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FC.31.20160729.8 - Qliphothic Warzone: Mission Feedback



  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,539 Arc User

    indimensional should be interdimensional.

    Technically, every use of the word "dimension" in this game to refer to an alternate world/universe/etc is incorrect.
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • riveroceanriverocean Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    chaelk said:

    so how many people have tried it with AT's? I know I tried it with several with equal .. results.

    it's all fine saying build meatier characters but what about the ones who don't have that option?​​

    Before my sub lapsed I tried a few AT's. It's been a month or so... but here's what I recall:

    My Savage did very well against everything but the Elder Worms. But the Savage is darned near FF in power level now.

    Also, used a Grimoire with some of the temp tank pets to complete the first daily vs. the Horrors. (You can now buy those pets cheaply from the Recognition Vendor in MC. The Lemurian Idol is very durable with buffing. The Greater Demon Summon is also quite nice. I'm pretty sure the Grim's AOPM helped them both greatly).

    Trying to remember what else didn't fare so badly. Oh the Void handled itself well, but a team mate would've made it easier. I couldn't complete the more difficult dailies with it..but the vs. the Horrors it was fine.

    The real surprise was the Automaton. Despite all it's faults, its' a very good ranged Alpha Striker. If I had a team mate or two the Automaton would've performed excellently. It can dish out a surprising amount of damage on a group (Ego Surge + Implosion Engine + Orbital Cannon). I just couldn't handle the resulting anger of the attacked a mob. But on a team my bet is it it would've been very useful.

    So yeah for the most part there's the standard AT trick of gearing and stating for con. It might lower your overall DPS but you don't die as soon as something looks at you. I don't have any fully leveled Tank AT's (Glacier, Behemoth, Invincible). But I suspect both the Glacier and the Invincible would do very well thanks to Invulnerable. Plus the invincible does great dps for an AT.

    But teaming will probably be the best bet for AT's. I'm 100% confident teams of AT's can do this content.

    Questions About AT Play? Visit Silverwolfx11's Updated AT Guides!
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    aesica said:

    Make a second account and

    Sure, solve all your problems with follow bots.

    Or do what I do, and just nuke the crap out of the mobs. Pick the right first target and the rest fall like dominos. Cuts out all that multi-boxing too, since you know not everyone's computer can do that, that makes my method the more inclusive one :smile:
  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,608 Arc User
    Shadow Destroyer is to big. As a melee character it's hard to see what he is doing even it max camera distance (you can get without /camdist stuff). And if you do use a higher camdist you are to far away from your character to easily see some other attacks.
  • tigerofcachticetigerofcachtice Posts: 551 Arc User
    This is such a minor thing, but just passing information along since I'm doing the content.

    BUG: Voice acting and mission text mismatch.

    WHERE IT HAPPENS: "Worm Treasures" mission briefing by Witchcraft

    WHAT HAPPENS: Just a small difference between what she says and what the text reads.

    Witchcraft Voice Actor: These gems are POWERFUL sources of mystic energy.

    The text: These gems are TREMENDOUS sources of mystic energy.

    Just reporting this because it's so cool to get voice acting in CO again.
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  • tigerofcachticetigerofcachtice Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    These are actual Mission-related bugs that confuse players, as they're mentioned in Zone chat.


    BUG: Destroid Destruction (2) and Annihilator Bots bugged

    WHERE IT HAPPENS: In Terminus Base, any instance of Annihilator Bots can have this issue

    WHAT HAPPENS: Annihilator Bots sometimes lack the "Allied Defense" buff that other Destroids have. When they do, their Health skyrockets from 15,000 to 95,000 to 100,000 upon being attacked. The biggest problem is, they do not count for Destroid Destruction's objective counter of 5 Annihilator Bots. Please fix it so they don't go Super Saiyan on us, then deny us the kill count, for that is so unsporting of them.


    BUG: Hack the System (2) mission has 1 misplaced objective marker on the map

    WHERE IT HAPPENS: In Terminus Base; I did you up a screenshot in the spirit of being helpful:

    WHAT HAPPENS: In Hack the System (2), the objective marker on the map and mini-map point to the wrong place for Command Centre 2's location. The marker currently, as you can see in the yellow circle, is actually a pile of rocks covering a Lore Object, a dataslate about the Eidolon of Destruction. The marker should be where my character is located, the triangle in the Northeast area of Terminus Base. I think it's just a mis-association of marker and game object, hopefully an easy fix there.


