zankardMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2014
I personally believe class artifacts should only be able to be used by the specific class. Makes sense to add one more layer of uniqueness to each class. Otherwise people will just go for the BiS stuff and that would also render lots of past artifact grinding useless. Just my 5c
I personally believe class artifacts should only be able to be used by the specific class. Makes sense to add one more layer of uniqueness to each class. Otherwise people will just go for the BiS stuff and that would also render lots of past artifact grinding useless. Just my 5c
That's how it was the first time they added them to the test server , no idea where the unlock for all classes/levels idea came from , probably just a easy way to get people who haven't already to buy character slots to level up all the classes , personally I'm not bothered either way since the no way to get RP back thing puts me off them in any case.
The 5 target cap seems a little tame, but balanced. It's now worth having alts, most will likely get their artifact to Legendary stats and Epic proc.
The cap on CW and GWF sigils should increase for Legendary upgrade. TR Artifact should be blanket uncapped at all levels.
HR AoE interrupt @ Valindra choke in MC should be prevented.
DC encounter cooldowns limit the practicality of the Heal effect.
However, this may become OP for GWF's with Savage Advance Feat as they'll be able to rush, Artifact, Savage Advance (feated) Encounter Encounter Encounter, Encounter Encounter Encounter in 15s for 6 heals totalling 4350hp. This should be changed to "next 3 encounters within 15s"
Loxbox Arti:
Sphere of Black Ice: Epic: 183 rec, 300 lifesteal, 166 control bonus || Legendary: 300 rec, 300 lifesteal, 400 control bonus
Epic proc: Root Single Target (3s) 1450dmg/s, followed by AoE 3625dmg
Legendary proc: Root Single Target (3s) 1738dmg/s, followed by AoE 4346dmg
The AoE on this artifact should be uncapped to reflect it's rarity @ Epic and Legendary
Kessell's Retreat Arti:
Black Ice Beholder:
Epic: 183 rec, 300 ArPen, 166 CAdv bonus || Legendary: 300 rec, 300 ArPen, 400 CAdv bonus
Epic proc: Summon mob that runs in facing direction hitting for 870dmg per mob until 10s or wall then AoE 4060dmg.
Some spawns in dungeons could be a cakewalk with the Kessell's Retreat Arti (3xCW teams will reduce to 1xCW team with the right corridor)
Feedback: The situational usage of the artifacts will cause a lot of players to create new characters, which is GOOD. However, we'll need more bags for PvP Set / PvE Set + pet rings/neck/belt settings. Any chance of an Artifact Tab on the Inventory like the Idle companions tab?
rickcase276Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,404Arc User
edited April 2014
I think what they should do to make them seem more like "class" artifacts would be to make them give more points to the character if they are the same class as the artifact. So the sigil of the devoted could give 400,400, 500 to a devoted cleric, etc. This would make them seem more important to each class.
class artifacts should be bounded to classes.
-its ridicolous to see a cleric throwing arrows if you know what i mean.
-its ridicolous to see a tr sunbursting .
This make older artifact obsolete.
And you are probably distrying the economy.
Free new sets, unlimited free artifacts. Now one can farm only for refining points and you know...bots selling tons of them for cheap that i can buy it just farming dailies and leadership
If you're going to bind these artifacts by their classes then I'd suggest different stats for them; personally outside of the power stat my GWF, CW, and HR don't need more of the stats these things are giving. In essence I'd never use them, so they're a pretty big waste of time.
BUG: after completing the vault of the 9 and unlocking an artifact, it is not unlocked for exiting characters and another copy is needed to apply the unlock.
My cw unlocked the sigil of the controller and only after copying my tr once again could I claim this artifact from the rewards claim agent.
Sorry I read you posts and i'm lost. In first post is information:
but some people write about 10k GS and 3 Boons.
So what I need to get this quest? Any to character on lvl 60 or I need to meet any more condition?
To enter the new map, your character needs to be lvl 60 with 10k+ gs with at least 3/5 boons from either campaign. To get the artifact(s), you need two characters able to get to the map to trigger the quest.
tulium1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited April 2014
I currently got 3 chars lvl 60 with more than 3 boons.
