So you want to be a superhero?
Founded by a retired superhero in the wake of the 2009 Destroid attacks on Millennium City, the Halcyon Academy seeks to fight crime and better the world in two basic ways by providing a low-cost, high-quality education to those who might not otherwise be able to afford one, and by training the superheroes of tomorrow. Staffed by accredited teachers and a host of experienced heroes serving as mentors to those amongst the student body who choose the life of a professional good samaritan, Halcyon Academy strives to provide a strong foundation that will allow its students no matter their eventual career choice to have the best chance at success.
Halcyon Academy is a spin-off of the Star Trek Online guild,
Halcyon Epsilon Fleet. Our inspiration comes from groups such as Marvel's X-Men, Generation X and Young Avengers, as well as DC's Young Justice and Teen Titans.
Like our sister guild, Halcyon Academy is a group dedicated to telling stories, making friends, and enjoying the game together. Were run by three officers myself, Malcolm_Die (Ivarion on our forums) and Zizi and its our job to make sure the SG is running smoothly, people are able to find one another for RP and teaming, and generally keep the Academy a groovy, fun place to be.
If youre interested in learning more, please
visit our forums and say hello! Whether you join us or not, we look forward to chattin and roleplayin and smashin with you this September.
Particularly looking forward to getting the last little bits of the site done!
I'm hoping to nail Zizi down sometime this week and hammer out a list of the Academy's resources - basically a "do we have a Danger Room? Who gets to use it?" sort of list of stuff that can be found on the school grounds. I figure it'd be a good resource for people to utilize during roleplay.
If you've any questions for us, let fly! In the meantime, feel free to loiter and get to know us.
I'm a bit insomniac tonight, so I may try to get in a little roleplay or writing so that the IC areas on our boards look a little less barren. We'll see how well my brain functions. If not tonight, then definitely tomorrow.
A Word About Tone
There is a large spectrum of "superhero school RP". So it's important that we mention where we choose to lay in the spectrum up front.
Halcyon Academy is intended to be lighthearted, laid back and fun. You will not see grim, serious professors teachings students to always use their powers wisely(though the school only hires "role models"). You will see little "the world fears us, you must be careful" and very little of that sort of moralistic focus. This is, almost literally, normal High School/College with superpowers. We expect a certain amount of amusing but harmless hijinks, we expect fun, we expect that angsty gritty realist drama be kept in moderation.
To wit: this is not intended to be Xavier's School for the Gifted, this is Sky High. We're not Blood the last Vampire; we're Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We're not Space: Above and Beyond; we're Firefly. We're not Bladerunner; we're The Fifth Element.
the reason we've chosen to go this way is because this isn't MUO or DCU or CoH. Champions, as an IP, is not exactly a parody by any means-- but it IS a self-aware wild romp through superhero tropes that treats itself and the genre with a sort of cheeky irreverence and tongue-in-cheek humour, and this seems to be a facet that Cryptic is aware of and a tone they themselves are taking (See: Foxbat, Snake Gulch, the end of the new Melee Video, Tunneling Travel Power, etc). This is likely to be a game about Fun more than about Serious. And that is how we're choosing to Roleplay in it.
So there you go, that's what to expect. Game on.
OOC: Hey Everyone! So happy this has gone live and I can't wait to immerse myself in this world with the rest of you. This is going to be so fun!
ps your tv show sucked
( ...I think we begin to see an example of our tone emerging... )
(OOC: Yes...I think: tone established
The avatar cant be for realz <
pshh girls like that something better to do in life than play this.
P.S i know is just an avatar and you dont mean your her but seriously.... why put her as your avatar.
And hello to you, too.
I might have to see if I can pull a chr out the hat to sign up with *thinks a bit*
See you folks around either way, always great to see more rp'ers.
Many thanks!
You'd absolutely be welcome. Even if you don't join, we'd be happy to roleplay with you and the good folks over at the Academy. Nothing like a little friendly school rivalry to get the blood pumping.
