What's the point in educating idiots not knowing how the corporate world works anyways? Why educate them how the business model works?
I mean if anything you are just wasting your own time trying to post something to idiots.
I also don't understand why you even made this thread in the first place. If you are a software developer then you should know better to try to post something in defense to other devs.
Most of the devs know that a lot of people have 0 understanding on what is going on. Communicating with users is probably the most difficult thing especially trying to get concrete requirements.
He's educated nobody. he's given an opinion and tried to validate it with more of his own opinion. It's circular logic.
he's entitled to it but no need to lkeep repeating things, it won't make them fact.
pretty much. Its the same reason EA and Activision get away with it. or why BP can offer a few feel good apologies and get people to stop paying attention to their wrecking of the Gulf Coast. because people will ultimately shrug and keep buying.
Yeap. Why pay people to do QA, when people are more than happy to pay them to do QA, as well as chase off anyone on the forums that even remotely suggests there might be issues that need to be addressed.
Ever thought about the dev doing a mistake? Oh wait you are assuming people are 100% perfect. Ahh I see another ignorant **** LOL!
Yeah the devs do make mistakes, and anyone who suggests some of those mistakes are creating issues in game are chased off by the white knights justifying all mistakes in a blanket fashion by shouting THE GAME IS IN OPEN BETA!!! - the entire time even the company has marked it out of open beta.
You were saying?
zdrahonulMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 27Arc User
edited May 2013
If all spent cash is kept when the game goes live, what's the problem?
World of Tanks rushed to go-live because they didn't accept payments while in Beta. They released a half-baked game riddled with bugs but stil were wildly successful. They make over 10M dollars per month.
He's educated nobody. he's given an opinion and tried to validate it with more of his own opinion. It's circular logic.
he's entitled to it but no need to lkeep repeating things, it won't make them fact.
Really? You must know a lot about the software developing cycle then. Fill me in on it! Oh wait I know it myself. All I know is that for people to think that a game can have 0 exploits or bug whether it is in LIVE state or in Open Beta state just shows how stupid you guys are rofl.
I have yet to see one big software that was developed and deployed and had 0 flaws. Oh wait, **** like that doesn't exist LMAO.
watchyourbackMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
I am watching my back you are a bad troll like really bad. Anyone tell you that yet?
yup i know im bad at it. thats why i just troll trollers. you do as you say not to do...which in turn devalues your opinion. if you want to be credible then make valid points and try not calling a bunch of people you have never met idiots. you might get a better response...
If the state of the industry is anything to go by, and the fact that fanboy lemmings actively work against their own best interest with a smile on their face, then yes.
Well put... These kids don't even realize they are doing this to themselves.
Yeah the devs do make mistakes, and anyone who suggests some of those mistakes are creating issues in game are chased off by the white knights justifying all mistakes in a blanket fashion by shouting THE GAME IS IN OPEN BETA!!! - the entire time even the company has marked it out of open beta.
You were saying?
Uhh, since when do devs ignore when exploits and bugs are being reported? Do you work for them? Do you know? Do you have a comprehensive list of bugs and exploits that are currently being worked on? Do you have a timeline for all the tasks at hand?
Does it matter what people say if the game is in Open Beta or Live?
All these bugs and issues are getting worked on and it's not a 1 day fix or a 30 minute fix or a 5 seconds refresh.
You are missing the point that none of what the "white knights" say will impact on what the devs do.
Devs don't listen to trash they listen to what is wrong with their software and fix it.
yup i know im bad at it. thats why i just troll trollers. you do as you say not to do...which in turn devalues your opinion. if you want to be credible then make valid points and try not calling a bunch of people you have never met idiots. you might get a better response...
Okay idiot. You asked for it.
Oh btw I am at work myself getting paid to call you an idiot. Quite a lot actually.
pressexpose1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Really? You must know a lot about the software developing cycle then. Fill me in on it! Oh wait I know it myself. All I know is that for people to think that a game can have 0 exploits or bug whether it is in LIVE state or in Open Beta state just shows how stupid you guys are rofl.
I have yet to see one big software that was developed and deployed and had 0 flaws. Oh wait, **** like that doesn't exist LMAO.
My comment has nothing to do with the development cycle, which I know plenty about. I used to work for Westwood, remember them? I made no comment about a game having bugs in any cycle. many have them to the end of their days. WOW have 179,184 bugs tracked by Blizzard (most of which have been fixed, according to the presenters) but many still exist. You'll get no argument from me there.