This seems to be good to get in and trigger the quest/get an artifact for these chars.
I have another lvl 60 alt without any boon. Is this char allowed to get his class artifact quest because I got the other chars with boons?
Or does he have to get the 3 boons as well first?
Your 4th level 60 character can obtain any of the class artifacts obtained by your first three characters. If by chance your 4th toon is of a different class then they will not be able to obtain their own class artifact until they achieve a third level boon in either of the two previous expansions.
silverquickMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited April 2014
The quest to get this is actually a pretty cool little adventure. Though the encounters are a bit weak. The actual design of this thing is really impressive. Though I don't know why you chose lizard men, admittedly you probably don't get enough use out of those models in the main game anyway. But it might be a good idea to design a story around why the Lizardfolk are there.
I have not been able to test my artifact for the CW due to the fact I can't get the refinement things to upgrade it. Thus have not been able to test it at any level higher than green at present.
This is the downside of testing something in an environment where you don't have a player economy to generate these types of items at the AH.
If there is somewhere you can buy these Marks of Stability in order to test this, I would like to know where you can find them.
The quest to get this is actually a pretty cool little adventure. Though the encounters are a bit weak. The actual design of this thing is really impressive. Though I don't know why you chose lizard men, admittedly you probably don't get enough use out of those models in the main game anyway. But it might be a good idea to design a story around why the Lizardfolk are there.
I have not been able to test my artifact for the CW due to the fact I can't get the refinement things to upgrade it. Thus have not been able to test it at any level higher than green at present.
This is the downside of testing something in an environment where you don't have a player economy to generate these types of items at the AH.
If there is somewhere you can buy these Marks of Stability in order to test this, I would like to know where you can find them.
Look me up in game and I am pretty sure I can hook you up. Houndaer@cayapp or Send me a mail and will get them to you, as long as you have the refinement points in...been refining 3 artifacts myself lol even on preview it is rough. BUt I am sure I have the stuff you need for the rank upgrade.
silverquickMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Look me up in game and I am pretty sure I can hook you up. Houndaer@cayapp or Send me a mail and will get them to you, as long as you have the refinement points in...been refining 3 artifacts myself lol even on preview it is rough. BUt I am sure I have the stuff you need for the rank upgrade.
I may actually have to take you up on that.
I was going to go buy a bunch of them on my normal character and then import it over again, the artifact has full refinement points up. It just needs the... ironically... lesser Marks of Stability. Shockingly I have the greater mark, but its not even needed to get it to the Blue level.
matii1509Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2014
Feedback: Class Artifacts GWF Artifact (Sigil of the Great Weapon) has 3 stats that provide GS, others classes has 2. IMO 1600 HP on that artifact is unfair.
darkstarcrashMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,382Arc User
Feedback: Class Artifacts GWF Artifact (Sigil of the Great Weapon) has 3 stats that provide GS, others classes has 2. IMO 1600 HP on that artifact is unfair.
This imbalance is true right now, with the artifacts rewarded from the artifact quest:
1000 GS points from Waters (900 Rec, 400 Regen, 300 Def)
600 GS points from Lantern (300 Crit, 300 Arm Pen, 400 Combat Advantage bonus)
300 GS points from Catalogue (300 Defl, 300 Movement, 400 Gold Gain)
(Above values at Legendary)
Besides, as long as you level up a GWF to 60 with 3 boons, any character of yours of any class can use the GWF artifact, if you think it's that overpowered.
Besides, as long as you level up a GWF to 60 with 3 boons, any character of yours of any class can use the GWF artifact, if you think it's that overpowered.
Exactly. If someone wants the gwf artifact, he is free to get it himself.
Besides, who cares about GS?
You get rare utility stats you can only gain with companions, artifacts or respec of attributes.
So, any news on how to get the seal of the battlefield yet?
impnwMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited April 2014
Clerics artifact:
Has no one mentioned how stupidly crazy the cleric artifact sounds? At orange you'd be looking at being able to get 100% AP before the gates open in PvP or as a cleric yourself you'd be able to rotate your daily twice in a row seeing as it lasts 15 seconds. As a CW your AP gain is already pretty crazy but surely this will get to the point they can rotate daily's at insane speeds. Don't know if people would agree with this but I suggest that the % doesn't go to 100% as it's max at least.