    Both of these issues are getting asked about in Zone chat, thus hopefully you can take a look please, thanks in advance.
    More action at Champions Online Comics @ http://co-comics.webs.com
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,234 Cryptic Developer
    Thanks for the bug reports all! Please keep posting any that pop up here and we'll be sure to address them for next week!​​
  • kyastralkyastral Posts: 342 Arc User

    These are actual Mission-related bugs that confuse players, as they're mentioned in Zone chat.


    BUG: Destroid Destruction (2) and Annihilator Bots bugged

    WHERE IT HAPPENS: In Terminus Base, any instance of Annihilator Bots can have this issue

    WHAT HAPPENS: Annihilator Bots sometimes lack the "Allied Defense" buff that other Destroids have. When they do, their Health skyrockets from 15,000 to 95,000 to 100,000 upon being attacked. The biggest problem is, they do not count for Destroid Destruction's objective counter of 5 Annihilator Bots. Please fix it so they don't go Super Saiyan on us, then deny us the kill count, for that is so unsporting of them.


    BUG: Hack the System (2) mission has 1 misplaced objective marker on the map

    WHERE IT HAPPENS: In Terminus Base; I did you up a screenshot in the spirit of being helpful:

    WHAT HAPPENS: In Hack the System (2), the objective marker on the map and mini-map point to the wrong place for Command Centre 2's location. The marker currently, as you can see in the yellow circle, is actually a pile of rocks covering a Lore Object, a dataslate about the Eidolon of Destruction. The marker should be where my character is located, the triangle in the Northeast area of Terminus Base. I think it's just a mis-association of marker and game object, hopefully an easy fix there.


    Both of these issues are getting asked about in Zone chat, thus hopefully you can take a look please, thanks in advance.

    Ok.. so I just finished the Hack the System Daily and figured out how to deal with it.

    Basically, the map placement of the last marker is off target. The objectives of this mission are located within the buildings with the AA launchers on top of them. If you make your way into them without looking at the map for direction, you will find all 3 easily. This is what I did because I remembered where they were located from doing these missions on the test server.

    I also noticed that the Annihilator Destroids within these buildings have a better chance of being the ones with the defense buff on them.

  • friezalivesonfriezaliveson Posts: 218 Arc User
    TL;DR - How I feel about this game now.

    Waste of time: I was on the PTS for nearly four hours, and I also spent an additional day as well.

    Qliphothic Warzone is completely and utterly useless. There is no point in anyone trying to get the stuff from the store especially the Auras; which btw as I recalled were Binds on Account/Binds on Equip, Aura which SHOULD be available to put in hideout and store freely, are Binds on Pickup.

    I refuse to level another 40 again just to get an item which should've been the case, BoA, instead is BoP, meaning that if you have a healer, or a non-dps/theme character which so so works in Alerts, Rampages and half the time for OSV stuff, I can't say I like what Kaiserin is doing, if she is even bothering to care at this point.

    I'm sick of your choices of Auras being Binds on Pickup, I want to be able to not have to grind your silly content on a toon I'd rather not level at all and prefer to just use a toon that IS quite alright and can get the job done but I can take that aura and store it away for later if I have an idea. Ofc this trend is continuing for the Bloodmoon Event -- Yet once again another failed opportunity to get an Aura which you previously couldn't get or you ended up deleting the character by accident and the aura was gone... well hahaha you can't now! More BoP items should die in a fire. Some of which were BoE/or BtAoP which were working perfectly fine in the last 3-4 years, and now that its more clearer and stream lined but you want to do this BoP but why? Why can't you make it work? BoP is a bad idea, and just make the grindy content not even worth the trouble.

    E.g. you want grindy content for an MMO player base that's lower than what STO/NW can get on a Monday morning. Casuals will ignore this, middleground players will likely just get one or two things and call it a day. You could've have waited a bit longer like yah did with the Nightmare Event but nope.exe. Other games the PTS/PTR's are avaliable regardless of whether or not you pay, you are a F2P player or a sub, yet in CO, you have to a sub or an LTS to participate, yet leave out those that have not the funds nor the time to play the game as often as those at launch did? Sure leave those players out.

    Once more another reason I keep a minimum of 2-3 MMO installed on my SSD, until someone gives me a better reason to keep CO on my SSD.

