only 180°? Dude 180° is fair enough. If i good remember op shiled was 360° in previous mods as well and it wasnt problem. May I ask U about your character name and class U play pvp? Mostly If I recognize player by ingame name and playstyle I understand his complains about pvp.
I backed to pvp after 2months break, and i realized things are bit more balanced - ofc i dont like actual combat system, class mechanics (especially gf/gwf) and a lot of changes (feats, powers, boons etc) which destroyed game I used to love and play with smile on my face - but I has to admit one thing- step to balance was…
Did not worked on ptr and does not work on live, at least the feat above it, which gives Moe Down 2000 magnitude after commander strike is the one i will use anywy.
I really thougt it gonna be fixed in thursday's maintenance, but once again bug was so difficult to fix, and we still have morons run pvp with 18k+ lss. One of the biggest joke of all time. I will be not surprised they gonna fix it with ne wmodule. God help me survive between those broken stuff...
Fixed in my case, after i got 136 coins yesterday i had to run one more time this dung (i think 1 run is enough) and fabled chapter landed in my inventory after i finished quest
I have same problem i reached 135 (136 to be correct) coins of tales told and i didnt get fabled chapter. To make it more interesting my friend got it after 120 coins. Do we have to do something specific or it just should land into inventory?
PvP get huge regression in mod15, people responsible for all those changes fk'd up pvp so hard. We have HyperDMG GF - I hit 600k-800k anvil - what the hell is that?! Tr CC? omg the strongest CC i have ever seen in this game (i swear even old mods opressors cant cc like that) CB slows down to 0, high recovery build makes…
Network reseted. Tracert tst completed, this what it says (to be a honest i have no idea what to do woth this): Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.407] (c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. C:\Users\Turzan>tracert Tracing route to…
Very nice post mate i totally agree, but we need to remember: matchmaking is the thing which kills pvp, solo q could be very nice solution but gap between new/old players is very big - and is still growing - how low geared (read ungeared) player can be put to the same pot with old bis players, most of my pvp is real…
Unboud Legendary Marks from eSVA !! let us trade to get missing stuff.. After keys changes i run Svardborg 17 times and havnt seen even single legendary mark -,-. ANd i miss only one to make my main legendary.. ANd now after so hard and long grind they bring this... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
New mod, new campaign, new stuff, new horrible grind - I hope it will be totaly different than esva shi... mechanic - especially after keys changes.. Huh force people to grind so hard and relase new weapons so early, damn good joke ;)
:) nerf itf speed buff.. Huh good one.. Did U noticed gf is one of the slowest classes in game? thats why itf is equal imo, it is encounter power - thats fair enough got dmg and speed buff cuz we sacriface one power slit for it.. But ofc its only my opinion
Ohhh man, once again no problems for me with HR (tbh any gf cmplaining about hr is just weak) about the rest of post: op never dies 1 vs 1 and what? this is most sad class in pvp - yeah immortal but no mobility, no dps, no prone, no cc (except Hussbro's new build - very nice) wanna play 1 vs 1 go IWD SW unkilliable?? -…
Huh wut a sad discussion.. Serious?? close domination - u wanna more playres quit game??? I agree running al the time full preamde is sometimes... boring. Main reason i mostly run full premade is imma tired as hell play with brainless ppl standings on pilar or run away from node cuz their life was reduced to 30%, fight out…
Personlay i havn't any problem with hr's piercing dmg, tbh doing a 1 vs 1 is big fun for me - fair challenge and now is more about tactic and knowledge of enemy class - perma rootz was broken - combat hr isn't. At least only one skill (plant-growth after boar charge) is dangerous.. Full dps hr is still pretty squishy -…
MAate i play only gf and mostly pvp trust me i know gf mechanics. I can agree than gf is one of the most powerfull classes in game but tr/gwf/hr too. If u show me gf who cant be killed 1 vs 1 i agree than this class needs a big nerf for now my opinion is its overpowered like few others. Have no idea which classes u play…
This is not much about unbalnce/balance its about gain descent equipment imo. Btw i got a little bit less than 2k tenacity and havnt problem face players with much more.
That is true ranking is broken - but imo it isnt a ranking but some schedule tells about basic thing like kills/deaths/assists/win/lost. For ranking we need a good positioning supported by formula which will be relative reflects our doings in PvP. The easiest example: [(KILLS * LOSTS + ASSISTS) : (DEATHS * WINS)] * 1000
Guys if u wanna know anvil, bullcharge, crescendo can be very easly dodged by tr/hr/cw/dc. Anvil miss when u use it during jump btw it has very short range. KC can be finished by stun. I noticed i can be stunned during VM - which descripiton explains something totlay else. And once again its not about gf mechanics if u…
Hmmmmm... Intersting discusion guys really. Maybe my point of view is casue i play only GF but: Why people cry and complain on gf so much?? It seems like U want to back gf who standing and holding node and cant scrap u even a little bit (but what is the point of node holding if 2 enemies can cap it easly). the problem isnt…
Yeah for sure, imagine pvp without tenacity - in the times when people gain 30k power 18k arpen and players hit by 100-150k mostly, without tenacity it will be "5 atwill hits" ;). Trs will probably execute dc in astral and gf holdin shield :p Back healing from regen?? Man ppl got heal from wheel, arti weapons, drowcraft…
Remember one thing mate - WoW is 10 years old (if i good remember) and it is run by big and expirienced company. I like Neverwinter much more (i dont say its better or worse - it suits me more - my own opinion) and i like to NWO be a NWO not similar to other game. Thats why i posted few sugestions to exacly keep them alive…
The PvP is big problem in those days and it will be much worse if there will be no changes. Devs should really think about add few more options (after 3 years -,-) to make it softly more balanced or a bunch of people playing this game's variant will be reduced from day to day and finaly pvp (like someone had earlier said)…