How many people do you think, would actually have this up to Gold???
I'm a Cleric, this is useful - as I do little in the way of damage, and since my job is to heal (unless you don't know what a Cleric in which case look it up, I'm the one who keeps you alive in Dungeon runs) try sorting out the Over Powered Classes, like the Trickster Rogue or the Great Weapon Fighters, and leave the under powered ones like the Cleric and Control Wizard alone.
I have two Artifacts at level 60 (purple), getting them that far was hard enough work, getting any Artifact up to Gold is very hard work, at least give us (everyone) some incentive to work up to Gold.
Now from what I've gathered, the Class Artifacts are only for those classes, if not then there is no point in calling them that in the first place, yes I'd like the others on my Cleric, but I respect the fact that they are 'Class' Artifacts not for everyone Artifacts.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
Now from what I've gathered, the Class Artifacts are only for those classes, if not then there is no point in calling them that in the first place, yes I'd like the others on my Cleric, but I respect the fact that they are 'Class' Artifacts not for everyone Artifacts.
Yes, once you earn them on that particular class, all your toons can get one from the vendor.
And as far as leveling artifacts, the stats increase every level, not just at the tiers, so there's incentive to level it little by little when you can.
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
tluceanMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 28Arc User
I'm a Cleric, this is useful - as I do little in the way of damage, and since my job is to heal (unless you don't know what a Cleric in which case look it up...
Maybe you should instead look the Cleric up, because you are a Leader, not a Healer. Your job consists of buffing your teams offense and defense along with trying to keep them alive. And since your secondary role is Controller, you also have ways to debuff the enemy.
Remember, damage that is not dealt because the enemy is dead is damage that doesn't need to be healed.
futuunMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Feedback: Class Artifacts GWF Artifact (Sigil of the Great Weapon) has 3 stats that provide GS, others classes has 2. IMO 1600 HP on that artifact is unfair.
GWF has best class artifact with best stats... maybe swap HP to Companion Influence or something that does not increase GS.
Bug: Class Artifacts Sigil of the Controller and Sigil of the Hunter do not receive any profit from Armor Penetration.
futuunMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2014
It does not matter that everyone can have it. All other class artifact gives you 2 statistics that increase GS and one that does not increase it. Why this artifact is to be better? @brobora, it is because Movement was second bonus on artifact. Before this change legendary Sigil of the Hunter gave only 300 GS. Now as you can see here gives 600 GS.
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
It does not matter that everyone can have it. All other class artifact gives you 2 statistics that increase GS and one that does not increase it. Why this artifact is to be better?
What's your point? If it were for HR or GF instead of GWF I would look for it anyway.
It is not intuitively obvious or easy to find out how to claim the artifacts with other characters in-game. I had to come to this message board to figure out to go to the claims agent. It would help if that information was contained in the quest log.
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
I see that many GWFs want to defend this artifact but i already said what is my point - one artifact is much better then all other.
So the problem is because it is called Sigil of the GWF and not another class? :rolleyes:
It is not because I play a GWF that I defend it, it is just that what you have wrote makes no sense or at least I really don't understand, if you would like to explain a bit more your point that would be nice.
That's how it was the first time they added them to the test server , no idea where the unlock for all classes/levels idea came from , probably just a easy way to get people who haven't already to buy character slots to level up all the classes , personally I'm not bothered either way since the no way to get RP back thing puts me off them in any case.
Should read: The Vault of the Nine lies beneath Castle Never and has lain... or The Vault of the Nine beneath Castle Never has lain...
CW: Epic: 183 Pow, 300 Crit, 166 Control Resist | Legendary: 300 Pow, 300 Crit, 400 Control Resist. Purple effect - AoE 2175dmg, 10' Push (outside of GWF melee range), 1.5s root & 1450dmg per target (max 5 targets at green)
DC: Epic: 183 Def, 300 Pow, 166 incHeal bonus | Legendary: 300 Def, 300 Pow, 400 incHeal bonus. Purple effect - 80% fill of AP container over 15s, 725hp per encounter use.