    Moving on: Well I brought in my level third 40 Tank with 14k hp and plenty of REC, she can survive this nonsense you call "challenging", its difficult to die when you heal back up to 800+ and higher plus the fact that Invulnerability works. There was not a moment where devices or even much healing powers I need to push, maybe for like an instance where to felt like I should "try" to get close to death.

    A FF will take all the heals, the actives Def/Off and plenty of damage powers to have no problem what so ever. I had no problems whats so ever -- it's kinda ridiculous to consider this solo content yet say that "Oh you should group up in twos", yet still plenty of those premium MLG extreme FF players will probably get this done. I feel like this game is too far gone to consider "Team-Work" or "Team-Play" when most of the FFs out there are off doing their own thing.

    Unless ofc you consider "tactics" pressing your Active Offense/Defense, applying all your heals then heading into the mobs to do damage. I just don't get it, Kaiserin really wants to keep Archtypes yet they have limitations which hold back Freeforms, Freeforms are clearly better, make up your mind: Keep the Freeforms and Remove the Archtypes or remove the Freeforms and keep the Archtypes.

    It's just too boring and I lured in 2 groups of those normal Horror groups, killed them all and moved on; Eventually when I got to the Nightmare Horror, I had figured that the Knock Resistance was broken. So I did most of what I could those massive groups what walk down that open lane in-between them, eeh not a big deal. But never was Knocks/Knock Resistance going to get fixed or even put to a point where it wasn't to stupidly inconsistent, despite my usual reports. It has NOT BEEN ADDRESSED since then. Nice job copying/pasting that same stuff again. :^)

    As @notyuu said, knock resistance is off the charts. I've had instances where knocking was somehow working other times it failed. I don't really have knocks in the tank build, and I consider something like Fractal Aegis to be a "niche" knock. It's amusing to knock them like that but it doesn't changed the fact that knocks in this game AREN'T working. The terrain defamation makes absolutely no sense whats so ever. I mean I get knocked on the edge of a slope that's at the range where its not too steep where in a game like Mirror's Edge you sorta fall then stop but its not slanted that you simply just slide down it, instead you get stuck in the animation for when you actually get knocked and there's nothing you can do.

    Killed the NH and that was it. But those prices are beacons of sadness and its almost in-line with the Cosmic prices for items too.

    So no thanks, I'm passing.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,156 Arc User
    @friezaliveson I'm confused as to why you've posted some of this?

    You've stated that the characters you've taken into the Q Zone are all tanks which haven't found it challenging...most of the "regular content" won't be challenging for tanks...but people sometimes forget that not everyone builds to be a tank or builds in a tanky manner, so will find it more challenging than others...as there are actually different playstlyes.

    Based on what you've posted here, you sound a bit...off and that makes me think you should spend time observing how others play or handle this content.

    Better yet, take a squishy character into the Q Zone, (less than 8k HP, no Invuln or defensive passive, limiting healing capability, higher damage etc) and run through it.

    If you don't find something challenging, you don't need to rubbish it like this. It puts you in a bad light IMO.

    As for the bit about Auras being BoP, I agree, they should be BoE but that's not going to change any time soon so I'm not going to waste my breath about it.

    As for Knock Resistance...I completely understand the frustration...but from what I've learned it is that Knock Resistance doesn't truly function very well in CO, because it can only ever increase your resistance, not make you knock immune (via specs or strength stat pumping), so there will always be a chance that you will be knocked regardless.

    Blocking helps but isn't always reliable sadly. There are certain bosses who cannot knock you through block (or are advertised as not being able to) and I hope that will be added to NPCs or at least their knocks will be tagged to grant KB resistance stacks.

    As for the Q Zone, it is a bit frustrating as a healer, but with a good team mate or two it can be very fun to get into fights with the NPCs, so I'm a fan.

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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,156 Arc User
    gradii said:

    Aside from what she posted about the challenge factor and tanks, she's spot on though, her comments on the auras and rewards/grind are correct.

    And if you read what I wrote...you'd see that I agreed with the bits about auras and knock resistance but acknowledge that it is unlikely to change.

    "As for the bit about Auras being BoP, I agree, they should be BoE but that's not going to change any time soon so I'm not going to waste my breath about it."

    As for rewards/grind...yeah, that's not going to change either but it has become a bit of a drag. However with additional content now available and the missions for those being relatively accessible, the prices are becoming less daunting.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    gradii said:

    Aside from what she posted about the challenge factor and tanks, she's spot on though, her comments on the auras and rewards/grind are correct.

