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  • I am one of the people (many, few, I don't know) who stopped logging in after reaching Level 60. I still use the Gateway to up my professions and log in every few days to open the chests I gather through the Gateway or refill my profession consumables from the market. here's why I no longer play it actively: 1. I don't…
  • I wasn't really bothered by any bugs. There were a few, e.g. chests of NOTHING as reward (that was weird), but the real problem is that some game areas are really imbalanced. For example... Runestones in the in-game store are WAY overpriced. 50K AD for a level 3 runestone? Seriously? Sure, nobody is obliged to buy them,…
  • If you have a max level companion and want to powerlevel more, go do quests but use the max level companion to finish the quest. Then when you get back to quest giver for XP reward, summon the lesser companion before you take the reward. The XP will go to the new companion and it will go through levels like crazy. I…
  • I think the problem is more prevalent in the larger context. I can get good purple items from the AH for less than 10K AD (going as low as 2-3K AD), and the crates give me items which are worth... well, nothing. Shortly put, if you get such a crate, well then... you got the shaft. Honestly, I'd appreciate it a lot more if…
  • char-based soft wipe or char level display bug...
  • Yeah, I have realized this while soloing as a GWF with my healer companion. Many times it gets aggroed even more than myself, which is ridiculous. I have to resurrect it every once in a while, which kind of doesn't bother me in PvE because it even helps me sometimes. But overall it's still a pretty shady mechanic. Yeah,…
  • I am not intimately familiar with the Cleric gameplay, so I'd rather ask first: is the lack of available clerics a direct result of cleric class being a bit challenging in solo PvE?
  • I am sure I made some mistakes with my current character, but it still works well (at level 47) and I am yet to encounter a particularly challenging situation. With that in mind, yes, I know that PvE or 5-man parties require "best setup" however I don't plan on doing any of them anytime soon (PvP - probably never because…
  • I think the dyes should have the same mechanic as seen for Camouflages in World of Tanks. There, you can buy either permanent camouflages for real cash (converted to in-game cash) or temporary camouflages (7 days, 30 days) for in-game freely-produced currency (equivalent to gold, silver, copper in NW). Problem solved.
  • It happened a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... oh wait...
  • 18.99 EUR, transformed into 13 keys and a Greater Bag of Holding. In June, I plan on sinking 18.99 EUR as well. I like the game, it has potential, it offered me hours of fun. Why not repay the developers?
  • It was a catch 22 :)
  • I have seen this sort of occurrences in most Beta games. They're NOT related to the game core, not at all. They're a direct result of immature processes withing the company. People with little community interaction experience, improper workflows, that sort of thing. In 2011, Wargaming had a "Tank Parade Video Contest" with…
  • I bought Profession stuff (assets, materials); as a matter of fact, most of my earned gold was spent on those (1 gold for a worn chisel or whatever).
  • I didn't know until today, for two big reasons: 1. I don't trade publicly 2. I thought everyone us supposed to trade in the Zone channel, which made me wondering who made such a dumb design decision. Turns out all who trade on the ZTone channel are spammers. Woo-hoo, lots and lots of people to report now. Should keep me…
  • How do they level up, then? is there an option to "pay <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> USD and become level 60"?
  • Zone chat is NOT to be (ab)used for trading. If there's a dedicated trading chat, use that and that alone. As for punishment severity, a zone ban only would not teach anyone. A punishment has to hurt more than just telling someone "you naughty you". it should sting. A full chat ban stings, all right, and that's expected…
  • Excuse my ignorance, but I never new the AH was ONline after the mighty exploit a week ago. Not that I was getting any interesting loot anyway. A couple of level 35 blue items I promptly donated to the guild bank and that was all of it.
  • If you don't mind me entering the game at weird hours, throw an invite my way please. I'm 33, have TS3, have a mic, speak perfect English. I play most week-ends at usual prime time (8 PM to midnight CET), but during the week I join at odd hours (after 1 AM CET, my work schedule is horrible). In-game I have a level 38 GWF…
  • Judging only based on age can backfire easily. I have seen 40+ year old jerks and 17-year old excellent players (I have a 15-yr and a 17-yr old guy in my WoT clan and they're among the best players in that clan). With that being said, I'm 33, so I qualify :)
  • I am playing a GWF and I find the game to not really be difficult. I am playing solo missions only and am yet to encounter a really difficult boss. (level 35 ATM)
  • As a new player who only started when open beta kicked in, I will definitely not quit. Why should I? AH mess-up? I wasn't online, wasn't affected. AD mess-up? Same as above. I play mostly solo, I am only level 32, I enjoy the game, I'm here to stay. Oh and I supported the game already, 19 EUR so far but I'll probably buy…
  • +1 to this guy. I run Neverwinter from a SSD and it's ridiculous to download some small files for 3 minutes when I could load the whole thing in 2-3 seconds off my SSD.
  • If all spent cash is kept when the game goes live, what's the problem? World of Tanks rushed to go-live because they didn't accept payments while in Beta. They released a half-baked game riddled with bugs but stil were wildly successful. They make over 10M dollars per month.
  • One reason I will NEVER purchase anything in Neverwinter is the complete lack of a direct payment method. I do not want to use Paypal, Moneybookers, Skrill or whatever oter third party processor you shove down my throat. I sunk over 500 EUR on WoT because I like it a lot and because they offer the possibility to pay with…