GWF: Epic: 183 ArPen, 300 Pow, 664 HP | Legendary: 300 ArPen, 300 Pow, 1600 HP. Purple effect - AoE 3988dmg, 6-14% dmg reduction / dmg buff (10% @ 3 targets, likely 5 max)
HR: Epic: 183 def, 300 movement, 166 Stam/Guard gain | Legendary: 300 def, 300 movement, 400 Stam/Guard Gain. Purple effect - 8700dmg, 12 ticks of 725dmg each 0.5s to target, AoE at self 2175dmg and casting interrupt
TR Epic: 183 deflect, 300 Crit, 166 CAdv Bonus | Legendary: 300 deflect, 300 Crit, 400 CAdv bonus. Purple effect - 40' TP to target & Cone 3770dmg targets in cone
GF Epic: 183 deflect, 300 Defen, 166 AoE Resist | Legendary: 300 deflect, 300 Defen, 400 AoE Resist. Purple effect - 70% dmg reduction once/s for 10s.
The 5 target cap seems a little tame, but balanced. It's now worth having alts, most will likely get their artifact to Legendary stats and Epic proc.
The cap on CW and GWF sigils should increase for Legendary upgrade. TR Artifact should be blanket uncapped at all levels.
HR AoE interrupt @ Valindra choke in MC should be prevented.
DC encounter cooldowns limit the practicality of the Heal effect.
However, this may become OP for GWF's with Savage Advance Feat as they'll be able to rush, Artifact, Savage Advance (feated) Encounter Encounter Encounter, Encounter Encounter Encounter in 15s for 6 heals totalling 4350hp. This should be changed to "next 3 encounters within 15s"
Loxbox Arti:
Sphere of Black Ice: Epic: 183 rec, 300 lifesteal, 166 control bonus || Legendary: 300 rec, 300 lifesteal, 400 control bonus
Epic proc: Root Single Target (3s) 1450dmg/s, followed by AoE 3625dmg
Legendary proc: Root Single Target (3s) 1738dmg/s, followed by AoE 4346dmg
The AoE on this artifact should be uncapped to reflect it's rarity @ Epic and Legendary
Kessell's Retreat Arti:
Black Ice Beholder:
Epic: 183 rec, 300 ArPen, 166 CAdv bonus || Legendary: 300 rec, 300 ArPen, 400 CAdv bonus
Epic proc: Summon mob that runs in facing direction hitting for 870dmg per mob until 10s or wall then AoE 4060dmg.
Some spawns in dungeons could be a cakewalk with the Kessell's Retreat Arti (3xCW teams will reduce to 1xCW team with the right corridor)
Feedback: The situational usage of the artifacts will cause a lot of players to create new characters, which is GOOD. However, we'll need more bags for PvP Set / PvE Set + pet rings/neck/belt settings. Any chance of an Artifact Tab on the Inventory like the Idle companions tab?
-its ridicolous to see a cleric throwing arrows if you know what i mean.
-its ridicolous to see a tr sunbursting .
This make older artifact obsolete.
And you are probably distrying the economy.
Free new sets, unlimited free artifacts. Now one can farm only for refining points and you know...bots selling tons of them for cheap that i can buy it just farming dailies and leadership
My cw unlocked the sigil of the controller and only after copying my tr once again could I claim this artifact from the rewards claim agent.
So what I need to get this quest? Any to character on lvl 60 or I need to meet any more condition?
To enter the new map, your character needs to be lvl 60 with 10k+ gs with at least 3/5 boons from either campaign. To get the artifact(s), you need two characters able to get to the map to trigger the quest.
This seems to be good to get in and trigger the quest/get an artifact for these chars.
I have another lvl 60 alt without any boon. Is this char allowed to get his class artifact quest because I got the other chars with boons?
Or does he have to get the 3 boons as well first?
I have not been able to test my artifact for the CW due to the fact I can't get the refinement things to upgrade it. Thus have not been able to test it at any level higher than green at present.
This is the downside of testing something in an environment where you don't have a player economy to generate these types of items at the AH.
If there is somewhere you can buy these Marks of Stability in order to test this, I would like to know where you can find them.