My comment was simply about that person's opinions and their ridiculous circular logic to defend them. Nothing more. Nobody here got educated, more's the pity. Some of you clearly could benefit from it.
watchyourbackMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
My comment has nothing to do with the development cycle, which I know plenty about. I used to work for Westwood, remember them? I made no comment about a game having bugs in any cycle. many have them to the end of their days. WOW have 179,184 bugs tracked by Blizzard (most of which have been fixed, according to the presenters) but many still exist. You'll get no argument from me there.
My comment was simply about that person's opinions and their ridiculous circular logic to defend them. Nothing more. Nobody here got educated, more's the pity. Some of you clearly could benefit from it.
Well, then I agree with you. I also don't understand why he talked about the ridiculous circular logic or trying to defend them. I don't see why he needed to post it in the first place as he should know better if he was a dev. Also, yes I do remember westwood.
I used to play nox, C&C and westwood dev it.
watchyourbackMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Uhh, since when do devs ignore when exploits and bugs are being reported? Do you work for them? Do you know? Do you have a comprehensive list of bugs and exploits that are currently being worked on? Do you have a timeline for all the tasks at hand?
Does it matter what people say if the game is in Open Beta or Live?
All these bugs and issues are getting worked on and it's not a 1 day fix or a 30 minute fix or a 5 seconds refresh.
You are missing the point that none of what the "white knights" say will impact on what the devs do.
Devs don't listen to trash they listen to what is wrong with their software and fix it.
Where did I say they are ignoring bugs and exploits. Heres some water, put that strawman out will ya.
Im not missing the point, you havent even addressed the actual point I made. You addressed the strawman you put in place instead.
Where did I say they are ignoring bugs and exploits. Heres some water, put that strawman out will ya.
Im not missing the point, you havent even addressed the actual point I made. You addressed the strawman you put in place instead.
No, you are going off saying how **** is being chased off by idiots when it clearly isn't. So what issues that are so game breaking in the game is being chased off?
No, you are going off saying how **** is being chased off by idiots when it clearly isn't. So what issues that are so game breaking in the game is being chased off?
Nope, never said that either. Strawmen are starting to pile up fellas.
I said that when people are talking about issues they want addressed, the white knights are chasing them off telling them to not play if they dont like it.
22 pages of troll started thread. I bet hes glowing right now :=o
He'll go home to his mom's basement and tell his imaginary kids how he's been saving souls on the internet and St Peter will be waiting at them all at the pearly gates with a huge bag of epeen to share out.
watchyourbackMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
That makes two of us. Got anything else it's quite boring as you are pretty bad at it. Trolling that is.
yet you keep responding. so sad you cant stop being negative to people you never met like you are above them. and im loving the control i have over you btw. you are so easy to manipulate good times!
yet you keep responding. so sad you cant stop being negative to people you never met like you are above them. and im loving the control i have over you btw. you are so easy to manipulate good times!
You must have a total different perception of this situation than me then.
watchyourbackMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Nope, never said that either. Strawmen are starting to pile up fellas.
I said that when people are talking about issues they want addressed, the white knights are chasing them off telling them to not play if they dont like it.
So, what is wrong telling people not to play the game if they don't like it when there is a formal way to report issues which the mods have stickied?
Also, do you have any proof of people being chased away from these clowns? Also, what if they are being chased away, they would be chased away in any other game as well as this **** happens in ALL GAMES as of today.
Also, where is the statement they made that this game is indeed out of Open Beta? Do you have a link? Do you have an official statement somewhere they said that "D&D Neverwinter is now Live"?
How does it feel getting down talked by a mentally challenged person?
What does that make you? Someone that has an IQ of -90? LOL!
I don't care what I am if you are below me rofl which in my mind you are and you have 0 control of.
watchyourbackMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
How does it feel getting down talked by a mentally challenged person?
What does that make you? Someone that has an IQ of -90?
you are very nutritious. ty for feeding me when i asked your deed will not go unnoticed. and its nice to know,and ive very proud for you that you have a job that does not require any intelligence at all. hence why you are here trying to appear superior on the interwebs
He's educated nobody. he's given an opinion and tried to validate it with more of his own opinion. It's circular logic.
he's entitled to it but no need to lkeep repeating things, it won't make them fact.
Yeap. Why pay people to do QA, when people are more than happy to pay them to do QA, as well as chase off anyone on the forums that even remotely suggests there might be issues that need to be addressed.
