First of all take this with a grain of salt because 1've only ever played ATs, (still have my empty FF slot deciding what to do with it) and I'm not great at end game stuff that may require better coordination and meta builds.
How can I make battles more exciting and agile? In other MMOs I play(ed), including older ones like WOW, I've always enjoyed fast and agile classes that require some strategy, usually thieves or rogues. It means a lot of hiding, positioning for backstab, teleport in and out of battle, using traps to encase/disorient/stun your oponent, using evade skills, swithing poisons/bleeds, etc. It means I'm constantly moving around my target. even in PVE (unless it's just a boss type bag of HP)
But in this game, I've found myself using pretty much always the same skill against enemies. (not counting the autoattack) either my strongest skill, or an AoE skill if I have more than 1 enemy around me. Occasionaly a few others to bleed, or heal, but feels really really static. Maybe It's the ATs I've tried, but I have tried at least 6 different ones and they all pretty much feel and play similar in that aspect.
So, is there a way to make combat more fun and entertaining? do some ATs have useful skills besides lunges and knocks that make battle a little more fun than standing in front of an enemy pressing the same 1 or 2 skills all the time? do FFs have more freedom in that aspect? is there any kind of teleport/grapple/backstab/hide that makes for more agile and mobile fights?

No matter how much you gimp yourself, stuff like alerts and old missions will never really be thrilling anymore cause you're basically just knocking over cardboard cutouts. QWZ is content that's actually balanced for the current power level of 40s.
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Motherfunkin' lassos.
'nuff said.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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I take my controllers into the Q Warzone solo. These are toons with poor damage output and not the best defenses. On the other hand, they have an array of control powers with cooldowns, plus some self-heals and utilities. I have to be careful in the warzone--use hit and run tactics, carefully controlling some mobs while attacking others. I use a combination of teleportation and acrobatics (w/versatility adv) to stay mobile. It's very challenging, and I cannot solo this area with really focusing on the game.
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I also really like the powers that fall under Movement. My twin blade character, for example, uses Smoke Bomb Lunge and tosses a smoke bomb before reappearing next to my target. There are also the lunge away abilities like parting shot, which I love with my twin pistol gunfighter.
But, I know what you mean about mobility in general. I used to love playing my shadow stepping rogue in WoW.
I was playing another game, and battles were HARD and made me look for strategy for optimal survival. that's what makes it interesting too.
in here it's either it's too easy or you get oneshoted
Try to solo Andrith. Play QWZ.
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Thoughbut: The QWZ does contain some hints at how they can improve things, but they'd have to make it less OP. In that zone there are enemies that use a measure of tactical nous, area denial weapons, summons, traps and self-heals..... but the damage levels are so high, the pace so rapid and the interface so poor* that unless your character already
can can survive it, you've got no chance of living long enough to work out how you might (it is, essentially, a turn based game in which most people get one turn, hence the lack of players in the zone).
* This is such an issue.... even in the normal game, there are enemies which have special attacks which can do quite significant damage and which need a particular approach. Good luck figuring out what they are, though, 'cause the game won't tell you. Qularr Bug-keepers using you as an incubator, an attack that takes 50% of your HP? Looks just like everything else.....
ps - those who think themselves incapable of performing poorly are often the ones doing it most often since an inability to see your own mistakes makes it difficult to address them. Yes, and that's why it's fun figuring out how to solo it ( without going for the obvious, easy route of using a tanky character ).
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I thought you didn't believe in the Dunning-Kreuger effect? You seemed quite sniffy about it a while ago....
If you are going to use it as a line of argument, though, you do need to be objective and understand that high-skill and high-experience players often underestimate their relative competence and how difficult others might find things that they find easy. It's why they shouldn't be allowed to provide assessments of difficulty on content that's not intended for them.
It doesn't require too much for a build to solo through the Warzone. At that point, the control spam is just obnoxious... Well, it's obnoxious even with a weak character, but it won't kill you with a stronger one. When it was possible to nab objectives with stealth, people whined that it was cheating. That went bye-bye. But one-shotting the healer / bubbler npc with ranged attacks to instantly make the fight much easier isn't, of course.
Challenge comes from AI improvements not just giving enemies piles of damage. But that's basically what CO does in addition to forcing loss of character control so enemies can do more damage to you. If you want challenging or engaging content, it's not here in CO. This game was created in a time where AI was bad and combat restricted by what could be done with an online game. No significant improvements have been done to the core code of the game as far as I know, so all of those 2009 restrictions are still in play.
CO is the game you play to live out your power fantasy and make cool looking toons. It's never really been that game with involved combat mechanics.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
also I DO think the engine is capable of more fluid battlesystem, after all it's the same one as for NW (albeit an earlier version)
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What does this have to do with this thread? Are you saying QWZ isn't intended for me? Not really sure where you're going with this... almost seems like you're trying to start a tangential debate. They are avoidable, and avoiding them is what makes it fun for me.
You can do it with melee attacks as well. This method feels less cheaty because you actually have to fight the NPCs - stealth nabbing avoided that and didn't feel very heroic.
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BTW, trying to impersonate a moderator or other such being of PWE is also against the rules. Just saying. So are threats if your intent is to some how scare me with your factually wrong misinformation.
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That's the problem--CO is a MUCH earlier version. Both STO and NW have made significant improvements to the engine, but at this point, there's absolutely no guarantee that those improvements could be brought back to CO and pasted in. I'd actually be surprised if they could.
It's a lot like biological evolution, really. We may share a common ancestor with chimpanzees, but that doesn't mean we can produce viable offspring with them because our two species have drifted too far apart.
Here. I think this video belongs to you.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Gamepad's direction stick*
But anyway, that's just something I'd do to make battles better.
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Epic Stronghold
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The same applies with gear. Instead of allowing people to stack general "defence", you could extend the mod system to make people collect and use special defence mods against specific damage types... that would mean a value to having multiple builds and prevent the acquisition of certain gear sets becoming game changing.
Without all that, you have the current situation... a superhero game which allows you to be Superman in a world without Kryptonite. Go figure....
While I can see why someone might like the idea of defensive passives with weaknesses, what that would actually do to players is force them to respec every time they wanted to engage in content that dealt damage their passive was weak against. Or they'd just have 2 or more different defensive passives to swap out, tying up advantage points and power slots. That's like giving bosses huge resistances to certain damage types and expecting DPS to switch out their powers all the time. It's just not reasonable for this type of game.
Yeah I'd rather not have to grind out a separate set of gear for each cosmic and shove in a bunch of powers that don't fit my theme just so that I can survive and damage everything. Honestly I'd probably quit if that happened.