Look me up in game and I am pretty sure I can hook you up. Houndaer@cayapp or Send me a mail and will get them to you, as long as you have the refinement points in...been refining 3 artifacts myself lol even on preview it is rough. BUt I am sure I have the stuff you need for the rank upgrade.
I may actually have to take you up on that.
I was going to go buy a bunch of them on my normal character and then import it over again, the artifact has full refinement points up. It just needs the... ironically... lesser Marks of Stability. Shockingly I have the greater mark, but its not even needed to get it to the Blue level.
GWF Artifact (Sigil of the Great Weapon) has 3 stats that provide GS, others classes has 2. IMO 1600 HP on that artifact is unfair.
This imbalance is true right now, with the artifacts rewarded from the artifact quest:
1000 GS points from Waters (900 Rec, 400 Regen, 300 Def)
600 GS points from Lantern (300 Crit, 300 Arm Pen, 400 Combat Advantage bonus)
300 GS points from Catalogue (300 Defl, 300 Movement, 400 Gold Gain)
(Above values at Legendary)
Besides, as long as you level up a GWF to 60 with 3 boons, any character of yours of any class can use the GWF artifact, if you think it's that overpowered.
Besides, who cares about GS?
You get rare utility stats you can only gain with companions, artifacts or respec of attributes.
Has no one mentioned how stupidly crazy the cleric artifact sounds? At orange you'd be looking at being able to get 100% AP before the gates open in PvP or as a cleric yourself you'd be able to rotate your daily twice in a row seeing as it lasts 15 seconds. As a CW your AP gain is already pretty crazy but surely this will get to the point they can rotate daily's at insane speeds. Don't know if people would agree with this but I suggest that the % doesn't go to 100% as it's max at least.
I'm a Cleric, this is useful - as I do little in the way of damage, and since my job is to heal (unless you don't know what a Cleric in which case look it up, I'm the one who keeps you alive in Dungeon runs) try sorting out the Over Powered Classes, like the Trickster Rogue or the Great Weapon Fighters, and leave the under powered ones like the Cleric and Control Wizard alone.
I have two Artifacts at level 60 (purple), getting them that far was hard enough work, getting any Artifact up to Gold is very hard work, at least give us (everyone) some incentive to work up to Gold.
Now from what I've gathered, the Class Artifacts are only for those classes, if not then there is no point in calling them that in the first place, yes I'd like the others on my Cleric, but I respect the fact that they are 'Class' Artifacts not for everyone Artifacts.
Yes, once you earn them on that particular class, all your toons can get one from the vendor.
And as far as leveling artifacts, the stats increase every level, not just at the tiers, so there's incentive to level it little by little when you can.
Maybe you should instead look the Cleric up, because you are a Leader, not a Healer. Your job consists of buffing your teams offense and defense along with trying to keep them alive. And since your secondary role is Controller, you also have ways to debuff the enemy.
Remember, damage that is not dealt because the enemy is dead is damage that doesn't need to be healed.
GWF has best class artifact with best stats... maybe swap HP to Companion Influence or something that does not increase GS.
Bug: Class Artifacts
Sigil of the Controller and Sigil of the Hunter do not receive any profit from Armor Penetration.
Sigil of the Controller (at rank 100):
Sigil of the Hunter (at rank 100):
In my opinion all artifact should ignore Damage Resistance. You can use them only once for 2 minutes so it should not be OP.
I didn't check, but thought it was this:
dated 28/3/14
Yes even CW and Rangers .
@brobora, it is because Movement was second bonus on artifact. Before this change legendary Sigil of the Hunter gave only 300 GS. Now as you can see here gives 600 GS.
What's your point? If it were for HR or GF instead of GWF I would look for it anyway.
It is not intuitively obvious or easy to find out how to claim the artifacts with other characters in-game. I had to come to this message board to figure out to go to the claims agent. It would help if that information was contained in the quest log.
So the problem is because it is called Sigil of the GWF and not another class?
It is not because I play a GWF that I defend it, it is just that what you have wrote makes no sense or at least I really don't understand, if you would like to explain a bit more your point that would be nice.