I am watching my back you are a bad troll like really bad. Anyone tell you that yet?
Yeah the devs do make mistakes, and anyone who suggests some of those mistakes are creating issues in game are chased off by the white knights justifying all mistakes in a blanket fashion by shouting THE GAME IS IN OPEN BETA!!! - the entire time even the company has marked it out of open beta.
You were saying?
World of Tanks rushed to go-live because they didn't accept payments while in Beta. They released a half-baked game riddled with bugs but stil were wildly successful. They make over 10M dollars per month.
Really? You must know a lot about the software developing cycle then. Fill me in on it! Oh wait I know it myself. All I know is that for people to think that a game can have 0 exploits or bug whether it is in LIVE state or in Open Beta state just shows how stupid you guys are rofl.
I have yet to see one big software that was developed and deployed and had 0 flaws. Oh wait, **** like that doesn't exist LMAO.
yup i know im bad at it. thats why i just troll trollers. you do as you say not to do...which in turn devalues your opinion. if you want to be credible then make valid points and try not calling a bunch of people you have never met idiots. you might get a better response...
Well put... These kids don't even realize they are doing this to themselves.
Uhh, since when do devs ignore when exploits and bugs are being reported? Do you work for them? Do you know? Do you have a comprehensive list of bugs and exploits that are currently being worked on? Do you have a timeline for all the tasks at hand?
Does it matter what people say if the game is in Open Beta or Live?
All these bugs and issues are getting worked on and it's not a 1 day fix or a 30 minute fix or a 5 seconds refresh.
You are missing the point that none of what the "white knights" say will impact on what the devs do.
Devs don't listen to trash they listen to what is wrong with their software and fix it.
Okay idiot. You asked for it.
Oh btw I am at work myself getting paid to call you an idiot. Quite a lot actually.
My comment has nothing to do with the development cycle, which I know plenty about. I used to work for Westwood, remember them? I made no comment about a game having bugs in any cycle. many have them to the end of their days. WOW have 179,184 bugs tracked by Blizzard (most of which have been fixed, according to the presenters) but many still exist. You'll get no argument from me there.
My comment was simply about that person's opinions and their ridiculous circular logic to defend them. Nothing more. Nobody here got educated, more's the pity. Some of you clearly could benefit from it.
wow you got me there. you are way to intelligent for me to continue trolling. i was wrong sry. point proven...
Well, then I agree with you. I also don't understand why he talked about the ridiculous circular logic or trying to defend them. I don't see why he needed to post it in the first place as he should know better if he was a dev. Also, yes I do remember westwood.
I used to play nox, C&C and westwood dev it.
Where did I say they are ignoring bugs and exploits. Heres some water, put that strawman out will ya.
Im not missing the point, you havent even addressed the actual point I made. You addressed the strawman you put in place instead.
Would you like fries with that, sir?
Plenty please. Well done and no salt.
No, you are going off saying how **** is being chased off by idiots when it clearly isn't. So what issues that are so game breaking in the game is being chased off?
That makes two of us. Got anything else it's quite boring as you are pretty bad at it. Trolling that is.
Nope, never said that either. Strawmen are starting to pile up fellas.
I said that when people are talking about issues they want addressed, the white knights are chasing them off telling them to not play if they dont like it.
no, it was O and they changed it to L, and has been L for a week or so. So it was done on purpose. Either that or they are just trolling(?!?)
He'll go home to his mom's basement and tell his imaginary kids how he's been saving souls on the internet and St Peter will be waiting at them all at the pearly gates with a huge bag of epeen to share out.
yet you keep responding. so sad you cant stop being negative to people you never met like you are above them. and im loving the control i have over you btw. you are so easy to manipulate
You must have a total different perception of this situation than me then.
So, what is wrong telling people not to play the game if they don't like it when there is a formal way to report issues which the mods have stickied?
Like, have you ever read this thread?
Also, do you have any proof of people being chased away from these clowns? Also, what if they are being chased away, they would be chased away in any other game as well as this **** happens in ALL GAMES as of today.
Also, where is the statement they made that this game is indeed out of Open Beta? Do you have a link? Do you have an official statement somewhere they said that "D&D Neverwinter is now Live"?
Can you point to the part where Path of Exile takes money for non permanent items?
How does it feel getting down talked by a mentally challenged person?
What does that make you? Someone that has an IQ of -90? LOL!
I don't care what I am if you are below me rofl which in my mind you are and you have 0 control of.
you are very nutritious. ty for feeding me when i asked