of your last quote indicates you are backwardly saying that AoPM and force Geyser is a crutch. lol? Are you a jokester? A comedian? Do you think its as hilarious as I think it is of you to post one thing then directly contradict yourself with another?

    At any rate, the powers you whine about, are not exploits or OP in any way. If you had any sort of clue about PvP builds, you would be seen more intelligent to whine about the people exploiting Imbue for constant Conviction critical heals, hiding behind double bubbles in Support role.
  • lovehammer1lovehammer1 Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Thread needs to be closed.

    Sorry to anyone that came here to talk about AOPM or pvp related things and got angry birds.

    Too many angry birds.
  • oobtreeoobtree Posts: 1,068 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Thread needs to be closed.

    Sorry to anyone that came here to talk about AOPM or pvp related things and got angry birds.

    Too many angry birds.

    Funny, you are the "angry bird" to start it. You didn't actually respond to me I noticed, especially the last bit about Imbue. You really are clueless about the current state of PvP, aren't you?
  • lovehammer1lovehammer1 Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    oobtree wrote: »
    Pot calling the kettle black, here. Your posts indicate a severe lack of intelligence re: pvp builds so yes, you are an idiot.

    I am only defensive because you are personally attacking me at this point, which yes, deserves some recognition. Was I innacurate to say you were "whining" about AoPM and Force Geyser? I don't think so. The very end of your last quote indicates you are backwardly saying that AoPM and force Geyser is a crutch. lol? Are you a jokester? A comedian? Do you think its as hilarious as I think it is of you to post one thing then directly contradict yourself with another?

    At any rate, the powers you whine about, are not exploits or OP in any way. If you had any sort of clue about PvP builds, you would be seen more intelligent to whine about the people exploiting Imbue for constant Conviction critical heals, hiding behind double bubbles in Support role.
    Dude. Really? You use the term, Real dueler and i'm the idiot?
    Look you might think you're cool because you use some different lingo then me.
    That makes you hip i guess. Seems you can't understand what you read, and can only direct it to mean what you want it to. "Crutch" meaning..i have not seen you use anything else but
    AOPM and geyser. I didn't mean everybody as a "Whole" i said "YOU"...do you understand?
    And i never said anything about Ruin! Ever! Wtf? Stop making up things. C'mon.

    More name calling please. And you have not seen me attck you yet! Not even close.
    If you look back...i called it how i saw it. I even left your name out of the post.

    Were you not being a dic? Did i somehow, put you in a bad light? No. You did that.
  • oobtreeoobtree Posts: 1,068 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Dude. Really? You use the term, Real dueler and i'm the idiot?
    Look you might think you're cool because you use some different lingo then me.
    That makes you hip i guess. Seems you can't understand what you read, and can only direct it to mean what you want it to. "Crutch" meaning..i have not seen you use anything else but
    AOPM and geyser. I didn't mean everybody as a "Whole" i said "YOU"...do you understand?
    And i never said anything about Ruin! Ever! Wtf? Stop making up things. C'mon.

    More name calling please. And you have not seen me attck you yet! Not even close.
    If you look back...i called it how i saw it. I even left your name out of the post.

    Were you not being a dic? Did i somehow, put you in a bad light? No. You did that.

    I don't get where you are driving this conversation too, other than off a bridge. Yes, you clearly made it a point to insult me on a number of threads now. Yes, I respond to your petty remarks because, hey, "I'm a ****."

    Words like "crutch" and "clone," to me, are big red STOP signs. They tell me that, behold, a newb is trying to get under my skin? To achieve that, you should at least study up on your knowledge of synergies in PvP before talking. Otherwise, you only look like a troll. I am not amused, newb.
  • lovehammer1lovehammer1 Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    oobtree wrote: »
    Funny, you are the "angry bird" to start it. You didn't actually respond to me I noticed, especially the last bit about Imbue. You really are clueless about the current state of PvP, aren't you?
    If you look back at the early post, people came up with some cool info on why things are the way they are in concerns to aopm.

    Respond to imbue? Why? I have seen enough post of yours to know, that no matter what is said...it will be turned into somebody is whinning or crying if they have a question.

    Even when they are not. Crying to me is..."i can't beat so'n so" so wahhhh!
    Not, why don't people stop being clones and make their own builds. Or why dont people make their own builds. Asking for a response. Simple.

    But, if somebody gets defensive, all logic and civil attitudes fly right out the window.
    IMO that's what has happened here.

    No need to keep it open at this point. Right?
  • lovehammer1lovehammer1 Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    oobtree wrote: »
    I don't get where you are driving this conversation too, other than off a bridge. Yes, you clearly made it a point to insult me on a number of threads now. Yes, I respond to your petty remarks because, hey, "I'm a ****."

