deathklaat666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 61Arc User
I Feel it Too... Ive been one shot by GF on my DC who runs about 188k Hitpoints in pvp.. and No there wasnt a cleric stacking Astral Shield and Hallowed ground ... with Into The Fray ...when it Happened was just straight up ... Guard..immune...immune.... Burst Bam Dead ... Bad enough we have 200k+ shocking Executioner Tr's but now theres 2 One shotter Classes.
why should tr go stealth? You know they have this thing called impossible to catch and even their base deflect% is really high, so hitting them is really hard. @xsayajinx1 try pvp sometime and you'll see
icyphishMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,255Arc User
why should tr go stealth? You know they have this thing called impossible to catch and even their base deflect% is really high, so hitting them is really hard. @xsayajinx1 try pvp sometime and you'll see
Honestly speaking, I think you need to study how other classes works.
Stealth gives TR the following benefits - Combat Advantage = more damage - 100% CRIT chance = more multiplicative damage now multiplying those two damage with all other damage from crit severity / fire wheel's damage buff...etc Stealth becomes a BIG DAMAGE BOOSTER, oh and it becomes a lot harder to land big attacks on them...
Also, Xsayajinx plays both GWF and GF in this game, and he's one of the strongest players in both classes, not only because he's skillful, he also spend a lot of time learning how these classes works and how other classes' mechanics works, he knows what he's talking about.
I play sw 3.8k (not anymore), dc/gf 3.5k and tr 3k in pvp. So i'm quite familiar how those classes work in pvp. What i was referring was. if gf use kc on tr and misses attack tr can land very nasty SE to counter. So to be able to hit tr you need to see it first (tr can't be in stealth, if no rings involved) This scenario is valid, but yeah rarely happens in pvp (never happened to me, cause i wouldn't use kc against tr... or use it much anyway, cause it makes gf almost as cheesy as SE tr)
Let's put it this way. I have fought against you few times with very little success But i really don't have any good guild boons to start with (gh 6 guild), so il is bit misleading -> 2k+ character with good guild boons has better stats than 3k without guild boons. Other thing i have never played with premade party. So comparing kd ratio by looking at il, is quite pointless
Back to topic. I started to switch from my warlock class to GF, since cryptic obviuosly wants to have a tank battle in DOM all day and kill most squishy classes more or less. DC-OP-GWF-GF yeees ))) , Hunter, warlock, CW nooooooo (((( Atm most player are a thread bc of my poor gear playing with 1000+tenacity . I also experience to be drained, wearing no wards, very funny. But all in all the class overperforms, I can press any key, and deal big damage no matter if my power is 11k and my RI low, redicules. Some other classes also needs to be addressed too, but the GF is N° 1 atm.
This thread switched to a "How to play my GF" -thread, oky maybe some sarcsam involved, but all in all cryptic succeeded with their ignorance , leading to empty PVP maps, most sticking with broken builds, graatz cryptic. I am pretty sure they are mislead, thinking PVP is a not needed species in NWO, since there were and are a lot of player who would join and wait for imporvements.
Bored by 1000 CN runs, the only thing that can be fun in this game, is PVP in my case. Sadly we have to deal with this mess, wich is a poor experience of PVP, for such a long time now.
Tend to go on leveling my BDO toon, since there is not much to do or say in this game, all bugs know, all problems obviously but no improvements
I've been keeping BDO in my back pocket for awhile, waiting for some more classes. Now that Musa is out I think it's a good time to give the game a bit more of my time.
Several months sober from all things video game, gets hard sometimes, so when I feel a bit homesick I just come read this stuff to lose interest all over again! Sobriety wins the day.
Hmmmmm... Intersting discusion guys really. Maybe my point of view is casue i play only GF but:
Why people cry and complain on gf so much?? It seems like U want to back gf who standing and holding node and cant scrap u even a little bit (but what is the point of node holding if 2 enemies can cap it easly). the problem isnt in the mechanics of gf (or mostly no) but in stats that player can achieve. 30k power 20k defense 18k arpen are brutal not only for gf but any other class. I can complain the same about tr who is invisible almost all the time (imo it is similar to shield holding by gf) and throwin heavy 130-170k SE
Everything is about playstyle many bis gfs cant do much to me but there are players (like OnePound or Lil Ryu - who btw has a bit lower gs than me) can easly eat me and i dont cry. Not many gwf can kill me easly but for example Welcome Home is so brutaly fast and hit so hard that i cant stand long faced him. I dont complain on CW's cc which is stunning me for ever he/she decided to create those build and play like that. i am really pissed up when catched by neverending HR's roots - but i dont expectinng nerfs for it - i can easly change build for recovery and actionpoint gain - spam daily and than he can do me (sorry) a HAMSTER.
