Ah. Didn't know if it applied to the export layout as well. :-p
Anyway kk for the rest, was just a couple ideas. ^_^
The last one was mostly so we'd be able to put the sting in the post and people wouldn't need to "re-build" before they start pimping it.
(I'ma laaaaazzzzzyyyyyy XD)
Just do it the way that makes it easier for you.
It'll be more than appreciated anyway. ^_^
Both look good.
I doubt the description boxes would get filled to that point, so maybe a non maxed-out...
Kinda not so important. ^_^
Yeah, But there's nothing else to really do other than rearranging the power progression, which I don't want to do. The Power selection is already wide enough for any power that would be listed so stretching it would be a waste of space. I just figured stretching the description boxes would allow for less scrolling.
It's been a really long time since I updated the version I have of the Builder. Is the current relase synched (or close enough for horseshoes and hand grenades) to Live, and where can I go to grab it? ^_^;;
Got a little bit of the customization to work today! Is Orange a but much?! hehe I am curious, though, if y'all would rather customize individual controls of the program (background, text, etc) or just have select-able color schemes? I'm leaning more towards color schemes myself and have the more customizable colors for the forum export.
Got a little bit of the customization to work today! Is Orange a but much?! hehe I am curious, though, if y'all would rather customize individual controls of the program (background, text, etc) or just have select-able color schemes? I'm leaning more towards color schemes myself and have the more customizable colors for the forum export.
It buuuuurns!!! It buuuuuurns!!!
Yes, color schemes sound nice, but maybe have a non aggressive blue and the border in orange then ^_-
(Just so my eyeballs don't burst XD)
A black / silver one would be great.
Would fit XP and my 7 here...
I'm going to make several different color schemes. Some people like bright and I wanted to make a statement with the pic so I started with orange. I also have blue, green, gray, pink, and default (dark blue). I'll be adding more as well. You want black. What other colors?
I'm going to make several different color schemes. Some people like bright and I wanted to make a statement with the pic so I started with orange. I also have blue, green, gray, pink, and default (dark blue). I'll be adding more as well. You want black. What other colors?
Something that roughly matches the CO power selection interface, though I'm guessing that your blue or dark blue would already be that.
Got another piece of code done. Easy enough. Now Archetypes and Freeforms alike will only have to use one program!! I also got the *.cop file read and write working!! Woot!
What's this?? The xml reader is working??!!? :eek: Been out of town on business. Finally got back to working on this. Sleestack got the xml reader working. Now it's time to start incorporating it. This thing should be finished before you know... err SOON (tm).
Now that the xml reader is working I've been making some progress with power selection. Here's the latest updates. Tier is not a factor yet but I can select powers, highlight which are selected, and show power descriptions based on which is highlighted in the build.
This looks like its going to be leaps ahead of the original.
My hope was to add in a bit more without going overboard. But mainly to simplify the GUI while keeping mostly everything on one page. Even better is we've managed to have very little changes to the current xml files so updating powers will be very similar. Plus that means once I get it fully working...it's done. There's no transfer of all the powers. They're already setup!
Egads man, what on earth have you been up to in your cave. Looks like this new builder is going to rock and that it's a mountain of hard work. I can't wait to use it to design more unstoppable toons, scoring crushing victories by a land slide and leaving nothing but upheaval in the wake of my onslaught...
Egads man, what on earth have you been up to in your cave. Looks like this new builder is going to rock and that it's a mountain of hard work. I can't wait to use it to design more unstoppable toons, scoring crushing victories by a land slide and leaving nothing but upheaval in the wake of my onslaught...
Egads man, what on earth have you been up to in your cave. Looks like this new builder is going to rock and that it's a mountain of hard work. I can't wait to use it to design more unstoppable toons, scoring crushing victories by a land slide and leaving nothing but upheaval in the wake of my onslaught...
Since we're doing updates, I thought I'd let y'all know that I'm hitting the test server and getting info from a thread in the PTS forum to start building the Specialization Tree xml files to include them in the Planner. It's probably going to take a while - mostly to gather the correct data for the Trees - but I've started working on it.