    Words like "crutch" and "clone," to me, are big red STOP signs. They tell me that, behold, a newb is trying to get under my skin? To achieve that, you should at least study up on your knowledge of synergies in PvP before talking. Otherwise, you only look like a troll. I am not amused, newb.

    LOL. So simple. I told you, more names please. That tells me you are very immature.

    Ohh...what's a newb? Is that something a newb would say? Anyway, have fun name calling.

    Hope it makes you feel bigger and better than others. Looks like you need attention.

    No more from me. :biggrin:
  • oobtreeoobtree Posts: 1,068 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    If you look back at the early post, people came up with some cool info on why things are the way they are in concerns to aopm.

    Respond to imbue? Why? I have seen enough post of yours to know, that no matter what is said...it will be turned into somebody is whinning or crying if they have a question.

    Even when they are not. Crying to me is..."i can't beat so'n so" so wahhhh!
    Not, why don't people stop being clones and make their own builds. Or why dont people make their own builds. Asking for a response. Simple.

    But, if somebody gets defensive, all logic and civil attitudes fly right out the window.
    IMO that's what has happened here.

    No need to keep it open at this point. Right?

    It's hard to respond to a narrow-minded oxygen-waster when they say things like "why don't people stop being clones and make their own builds" when he/you is only crying about such a narrow-minded thing as two specific powers, "AoPM" and "Force Geyser"? You clearly fail to see the bigger issues in PvP that are being exploited. You are 100% ignorant to any response I have made thus far to you about the real issues in the current state of PvP. You're only response mechanism is to keep trying to insult me rather than pay attention and comprehend the words that I have typed to you.

    I give up on you. You are too naive to understand anything.

    Carry on.

    LOL. So simple. I told you, more names please. That tells me you are very immature.

    Ohh...what's a newb? Is that something a newb would say? Anyway, have fun name calling.

    Hope it makes you feel bigger and better than others. Looks like you need attention.

    No more from me. :biggrin:

    I won't even bother with this honestly, but wanted to include my recognition of the heights of your immaturity (since you should comprehend your own terminology, here.)

    Fan the flames, troll. You are the firestarter. I'm able & willing to snuff you out.

    So what's your in-game character names? It must be easy for you to troll with this degree of anonymity.
  • itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    OK sirsss. Kiss and makeup.

    Or both.

    I. Want to rock and roll all night.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 2,026 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    OK sirsss. Kiss and makeup.

    Or both.

    I. Want to rock and roll all night.

    And party everyday! (good song)

    But metal is better :biggrin:

  • sykovsykov Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    agentnx5 wrote: »
    And party everyday! :mad: (good song)

    But metal is better :biggrin:

    AWWW YEAH! Brutal Legend FTW!
    It's a game, not a ****. Don't choke on it.

    I own Koda Ortega. Yeah...

  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 2,026 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sykov wrote: »
    AWWW YEAH! Brutal Legend FTW!

    One of my all-time favorite games, even though in all honest the RTS elements were bleh. That's the power of good music, lore, and art design in games.

    It's just one giant ode to METAL!!!
  • mrf0rz1mrf0rz1 Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I think you prove to us all that the two go hand-in-hand with the way you act on forums. :rolleyes:
    Seriously, ignore Forz and be done with it.

    Eh well, I suppose it's a nice thing to do. I don't get to pull my own hair trying to prove myself right around there so... it's up to him to be honest.

  • lucyinspacewithdiamondslucyinspacewithdiamonds Posts: 1,594 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Also, kicking butt without aopm and geyser as a crutch would be nice to see.
    At least once, before you call yourself "GOOD". :biggrin:

    Aura is good, but it's overrated. There are passives that are better in other areas that make kicking butt easier. :)
  • mrf0rz1mrf0rz1 Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Aura is good, but it's overrated. There are passives that are better in other areas that make kicking butt easier. :)

    I assume you're refering to Quarry and Shadow Form, which is partly true but you're quickly streched up on the bonuses like crit chance and specs making it harder and harder to stack features like stealth sight and all, many don't mind that, the few Shadow Form maxilame builds including Riftwalker do fairly well, but don't cover a large area when it's about stacking bonuses and doesn't tend to be appealing even if it offers mildly superior firepower.

  • taintedmesstaintedmess Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I've always thought much of AoPM real problem was the fact that its the only truly hybrid friendly passive.

    other than quarry non of the other offensive passives come close to offering the same ability to mix and match skills and still have a effective toon.

    Night warrior is a step in the right direction as it atleast boosts both ranged and melee damage and with sufficient dodge can even be pretty survivable.

    If there were more hybrid friendly passives added (or the current passives were made more friendly) I reckon we would see a decline in the use of AoPM
  • lucyinspacewithdiamondslucyinspacewithdiamonds Posts: 1,594 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    mrf0rz1 wrote: »
    I assume you're refering to Quarry and Shadow Form....

    No, I wasn't.
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