The Silver Age Sentinels.
[Light Roleplay, Casual-Friendly, and Silver to Bronze Age Fun themed Super Group]
Liberty. Justice. Security. Peace.
These are the four pillars of a better world: a land of hope, freedom, and truth, where life is not a burden to endure but a joy to experience. There are threats you cannot conquer, tragedies you cannot avoid, and sins you cannot punish. We are here to help. We will support you when you stumble, keep watch when you sleep, and help you achieve the unreachable. We will show you how to touch Paradise. We are The Sentinels, and you are safe on our watch.Who we are, what we stand for;
Silver Age Sentinels focuses on what heroes do best -- being heroes.
What does a "light-roleplay, casual-friendly environment" mean?
By "light-roleplay" we mean to suggest that the Supergroup is RP-friendly, and we want to create a welcoming environment for people who enjoy that aspect of the game (since we do). That said, many of us sometimes focus a little bit more on stomping tail than lengthy monologues.
By "casual-friendly" we mean to say that we will never ask players to put the game before their real lives, jobs, family or friends. Planned events will be kept to a minimum, and they won't be mandatory. If a player wants to log in and just beat up a few bad guys on his own, without having to get involved in whatever RP or missions are going on with the group at the time, that's perfectly fine with us.
To be frank*, we specifically, intentionally exist as an alternative to Heavy Roleplaying super groups, with lengthy recruitment and application processes, constant, back-to-back or continuing events, and more subplots going on at any one time than anyone could ever keep up with.
We are about roleplaying, and playing in character, but not to such a degree that someone might become lost if they don't keep up with current events, or left behind if they are unable to log in as often or regularly as some of the other members, nor are we so large that you might feel lost in the crowd.
If you want a fun group of mature roleplayers to hang out and chat with, in and out of character, without feeling that you will get left behind if you aren't able to log in four nights a week, then we are looking for you!
If you prefer to roleplay with [and your own characters are] more classic tights wearing, "Heroes' heroes", and wonder what it is today with all these gun toting thugs in masks, taking money for their so-called good deeds, we're the team for you!
If the above criteria spark your interest, or at any point while reading that you wanted to high five this post author, please click the link below and take a spin through the Information boxes on the front page which go into even more specific details of what we are about, both in and out of character. Light or casual roleplayers, looking for a home away from heavy angst, enjoy a small team feel, please move on to the next few simple steps!
Read those info boxes, and click the "Join this Guild" button to generate a few questions to answer that will go into your very own recruitment thread. Post in that new thread for your availability, and I or one of my officers will respond by attempting to schedule a good time to meet you in-game!
This team has existed since old beta, and has been through a few roster shake ups, one after beta ended, and another with the great player fallout of October. I've long kept the group an invitation-only, small and 'best kept secret' type of group for all this time, and I have only recently decided that it is time to open the doors to actual recruitment.
~Rune, proud leader of the
Silver Age Sentinels.
*Disclaimer;Frank is not actually my Secret Identity.
The Silver Age Sentinels is most easily identified with The Defenders, a loose collection of like minded and noble heroes with some extra fun and humor injected, but slightly better known and much more respected. Founder and team leader; Rune
This is the main team, and where the majority of us spend our time in character. Almost all of the Vibora Bay leveled characters reside here, haha.
GLOBE is a SHIELD like international agency with UNTIL and PRIMUS clearances, headed up and ran by Super heroes. Founded by the Fighting-Canadian [a Canadian 'Captain America' homage], and currently led by an American Speedster hero with a sports car motif. Deputy Director; KnightHawk.
This alt team is the home for many of our more modern agent hero alts, such as Stormwatch, with a slightly more bronze age, heroic feel. In characterly, this groups 'Aero-Carrier', The Artimus, serves as the HQ, transportation, communications and logistical needs of all the other groups as well.
The Young Sentinels is our newest addition to the Coalition, it is a younger but no-longer-in-training super hero team similar to the flavor of the New Warriors, or Teen Titans. Young Justice fits as well, with some extra Runaways and Power Pack flavor if desired. All Ravenswood Academy / Homeroom Alpha characters are also Young Sentinels as a "Cover". Co-chairmen; Conductress, Amethyst
Ravenswood Academy is a School in the Pen & Paper lore, nominally an ordinary (if highly exclusive) private school, but secretly intended primarily to train young superhumans in the proper use of their abilities. Kristina Pelvanen, formerly the superheroine Rowan, founded Ravenswood Academy in 1989, and still serves as headmistress after she retired from her heroic life. It's secret "Homeroom Alpha" is the actual training program underneath the Academy, and only it's specific teachers, students and thrusted allies know about it. Senior Class Rep; Amethyst
This alt team serves as an area for In-training Teen concept heroes, for younger X-men and New Mutants types in particular, but being a mutant is not a requirement, merely having special powers or training and the recognized need to be further trained and educated is enough. Teen Angst in moderation welcome.
The primary difference between the Ravenswood Academy and Young Sentinels is that the Academy group is for and about students, the Young Sentinels is about young super heroes, whether it is the 'younger adult' flavor of the New Warriors from the 90s, or the "Younger but hand wave off the school stuff" type of Teen Titans thing going on like Teen Titans, Runaways or Young Justice.
The Golden Age Guardians are our allies and friends, in some cases better known heroes but all taking a "High road" moral stance with the younger members looking forward, even eager to learn from the older members. Co-chairmen; Red Eagle and Blue Eagle
Close in concept to DCs Justice Society as a team of older, well experienced world war two era heroes and their descendants and legacies. Shares some common ideals with Marvels Invaders and their teen sidekicks from seventies comics. In many ways they really are, both in and out of character, the "Avengers/Justice League" larger and better known super group, to our own intentionally smaller "Defenders/Justice Society".