    Well, they're not correct. They can't be, because it's all subjective. You can say "should" all day long and all it amounts to is your opinion on the matter. What we can observe is that the current system is successful in its goal - people do the content to get the things.

    Also, devs have done their side of the bargain - they said they would give us more ways to farm recog, and they did ( and are possibly even going to add yet more ). At some point you might want to consider acknowledging that your complaints have been addressed, just not in the specific way that you've been requesting ad nauseam for months now.

    As for the zone experience, this is basically the thing a lot of us have been asking for over the years. The toons are tough enough and do enough things that my build choices actually make a difference in how i play - no more "just run in and aoe the cardboard cutouts" ( sure you can play a tank and run in and aoe, but that's only one way to do it and even in that case you'll get through the fights faster if you actually think about what you're doing ). I get to be a hero by occasionally helping out another player who's in a tight spot leading to dynamic instances of teamwork. The fact that all this piles a bunch of questonite and SCR on me is just icing on the cake.

    As for it being "too easy and boring", hey Dazii why aren't you jumping down his throat about being an elitist who overbuilds their characters? Oh wait that's that other person that says that now. I still see plenty of people expressing that they have trouble in the zone, so *gasp* maybe there's a skill/build difference between players and there is no "one experience speaks for all" to be had here.
  • darqaura2darqaura2 Posts: 932 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    spinnytop said:

    gradii said:

    Aside from what she posted about the challenge factor and tanks, she's spot on though, her comments on the auras and rewards/grind are correct.

    Well, they're not correct. They can't be, because it's all subjective. You can say "should" all day long and all it amounts to is your opinion on the matter. What we can observe is that the current system is successful in its goal - people do the content to get the things.

    Or skip the content when it becomes too tedious to do more than once. But I can only say that about Auras as a reward. the content has other rewards.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    darqaura2 said:

    Or skip the content when it becomes too tedious to do more than once. But I can only say that about Auras as a reward. the content has other rewards.

    The goal was never "have every player doing everything", so I'm not sure what point you think you're making.
  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,608 Arc User
    Mission: Hack the System
    Has a map pointer at (1086 1246 5392), which should be at (1416 1255 5882)
  • darqaura2darqaura2 Posts: 932 Arc User
    spinnytop said:

    darqaura2 said:

    Or skip the content when it becomes too tedious to do more than once. But I can only say that about Auras as a reward. the content has other rewards.

    The goal was never "have every player doing everything", so I'm not sure what point you think you're making.
    The point that some posters skip the content when the rewards are too tedious (in their view) to get. Such as character bound auras. Players have made that choice.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    darqaura2 said:

    The point that some posters skip the content when the rewards are too tedious (in their view) to get. Such as character bound auras. Players have made that choice.

    That's fine.
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    BUG: 'Gravity' debuff eliminates horizonal flight speed
    As far as I can determine, while you maintain your flight animations, you actually move as if you had no travel power active; I've teleported and had no change in velocity.
  • riveroceanriverocean Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    the new zone is awesome. There have been lots of opportunity to team or to help out others who need it. I've taken AT's and FF's into Qliphothic realm and a had a good time doing so. The missions are at the right difficulty level if you ask me - challenging enough but not so difficult that a two-person team can't complete them.

    I sort of wish the rest of the game had this sort of challenge level and good design. Monster Island, Vibora Bay and Lemuria seem lacking now.
    Questions About AT Play? Visit Silverwolfx11's Updated AT Guides!
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  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    gradii said:

    Thats because not every enemy has to be haaard, this type of challenge is not meant for a Super hero leveling experience, this is the tough stuff experienced heroes get sent to deal with.

    Yeah but it is a shame that the rest of the game is set to "Spiderman just discovered his powers 5 minutes ago" level. It's almost insulting... basically your hero is a newbie stumbling around for comedic effect until the last 10 minutes of the movie.
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  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    you mean those Air cavalry guys who actually bother to BLOCK when you target them? Yeah, totally annoying.
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  • riveroceanriverocean Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    gradii said:

    spinnytop said:

    gradii said:

    Thats because not every enemy has to be haaard, this type of challenge is not meant for a Super hero leveling experience, this is the tough stuff experienced heroes get sent to deal with.