Please guys stop to cry and complain on GF's create the same class or upgrade your own (use brain and think a bit about build which can be the best against gf --> grind to gain descent eq/itlvl --> prove your skills on pvp --> join good guild and use SH boons ---> and finaly go and kick HAMSTER some GF in PvP. DONT EXPECT THAT NERF FOR US SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS AGAINST THIS CLASS CAUSE YOU ARE WEAK
P.s. Even GF get a overall nerf for the most powerfull skills.. ONe day will come new mod which (imma pretty sure) will bring r13, some better eq. armor/weapoon enchntment and we can gain the same effect like today. This is no about GF (or other class)encounters - it is about no limit for stats in pvp
@macjae explained it very well, at the current state there is almost no risk using KC. Furthermore does the GF class has encounter / daily with gap closer such as Bullcharge and Crescendo ... they are so easy to land and have super quick animations.
Guys if u wanna know anvil, bullcharge, crescendo can be very easly dodged by tr/hr/cw/dc. Anvil miss when u use it during jump btw it has very short range. KC can be finished by stun. I noticed i can be stunned during VM - which descripiton explains something totlay else.
And once again its not about gf mechanics if u wanna face players with zdps go to trade of blades and fight against dummy
Please guys stop to cry and complain on GF's create the same class or upgrade your own (use brain and think a bit about build which can be the best against gf --> grind to gain descent eq/itlvl --> prove your skills on pvp --> join good guild and use SH boons ---> and finaly go and kick HAMSTER some GF in PvP.
Hmm my main is 4k sw, specced to pvp and i just can't do **** against gf, tr, hr or gwf. I'm in low ranked guild so maybe that's the issue -> i will join good guild and rule pvp arenas soon
Guys if u wanna know anvil, bullcharge, crescendo can be very easly dodged by tr/hr/cw/dc. Anvil miss when u use it during jump btw it has very short range. KC can be finished by stun. I noticed i can be stunned during VM - which descripiton explains something totlay else.
And once again its not about gf mechanics if u wanna face players with zdps go to trade of blades and fight against dummy
the problem isnt in the mechanics of gf (or mostly no) but in stats that player can achieve. 30k power 20k defense 18k arpen are brutal not only for gf but any other class.
Only him?? wow. On this very same thread, a lot of GFs hard-disproved themselves.
Me2, i run with that protector-PVE setup and 3k arp, blue gear, pressing buttons and deal big damage killing stuff, not much effort needed. On top my tank can survive endless vs a bunch of player in case I slot some lifesteal (and had some skill palying this class in PVP).
Guys if u wanna know anvil, bullcharge, crescendo can be very easly dodged by tr/hr/cw/dc. Anvil miss when u use it during jump btw it has very short range. KC can be finished by stun. I noticed i can be stunned during VM - which descripiton explains something totlay else.
And once again its not about gf mechanics if u wanna face players with zdps go to trade of blades and fight against dummy
It sounds like you need to learn to play GF if you think Bull Charge or Crescendo are easy to dodge. They aren't, because they have very short animations, so you can time them to hit between dodge frames*. Once you get the hang of that, you'll realize that they aren't easy to dodge at all.
So, yes, GF mechanics are questionable, for a lot of different reasons.
MAate i play only gf and mostly pvp trust me i know gf mechanics. I can agree than gf is one of the most powerfull classes in game but tr/gwf/hr too. If u show me gf who cant be killed 1 vs 1 i agree than this class needs a big nerf for now my opinion is its overpowered like few others.
Have no idea which classes u play guys but for example this is video by GRX and dont tell me pls than crescendo and bullcharge arent easy to dodge. Start at 4:20 if u dont want watch all. Btw he faced against one of the hardest hitting gf in this game. Going forward there is a moment he standing against gf and 4k gwf togheter - MiniMi changed for ambush and It didnt help much... So dont tell me pls i have to learn about gf mechanic.
Only him?? wow. On this very same thread, a lot of GFs hard-disproved themselves.
Me2, i run with that protector-PVE setup and 3k arp, blue gear, pressing buttons and deal big damage killing stuff, not much effort needed. On top my tank can survive endless vs a bunch of player in case I slot some lifesteal (and had some skill palying this class in PVP).
Did not even clicked that video because I know it. It just shows a very skilled CW making no errors, otherwise he would have been defeated 2vs 1 and it also shows the tankyness of the GWF class as far as I remember. About that GF.... we all have dark moments. Slam!
mamalion1234Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,415Arc User
edited June 2016
when as dc i cast my full rotation to avoid to get the enormous hit and i go to campfire then is something completely wrong here. TODAY in domi i casted empower astral shield then casted hallowed ground THEN divine glow and debuffed guardian with bts by 50%. HE pressed into the fray and bull charge did 157k hit and send me to campfire. IS obvious that gf builded with azure on defense slot and defense boon put a limit to itf efffectiveness for god sake vs FULL MITIGATION ROTATION 157K? OR i need to be annointed champion because gf pierce all the mitigation? come on.