I don't regret throwing my hat in with this lot at all!
I'd love to meet you, hit up the website, or shoot me a tell in-game.
We're still growing, and if you have interest, take a look at the first two posts for all the relevant information!
I'd love to join up, btw.
Not everything there was silly like the old Batman TV series, although there certainly was a ton of that, there was also the first ever hero dying in the line of duty [Ferro Lad and Lightning Lad in classic Legion of Super Heroes comics], the introduction of dramatic soap opera elements and characterizations to comics book hero plots, [Spider-Man], really sexy characters [Power Girl, and tons of others], the first "Big" Cosmic story-lines and some truly psychedelic stuff too [Dr. Strange, Jack Kirby's Forth World, The Eternals, and so on].
-Adversary89, leader of the Blackwatch Defenders
Thank you! I've seen you guys around, your members are respectful role-players, we should get together sometime for sure!
First off, thanks for the compliment. We try to stay respectful and fun with everyone we encounter within the group or outside the group. As for us getting together, yeah I am looking forward to it. It would be pretty cool if the Silver Age Sentinels and the Blackwatch Defenders had a friendly alliance. I have you on my friend list so just hit me up with a in game mail if you would like to know a bit more about my group.
Friendly bump for the SAS ^_^
-Adversary89, leader of the Blackwatch Defenders
Also, the Celebration of the GLOBE /Silver Age Sentinels alliance will be held on Friday, Sept. 3rd at 6 PM server time, all friends and allies are welcome to join us! Prospective new members, please come by as well!
Sounds sweet ^_^
I'll swing by for the celebration.
Support the Silver Age Sentinels.
I'm new to CO and I've been looking for a SG to join and came across your post. I'm looking for something different in an MMO and so I figured RP'ing would be fun. Since you advertise "RP casual" type environment I think it'd be a good fit for what I'm looking for (I have almost zero RP experience). I'm also looking for a SG that wouldn't be bothered too much from my alt-itis that I seem to get in every MMORPG. I have four toons right now.
Only four alts?
Thanks, Brick, that's a great shot!
Almost everyone there is in our team or sub factions, like the Young Sentinels. those that aren't, are allies from the Ultimate Guardians or the Silver Guard.
No problem, just add me as a friend, and I'll do the same with you, we'll catch one another in-game soon enough.
Secret Agent Man@RiderJo
Demolition Duke@RiderJo
Hi! Please contact me in-game via email or Forum PM [@Rune], and I'll get with you, we can schedule a time to meet and chat. Also please take a moment to go to our website at and read through the Information boxes located on the top left of the site, they are there to tell you who we are and what we're about, and if we are what you are looking for!
I have other characters who might fit the theme more, but I'm still hoping to find my main one a home somewhere.
Please contact me in-game via email or Forum PM [@Rune], and I'll get with you, we can schedule a time to meet and chat. Feel free to just /friend me, so we can see one another in-game easily.
Also please take a moment to go to our website at and read through the Information boxes located on the top left of the site, they are there to tell you who we are and what we're about, and if we are what you are looking for!
Our private chat channel now has 102 individual players in it, and our teams are doing great. Young Sentinels in particular is enjoying a lot of popularity at the moment, the Ravenswood Academy / Homeroom Alpha Role-playing faction seeing the most action.
People just love the teen angst!
Please contact me in-game via email or Forum PM [@Rune], and I'll get with you, we can schedule a time to meet and chat. Feel free to just /friend me, so we can see one another in-game easily.
Also please take a moment to go to our website at and read through the Information boxes located on the top left of the site, they are there to tell you who we are and what we're about, and if we are what you are looking for!
Thanks for the interest!
(Also - free bump)
Our private chat channel now has over 110 individual players in it, and our teams are doing great. Young Sentinels in particular is enjoying a lot of popularity at the moment, the Ravenswood Academy / Homeroom Alpha Role-playing faction seeing the most action.
People still just love the teen angst!
We'd love to have you, just hit our website when Guildportal is back up, and read those information boxes, then hit the "Join this guild" button at the top and answer the questions. We'll get you set right up.
I take no responsibility if you end up falling in love with our group and it's role-playing.
Guildportal was down earlier, it does that occasionally, but it's all up and running normal now.
This would explain a lot.
I've had the opportunity to team with a few of your members recently and they are some pretty good and cool players.
If I ever want to join a SG...the Silver Age Sentinels is where I would go.
Just hit the first posts and check our website out to learn more, classic Golden, Silver & Bronze age style heroes are always welcome, and we do have a home for some of the Neo-silver to modern style heroes in our GLOBE agency too! Teen Hero shenanigans in Ravenswood Academy and the Young Sentinels as well!
Proud leader of the finest light role-playing group in Champions [and made so by it's awesome membership],
the Silver Age Sentinels!
I'd like to take a moment to welcome the newest recruits into the Sentinels family of super groups, all added just in the last month;
Amp von Voltage@Sotanokki
Twixter Rabit@Prons
The Emissary@GigaGal
Thank you one and all for reminding me every time I log in, that I have the privilege and honor of leading the best light role-playing guild in Champions Online!
As always, the awesomeness of our guild is truly based on the quality of it's members, and our Quality is beyond exceptional.
Welcome, all of you, to the finest light role-playing guild in Champions Online.
Humbly in service, your leader;
As always, the awesomeness of our guild is truly based on the quality of it's members, and our Quality is beyond exceptional.
Welcome, all of you, to the finest light role-playing guild in Champions Online.
Humbly in service, your leader;