My personal thanks to Rox, Sleestack, and anyone else who has contributed, is contributing, and will in the future contribute to this project in whatever form. Your work is deeply appreciated.
So I was thinking about it...I believe there needs to be a filter for talents. Probably some checkboxes of each superstat. You would be able to eliminate those talents which don't have any of the superstats checked. I may even write section of code that puts the ones with the most available superstats checked at the top.
So I was thinking about it...I believe there needs to be a filter for talents. Probably some checkboxes of each superstat. You would be able to eliminate those talents which don't have any of the superstats checked. I may even write section of code that puts the ones with the most available superstats checked at the top.
Whatcy'a think??
Basically a talent search by superstat? Not sure I'm reading this right so asking for clarification.
Basically a talent search by superstat? Not sure I'm reading this right so asking for clarification.
Yes. But not just by superstat, though it could be an option actually. What I'm talking about is having all 8 superstats with a checkbox off to the right. For each one you select it will filter through the talents and display only those which boosts at least one of those selected.
I could even add an option to filter by talents which have all the selected superstats.
Ah. Didn't know if it applied to the export layout as well. :-p
Anyway kk for the rest, was just a couple ideas. ^_^
The last one was mostly so we'd be able to put the sting in the post and people wouldn't need to "re-build" before they start pimping it.
(I'ma laaaaazzzzzyyyyyy XD)
Just do it the way that makes it easier for you.
It'll be more than appreciated anyway. ^_^
Both look good.
I doubt the description boxes would get filled to that point, so maybe a non maxed-out...
Kinda not so important. ^_^
It's been a really long time since I updated the version I have of the Builder. Is the current relase synched (or close enough for horseshoes and hand grenades) to Live, and where can I go to grab it? ^_^;;
Words for the word god!
Got a little bit of the customization to work today! Is Orange a but much?! hehe I am curious, though, if y'all would rather customize individual controls of the program (background, text, etc) or just have select-able color schemes? I'm leaning more towards color schemes myself and have the more customizable colors for the forum export.
It buuuuurns!!! It buuuuuurns!!!
Yes, color schemes sound nice, but maybe have a non aggressive blue and the border in orange then ^_-
(Just so my eyeballs don't burst XD)
A black / silver one would be great.
Would fit XP and my 7 here...
Something that roughly matches the CO power selection interface, though I'm guessing that your blue or dark blue would already be that.
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EDIT: Sorry about the image quality on this one.
Attachment not found.
Speaking of...
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Attachment not found.
Attachment not found.
Ps: you got a new submission. ^_^
Oh, and...
Heh, heh, you're gettin old.
What's this?? The xml reader is working??!!? :eek: Been out of town on business. Finally got back to working on this.
Attachment not found.
My hope was to add in a bit more without going overboard. But mainly to simplify the GUI while keeping mostly everything on one page. Even better is we've managed to have very little changes to the current xml files so updating powers will be very similar. Plus that means once I get it fully working...it's done. There's no transfer of all the powers. They're already setup!
I totally went there...
ROFLMAO! This made my day...seriously.
So many puns...
I feel dizzy.
Mumsy would be proud.
Attachment not found.
He was my hero first. You cant have him !
I had to chuckle when I looked at the powers selected... that's one strange hero you are putting together there.
Was just trying to show a little diversity in the power selection. Wanted everyone to know all powersets are working.
Hey !!!
I just saw that. How did Rox get a hold of my super-secret PvP build ?!?!
Someone should try that one.
Nooooo .. Electric Bolt with 5 adv-points .. that was the soo well kept secret
Ah ..common .. we know you will exploit the heck out of that build
That only adds to how cool it is.
That would be amazing.
You would think that they would have started it themselves. I'm so excited for this next one!
Attachment not found.
Love the Co builder
Keep up the great work!
Whatcy'a think??
Basically a talent search by superstat? Not sure I'm reading this right so asking for clarification.
Yes. But not just by superstat, though it could be an option actually. What I'm talking about is having all 8 superstats with a checkbox off to the right. For each one you select it will filter through the talents and display only those which boosts at least one of those selected.
I could even add an option to filter by talents which have all the selected superstats.