OR next time i see that gf to run to another node because my spells are useless vs his buff?
and also is a fact a debuffed tr with bts and cleric in a shield the shocking even in first strike is low and we talk about piercing damage and a striker class. IS GOOD a gf to hard to die but shouldnt deal those high numbers at least when they are debuffed......................
@xsayajinx1 try pvp sometime and you'll see
Stealth gives TR the following benefits
- Combat Advantage = more damage
- 100% CRIT chance = more multiplicative damage
now multiplying those two damage with all other damage from crit severity / fire wheel's damage buff...etc Stealth becomes a BIG DAMAGE BOOSTER, oh and it becomes a lot harder to land big attacks on them...
Also, Xsayajinx plays both GWF and GF in this game, and he's one of the strongest players in both classes, not only because he's skillful, he also spend a lot of time learning how these classes works and how other classes' mechanics works, he knows what he's talking about.
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
Other thing i have never played with premade party.
So comparing kd ratio by looking at il, is quite pointless
I started to switch from my warlock class to GF, since cryptic obviuosly wants to have a tank battle in DOM all day and kill most squishy classes more or less. DC-OP-GWF-GF yeees
Atm most player are a thread bc of my poor gear
But all in all the class overperforms, I can press any key, and deal big damage no matter if my power is 11k and my RI low, redicules.
Some other classes also needs to be addressed too, but the GF is N° 1 atm.
This thread switched to a "How to play my GF" -thread, oky maybe some sarcsam involved, but all in all cryptic succeeded with their ignorance , leading to empty PVP maps, most sticking with broken builds, graatz cryptic.
I am pretty sure they are mislead, thinking PVP is a not needed species in NWO, since there were and are a lot of player who would join and wait for imporvements.
Bored by 1000 CN runs, the only thing that can be fun in this game, is PVP in my case.
Sadly we have to deal with this mess, wich is a poor experience of PVP, for such a long time now.
Why people cry and complain on gf so much?? It seems like U want to back gf who standing and holding node and cant scrap u even a little bit (but what is the point of node holding if 2 enemies can cap it easly). the problem isnt in the mechanics of gf (or mostly no) but in stats that player can achieve. 30k power 20k defense 18k arpen are brutal not only for gf but any other class.
I can complain the same about tr who is invisible almost all the time (imo it is similar to shield holding by gf) and throwin heavy 130-170k SE
Everything is about playstyle many bis gfs cant do much to me but there are players (like OnePound or Lil Ryu - who btw has a bit lower gs than me) can easly eat me and i dont cry. Not many gwf can kill me easly but for example Welcome Home is so brutaly fast and hit so hard that i cant stand long faced him.
I dont complain on CW's cc which is stunning me for ever he/she decided to create those build and play like that. i am really pissed up when catched by neverending HR's roots - but i dont expectinng nerfs for it - i can easly change build for recovery and actionpoint gain - spam daily and than he can do me (sorry) a HAMSTER.
Please guys stop to cry and complain on GF's create the same class or upgrade your own (use brain and think a bit about build which can be the best against gf --> grind to gain descent eq/itlvl --> prove your skills on pvp --> join good guild and use SH boons ---> and finaly go and kick HAMSTER some GF in PvP.
P.s. Even GF get a overall nerf for the most powerfull skills.. ONe day will come new mod which (imma pretty sure) will bring r13, some better eq. armor/weapoon enchntment and we can gain the same effect like today. This is no about GF (or other class)encounters - it is about no limit for stats in pvp
And once again its not about gf mechanics if u wanna face players with zdps go to trade of blades and fight against dummy
On top my tank can survive endless vs a bunch of player in case I slot some lifesteal (and had some skill palying this class in PVP).
Have no idea which classes u play guys but for example this is video by GRX and dont tell me pls than crescendo and bullcharge arent easy to dodge. Start at 4:20 if u dont want watch all. Btw he faced against one of the hardest hitting gf in this game. Going forward there is a moment he standing against gf and 4k gwf togheter - MiniMi changed for ambush and It didnt help much... So dont tell me pls i have to learn about gf mechanic.
OR next time i see that gf to run to another node because my spells are useless vs his buff?
and also is a fact a debuffed tr with bts and cleric in a shield the shocking even in first strike is low and we talk about piercing damage and a striker class. IS GOOD a gf to hard to die but shouldnt deal those high numbers at least when they are debuffed......................