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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
I have done all the missions up to the dailies on three characters now. An infernal hybrid with Regeneration, a PA dps with 10 con, only reconstruction circuits as its heal, and no ADs, and finally a melee DPS. I was able to solo the missions on all three characters.
What I loved about it was that I had to figure the enemies out, specifically which ones did what, what order to kill them in, and when to move around. Movement was especially important on the very fragile PA character, lots of guerilla tactics there. Even the melee had to use some movement ( especially for those mind worms, talk about area denial! ). At first I had problems and got floored a few times, but once I had figured them out I was beating them up but it was still good and challenging. Even when I had figured them out I still had to play good, keep on my toes, and fight like a champion.
Once a second player was added, the missions were much easier, and that's fine because the missions are intended for two people. That means that the strongest, best players can solo these missions, but most players will be best served by grabbing a buddy or two.
Suggestion: Mobs in the northmost area, the destroyer bots and the sharks, are pretty weak compared to mobs in the worm and horror areas, they could use some buffing to match up to the others.
Suggestion: Multifarian Reinforcements - it's weird in this mission that you first have to get 3 codes before you can even start shutting down portals. It feels more intuitive to get a code, then do the portal right next to it, rather than getting the codes, then going back around to shut the portals.
Suggestion: Secrets of the Shadow Cult feels like it runs a bit long, maybe reduce the number of lore bits required.
Suggestion: A lot of the boxes for Worm Treasures are placed so you can just walk up and grab them without having to fight anything. Not sure if intended.
Where it happens: Wormification Missions
What happens: When somebody frees someone from the container, everyone nearby gets credit even if they didn't help free them. This effect has quite a radius as somebody was doing that mission while I was doing others and they basically finished the mission for me.
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I was able to get Slug to spawn once, but then the open mission broke. However, he seems to be using Rakshasa's 'Spawn a zillion worms and break targeting' trick, which is super-annoying.
Oblivion has no time limit, so we had some time fighting her. Two major problems:
BUG: Her rifts turn invisible but are still extremely dangerous for a quite long time.
BUG?: her devour essence is very hard to see (and thus block); it heals 115,915 hp most of the time (sometimes it heals a tenth that; there is no apparent pattern). It is unlikely that a team of 6 could exceed her healing.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
While you're fighting a big, annoying pack of stuff, what's to stop someone else from just swooping in and using the objective node? Even after all the trash is cleared, the poison preventing interaction is going to make this really, really nasty.
Oubliette - the only one that does work seems pretty fun, but right now her main "I am going to kill you" attack, the rift, is rather invisible to people as they run around the OM people just run into it and die.
This is a problem especially later on when there are a bunch of rifts present.
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Making things interactable while you're taking damage is likely not in the cards, but the poison falls off before the goons respawn so it's not a big deal.
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There are more worm treasures then there are dark lore books, and trying to gather those books is more of a race than a mission. When I completed this mission there were 4 other people doing it too, and it was a bit annoying. I can imagine how much more difficult it with lots of players, especially if players decide to solo it and are using stealth.
Suggestion: Please add more book locations if reducing the required books for the mission is not possible. Those floating platforms are vacated..
Im still not finished with the dailies; then again, I am using only Legion gear. I will try it with Mercenary next. I want to see if it is possible to do this content with these gear types. I think a lot of players wont have the Cosmic/Justice gear to dive into this new content at first, so I think it will be a good idea to see if it can be done with Mercenary/Legion gear or if that grind gear is actually needed. Im doing well so far, just at a slower pace.
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Someone let me know if anything interesting happens in the Q, okay?
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
I have mentioned some issues the closed thread, so forgive me if I am repeating myself.
The Nightmare Demolisher does not need a toxic damage ability; there are enough horrors around him, near and far, to stack that damage from range. The mobs respawn fast in that area when you take them out beforehand, so its a race to finish him off before you get that toxic berzerker barrage when his friends come back.
I agree with Spinny about the Multifarian Portal mission; it seems out of place to get the portal codes first (which drop randomly from the engineers, by the way) and then run back to the same area to use them.