Well thats really visual for me.... "i would really rp to that if you know what i mean..." *cough cough* ah you see what you make me do. i hate coughing
Because it's a good choice for the character, and this is a roleplay group, simple as that.
That said, I *have* known girls like that to play games like these. The days of MMOs being the sole province of geeky basement dwellers is long, long past.
maybe girls that you like but not like that like come on.... like really? i dont know about your taste but really?
P.S look it up in a good way Free bumps!!!
and a cookie here you go.
Happy to see you swing by, feel free to hang out. We're a pretty laid-back and accepting sort of crowd.
Just like Zizi, I have known many girls (very good looking ones at that) who have played MMOs. I might not be one of them, but they are out there
i have also in Coh and many games but really not like that........
come on really?
P.S another cookie and a bump ;:cool: wink wink
I know at least one Fashion Design major at the school where I do my Master's work that plays in a WoW raiding guild when she isn't overloaded with homework, and she's pretty close, actually. She swings around our department now and then to talk about game mechanics between classes.
But that's not really the point. The point is, it fits Tzi's character.
By all means, though, keep chattin' - just remember that we're here for fun - and thank you for popping by, Babasan!
I don't think anyone's taking it personal, so it's all good. Actually, i like these kinds of conversations, because I'd find our transient fashion major a little hard to believe, too, and yet... there she is, right around lunchtime. XD
well wow has alot of players it might be possible like atleas 1 % in chance to find some one like that i think even less..... but really? come on i gotta see it to believe it.... i have seen hot girls playing but not that hot and i think if there was they wouldnt lke to show how they look like in real life because of jerks trying to get with them in a game. ( maybe i would be one of those but it depends how hot she is) i have heard cases where they ask thm to marry but thats another story .
I inadvertently missed this earlier, but wanted to thank you for the kind words nonetheless. We do try for quality now and again.
I'd love to join this SG it sounds pretty cool. I like that it's more like Sky High than X-men because Sky High is an awsome film
I've not quite settled on a Super Hero name yet for my character, and i'll have to do some modifying to his background seeing as the last super group i joined on forums stopped running.
I'd love suggestions for my Heroes name.
Real name is Craig Harlem and he has Ice Powers.
Hopefully, though, we can help you find a place in our neck of the woods.
In the meantime, a name, a name, let's see... it may be 6:30 and I may not have slept, but we should be able to come up with something. What kind of a guy is Craig, besides a... dare I say it... cool character? :cool:
That is as good as I can do this early in the morning.
Then again, I may have played too much Killer Instinct growing up... but it's still a cool name. No pun intended. <:mad:>
I still have a while to think, and yeah i do have Steam.
Psilas approaches Glamour with a big poster of her, "Do you think I could have your autograph babe? I for one loved your show, have every episode on DVD. Maybe we could, I dunno, play some Pacman together sometime?"
So who should I make it out to?
Icewire, I'll let an officer officially answer your question, but I applied on the forums. There are application questions toward the bottom. Here's the site: Halcyon Academy
Hope that helps
Yes Icewire, please stop by our forums when you get the chance, send us an application, feel free to browse around a little. I'm sure one of us will be with you pretty quickly sometime today! Glad to have you interested mate.
Halcyon Academy, looking for players who like a bit of lighthearted rp and silly fun. Drama and darkness in small doses please, but fun in abundance! ^_^
:: Spark looks up in amazement, thinking the conceited hot girl is talking to him. Sees she's not. Goes back to his video game ::
And of course, the Halcyon Academy is still recruiting. We're looking for roleplayers who like to have a bit of fun, maybe something off the beaten path here with a great blend of quirk and humour! If you think you might like to join our group of writers and friends, feel free to stop on by our forums, take a look around, and send your application into Halcyon Academy!
Would you like to play some superpowered teen, or perhaps a heroic mentor or teacher at a school for the amazingly gifted? HA is the place for you!