    Yeah but it is a shame that the rest of the game is set to "Spiderman just discovered his powers 5 minutes ago" level. It's almost insulting... basically your hero is a newbie stumbling around for comedic effect until the last 10 minutes of the movie.
    That's really only the case for some enemy groups, VIPER is a pain in the **** all the time.
    Viper is one of the few enemy groups that I'm like "whoa" when I have to fight them pre-40. The newly buffed horrors and DEMON mobs are actually challenging post 35 which is nice.

    But the fact every other mob in the game is pants-on-head stupid is kind of silly. Most of the mobs post Millennium City needs a look at. They don't have to Q-zone hard -- but they sure could use some buffing and AI improvements.
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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,156 Arc User

    That's really only the case for some enemy groups, VIPER is a pain in the **** all the time.

    Viper is one of the few enemy groups that I'm like "whoa" when I have to fight them pre-40. The newly buffed horrors and DEMON mobs are actually challenging post 35 which is nice.

    But the fact every other mob in the game is pants-on-head stupid is kind of silly. Most of the mobs post Millennium City needs a look at. They don't have to Q-zone hard -- but they sure could use some buffing and AI improvements.

    Whilst I do agree with the buffing of mobs as a whole...the changes should be relative to where they are placed in game and the challenge level they are intended to provide.

    Whilst leveling, pre 35 could probably see minor buffs (so you don't completely deter new players) and post 35 the same mobs in different situations then become super interesting (not as "interesting" as Q Zone but close enough to be fun for all if possible).

    I do think though that the block tutorial as well as a tutorial on character positioning and making use of the environment would be very useful.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User

    I do think though that the block tutorial as well as a tutorial on character positioning and making use of the environment would be very useful.

    Personally I think the leveling process should, beggining to end, reinforce the need to block. Enemies of all levels should do something that either forces you to block, move, or do something other than just spam attacks and watch them fall over. The tutorial does end at level 6 after all.
  • kyastralkyastral Posts: 342 Arc User
    spinnytop said:

    I do think though that the block tutorial as well as a tutorial on character positioning and making use of the environment would be very useful.

    Personally I think the leveling process should, beggining to end, reinforce the need to block. Enemies of all levels should do something that either forces you to block, move, or do something other than just spam attacks and watch them fall over. The tutorial does end at level 6 after all.
    Hmm... good points about blocking and I agree it should be reinforced throughout the leveling process. I think that is one of the main reasons why some players with level 40 toons have a hard time with the Q-Warzone missions; they are not used to blocking so often and in a timely manner. This is very noticeable with the Open Missions, Eidolon and even still with the Cosmic Monsters.

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  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    The diff here is that NWO was built from the ground up with those and CO wasn't. So the devs would have to go back and fix all of them.
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  • darqaura2darqaura2 Posts: 932 Arc User
    spinnytop said:

    I do think though that the block tutorial as well as a tutorial on character positioning and making use of the environment would be very useful.

    Personally I think the leveling process should, beggining to end, reinforce the need to block. Enemies of all levels should do something that either forces you to block, move, or do something other than just spam attacks and watch them fall over. The tutorial does end at level 6 after all.
    Yep. If the skills you need at 40 for higher level encounters were taught throughout the game, the learning curve for the Cosmics may have been/may be a little less.
  • chaosdrgnz43chaosdrgnz43 Posts: 1,683 Arc User
    About the "Ammo Resupply" mission. Do the mobs really respawn that quickly? It's like they start coming as soon as you killed them. I suppose that's why its a 2-man mission?
    Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User

    About the "Ammo Resupply" mission. Do the mobs really respawn that quickly? It's like they start coming as soon as you killed them. I suppose that's why its a 2-man mission?

    There is a short delay before they respawn, but the mission is totally doable solo on a variety of characters. The NPCs that are there can be useful in this, and you just gotta be quick snatching those boxes when the opportunity presents itself.

    I actually really like the feel of this mission because it feels like you're fighting to get those quest objectives, rather than just showing up, tagging them, and moving on.
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    spinnytop said:

    Personally I think the leveling process should, beggining to end, reinforce the need to block.

    It used to, before NPCs fell well behind the power curve, though CO has always had something of a problem with npc charged attacks -- if an NPC normally does 300 damage every 0.75s, and it's got a charged attack that does 1200 damage but takes 3s to charge, that charged attack isn't really all that much more valuable to block than anything else it's doing.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    some enemies seem to have oddly short charge timers. maybe 1 sec...
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