Suggestion: Open up another area in the zone and place the Multifarian portals there. A steady stream of handcuffed Multifarians should be walking out of them with their Elder Worm captors (every 30 seconds or so) as well as the area being guarded by Karkakadons and Destroids. Use spinny's suggestion of defeating the engineer then shut down the portal next to it.
those three things aside, my only hope si that the missions give a mixture of gcr and scr so those players who can't stay up until 3am getting people for gcr content can still..adbit slowly, work towards getting gcr vendor items.
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Yeah some things are broken... no I don't use/abuse them.. where would be the fun in that?
Don't know how well I might do in company, as whenever I get into PTS I seem to be the only person on the server (hence the importance of being able to solo things if I'm going to test anything...).
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Edit: nevermind, apparently someone (not in my team) released them and it counted for me when I saved the UNTIL guys. My bad.
Collect Qliphotic Essence
You receive a Qliphotic Collector. You have to go out and find a Qliphotic Geyser (or whatever those things are called; we know from Demonflame they produce useful energy because you have to lead the Demon Key between them) and interact with it to install a collector. This spawns an object (or immobile critter) on top of the geyser and shuts off the geyser, that gradually collects essence. Meanwhile, ever-increasing waves of enemies attack it and you have to prevent it from being destroyed. If your collector is destroyed you can go back to base and get a new one and complete the mission in more than one pass.Escort the Prisoners
For one of the rescue missions (probably the elder worms), rather than having the mission target teleport away, you have to lead them to safety. It would be interesting if, instead of a standard escort quest, they were just set to follow you until you reached the safe point. This might be a two stage thing -- lead five prisoners (one at a time) to a staging point, then lead all five of them back to base.Uneasy Alliance
Have some unaligned qliphotic horrors out there (should not incorporate acolytes or manipulators). The goal of the mission is to get them to fight against one of the other factions by luring a group of each type to a target location; success is when you have X of each faction inside the target volume.Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
I dunno, maybe things will work better when it's on Live and there are more people around (assuming there are more people around), but my experience on PTS was pretty dismal all around.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
So, as aesica has said, you need a "meatier" character to help outlast those AORP spams; it will also help to have a meatier character for those fast stacking, long lasting debuffs.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Meatier characters are more forgiving with mistakes though, which is why I tend to favor them. I was clearing out some stuff in a chasm when one of the demolishers(?) - the really big, tough mutant-thing with all the knock-aways/knock-tos - decided to join the fight. Pretty sure a squishy character would've been dust without some way to high tail it out of there.
There is a bit of problem solving involved with these groups. It's not just a matter of having x mitigation to survive y dps. Kill order can be a big thing here - killing enemies in a certain order leads to a much shorter fight, which equates to a more survivable fight.
Now sure, people can just stack defenses and healing and overcome the content that way, but then there are the rest of us that can use our brains to get through. You seem like a brain guy Jon
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Apocalypse Prevention Perk was awarded to me first time logging into the new zone. I hadn't participated in any event described on the perk.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
[Inventory] Inventory full.
Ammo resupply: Far too easy to get into an endless loop of kill mobs, idle for poison ticks (interact fail), try to interact, nope too late they re spawned [repeat]. Or kill side A kill side B, now A is back. Re spawn Time/ Location (further away) should be looked at
Bug: The last location for the Ammo Resupply daily mission is covered by a huge rock formation; only the Horrors are there. Therefore, that mission cannot be completed. The last location of that mission is just south of the Elder Worm Domain.
A general issue is that the new missions are, well... kind of boring? They're really extremely basic 'go to location X, blow up Y, and interact with Z' missions.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
it's all fine saying build meatier characters but what about the ones who don't have that option?
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My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I like that these missions mean that it pays to team up with another person in most instances rather than being a nuisance.
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
As for squishier characters, you can always try what I do for mine: Make a second account and, if there's ever another freeform slot giveaway, grab it, make a freeform beefcake, and use it to group with and carry all those squishies through the quests. That's what I did for the last two nightmare invasions and it works like a charm.
When talking to Major Violette Boudreau for the Realm of Destruction mission, she says the following line; "Scryings from a recent Mage Council have revealed a rise in indimensional activity from the Qliphothic Realm."
indimensional should be interdimensional.
The UNTIL Logo on the mailbox in Threshold is 90 degrees off center and from the direction the mailbox is facing.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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